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Bitot's spots foamy gray, triangular spots of keratinized epithelium on the conjunctiva, associated with vitamin A deficiency.

Caf au lait spots macules of a distinctive light brown color, such as occur in neurofibromatosis and Albright's syndrome. Cherry-red spot the choroid appearing as a red circular area surrounded by graywhite retina, as viewed through the fovea centralis in Tay-Sachs disease. Cotton-wool spots white or gray soft-edged opacities in the retina, seen in hypertensive retinopathy, lupus erythematosus, and other conditions. Forschheimer spots a fleeting exanthem consisting of discrete rose spots on the soft palate sometimes seen in rubella just prior to the onset of the skin rash. Koplik's spots irregular, bright red spots on the buccal and lingual mucosa, with tiny bluish-white specks in the center of each; seen in the prodromal stage of measles. milky spots aggregations of macrophages in the subserous connective tissue of the pleura and peritoneum. mongolian spot a smooth, brown to grayish blue nevus, consisting of an excess of melanocytes, typically found at birth in the sacral region in Asians and darkskinned races; it usually disappears during childhood. Rose spots an eruption of rose-colored spots on the abdomen and thighs during the first seven days of typhoid fever. Roth's spots round or oval white spots sometimes seen in the retina early in the course of subacute bacterial endocarditis. Tardieu's spots spots of ecchymosis under the pleura after death by suffocation. Kussmaul's sign - a paradoxical rise in jugular venous pressure (JVP) on inspiration. Beck's triad 1. low arterial blood pressure 2. distended neck veins 3. distant, muffled heart sounds.

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