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Department: Electrical Engineering School: SEE (D4-Embedded Systems) Course Code: ECE310 Course Title: Microcontroller and Applications Date Of Allotment: 6thFeb, 2013 Max. Marks: 30 th Date Of Submission:13 Feb, 2013
Section: Marks Obtained:

Student Name:___________________ Reg. Number:____________________ Roll Number:____________________

Part- A Q1. Explain the internal memory organization of 8051 (RAM & ROM). Write a program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via pin P2.5 and save it in any bit addressable register. The byte comes in with the LSB first. [5Marks] Q2. Describe the internal organization of 8051 Ports including its dual functionalities. And explain, why the pins of Port-0 does not have inbuilt pull-up resistors. [5Marks] Part- B Q3. Find the number of even numbers in a given set of ten numbers, which are stored in external RAM starting from 4000h. Send even number in PORT 1 and odd number in PORT 2. [10Marks] Q4. Write assembly language program in 8051 to find the largest number in a given array of numbers, array is store in memory. [10Marks] ____________________________________________________________________________________ Content of the ASSIGNMENT should start from this page:

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