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NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Co-Simulation with MATLAB, Simulink

Using advanced software with simulation capabilities like NX Motion, the number of iterations can be decreased by building virtual prototypes and performing a complete dynamic analysis on a virtual machine. Any 3D CAD model can be used as a basis for a mechatronic analysis with NX.

Starting with NX6 it is possible to execute a controller integrated simulation in the Motion environment, which actually is the key feature for a comprehensive Mechatronic analysis. The virtual machine is now not only mechanics but is equipped with the motion intelligence, drives and controllers just like the real system. This brings up the possibility to do a deep analysis on a virtual machine and see what performance can be reached and how much a control system can improve this performance. The controller can be tuned for the virtual machine which in itself decreases the time to setup the real machine later.

Through integrated simulation using NX6 and Matlab/Simulink, it is also possible to perform a system identification and a modal analysis (first steps of any Mechatronic analysis). This procedure is very common in controller tuning theory and can be used in Matlab to perform controller analysis.

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Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

NX Motion Control Simulation Mechanism simulation allowing closed-loop control using Simulink (cosimulation) Highlights:
Cosimulation of control systems coupled with multibody dynamics Embedded electric motor models CAD and PLM integrated solution ensuring faster product development Works with NX Advanced Simulation for follow-on structural analysis Particularly suited for collaboration between mechanical and control engineers

Platforms: Windows SIEMENS products required : NX6 with Motion Simulation MathWorks products required: MATLAB, Simulink
Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

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Industries and Tasks:

Aerospace and Defense Automotive Control Design Data Modeling, Analysis, Visualization Electronics Industrial Automation and Machinery Mechanics and Compression Systems Simulation

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SIEMENS leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services. It enables cosimulation of controller designs based on Simulink that have multibody dynamics models in NX. Using this capability, mechanical engineers and designers can collaborate more effectively with their counterparts developing controller designs to find and fix integration issues and to optimize product performance. With NX, users leverage a common environment for performing design, motion simulation, and advanced structural analysis, enabling data and model sharing for greater team productivity. In a typical workflow, a mechanical engineer or designer models the mechanical plant in NX Motion while a controls engineer builds a model of the controller in Simulink. Control signals provide force, torque, or velocity inputs, and NX Motion outputs are fed back to the controller. You then specify plant input functions and sensor-based plant outputs within the NX environment. To integrate the two models together, you can drag and drop a plant representation into a Simulink block diagram. Once a simulation is complete, you can review the results using powerful postprocessing and animation capabilities within NX.

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Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Co-Simulation with MATLAB, Simulink

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Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

About the Simulink control system file

You create your control system block diagram in a Simulink .mdl file. This file represents the actions of the control system and should contain an empty space for the Motion Plant block (which represents the mechanical system). In the following example control system, represents the space left in the diagram for the Motion Plant block.

As shown in the following animation, during the Control System Integration step, the software generates the Motion Plant. You drag it into the empty space in your diagram, connecting it between the inputs and outputs of the control system.

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Motion Plant block The Motion Plant block contains the mechanism output data from NX Motion Simulation and packages the controls output from Simulink. The RecurDyn solver creates the plant block automatically from your plant input and plant output objects. You can see the plant block structure when you run the control system integration by double-clicking the Motion Plant block (shown in the previous animation). The pieces of the plant block are described below.

Motion Plant block structure Plant Inputs (containers for the mechanism state data, such as displacements, velocities, and accelerations, defined in NX) Mux object (combines multiple input signals into vector signals) Information for writing data from RecurDyn to MATLAB Timestep/sampling time information Information for writing data from MATLAB to RecurDyn Demux object (extracts and outputs vector signals to scalar) Plant Outputs (containers for the inputs to the mechanism from the control system, defined in NX)

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Typically, there is no need to modify anything in the Motion Plant block. However, if you have multiple plant inputs and/or plant outputs, you may need to open the Motion Plant block to determine which input and output arrows to connect to the control system signalsthe input and output arrows are not labeled, as shown in the following picture.

In NX, you define the contents of the Motion Plant by creating the Plant Output and Plant Input motion objects in a Control/Dynamics solution.

Template file The template file is the .mdl file you specify in the Template Simulink Model File box in the Solution dialog box. When you run the Control System Integration step, the software makes a copy of your template Simulink control system file and places it in the folder where your Motion Simulation file resides. The name of the simulation is appended to the copy of the control system file name and the copy is saved in the folder that contains your Motion Simulation file. This copy is then overwritten on subsequent runs of the Control System Integration step. When you make changes to your control system block diagram, always change the template file and not the copy.

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Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

NX Motion Control Simulation Released at NX 6.0

Objectives Interaction between control devices and mechanical systems Motion simulation will embed signal logic and electronic components Users Benefits Electro-mechanical products simulation: Optimize control system design a.k.a. sensor settings, input gain, along with mechanical mass/Inertia... Unified environment: Same user interface thus better team work Share data, revise, configure
Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

Mechatronics & Controls

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NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Mechatronics & Control Systems

Co-Simulation w/ Simulink (from MathWorks) Control with the most popular Math Software Control loop system in Simulink Mechanical Plant in NX Motion Controls Torque, Force, Velocity Monitors any Motion output Sampling time Post-Process in NX PMDC motor and voltage signal Mechatronics and Mechanical Design Fully integrated modeling Open or closed loop signal Customizable and re-usable Post-Process current, torque, velocity PMDC: Permanent Magnetic Direct Current
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Mechatronics & Controls

NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Co-Simulation with MATLAB, Simulink


Mechanical system Plant model in NX

Torque Input

Mechatronics & Controls

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Control System Simulink

Sensor Target

Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Co-Simulation with MATLAB, Simulink

Mechatronics & Controls

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NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Co-Simulation with MATLAB, Simulink

Control Solution type Control system file Control sampling time Mechanical system control input Load control: torque, force Driver control: velocity, acceleration Mechanical system control output Sensors - absolute or relative Functions - complex operations NX Interface with Simulink Integration within the control system Run co-simulation Solve and Post-Process Compare different control systems and validate using Animation, XY Plot, Clearance, Trace
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NX66Motion Motion NX ControlSolution Solution Control

Mechatronics & Controls

PlantInput: Input:Load, Load,Driver Driver Plant PlantOutput: Output:Sensors Sensors Plant

MATLAB,Simulink Simulink MATLAB, Controlsystem system Control

Copyright Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved. Siemens PLM Software

NX 6 Motion - Control Systems Integrated PMDC motors and signal input

Mechatronics & Controls

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NX 6 Motion Control Simulation Integrated PMDC motors and signal input

Electrical Motor Object Input parameters as electrical properties Re-usable via PLMXML Input voltage as a signal
Mechatronics & Controls

Signal Chart Input for motor as ratio of nominal voltage (more likely to be 0, +1 or -1) Open loop time dependant only Uses Function Manager: afu, preview Closed loop Sequence of events following sensor triggers Allow timer (countdown) Includes time dependant (absolute)

PMDC: Permanent Magnetic Direct Copyright Current Siemens PLM Software Inc. 2008. All rights reserved.
Page 15 Siemens PLM Software

Digital Lifecycle Simulation

Further Enquiry contact : Hp: 65-94522615

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Our vision Setting the pace

A world of proven talent, delivering breakthrough innovations, giving our customers a unique competitive edge, enabling societies to master their most vital challenges and creating sustainable value.
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