CIS132 - Introduction To UNIX/Linux and Shell Programming: Bristol Community College

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Computer Information Systems Department

CIS132 - Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Shell Programming

Instructor: Silvino C. Ferreira Office: K216 Telephone: 508-678-2811 ext. 2047 E-Mail: Web Page:


Catalog Description
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of the UNIX/Linux operating system and shell programming. It provides an overview of the history of UNIX/Linux and an explanation of operating systems. The course covers in detail basic commands, the vi editor , the file structure, the shell environment and shell scripts. Prerequisite: CIS 121 or permission of the instructor.


Provide the student with the skills necessary to become a user of a powerful, fast growing, multitasking, open operating system which is currently used on all types of computers from micros to mainframes. The course will prepare the student for programming in C, UNIX/ Linux system administration, networking and communications Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to do the following: 1. Login to a Unix / Linux system using secure shell. 2. Define and understand absolute verses relative path names. 3. Run basic commands from the shell prompt. 4. Get help for known commands. 5. Define the purpose of a the shell 6. Create, change to and remove directories. 7. Use file name substitution at the command line. 8. Define and use in a command line redirection and piping 9. Use standard in, standard out and standard error on a command line 10.Use the vi editor 11.Create regular expressions and know when and how to use them. 12.Change owner, group and permissions at the command line 13.Create a shell script and execute it. 14.Create system variables and know how and when to use them in a shell script. 15.The use of command arguments in a shell script. 16.Use looping and decision statements in a shell script 17.Allow a shell script to prompt the user and get information from the command line.



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Texts UNIX Shell Programming

by Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood Hayden Books ISBN: 0-672-32490-3


Course Outline
Week 1 Topics Logging On to Linux Using SSH Introduction to Basic Command Format Working with Files Using the vi text editor. Shell Commands cat, cp, date, echo, ls, man, mv, passwd, rm, wc, who, whoami, vi Working with Files and Directories Filename Substitution and Wild Cards Creating a Shell Script Standard Input, Output & Error Pipes and redirection: |, >, <, & Shell Commands cd, chmod, ln, ls, mkdir, mv, ps, pwd, rm, rmdir, sort, tr Shell's Responsibilities Extracting Data From a File Regular Expressions Shell Commands cut, grep, sed, sort, uniq tr Regular Expressions Shell Commands grep, sed Variables Built-in Integer Arithmetic Shell Commands echo -e, env, export, read, set, $(( )) Use of Quotes and Backslash Background Command Shell Commands cd, mkdir, env, set, & Use of Arguments Shell Commands cd, mkdir, env, set Decisions If structure and Testing Shell Command if, else, elif, exit, test CIS132 Page 2 of 5


9 Shell Command 10 Shell Command

More Decisions case, null command, && and || case, cd, mkdir, env, set For Loops for var in list for ((exp1; expr2; expr3 )) While and Until Loops Shell Command while, until Stopping Loops Getting Options Shell Command break, continue, getopts Format Printing Functions Shell Command env, export, funcname(), printf, set, uname Review






1. Curiosity and love for learning 2. Ability to work with others in thinking and learning together 3. Average grade of 60 for all quizzes. 4. Completion of 80 percent of all assignments


There will be several 15 minute quizzes. These quizzes will be announced in class and posted on the instructors web site prior to being given. The material and related assignments being quizzed will be announced at the same time. A two (2) hour exam will be given at the end of the course. Distance Learning: Students that are taking this course distance learning are still required to take quizzes and the final exam on campus. If you cannot come on the day and/or time of the quiz or exam, prior arrangements must be made with the instructor. This can be done by email or over the phone. See Office Hours for more information.



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VII. Grading
Quizzes and Finals All quizzes and the final exam will be graded using the traditional percentage system ( 0 - 100). Weight of examinations and assignments: Assignment 20% Final Examination 20% Programs Quizzes 35% 25%

Programming Assignments will be graded using the following system Appearance 15% Logic 30% Documentation 10% Syntax 30% Efficiency 15% Final Grades will be assigned as follows: 97 100 94 96 90 93 87 89 84 86 80 83 = = = = = = A+ A AB+ B B77 79 74 76 70 73 60 69 Below 60 = = = = = C+ C CD F

VIII. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is not tolerated. Students are expected to take this course to learn. Learning will not happen unless you do the required assignments and turn in your own work for credit. Students who violate this policy may receive a penalty of the next lower grade or "F" for the course. Duplicate assignments submitted for credit will be discarded and will be graded as "0" (zero).


Teaching Methodology
The lecture will be the principal teaching method used in this course. "Handouts" and sample programs will be available on the class web page. Class discussions will be conducted pertaining to the Lab assignments before each assignment is made and after it is due. Software demos using a portable PC and overhead slides will also be used.


Although the instructor reserves the right to withdraw you from the class after three (3) absences, the student's responsibility to withdraw formally from the class prior to the final withdrawal date . Failure to do so will result in a "F" grade for the course.



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I encourage any student in need of accommodations for a specific documented disability to contact the Office of Disability Services at their earliest convenience to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations. ODS can be contacted in person at L109, by phone at (508) 678-2811 (Fall River, ext. 2955; New Bedford, ext. 4011) or online at


Office Hours
Office Hours are as posted and by appointment. Simple questions or assistance can be obtained through e-mail to the address above. If you need some help with a serious debugging problem or if you need some one-on-one tutoring help to get caught up with the class, please make an appointment with the instructor. Half hour time slots are available for that purpose. Appointments can be arranged via e-mail or during class breaks. Distance Learning: Students that are taking this course distance learning can contact the instructor via e-mail at anytime or vi phone during office hours or prearranged times. Appointments can be arranged via e-mail.

Posted August 27, 2002 Updated January 7, 2013 The materials on this web site may not be copied or distributed. This SYLLABUS is a SUGGESTED course OUTLINE and will be GENERALLY followed, subject to change according to the INSTRUCTOR'S discretion and needs. Academic FLEXIBILITY is important. Copyright 2013 Silvino C. Ferreira. All rights reserved.



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