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When leaders demonstrate leadership along this standard they are able to: What in your own words does this standard mean? Contextualize

How would you rate the extent to which your ability to exercise leadership is consistent with this standard?

Claims and Evidence

What are two or three specific claims you would make about your leadership related to this standard? What are two or three pieces of evidence you would cite to support each claim? Claims, Evidence & Questions

Equity and Excellence

(a) Identify how practices, policies, and systems, both presently and historically, have created disparities in the quality of learning environments and student success, particularly for traditionally marginalized students. In my words: At each juncture ask: who is advantaged and who is disadvantaged by this decision; how does this decision help us reach our goal of equity and excellence?




Claim: I have identified practices in special education that create and sustain gap-widening practices. Evidence: Used multiple sources of data (state tests, curriculum based measurements, observation, and dialogue with teachers and leaders) to pinpoint strategic areas in need of improvement (Evergreen Public Schools, Mukilteo School District). Claim: I have identified students at risk for school failure and created a system to develop and implement interventions. Evidence: Allocated resources to create a tier-two intervention system at both Bailey Gatzert and West Mercer Elementary Schools. Claim: I have increased my knowledge and raised the awareness of teachers and leaders about the disproportionate representation of ELL and racial & ethnic minority students in special education. Evidence: Implemented a mini-cycle of inquiry to examine ELL students in special education; conducted presentations and met with all principals to examine the data and practices in their buildings. Initial areas for further investigation have been pinpointed and a theory of action developed. Worked collaboratively with the director of ELL and Title I to fully investigate the scope of the issue.

(b) Build policies and systems that support every student in success and learning to high standards. In my words: Be conscious of how our decisions reinforce equity and excellence; find ways to change policies and systems that are not leading us toward our goals.




Claim: I have identified students at risk for school failure and developed and implemented interventions. Evidence: Allocated resources to create a tier-two intervention system at Bailey Gatzert and West Mercer Elementary Schools. Worked with special education staff to surface concerns and build awareness of alternative ways to student success (MSD). Claim: I have laid the foundation for changing how services are delivered to students in special education. Evidence: Provided leadership in interest-based bargaining, which resulted in creating more equitable work loads for staff and opened the door for changing the service delivery model in special education (EPS).

(c) Foster the collective responsibility, growth and capacity of others to reflect on and enact equitable practice. In my words: Work in collaboration to collectively increase the value and capacity of each other in service of equity and equitable practices.




Claim: I authentically engage others in examining issues of equity and excellence. Evidence: Conducted a yearlong strategic planning process that involved over 700 participants and resulted in recommendations for redesigning the delivery of special education purposes (EPS). Facilitated and led the Special Services Leadership Team (EPS) in developing practices to address the opportunity gap. Work weekly with central office administrators to consider how each decision impacts each student (MSD). Claim: I have on-going discussions with those I work with and supervise that lead to reflection on their own practices in relation to equity. Evidence: Annual goal setting with those I supervise focuses on how he or she can grow professional in service of students. Weekly meetings with the Teaching & Learning group provide opportunities to probe our claims and evidence that we are valued and learn from each other. I model a growth mindset.

(d) Engage and empower multiple voicesboth professional and community in key deliberations and decision-making. In my words: Purposefully build in structures that embrace divergent thinkers and those who represent opposing opinions.



Claim: I purposefully build venues for the authentic engagement of people throughout the organization and in the community. Evidence: Engaged all staff in Caf Conversations to generate areas of focus for establishing department goals. Created a special education advisory team to engage staff in the work of addressing the needs of the department in service of students (MSD). Developed a special education parent steering committee to bring their voices to the table; shaped this work by focusing on all students not just the members students. Claim: I listen for meaning. Evidence: Practice listening for meaning (seeking to understand) when meeting with parents who are disenfranchised and dissatisfied with the services their children are receiving and facilitate coming to resolution.

(e) Facilitate explicit discussions about race, class, language, ability, and other group-based disparities in the service of collective action to decrease them. In my words: Create a culture that has moved from acceptance, to tolerance, to capitalizing on the strength of diversity and allows opportunities for personal transformation.




Claim: I facilitate discussions about cultural competency in order to raise awareness of practices that sustain prejudice and disproportionality. Evidence: Led a book study with superintendents cabinet: The Culturally Proficient School, An Implementation Guide for School Leaders (EPS). Led a book study with psychologists and speech & language pathologists on: ELLs with Disabilities: A Guide for Identification, Assessments and Services (MSD). Both book studies were conducted using the lens of understanding race, class, language and ability. Met with the superintendent to express my concerns with implementing a tuition based full day kindergarten program that disadvantaged student in poverty by making it available in non-Title I schools only, by giving discounts for paying the tuition all at once, by not providing transportation

Claim: I believe and model that racial, cultural, socioeconomic and language differences are a strength. Evidence: Provided principals with the concept of funds of knowledge as a way to address their concerns about ELL students lack of progress and teachers being able to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students. Co-led the superintendents cabinet to develop a goal around becoming a culturally proficient school district identifying key understandings, essential questions knowledge and skills using an action plan and assessment evidence.

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