M/O Tavolozze: 20 30 8" Cm. Inches 12" 25 35 10" Cm. Inches 14" 30 40 12" Cm. Inches 16" 35 45 14" Cm. Inches 18"

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I M/O TAVOLOZZE Costruita in compensato di okoum o faggio Oliata I M/O PALETTES Constructed of okoum or beech plywood Oiled I M/O PALETTES Construit en okoum ou htre contre-plaqu Huil I M/O PALETAS Elaborada con contrachapado de okoum o de haya Aceitada I M/O PALETTES Hergestellt aus Okoum- Furnierholz oder Buche lbehandelt

M/O2030 M/O2535 M/O3040 M/O3545
cm. inches cm. inches cm. inches cm. inches 20 8 25 10 30 12 35 14

30 12 35 14 40 16 45 18

I M/R TAVOLOZZE Costruita in compensato di okoum o faggio Oliata I M/R PALETTES Constructed of okoum or beech plywood Oiled I M/R PALETTES Construit en okoum ou htre contre-plaqu Huil I M/R PALETAS Elaborada con contrachapado de okoum o de haya Aceitada I M/R PALETTES Hergestellt aus Okoum- Furnierholz oder Buche lbehandelt

M/R2030 M/R2535 M/R3040 M/R3545
cm. inches cm. inches cm. inches cm. inches 20 8 25 10 30 12 35 14

30 12 35 14 40 16 45 18


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