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What Saith The Scriptures?

Presented by the church of Christ in Galena Meeting at 5466 Featheringill Rd. Ask a Bible question:

Invitation to Jehovahs Witnesses

Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah (Isa. 1.18, ASV).
Last Tuesday, March 30, members of the Jehovahs Witnesses religion around the world observed their annual Lords Supper or the Lords Evening Meal. Different members of the church of Christ in Galena were invited to attend. Several of us did indeed attend. As with any other such opportunity we came prepared to invite people to study the Bible with us. We did not bring any religious literature with us to debunk Jehovahs Witness doctrine. We did not voice any objection to anything that was said or done, no matter how false or far from the truth we may have understood certain things to be. No, we simply came inviting people to study the Bible. The result: the elders of the New Albany congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses revoked our welcome. They even threatened us with arrest if we did not evacuate the premises immediately (still not quite sure on what grounds). All of this because we wanted to study the Bible with people. Unbelievable! Let it clearly be known that we (the church of Christ in Galena) welcome any and every opportunity to study the Bible with anyone. We will even open our pulpit to allow anyone to come in and preach or teach what they believe to be the truth and engage in a fair and balanced public discussion of Gods word. Just in case some of those in attendance missed our invitation (or happened to have one of the invitations, but had it stolen by one of the ushers or eldersthats right, they took them away from people), here is the original invitation. Please let us know if you would like to study together. Dear friend of the Jehovahs Witness religion, I would like to personally invite you to a study in a format of open discussion. I desire that both sides be fairly represented and heard. If you have no desire to allow both sides to be fairly represented, then I kindly ask that you not agree to a study. However, if you are willing to allow for a fair and honest discussion and you would like to study matters of eternal importance, then please email us at:
Service Times: Sun. @ 9.00am & 6.00pm | Wed. @ 7.30pm

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