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1 An Australian Chorus Song

It is stated that the trusts and combines of Australia spent 100,000 to defeat the recent Referenda proposals. This works out to about sixpence per head of population.

Chorus of Fat Men: We care not a dump for the Federal crew, The national dreams are dead; Our waistcoats swell, and the skies are blue, The mob are blind to the things we do We bought m at sixpence a head! Chorus of Thin Men: What are you backing at the races? Lets have a ticket on the, sweep! George-streets full of pretty faces, And old Bill Smith is still asleep! Chorus of Fat Men We gather the rents, and we stow the swag, On plunder our souls are fed, There are plenty of fish in the nets we drag, And the people have never a tongue to wag We bought m at sixpence a head! Chorus of Thin Men: Who was it mentioned Referenda? Wake us up when the thing is getting near! Tell us when you think its time to send a Billy round the corner for a beer. Chorus of Fat Men This is a glorious land and free, Let never a tear be shed, The New Protection is up in a tree, And Australian citizens all agree To serve us for sixpence a head!

2 Chorus of Thin Men: Whos this bloke that comes to wake us? Ere, take your carcase off my chest! Strike me pink! Its Fat whos come to take us Back to dig his garden with the rest! Chorus of Fat Men The wool shall grow in our trusty land, Where glorious mutton is bred, Our hopes arfe high, and our faith is grand, There is nothing Australian fools wont stand, We bought them at sixpence a head!
David McKee Wright N.S.W. April 1911 The Bulletin 4 May 1911

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