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This thesis is dedicated to my parents for their love, endless support and encouragement. My father did not only raise and nurture me but also taxed himself dearly over the years for my education and intellectual development. My mother has been a source of motivation and strength during moments of despair and discouragement.

The realization of this work was only possible due to the several people's collaboration, to which desire to express my gratefulness. I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to my supervisor sir Kashif Saeed, for giving me the opportunity to pursue an attractive research topic. I am grateful for the trust, he deposited in my work and for the motivation demonstrated along this arduous course. Their support was without a doubt crucial in my dedication in this dissertation.

I sincerely, thanked Professor XXXXXXXX for his immense research advice and encouragement, which guided me throughout my research journey. I am indebted to XXXXXXXX for his guidance, valuable inputs, assistance and encouragement along the way and I express my gratefulness for the discussion and interpretation of some results presented in this thesis.

Thanks are extended to all formal and informal persons, investors, brokers in Islamabad Stock Exchange who agreed to participate in this research work and give their valuable feedback in both forms in unstructured individual discussions and structure questionnaires. Thanks are also extended to all special friends who freely offered help and the experiences they exposed are indeed appreciated.

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