How To Use iCamSecure On Your Iphone

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How to use iC CamSecu ure on your iPhone e?

Lev velOne now w offers fre ee Applicat tion on App ples App store for yo ou to view the t vide eo on IP Cam C Secure e while on the road. Pre erequisite: You u will need to first kno ow how to install the IP Cam Se ecure softw ware and Rem mote Live view v serve er. You u may refer r to the tuto orial in the e link below w. http p://downloa ad.level1.c com/level1/ /faq/How% %20to%20in nstall%20I P%20Cam m%2 0Se ecure%20R Remote%2 20Live%20 0Viewer.pdf Please no ote the IP address, u user name and passw word are su ubject to change according a to t your own n configura ation. The tutorial is o only made for your reference. iCamSec cure softwa are is only designed to t work wit th IP Cam Secure, it is not comp patible with h LevelOne es NVR se eries. Its recom mmended to t use 3G o or WIFI co onnection when w viewiing streaming video.


Login to App A store from f your i Phone and search fo or iCamSe ecure.


Tap on F FREE.


Tap on INSTALL for App store user name and pa assword. You might be prompted fo


iCamSec cure is insta alling.

5. 6.

Once installed, tap on the ico n to start iC CamSecur re. Tap on th he + sign to build a new conne ection.

7. 8.

You can name n your r connectio on. Please in nput the IP Cam Secu ures Public IP addre ess.

9. Please in nput the se erver port, b by default is 5150 10. Please in nput the us ser name o of IP Cam Secure, S by y default is admin.

11. Please in nput the pa assword of IP Cam Secure.

12. Once com mpleted, please tap o n Save.

13. Tap on th he Server name, in th his case T Test.

14. iCamSec cure will tak ke you to I P Cam Se ecure and you y should d be able to o view the streaming video insta alled on it.

IP Cam Secure e Lite only supports one o channel, wherea as professio onal version suppor rts multiple e channels.

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