9!4!!!:Ie4t!O!! - IOB - IEE - !aqa!: N !i Ffi

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DHAXA: Applicarions in piescribed lom, obraimble rom rhe UNTVERSITY orfice or rhe Regktn, m invitd 6om the Bangldeshi

natioials lor iilling up I (Two) remponry po$s of Leclurer agin* (one) vacan! po$ of Associab Prolesor in rhe Depatuent ol Oceanogruph] in rhe pay ssl. or Tk. 11.000-490x7'14,410 E.B candide,esnu{hrve 9!4!!!:Ie4t!O!!_IOB_IEE_!aqa! minimum fiBr clast ccPA 3.10 out of 4.00 in Honoun a Mdcis degrfr ii


O..mocdphywilnninimunFinr divhiont cPA 1.25 our ol5 00 in s s.C a H.S.C. Enminatiois If suirable candidabs are no! lourd having a degE in Oceanognphr. crndidfts from Elevant subjecb (Mfine Schnce, GogFphy, GeologJ, Fhheries and wabr Rsource Eiglieding) my be .onsiderd. Orhd beiis equd 'tualifi.dions prcacrcic. mry b. giletr ro rhse who h8ve a hicher dese.
Eishr cophs or application togen\er th etened .opies ol cenihors, mark sheds, resinonirls and pmofolexpedence alons wiih a Pay OrddBa.l DFft of the $lue ofTk 7so/-lseveD hundred & iiny) only paylble to lhe Regtto, should s.h him on or belore 13.7.2013 Cmdidaies alrcady in snic. nun rpdy i\rcugh pmpr

n n!fiffi' ru6s

Fm q"O !i c<di qqr@ fa ffi tuft.E r O1 fi qair 4l-Iffi ftm n de$@ @ &q 5d{ hdns lm ie6t diiffi ri.R azR@c@@Ta@ @@: $,oediqrqr3,3eqt1i. dseDlrqjle/.

6*ra. ffi dnJ4 $ilF. q cr fi. 4 a! q F+ rIM {n Fsr&. f,. !. a.oo !r @ 3 id E r*6s F@ qdt oat nlir, jt6 ds ir@ s cri/ 1iG. Fr ! 3..' !r G-n (nfin w ..co gr liE !-.. E fi@ 4fir sq aEir ir m r*fi4 c1?, !m ffi, tsrF, pr, rqf+@ {< qF l-l'i srn@ q{'ri. qtit@{n@ qm tod @ @e c@ (l@ rm {nFrd EF IEO{nffi+ sqfrn triri in 1]i!.Lr
d qilFns sF6! r(qo ?Fr !d! Eft a& n@ 64n .ftrt! ltF llw ifr Rir@ qtu {i1i&t, lrinn, ol9r { {R qG@r s:!a@ 6Es gchfi rl{faF.s .r rFftF eriiii* q{iEs{ {-ilF

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