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SURF COAST SECONDARY COLLEGE Curriculum Planning Document


What the students will learn: Essential Question: How can we use the exploration of cooking techniques, flavours and ingredients from a range of dessert ingredients to enhance our knowledge of chemical, physical and sensory properties of food How can we use this investigative knowledge to assist in exploring food design and enhance knowledge of the design process Unit Questions What are our procedures for kitchen safety & hygiene relevant for the techniques and procedures in this unit? What is a design brief? What are the considerations and constraints of a brief? What are assessment criteria of the brief? What ingredients, processes and techniques are used in a range of desserts being investigated? How can we evaluate the dishes being prepared? What are the chemical, physical and sensory properties of the food we prepare? How can we use these techniques as part of the design process to prepare dishes for our assessment? Relevance and Application: -application of cooking confidently & safely both at school & in the home environment students adapting to design briefs & evaluating outcomes of new techniques and processes To encourage creative thinking when responding to a design brief

VELS Concepts and Skills: Domains -Design, creativity & Technology -Personal Learning


Standards Investigating & designing Students will be able contribute to the development of a design brief that include some limitations & specifications. Individually & in teams, they use a range of methods to research & collect data in response to design briefs. They generate & communicate alternative design ideas In response to a design brief & demonstrate that they are aware of any constraints & limitations. Provide a step by step recipe and be able to describe what their intended product will look like, texture etc. In using their production students can produce safely with reference to measuring, safe use of equipment, show consideration for safety & hygiene Students at this level can reflect on their designs & use evaluation criteria to justify & modify after feedback from teacher, peers & self.

Unit Overview How the student will learn: Students will learn via -Direct instruction , overview of session, comparing & contrasting ideas, recipes, ingredients, as demonstrations, of recipes & presentaion interactive instruction, by brainstorming of ideas discussions, on experiences think,pair, share, thoughts & design briefs Indirect instruction, by problem solving, outcomes & self evaluation, reflective discussion of techniques, processes and recipes Independent study, by researching and presenting their research about a cuisine of their choice

The students will evidence their learning by: Seeing progress and improvements from the practical assessment sheets Being able to look back on their folio and to see how they have improved and to see their progression to more difficult tasks. Being able to discuss and share ideas about possible uses for various innovative techniques and processes Presentation of their major research task to the class

Assessment of and Feedback to Students How assessment AS learning will How assessment FOR learning will occur: occur: -demonstration of recipes compare & contrast of recipes -modifying ingredients and rubric for teacher evaluation of experimentation practical work, which is used for -experimentation of look,feel,taste students to reflect on areas for -self-evaluation sheets improvement -self-reflection on assessment sheets class discussion evaluating what has been produced? Contribution to creative ideas for the final event

How assessment OF learning will occur -successful completion of presentation of major research task -successful completion of design brief completion for dishes for the end of semester event - design folio showing photos and evaluations, worksheets

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