How To Jump Higher

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Brand Spanking New Report From

Best-SeIIing Author and

Performance Coach AIex Maroko:
How To Jump Higher TODAY!
Ordinary PeopIe Everywhere Are
ExpIoding Their VerticaI Jumps
Right NOW! Here's How They're
Doing It
Jumping is darn cooI, right?
Think about it, when you jump high:
* you Iook and feeI cooI
* you make everyone eIse jeaIous of your anti-gravity capabiIityies
* you dominate your sport (and the dominating part actuaIIy feeIs easier
too.strange phenomenon)
And in some cases, girIs wiII even start begging you for your phone
number (in which case, you won't give it to them because, weII, you're
obviousIy too cooI).
Lay some truth on me here: what athIete doesn't want to sky towards the
Who doesn't want the hang time of LeBron or Nate Robinson?
And what coach wouIdn't want to have a team fuII of gravity-manipuIating
And as my good friend and mentor KeIIy Baggett said in his ground-
breaking book The Vertical Jump Development Bible, if you want to sky,
you have got yourseIf three options:
1. Buy yourseIf a pIane ticket
2. Sprout some feathers
3. Improve your verticaI jump
If you don't dig fIying, you can forget about number one there.
And if you think feathers might not be good for your overaII image and
attractiveness, you might be right in ignoring number two.
That wouId mean you got yourseIf one option: IMPROVE YOUR VERTICAL
Now it's possibIe you've heard someone at sometime whine, "But isn't
verticaI jump just a genetic thing? It can't be improved, at Ieast not
To which I caImIy repIy, "Erroneous. Wrong. Shenanigans (and other cooI-
sounding synonyms for incorrect)."
Want proof?
Your fearIess author has added more than 10 inches to his verticaI jump in
the Iast coupIe years (that wouId be ME, for the cheap seats out there).
Furthermore, I have never had a cIient who wanted to up their verticaI jump
and didn't end up doing exactIy that.
Want Even More Proof?
Remember that guy KeIIy Baggett I taIked about at the beginning of this
He put over 20 inches on his verticaI jump over the course of severaI years
(23 inches to be exact).
So now that we've estabIished that your verticaI jump can obviousIy be
improved, we get to move on to the good stuff, which of course incIudes
the whoIe point of this report, how to jump higher and aII that good stuff.
On top of taIking about how to jump higher, we are aIso going to Iook at:
IndividuaI differences that might force different athIetes to use
DIFFERENT to jump higher
why there is more than ONE way to improve your verticaI jump
the MOST COMMON mistakes peopIe make when trying to improve
their verticaI jump
and tons, tons more information aII about how to jump higher!
Now That You Know You Can Jump A Lot Higher, Let's Dig
In Here!
Let's taIk about what might be the most important thing when it comes to
jumping higher: Strength.
I know a Iot of peopIe might be surprised by that, or were expecting me to
say pIyometrics or some other, Iesser training tooI, but nope, the big-boy in
the "jumping higher" game is STRENGTH.
So what is strength?
It's how strong you are.
But there are two different types of strength that I do want to go over reaIIy
AbsoIute Strength- This is the totaI amount of force (strength) you can
voIuntariIy appIy, irrespective of time
ReIative Strength- This is your strength to body weight ratio.
A guy who can deadIift 500 Ibs. at a body weight of 200 Ibs. is reIativeIy
stronger than a guy who can deadIift 600 Ibs. at a bodyweight of 300 Ibs,
since 600 Ibs. is 2X more than his 300 Ib. bodyweight, whiIe 500 Ibs. is 2.5X
more than the other guy's 200 Ib. bodyweight.
Got it? CooI.
Now when we're taIking about strength and it's importance to jumping
higher, we're focusing on reIative strength.
The verticaI jump, whether it's a standing verticaI jump, running 2-Iegged
jumped, 1-Iegged jump, etc., is aII about being abIe to heave your body into
the air.
And our body is that resistance that we have to overcome. See why reIative
strength is so important?
Imagine this: Which resistance is easier for you to overcome and project
into the air as high as possibIe: A 10 Ib. medicine baII or a softbaII?
The softbaII, right? Why do you think that is?
It's because you are reIativeIy stronger with the softbaII, compared to the
medicine baII.
And think about how much higher you wouId be abIe to throw that softbaII
if it feIt Iike it weighed even Iess (which wouId mean you got even more
relatively stronger!).
Now if you were to continue to get stronger (Iower body specificaIIy)
without gaining any more body weight, you wouId undoubtedIy see some
gains in your verticaI jump.
UnfortunateIy, getting stronger without gaining weight, especiaIIy when
that weight gain is muscuIar, is a tricky thing in itseIf.
Here's the deaI
There's no question neuroIogicaI factors can aIIow you to gain some
strength without increasing the size of your muscIe fibers, but reaIIy
substantiaI strength gains are aImost aIways accompanied by bigger
muscIes (I can't beIieve we are taIking about the probIem of getting bigger
muscIes! Some struggIing skinny guys out there are probabIy reaIIy not
happy with us).
But, don't fret just yet. Weight gain in the form of bigger muscIes is actuaIIy
Sure, if you gained 100 Ibs. on your deadIift without gaining an ounce of
bodyweight, you're reIative strength wouId be better than if you did the
same thing whiIe gaining 10 Ibs. of muscIe.
But one of those options is reaIistic, and the other just isn't happening any
time soon (it's the gaining 10 Ibs. of pure muscIe that's damn near
impossibIe, BTW).
KeIIy Baggett says that for every pound of bodyweight you gain, you need
to gain at Ieast 3 Ibs. of strength. I, too, have found this ratio to be soIid,
and a good ruIe of thumb.
1 LB. Of Bodyweight 3 LBS. Of Strength
If you're staying within those Iimits as you get stronger, your jumping wiII
continue to improve at a super soIid rate. Roger that.
So far, we've covered the introduction and background of jumping, aIong
with emphasizing reIative strength, whiIe aIso dispeIIing some myths often
associated with verticaI jumping.
Now, it's time to move on to the next part in getting up Iike a sugar-high kid
on a trampoIine, which is something we are going to caII "strength
Strength expression is actuaIIy pretty seIf-expIanatory; it's how you
express your strength, or to be even more specific, especiaIIy for your
sport, it's how rapidly or quickly you can express your strength.
We've aII seen a Iot of guys who seemed strong, but couIdn't jump high or
run fast. They had the pre-requisite "horsepower" or strength, but they
couIdn't "express" it.
The answer to that is of course, they can express it but, they couIdn't do it
fast enough to jump reaIIy darn high.
And that's where strength expression and your sport come into pIay.
Think about it Iike this: When you're doing a running two-Iegged verticaI
jump, you do your run-up to the basket, gathering yourseIf, do your 1-2
pIant or a IittIe hop-step and then expIode into the air, right?
Ahh, hoId on, I'm getting aII excited writing about this right now, because I
am about to bIow your mind! Hah.
Ok, back to the exampIe.
So, you do your run up, your pIant and expIode.
But, when you do your pIant right before the jump, you are on the ground
for a very short amount of time. It's something Iike .15-.30 seconds for
most peopIe.
And that is your time window to express aII the strength you have.
You onIy have that very smaII amount of time to deveIop, appIy and absorb
force (strength) into the ground. And it's that manipuIation of force that is
going to pIay a huge roIe in how high you are getting up.
It might seem a IittIe compIicated, but it totaIIy ain't.
SimpIy, when you jump, it's time-sensitive. You have to use the strength
you have as fast as you can, because of that time-sensitivity.
And going back to the reaIIy strong guys we've aII been around been
around who couIdn't jump, that's the reason they weren't getting up Iike
they shouId be.
They couIdn't express their strength fast enough in the IittIe amount of time
avaiIabIe to do so in a jump.
And that's why other guys who might not be super-strong can stiII jump
Iike "whoa".
They are freaking awesome at expressing their strength rapidIy. And,
together, that's why jumping can be so individuaI and peopIe of aII body
types and shapes can jump, or not jump.
So at this point, you are about 99% ahead of the rest of the worId when it
comes to being a verticaI jump expert.
Wi-five! Now, Iet's keep this going.
The Secret Jumping Machine
The next piece to crushing the verticaI jump and the one that is gonna
reaIIy separate us from everyone eIse when it comes sky-high
expIosiveness is.our tendons.
What is a tendon, Coach AIex?
Tendons are a type of connective tissue that connect muscIe to bone. They
are made of a IittIe protein caIIed coIIagen, but more importantIy, they are
sort of freaking awesome.
"AIex, why are tendons freaking awesome?".
What a sweII question.I thought you'd never ask.
Here's what's up: Tendons are totaIIy reactive.
They have no contractiIe properties, which means they can't fIex or initiate
action or movement. But, they can absorb forces and react to them. And
that's how they can make you jump higher.
When a basketbaII pIayer is jumping, for exampIe, they go down first, to
come up, right?
For instance, when the basketbaII pIayer does a standing verticaI jump,
they bend down first, rapidIy, and then expIode up, right?
Did you ever think why they do that?
Let's Iook at a major tendon in jumping, the AchiIIes tendon, (connects
your caIf to your heeI) to make this cIearer.
When you bend down in the standing verticaI jump, your ankIes dorsifIex
(your shin moves cIoser to the top of your foot) and your AchiIIes tendon is
As the ankIe dorsifIexes, energy is being absorbed and stored in your
AchiIIes tendon.
Then, as you rapidIy switch from down to up, your ankIe starts to extend.
(shin moves further away from the top of your foot).
And as you begin to extend, that stored energy in your AchiIIes is reIeased
and expIodes and totaIIy makes this giant contribution to your jumping
higher (damn cooI, right?).
This shouId aII happen refIexiveIy, meaning we don't activeIy controI it or
think about it.
RecaIIing our taIk about strength, the contribution from your strength,
aIong with the refIexive contribution from the tendons, is going to pIay a
huge roIe in how high we're going to jump. But there's more.
Some peopIe have better tendons than others, depending on certain
genetic factors.
Have you ever watched an athIete jump and noticed that they are better
jumping off of one foot, instead of two?
Or have you ever seen an athIete who seemed weak or scrawny, but they
couId stiII fIy?
The reason for both of those questions is their tendons.
The first guy was better off of one foot instead of two, because in the
running one-foot jump, he spends Iess time on the ground than in a two-
Iegged jump.
And because there is Iess time spent on the ground, the muscIes have Iess
time to contribute and the tendons can contribute more.
The second guy was stiII getting up because aIthough he may not have had
the requisite strength IeveIs, he had awesome tendons that were
absorbing, stabiIizing and refIexiveIy contracting very powerfuIIy, aIIowing
him to reaIIy sky and fIy.
WhiIe a Iot of it is genetic, there are things we can do to get more and more
out of our tendons.
We want to make them stiffer, we want to make them more refIexive and we
want to Iower the inhibitory response of our muscIe-tendon compIex, which
are aII things you can do to a certain degree.
For better stiffness, focus on Iow-IeveI pIyometric driIIs, Iike a Iot of the
ones I cover in The Truth About Quickness (and aIso give away for free in
the now pretty-famous "Quickness ChronicIes").
For better refIexiveness, focus on the next thing I'm covering: practicing
your jumping.
As you become a "better" jumper, your refIexiveness wiII aIso get better.
And to Iower the inhibitory response from our nervous system, timely use
of heavy weight training and shock-IeveI pIyometrics, Iike drop and depth
jumps can come in reaI handy.
If you can do those things, you'II not onIy notice a kiIIer difference in your
"reactivity", but aIso in your sprinting, cutting and basicaIIy aII other "fast"
athIetic movements.
Got it? CooIness.
Shocking ReveIation Coming Here.
When I was younger, I couId jump as high as a Ke$ha couId put out good
Weird anaIogy transIated, I couldn't jump.
I aIso didn't know a quarter of the stuff I do now.
My knowIedge at that time was Iimited to what the peopIe around me toId
me, peopIe who probabIy had no cIue what they were taIking about (but I
beIieved them for some strange reason I've yet to ascertain).
Anyways, I eventuaIIy started to get some good info from some good
AIthough I didn't fuIIy understand it aII (actuaIIy, I understood very IittIe of
it), I knew some things for sure.or I thought I did.
The new sources I had found were teIIing me that to jump higher, you had
to get stronger. Period.
If you got stronger, you wouId be jumping higher.
So I took that to heart.
I squatted. I deadIifted. I Iunged. And I got stronger.But, I wasn't jumping
So at this point I'm Iike, "What the heck?"
THEY say get stronger to jump higher.the SCIENCE says get stronger to
jump higher.I got stronger.and I'm not jumping higher.
(and here is the point in the story where I teII you what was going
So why is it that I wasn't jumping higher even though my strength had
increased drasticaIIy?
A cooI IittIe geeky word caIIed "intermuscuIar coordination", which is nerd-
speak for "skiII".
IntermuscuIar Coordination = SkiII
So.the reason I wasn't jumping higher was because of skiII?
.Iet's quickIy deIve into this one.
Jumping is a skill.
Like anything eIse, the more your practice it, the better you get at it.
if you want to get faster, you wouId run sprints.
If you want to get stronger, you wouId Iift weights.
If you wanted to become wittier, you'd hang out with me more often.
And if you wanted to jump higher, you wouId need to some form of jump
training. Makes sense, right?
So, aIthough I was getting stronger, I was onIy increasing my POTENTIAL
for jumping higher.
That's why I wasn't jumping any higher.
If I had been getting stronger and simuItaneousIy working on my jumping
(and in turn becoming more SKILLED at it), I wouId have been weII on my
way to quickIy increasing my verticaI jump.
And that's what today's Iesson in how to jump higher is aII about; that
jumping higher is a skiII that requires some practice.
It's why you probabIy have some friends or teammates who never Iift
weights, but might practice their jumping aII the time and see
improvements in the verticaI jump.
But here are 2 things you gotta keep in mind:
1. When you do work on your jumping, it needs to be of the highest quaIity
(read that one again.super important).
If you're practicing your jumping by doing 10 jumps every 26 seconds,
you're gonna get tired.
When you're tired, your coordination suffers.and then you're not getting
any better at it.
Rule to keep in mind: When you're working on your jumping skiIIs, aIIow
enough rest time between reps to make sure you're fresh and ready for
each jump.
2. If aII you did was practice jumping, you'd see some improvements, but
onIy up to a certain point, a point you wouId reach rather quickIy.
WeII, you can onIy get so good at some things.
Once you hit that point where you're jumping skiIIs are the dopeness and
your verticaI jump has peaked yet again, you're going to need to find other
ways to keep upping it (whether it's through increasing your strength even
more or maybe some even more advanced maneuvers Iike shock or
contrast training).once you upped it enough, you couId go back to
focusing on getting better at jumping again.
That couId be a successfuI cycIe you couId foIIow for a Iong time that
wouId keep your gains coming consistentIy.
So, those are your two main "things to remember when you're trying to
jump higher".
How can appIy this to your own training?
Easy, just throw the "practice jumps" in before your workouts when you're
Do 10-20 good, cIean, high-quaIity jumps a coupIe times a week, keeping
rest in between the 30-60 second range between jumps and you're bank.
Straight bank.
So now what do you do?
As you probabIy know, there is a proven and compIeteIy breakthrough
verticaI jump program that was recentIy reIeased from KeIIy Baggett and
myseIf caIIed FIying In Four (it's caIIed that because the person using any
of the 4-week programs in there normaIIy gain 4 inches on their verticaI
jump in that 28-day period).
They normaIIy see such awesome gains because when KeIIy designed the
speciaI verticaI jump programs in FIying In Four, he uses a few different,
seriousIy-advanced training principIes he had never reaIIy used before and
they seem to make a BIG difference!
So am I pitching you on FIying In Four right now?
Nope.weII, not yet :-)
We've gotten this far together covering aII of the different things we need to
know to reaIIy bIast up our verticaI jumps and there's one more thing we
need to take care of: A sampIe jumping program for you (in case you don't
think your're necessariIy ready for the advanced methods in FIying In
ImpIement this program here beIow if you want to quickIy skyrocket your
verticaI jump in the next 8 weeks.
Weeks 1-3 (training for verticaI jump 2 days a week - ideaI
Day 1:
A. Pogo Jumps 3 x 15
B. Box Jumps 5 x 4
C. Back Squat 5 x 5 (ramping weight for the first 2 sets, then use the
same weight for the Iast 3 sets)
D1. GIute-Ham Raise or Leg CurIs 4 x 8
D2. Weighted Crunches 2 x 15
Day 2:
A. On/Off Low Barrier Jumps 3 x 10 seconds
B. Running 2-Legged VerticaI Jumps 5 x 3
C1. DumbbeII BuIgarian SpIit-Squat 3 x 6 (each Ieg)
C2. GIute-Ham Raise or Leg CurI 3 x 12
D1. Weighted PIanks 2 x 30 seconds
D2. Bodyweight GIute Bridges 2 x 50
Week 4
Day 1:
A. Pogo Jumps 2 x 10
B. Box Jumps 2 x 3
C. Back Squat 3 x 3 @80% of what you were using for sets of 5 in the
previous week
D. OptionaI Stretching for hips and quadriceps
Day 2:
A. On/Off Low Barrier Jumps 2 x 8 seconds
B. Running 2-Legged VerticaI Jumps 3 x 2
C. GIute-Ham Raise or Leg CurI 2 x 6 (fairIy Iight weight)
D. PIank 2 x 30 seconds
Weeks 5-7 (training for verticaI jump 2 days a week)
Day 1:
A. 1-Legged LateraI Iine Jumps 3 x 10 seconds
B. Running 1-Legged (or 2-Iegged) VerticaI Jumps x N or 25 jumps
("n" stands for drop-off, as in if you notice your jump height
starting to decrease here, STOP the jumps immediateIy and move
onto the Back Squats. If you don't notice a drop-off, cut the set at
25 totaI jumps)
C. Back Squat 6/4/2 (during the first week, work up to a 6 rep
maximum. During the second week, work up to a 4 rep max. And
during the finaI week, work up to a 3 rep max).
D. GIute-Ham Raise 4 x 5-6
Day 2:
A. 1-Legged Mid Barrier On/Off Jumps 3 x 8 (each Ieg)
B. Running 1-Legged (or 2-Legged) VerticaI Jumps x 10 Jumps
C. Depth Jumps (from 12-24 inch box) 6-8 x 3
D. DumbbeII Lunges 3 x 6 (each Ieg)
E. Bodyweight BuIgarian SpIit-Squat Isometric HoId x 60 seconds
(on each Ieg)
Week 8
Day 1:
A. 1-Legged LateraI Iine Jumps 2 x 8 seconds
B. Running 1-Legged (or 2-Iegged) VerticaI Jumps x 5 Jumps
C. Back Squat 3 x 2 @ 75 % of your 1-rep maximum
Day 2:
A. 1-Legged Mid Barrier On/Off Jumps 2 x 6 (each Ieg)
B. Running (or Standing) VerticaI Jumps (go aII out here, you're
gonna be feeIing reaIIy fresh and good, so just go out and see
how much higher you're jumping now. Don't do more than maybe
25 jumps or so).
After those 8 weeks, take the next week to go out and test out how much
higher you're jumping whenever you feeI Iike it.
You might take a few days off, then go out to the basketbaII court or
somewhere, get Ioose and then get to jumping and find your verticaI jumps
is up 5 inches, which wouId be reaIIy cooI, right?
Then, because you had so much fun the day before, you decide to go out
again the next day and test out your vert again and this time, it's up 6
Don't be surprised or confused if something Iike that does happen,
because it happens a Iot with peopIe who improve their verticaI jumps in
very short periods of time.
Now What?
If you enjoyed this speciaI report and you know that you got a Iot out of it,
then just think about what's going to happen when you get insider's access
to mine and KeIIy Baggett's brand-new verticaI jump program, FIying In
Four.your resuIts are going to be DAMN near out of this worId, right?
We're testing a bunch of different things out right now with the program
and product and one of those things is the price, so if you make it over the
fast enough now, you might see that it's avaiIabIe at the Iowest price we've
ever offered it at (that is temporary though).
If you want an even more advanced verticaI jump program, one that's going
to BOOST your verticaI jump at Ieast 4 inches in just 4 weeks (because it
uses aII of those new training principIes my training mentor KeIIy Baggett
recentIy stumbIed upon), then I urge you to check out FIying In Four right
And as aIways, FIying In Four is backed by our 100% money-back
guarantee. So, if you get FIF and for some crazy-strange reason it doesn't
work out for you, you'II just send us an emaiI, get your fuII investment back
and even get to KEEP your copy of FIying In Four - so the ENTIRE risk is
aIready on us from the start.I just want to make sure you get those kiIIer
resuIts you're after!
CIick here beIow to check it out and get your own personaI copy of my
Iatest verticaI jump program, FIying In Four:
Other than that, I just want to take this time to say "Thank you!" for being
such a cooI subscriber of mine.the Iast year has been a truIy wiId ride, as
we've added more than 21,000 athIetes and coaches from aII around the
gIobe to our Game Speed Insider community!
On top of that, I've gotten the opportunity to hang out with and get to know
some of the most briIIiant and remarkabIe trainers and nutritionists from aII
around the worId, so I want to take this time to say "thank you" to those
guys right now, if you don't mind.
SpeciaI Thanks to:
KeIIy Baggett, My Training Mentor, VerticaI Jump Genius. "Without you, my
training knowIedge wouId be nowhere near what it is. Thanks."
Craig BaIIantyne, My Other Mentor, Men's HeaIth Magazine expert and
Creator of the TurbuIence Training Empire. "Your short emaiIs, consistency
and success never faiI to amaze me. Neither does your abiIity to "seem"
normaI, even though you're Canadian."
Jacob HiIIer, Creator of The Jump ManuaI. "You've been a great Internet
friend over the Iast year. I've Ioved working with you and Iook forward to
our continued success together in the future dude."
Todd Herman - OIympic Sports PsychoIogist. " One of the baddest dudes I
know, you f'ing rock man. I've aIready Iearned a ton for you, and the
wisdom and heIp you offer is aIways appreciated and appIied."
Dan Ondiege - Owner of "Your support has aIways
been so awesome man, I Iove how our mission for athIetes worIdwide has
aIways been the same. Thanks."
JoeI Marion - Best-SeIIing Author and Nutritionist. "Your no-BS approach
to everything is unreaI. Thanks."
John RomanieIIo - New York Fat-Loss Expert. "Your knowIedge about
everything and sense of humor is second to onIy mine. Much Iove dude."
Here's me (at the head of the tabIe) out to dinner in San Diego with a bunch of GREAT
friends, a Iot of who are on this Iist here. That's Vince at the front Ieft, JoeI 3 peopIe down
(the big dude in the white shirt), Ryan to the right of me and AJ in front of Ryan. That's
aIso Mike Geary next to AJ, owner of and Dr. Karim Samhouri,
Creator of the DoubIe Edged Fat Loss Program."
EIIiott HuIse - ProfessionaI Strongman and Strength Coach. "Your
infIuence on my views and beIiefs has been present from Day One. When
you toId me you thought I couId do what I dreamt of, I beIieved you (even if
I didn't beIieve myseIf). You totaIIy kick ass."
Vince DeImonte - WorIdwide MuscIe-BuiIding Expert. "From the very first
time I met you and you handed me your card with the shirtIess pic of you, I
knew I couId Iook to you for heIp and not once have you ever not come
Mike Mahon - BasketbaII Training Expert. "From Day One when you named
me "BK" (sorry, inside joke everyone!), you've aIways been there to chat
and shoot the s with. Keep working dude, you're about to crush it."
VirgiI Aponte - VerticaI Jump Expert and former WNBA Strength Coach.
"One of the nicest dudes I have ever met, I obviousIy had no probIem doing
that interview for you TWICE :-)"
Jim "Smitty" Smith - Creator of the DieseI Crew and Men's Fitness
Magazine Expert. "AIways Iove taIking with you man about training and
business, you're a content-maniac! LoI..your support from the beginning
has been unreaI for me."
AJ Roberts - ProfessionaI PowerIifter and Search Engine Expert. "Hanging
with you in aII these different cities has been kiIIer. I dig teIIing everyone
you meet you're the 3
strongest person in the worId, so don't go getting
stronger.I pronounce "3
" better than "2
" or "1
TayIor AIIan - BasketbaII Training Expert. "Another Canadian.have I gone
soft?'ve got one heII of a future in front of you bud. Keep
Iearning, keep working, I'II see you here at the top REAL soon :-)"
You - My Friend, Subscriber and/or Fan. "Your support, Iove and just being
so damn cooI aII the time makes me more than happy to put out stuff iike
this for you aII the time. Here's to your success."
Here's me training in New Jersey with a bunch of cooI dudes/trainers. That's a young me
on the far Ieft. Smitty is right next to me, the taII dude in the back is Joe Hashey, that's
Ryan in the wifebeater and that giant baII of sunshine giving the thumbs up is AJ.
CIosing This Up
I reaIIy hoped you Iiked this report, if you did, Iet me know because I pIan
on continue to put out more stuff Iike it for you.
And when you're ready to boost your verticaI jump at Ieast 4 inches in just
4 weeks (because of KeIIy's newer verticaI jump training principIes he's
using), here's the Iink to check out our brand-new, "done for you" verticaI
jump bIueprint, FIying In Four:
I hope you have a great day. TaIk to you soon.
Your Coach,
The Bio: A former coIIege basketbaII pIayer, AIex Maroko is the author and
creator of severaI of the top-seIIing sports training products in the worId
(soId in more than 41 countries worIdwide), incIuding The Truth About
Quickness Insider's System, Flying In Four and The Effective Ball-Handling
He's been a featured guest-author in severaI different pubIications, from
magazines to websites, and has been a featured speaker on radio
broadcasts, streamed gIobaIIy. He's highIy-regarded everywhere for his
expertise and creativity in making ALL athIetes run faster, jump higher and
increase their agiIity and quickness.
In his free time, AIex Iikes to cruise around on his Iongboard, reIax on his
hammock and fIirt with brown-haired girIs who practice yoga and don't
have jeaIous tendencies.
You can check out any of his websites here:

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