Bulletin - 2013 07 14

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Gehman Mennonite Church

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501

717-484-4548 www.gehmanmennonitechurch.org Ministry Team Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (church: 717-484-4548) (home:717-484-0998) Glen Martin - Associate Pastor- 717-484-2162 Steve McCosby - Deacon - 717-336-8275

Monday until August 26, except for August 5. For more info, see www.lmhs.org. July 21, Sun.-Hobby Day here at church. If you have questions, talk to Darla Leid. July 21, Sun.-10 a.m.- Joseph Hirt, East Earl, will begin his presentation My Life Story as a Holocaust Survivor at Bowmansville Mennonite Church. He will conclude his story in the 6:30 p.m. Outdoor Historical and Inspirational Meeting at the 1855 Allegheny Mennonite Meetinghouse. Please bring a Church and Sunday School Hymnal and your lawn chair to the evening meeting. In the event of rain, the service will be held inside the meetinghouse. For more information, e-mail jgsen@windstream.net or call 717-278-8459 or 610-777-3003. -HOST FAMILIES STILL NEEDED: We need two more host families. One for two students and one for a teacher for the group from China that will be here July 23-Aug 6. It can be for part of the time or the whole time. If you would be willing to serve as host, or know of someone outside our church that may be willing, contact Chris and Dawn atcdlandesfamily@gmail.com -There is a signup list in the narthex for people to help with the movie nights in the Adamstown Grove. -YOUTH: There will be NO Youth Bible Study on Wed., July 17. Happy Birthday! Esther Gehman on Wed.

Lets walk with Jesuspersonally, locally, and globally.

July 14, 2013

Prayer Sunday School Worship Service Prelude Call to Worship Hymn of Praise Offering Worship in Song Message : Colossians 1:16 "Spirit Beings" Hymn of Response Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Benediction Today: Greeters Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery Next Week: Greeters Song Leader Offering Scripture Reading Message Sunday School Nursery Church Nursery 8:15 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM

Darlene McCosby Mildred Wenger Worship Team Phil Horning Darlene McCosby Phil Horning

Randy & Lisa Sauder Michelle & Dianne Jessica & Nicole

Carl & Sylvia Eberly John Miller Heidi Carvell Phil Horning Carolyn & Margaret Shelby & Marlene

The offering for July is for Home Ministries(Reading Churches and Missionary Retirement Fund) and other budgeted items. Attendance: 84 Offering: $2,844.60 July 15, Mon.-Early churches in Lancaster County: The story of the United Zion ChurchA six part lecture series on the early churches in Lancaster County kicks off at 7 p.m. Held at Garden Spot Village Chapel. The series continues every

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