Notes From Brenda Cassellius at Osseo High School

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Notes from Brenda Cassellius at Osseo High School The audience was principals, teachers, parents and stakeholders

in the area. 612-250-5177 Duncan Sept. 21st Talk about things that principal/teacher evaluation systems 4 weeks getting together w/ stakeholders find out what worked and what hasnt Came up Looks at Multiple Measurement T\Rating MMR Other Looked at proficiency Prof in important only 1 measurement MMR carries more weight 1 AYP 2 Did each student grow (growth score /averged becomes schools growth score 3 Did all groups grow? 4 Grad rates improvement School gets points High school gets points What made AYP and graduated Looking at individual subgroups Target graduation rate is 85% Cohort graduation methodology more accurate measurement AYP no bubble Growth- All students need to grow They are all needing to grow. All 4 measurements give you MMR Look at how schools compare to one another Using any MMR get 3 categories of schools

Waiver around group web page 14 ACT for accountability Work group Top 15% of Title 1 on MMR Reward Schools merits applause and public recognitionwe have no monies to reward them at this time *Share best practices 25 under reward will show some special value celebration of the school Schools struggling Bottom 5 Priority School- Sig. Schools 1st ones to get off the list- Still have funding, may only be able to get grants, but still below the national average. 25 schools 2010-2011 Priority Schools Do not have monies to help these schools 1st announcement for 3 years to turn around. Opportunities to get off in collaborative with the department No hiring and firing Go in and find what makes the most sense about the schools Focus Schools-new Performing well in some areas, poor in some. 10% of title 1 schools but have an area of little or no growth more direction from district but more of a hands off approach For other schools, going to put out more data to compare to other schools

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