The United Nations - Ty Smith

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The United Nations: Friend or Foe?

By: Ty Smith
The amount of power that should be placed in the hands of the United Nations has been a hotly contested argument for many years. Since its formation in the early 20th century under the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson, as what was once known as the League of Nations. The United Nations has transformed from a group of countries banning together to find common ground, to an assembly of countries that want to control every aspect of living in different countries throughout the world both at home and abroad. One of the ways the United Nations has tried to take over the world is by trying to put the most powerful country in the world the United States, down to the same level as countries of the third world. Over the last several years the power of the United Nations has grown dramatically to the point where it has become worrisome. In his book Screwed Dick Morris goes into great detail about how the United Nations is working diligently to invade every spectacle of our daily lives. Instead of the United States having the authority to make its own decisions dealing with foreign policy, the United Nations has been trying to negotiate legislation with the Obama Administration that would prevent the United States from having the authority to declare war on other foreign nations. The only way to declare war would be through the approval of the Security Council of the United Nations, which consists of many of our biggest competitors on the global level such as China and Russia. Along with invading U.S. foreign policy, the United Nations wants all criminal trials to be under the control of the ICC or the International Criminal Court. As

2 stated by Morris, if the United Nations gains the power it wants all convictions including American crimes would be under the rulings of the ICC (Screwed p. 40). Therefore, the court system in the United States would have no say in making decisions within local, state, or federal level of the judiciary. Along with taking over U.S. foreign policy and the U.S. court system the United Nations wants to control the way you raise your children, defend your family, and then manipulate your currency. If the Obama Administration and the United Nations have their way United States citizens will be stripped of their second amendment right to bear arms. According to Morris the United Nations has been trying to take away the rights United States citizens have to their firearms for many years (Screwed p. 48). This is a way for the U.N. to take anyway the United States has to defend itself. Through taking away our guns the United Nations wants to dismantle many of the technologies that have helped the United States become the most powerful country in the world. According to Morris, the U.N. wants to make the U.S. vulnerable to attack by dismantling our missile defense program. Over the last several years the Obama Administration instead of being out for the well-being of its citizens has bowed down to different foreign countries within the United Nations slowly taking apart any edge the U.S. may have on foreign countries in areas such as missile defense and weapons technology through down sizes in funding and production. If the United Nations has its way the world will have one currency known as Special Drawing Rights. According to Morris, this will place all monetary authority under complete control of the IMF or the International Monetary Fund (Screwed p. 57). This is a formation of international based executives who want to tax our citizens to replace our currency so that other

3 countries are able to have the same currency as we do. Therefore, the United States will be brought down. The United Nations has always been put on a pedestal as a group of countries that want peace and fairness for all. This perception has been placed before many citizens through media outlets. The truth is the United Nations does not care about the well being of U.S. citizens its main concern is having control. If its up to the United Nations the U.S. will become just another country leaving no one to lead the world. If it were not for the United States putting millions of dollars forth after World War II there wouldnt be a United Nations. Although we give millions of dollars we continue to see how instead of promoting compromise and peace, the U.N. is more concerned with taking complete control of the entire world and forcing everyone to play on the same field. For any of you who may think the U.N. is our friend and is out for the best interest of the world you have been sadly mistaken. The goal of the U.N. is to drag the U.S. down and force us to put our tax dollars in educational programs to fund foreign countries, when we dont have the money to pay teachers in our own. Therefore, whenever you hear about how great of a friend the United Nations is to the U.S. in the media remember there true objective is for control not compromise.

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