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As MSNBC host Al Sharpton called the George Zimmerman not guilty verdict "an atrocity," he continued to protest [citing both civil litigation and potential involvement of the Feds], along with Melissa Harris-Perry [who continues to try the case, claiming it was all about ace]; neither recalled the fact that MSNBC Aired Photo of Dead Trayvon Martin. The video of the announcement of the verdict shows everyone was relatively stoic; Zimmerman maturely did not demonstrate a celebratory mien. This is the immediatecomment of one of the recipients of these blast e-mails:
Thank God, justice was served. Despite the judge and Holder/Obama. This isn't the end of this. I wonder not if Obama will open his trap about it, but rather will they make his comments public? The other positive about the trial is it stimulated the economy. The basic problem with the whole situation is that neither Zimmerman or Martin had any respect for each Other. They didn't know how to treat each other. they didn't know how to act. It's like Mark Mattioli said about when his son died at Sandy Hook. The problem is how people treat each other. He had first-hand knowledge of the mother and son relationship. What is lacking is positivity. Positive always overcomes negative. This country needs a Positive Revolution. Negativity about the economy and how the country is running has people scared and negative and the societal implications are evident. Couple that with the vengeance themes on the TV and especially in the movies, rap crap and technology driven ADD causing impulsive behavior, we are going to hell in a hand basket.

Economics. Why Money and Jobs Are Coming to Texas. Voluntary Protectionism. Congressman Fitzpatrick introduced legislation to ID Americanmade products. Sociology. NYT SUGGESTS CHINESE DISSIDENT CHEN USED BY PRO-LIFE CONSERVATIVES. History. Americas enjoys a Vast Margin of Error; because the U.S. has so much going for it, its taking everything from education to freedoms for granted. Syria. US officials say help for Syria likely gradual.

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