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20 skips, relaxed (3x)

Workout 4 times a week Drink 2 glasses of water before and after exercise Rest for 30sec. to 1min. every one time Eat the 1st meal (below) after exercising

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Right after waking up Jump rope

2. 20 sec, fast/max. speed 3. Rest for 2 min (waterbreak) 4. 50 skips, relaxed (3x) 5. 30 sec, fast/max speed

Saturday or Sunday

Anytime available


(with DC, haha)

1st Meal

Max. of one rice Max. of 3 servings meat

Eat every 3 hours Drink 2 glasses of water each meal Make sure there are always veggies or fruits each meal No soft drinks , junk foods, and sweets for Monday to Friday If no fruits are available for snacking, prefer nuts, oatmeal, Nesvita, and green tea Drink green tea every evening 2nd Meal (Snack) 3rd Meal Monday to Friday

Min. of one small bowl of veggies Fruits only (any amount) Max. of one rice Max. of 3 servings meat Min. of one small bowl of veggies 4th Meal (Snack) 5th meal Max. of one rice Max. of 3 servings meat Min. of one small bowl of veggies Meal before sleeping Fruits, Oatmeal, Nesvita, or Nuts (whichever is available) Green tea (a must) Fruits only (any amount)

Saturday and Sunday




Smoking Alcohol

Max. of 1 half-pack per day Max. of 2x a week Max. of 2 beers per session Max. of 3 glasses (10 shots) of hard liquor every session

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