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Perception, Cognition and Learning

Dr. Ashok Kumar Professor ( HR & OB) Indian Institute of Management Indore


The process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us

Perception as a Process
Process of receiving,selecting,organizing,interpreting, checking,and reacting to sensory stimuli or data. Process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment

Perceptual Process
Environmental Stimuli Senses Selective attention Perceptual Organization and interpretation Attitudes and Behavior

Factors influencing selection

Characteristic of Object/Person (External) intensity,size,contrast,movement, repetition..

Characteristic of Perceiver (Internal) need,personality,attitudes, experience

Categorical Thinking Similarity Proximity Closure Pattern

Mental Models

The broad worldviews or theories in-use that people rely on to guide their perceptions and behaviors

Social Identity Theory

Categorization Homogenization Differentiation

Perceptual Errors
Self- fulfilling prophecy Attribution Stereotyping Primacy effect Recency effect Halo effect Projection bias

Attribution theory
Internally caused v/s Externally caused distinctiveness consensus consistency Fundamental attribution error

Improving Perceptions

Empathy Know yourself

A persons beliefs on which he decides and acts

Cognitive Dissonance
The uncomfortable tension created due to the inconsistency between persons beliefs,feelings and behavior situation

A relatively permanent change in behavior( or behavior tendency) that occurs as a result of a persons interaction with the environment.
Process of acquiring,assimilating and internalizing cognitive and behavioral inputs for use..

Learning theories
S-R theories classical conditioning operant conditioning instrumental conditioning Cognitive theories cognitive dissonance lateral thinking

Learning theories
Social learning theory
-Learning by observation -Learning through experience

Experiential learning cyclic theory

Behavior Modification
A-B-C Model Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement Punishment Negative reinforcement Extinction

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