BFU Project Flowchart (1) 11

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N o

Site Visit/Village Meeting

Draft Concept Design Report CDR

AEA Review: Is Draft Compliant w Policies?


Draft CDR to Village

Village Comment & Review

Design Consultant Preps Final CDR

Village Resolution Endorsing CDR

Phase I : Conceptual Design

Alaska Energy Authority/Rural Energy Group As of: 9/20/02

Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project

Y e s

Village Resolution Endorsing CDR

Submit CDR to Denali Commission

Is Phase II Funding from Denali Commission Approved?


Review CDR for modifications

Can Design be Modified?


End of Project

Y e s

Business Consultant contacts village Draft BOP prepared based on 65% Drawings Design Consultant Preps 65% Drawings Village Comment & Review Final BOP and 95% Drawings Prepared

Funds for BOP & Final Design Released


Phase II: Design/Business Planning/Funding

de Project Flowchart

Symbol and Color

N o Project Start/End

Action Step

Final BOP and 95% Drawings Prepared

Are Village Participants in Agreement & Supportive?

Document Produced

Decision Point

Y e s

Community Input

Village Participants pass resolution endorsing Design and BOP

Village Resolutions and BOP/Design sent to Denali Commission w Request for Phase III funding


Is Phase III Funding from Denali Commission Approved?


Village Participants sign Grant Agreement and BOP

Denali Commission signs BOP and releases funds to AEA

AEA signs Grant Agreement and Issues Construction Contracts

Local Hire Training

Project Started

Phase III: Construction

Symbol and Color Legend






Denali Commission

Project End

Grant Closed Project Turnover to Participants & BOP becomes effective

Substantial Completion


O&M/ As Built Specs Produced

End of Project

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