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Tips and Tricks

Counting Nouns usually have an s when counted.

Tips and Tricks

Mass Nouns are either liquid, elements, gas, grains, strands Remember :(LEGGS)

Ready to go to the next task? Click the link below. Read on...

A Collective Noun is usually one word that represents a group

Collective Nouns from A to Z

Enrich your vocabulary with collective nouns! Go to the website below ! Try to remember as many collective nouns as you can! collectives/

Compound Nouns are two nouns combined (with a space, no space, or a

Lets have a Noun Game!

Now that you have learned some tips and tricks , lets get on with the challenge No. 2! Go to the site below and answer the game!

Remember to take note of your score!

Time to write , ladies!

This is Challenge # 3 Open a word file document and do the next activity... Go!Go! Go!

B. Write 5 specific ways of helping our poor brothers and sisters in the community using at least 5 categories of nouns. UNDERLINE and identify the category of the nouns used. (10 pts.) Note: Use each category of nouns only ONCE.

EXAMPLE 1. I will participate in the outreach project of St. Paul College Pasig.

Congratulations ! Youve got a refreshing day with nouns!!!!

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