Loving You #2

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Hey Daddy, it has been a few days since I wrote you but you know I talk to you a ll the

time. Yesterday I gave a few of your shoes to the kidney foundation and I cried. God Bless the people who wears them. I still miss you so much. I just wanted to tell you that I have been rather concerned since you left that th is family doesn't have the intercessor gift that you had and God knows how important that is. I have it and I know Mand y prays a lot but you were always sensitive to the Holy Spirit and prayed for everyone. Well, I was so Blessed tod ay when Greg told me that God woke him up in the middle of the night (Greg NEVER wakes up during the night) and imp ressed upon him that he needed to pray. He said he just started praying and prayed in tongues for a long time. Thank you Jesus for that ..... that very night Meliah was in great danger. I am so encouraged and reminded that The Lor d is taking care of us. Greg is really having a rough time financially and his health is not good so we must spe nd time praying for him. We need him so much. Please agree with me that God will minister to him in these areas. D addy, Tobey is so sweet. He just sleeps all the time. He still looks for you. The whole family was here last Sunday. Even Lisa and her family. That was a sweet time. I know how you loved this family and you want them to stay close. You w ould be so proud of Mandy.... She is graduating from Southern Crescent School tomorrow with her Associates Degree. S he is just like you in the way she loves to learn and keeps studying. She is enrolled in Clayton State for the fal l. All the kids are doing ok. Just, please keep praying for Des. She has her hands full with those 3 babies and Aden needs so much attention. Lord help him to be raised up in a Godly home. Miracles still happen. One more thing, Mollie is graduating from that school she was going to, the Andrew Womack school .. She just came back from Africa on a missio n trip and is now going to guatemarle on a mission trip. I know that you see all the wonderful things God has in stor e for her. Well, I love you very very much. Will try to do what God has called me to do so that I will be with you forever.


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