Four Stages of Self-Inquiry - Rajiv Kapur

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The Ioor Stuges oI SelI-Inqoiry

Dctober z, zo:o - Dnline Sctscn oo:

See, geL u IoL oI muII Irom muny peopIe. And LIey usk me ubouL wIuL exucLIy Is
SeII-InquIry? WIuL ure LIe sLuges InvoIved In LIuL? WIuL do need Lo do Lo know
wIuL LIe '` Is? TIese ure u Iew quesLIons LIuL urIse In everybody`s mInd. So
brIeIIy wIII jusL go LIrougI wIuL exucLIy we Iuve Lo do, us u scdhcl, us u seeker.
TIere ure busIcuIIy Iour sLuges, or Iour sLeps, LIuL uny seeker or sudIuk wIII
beneIIL by knowIng ubouL LIese sLuges.
TIe IIrsL Is uccepLunce... AccepLunce oI your presenL sLuLe oI beIngness. Muny
peopIe Iuve dIIIIcuILy In LIuL. Everybody Is reudIng u IoL oI LIIngs, everybody Is
reudIng ubouL EdjI`s sIower experIence, AuLobIogrupIy oI u JnunI |AdvuILu
LeucIIng dIuIogues beLween Ed EdjI MuzIku und RujIv Kupur|, und muny oLIer
beuuLIIuI books wIIcI ure LIere. And LIey ure noL IIndIng or comIng Lo Lerms wILI
LIeIr own beIngness. TIuL Is noL u correcL LIIng Lo do. IeeI LIe IIrsL sLep uny
begInner, or InLermedIuLe, or udvunced dIscIpIe, wIoever IL Is, musL IIrsL Ieurn Lo
uccepL IIs currenL sLuLe oI beIngness, wIuLsoever IL muy seem IIke.
L couId be LIe body uwureness, IL couId be LIe -ness, IL couId be un energy
movemenL wILIIn LIe body, IL couId be u IeeIIng oI empLIness - unyLIIng. TIere
sIouId noL be uny sIume In udmILLIng wIuL your presenL sLuLe oI beIngness Is.
PeopIe wunL Lo reucI Lo u sLuLe, und LIuL Is u dIIIIcuIL probIem. TIe reucIIng Is
noLIIng buL by LIe mInd. TIere Is nowIere Lo reucI unywIere. So IIrsL sLep Is
uccepLunce. OnIy wIen you uccepL cun you LruIy Iove. Cun Iove be LIere wILIouL
uccepLunce? Cun you LruIy Iove wILIouL uccepLunce?
Suy you Iuve u cIIId. You Iove IIm, you uccepL IIm - Iowsoever IL Is, Iowsoever
Ie seems, or Ie uppeurs. So uccepLunce Ieuds Lo Iove, und Iove Is uccepLunce, LIuL
Is LIe number one. So you musL LreuL your presenL sLuLe oI beIngness us II Ie wus
your own cIIId. And LIuL Is wIere you Iuve Lo begIn your reIuLIonsIIp wILI your
beIngness, by LruIy uccepLIng unconditioncll LIuL LIIs Is my presenL sLuLe oI
beIngness, und um goIng Lo sInk InsIde oI IL. um goIng Lo Iove IL. TIuL Is
number one.
Number Lwo: uccepLunce does noL meun LIuL we Ieuve IL unuLLended. AccepLunce
meuns LIuL we wuLcI over IL - conLInuousIy, be uwure. Don`L we do LIe sume
LIIng wILI our cIIId? We Iove our cIIId, so IL does noL meun we Ieuve IL,
Iowsoever Ie Is. We keep u wuLcI! Every movemenL Is wuLcIed. And LIuL Is Iow
LIe reIuLIonsIIp deveIops. TIuL Is Iow IL deveIops - IIowers. How Ius IL goLLen Lo
LIuL sLuLe? L Is by wuLcIIng, observIng, duIIy, deepIy, seeIng uII ILs Iorms. So we
musL conLInuousIy wuLcI over our sLuLe oI beIngness. TIuL Is LIe second.
TIe LIIrd sLuge. WIuL Iuppens wIen we ure conLInuousIy uwure, or conLInuousIy
observe, our sLuLe oI beIngness? We wIII know LIuL LIuL uwureness, LIuL
conLInuous wuLcIIng, LIuL conLInuous observIng, Ius resuILed In our beIngness
cIungIng Iorm. TIe beIngness Ius cIunged ILs nuLure. TIuL wIII Iuppen
uuLomuLIcuIIy. We ure noL cIungIng unyLIIng Iere. WIuL Iuve we done? We Iuve
sImpIy observed. We Iuve sImpIy been uwure. We Iuve kepL u wuLcI on IL. And
LIuL uctch itselj Is In us. TIuL wuLcIIng, LIuL IovIng, LIuL uccepLunce, wIII Ieud us
wIere we wIII see LIuL, or obserte, LIuL LIe beIngness Is ucLuuIIy cIungIng Iorm -
IL Ius become someLIIng eIse. And us my beIngness cIunges Iorm, LIuL '`, LIe one
enLILy, uIso cIunges Iorm. TIe observer becomes LIe observed. L Is LIe nuLure oI
LIe observer Lo become LIe observed.
So wIuL Iuve we done Irom LIese LIree sLuges? We Iuve cIunged noLIIng, we
Iuve noL even Iooked uL LIuL '`. WIuL we Iuve done Is, we Iuve been onIy uwure
oI, observed, our sLuLe oI beIngness. And us LIuL beIngness cIunges Iorm,
uuLomuLIcuIIy LIe '` uIso IoIIows IL. L Loo cIunges Iorm. TIuL '` Is compIeLeIy
dependenL on LIuL beIngness. CompIeLeIy. As your beIngness Is, so sIuII be your
'`. So one musL noL worry wIuL LIuL '` Is. One musL compIeLeIy uLLend Lo LIe
sLuLe oI beIngness - IovIngIy, uIIecLIonuLeIy... TIuL Is LIe LIIrd.
And LIe IusL sLuge. TIe IusL sLuge Is us Iong us we ure becomIng someLIIng, us Iong
us LIe observer Is LIere, know LIuL LIe '' sLIII exIsLs Ior you. TIuL Is u very
ImporLunL poInL. Muny peopIe sLop. TIey Iuve some experIence oI oneness, LIey
Iuve some experIence oI noLIIngness, empLIness, LIey observe LIeIr noLIIngness.
TIey even become noLIIngness! And LIen LIey sLop. TIey IeeI LIere's noLIIng
more Lo do. Iuve become noLIIng, or Iuve become joy, or Iuve become
someLIIng - LIuL Is IL. BuL LIe IucL Is, cs lon cs ou cre becomin, LIere Is LIIs
'`. Becuuse, wIo LeIIs me LIuL Iuve become someLIIng... unIess und unLII LIere
Is un '`, wIo Ius observed LIIs? So LIuL '` sLIII Is LIere. nquIry Ius noL come Lo
un end.
nquIry comes Lo un end wIen LIere Is neILIer LIe observer, neILIer LIe observed,
und neILIer observuLIon. No wILnesser, no wILnessIng, no wILnessed! UnLII LIuL
LIme, seII-InquIry Is noL compIeLe. So we musL noL gIve up unLII LIe very end. AII
becomIng, everyLIIng LIuL we become, Is IuIse. L Is sLIII un IIIusIon. TIrougI LIe '
Am`, Jo-Ann, or DennIs, or JuneL; Lomorrow Iuve become someLIIng eIse. TIen
become someLIIng eIse. BuL wIo Is LeIIIng you LIIs? TIere Is someone wIo`s
LeIIIng you LIIs. So Ie remuIns. As Iong us know LIuL Iuve become someLIIng,
IL Is sLIII noL compIeLe seII-InquIry.
SeII-InquIry compIeLes wIen become unlnoun. TIuL Is IL.
TIese ure LIe Iour sLeps. Iuve LrIed Lo expIuIn, LIrougI my experIence und
LIrougI wIuL Ieurned Irom Guru-jI, Irom EdjI, wIuL Ie ImpurLed Lo me, LIIs
knowIedge. And Iuve LrIed Lo puL IL us sImpIe In words us possIbIe.
Port z, "Rojioji Tokes Your Questions" follous helou...

Rujivji Tukes Yoor Qoestions

As you read the questions and answers below, it is very important to understand that the answers that
are given in each Satsang must be taken in the full context of that Satsang AND that Rajivji's answers
may appear unusual, or seem to contradict answers to similar questions in the past. Partly, he is
answering each person based on their current level of understanding, and more importantly, is telling
them what he thinks they need to hear at that time. Also, realize that all general statements contain within
them their own contradictions, and most Satsang statements are general statements due to limitations of
Therefore, a general statement one week may appear to contradict another general statement of another
week. In the largest sense, there is no truth at all, but until one awakens, or until one's Self-inquiry has
reached deeper levels, words, and the necessary distortion of words, are still one of the main ways a
teacher still teaches.
So don't hang onto any one sentence because in a month's time you will find a contradiction.
You need to go beyond the words with limitations in meaning and intent, by just listening without
interpretation or dwelling on the words.
Qoestion 1
"The Block oI Ice
RujIv: Yes, TIm! HI, IeIIo!
TIm: Iuve u quesLIon Ior you...
RujIv: Yes, TIm?
TIm: You consLunLIy reIer Lo your beIngness...
RujIv: Mm-Im.
TIm: Cun you descrIbe Iow you uLLend Lo your beIngness? Or Iow we sIouId
uLLend Lo our beIngness?
RujIv: See, wIen you ure sLurLIng oII In your spIrILuuI journey... You uIwuys know
LIuL you exIsL.
RujIv: CorrecL?
TIm: Yes.
RujIv: TIuL sense oI exIsLence Is wIuL we Iuve Lo IoId. Now... IL couId be LIe
LoLuIILy oI your body. L couId be energy movemenL wILIIn you wIIcI Is LeIIIng.
Or LIe energy oI LIe IeurL. Or unyLIIng. You Iuve Lo decIde LIuL. or some
peopIe IL Is uIso In LIe IoreIeud. Or IL couId be In LIe nuveI.
So eucI Ius LIeIr own sense oI beIngness, Lo sLurL oII. TIere Is no one sense oI
beIngness Ior everybody. So you decIde LIuL, wIuL IL Is; und IoId onLo LIuL.
nILIuIIy you wIII IeeI LIuL LIe Is onIy LIe beIngness. And LIuL Is Lrue. TIe Is
LIe beIngness onIy.
TIe gross body Is wuLcIIng uII LIe gross sLuLes IuppenIng. L Ius seen LIe gross
muLerIuI, LIe gross muLLer. And IL Ius become.
WIen you go Lo more subLIe, LIen LIe subLIe body sees uII LIe subLIe muLLer. And
IL becomes more reIIned. WIen IL becomes even more subLIe, LIen IL becomes u
cuusuI sLuLe, us we cuII. `II gIve you u smuII exumpIe.
You Iuve u bIock oI Ice. RIgIL?
TIm: Yes...
RujIv: You wuLcI LIe bIock oI Ice. And you wuLcI IL, you keep wuLcIIng IL. WIuL
Iuppens? L meILs. Now LIuL Ice, bIock oI Ice, Ius meILed InLo wuLer. Husn`L IL
cIunged Iorm?
TIm: Yes...
RujIv: Now you IeuL LIuL wuLer. WIuL Iuppens Lo LIuL wuLer? L becomes vupour,
sLeum. You wuLcI IL, you`re sLIII ubIe Lo wuLcI IL. TIuL sLeum. L Ius become more
TIe sume bIock oI Ice, becomes wuLer. TIe sume wuLer, becomes sLeum. And LIuL
sume sLeum, dIsuppeurs. You do noL know wIere IL Ius gone. Unknown. TIuL

cIungIng oI LIIs Iorm Is wIuL your beIngness wIII undergo.

rom gross, Lo subLIe, Lo more subLIe, Lo more subLIe... And IInuIIy, jusL IIke LIuL
sLeum, IL wIII jusL compIeLeIy dIsuppeur.
TIuL Is wIuL Iuppens wILI us. We dIsuppeur.
TIm: OoI. undersLund -
RujIv: And LIen we cun suy LIuL do noL exIsL. NoL IIke Iow oLIer peopIe suy
do noL exIsL, wIen LIere Is sLIII LIe Ice bIock. Becuuse LIey know LIuL Rumunu
MuIursII, EdjI, und everybody suys LIuL do noL exIsL. RoberL Adums suys
do noL exIsL.
TIIs Is u menLuI knowIng. TIuL process Irom LIe Ice, Lo LIuL vupour, und Irom LIuL
vupour Lo dIsuppeurunce musL ucLuuIIy Luke pIuce wILI you. L Ius Lo cctucll
tcle plcce. um uguIn sLressIng LIIs poInL, uguIn und uguIn.
L Is noL u menLuI knowIng. L Is ucLuuIIy IuppenIng. L ucLuuIIy Iuppens.
WIen LIuL sume vupour goes Lo LIe sky, IL comes buck uguIn us ruIn. And geLs
LrunsIormed uguIn us gross - Ice. AguIn wIen IL Is puL In LIe reIrIgeruLor, you see
LIe sume LIIng geL InLo Ice.
TIIs Is wIuL Iuppens wILI us. We dIsuppeur every nIgIL, buL we do noL see LIe
process. And LIuL sume Ice evuporuLes. And LIuL sume evuporuLIon comes buck us
Ice. And we Iuve IdenLIIIed wILI LIuL bIock oI Ice.
You see LIe probIem?
TIm: undersLund, yes.
RujIv: And wIuL Iuppens wIen we know LIuL do noL exIsL? Or, wIuL Iuppens
wIen we know LIuL wus LIe Ice, und LIen IL dIsuppeured und becume LIe Ice
uguIn? WIuL Iuppens?
Don`L we LIen know, LIuL we ure beyond bIrLIs und deuLIs?

Becuuse see myseII dIsuppeurIng. And LIen see myseII uppeurIng uguIn.
Huven`L conquered boLI IIIe und deuLI? see IL IuppenIng In IronL oI my eyes.
Iuve Lrunscended boLI bIrLI und deuLI. And LIuL Is LIe reuIILy. BIrLI und deuLI
ure boLI unreuI. TIey don`L exIsL.
L Is uII uppeurunce.
TIm: TIunk you very mucI, RujIv. upprecIuLe IL.
RujIv: TIunk you.
ErIk: Prunums, RujIv.
RujIv: Prunums, ErIk.
ErIk: IrsL wouId IIke Lo LIunk you Ior LeIIIng us LIuL medILuLIon Is noL u job.
TIuL wus very beneIIcIuI Lo Ieur, Ior me.
RujIv: Yes.
ErIk: medILuLe more LIun ever, buL jusL sIL wIen wunL Lo sIL.
RujIv: Yes.
ErIk: And LIuL seems so good.
RujIv: Yes, IL`s good, yes.
ErIk: And LIen LIe quesLIon Is, LIInk you sLuLed In LIe HunLIng LIe scrIpL
LIuL beIngness und lundclini Is LIe sume. come Irom u kunduIInI guru und u
kunduIInI puLI, und Iuve preLLy sLrong energy movemenLs.
RujIv: Okuy.
ErIk: WIen Iocus on LIose energy movemenLs, und especIuIIy on my Ieud, Is
LIuL LIe sume us IocusIng on LIe beIngness? I Iocus on LIe energy movemenLs
In LIe Ieud, becuuse LIuL`s wIere mosLIy IeeI IL, cun LIuL be LIe sume us IocusIng
on beIngness?
RujIv: Okuy. WeII. TIIs Is u very LecInIcuI quesLIon LIuL you usked me, und `II LeII
you Irom my experIence.
ErIk: Okuy.
RujIv: come Irom u kunduIInI buckground Loo. dId Kric Yoc Ior LIIrLeen
yeurs oI my IIIe. And `ve done very InLensIve lrics, very InLensIve.
ErIk: Mm-Im.
RujIv: Iuve done lhumbcls. Iuve done Kechcri Mudrc. L Is supposed Lo be
LIe kIng oI uII mudrus.
ErIk: Mm-Im.
RujIv: I you reIer Lo uny oId und uuLIenLIc Yoc sIusLru book, LIey suy Nc
Kechcri Mudrc scm Mudrc, wIIcI meuns TIere Is no mudru IIke LIe KecIurI
ErIk: Mm-Im.
RujIv: And LIuL IL IeIps, IL IeIps u IoL oI wuys In order Lo brIng your LrunquIIILy Lo
your breuLI und Iocus onLo LIe LIIrd eye. And mosL kunduIInI gurus, und
IncIudIng , dId prucLIce IL Ior so muny yeurs oI my IIIe. Becuuse LIuL Is wIere
kunduIInI seems Lo urIse Irom LIe mulcdhcrc Lo your cjnc chclrc. IL LrIggers
LIe kunduIInI.
ErIk: Cun suy someLIIng?
RujIv: Yes, sure.
ErIk: My guru wus preLLy unconvenLIonuI In LIuL sense. SIe uIwuys LoId us Lo not
Iocus on LIe LIIrd eye, (chuclles) onIy LIe IeurL.
RujIv: Okuy. OI!
ErIk: So, `ve uIwuys been LryIng Lo Iocus down InLo LIe IeurL, buL LIe energy Ius
uIwuys been wunLIng Lo IIow InLo LIe Ieud InsLeud. (lcuhin)
RujIv: So LIen you musL. II IL Is IIowIng, LIen IL Ius some work Lo be done LIere.
ErIk: Okuy.
RujIv: I you ure goIng Lo Iorce LIuL kunduIInI or shclti energy Lo your IeurL
IorceIuIIy, IL Is noL goIng Lo IeIp. You`II IeeI IL very unnuLuruI.
ErIk: YeuI.
RujIv: So ruLIer, IeL IL work ouL.
ErIk: So IL wIII be okuy, wIII Iocus on LIe Ieud now? SIe wus uIwuys LeIIIng us
noL Lo Iocus on LIe LIIrd eye, becuuse IL onIy brIngs pIenomenu.
RujIv: TIuL Is Lrue. L does brIng pIenomenu, und uILImuLeIy, you Iuve Lo
Lrunscend LIuL. BuL now, LIIngs ure IuppenIng - II you Iuve begun someLIIng
wIIcI Is purL oI kunduIInI movemenL, LIen IL Is LruveIIng Lo IInIsI u job. So IeL IL
unIoId. TIere Is no ruIe In LIe book LIuL resLrIcLs prucLIce oI uny kInd.
ErIk: No.
RujIv: You ure your guru uIso, Isn`L IL?
ErIk: YeuI, yeuI. TIuL`s very good Lo Ieur.
RujIv: Yes.
ErIk: TIunk you.
RujIv: So IeL IL unIoId. eL IL unIoId. TIere Is no need Lo rusI. You wIII come Lo
LIe IeurL. TIuL wIII ussure you. Becuuse, LIuL movemenL Lo LIe LIIrd eye und
LIen Lo LIe schcsrcrc |cIukru| Irom LIe LIIrd eye Lo LIe Lop oI your Ieud, IL hcs
Lo go und meeL In LIe IeurL. L Ius Lo. And LIuL wIII Iuppen uuLomuLIcuIIy.
You ure noL Lo Iorce IL. um noL In LIuL Iuvor, personuIIy, LIuL peopIe musL
cIunge. Yes, we do LeII peopIe Lo Iocus on LIe IeurL uII LIe LIme II peopIe Iuve
sLurLed ouL. So, IL`s u good prucLIce, sInkIng uL LIe IeurL ureu, becuuse we cun
uvoId uII LIese pIenomenu und uII LIese LIIngs, becuuse peopIe geL currIed uwuy.
However, LIere`s noLIIng wrong wILI pIenomenu. EveryLIIng IuppenIng uround
us Is pIenomenu. TIere`s noLIIng wrong In pIenomenu, buL LIe probIem Is
peopIe geL so mucI InIIuenced by LIose pIenomenu LIuL LIey do noL know Iow Lo
IundIe LIuL someLImes. You guurd uguInsL LIuL.
So LIere Is u proper prepuruLIon wIIcI Is requIred Ior LIuL, you know?
ErIk: Yes.
RujIv: How Lo deuI wILI LIuL. TIuL uIso your Inner guru wIII LeII you. L muy
Iuppen, und someLImes someone wIII uppeur Lo you wIo wIII guIde you, uIso. So
LIere`s noLIIng Lo worry.
ErIk: OI, LIuL`s good Lo Ieur.
RujIv: I your energIes ure IuppenIng on LIe Lop oI LIe Ieud or In LIe LIIrd eye, IeL
IL Iuppen. See wIuL Iuppens. OnIy be u wILnesser. Remember LIIs. Be uwure oI IL.
ErIk: Yes. TIunk you very mucI, very IeIpIuI.
RujIv: TIunk you, ErIk.
ErIk: So expIore LIe LIIrd eye now.
RujIv: Your wIsI. You musL IeL IL Iuppen on ILs own. Keep yourseII ouL oI LIIs.
ErIk: Okuy.
RujIv: Keep yourseII ouL oI IL. eL LIuL energy work LIe wuy IL Ius Lo work. L Is Iur
ErIk: (chucllin)
RujIv: ur more InLeIIIgenL. See, every mup wIIcI Is gIven by uny spIrILuuI
LeucIer Ius u sIgnIIIcunce, buL uILImuLeIy LIe pIuyground Is YOU!
ErIk: Mm-Im.
RujIv: And you Iuve Lo IIgIL LIuL buLLIeIIeId.
ErIk: YeuI, und IL doesn`L IeeI IIke `m In conLroI, eILIer. L`s LIe energy LIuL
decIdes wIuL Is goIng Lo Iuppen.
RujIv: Yes, know. TIuL Is wIuL um suyIng. So, you do noL LIInk. eL IL work.
ErIk: Mm-Im.
RujIv: eL IL work. You jusL wILness. Be uwure oI IL, und you wIII see, you wIII see,
rIgIL Iow IL Iooks very nuLuruI Lo you, und you wIII see LIuL IL wIII come down Lo
your IeurL cenLer. TIuL Is wIere LIe kunduIInI compIeLes IIs journey.
ErIk: YeuI.
RujIv: L wIII Iuppen.
ErIk: TIunk you.
RujIv: TIuL Is wIere LIuL SIIvu-SIukLI unIon Iuppens, my IrIend.
ErIk: (lcuhin) UnIon?
RujIv: (lcuhin) Yes. TIuL Is LIe yogIc wuy oI suyIng IL, unIon. TIere Is no
unIon ucLuuIIy, buL we Iuve Lo use LIese concepLs.
ErIk: YeuI.
RujIv: You know? We Iuve Lo use dIIIerenL Iunguuge someLImes. We cun suy LIe
SIIvu-SIukLI unIon, or LIe kunduIInI Ius urIsen. L meuns LIe sume LIIng. Or
LIe nirtilclpc scmcdhi, or some sumudII. So, LIese ure uII numes.
L`s okuy. TIey ure concepLs.
NuLIun: TIunk you so mucI Ior your LIme, `II Lry Lo keep LIIs sIorL.
RujIv: Yes, NuLIun. TeII me, no probIem.
NuLIun: TIIs IusL yeur `ve Iud some experIences oI observIng sIeep, ucLuuIIy
IuIIIng usIeep und wukIng up. And on one occusIon, ucLuuIIy LIe enLIre nIgIL, IL
wus reuIIy quILe umuzIng. . . und `m sLurLIng Lo see LIuL IL seems IIke, LIe onIy
vuIue oI uny oI LIese experIences In medILuLIon or sIeep or wIuLever, Is Lo prove
beyond uny doubL LIuL you`re beyond uII oI LIuL.
RujIv: A Iundred percenL correcL.
NuLIun: BuL `m IIndIng Loo, my desIre Lo geL buck Lo LIuL und Lo wunL Lo repeuL
LIese sorL oI LIIngs LIuL Iuppened sponLuneousIy und LIuL Iud noLIIng Lo do
wILI In LIe IIrsL pIuce. guess my quesLIon Is, wIuL Lo do Irom Iere, you know?
RujIv: WIuL cIoIce do you Iuve?
NuLIun: (lcuhin)
RujIv: See, you Iud u good experIence, und you wunL Lo repeuL LIuL experIence.
Who wouId wunL Lo repeuL LIuL experIence? WIo Is IL, II IL Is noL LIe mInd, wIo Is
pIuyIng LIIs gume?
NuLIun: RIgIL.
RujIv: So you Iuve Lo undersLund LIuL. You Iuve Lo do wIuL you were doIng
eurIIer. uncondILIonuI Iove Ior your beIngness. No expecLuLIon.
NuLIun: RIgIL.
RujIv: TIIs expecLuLIon onIy Is LIe reuson wIy you`re noL seeIng wIuL you`ve
uIreudy seen eurIIer - becuuse now, LIe mInd Is projecLIng u repIIcu oI LIuL.
NuLIun: RIgIL.
RujIv: And LIe orIgInuI Is noL seen. Know LIuL your orIgInuI Is uIreudy you. You
ure LIere. BuL IL Is jusL noL, you`re noL gIuncIng uL IL uL LIe momenL. You`re seeIng
u reIIecLIon oI LIe mInd.
NuLIun: TIrougI memory, or.
RujIv: TIrougI memory, yes. So, IL Is creuLIng. L wIII LeII you LIuL you need Lo
puL eIIorL, or you wIII Iuve Lo repeuL, you`II Iuve Lo sIL IIke LIIs, und do IIke LIIs,
uII LIose ubIIILIes LIuL you Iuve done eurIIer, you`II repeuL uguIn und uguIn und
RuLIer, IeL IL come sponLuneous Lo you. WIuL you cun do, Iook In Ior u LIme und
be u devoLee Lo LIuL very beIngness wIIcI Iud gIven you LIuL experIence
uncondILIonuIIy. TIIs Is LIe IIrsL sLuLe wIuL LoId you: ACCEPTANCE.
I LIuL sLuLe Ius gone, LIen you do noL cIuse IL. Becuuse LIere Is no cIusIng. L Is
NuLIun: YeuI.
RujIv: BuL you ure noL IookIng uL IL, LIuL`s uII.
NuLIun: Mm-Im.
RujIv: TIe probIem Is onIy wILI our vIsIon. We wunL Lo see wIuL our mInds wunL
us Lo see. So, we don`L do LIuL mIsLuke. We sIL In sIIence, und IeL uhcteter come.
We remuIn LIere - In LIuL sense oI beIngness.
NuLIun: YeuI.
RujIv: I you wunL Lo puL eIIorL, puL eIIorL, uL nIgIL, or In LIe mornIng, or
wIenever. BuL jusL don`L Iuve expecLuLIons LIuL Iuve Lo reucI somewIere,
become someLIIng... AII LIese LIIngs ure onIy goIng Lo creuLe more IrusLruLIon In
NuLIun: Mm-Im, mm-Im. YeuI, cun see LIe Lrup. (lcuhin)
RujIv: Yes. TIuL Is u Lrup. TIuL Is u Lrup. And wIen you do LIuL uncondILIonuIIy,
you`II reuIIze Iow LIIngs wIII sLurL unIoIdIng mysLerIousIy. On ILs own, IL wIII sLurL
IuppenIng. Becuuse you Iuve uccepLed, uII LIe conIIIcL Is gone.
NuLIun: YeuI.
RujIv: And you`re wuLcIIng IL, LIuL IourLI sLuge wIIcI LoId you, LIe Iour sLuges.
TIuL Is wIy suId, LIese Iour sLuges cun be used In unyone. I you ure un
udvunced dIscIpIe, or u begInner or un InLermedIuLe sLudenL. L doesn`L muLLer.
Even LIe mosL udvunced oI uII sLudenLs Iuve LIIs probIem wILI uccepLIng. TIey
wunL Lo go IIgIer Irom wIere LIey ure, or repeuL un eurIIer experIence.
How do you know LIuL LIe experIence you ure goIng Lo geL now or LIe experIence
oI becomIng someLIIng Is noL mucI more beLLer or more proIound LIun wIuL you
Iud eurIIer? TIe memory Is LIe probIem.
NuLIun: YeuI, LIe IungIng onLo IL.
RujIv: TIe IungIng onLo IL. TIe IdenLIIIcuLIon Lo LIuL sLuge or LIuL experIence Is u
probIem. You know LIuL unswer uIreudy, NuLIun.
NuLIun: (lcuhin) YeuI. TIe quesLIons ure unswered uImosL rIgIL wIen LIey
come up, you know? BuL LIere ure LIIngs LIuL LIInk ubouL und so IL IeeIs good Lo
jusL cIeur LIuL ouL, buL LIunk you very mucI.
RujIv: ConLInue your sense or wIuLever you`re doIng. JusL conLInue . . . und see
Iow IL sLurLs, Iow IL comes Lrue.
NuLIun: TIunk you. TIunk you, RujIv.
RujIv: Yes, yes. TIunk you.
Qoestion q
Joy: TIunk you very mucI Indeed Ior your DIury oI u JnunI, IInd IL very
RujIv: TIunk you.
Joy: Iuve some quesLIons reIuLed Lo your experIence, becuuse `m LryIng Lo see
wIeLIer LIe LIIngs LIuL `m observIng ure IIIusIon or wIeLIer `m on LIe rIgIL
RujIv: Yes.
Joy: And LIere ure severuI LIIngs connecLed In my mInd, wIIcI muy noL
necessurIIy be connecLed. One oI LIem Is, cun brIng uwureness uL wIII, II LIuL`s
wIuL IL Is.
RujIv: Mm-Im?
Joy: TIen someLImes uwureness wIII come unrequesLed, you know? L jusL
RujIv: Yes.
Joy: And LIIs uwureness IL IeeIs IIke u IeurL IeeIIng, IoIIowed by u sorL oI u
IIoodIng Lo LIe mInd.
RujIv: Yes.
Joy: And LIen u cIunge In perspecLIve, so LIe LIIngs wIIcI uppeur Lo be In -D
uImosL Iuve u Iour-dImensIonuI quuIILy Lo LIem.
RujIv: Yes! YeuI, yeuI.
Joy: keep LIInkIng, weII muybe IL`s jusL cuuse my eyesIgIL Is goIng, or my vIsuuI
represenLuLIons ure jusL pIuyIng LrIcks on me. jusL wunLed Lo know wIeLIer LIuL
Is Lo be expecLed, or wIeLIer `m jusL projecLIng.
RujIv: See, wIuL ure you noL projecLIng? TIe mInd Is projecLIng everyLIIng so Iur,
IncIudIng LIuL you ure Joy.
Joy: (lcuhin) Yes.
RujIv: YeuI? So, projecLIon Is one LIIng. BuL you see wIuL you ure becomIng?
TIIs experIence LIuL you Iuve Iud Is LIe experIence oI purILy oI your mInd. As
your mInd geLs purIIIed, dIsLIIIed, LIIs kInd oI uwureness, or wIuL we cuII us, you
know, LIuL -D eIIecL LIuL you`re LuIkIng ubouL, und compIeLe oneness
experIence. you know, LIese kInds oI experIences Luke pIuce. And you ure on LIe
wuy Ior LIuL experIence.
Joy: TIunk you Ior LIuL. Do you know, peopIe LuIk ubouL LIe oneness
experIence. WIen Ieur LIuL word, IL doesn`L quILe IIL wILI Iow IL IeeIs. And
LIuL`s wIy doubL IL. See, wIen Iook uL my Iunds, LIey don`L IeeI IIke m Iunds.
TIey don`L IeeI IIke, IL doesn`L IeeI IIke m body.
RujIv: Mm-Im.
Joy: BuL IL IeeIs IIke `m observIng.
RujIv: Okuy.
Joy: L IeeIs IIke `m observIng LIIs Iund, und LIIs LubIe, und LIIs PC, und IL Is LIe
sume, buL IL Isn`L.
RujIv: ExucLIy, exucLIy. You see, now you yourseII suId, TIIs LubIe, LIIs Iun und
everyLIIng IeeIs LIe sume. So, LIuL onIy `m suyIng Is oneness. L`s u connecLIon,
u kInd oI connecLIon, und u word wIIcI Is gIven In LIe wukIng sLuLe experIence.
IeeI one wILI wIuL see In LIe wukIng sLuLe. um exLremeIy uIerL In LIuL sLuLe. So
IeeI LIIngs ure cIoser Lo me. cun reIuLe Lo LIIngs mucI cIoser Lo my IeurL, und
IeeI LIIs experIence, wIIcI cuII us oneness. jusL one oI LIe words LIuL Is used.
TIuL Ius Lo do wILI your purILy oI mInd In your wukIng sLuLe. Muny peopIe wIo
Iuve LIIs experIence, LIey IeeI IL Is enIIgILenmenL - buL IL Is noL so.
Joy: Mm-Im. TIunk you.
TIe oLIer LIIng wIIcI Is quILe Iunny, reuIIy, Is LIe sepuruLIon LIuL IeeI wIen `m
observIng myseII, wIen `m observIng Joy. L seems so weIrd Lo suy LIuL.
(Chucllin) BuL wIen `m observIng Joy do LIIngs und. LIInk you reIerred
Lo, someLImes you cun wIII yourseII Lo do LIIngs, und oLIer LImes you don`L wIII
yourseII Lo do LIIngs.
WeII, II don`L wIII Joy Lo do LIIngs, weII LIen, end up doIng reuIIy quILe sIIIy
LIIngs. You know IIke yesLerduy, drove Lo LIe wrong pIuce. (lcuhin)
RujIv: Mm-Im.
Joy: Becuuse dIdn`L IeeI IIke wus enguged In wIuL wus doIng.
RujIv: Mm-Im.
Joy: TIuL`s quILe dIIIerenL Irom my oId IeeIIng oI ubsenL-mIndedness.
RujIv: Okuy.
Joy: And `m conIused ubouL LIe beLLer LIIng Lo do, reuIIy. Becuuse II Iocus on
beIng, II Iocus on LukIng ucLIons, und conscIousIy doIng LIIngs, conscIousIy
InIubILIng my body, LIen uwureness goes.
RujIv: Mm-Im.
Joy: RujIv, II Ieuve uwureness Lo be on ILs own, LIen don`L curry ouL my pIuns
very weII. Do you know wIuL meun?
RujIv: See, see LIIs probIem . . . Yes, IL`s u good quesLIon ucLuuIIy. wIuL you`ve
ruIsed. TIere ure experIences IIke LIuL peopIe, we uII Iuve gone LIrougI und In
our spIrILuuI journey, LIese ure LIIngs ure expecLed. Becuuse we ure mukIng u sorL
oI LrunsILIon beLween sLuLes, Irom body Lo beyond-body sLuLe. And InILIuIIy LIIs
cun Luke some LIme Lo udjusL.
So wIuL we Iuve Lo do Is Lo IoId onLo LIuL sume sLuLe oI beIngness. TIe body und
LIe mInd wIII Luke cure oI ILseII. You musL proceed onIy wILI your beIngness, wILI
your conscIousness, LIuL um-ness wIIcI Is wILIIn you.
TIe body-mInd Ius ILs own InLeIIIgence wIIcI Is udepL enougI Lo Luke cure oI
ILseII. By LIInkIng more oI wIuL LIe body Is doIng und um doIng, und sIouId
noL do LIIs, und sIouId noL do LIuL, IL creuLes more conIIIcL.
Our Iocus oI uLLenLIon Is very sImpIe, one-poInLed. DIrecLIon Is very sImpIe.
WIere you Iuve connecLed rIgIL now, you connecL Lo LIe sume LIIng. You`re
posILIng very weII.
TIese probIems or LIese kInds oI cIuIIenges wIIcI you`re IucIng ure genuIne, und
LIey wIII come. BuL by puyIng more uLLenLIon Lo LIe body, IL Is noL goIng Lo IeIp.
eL IL, Ieuve IL. L wIII Luke cure.
Joy: TIunk you very mucI.
RujIv: TIunk you.

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