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A precedent is a previous instance or case which furnishes an example or rule for subsequent conduct, and a pattern upon which

subsequent conduct is based.1 The rules of precedents reflect the practise of the courts and have to be applied bearing in mind that their objective is to assist the administration of justice. If the SLP is dismissed by the Supreme Court then it means that the decision of the High Court in passing the interim order to impose the pre-condition is right. This may lay down a dangerous precedent as it may in future prevent the media from properly reporting their news due their fear of the consequences. This can also muzzle the freedom of speech and expression of the media thereby preventing them from reporting the news.

RESPONDENT: If the SLP is dismissed by the Supreme Court then it would not amount to a dangerous precedent. This would, instead act as a deterrent and prevent the media from doing such a irresponsible act. This would also help to serve as an example to the others who may commit a similar mistake thereby harming an individuals reputation.

Dias, Jurisprudence 2 Edn.


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