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"Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy

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Morgul Post subject: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:30 pm


This is a letter Cory Skyy recently sent us, to the people in his mailing list:
Cory Skyy wrote:

Hey man,

Many guys come to me wanting to be great with women thinking that it will bring them happiness. I have bad news... the truth is that having a ton of women in your life will not make you happy and I am living proof of that. I have spent the last 16 years of my life full of women, traveling, ending up in some of the most erotic
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passionate situations with some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have lived a life that most guys would only dream of or fantasize about. By the age of 18 I had been with 8 times the amount of women that your average guy will ever be with his entire life OK... so what does this mean? absolutely nothing, it didn't make me happy nor does it make me a better man than you or anyone else, all it says is I have a ton of experience with women and I know better than anyone else how much of a pain in the A** women can be. It is the entire lifestyle that I have lived that brought me happiness. All of the guys I have worked with were extremely surprised and grateful how much it impacted every aspect of their lives out side of just having more women in there lives. I asked one of my guys I have worked with how my teaching has impacted his life and this is what he had to say.

From Inferiority complex to genuine, real confidence. From constant anxiety inside of me to a being comfortable in every situation. From being being uncomfortable in comfortable situations to being comfortable in uncomfortable situations. situations.

From being fake to being the real me. From anger towards myself to loving myself. From not wanting to get up in the morning to cannot wait to get up and live life. From people asking me why I never smile to people asking me what am I smiling about. From being dead to everyone else to people noticing me and acknowledging me everywhere I go. From being the guy who used to stand at the end of the dance floor in clubs to the guy who dances with girls. From being the shy, introverted guy to a fun loving guy who speaks his mind. From constantly doubting myself to complete belief in myself. From constantly comparing and wanting to be someone else to love being myself and being completely comfortable with it. At work, I am now thought of as the guy who speaks his mind and as a leadership material in my reviews. I am able to work better with people, relaxed and get respect from my co-workers. I work much less harder than I used to and am getting more recognition. With my friends, I have drifted apart a great deal. But, when I see them occasionally, they do not behave towards me as before. Now, there is a grudging respect. When I go out, I get respect from men, the head nod or a Hey Man from cool guys. When I go out, women come up to me and compliment me and talk to me. I have fun conversations with women, talking about ridiculous things and about sex with a woman I have met hardly an hour before. Financially, I learn how to improve my personal finance, and last year, investing for the first time, was successful. I love the feeling of seeing the money multiply. Socially, I am fun, myself, and comfortable talking to anyone. I was kind of on complete auto pilot before this. Now, I am living. With my own goals, my life and working to get what I want, putting myself first, knowing my happiness means everything to me and allowing the

things I want to come into my life.

If you look at this list you will find that there is really not much talk about women and that is because women is only a bi product of what I teach. Re direct your focus: Yes, put the intention out there that you deserve to have choice with the women you desire but instead of putting so much pressure on being great with women focus your energy on changing the way you think and the way you live and women will come. I have a special event coming up that you do not want to miss out on, I will be announcing it in tomorrows newsletter so make sure you check it out. Best, Cory

_________________ Let the angel that you are embrace with love and tame the demon that you are, and let the demon that you are kick your angel's ass, so he awakens.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:42 pm

It's very good letter, thanks for sharing.

Site Admin

However I don't think most guys will beleive it until they get this area handled the way they want. You don't need to be a playboy to realize that, but for some guys who never had success with women at all, will not relate to this until they see it for themselves. Is it male ego? Yes, but trying to pretend you don't have one is just lying to yourself. _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig
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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:50 pm

Shay wrote:

It's very good letter, thanks for sharing.

A pleasure, dude. All that comes from heart feels like that
Shay wrote:

However I don't think most guys will beleive it until they get this area handled the way they want. You don't need to be a playboy to realize that, but for some guys who never had success with women at all, will not
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relate to this until they see it for themselves. Is it male ego? Yes, but trying to pretend you don't have one is just lying to yourself.

Yep, it's like me thinking I don't want a woman, when I still do was using that fabulous dateinasia site _________________

And realizing after observing my actions, as I

Let the angel that you are embrace with love and tame the demon that you are, and let the demon that you are kick your angel's ass, so he awakens.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:26 am

Cory wrote:
Site Admin

I have bad news... the truth is that having a ton of women in your life will not make you happy and I am living proof of that.

Cory wrote:

I have spent the last 16 years of my life full of women, traveling, ending up in some of the most erotic passionate situations with some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have lived a life that most
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guys would only dream of or fantasize about. By the age of 18 I had been with 8 times the amount of women that your average guy will ever be with his entire life OK... so what does this mean? absolutely nothing, it didn't make me happy nor does it make me a better man than you or anyone else, all it says is I have a ton of experience with women and I know better than anyone else how much of a pain in the A** women can be.

So True _________________ In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:36 am

Cory wrote:
Site Admin

I have bad news... the truth is that having a ton of women in your life will not make you happy and I am living proof of that.I have spent the last 16 years of my life full of women, traveling, ending up in some of the most erotic passionate situations with some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have lived a life that most guys would only dream of or fantasize about. By the age of 18 I had been with 8 times the amount of women that your average guy will ever be with his entire life

If it's so true then why did it take him 16 years and so many women to figure that out? it's easy to say that once you already got the kind of success you want....
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Sorry I'm not convinced. _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:10 am

Shay wrote:
Site Admin

If it's so true then why did it take him 16 years and so many women to figure that out? it's easy to say that once you already got the kind of success you want....

I would imagine (I do not know) that he was still caught up in thinking that at some point he would reach a point where it would make him happy. In the end he realised that it does not.
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It does not take getting the 'success' or vast numbers of women to realise that, it takes seeing the moon and not the finger. In a sense, the fact it took him 16 years and all those women shows that he failed to learn that lesson as quickly as he could have. That shows that his mindset was still caught up in the trap of society (women = happiness) For some people it takes more, for some less, people learn at different rates. People have different upbringings and beliefs, things that require releasing. [Edit]PS. Because of the industry he was in also and his label as a 'PUA', he was very attached to success and results.. This may have helped keep him in the trap. Self perpetuating circle. _________________

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:41 am

peregrinus wrote:
Site Admin

I would imagine (I do not know) that he was still caught up in thinking that at some point he would reach a point where it would make him happy. In the end he realised that it does not. It does not take getting the 'success' or vast numbers of women to realise that, it takes seeing the moon and not the finger. In a sense, the fact it took him 16 years and all those women shows that he failed to learn that lesson as quickly as he could have. That shows that his mindset was still caught up in the trap of
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society (women = happiness) For some people it takes more, for some less, people learn at different rates. People have different upbringings and beliefs, things that require releasing.

[Edit]PS. Because of the industry he was in also and his label as a 'PUA', he was very attached to success and results.. This may have helped keep him in the trap. Self perpetuating circle.

Ok I can relate to what you are saying peregrinus, like I said earlier, I don't think someone needs to be a playboy to realize that. However (and sorry if I sound like a broken record again some success before you can give up wanting women... It's not like Marcus said: do natural grounding and forget about women, That's ridiculous. I'm not saying we should chase women but saying we don't want them is dumb. And if anyone tells me that It's my ego- you are right. But you all have egos and if you pretend you don't have one then you are lying to yourselves. _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig ), you got to have


Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 11:53 am

Shay wrote:

Ok I can relate to what you are saying peregrinus, like I said earlier, I don't think someone needs to be a playboy to realize that. However (and sorry if I sound like a broken record again some success before you can give up wanting women... It's not like Marcus said: do natural grounding and forget about women, That's ridiculous. I'm not saying we should chase women but saying we don't want them is dumb. And if anyone tells me that It's my ego- you are right. But you all have egos and if you pretend you don't
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), you got to have

have one then you are lying to yourselves.

I think its helpful to have already had some success so you can realise that the last times it wasn't a big deal (getting happy of it) and so it won't be the next thousand times. But in my opinion, its not necessary to have had success with women first to be able to realise that women don't make you happy and to get to the point of indifference. A 30 year old virgin and a desperate playboy have the same path to go to reach indifference: Letting go of their wants for approval (most of the time), control and security. And besides that, they both have to accept themselves completely. So, the 30 year old virging also just has to let go of his want for approval. He just hasn't had sex so far but nevertheless he is fully able to let go of the want to get laid (in oder to get approval by women, himselfs or other people) aswell.

And again the ice cream analogy: We like ice cream, often we think it would be great to have ice cream at the moment but we don't need ice cream (to be happy). _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:13 pm

??? You're taking wrong conclusions about what Cory said... I recommend that you re-read it, but anyway:
Shay wrote:

If it's so true then why did it take him 16 years and so many women to figure that out?

He didn't said it took him 16 years to figure anything out, he also didn't said he just figured anything out. He's also
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not saying that he's been unhappy, neither that he just found happiness. He points where he found happiness, and it wasn't in women, but in his lifestyle... The lifestyle he's been living for 16 years now. So it's not taken him 16 years to figure that out.

He's very indifferent to the outcome too, but he's not mentioned that in this post. One of the main reasons why I shared this, is what I mark here:
Cory Skyy wrote:

OK... so what does this mean? absolutely nothing, it didn't make me happy nor does it make me a better man than you or anyone else(...)

That guys, isn't possible with a strong ego. _________________ Let the angel that you are embrace with love and tame the demon that you are, and let the demon that you are kick your angel's ass, so he awakens.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:20 pm

Cory Skyy wrote:

Site Admin

OK... so what does this mean? absolutely nothing, it didn't make me happy nor does it make me a better man than you or anyone else(...)

That guys, isn't possible with a strong ego.[/quote] Yea you are right man. I never thought that someone else is better then me because he is better with women. But thanks for pointing this out, it does show something good about his character... _________________
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"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:44 am

Well, I think is better to "suffer" the same as Cory Skyy (having many women) than not having any, and then realize you don't need them to be happy. It's good that he didn't write: "Oh, poor me! I have to suffer all those beautiful's women company!" "I'm cursed"



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:25 pm

El-Chameleon wrote:
Site Admin

Well, I think is better to "suffer" the same as Cory Skyy (having many women) than not having any, and then realize you don't need them to be happy. It's good that he didn't write: "Oh, poor me! I have to suffer all those beautiful's women company!" "I'm cursed"

It's the same with Brent:

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he had loads of women and success and then one day he 'decided' it's not what he wants. But up till now he still didn't settle with any woman. Both him and Zan are in their 50's or late 40's and are still trying to be with many women. Think about it, if it's not a goal then why not settle and have a family? that would make them much happier I think..... _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:07 pm

Hey guys, I'm new here to the forum but I've been talking to Shay for a while now and he mentioned talking about MM because that's what I do. Then I saw this post and had to comment right away. So here's my feedback on MM. Let me first start off, I was reading another thread earlier today that mentioned Cory Skyy was successful because he was (a) born with natural qualities and (b) is extroverted. Let me say... We are all born with natural qualities but we loose them over time. MM and Natural Grounding do the same thing, they take you back to that natural state and eliminate the ego. Cory Skyy is not extroverted. In fact, he lets it known that he is not the most extroverted person. The reason people think he is is because of the way he presents himself and his energy. I started MM about 6 months ago now (December). Before I started MM I was probably the shyest guy you'd ever meet. Usually I couldn't reply to anything anyone would say, I would be that guy just giggling and agreeing with everyone. I had horrible self-esteem, I mean I weighed 240 lbs back in 2008 and had the worst tremors/twitching a person could have. I didn't know why I had it (I still do at times) but I would just shake uncontrollably in every situation, especially around women! I could hardly look a person in the eyes, I could hardly keep a conversation. With women, I was just a nice/polite guy but I would get so tense and nervous around them. I remember right before I started this a really cute girl started talking to me one day and I stared at the ground during the entire conversation. You guys are forgetting the number 1 thing Cory Skyy teaches, Eye Seduction! MM doesn't necessarily mean women literally come to you and say hey let's go fuck! Some may... HAHA But the majority won't do that. MM is about making yourself into the best man you can be. That is living a life without women as a number 1 priority. Living for yourself if you will! It's about having rock star presence everywhere you go that magnetically attracts people to

you because you are high quality man (this includes women). Eye seduction is a non-verbal way of connection emotionally with a woman without any verbal communication. It's under the radar. It works the same as flirting does, but I think it's a more powerful form of flirting. I still have my neediness towards women but I can tell you it's not to the extent it was months ago and it definitely isn't to the extent that I had a few weeks ago. I went down many different paths on MM, I thought I was doing the program right all along, telling myself I was an alpha male made me feel more like a PUA. Just recently I started using affirmations telling myself I am the Prize and I let women come to me and the results are amazing. Whatever you tell your subconscious mind, whatever it believes will become your reality in given time. I'm not an extroverted guy, I'm introverted I keep to myself. But! I'm not like that because I am shy or unsocial. I'm like that because I like to do my own thing and I have nobody to impress. I could care less what anyone thinks of me now, woman or man. I'm more of a quiet confident guy, think James Bond. When I'm around women I will talk to them but a lot of it is small talk, because I don't have to have an hour long conversation to get them interested in me anymore. Haven't you guys read that the key to getting women is 93% non-verbal? That is body-language and eye contact. The two main things MM teaches you. The added benefit, it turns you into a magnetically attractive guy because of that energy and presence that you have. Let me share some of my success: When I first started this process it was around my 21st birthday. We went out to dinner and a club with a bunch of friends. My sister brought her hot ass friend (a 10 in my book) who wasn't talkative to me whatsoever the only other time I saw her. She ignored my existence. When arriving to their house to pick them up in the limo we had, her friend smiles at me and gives me this huge hug. In my mind, I told myself ahh she wants me I get into the

limo (she's with a guy BTW). And she's starring at me. This is when I initiate eye seduction, so I gaze back into her eyes for about a minute and she giggles looking down. This happened over the entire night about 4-5 more times.

By the end of the night, she followed me up to the bar, grabbed my waist, started touching me, but it didn't go too far because she was with her guy. I went off track for a while after that like I said. But there was a party I went to. 2 girls there I knew liked me, the others I just met. When I walked into the party I projected that energy and a girl immediately says YOU! What's your name??? So I replied and got her name. She starts playing eye game with me and smiling at me. The other girls are shy but they start opening up to me. One of these shy girls also starts playing eye game with me but she holds it for a very long time. I know she wants me at this point and I barely said a word to her. I sit on the couch, one of the girls that likes me comes up and sits next to me (we barely talked btw) and starts touching my thigh. Girl 2 comes up (the one smiling at me) and sits on the other side of me and starts touching my other thigh. Another girl comes and sits around us just to be involved. I ended up writing my number down her arm she texted me 2 seconds later. This was around the time I started going off track and instead of being magnetic I became a typical PUA but now I'm on the right track. Last week I went to a party. Now that I'm building up this "I am the prize" mindset women are responding to me that way. I walk into the party and immediately the hottest girl there says "YOU! What's your name???". I get her name and then her friend is like HEY! I'm Hannah! I walk out on the back patio to smoke a cigarette and 3 other girls are out there curious as to who I am. This was a night where I was feeling extremely uncomfortable and nervous due to the new beliefs my subconscious was accepting but I still got attention from all the girls. I left for a little bit with a friend to get some drinks, come back and I hear a girl on the balcony yelling YAY! He came back! (I never talked to her around my waist, etc. About a month ago I went to another party. I introduced myself to this girl who wouldn't look me in the eyes. She was cute, turned out to be a total bitch though. Anyways, she was shy around me. I didn't talk to her but I started ). I walk out on the back patio, she's all over me, puts her arm and

noticing her starring at me. So I stared back. She would hold it for a while and then look away. She kept doing it. Eventually towards the end of the night we started position ourselves near one another. I went outside for a smoke and the only time she ever went outside was when I was out there. And then she makes an excuse ahh I gotta get out of here. I initiate conversation with her but she's really shy and can barely talk to me but everyone else she's fine talking to. I know inside, she really wants me to grab her and fuck her. Anyways, I was uncomfortable that night too so I didn't do anything with her but I left and the next morning she requests me as a friend on Facebook. Now when I'm walking down the streets, doesn't matter where I go, people stare at me. Sometimes it's weird because guys will stare into my eyes but hey I just ignore it. I've lost most of my ego, it only really comes up when I'm beginning to take on new beliefs (changing my affirmations) but I'm trying to stay away from doing that. Women stare into my eyes like crazy. Sometimes it's overwhelming like the other day I was kind of uncomfortable but I walked into Target and 6 women are standing there staring at me as I enter. I ignore them (not my types) and a hot girl does it to me, her mother as well. I've done it to girls who are considered 10's. Last weekend I went to a restaurant for mother's day. A 10 was sitting behind me at the bar (we were back-to-back). She walks into the lounge area with her friend. Looks over at me, I look back into her eyes, she looks away. Next thing you know she's back at the bar behind me looking over her shoulder at me. I've also done this with girls at Hooter's. When I walk into there I usually get at least 1 waitress's attention through the eyes alone. And if they are my waitress there is no doubt in my mind they won't place their hands on me by the end of the night. Guys this type of stuff happens to me everywhere I go thanks to MM. It's not like girls will run up to me and start talking. It has happened though recently in classes I've been in. The majority of the time, women indirectly approach me. Even gorgeous 10's! We make eye contact and they position themselves near me, I will do the same, conversation is initiated, etc. Cory Skyy doesn't approach women. This is his technique. I usually go out and the hottest girl will start making eye contact with me at some point. I have heard stories from friends on MM who have gone into clubs and had random women make out with them, grab them and take them into bathrooms, force

them to come home with them, etc. All of that is because these guys believe they are the prize to women, not the other way around. And all of these guys were in the same position I was in before starting MM. Oh and back to the thing about being introverted. I was never extroverted in any of the above situations. Actually, like I mentioned during most of these encounters I was having horrible discomfort and nervousness because I was transitioning between affirmations. Like I said, it's 93% non-verbal. I said nothing and things started happening just because I showed interest through my eyes alone. However, MM will bring out my extroverted personality because I am comfortable with who I am, etc. Although, I'm not always the most talkative person, I open up to anyone and same in return.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:58 pm


Hey Ryan Welcome to the forum. I ocassionally read the Cory Skyy forums and was impressed at your transformation. There are still people who say affirmations are a waste of time. I would respond by showing them pictures of your transformation. It is almost as if it is a different person. It would be cool if you could give your experiences of affirmations, if you are ever likely to change them. How did you know the alpha man affirmation was giving a certain type of response?

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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:23 pm

Looks like you're having some trouble adjusting to female attention but at least you're getting started, so congrats. _________________ "if you never give her all of you then you're always going to be that bigger better thing."- Star_Above "The only winning move is not to play."-Morpheus
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:14 am Posts: 1639



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:08 am

When I first started the process I was using the affirmations the program came with. During which I was getting looks from women, even really attractive women, not to the extent I get now though. And then for whatever reason, I think due to natural grounding I decided to use an affirmation "I am a dominant alpha male". Once I internalized this belief I was getting attention only from guys. Guys loved me. Women, on the other hand, were really submission to me but would never look me in the eyes. When I'd go out, it was rare to be noticed by a woman. At that point I realized what I was doing was telling my subconscious (being a dominant alpha male) that I was a purser and I could pursue any woman that I wanted. And that was creating a needy mindset. The thing about affirmations is that you really have to put a lot of visualization into them. You will have a high when first beginning them and then you'll go through a few weeks of negativity followed by the internalization where the affirmation is in your subconscious. Most people quit or give up once they experience those periods of negativity, I've gone through mini periods of depression because of it. You guys want pictures, here ya go: A few months before beginning Magnetic Mindset (Oct. 2009?): Just for laughs... Nov 2008: Few weeks ago:

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:51 am


wow the pictures say it all LOL. Cool dude. So what are the affirmations that did work best for you, seeing as that one wasn't?? and you attribute all of your success to MM and not grounding?

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:20 am


Yeah I can definitely see the difference. So at first you didn't believe them though right? so was it a matter of finding the most believable one and sticking with that?. Right now I'm reaffirming to myself to believe in my own strength and that I value my life, because it's true but I've lived most of my life believing the exact opposite. From what you're saying it's just a matter of repetition, one day at a time type of thing. _________________ "if you never give her all of you then you're always going to be that bigger better thing."- Star_Above "The only winning move is not to play."-Morpheus

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:14 am Posts: 1639



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:33 am

I would love to know also how you guys go about using affirmations. I mean, Cory in MM seems to say the affirmations in a somewhat withdrawn way in terms of his vocal projection and overt passion. I would think it
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would be a benefit to use strong emphasis when speaking them and also using your body too (whilst keeping eye contact with yourself). Im sure I remember A.Robbins saying that when he uses this, what he calls 'incantations', the power also comes from when you use your body with certain gestures and accentuate certain words in the phrase, and then change the words you accentuate to keep it from turning too repititious. He says when you use your body powerfully at the same time you're saying them the body sends a message to your brain as if you say 'this is REAL!!'. It then becomes an ACTIVE part of your neurology/nervous system. Id be interested to hear your experiences! Rick


Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:19 am

Thank you Ryan for your story. I like it a lot One question: If you went to a party or a club and no woman would notice you, how would you react? I just would like to know if it would bother you or if it would make no difference at all, if you get the attention of women or not. _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist

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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:14 pm

@Vegano - Good question! It wouldn't bother me anymore. I now see myself as a prize so women aren't really as important to me now because they need me, not the other way around. But... That doesn't really happen anymore man. I spent months telling myself I was sexy and was never noticed by anyone. For the past month, I've been getting looks/long stares everywhere I go. Typically, MOST women that I pass in a public place, will notice my presence, either a glance or a stare. The only ones that don't pay attention are usually the ugly ones or really old ones Speaking of which. I went to my sister's house yesterday to pick up her dog. As I'm

pulling into the driveway I see two extremely hot girls walking their dogs in short-shorts and tank-tops. I go inside, get the dog, walk outside, and to my surprise both of them are starring into my eyes and won't look away. They were atleast 40 feet away. These are the affirmations I've been using for the past 3 weeks: 1) I love women

2) Women love me 3) I dont care what people think of me 4) Women want to fuck me everywhere I go 5) I deserve to have beautiful women in my life 6) I am fearless 7) I am the prize I let women come to me 8) I am a really cool guy 9) I am very comfortable with my sexuality 10) I am relaxed and comfortable in every situation 11) Women come into my life easily and freely I thought the belief, "I am the prize" already internalized but it seems like it did last night. Having dreams about women chasing you is great! Haha Anyways, all except number 7 and 11 I've been using for the past 2

months. Telling yourself "I am a really cool guy" has had an amazing effect on me. Now people love me. I get invited to parties every week, sometimes by people I hardly even know. And when I get there, people seem intimidated by my presence but as soon as I leave everyone is like aww man you're leaving? High-five, etc. etc. It was great to meet you man! and I never even talked to them once. When doing the affirmations you should use your senses. What I mean by this is really visualize yourself in that situation. It can be hard but the more real it seems the better it's going to hit the subconscious. So if you tell yourself "Women want to fuck me everywhere I go" I will visualize myself walking into a place and women coming out of nowhere touching me, grabbing me, kissing me, eyeing me up and down, etc. I will try to feel their touch and imagine myself seeing them directly in front of me. I used natural grounding for about 2 months in the beginning of the process. It did help me out a lot. I stopped

because I was spending a lot of time doing MM and NG and decided I didn't need to do so much work everyday. What I noticed is that I am practically back to the state where I was when doing NG and affirmations together, on my affirmations alone. So in the end, they both seem to get to you to the same place.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:20 pm


Thank you Ryan for taking the time to post some of your story and views/insights on this subject.
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They make interesting reading and give forum members an insight into other methods/techniques.

Welcome to the forum BTW _________________ In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is
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no more to add,but no more to take away.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:31 am

I got Cory Skyy's magnetic mindset cd last summer and I applied what it was talking about. It took a little while, but I did end up meeting two amazing girls who didn't want relationships, but just wanted to enjoy the time that we had together for the sake of enjoying it and not ruining it by putting any kind of future expectations on what we had. For the record, no I wasn't with both of these girls at the same time,lol, not that I really have a problem with that sort of thing as long as you are honest about it. I used to listen to the affirmations that he has at the end of the 3rd cd to really internalize the mindset the best I could and it worked really well. I have just recently begun doing that again because I remembered how well it worked. _________________ The facebook page for modern libertines now with accessibility!
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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:46 pm

It really does work and the thing about MM and NG is that you can do the two together if you wished, they both go hand-in-hand. With MM you do about an hour of affirmations daily (Written, Mirror, and Visualization). With NG you're basically using visualization to reprogram your subconscious as opposed to written affirmations. However, you can target specific areas/internalize certain beliefs that you want to improve on using affirmations. The power of the subconscious is incredible and if you don't believe me... Since internalizing this belief as of Monday, Women come to me, not the other way around, women are unexpectedly posting on my Facebook, sending me messages, etc. and I have never spoken a word to these women before. Some of them are the hot

girls from high school that I never talked to we were just friends on Facebook. Some of these women are on dating websites. I've never gotten attention on dating websites! Let alone from pretty attractive girls. It's weird how all that changed by believing something new, nothing else changed... I did not change my pictures, I did not come up with some strange and secretive way to get them to start talking to me. All along I was believing that I don't get so much attention because I'm intimidating them, I'm acting like a cocky asshole who is better than them, and they should be afraid to talk to me. But now I feel like they should be coming and talking to me because I am the best love(r) they will ever get. So maybe they have been wanting to talk to me? Thought I was cute or whatever, I've been told that by so many women. Yet they never talked to me. So now all of a sudden they are getting that spark that says go talk to him you won't regret it! So I go out last night, my

confidence is shot, nerves are kicking in to the extreme and the hot waitresses in bikinis decide they all want to tease me and look at me! My beliefs and reality are beginning to line up

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:04 pm


awesome man. after reading your shit I started MM yesterday.. it's very similar to jakes thing too but I like it because it's a set system (though I mess around with it etc.) I think grounding got me to a certain place but there were still key beliefs holding me back which i can target now with MM. after a few months of MM if those beliefs are doing well I might ground again and see what happens. I think grounding is limited for some people due to certain beliefs they hold too strongly, but

grounding HAS helped me immensely. Now we'll just have to see what happens So what affirmation did you do that made women start approaching you rather than be too nervous? I want to be approachable... have people talk to me, etc. My girlfriend and her dad are both like that, they have a quality that makes people inclined to start conversations with them. "I am open and approachable so people feel inclined to talk to me" ? I just want to make sure i'm not doing a limiting affirmation for months...

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:42 pm


Obviously telling yourself women come to you is a good one. You want to be the prize, you don't want to have need for getting women. You want to go into a place like your a rockstar and have women magnetically attracted to you. The reason why they would be is because you're high quality. This means you are confident, present yourself well, bad ass, nonconformist, you live for yourself and do your own thing. Check out scenes from the movie Pale Rider (I believe you can find this in Shay's YouTube channel). Clint's alpha male presence is amazing when he enters a room. I got a taste of that today when I walked into a local Philly Connection. Walked right into the place feeling like a rock star, suddenly everyone turns quiet and all are looking at me, including the cute girls. When you go out with a needy mindset or even a mission "I'm going to approach a girl tonight",

you probably won't get the attention you are wanting. "Women Love Me". Imagine women flocking to you and falling in love with you on sight. "Women approach me everywhere I go" "Women come into my life easily and freely" "People love me" "I am a really cool guy" -> I've had success with that around guys "I am easily approachable" "I let women come to me" "I am the prize" You're affirmation is great as well. These should be good for building charisma. There are also subliminal audios out there. I've used one, it's called Aura of Sexiness. You can find it at I think I owe that to most of my success getting looks and feeling sexy. Even when I'm in a shit mood they still don't stop looking. There are also subliminals out there for building charisma. The nice thing, they are just the same as affirmation except no conscious interference and I use them while I sleep The problem I have at the moment, I have great charisma, however, most people who talk to me are intimidated. This is because of my confidence and my presence. People I meet everywhere I go seem to want into my life but when we talk conversation usually dies quickly because they are typically really quiet and nervous around me. I always try to get people to talk to me because I'm a natural listener and like to direct conversation around what other people say, but sometimes it's hard when people see you as such a high value guy and can't say anything. I'm not the type of guy who likes to give a lot of details about my personal life nor do I like to brag. My dad even seems intimidated by me at times and that's completely unimaginable from a guy

who is very dominate and always had to put me in my place if I did something wrong. My friend has what you are talking about though. He's a natural, he is a magnetic and has great charisma. The difference between him and I is that he seems much more shy/less confident that I am but he is skilled at flirting. I don't know it's weird I saw an old friend from high school a few weeks ago. I always thought he was a really cool guy. He was extremely extroverted, had lots of friends/popular, he was the guy I met on my first day of high school hanging out with 3 girls and invited me over. I was fucking quiet and could barely say a word to any of them. I saw him in the mall after 4 years and he goes What's up man!? And then barely said 1 word to me, he just stood there like I always did when I was nervous around people, giggling a lot, barely saying anything. I may not get lots of people coming up to me and talking their heads off but I am respected and treated well by all. I'm sure Cory Skyy intimidates a lot of people including the women he fucks. But he's probably also skilled at making people feel more comfortable, which we all would over time. He says that most women will indirectly approach you (find some way to be near you so you will acknowledge them). Like I mentioned in some of my previous stories. Women didn't just come up to me and say Hey! How are you! Blah blah blah. They gave me eye contact, we moved closer to one another, when conversation came into play she was nervous and could barely talk. I'm still working on this though and it seems "Women love me" helps out. Now that my confidence is building back up I'll see how things go

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:04 pm

Dr. Awesome

Well, Ryan, the most logical answer to your issue seems another affirmation since you know how to really apply affirmations so that they work.

Women/people want to get to know me when they notice me. Altough you surely would find better ones. I also think that you will find easy answers when you really get used to your reality. Such a change in a few months stays in contrast to many years of the opposite so you have to get used to your new reality I guess. _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist
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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:46 pm

True, I haven't been really consistent with my affirmations until recently so I haven't really been able to enjoy this new reality. I think that is the problem is that I'm currently working on building, rebuilding, re-tweaking my mindset I haven't become comfortable with it yet and I'm sure that is a reason why. But I told myself I would stay consistent with these affirmations all summer so I'm not going to change them.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:38 pm


yeah dude, i understand the mindset and after a few days of the affirmations I've had tastes already - this will work wonders.

but here's another question since you've had such success I feel like im great at getting emotional/realsistic with the affirmations, but I don't know what to do when I go about my day. If you have a negative thought as you're going about your day (in whatever situation) do you reinforce the positive version of the affirmations? (i.e. if you have the thought "I'm not cool" do you try to fight it and say "I AM COOL"). This to me seems like a fight which would not be very relaxed, but Cory Skyy kind of suggests doing this. Or just feel it in your body and let it leave? etc. How do you bring your affirmation practice into "walking" life I suppose is the question

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:10 am


Here's the thing djl... When you do affirmations, when you first start out they are going to be through your conscious head (thinking about them all the time). Negative shit is going to pop-up for about a month or more. Yes it's important to counter the belief and say no I really am a sexy motherfucker. Just keep believing it until it becomes a permanent belief. There is going to be a period when the affirmation begins to internalize in your subconscious.

Usually can take up to 2-4 weeks for this to happen, depending on how many affirmations you have. At that point you're going to experience a lot of negativity as the subconscious tries to fight back. What happens is the subconscious, at this point, will ignore your affirmations and begin spitting out all your past beliefs. You'll want to give up, you'll want to change all your affirmations, you'll say this is all bullshit, but the key is to remain strong and fight through it and stay consistent! After about a week of that, you will begin to feel it fade away and the affirmation will internalize. From that point on it's all about making the belief stronger in your subconscious and removing all the negativity. When it internalizes you won't be thinking about it anymore. You're body will change, you're walk, voice, thinking, etc. will follow that belief. You will be able to focus on the moment more because you won't be thinking about how to act sexy/be sexy/ etc you will already believe it. It's hard to explain but you'll get there soon enough. Once again, stay strong. When you first do the affirmations you have a high with a lot of result, that's because it's fresh in your mind and you're excited about that. It's going to die down soon and you'll go through that negativity, then the high will come back once you're through that bullshit. Typically I know they are internalizing because I'll have a dream countering my affirmation based on past beliefs like no way women don't approach me, I'm a fucking loser! Then after about 5-7 days I'll have a dream where women start approaching me like crazy. That's when I know it's internalized. You only get stronger at that point Best of luck man!

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 2:00 am


The best way is to do meditation because that is when your the most relaxed and your brain is in alpha state and your subconscious will pick it up faster but it all comes down to believing it . I have been doing it and I have seen results as far as getting more attention from women I have had women who were driving by in cars keep staring at me long stares too I couldn't tell if they were interested but then again if they wasn't they wouldn't have paid me no mind. Women just paying me more attention than I could remember I don't like to talk much about this because it isn't the kind of success that I want yet but it is getting there just don't have any attachment or expect it which I did a couple of times which is why I haven't had any attention lately but actually I got another stare today before I got home that I wasn't expecting because I had other
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things I had on my mind and plus I was tired but she also gave me a long stare that made my day. Anyway check this link out it will explain the rest: _________________ ~There Is No Truth Only Discovery ~ Resonance Look Within Or Do Without Tom Bay Nothing Is Permanent We Have To Flow With Change



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:08 pm

"I have had women who were driving by in cars keep staring at me long stares too I couldn't tell if they were interested but then again if they wasn't they wouldn't have paid me no mind" You know it's on when you get this! I have this on a daily basis now. I also love when I'm driving down the street and a car is waiting on a side road to pull out. Usually they are looking the opposite direction but every time I get near they turn and look at me. This happens with everyone, not just women, it's almost a 9/10 thing. I'll also just be sitting at a red light and notice people in cars on the road perpendicular also waiting and staring at me. I don't much like when guys in public stare at me and when I look at them they don't look away, they just keep starring, but hey whatever. When you have that energy and presence, people subconscious pick up on you and can't help but stare. Their minds automatically make them do it and they don't even know why. I've also experienced doing this with other guys. I'll see them and just can't help but keep my eyes looking at them. I look away but I always end up looking back. It's because they have something that makes me go, whaa! Who the fuck is this guy?!

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:43 pm


Hey Ryan.
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I'm really enjoying the success stories. Thanks for sharing.

Posts: 36

I just wanted to say something about "Aura of Sexiness" from As well as using "Aura of Sexiness" I'm also using "Absolute Self Confidence" (which is free). I've only just started using them but I feel awesome. The negativity in my mind had really shut down a lot. I feel quite calm, peaceful and really happy. I had it playing all day long today and it's virtually silent so you can be doing others things while listening.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:56 pm

@Seek - Yeah man they work great! Can't wait to hear your success with them. One thing I should mention, they work like the affirmations so there will be a period of negativity coming up (just so you know, I thought it wasn't working but it's normal) but it's silenced after a couple of days. I love it though because when it's really working you can feel it in the way you walk, talk, look at women, everything and it puts you in the moment because you're no longer self-conscious

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:26 pm


Thanks Ryan for letting me know about the period of negativity. That makes a lot of sense that your subconscious mind might resist sometimes before finally submitting to the new programming.
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When it happens I won't be so worried about it and I'll know to just keep on going. I might look into getting the Alpha Male Subliminal. Some guys seem to be getting a lot of success from it.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:20 pm

@Seek - Check this out, was just released: ... uct_id=208

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:22 am


@Ryan - yeah that looks awesome to. I'm thinking of maybe going with the alpha set first (then get manifest abundant beautiful women later).
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The reason being is that I want to feel a lot happier about myself and be a better leader. I think the alpha set could really help with my career also.

However, I'm getting really tempted by the Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women. Who knows. I'll finish the two programs I'm working on first then I'll probably be in a better position to decide. By the way I'm on their forum as ManOfElectricity.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:40 am

Oh yeah, you responded to my forum post earlier today! Did you also see their free subliminal for a confidence booster? It's under free downloads. Supposedly it works pretty good as well. I read a lot of good success stories on that alpha male set, there are journals in the forums.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:47 pm


Yeah. I'm using the free confidence booster since Monday. I've being feeling good every day. It's an awesome feeling. I can't wait to try the alpha male set. I've being reading Wildflower's journal, it's very similar to how
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Marcus was effected by Natural Grounding.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:09 pm

Seek, who is this Marcus guy I keep hearing about? Is he a seduction teacher as well? Website link? It's crazy reading his journal, man. I've gone through the same exact changes as him using MM and Aura. I'm not actively seeking to become an alpha male at all but it's making me into one and I go from periods where I go into work and want to mind myself, be by myself, do my own thing and then I transition into a new phase where I actively seek conversation and I start getting more respect, become more approachable, people try to impress me, etc. And I definitely understand where he goes from faking it and being overly aggressive to not giving a shit and being completely laid-back and calm about it. I did an affirmation once about making myself into an alpha male and went through the same exact shit! I guess it's still in my subconscious, I don't know? And the part about drilling eye contact with women, I'm just entering that phase as well. Damn, I feel like I've done MM over 3 times in the past 6 months haha. But this summer I am staying consistent! I'm psyching myself out about that Woman Magnetic subliminal. I really want to do it but I don't want to loose what I have achieved thus far and get onto another program. I think MM is working the same way this program would be. Maybe after I read a few success stories


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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 12:16 am

Marcus is a guy who learnt from both Rion and Brent and does a lot of natural grounding. He's not a seduction teacher but he had a lot of success with women. He wrote a lot of posts on both the RELM forum and the AHW
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forum. Yeah. I'm really excited when I read both your posts and Wildflowers. I've only being doing the Subliminals less then a week but there is already a big change in the way I feel. I just

feel so relaxed and chilled out. When I went out yesterday I already noticed a huge change in the way people react to me.


Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:48 am

Damned, I always forget that Marcus also was doing Brents stuff. His indifference makes much more sense this way. _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist

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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:40 am

Vegano wrote:
Site Admin

Damned, I always forget that Marcus also was doing Brents stuff. His indifference makes much more sense this way.

Yea Marcus did talk about Brent. Most of Brent's philosophy is about indifference. Karl was also getting great results when he used Brent's stuff (before he knew about natural grounding). Rion also said on realm (if you remember) that he did coaching with Brent and learned a lot from him...... _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig

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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:57 am

Lol, he was one Brents forum wasn't he? I used to be a member there. I'm thinking Rion's glowing testimonial from Marcus is yet another glowing testimonial for Brents material. Although, I used Brents stuff and NG last summer with some pretty outrageous results. So the two definitely go hand in hand.

_________________ The facebook page for modern libertines now with accessibility!

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Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:36 am

Yes, he was I still wonder why Brent isn't more famous than he is. His teaching and its success should be prove enough for everyone. And of course, its really about being and not about acting. And this is my assumption why he isn't that succesful as David DeAngelo, Mystery, Ross Jeffries and all the other pick up cretins: His teachings aren't about methods to pick up women or about what to say that women like you, negging and all the other BS. His teachings don't seem as applyable as pick up lines and require real work on yourself. Related to women, there are (as far as I know) three people who teach the real deal: Brent, Cory Skyy and Jake.

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_________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:43 pm

TheModernLibertine wrote:
Site Admin

Lol, he was one Brents forum wasn't he? I used to be a member there. I'm thinking Rion's glowing testimonial from Marcus is yet another glowing testimonial for Brents material. Although, I used Brents stuff and NG last summer with some pretty outrageous results. So the two definitely go hand in hand.

Yea I agree, I think Marcus got his indifference not so much from natural grounding but more from Brent's stuff. Natural grounding is great but on it's own will not make you reach indifference. Also, some of the stuff Marcus wrote I have heard from Zan and saw similar things on Zan's forum.
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Natural grounding combined with Brent and some of Zan's advise could work great.....

_________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:39 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:20 pm Posts: 36

Natural grounding combined with Brent and some of Zan's advise could work great.....

Yeah I agree with this. I'm think this could be the best way to go. This is why I'm interested in the Alpha Set because it seems to have indifference built into the program.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:05 pm

Guys, what exactly is Brent's method. I haven't read seen any ebooks or video seminars where he explains his methods. All I've heard are podcasts. I haven't been on his forum yet.

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Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:39 pm

Well, Brent actually is just the most "famous" guy who teaches it but its not actually "his" method. Altough he certainly has added some stuff to it (the major). What he teaches is basicaly, here comes the magic word: Indifference I'm sure some guys here can give some more details about Brents "own" stuff since I only know some of his podcasts.

What indifference is, has been shortly, catchy and extremely well put in words by Jake from : "I mean here's the thing, we all look at the outside world and think that we need this thing. Well if you look closer, you'll find, it's not the thing you want, but the emotion that you think you're going to have when you get the thing. So why not just skip the process and just feel the way you would feel if you already had it, then it really and truly doesn't matter. This is how you leave the realm of wanting, and step into having. In this place, you'll find that it doesn't matter whether you get it or not, that it's irrelevant. You'll also find, at least in my experience, that the thing you were wanting, now just seems to fall in your lap. But that's what's
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so tricky about it. It no longer matters and you really don't give a fuck if you get it or not, because you feel like you already have it anyways. Prove it to yourself." _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:49 pm

@Seek-I just purchased Woman Magnet subliminal and instead will focus on that to build the mindset and then apply Cory Skyy's teachings. I'm just starting today and I'm extremely excited to begin this process. If you want to follow my journal:

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:24 am


Thanks Ryan for posting. What I like about your posts is that they're very specific, and that has a lot of value.

"I have had women who were driving by in cars keep staring at me long stares too I couldn't tell if they were interested but then again if they wasn't they wouldn't have paid me no mind"

It's curious, that happened to me just once, but at that time (about 3 months ago) I was only doing NG.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:30 am



Ryan wrote

And the part about drilling eye contact with women, I'm just entering that phase as well.

What do you mean by that?

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:05 am


Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:20 pm Posts: 36

Yeah I'm going to be watching your thread. I'm really looking forward to seeing your progress. I'm at exactly one week with the self confidence and aura of sexiness subliminals and I'm feeling great but also starting to get some fun results to. It's going to be a touch decision deciding between the alpha set and the women magnet in three weeks time.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:31 pm

El-Chameleon-Feeling a strong urge to initiate sexual eye contact with a beautiful girl. Basically, forcing eye contact with a girl that says "I want you, let's go fuck! because you know you can have her and you know she wants you. I like to be as specific as I can. Especially in my journal about this new program. I just found out I'm the first one using it I'll also be the first one to document my experiences with it. So I hope I can show the

world what this subliminal is made of. I know it has way more potential than you would think. @Seek-Thanks man, hopefully our two journals can give you enough feedback in time so you can figure out which is best for you. Obviously, mine will only be 3 weeks into it but I plan to have some result by then. Hopefully.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:36 pm


ryan ive read your posts on cory skyys forum and there awesome you are gon exactly like me a few months ago as you found your subliminal cd like i did i made my own subliminal cd which i listen to and it changed my life
Joined: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:58 am Posts: 40

BUT one thing i mst say to you ryan that your doin wrong is your ignoring your emotions and feelings that come up as resistance to your affirmations dont do that, feel them deeply even miss days or weeks of doin affirmations if it takes that because otherwise your just stuffin the feelings right down again with your affirmations, those feelings are comin to the surface because they want to leave so let them leave by loving them if you start releasing your feelings instead of stuffin them you will become mch happier also and your desire to become sexy and get girls lol will start to dissolve then they would be all over you, also remember you born perfect you dont need affirmations to get girls you are born irresistabel just gota get rid of the mud



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:16 pm

peregrinus wrote:

[Edit]PS. Because of the industry he was in also and his label as a 'PUA', he was very attached to success and results.. This may have helped keep him in the trap. Self perpetuating circle.

Cory is very fringe community he openly distances himself from it and was never in it at all, some of his stuff is really good. Any of his in-field stuff is really natural, but the affirmations aren't so good. _________________
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:55 pm Posts: 2087 Location: Canada

"He doesn't care what her ego has to say because his indifference level is over 9000." The Kidd!!



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:17 am

Vegano wrote:
Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:16 am

Posts: 653

"I mean here's the thing, we all look at the outside world and think that we need this thing. Well if you look closer, you'll find, it's not the thing you want, but the emotion that you think you're going to have when you get the thing. So why not just skip the process and just feel the way you would feel if you already had it, then it really and truly doesn't matter. This is how you leave the realm of wanting, and step into having. In this place, you'll find that it doesn't matter whether you get it or not, that it's irrelevant. You'll also find, at least in my experience, that the thing you were wanting, now just seems to fall in your lap. But that's what's so tricky about it. It no longer matters and you really don't give a fuck if you get it or not, because you feel like you already have it anyways. Prove it to yourself."

so if a want 100 girls, it's not the girls but the feeling of happiness or the feeling of being a true man what i'm seeking, so instead of working on having these girls, i have to feel like a true man? did i understand it rigth


The Kidd!!

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:47 am

rant wrote:

Vegano wrote:

"I mean here's the thing, we all look at the outside world and think that we need this thing. Well if you look closer, you'll find, it's not the thing you want, but the emotion that you think you're going to have when you get the thing. So why not just skip the process and just feel the way you would feel if you already had it, then it really and truly doesn't matter. This is how you leave the realm of wanting, and step into having. In this place, you'll find that it doesn't matter whether you get it or
Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am Posts: 4311

not, that it's irrelevant. You'll also find, at least in my experience, that the thing you were wanting, now just seems to fall in your lap. But that's what's so tricky about it. It no longer matters and you really don't give a fuck if you get it or not, because you feel like you already have it anyways. Prove it to yourself."

so if a want 100 girls, it's not the girls but the feeling of happiness or the feeling of being a true man what i'm seeking, so instead of working on having these girls, i have to feel like a true man? did i understand it rigth

Bottom line: Improve yourself for YOU...because YOU deserve a better life and lifestyle. This will attract women to you like flies to shit by DEFAULT. Become borderline self absorbed...then you will see some

unbelievable shit. _________________ EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING.



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:54 am

It's more about using the Law of Attraction to bring you women and at the same time making yourself more attractive and put in alignment with what you want. It definitely works, it's not an overnight process but the reason why men who have an abundance of women coming to them (e.g. Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men) is because they are subconsciously attracting these things into their life. Same reason why rich people continue to build wealth. It works.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:18 am

The Kidd!!

Ryan wrote:

It's more about using the Law of Attraction to bring you women and at the same time making yourself

more attractive and put in alignment with what you want. It definitely works, it's not an overnight process but the reason why men who have an abundance of women coming to them (e.g. Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men) is because they are subconsciously attracting these things into their life. Same reason why rich people continue to build wealth. It works.

I keep telling you guys that TV fiction examples are no good.

Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am Posts: 4311

But, if you must look at it, the reason why Charlie gets chicks is because he is an immensely successful jingle writer who lives in a beach front house. He attracts women because he is extremely confident. Why? Because HE KNOWS he is an immensely successful jingle writer who lives in a beach front house. He knows who he is, what he is capable of and is comfortable in his own skin. And what kind of women does he usually attract? Needy ass women who aren't quite on his level, be it mentally, financially or both. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE EASY TO IMPRESS WITH EITHER HIS WIT OR HIS WEALTH.

Case closed. _________________

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING.


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Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:11 am

The Kidd!! wrote:

Site Admin

I keep telling you guys that TV fiction examples are no good. But, if you must look at it, the reason why Charlie gets chicks is because he is an immensely successful jingle writer who lives in a beach front house. He attracts women because he is extremely confident. Why? Because HE KNOWS he is an immensely successful jingle writer who lives in a beach front house.
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am Posts: 3233 Location: The unknown

He knows who he is, what he is capable of and is comfortable in his own skin. And what kind of women does he usually attract? Needy ass women who aren't quite on his level, be it mentally, financially or both. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE EASY TO IMPRESS WITH EITHER HIS WIT OR HIS WEALTH. Case closed.

I agree with The Kidd. Any rich guy who has a little bit of self confidence can attract Needy ass women because there are loads of Needy ass women over there who would fall for a guy-if he is rich (and rich guys are aware of it). _________________ "a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move" Sometimes it's a little better to travel than to arrive \ Robert M. Pirsig


Dr. Awesome

Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:09 am

The Kidd!! wrote:

rant wrote:

Vegano wrote:

"I mean here's the thing, we all look at the outside world and think that we need this thing. Well if you look closer, you'll find, it's not the thing you want, but the emotion that you think you're going to have when you get the thing. So why not just skip the process and just feel the way you
Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:17 am Posts: 319 Location: Switzerland

would feel if you already had it, then it really and truly doesn't matter. This is how you leave the realm of wanting, and step into having. In this place, you'll find that it doesn't matter whether

you get it or not, that it's irrelevant. You'll also find, at least in my experience, that the thing you were wanting, now just seems to fall in your lap. But that's what's so tricky about it. It no longer matters and you really don't give a fuck if you get it or not, because you feel like you already have it anyways. Prove it to yourself."

so if a want 100 girls, it's not the girls but the feeling of happiness or the feeling of being a true man what i'm seeking, so instead of working on having these girls, i have to feel like a true man? did i understand it rigth

Bottom line: Improve yourself for YOU...because YOU deserve a better life and lifestyle. This will attract women to you like flies to shit by DEFAULT. Become borderline self absorbed...then you will see some unbelievable shit.

Kidd explained in impressively catchy words I will try to explain myself too. If I want girls in my life, like having an abundance of women to hang out and have sex with, I don't want the women or the sex itself but the feelings I get when I have them. And with "wanting" it is meant that: when I don't have women in my life I think my life lacks of something -> "When I

finally have women in my life I will be happy." Having beliefs like that has the effect that we are not happy with ourselves. We think that we need something outside to make us happy. Its the same with money or other stuff "When I have that big house I will be happy." Our happiness then is dependent on external stuff. Now when you finally had women in your life, it wouldn't make you happy (or only for a very short time) since wanting leads to more wanting. If you finally had women you would start to regard something else as the source of happiness like money or fame or whatever. Wanting is just a big illusion that WE created. Ergo: Happiness comes from within. True happiness means being independent from outside influences, being happy is being happy with just oneself. When you are happy with yourself you still can and do desire things but having it or not doesn't affect your happiness. Jake mentioned the ice-cream analogy: Having women is like ice-cream. Eating ice-cream is a nice thing and sometimes we feel like desiring ice cream but if we don't get ice-cream its no big deal. It doesn't effect our happiness when we don't get it. Its the same with women. Having women is cool but we don't need it to be happy. And as Kidd said, there's nothing more attractive for women than a man who loves himself and enjoys his life and is happy with himself. Everyone wants to be like that. Everyone wants to be happy. What is more attractive than someone who is like that? Now I come back to the feelings-thing. As I wrote, we don't want the thing itself but the feelings when we finally have it. The good thing is that we are able to give us these feelings ourselves. Just imagine as completely as possible to have an abundance of women right now. Our mind is very powerful and we can get everything all the time (in our imagination). Bottom line: Focus on being happy and satisfied with YOURSELF. Nobody can do that for you. The most

important relationship you can have is to yourself. _________________ "Setting goals in relation to meeting women is synonymous with neediness dude, forget about it." Alchemist



Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:59 pm

True, guys. We'll let me put it this way. Over the past 2 months I went through a horrible mental breakdown. I went from having women messaging me, asking me out, checking me out everywhere I went on a daily basis to having panic disorder, major depression (some of which became suicidal) and horrible anxiety to the point I was afraid to leave my house at times (fear of passing out, fear of dying, fear of the world ending). Now most all of this was caused due to stress, quitting smoking, and just a sudden crash by putting too much pressure on myself at a time I shouldn't have been. Now I'm slowly recovering from this, however, since I haven't worked on my mindset, I'm becoming 'needy' once again. And what happens? Women have rejected me, women don't message me anymore, they hardly check out my online profile, hell women don't even turn their heads to look at me as I drive by them anymore. I still get checked out but not as much as I used to. I find that in order to get these things, I need to don't give a shit about them and rather focus on myself and what I am doing, not what others are doing. The only thing that tends to make me happy lately, is interest from women (because I obviously want that back) but ultimately when I am with a woman, I don't always enjoy it. Before all this happened, I had nothing in my life, I was alone most of the time but I was happy with myself and overall high on life and women

started to show up. I'll tell you though, on days when I'm completely zoned out, a lot of crazy shit happens to me and it blows my mind. It's really not about looks nor is it about how you converse/open with women, all of these things used to happen to me without any verbal communication whatsoever. Your mind can literally bring you wealth, if you focus on it the correct way.

Top Post subject: Re: "Letting women come to you" by Cory Skyy Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:07 pm


[quote="Vegano"]Ergo: Happiness comes from within. True happiness means being independent from outside
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influences, being happy is being happy with just oneself. When you are happy with yourself you still can and do desire things but having it or not doesn't affect your happiness. Jake mentioned the ice-cream analogy: Having women is like ice-cream. Eating ice-cream is a nice thing and sometimes we feel like desiring ice cream but if we don't get ice-cream its no big deal. It doesn't effect our happiness when we don't get it. Its the same with women. Having women is cool but we don't need it to be happy.[/quote="Vegano"]] I just want to chime in here with my experience about not wanting. Not wanting is great IF you have experience with women, don't have terrible anxiety, and talking to them is actually pleasurable. I used it as a way to chicken out of situations because I "didn't want it", but I was just a coward. The mind rationalizes to protect itself, but some of this mindset stuff is hazardous and just leads to social isolation.


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