Arabic Vocab

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Search Engine - !"#$)" (

Operating System - *+,-. 012
Hardware - 35 7 09;
Firmware - <9=0> 0+@)(= <9=0> B)=(
Central Processing Unit - <CDE(F$@< $0GF $ IJ
Microprocessor - <M+N@< $0G)
Supercomputer- OP0Q ST0J
Hovercraft - SU J 3E()
Internal Combustion Engine - V5WI$( 9JYZ)" (
Gasoline - [CD\=
Space shuttle - 0^_$ S`) VP0^Q S`a )
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder - (cM$ STS$
Narcissism - <+ef(\$
Psychosis - 0hi$
Hallucination - <TS 5 h

Autism -IJa S 9$
Sociopathy -V;0F9fYZ kl9;YZ
A sociopath - 0+;0F9f* n 9 G )
Syndrome -<)kl9)
Asperger syndrome - (f(#T)< kl9)
Schizophrenia - 0p_ $
Biology, Anatomy and Medicine
fats (n) - ShI$
Hydrogenated Fat - <f Ic)
Artery - [+C(r 0C(r
blood vessels - <CS)< +;
Stimulus, stimulant - - t#u \ )
To stem (bloodflow from a wound) - [MJ
Stem the flow of blood - 0)I$ [ MJ
Bandage - 0Fv
Syringe - <\M")
Family (taxonomy) - <5+pQ

Injection - w+Gx.
Symptom - ; (
Cold-blooded, ectothermic - "($( + ,9)
Warm-blooded, endothermic - "($ z=0>
Malnutrition - <Ci,9$ ST
Bird of Prey - 0f S_p;
Omnivorous - SN 0N
Herbivorous - 3r0;
Parasite - *+ _ |
Parasitism - *_ x.
Predation - (9Q
Symbiosis - <-C0G)
Mutually Beneficial Symbiosis, Mutualism - }Q0\.
Cell - <+5W
Membrane - <+-~ 0-~
Cell Membranes - 0Ckl$< +-~
Stem cells - <+;if 0CklW
Mitochondria - uIM 9 )

Food poisoning - VPi~ wFa e.

Gene - <>u S )
Genetic (adj.) - V>
Genetics - <>S$ w5;
DNA - S2 F J
Chromosome - V,#7
Homozygote - <5>0F) <"NYZ
Heterozygote- <\C0#9) <"NYZ
Nail - 0_ _(
To have sex, intercourse with (MSA only) - } ) 0f

Sexual intercourse, coitus (Medical, technical. MSA only) - 0F@$

To fuck (all dialects)- +\C \02
Sex position- Ve\f }v
Missionary position- (+-#9$} vS$
Cowgirl - 5;kl$ (F$
Doggy-style - V=kl`$} vS$

Masturbation - 0\F9TYZ / <C(e$ 0G$

(s.o 0h) to finger - }#U 7
Fingering - }+#p.
To finger oneself -}# p.
Fisting- <^#M$ klC
Libido - <+e\f S-2 <+e\f i$
Erection - 0p92
to get erect (when speaking of the penis itself) - G2
Safe sex - [) YZ \@$
Orgasm - 0F@$ DU h 0f YZ
Orgasm, Cumming (used for men only) - 0G92
sexual stimulant, aphrodisiac, a turn-on - S;02
Ejaculate -
i N
Ejaculation - i N
Clitoris - S1= ( 1 =
Well-hung -V.=(
Well-hung -(CYZ O|02
A night during which you get laid - (FJ <5+$

Math, Physics and Astronomy

Theory of relativity - <+#e\$< C(12
Galaxy -(U @ )
Orbit -I)
Spacetime - 0`)
Inertia - 0x;
Inertial frame of reference - V$0x; VGf() 0|
Acceleration (not just technical) - 0e.
Friction - 0`9J
Sinusoidal Wave - 3+@$ V\"\)
Prime Number - V$ I;
Even Number -Vf I;
Odd number - (Q I;
Pi - ( 0|)
Decimal place - <C(-; <#U.()
Digit - wN
Circumference - +")

Diameter - (xN
The Solar System - <+eF-$;< SF@F$ VeF-$ 01\$
Gas Giant - 0~ klF;
Mecrury -0xG$
Venus - (hD$
Earth -YZ
Mars -C(F$
Jupiter - (9-F$
Saturn- *JD$
Uranus- +2
Neptune - S9#2
Asteroid - 3`CS E
Asteroid Belt -0#`CS`$ DJ
Magic & The Supernatural
Diviner, Fortuneteller - ; (
Divination - <Q; (
Sleight of hand. (also) Dark Arts - S G r

Werewolf -i)
Haunted House - S`e) z+=
Necromancy - YZ 0^"9T
Psychokinesis - V5MG$ C("9$
Clairvoyance, precognition - 0p#9T
Parapsychology - <+N0$ / 0+fS$S`+T0#$
ESP - Ve"$ SQ YZ
Telepathy - (|SW S. / (|09$
A telepath - (|09)
Telepathic - |(0.
Reincarnation - T0\9$
Giant - <M$0F; klF;
Futurism & Scifi
Starship - <+P0^Q <#E()
Parallel universe - S) SE
Multiverse - SEYZ IG9)
Time travel - [) D $( #; (_e$

Star Wars - S@\$( J

Finance, Marketing
Tourism revenues - <+J0+T IP0;
Promotional Campaign - <+@C(. < 5F J
IMF - V$ I$ IM\$ I\7
Marketing - OCSe.
guild, syndicate, union -<=0M2
labor union - 0F G $=< 0M2
War & Politics
Sovereignty- 0+T
Internationalization - *CI.
Legitimacy - <+;(-)
looting, plundering - 3c 2
Oppression, Power, Hegemony -x=
Ally - +5J
Constituent - (- . )Su M )
To consult (with) - }) 0 .

In consultation with - }) 0 9 $0=

Trend, current, drift - )@(
Evacuation - klW
Bloodshed -I$ CD
Superpower - (#E SN / F1; S N
Axis - S " )
Axis of Evil - (-$ S")
The Axis Countries and Allied Powers (WWII) - 0_5"$ SN S"F$
Misdemeanor - \ f \@< f
In session (said of a court) - 0MG2< $0J VQ
Crime of passion - 0G_2 < FC(f
Philosophy, Religion and Metacognition
Existentialism - <CSfS$
Stoicism - <+N($
Realism - <+GNS$
Structuralism - <CS+\#$

Positivism - <+GvS$
Sophism - <+P0xe_T
(but: Sophistry - <xe_T)
Anarchism - <+P0vSQ
Atheism - <C0"$
Deism - <+=S=($
Chaos theory - S-$< C(12
Free will - (J
Fatalsim - <CIM$
Relativism - <CS#e\$
Reasoning, line of thinking - 09\9T
Deductive reasoning - V|0#\9T 09\9T
Inductive reasoning - VP(M9T 09\9T
Socrates - (MT
Plato - S|klQ
Aristotle - SxeT
Deconstruction -+`_.

Covenant - 0+)
Relics - (P0W
Saint - CIN
Icon - <2SMC

Slip -S_ h
Chrysanthemum - S" N
"Iv" `; - S
To be proud of - D 9;
Smurf - S_\T
Smooth talk, sweet talk -SeGF$ kl`$
Disintegration - `a _ .
housing, giving shelter to - SC
.Eradication -09f
Awareness, aquaintintance, experience - 0F$

Overt - (Q0T
Covert -( 9 9 e)
Squander - (G# .
Scatter, shed - (>0\.
Dignity - <)(E
Poor, bad, second rate, villainous -
Consequence, ramification - 3NS; < #N0;
paucity - I2
Perils - ( | 0)
To be deceived by, to fall for -( U 9 ~
Satisfy (a need, a want, a drive) - } # r
Satisfy (a person) - v

Guardian (legal) - V$
Layout - Oe 2

Privacy, Confidentiality, SIngularity, Particularity - <+7SpW

Awareness - <+;S.
Pedagogical -S= (.
Focus (of e.g. a problem) - 0\)

Flattening, superficialization - +xe.

Demagogue - 0Fh
Indulge in -VQ F,2
To be engrossed in - VQ Fc2
Misc Idioms
That's your business -20r ih
A slight improvement - +
_ | [ ea " .
In the hearing of everyone, such that everyone heard it - 0+2I$} Fe) 5;
He's a smooth-talker -"kl`$ SeG) Sh"
In the prime of life -(FG$} += VQ
To sound the alarm - (x$ SN02 U
One man's disaster is another man's blessing - IPSQ SN I \ ; SN 3P0p)

Slip of the tongue -D$ S_ h

In certain quarters, among some groups - 0TYZ G= VQ

[) Sf
An air of cautious optimism - i "$

In the manner of, in a way that parallels - ~(5;

Too late -YZ SQ IG=

.It's too late, now - YZ z.0Q IM$

It's totally out of your reach - F-$[ +; [) w`$ IG=
(Farther from you than the sun-disk. You ain't never gonna see it)
we haven't head from him - (#W YZ J t$ +$
Look for excuses, seek a loophole, - iG $ F9$
I gave him the benefit of the doubt - [1$[ eJ t9+x;
Failure to respect (the) women's rights - (F$ O"= 0"f
I've seen this with my own eyes, I have firsthand - V e = \ _ $ 5 ; z _ N
knowledge of this or of something like it
Mob Mentality - <+P0~S~ <+5M;

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