Grade 7 Long Tests Health

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HEALTH Grade7 NAME: __________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ___________

A. DIRECTION: Choose the dimension of health which each activity develops most. Write the letter of your answer. A. Physical B. Mental C. Emotional D. Social E. Moral-Spiritual 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ___Jogging around the park ___ Eating a balanced diet regularly ___ Going out with family and friends ___ Valuing truth respect for other ___ Reading books and doing puzzle games

DIRECTION: Identify the different changes during adolescence by writing P for physical, M for mental, S for social, E for emotional, and MS for moral-spiritual 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ___ Voice of boys becomes deeper. ___ Adolescent boys become more aggressive ___ Adolescent are more sensitive at this page ___ There is rapid increase in height during puberty ___ Adolescent are already capable of thinking deeply ___ Adolescent can focus on multi-tasks at the same time ___ Adolescent can identify negotiable and non-negotiable rules ___ Adolescent consider approval of friends more than their parents. ___ Adolescent enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them. ___ Adolescent are now trying t find out what to believe in and what to doubt.

B. DIRECTION: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. If you want to develop your social health, you can ____ A. read books C. play computer games B. surf the internet D. join school clubs/organizations 2. To help enhance your emotional health, express your emotions ____ A. openly C. In whatever way B. positively D. To a chosen person 3. One way to improve your mental health is through ____ A. sports C. volunteer work B. reading books D. religious activities 4. To be physically healthy ____ A. attend parties C. eat a balanced diet B. go out with friends D. play computer games 5. How can you demonstrate moral-spiritual health? ____ A. Tell the truth C. observe god grooming B. Assert your right D. open your line of communication


DIRECTION: Write coping skills or specific solutions appropriate to address the following Problems related to your growth and development. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bad Breath Tooth decay Moody feelings Body odor due to sweating Bad posture due to growth spurt

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