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Soal Rhinologi Endoscopy 1. In perform Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, which structure was first to be removed? A.

. Middle Turbinate B. Uncinate Process C. Ethmoid infundibulum D. Ethmoid Bulla E. Lamina Papyraceae 2. What structure to be examined during second pass (step) nasal endoscopy? A. Nasopharynx and tubal orifice B. Sphenoethmoidal recess and Superior meatus C. Middle meatus D. Nasal vestibule E. Inferior meatus and turbinate 3. The structure that separates anterior and posterior ethmoidal sinus is: A. Lamina papyraceae B. Ethmoidal infundibulum C. Ground lamella of middle turbinate D. Uncinate process E. Agger nasi 4. Posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinus drain their secretion to: A. Inferior meatus B. Middle meatus C. Semiluar hiatus D. Ethmoid infundibulum E. Sphenoethmoidal recess 5. The most posterior cell of posterior ethmoid sinus is: A. Agger nasi cell B. Sinus Lateral C. Bullar cell D. Onodi cell E. Suprabullar cell 6. The most common post-operative complication of FESS is: A. Bleeding B. Synechia C. CSF leakage D. Septal hematoma E. Cribriform plate rupture Key: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. D 6. B

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