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IB Biology

rRNA: ribosomal RNA

Major component of ribosomes

tRNA: transfer RNA

Carries amino acids to mRNA An interpreter in translation

mRNA: messenger RNA

Encodes genetic info from DNA and convey it to the ribosomes, where the info is translated into amino acid sequences

The process by which RNA is made from a DNA template Purpose: to read the DNA, one gene at a time. RNA polymerase starts transcription at promoters and end at terminators Complimentary RNA strand is formed RNA is assembled in the 5 3 direction Bubbles open- instead of unzipping

DNA gives instructions. The instructions are written in a language where words are ALWAYS three base pairs long.

Ex: AAT,CCG,GCA,TTC, etc. Each is called a triplet.

Codon- genetic code made of one triplet of bases. Codons are found on mRNA (messenger RNA)

Creates a mirror image of the triplets found on DNA (except TU) mRNA then travels out of the nucleus and toward a ribosome. The formation of RNA is called transcription

Links together the growing chain of RNA nucleotides during transcription

Uses DNA as template

Similar to DNA polymerase but only facilitates a reaction on one side of the strand

Promoter- place on gene where RNA polymerase initially attaches. Terminator- place on gene where transcription ends.

Transcription - beginning Middle = mRNA processing Translation - end


Introns- non-coding sequences are removed Exons- coding sequences are spliced together

Sense strand - the other strand, not transcribed.

Antisense strand - the one mRNA attaches to, and is complimentary to.

mRNA is similar to the sense strand, except TU.

The same codons are found in all living organisms.

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