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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: Ill be waiting

Client: Megan

Director: Joshua Churchill

Date: 7/11/2011

Home Access: Always Space: Limited Permissions: Easy to obtain Lighting: Natural Power: Normal Health and Safety: Tripping over objects is a issue for this space although parents of artist in house on hand and easy to fix no need to go to hospital

Positives/negatives about filming here: Easy to use at any time, Limited amount of shots that can be shot here.

Name and number of location contact: Me


Sketch or photo of location:

(Repeat the above for each location)

School Access: Easy but limited times Space: Varies but can be used Permissions: Will ask appropriate people Lighting: Spotlights Power: over timings no but over the directing yes. Health and Safety: Tripping and other hazards are a risk but can be sorted out on the spot by the staff and are in school insurance covered.

Positives/negatives about filming here: Suits the music video well but the timings are very tight and therefore have a restraint that could affect filming

Name and number of location contact: Me or school


Sketch or photo of location:

Street (outside house) Access: Easy and during times of light always Space: Unlimited but easy in the small scale Permissions: none needed but may need to set camera to avoid license plates Lighting: natural Power: full Health and Safety: Someone could mug the artist unlikely and therefore no problem but if so around many people and friends.

Positives/negatives about filming here: good looking suit to the music video. Public could get in the way.

Name and number of location contact: Me


Sketch or photo of location:

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