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UDPFI Guidelines

Norms and standards

SUBMITTED TO: Prof. S.Kumar C.Revapathi City Development Strategy

Norms and standards

Distribution of land use
Developed area average densities Work force Proposed land use structure of urban centres in plain area Proposed land use structure in hill town


Commercial facilities

Recreational facilities

Traffic and Transportation

Norms and standards

Distribution of land use Infrastructure Commercial facilities Recreational facilities Traffic and Transportation

Physical infrastructure Water Supply Water Requirements for institutional buildings Sewage Drainage Electricity Solid waste Disposal

Social infrastructure Educational facilities Health care facilities Socio- Cultural facilities Distribution services Police Fire

Norms and standards

Distribution of land use Infrastructure Commercial facilities Recreational facilities Traffic and Transportation

Informal Distribution of Hierarchy of commercial Area of commercial Distribution of shops activities centres centres activities

Norms and standards

Distribution of land use Infrastructure Commercial facilities Recreational facilities Traffic and Transportation

Recreational facilities

Socio- Cultural facilities

Norms and standards

Distribution of land use Infrastructure Commercial facilities Recreational facilities Traffic and Transportation

Bus & truck terminals

Classification of Design standards Passenger car Design service Urban roads of Urban roads units volume roads



Developed area average densities:Settlement type Small town Medium town Large cities Metro cities 75-125 100-150 100-150 125-175 Persons per Hectare(pph) in Plain areas Hill areas 45-75 60-90 60-90 -

Work Force:Work force participation Small and medium town Large cities 33% of total population 20 25 Industrial workers (%) of total work force

Proposed Land use structure of Urban Centres in Plain areas

Land use category Small Residential commercial Industrial Pub& Semi-Public Recreational Transport & Communication 45-50 2-3 8-10 6-8 12-14 10-12 Percentage of developed area Medium 40-45 3-4 8-108-10 10-12 18-20 12-14 balance Large cities 35-40 4-5 10-12 12-14 18-20 12-14 balance Metro cities 35-40 4-5 12-14 14-16 20-25 15-18 balance

Agriculture & Water balance bodies

Land use Residential Commercial Industrial Public & Semi-public recreational Transport & commercial Ecological 50-55 2-3 3-4 8-10 15-18 5-6 8-10

Percentage of developed area Small towns Medium Towns 45-52 2-3 4-5 8-10 15-18 5-6 8-10 Large cities 45-50 4-5 5-7 12-15 16-20 6-8 8-10

Infrastructure is the basic requirement of urban life. The extent and the nature of problems faced by different towns vary by size, geographical conditions, local natural resources, etc.

Physical Infrastructure:Size of town

Aspect Domestic 2. Absolute Min. 3. desirable Non- Domestic Fire fighting Public purpose Small 70 lpcd 100 lpcd 1% of total demand 10-15 lpcd Medium 70-100 lpcd 135-150 lpcd Large and Metro 135 lpcd 135-150 lpcd

20-25 lpcd

30-35 lpcd

Water requirements for institutional buildings

Hospital b. No. of beds exceeding 100 c. No. of beds not exceeding 100 Hotels Hostels Nurses homes & medical quarters Boarding schools/ colleges Restaurants Airports & Sea ports Junctions stations & intermediate stations Terminal Stations & Intermediate stations Day schools/ colleges Offices & factories Cinema, concert halls and theatres

Litres per head per day

450 per bed 340 per bed 180 per bed 135 135 135 70 per seat 70 70 45 45 45 15

Water requirements for Industrial units

Automobiles Distillery Fertilizers Leather Paper Spl. Quality paper Straw board Petroleum refinery Steel Sugar Textile

Water Requirement in Kl / unit

40 122-170 80-200 4 200-1000 400-1000 75-100 1-2 200-250 1-2 8-14

The treatment of sewerage is essential to check the decay in the environment as well as to provide hygienic conditions for the population The sewerage is estimated at the rate of 80% of the water supply in any area. The newly developed areas shall be considered for the provision of community level septic tanks based on economic & environmental considerations. The squatter settlements may be provided with a facility of 1 toilet for 4 to 5 families based on the concept of low cost and low water consumption

The drainage system for any city/town is governed mainly by natural course and topography. The discharge is calculated that guides the requirements for provision of additional drain as well as upgradation of existing drains.

According to Master plan of Delhi power supply consumption works out to be about 2 KW per household at the city level and includes domestic, commercial , industrial and other requirements. The provision of 1 electric sub station of 11 KV for a population of 15,000 is recommended for towns/ cities.


The insufficient conservancy services in most of the urban centres tend to leave the garbage spread on the road sides or open spaces leading to unhygienic conditions. The garbage is removed by the municipal bodies and dumped at the sanitary landfill or in some cases it is converted to compost esp. in small towns. The generation of waste varies from about over a quarter of Kg in small towns to about half a kg per capita in large and metro cities.

Educational facilities:Pre-primary to Secondary Education
0.08 ha Pre primary, nursery school 1 for 2500 population Area for school Pre primary/ nursery school to be located near a park Primary school (class I to V) Strength of the school Area per school School building area Play field area with a min of 18m X 36 m to be ensured for effective play Senior secondary school (VI to XII) 1 for 7500 population Strength of the school Area per school School building area Play field area with a min of 68m X 126 m to be ensured for effective play

500 students 0.4 ha 0.20 ha 0.20 ha

1000 students 1.6 ha 0.60 ha 1.60 ha

Integrated school without hostel facility (Class I-XII) 1 for 90,000- 1 lakh population Strength of the school Area per school School building area Play field area Parking area Integrated school with hostel facility 1 for 90,000-100000 population Strength of the school Area per school School building area Play field area Parking area Residential hostel area

1500 students 3.50 ha 0.70 ha 2.50 ha 0.30 ha

1000 students 3.90 ha 0.70 ha 2.50 ha 0.30 ha 0.40 ha

School for handicapped 1 for 45 000 pop Strength of the school Area per school School building area Play field area

400 0.50 ha 0.20 ha 0.30 ha

Higher education
1 for 1.25 lakh population Student strength of the college Area per college College building area Play field area Residential including hostel area 1000- 1500 students 4 ha 1.80 ha 1.80 ha 0.40 ha

Technical education
University campus Area of the university campus New University Area

10 ha 60 ha

Technical Education centre (A) 1 such centre provided for every 10 lakh pop. Include 1 industrial training institute and 1 polytechnic Strength of the polytechnic Area per centre Area per ITI Area for polytechnic Technical centres( B) 1 provided for 10 lakh population to include 1 ITI 1 technical centre and 1 coaching centre Area per centre Area per technical centre Area for ITI & coaching centre

500 students 400 students 4 ha 1.60 ha 2.4 ha

4 ha 2.10 ha 1.40 ha & 0 .30 ha

Health care facilities

a) General hospital Hospital for 2.5 lakh population capacity Initially the provision may be for 300 beds Area for hospital Area for residential accommodation Total area b) Intermediate hospital ( Category- A) 1 hospital for 1 lakh population capacity, the provision may be for 100 beds Area for hospital Area for residential accommodation Total area 500 beds 4 ha 2 ha 6 ha 200 beds 2.70 ha 1 ha 3.70 ha

c) Intermediate hospital ( Category-B) 1 hospital for 10 lakh population capacity 80 beds initially the provision may be for 50 including 20 maternity beds Area for hospital 0.60 ha Area for residential accommodation 0.40 ha Total area 1 ha

d) Polyclinic with some observation beds 1 for lakh population area

0.20 to 0.30 ha

e) Nursing home, child welfare and maternity centre 1 for 0.45 to 1 lakh population Capacity 25 to 30 beds area 0.20 to 0.30 ha f) Dispensary 1 for 0.15 lakh population area

0.08 to 0.12 ha

Socio-Cultural facilities
a) Community room 1 for 5,000 population area b) Community hall and library 1 for 15,000 population area c) Recreational club 1 for 1 lakh population area d) music, dance and drama centre 1 for 1 lakh population - area e) Meditation and spiritual centre 1 for lakh population area f) socio-cultural centre 1 for 10 lakh population area 660 Sq..m 2000 sq.m 10,000 sq.m 1,000 sq.m 5000 sq.m 15 ha

Distribution services
a) Petrol pump One petrol pump for 150 ha of gross residential areas in residential zone One petrol pump for 40 ha of gross industrial area Two petrol pumps in each district centre One petrol pump in each community centre

b) Milk distribution One milk booth for 5,000 population. The standard recommended as per the Delhi Master Plan is adequate. c) LPG Godown One gas Godown for 40-50 thousand population is sufficient for any size of town. The major concern for its storage and distribution is the location which shall be away from the residential areas.

Police station 1 for 90,000 population Area inclusive of essential residential accommodation 0.05 ha additional 1.5 ha to be provided for civil Defence and home guards Police post 1 for 0.4 to 0.5 lakh population Area inclusive of essential residential accommodation District office and battalion 1for 10 lakh population Area for district office area for battalion Total area Police line 1 for 20 lakh population District jail 1 for 10 lakh population - area Civil Defence and home guards 1 for 10 lakh population -area

0.16 ha 0.80 ha 4 ha 4.80 ha 4 to 6 ha 10 ha 2 ha

1. 2. 3. 1 fire station or sub fire station within 1 for 3 km to be provided for 2 lakh population Area for fire station with essential residential accommodation 1 ha Area for sub- fire-station with essential residential 0.60 ha accommodation

Commercial Activity
Hierarchy of an urban centres is a function of the hierarchy of planning units in an urban centre
Planning unit Housing cluster Sector Community district Sub-city city Population Served 1000-4000 5000-20000 25000-100000 125000-500000 25 lakh- 50 lakh 50 lakh + Hierarchy of commercial centre Cluster centre Sector centre Community centre District centre Sub- city centre City centre No. Of shops 1 for 110 persons 1 for 200 persons 1 for 200 persons 1 for 300 persons

Area /1000 persons sq.m. Cluster centre Sector centre Community centre District centre 220 300 500 880

Type of shops Formal shops(total) General retail Fruit & vegetables Service & Repairs Informal shops General retail

district 1250 1200 Not specified 50 370 355

community 365 295 40 30 110 88

sector 55 35 6 13 22 14

cluster 24 16 3 5 13 8


Hierarchy of commercial centre City & Sub centre District centre * * * * * * * * * * * * Community Sector centre centre * * * * * * * * * * * * Cluster centre * * -

shopping Limited wholesale Informal shopping Commercial offices cinema hotel Guest house Nursing home Service industries auditorium museum library

* * * * * * * * * * * *

* Activities to be provided in the commercial centre


Hierarchy of commercial centre City & Sub centre District Community Sector centre centre centre * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cluster centre * * -

Science centre/ art/craft Weekly markets (on close days) Local govt. offices Bus terminal Fire station police Telephone exchange Electric substation Post & telegraph Petrol pump conveniences residential

* * * * * * * * * * * *

* Activities to be provided in the commercial centre

Norms for informal activities

Retail trade Central Business District Sub- central Business District District centre Community centre Convenience shopping centre Government and commercial offices Wholesale trade and freight complexes hospital Bus terminal Schools Primary Secondary/senior Secondary/integrated residential industrial No. of informal commercial units 3 to 4 units per 10 formal shops as specified in the norms separately

5 to 6 units per 1000 employees 3-4 units per 10 formal shops 3-4 units per 100 beds 1 unit per two bus bays 3-4 units 5-6 units 1 unit/1000 population 5-6 units per 1000 employees

Recreational Facilities
Planning unit Housing cluster sector community district Sub city centre Overall town/ city level Area in Sq.m per person 3-4 local parks and playgrounds 3-4 local park and playgrounds 2-3 community level park and open space 1 district level park and sports centre, maidan 1 city level park, sports complex, botanical /zoological garden , maidan 10 sq.m- 12 sq.m per person

Variations by size of settlement

Small towns: 1 to 1.2 ha per 1000 persons for town level recreational facilities(excluding the open spaces in residential pockets) which can be distributed for different residential pockets uniformly for a population of 8000-10000. Medium Towns: The recreational open spaces shall be provided at the rate of 1.4-1.6 ha/1000 persons. Large and metro cities The suggested standards for open spaces in large and metro cities are 1.2-1.4 ha/1000 persons.

Socio- cultural facilities

Community hall : House cluster level The small parks /open spaces should also be developed with the community hall to suit the cultural and behavioral needs of the society Local community centre Recreation club Sector level One for 15000 population 2,000 sq.m One for 50,000 population 0.5 ha One for 100000 population 1 ha One for 50,000 population One for 50000 population One for 5 lakh population

Music, dance, drama centre Meditation and spiritual centre Socio-cultural centre

Miscellaneous Facilities
Cremation/ burial ground: Provision of at least 2 sites for 5 lakh population and to provide one electric crematorium for large size towns. Dhobi ghat:one site for 1 lakh population with appropriate arrangements for water and drainage facilities. Taxi stands/ bus stops/ Rickshaw stands: The taxi stands/bus stops shall be provided with the following considerations: These should not be located near the road intersections The maximum distance of such facilities should not exceed 0.5 km from the farthest point in any residential area. Telecommunication: Communication- 10 lines per 100 population. Fire- one fire station for 2 lakh population within 1 to 3 km distance. Postal services- one post office for 10-15 thousand population.

Norms and Standards for Transportation

Classification of Urban roads: Arterial Road: Roads for intra-urban traffic, with no frontage access, no standing vehicle and very little cross traffic and minimum roadway intersection spacing 500 m. Sub-Arterial Road: Roads for intra-urban through traffic with frontage access but no standing vehicles having high cross traffic, high capacity intersections and minimum roadway intersection spacing 300 m. Collector road: Streets for collecting and distributing traffic from and to local streets and also providing access to arterial and sub arterial roads, having free frontage access but no parked vehicles and heavy cross traffic and minimum roadway intersection spacing 150m. Local Street: Street for access to residence, business or other abutting property, having necessary parking and pedestrian access too.

Design Considerations of urban roads

Design speed:
Arterial Sub-Arterial Collector street Local street 80 kph 60 kph 50 kph 30 kph

Space Standards:
Arterial Sub-Arterial Collector street Local street 50-60 m 30-40 m 20-30 m 10-20 m

Cross-Sectional Elements:
Description Single lane without kerbs 2-lane without kerbs 2- lane with kerbs 3-lane with/without kerbs 4-lane with/without kerbs 6-lane with/without kerbs Width 3.5 m 7m 7.5 m 10.5/11 m 14 m 21.0 m

Foot path (side walk)

Capacity All in one In both direction directions
1220 2400 3600 4800 6000 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4

Required width of footpath (m)

Cycle tracks
The minimum width of cycle tracks should be 2m.each additional lane, where required should be 1 m. Separate cycle tracks should be provided when the peak cycle traffic is 400 or more on routes where motor traffic is 100-200 vehicles/hr. When number of motor vehicles using routes is more than 200 per hour, separate cycle tracks are justified even if cycle traffic is only 100 cycles per hour.
Width of cycle track Two lanes Three lanes Four lanes (m) One way 3 4 5 250-600 7600 Capacity Two way 50-250 250-600 >600

Recommended PCU factors for various types of vehicles on urban roads

Equivalent PCU factors % composition of vehicle type in stream of traffic 10% Fast vehicles 2. Two wheeler motor cycle or scooter etc. 3. Passenger car, pick up van 4. Auto rickshaw 5. Light commercial vehicle 6. Truck or bus 7. Agricultural tractor trailer Slow Vehicles 2. Cycle 3. Cycle rickshaw 4. Tonga (horse drawn vehicle) 5. Hand cart 0.5 1 1.2 1.4 2.2 4 0.4 1.5 1.5 2 10% 0.75 1 2 2 3.7 5 0.5 2 2 3

Design Service Volume

Type of carriage way Total design service volume for different road categories Arteria Sub arterial l
2-lane (one way) 2-lane (two way) 3-lane (one way) 4-lane undivided (two way) 4-lane divided (two way) 6- lane undivided (two way) 6-lane divided(two way) 8 lane divided (two way) 2400 1500 3600 3000 3600 4800 5400 7200 1900 1200 2900 2400 2900 3800 4300 -

1400 900 2200 1800 -

Equivalent car space for different vehicles
Car/taxi Two wheeler Auto rickshaw Bicycle The minimum parking space requirements for each car and truck is : Car : 3m X 6m ( when individual parking space is required) 2.5m X 5m ( when community parking space is required) Truck : 3.75 m X 7.5m Residential Detached, semi-detached and row houses Plot area upto 100 Sq.m no private or community parking space Plot area:101-200 sq.m only community parking space Plot area:301-500 sq.m- minimum 1/3 of open area for parking Plot area :501-1000 sq.m- minimum 1/4th of open area for parking Plot area: 1001sq.m +- minimum 1/6of space area for parking 1 0.25 0.50 0.10

Flats :one space for every two flats of 50-90 q.m or more of floor area one space for every flat of 100 sq.m or more of floor area For all kinds of developments excepting residential, warehouses and Godown. One berth for initial 500-1500 sq.m of floor area. Additional berths at the rate of one for every subsequent 1000 sq.m or part thereof. 6. For warehouses and Godowns 7. Two berths for initial 500-1500m of floor area. Additional berths at the rate of one for every subsequent 500m or part of.

Parking norms for work centres

The parking norms for work centres as suggested by different organizations:
Work centre type Commercial Delhi master plan 1981 Delhi master plan 2001 New Delhi Redevelopment advisory committee, 1972 Indian road congress, 1973 Central public works Department 1.14 1.67 2.28 1.25 1.25 offices 0.63 1.67 1.14 1.42 1.23

The space norm for floor space per employee adopted : 2. 3. Government: 9 Sq.m Public sector:8 Sq.m

The employee to visitor ratio in office complexes is as 1:.4

Planning Norms and space standards

Capacity of an Intracity bus terminal One bus bay for 5000 passengers per day One bus bay for 10,000 passengers per day Peak hour load Occupancy/bus Time taken for loading For unloading 1.5 lakh passengers/day (loading) (unloading) 10% of daily passenger load 50 ideal 6 min; 12 min 3 min; 6 min

Space standards for parking facilities

b. Bus bays area/ vehicle 145 sq.m 76 sq. 104 sq.m Type of parking Idle parking Angular parallel

b) Parking of other modes:car Two wheeler taxi Auto rickshaw cycle 25 sq.m 4 sq.m 16 sq.m 5 sq.m 1.2 sq.m

Broad land use break up in truck terminal:-

Transport operators - office, godown, loading/unloading Service industry - petrol pump, service area, weigh bridge, etc Public/semi-public - Police post, post office, telephone, first aid etc. Commercial Parking- idle, transits, other vehicles Open spaces Circulation Others

Percentage area 30 6

3 3 10 10 28 2

The space norms in kg/ for selected commodities as per central ware housing corporation is given below: Commodity
Food grains Fruits and vegetables Hardware and building material Commercial & public/semi-public Utilities and services Service industry Parking Circulation others

Wt/area (kg/sq.)
1054 721 1024 5 3 4 12 25 6

Broad land use Break up of an integrated freight complex:Use type

Whole sale market Warehousing Booking agencies Commercial & public/semipublic Utilities and services Service industry Parking Circulation Others

% of area
35 8 2 5 3 4 12 25 6

1. 2.

The area required for a truck terminal should be reserved at the rate of one hectare per 300 tonnes of daily goods inflow into the complex. In case of integrated freight complex, the area should be one hectare per 400 tonnes of daily inflow into the complex

Modal split by public transport modes:City size

Below 1 million Around 1 million 1.5 million 3 million 6 million 9 million

Recommended modal split

30% 35% 40% plus 50% plus 70% plus 75% plus (85% with a mass transit system)

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