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o Risk factor for CHD o excess fat deposited in the adipose tissue leads to obesity o Body mass index

above 30 is considered as obese o Excess fat in the adipose tissue leads to weight gain oIt is a risk factor for high BP, high blood cholesterol, diabetes etc

Waist-to hip ratio and body mass index are the two indicators used to find out whether a person is obese or not Waist-to-hip ratio is used to assess abdominal obesity Abdominal obesity is a much more significant factor for heart attack than BMI

Waist-to-Hip ratio
One of most used clinical applications of girth measurement. There is a correlation between Chronic diseases and fat stored in the mid section. It can be measured by dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement A ratio above 0.80 for women and 0.95 for men is at risk for a number of diseases

Body Mass Index(BMI)

It is a quick and easy method for determining whether a persons weight is appropriate for his or height It can be assessed by dividing body weight (in kilograms) by height(In meters squared) or kg/m2 BMI=Weight(in kg)/ height2(in meter)

Classification of BMIs & the relationship between BMI and Risk of associated diseases
BMI(Kg/m2) Classification Risk of Disease

Less Than 20 Over 20-25

Under weight Desirable or healthy range Over weight Obese(class 1) Obese (class 2) Severely obese

Low Average

Over 25-30
Over 30-35 0ver 35-40 Over 40

Moderate Severe Very severe

Obesity related health problems increase when a persons BMI exceeds 25 It is not appropriate for pregnant women or for use in some medical conditions or with children It is also inappropriate for athletes It is more difficult to assess obesity in children

Include physical activity in daily routine

The benefits of exercise are

improves blood circulation increases HDL reduces risk of heart disease,stroke, hypertension,diabetics decreases obesity

Calculate the body mass index for person with a body mass of 95kg and a height of 1.70 meter.Show your working


Question 2
Calculate the BMI of a person with a body mass of 58.80kg and a height of 1.55 meter.Show your working


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