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Out for Blood Duathlon/5k

Eta Sigma Gamma hosts the Out for Blood Duathlon/5k for the American Red Cross each Spring. The goal of this event is to oer a high quality, low cost event that all family members can parHcipate in. Not only does this event benet the American Red Cross, but community members can enhance their well-being by training and parHcipaHng. For more informaHon visit: hNp:// ouOorbloodduathlonand5k


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Health Education Honorary

What is ESG?
Eta Sigma Gamma is a co-ed na1onal professional honorary society in health educa1on. The mission of the organiza1on is promo1on of the discipline to elevate the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally trained people in health educa1on. Requirements: Must intend to sign a major/ minor in a health discipline Maintain a 2.7 GPA Pay annual dues

Service, Benets of education & Joining Research

Gain experience in the eld of health educa1on. Meet current and future health educa1on professionals. Develop and network among health educators and fellow classmates. Some of our previous ac1vi1es: Make a dierence in the eld of AIDS Quilt health educa1on by advancing your Adopt - a - Highway knowledge and competence. Safer Sex Patrol Improve communica1on, American Red Cross Blood Drives organiza1on, and leadership skills. Student Research and Crea1ve Develop professional skills in Endeavors Exhibit (SRCEE) service, educa1on, and research. The Out for Blood Duathlon/5k Begin implemen1ng, planning, and programming events and research to beYer prepare you for your profession. Receive opportuni1es to aYend professional conferences. Receive subscrip1ons to The Health Educator and The Health Educa/on Monograph. Receive a membership cer1cate, membership card, and ocial pin of the honorary upon ini1a1on. Spring 2010 Eta Sigma Gamma Ini1a1on

Eta Sigma Gamma is an organiza1on focused on the three pillars of Service, Educa1on and Research.

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