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Teacher-Created Worksheets

Level: Beginning

Basic English Grammar: Ch. 8

QUIZ 1A: Using BE Past Time

Complete the sentences. Use the past of the verb BE, affirmative or negative. Use a past time
expression from the list. Follow the example.





this morning

yesterday morning

this afternoon

yesterday afternoon


last night

this week

last week

this month

last month

this year

last year

1. Im in class today and I was in class yesterday too.______________________________

2. Im in class today, but I wasnt in class yesterday.______________________________
3. My friends are at school today and _______________________________________________
4. My father is at work today, but __________________________________________________
5. Mom is in his office today and __________________________________________________
6. Were in class this morning, but _________________________________________________
7. Its hot this week, but _________________________________________________________
8. Im busy today and ___________________________________________________________
9. Robert is sick today and _______________________________________________________
10. Valerie and Mary are friends this year, but _________________________________________
11. John is in 4th this year, but _____________________________________________________
12. Tom and Henry are in Miami this month and _______________________________________

Quiz 1A: Using BE Past Time

Contributed by Keith Pluas, Colegio La Quinta del Puente

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