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Date of preparing: 21/04/2013 Date of teaching:...... /04/2013 Period 29 Review lesson 29: EXERCISES OF IDENTIFYING MISTAKES A.

The aims and the requirements. - Teacher helpps pupils how to do Exercises of identifying mistakes - Pupils can understand the grammar , do exercises B.Teaching aids: - books, lesson plan........ C. Organization: - Greeting: Good morning teacher - Controlling: - Who are absents: D. Procedure: The content of lesson Teacher and pupils work I .Exercises: E1: Find out the mistakes 1. He likees playing tennis in the afternoon. A B C D -> likes 2. He have breakfast on Sunday. A B C D -> has 3. Betty dont workes in a bank. He work A B C in a school. D -> doesnt, work, works 4. They are policeman . They always works A B C hard C -> work 5. He havent got a car . He take a bus to A B C work D -> hasnt,takes 6. When does your brother gets up? A B C D -> get 7. There isnt some chocolate. There is any

Teacher asks to repeat the wayto use exercises of identifying mistakes

- answer it.

- pupils make up sentences like this

A B some butter in the fridge. D

E2: c on vn sau v tm li sai trong on vn ny - T asks a pupil retells complete the exercise David Baker is a secretary. He live in Manchester. He get up on half past seven and drinks a cup of tea. He does have Breakfast. He leaves home at quarter past eight.He hasnt got a car.He take a bus to work. He start works at ten to nine. He likes his job very much. At twelve o clock he have luch on a small restaurant. He finish work at five o clock. In the evening he like Listening to music.On weekend he visit his mother . She lives in Liverpool. -> line1: lives 2: gets up, at , 3: doesnt have 4: No 5: takes 6: starts. Work, 7:No 8: has lunch, in ,finishes 9: likes 10: At,visits

- T guides to do this exercises, then asks to go to the board to do

- T remarks and corrects

E. Remark: ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................

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