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All About Me

Jacob Sandoval Period 3B AVID March 2012

My Family
I have one sister named Madelyn -She is 12 -Goes to Liberty MS as a 7th Grader Now I have my mom Everlyn -She works at University of Colorado -Resource Officer And my dad Mat: -Human Services Officer

My Goals for This Year

1. I want to finish this year off with all grades atleast B or above 2. To succeed in Spanish 3 next school year because thats what I was recommended to from Spanish 1. 3. To meet new people and not be so shy.

My Favorite Things
My favorite sport is soccer My favorite food is lasagna My favorite subject(s) in school is Math/Science My favorite activity outside school is being outdoors My favorite activity when inside is somewhere between computer/ TV Star Wars

My Favorite Video Games

For Xbox 360: Any of the Halo Series

My favorite computer game: Star Wars: The Old Republic

My Future Plans
I want to become an computer engineer who works with graphics and/or hardware After high school, I want to be able to go to a 4 year state college or university like CU or CSU.

All in all

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