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II Om Shri Paramatamney Namah II Bhagavad Gita and Four Means of Practice (sadhana chatushtaya) As in every field of study there

are pre-requisites, so is the case regarding the study of Vedanta. In Vedanta, four means of practice (sadhana chatushtaya), which include six virtues (shatsampati), are cultivated on the path of Self-Realization. Advaita Vedanta lays down four prerequisites or qualities for a seeker after Self-knowledge, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discriminationvivekabetween the real and the unreal Renunciationvairagyaof the unreal Six Virtues/Treasuresshatsampattiof self-control Longing for liberationmumukshutaa

If we look at the landscape of Bhagavad Gita carefully, the operation of these four prerequisites becomes very clear. The first chapter of the Gita is called Arjuna-Vishaad Yog. There we see vairagaya, disenchantment or dejection on Arjunas part. He has already achieved the virtues of shama-dama (equanimity and control of senses). Recall that in the beginning of the second chapter (BG 2.9), Sanjay introduces Arjuna as "conqueror of sleep. Also recall that in BG 2.7, Arjuna pleads Sri Krishna to teach him what is decidedly good (yachreyasyaat nishchitam bruhi tannme). He has the sense of discrimination (viveka) between what is highest good (shreya) and what is pleasant (preya). He does not want the affluence or the sovereignty of either this world or the next; he only wants answers to his burning questions. For his grief is drying up his senses.(BG 2.8) And in BG 2.7, Arjuna surrenders and wants to know the definitive good, the shreya (like Nachiketa) as opposed to the preya (the pleasant). He admits his dilemma, asks the right questions, and has the humility to learn by surrendering to the Teacher Supreme. So he has the mumukshatavam, the yearning for liberation also. He has satisfied all the four conditions, the pre-requisites (sadhana chatushtaya) according to Vedanta and is ready for Braham-jnana that will lead him to Self-Realization at the end, as stated in the Bhagavad Gita (18.73): Nashto mohasmriti-labdha, sthithasmihis delusion has been dispelled and he is established in his real Self. We have come full circle. This is one summary of the sadhana chatushtaya.

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