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Schools of Criminology: Schools developed in last two centuries A system, of thought Proponents of that thought An integrated theory Complete explanation of criminal behaviour Many variations in each school Interrelations among schools

The classical school:

Emerged in 18th century Developed in England in 19th century Spread in Europe, America Based on hedonistic psychology Man attracted by pleasant repulsed by painful feelings Man governs his behavior by pleasure, pains Pleasures balanced against pains Makes choice by hedonistic calculation Chief supporters Beccario, Bentham, Everbach

Cesare Beccarios view point (1738 1794)

Chief proponents of classical school Based on philosophy of hedonism Mans action motivated by urge for pleasure Criminal derives pleasure from crimes Every man responsible for his action His action guided by consideration Identical punishments regardless of age, sanity, wealth Rights preserved by equal treatment Punishments determined by calculation of pains, pleasures.

Beccaria on penology:
He proposed theory on penology Uniform penal code Different degrees of punishment for different crimes The graver the crime, severe the punishment Punishment, not for revenge.

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