Location Visit Sheet

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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: Music Video

Client: Ahem Recording Co

Director: Nathan Tidman

Date:7th November

(Car Park) Access: as this is a Supermarket Car park this is easy access to use. Space: their multiply space as there are many levels of flooring. Permissions: Dont need permission as this is a public car park available for anyone Lighting: Bright As this will be filmed in the day time Power: No power as we are in a car park Health and Safety: Need to make sure when we are filming no cars are coming in our direction and we dont block any exit ways that cars come out from stopping them to exit the car park

Positives/negatives about filming here: Nice easy to film in spacious and also can use any time as car park is open for the whole day. Negative we could get hurt filming as a car may not see us recording and could possible run us over.

Name and number of location contact: Asda Car Park Sutton


Sketch or photo of location:

(Repeat the above for each location)

Nathans House) Access: We are Alowed to access my house as this is my house Space: Spaciuous enough room to film in Permissions: Lighting: ceiling light Power: I have 10 Plug sockets as this will be enough for props and camera Health and Safety: Make sure there are no tripping hazards and that there are no plug sockets that are not getting used to switch off

Positives/negatives about filming here: small so will be hard to film also spend as long time filimng as I want

Name and number of location contact: 07504989803 Map:

138a Canterbury road

Sketch or photo of location:

(Street) Access: Easy access Space:loads Permissions: dont need permission Lighting: bright Power: none Health and Safety: need to be careful because of cars equipment may get damaged or people might get injured.

Positives/negatives about filming here:

Name and number of location contact:


Sketch or photo of location:

(Name of location) Access: Space: Permissions: Lighting: Power: Health and Safety:

Positives/negatives about filming here:

Name and number of location contact:


Sketch or photo of location:

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