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Messianism, Secrecy

and Mysticism
ANew Interpretation of Early
American Jewish Life

Laura Arnold Leibman


First published in 2012 by Vallentine Mitchell

Middlesex House
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920 NE 58th Avenue, Suite 300

Portland, Oregon,
97213-3786, USA


List ofIllustrations
Copyright 2012 Laura Amold Leibman

List ofTables

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Leibman, Laura Arnold.
Messianism, secrecy and mysticism: a new interpretation of
early American Jewish life.
l. Jews~-UnitedStates~-History~~17th century. 2. Jews~
United States~~History~-18th century. 3. Jews~~Material
culture-~United States-~History. 4. Messianism~~United
. StatesnHistory.
I. Title
305 .8'924'073'09032-dc23

ISBN: 978 0 85303 833 7

Library of Congress Cataloging~in~Publication Data

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Transliterations and Names

List ofAbbreviations




Friendly Piranhas



New Jerusalem



Black Jews



The World-To-Come



Soul Food



From Holy Land to New England Canaan



The Secret Lives of Men








Select Bibliography





This book is dedicated to Eric, Lyla and Noah,

who have taught me more about Jewish families than
I ever thought I would be privileged to know.








'A New House', from Tobias Kohen's Ma'aseh ToMah

(Venice, 1707), p.106a. Courtesy of the Library of Congress,
Washington, DC, Hebraic Section.
Map ofthe Jewish Atlantic World and key places in the Jewish
Mediterranean, adapted from Joan Blaeu's Nova et accura!issima to!ius terrarum orbis tabula (Amsterdam, 1664).
Courtesy of Library of Congress, g3200 c10002707.
Portrait of Moses Levy (ca 1720), painting by Gerardus
Duyckinck I. Courtesy of Museum of the City of New York,
bequest ofAlphonse H. Kursheedt, 1936.
Frontispiece to Tikkun kerioh (Amsterdam, 1666), featuring
Shabbetai Z;evi enthroned as the Messiah. Courtesy ofLibrary
of Congress, Washington, DC, Hebraic Section.
Bottom panel of replica of gravestone of Elijah Nahamias de
Crasto (1692) from Bet l;Iayyim Blenheim, Cura,ao, now at
Mikve Israel Synagogue Complex, Willemstad. Photograph
by the author, 2008.
Engraving ofAmsterdam Mikveh, drawn by P. Wagenaar and
engraved by C. Philips Jacobsz, 1783. Author's collection.
Excavated and restored Great Synagogue Mikveh (1671),
Amsterdam. Photograph by Peter Lange, 2006. Courtesy of
the collection of the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam.
Kahal Kadosh Z;ur Israel Mikveh (1636-54), in Recife, Brazil.
Photograph by and courtesy of Joan Glanz Rimmon, Los
Angeles, 2006.
Nidhe Israel Mikveh (ca 1650s), in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Photograph by and courtesy ofStevan J. Arnold, 2010.







10. Neveh Shalom Mikveh building (ca 1719, renovated 1830) in

Paramaribo, Suriname. Photograph by the author, 2008.
II. Mikve Israel Mikveh (1728) in Willemstad, Curayao.
Photograph by the author, 2008.
12. Samuel King, Ezra Stiles (1771). Courtesy ofYale University
Art Gallery, New Haven, CT.
13. John Evelyn's plan for rebuilding London (1666), with Sefirot
and paths labeled. Courtesy of the Bodleian Library,
University of Oxford, Lib. Shelfmark (E) C 17:70 London
14. Leon de Templo's drawing of the 'Tempel Salomonis' (1665).
Courtesy of the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Lib.
Shelfmark 4 R 81(1) Th.
15. Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam (1675). Photograph by
the author, 2009.
16. The Divine Proportion of 37:100. Courtesy of John
Wilkinson, From Synagogue to Church: The Traditional
Design: Its Beginning, its Definition, its End (New York:
Routledge Curzon, 2002), p.82, Figure 6.14.
17. Proportion at Bevis Marks (1702): Courtesy of Wilkinson,
From Synagogue to Church, p.107, Figure 11.7.
18. Neo-Solomonic Order. Diagram by the author.
19. Touro Synagogue, Newport RI. Photograph by the author,
20. Map of Jewish Newport by the author, based on William
Faden's 1777 A Plan o/the Town o/Newport in Rhode Island
Surveyed by Charles Blaskowitz, engraved and publish'd by
Willm. Faden [Map] (London: 1777), Map Collections 15002004, American Memory, Library of Congress, 14 August
2007. Data regarding houses from Bernard Kusinitz's 'Jewish
Homes Colonial Period', Newport Land Evidence, 1700-79
(NHS), Newport Land Evidence, 1780-1810 (NCH),
Newport Probate Records, 1779-1810 (NCH), and 'Maps of
Lots on Easton's Point', Land Evidence, Newport, 1725
21. HABS drawing, east elevation, Touro Synagogue (1941).
Courtesy of Library of Congress, HABS RI, 3-NEWP, 29-.








22. Divine Proportions in Touro Synagogue. Divine Proportion

of 37: 100, Wilkinson, From Synagogue to Church, p.82,
Figure 6.14, superimposed on HABS drawing ofplan of first
floor, Touro Synagogue [1941]. Courtesy of Library of
Congress, HABS RI, 3-NEWP, 29-.
23. Type of slavery and inclusiveness within the Family. Diagram
by the author.
24. Members of the Jewish household: peripheral inclusion in
Suriname. Diagram by the author.
25. Grave-marker of Louisa Lobles (1931), Creole Cemetery in
Jodensavanne, Suriname. Photograph by the author, 2008.
26. Members of the Jewish household: peripheral inclusion in
Curayao. Diagram by the author.
27. Characteristic Sephardic stone from the BergAltena Jewish
Cemetery, Curayao. Photograph by the author, 2008.
28. Yu-di Hudiu gravestone of Cira Maduro de Henriquez and
Antonio Henriquez, using Sephardi design, Berg Altena
Catholic Cemetery, Curayao. Photograph by Kent Coup'"
29. Members of the Jewish household: peripheral inclusion in
Newport. Diagram by the author.
30. Stone of Peter Cranston, Jr, slave of Aaron Lopez (1771),
'God's Little Acre', Common Burying Ground, Newport, RI.
Carver William Stevens. Photograph by the author, 2007.
31. Stone ofIsaac Lopez (1762), Touro Cemetery, Newport, RI.
Carver John Stevens II. Photograph by the author, 2007.
32. Benjamin Senior Godines, 'Vanitas Picture: A Memento Mori'
(1681). Courtesy of the Jewish Museum, London.
33. Detail of gravestone of Samuel Senior Teixeira (1717), Bet
ijayyim Ouderkerk. Photograph by the author, 2009.
34. Map of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Curayao, Bet ijayyim
Bleinheim, with location of stones marked. Map by the
35. Reproduction of gravestone of Isaac ijayyim Senior (1726)
in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao. Original in Bet
ijayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by the author,









36. Reproduction of gravestone ofisaac !:Iayyim Senior (1726)

in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao. Original in Bet
!:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photo by the author, 2008.
37. Map of Old Jewish Quarter with location of houses of
deceased indicated, Willemstad, Curayao. Map based on
Jacob Daniel Gebhardt map of Willemstad (1707). Courtesy
of Algemeen Rijksarchief at The Hague, Inventaris Leupe
1440. Annotated by the author.
38. Detail from reproduction of gravestone of Isaac !:Iayyim
Senior (1726) in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao.
Original in Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by
the author, 2008.
39. Mezzotint portrait of Rabbi Isaac Ahoab da Fonseca (1686).
Courtesy of the collection of the Jewish Historical Museum,
40. Reproduction of gravestone of Elijah Raphael Namias de
Crasto (1717) in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao.
Original in Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by
the author, 2008.
41. Reproduction of Gravestone of Mordecai Hezekiab Namias
de Crasto (1716) in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao.
Original in Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by
Kent Coupe, 2008.
42. Reproduction of gravestone ofGabriel a Levy (1725) in Snoa
Museum, Willemstad, Curayao. Original in Bet !:Iayyim
Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by the author, 2008.
43. Comparison ofdress from a detail ofAbraham Hulk Pietersz's
Screening of the Books ofMoses, on the Day ofAtonement
(1783), Gabriel a Levy's gravestone (1725) and Rembrandt
van Rijn, Jews in a Synagogue (Pharisees in the Temple),
etching with drypoint. Pietersz courtesy of the author's
collection; gravestone photograph by the author, 2008;
Rembrandt courtesy of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
44. La Casa de Rodeos (left) and the House of the Kohenim
(right) on the south side of the Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim
Cemetery and adjacent to the Shell Oil Refinery, Curayao.
Photograph by the author, 2008.









45. 'Ezekiel's Vision' or 'Valley ofthe Bones' from the north wall
of the Dura Europos Synagogue, Syria (ca 240-56 CE).
Courtesy of Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT,
Dura-Europos Collection.
46. Detail from gravestone of Bella Barrow (1773), featuring the
resurrection ofthe dead. Bet !:Iayyim Nidhe Israel, Barhados.
Photograph by the author, 2009.
47. Detail of reproduction of gravestone of Abraham Moreno
Henriques (1726) in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao.
Original in Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by
the author, 2008.
48. Detail of reproduction of gravestone of Abraham Moreno
Henriques (1726), in Snoa Museum, Willemstad, Curayao.
Original in Bet !:Iayyim Bleinheim, Curayao. Photograph by
the author, 2008.
49. Light hardwood confectioner's mould carved with impressions of a lyre (early 1800s). Moulds like these were used to
create the elaborate Purim scene described by Azulai. Courtesy ofthe Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham.
50. Detail ofwatercolor ofa sugar-paste ornament in the form of
a lyre (early 1800s). Courtesy ofthe Bowes Museum, Barnard
Castle, Co. Durham.
51. A certificate of Kashrut in Hebrew, signed by Abraham 1.
Abrahams of Congregation Shearith Israel, for meat shipped
by Michael Gratz to Barbados (1767). Courtesy of the Gratz
Family Papers (Philadelphia, PAl, 1753-1916, AJHS Archives,
52. John Hinton, 'A Representation of the SUGAR-CANE and
the Art of Making Sugar' (1749). Courtesy ofLibrary of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-7841.
53. Teapot (1765) by silversmith Myer Myers of Shearith Israel,
New York. Photograph by Katherine Wetzel, 2008. Courtesy
ofVirginia Museum ofFine Arts, Richmond, VA. Gift of Mrs
Rita R. Gans. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
54. Touro Synagogue Matzah board (eighteenth century). Photograph by and courtesy of John T. Hopf.



55. Illustration of how to slaughter and butcher cows, from the

Spanish translation of Moses Rephael de Aguilar, Dinim de
Sechita & Bedica [Amsterdam 1681], trans. Aaron Mendoza
(London, 1733). Courtesy of the British Library.
56. 'The Spy' from Cesare Ripa, !eonolagia (Florence, 1613),
p.253. Courtesy of Internet Arehive and the Getty Research
Institute, Los Angeles, CA.
57. Alexander Slade, 'A Freemason Form'd Out ofthe Materials
ofRis Lodge' (London, 1754). Courtesy of the collection of
the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts at the Scottish
Rite Masonic Museum & Library, GL2004.0 141. Photograph
by David Boh!.
58. Samuel Lee's drawing of Solomon's Temple from Orbis
miraculum (London, 1659). Courtesy ofthe Bodleian Library,
University of Oxford, Lib. Shelfmark AA 61 Art.
59. Coat of arms from the Grand Lodge of England inspired by
illustration from Jacob Judah Leon de Templo from Laurence
Dermott's Ahiman rezon (1764). Courtesy of John Rylands
University Library, University of Manchester, UK.
60. Gravestone of David I;layyim Dovale (1827), Bet I;layyim
Bleinheim, Cura9ao, with elements labeled. Photo by Kent
Coupe, 2008. Labels by the author.
61. Masonic apron thought to have been worn by Moses Michael
Hays (American, 1780-1800). Courtesy of the collection of
the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts at the Scottish
Rite Masonic Museum & Library, GL2004.l799. Photograph
by David Boh!.
62. C. Crepy, engraver; Jacques Chevreau, printer; Assemblee de
Francs-Macons pour la Reception des ApprentijS (France, ca
1744). Courtesy ofthe collection of the Scottish Rite Masonic
Museum & Library, gift of Charles R. Yeaton, 84.69.
63. Mosaic pavement in the Mikve Israel Synagogue complex.
Photograph by the author, 2008.
64. Gravestone of Maximilian Joseph Alvan Adda (1997), Bet
I;layyim Nidhe Israel, Barbados. Photograph by the author,











Stages in the death ritua!. Adapted from Robert V. Wells,
Facing the 'King of Terrors ': Living with Death in an
American Community (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2000), p.15.
Levels of the Soul in Kabbalah. Adapted from Simcha
Paul Raphael, Jewish Views of the Afterlife (Northvale, NJ:
J. Aronson), p.283.
Relative values of types of dishes and possible uses in Lopez
household (1782).
Eighteenth-century Sephardic sermon structures and Carigal's





Early Jewish Masons in the Atlantic World.

Jewish and Protestant Revival Movements in American
Approximate populations of Jewish Communities of the
Atlantic World, 1600-1820s.
Elements ofNeo-Solomonic Order in Jewish Atlantic World








Table 1. Timeline. (continued)



1793 Yellow Fever epidemic,

Philadelphia, PA
1793 Sephardi Mahamad prohibits
Darhe Jesarim, Suriname
1794 Susanna Rowson, Slaves in


1794 Synagogue Beth Elohim

completed, Charleston, South
1795 Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia,
PA, first synagogue in US to follow
Ashkenazi rite
1796 Emancipation of Dutch Jews;
ends autonomy of Jewish community,
limits powers ofparnassim

1796 Kahal Kadosh Mikveh Israel

(Ashkenazi) Synagogue, Spanish

Town, Jamaica
1797 Royall Tyler, Algerine Captive

179954% ofSephardim and 87%

Ashkenazim dependent upon poor
relief in Amsterdam

1800 Darbe Jesarim Synagogue,

Sivaplein, Suriname, torn down

1805 Second Jewish Cemetery,
New York
1808 US prohibits importation of
181 Q....-19

1802 Solomon Hirschel, first Chief

Rabbi of Great Britain
1806 Azulai dies, Italy
1806 Moses Lopez, first American
Hebrew calendar (Newport)

1818 Mill Street Synagogue expanded 1819 Hamburg Reform prayer

1818 Only three Jewish families
book, omits mention of Messiah or
remain in Newport
return to Holy Land


Most of Newport's grandest Gilded-Age mansions line the cliffs on or

just off Bellevue Avenue: The Elms, The Breakers, Marble House,
Belcourt, Vinland and Rough Point, to name just a few. Their heavy
Beaux-Arts and Italianate colonnades face the ocean spray or embrace
elaborately gardened estates. But before Mrs Astor's Four Hundred
discovered Newport, back when these sea-cliff plots were pastures,
Bellevue was called' Jew Street'. Most ofthe homes along it were at the
street's far north and now less fashionable end, near the SpanishPortuguese Jewish Cemetery, for which Jew Street was named. Although
Newport is rich in colonial architecture, today these early houses along
Bellevue are largely gone, torn down to make way for the clubs, shops and
hotels that pandered to late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century
vacationers. Under the foundations of Hotel Viking at One Bellevue
Avenue, for example, lay the sedimentallayers ofthe house ofMoses and
'Hiam' (I;layyim) Levy, two of Newport's early merchant princes. Like
other members of Newport's Jewish elite, they had escaped religious
persecution in Europe and embraced the colonies' relative freedom only
to be caught in political upheavals that would once again send them on
their diasporic travels.
This book is the story ofJews like the Levys - the Jews of the Atlantic
World, told through the objects ofeveryday life that they used and created.
In it, I follow their travels from the port towns ofEurope, to the Caribbean
and the Atlantic Seaboard, to the Gold Coast ofAfrica and back again. To
understand the variety of religious expression in their world, I focus not
only upon the elite writings of men, but the physical spaces and objects
used by the less literate and least visible members of their community,
such as women, children and Judeo-Africans. Through these objects I
weave the fabric of their lives, a material biography of the bodies that

Messianism, Secrecy and Mysticism


performed and practiced Judaism in the American colonies. I argue that

there are three keys to understanding this embodied world: messianism,
secrecy and mysticism. As they traveled throughout the Atlantic World,
America's first Jews brought their struggles and dreams with them, and
these hopes and fears were heavily reflected in the cultural world they
Turmoil was the lot ofAmerica's frrstJews. For Hiam Levy, 29 November
1779 began with a loud banging at the door and ended with all ofhis worldly
possessions being confiscated by the new Revolutionary government. As
ifto add insult to injury, SheriffWilliam Davis was accompanied by Hiam's
own brother-in-law, Moses Seixas, who had had the foresightnotto side with
the British. When Seixas signed the inventory that listed Levy's goods room
by room, he used an ornate Spanish handwriting. Personal possessions like
the 'toilet table' from the middle chamber, the 'old' pictures in the closet,
the six china cups and saucers in the parlor and even the crib belonging to
Levy's infant son Judah were all noted and then commandeered. According
to the official records, Levy's wife Grace (nee Mears) stood by and watched.
When Hanukkah started four nights later, she must have identified with the
besieged Jerusalemites. l
Hiam Levy was 40 years old when his estate was seized: a hard age to
have to begin again. Like many others of Newport's elite, he had backed
the wrong army. Although some members ofNewport's Touro Synagogue
had either sided with the Revolutionaries or at least hedged their bets,
others - including five men of the Hart family, along with Myer Polock,
Hiam Levy and Hiam's brother Simeon - supported the Loyalists and lost
everything as a result. Comparatively speaking, even these men were
lucky: during Newport's Stamp Act Riots, Martin Howard and two other
Loyalists were burned in effigy and barely escaped with their lives. Any
Loyalists who didn't flee Newport in 1779 were banished.'
Today, Levy's estate inventory and those ofthe other congregants from
the Touro Synagogue are housed in the harshly lit rooms of the Rhode
Island State Archives.' Like crude oil produced over time from the
decaying bodies of plants and animals, what was once a heart-felt disaster
for colonial Jews is now a rich historical resource. Thanks to the Preservation Society of Newport and money from donors like tobacco heiress
Doris Duke, Newport has a relatively large collection of Jewish colonial
houses, matched only by their less well-preserved cousins in the Dutch

colonies of Curavao and Suriname. Lists ofgoods from confiscated estates

flesh out these houses and allow us to imagine how people lived within
them. Such details are crucial, as we know comparatively little about the
daily lives ofAmerica's first Jews, whether it is the houses they inhabited
or the objects that mattered most to them. These objects and spaces are
crucial to our understanding ofAmerica's first Jews because, more than
other religions ofthe era, Judaism was an embodied religion. The role of
the body was determined in part by Jewish law and rituaL During the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a large range of books was
published in Amsterdam, Venice and Constantinople that helped laypeople
understand and perform the minutia of these obligations, ranging from
what one could eat, to which shoe should be put on first in the morning.
Likewise, a large number of Sephardic luminaries traveled the Atlantic
and Mediterranean worlds in order to ensure normative religious practice
in the Diaspora.
To think ofearly American Jews as a 'people of the body' as well as a
'people of the book', however, is not merely to recognize the importance
of ritual practice in Judaism, as opposed to the centrality of faith for
Christianity. To think about how Judaism was embodied is to consider
the variety of ways specific physical spaces and anatomies influenced
Judaism in the Diaspora. The Judaism ofthe Diaspora was one enacted by
and through the bodies and spaces of children, women and JudeoAfricans, as much as through the elite bodies, practices and writings of
men. Just as rabbinical sermons and decrees proclaimed the limits of
Jewish practice and identity in the colonies, so too this wide range of
bodies helped define who and what was a Jew.
This book is a 'material biography' of that world' This biography is
necessarily diasporic, not only in the sense that Jews are removed from
their ancestral homeland (Israel) but also that it is a biography of bodies
in motion. One reason for the cohesiveness of the culture of the Jews of
the Atlantic World is that its citizens rarely stayed put: as they traveled,
they carried their culture with them. Yet in each location they were also
forced to create their identities anew in the context of local geographies
and practices. On a certain level, the body is itself a home for the soul a fact underscored by Tobias Kohen's illustration from Ma 'aseh tobiah
(Venice, 1707) in which the organs ofthe body are allegorically compared
to the elements of a house (Figure I). In the Diaspora, however, the body

Aboab, Isaac de Matatia (1631-1707), 91-2,
97, 114-15; 1 perseguido dichoso, 114,
116, 121,213,335; Orden de Benediciones,
Abaah, Mataria (alias Manoel Dias Henriques;
1594-1667), 114-15
Abaah da Fonseca, Isaac (1605-93), xxi-xxii,
xxiv, II, 55, 78,124--7,133,140,146,
150--2, 155, 189, 299; Nishmat J:layyim,
124-7,133,175,331; Parafrasis, xxiv,
ISO-I; in Recife, xxii, 42,125; messianism,

11, 16. 41, 62, 124, 148; salary, 42

Abaab Lopes. Rebecca (d. 1709),309

Abbott, Elizabeth, 188, 207-9, 331, 335

Abrahams, Judah (18th century), 198
Abraham-Van der Mark, Eva, 105, 118, 120,


Abrahams, Abraham (son of Kitty and Isaac;

Abrahams, Abraham L (1720-96), xi, 188
Abrahams, Isaac (1756-1813), 305
Abrahams, Kitty (nee Pollock; 1756--1821),
Abudiente, Gidon (d. 1660), 172,309
Abudientc, Moses (d. 1688), 148
Adda, Maximilian Joseph Alvan (1985-97),
Adret, Solomon ben Abraham (1235-1310),
Africa, 1,7.22,51,96,104, HI, 175, 194,
2~, 307, 321, 329, 338; Africans, 18,
88-91,94,96--8,100--1,104-5,107, 1l0,
113, 114-15, 117, 194,298,318,324,326;
Algiers, xxviii, 235-7, 239, 243-5, 275,
317, 319; Gold Coast, I, 6; La Mamora,
246; Morocco, 246; North Africa, 218, 235,
244,246; Tripoli, 235, 243, 317, 319; see
also Barbary Wars, JudeoAfricans
AfricanAmeriean, xxvi, 1, 3, 17-18, 83-122,

328-9,338,358,364; see also

Afro..curayaoan, Afro-Surinamese,
Cemeteries, Euro~African, JudeoAfricans
Afro.-Curayaoan, 91, 95,101-7, 322;yudi
hudiu, 91,103,105,107-8,114,329
Afro.-Surinamese, 96-10 I
afterlife, 18, 124--7, 132, 136--8, 141-5, 147,
308,325,358; damnation, 36, 247; Gan
Eden. 141-2, 144,320,321; Gehinnom,
141; lower Gan Eden, 141,320; olam ha~ba
(world-to"come), 14, 18, 87, 123-7, 130,
132,134,141,155, 16Q.--2,167, 172,236,
Aguilar see also d' Aguilar
Aguilar, Moses Rephacl de (d. 1679), xxii,
205; Dinim de Sechita & Bedica, 205-6,
alcohol, 195, 197; brandy, 195, 196,208;
Madeira wine, 193, 196,208--9,335,347;
port, 197,201; raisin wine, 197,209,361;
remedy for contaminated waler, 194-5; rum,
7, 193-6,208,301; sherry, 201; wine, 47,
92, 185-6, 191, 193, 195-7,202,208-9,
a Levy see Levy
Allyon, Solomon (ca 1660/4--1728), xxiv
Altmann, Alexander, 125, 174,308,335
Alvares see Alvares Correa and Baruch
Alvares Correa, Esther (d. 1747), 177
Alvares Correa, Rachel (d. 1705), 177
American nation, 235, 237, 245; United States,
Amersfoort mikveh. xxv, 37, 38, 46, 54, 55
Amsterdam, xvi, xxi-xxviii, 3, 5-7,11-13,17,



56, 59,


65-6, 70, 72, 75, 77-81, 82,

87,89,91-3, llO, 114,118,120,123-5,



157-8, 160, 163, 165, 166, 168,

171,174,175,177,178, 181-2, 187, 192,

193, 197-8,203,205-7,210,211,212,214,

319; Jewish population, xxvi, 42, 89, 304;
see also DriH Shul, E? I;fayyim Yeshiva.

gravestones, Great Synagogue,

Ncderlandsch-Israelitische Hoofsynagoge,
Ncveh Shalom Synagogue ofAmsterdam,
New Synagogue, Obbcne Shul, Portuguese
Synagogue, Talmud Torah
angels, II, 16, 18,35, 110, 127~30, 132, 134,

Angel ofBethesda, 35, 53, 355; angel of
death, 129,321; cherubim, 66-7, 129, 131,
159-60, 176,262,318; cherubs, 130-2, 160,

176,295,309,326,342; melakhim, 129,

323; putti, 129, 155, 159-61,326; three
ministcringangels, 141, 145-6, 155, 158~61
Antigua., 261,303
Antinomianism, II, 13,317
Anti-Semitism, 235-48, 277; Adonah Ben
Benjamin, 244--6, 274; Ben Hassan, 235-7,
239,245,274; Jewish spy, 19,236,239-48,
251,275-6,338,341; Semitic invasion, 243
apocalypse see eschatology
Arbcll, Mordechai, 55, 56, 176, 309-11, 336
architecture, I, 17,20,22,47,59--82,85,93,
120,121, 178,259-63,268-70,277-9,308,
360, 363-6; Church architecture, 17, 59-64,
366; Georgian architecture, 72; house of
Hiam and Moses Levy, 1-2, 7, 20;
landhuizen, 103,323; Penha building, 81;
see also synagogue architecture
Ark of the Covenant, 66, 159-60, 176,261-2,
Anninianism, 132, 176, 317
Ashkenazi Synagogue of Kingston, Jamaica,
Ashkenazim, xxii, xxv-xxviii, 5-6, 11,21-3,


338,350; marginalized status, 6, 21, 56,

89-90, 117,216--17; tudesco, 89, 117; see
also cemeteries. Ashkenazi Synagogue of
Kingston, Great Synagogue, Kahal Kadosh
Mikveh Israel, Neveh Shalom Synagogue of
Paramaribo; Rodeph Shalom
asiento. 95, 103, 317; see also slave trade,
Athias, Joseph (ca 1635-1700), xxii
avodah zarah (idol worship), 129,317; see
also gravestone symbols
awakenings, 19--20,211,281-90,307-8,317,
319,326,355; Era ofShabbctai Zevi,
xxii-xxiii, 278--9, 290-3, 319; First
Converso Migration, xx.i-xxii, 287-90, 299,
319; First Great Awakening, 281-2, 286.
288, 319; Puritan Awakening, 286, 288, 290,
326; Quotidian Interlude, xxvi-xxv, 288;
294-7, 326; Second Converso Migration
(Shalial) Movement), xxv~-xxvii, 135,288,
295,297-300,327; reshuvah movement,
Azulai, I;Iayyim Joseph David (1724-1806),
xxv-xxviii, 175, 181-3, 193,198,207,209,
211,297.337; diaries (Ma'agal rov), xxvi,
175, 181-2, 198,207,209,211,337; and
sugar sculpture, 181-3,211
banadeira see mikvch
Barbados, xvi, xxii-xxiv, 5, 7, 26, 30, 40, 41,

43-5,48,75,83,84,88,94,103,116, 126,
129,130,134,170,175, 176, 187~90, 194,
Bridgetown, xvi, xxiv, 44, 116, 129, 175,

176, 194,208,304,309,332,333,365,366;
Jewish population, xxiv, 304; slavery, 88,
94, !O3, 194,208,301-3; see also Nidhe
Israel Synagogue
Barbary Wars, 235, 243-4, 275, 3J7, 357
Barnett, Daniel, 253
Barnett, Lionel, 309, 337
Barrios, Daniel Levi de (alias Miguel de
Barrios; 1625-1701), 11, 142,291
Barrow, Bella (ca 1720-73), 169-70
Baruch Alvares, David (d. 1692),309
bathing, 30, 35-7, 52, 54, 348; public baths,
36, 198; linen~eentered cleanliness, 36; see
also mikva 'ot, spa culture, water cures
Beckles, Hilary, 88, 117,337


Belisario, Moses (l8th-19th century), 253

Ben Israel, Manasseh (alias Manuel Dias
Sociro; 1604--57), xxi-xxii, 16,23,29,34,

365; De Resurrectione Mortuornm, xxii,
175,337; Mikveh Israel, xxii, 23, 34, 53,
62-3,70-1,78,81,232,337; Seier Nishmat
ijayyim,xxii, 125-7, 133, 175,337
Benveniste, Yael (d. (717), 172
Beneviste, Sarah de Jacob (d. 1740),267
Benoit, P.l, (Voyage Ii Surinam), 51, 338
Ben-Ur, Aviva, xvi, 10,22.23,51,53,56,93,

bentshers, 205-6, 318; Bendicion Despues de
Comer, 206
Berak,ha ve-Shalom Synagogue of
Jodcnsavanne, 25, 50, 294, 316
Bernal, Abraham (16th-17th century), 253
Bet Tahara see House of the Rounds
Bevis Marks Synagogue (Kahal Shaar
ha~Shamayim) of London, xxiv, 5, 61, 63,
66-8,70, 74, 116.294,314,316,architec~,
66; records, 309,337
Bible, 64,147-8,176,212,216,224,234,239,
346; Ferrera Bible, 212; see also Torah
Blackwell, Christopher. 306
bodies see embodied religion
Boston, Massachusetts, xxv, xxvii, 81, 112,
Brandon see Abigail del Castil0 and Rodriguez
Bravo, Abraham (d. 1706), 309
Bravo, Moses de Jacob (d. 1697), 309
Brazil, xvi, 41-2, 55,116,123,194,229,349,
359, 366 see also Magen Abraham of
Maurica, Recife, ZUf Israel Synagogue
British colonies, xxiii, xxvi-xxvii, 2, 5-6, 40,
96,106,1I7-18, 177, 194,214-15,219,
340,358,360,362,365; see also Barbados,
Charleston, Jamaica, Philadelphia., Newport,
New York, Savannah
Brown, Kathleen, 35, 53-4, 339
Brown, Vincent, 177,339
Buena Bivas, Isaac Hczekiah (d. 1660), 309
Bueno de Mesquita, Rachel (1807-37), 172
Buddingh, Bernard, 176, 339
Bullock, Steven, 251, 254, 276, 277, 339
burial societies see lzevra kaddisha

Campanal, Abraham (d, 1718), 136

Campos., Gracia (wife of Abraham Levi
Vltoria; d. 1723), 163
Cardoso, Isaac (ca 1604-1683),205,210,339;
Las e:xcelencias de los Hebreos. 205,210,

Cardozo, Rebecea(d. 1777), 177
Carilho see CariIho de Marchena, Marchena
Carilho de Marchena. Sarah (d. 1730), 142
Caribbean, 1, 7, 34, 40-50,55-6,57,91,

200, 202, 208, 228, 230, 232, 270-2, 300-6,
349,353,358,366; see also Barbados,
Curayao, Jamaica, Martinique, Recife, St
Eustatius, Suriname
CarigaI, Raphael JJayyim Isaac (1733-77), xv.
xxvi-xxvii, 19,57--9,74,76,82,145,147,
189, 2lt-34, 257, 297, 298, 345, 350, 352,
358; education, 213, 232; famity, 217;
gravestone, 227; portrait, 213, 257;
relationship with Ezra Stiles, 57-9. 76,
212-13,228,230; sermon, xxvii, 19, 74, 76,
Carlebach, Elisheva, 23, 82, 275, 309, 340
Cas.sard, Jacques (1679-1740),153,159,161,

Cassipora, Suriname, xxiii, 130, 176, 179,292,
309; see also cemeteries
Castellano see Spanish language
Castello, Josiah Raphael (d. 1699),130,176
Castilo, Abigail del (nee Brandon; ea

1778-97), 176
cemeteries, xv, xvi, xxi-xxiv, xxvii, I, IS, 18,

153,157-9, 162,164,167-8,170,171,173,

353,360,364,366; Afro-Curaryaoan
cemeteries, 107-8, 114; Ashkenazi Bet
JJayyim ofZeeburg (Netherlands), xxv, 295;
Ashkenazi Cemetery of Kingston (Jamaica),
xxvii; Barton Heights Cemeteries (the
Burying Ground Society of the Free People
of Color of Richmond), 113, 121; Hamburg
Betahaim(Gennany), 126, 140, 157, 158,



366; Berg Altena Catholic Cemetery
(Cura~o), 107-8,

114,271; Berg Altena

Jewish Cemetery (Curayao), 106-8, 267,

271, 279; Bel I;Iayyim Bleinheim (Curat;:Ro).

xxiii, 15, 104, 107, 123, 126, 133-5, 137,

140-1,143,150,152.157, 164, 167~8, 170,
173,178,264,266-7.279,292-3,366; Bet

I:Iayyim Jodensavanne (Suriname), xxiv, 25,

100-1,295-6; Bet I;Iayyim Ouderkcrk
(Netherlands), xv, xxi~xxii, xxiv, 22, 55, 89,


308,309,334,340,365; Cassipora
Cemetery (Suriname), xxiii, 126, 130, 176,
179,292,309; Chatham Square Cemetery

(New York), xxii, 126,285,300,305;

Common Burying Ground (Newport),

110-11, 120,332,364; Coro Jewish

Cemetery (Venezuela), 127, 175, 310, 353;

Creole Cemetery ofJodensavanne

(Suriname), 101-2, 114,296; Da Costa
Family Cemetery (Charleston, sq, xxvi;
Dutch Protestant cemeteries, 158; Eastern
European Jewish Cemeteries, 130; First Bet
I:Iayyim of Spanish Town (Jamaica), xxiv,
295,296,309; First Cemetery at St James
Place (New York), xxiv, 295; God's Little
Acre (Newport), 110--11,364; Hunts Bay
Cemetery (Jamaica), 168,292,296,309;
iconographic program, 133, 174; Jewish
cemetery ofOranjestad (8t Eustatius), xxvi,
49~50; Masonic cemetery (Curalfao), 266,
271; Mikveh Israel Cemetery
(Philadelphia), xvi, 295, 343; Muiderburg
Cemetery (Netherlands), xxii, 289; Nidhe
Israel Cemetery (Barbados), 83, 126, 129,
134, 169, 176,292,295-6; Novo Bet
f;Iayyim (London), 300; Old Ashkenazi
Cemetery of Paramaribo (Suriname), xxv,
100,176,179; Old Kingston Jews'
Cemetery (Jamaica), xxv, 295; Old Sephardi
Cemetery of Paramaribo (Suriname), xxv,
100,134,176,179,180; Protestant
cemeteries, 132, 157-9, 271; Second Bet
l:Iayyim (Ashkenazi) of Spanish Town
(Jamaica). xxvii; Second Jewish Cemetery
(New York). xxviii; Touro Cemetery
(Newport), xxiv, 1, 110-11, 126, 134,273,
285,295; Velho Cemetery (London), 126,
179,292,296,300,310; see also

gravestones, House of the Rounds.

Castro see also Namias de Crasto, Orobia de
Castro, D.H. de, 22. 177, 278, 340
census, 90, of Newport (Rhode Island), 117,
Cesarani, David, 21,120.231,340,361,363
Chaplin, Joyce, S7, 117, 118,340
Charleston (South Carolina), xxvi-xxviii, 304.
316; Jewish population, 304; see also Kahal
Kadosh Beth Elohim
children, xvii, 1. 3, 5, 17,25-6, 36, 47. 52, 83,
86. 97~99, 103, lOS, 106, 110,117, 124,
238,303,306,362; death, I to, 144-5, 158,
childbirth, 26, 27, 32, 98
chocolate, 181, 198-201,209,340,362;
chocolate bowls, 200--1; chocolatiers, 198
Christianity, xxv, 3, 5-6,10-11,20,21,23,35,
53,59-61,75,77, 78, 85~7, 95, 98,101,
110, 1I4, 148, 158-60, 175-6, 178.204-5.
336,337,350,357,359-61.365; Anglicans,
117, 247. 249; Catholicism. 5, II, 34, 62,
Congregationalism, 20, 249, 286-7. 318;
Dutch Refonned Church, 95; Half-Way
Covenant, 286, 320; Invisible Saints, 292,
321; myth of crypto~Christianity,59, 127;
New Christians, xxv, 6, 21,114,160,204-5,
325,360; new Israelites, 59; New
Testament, 148,226,278,281,357; Old
Christians, 5, 87. 279; Pope, 247;
Protestants, 19~20, 30, 33, 35-6, 59-62, 64.
286-8.299,317-19,326.341,345; see also
conversos, Protestant Church architecture,
Chyet, Stanley, 207, 229, 230. 340
circumcision, 34, 91-5, 97-9,103,118,119,
123,126,136,186,224,229; circumcising
slaves, 91~5, 97-9, 103, lI8, 119
cleanliness see bathing. impurity, mikva 'of,
clothing, 9, 47, liS, 165-6,240,242,244'-5;



Masonic apron, 265, 267-8, 270, 274; hats,

165-6,212; robes, 52, 165-6,212,245;
vest, 245
clubs, I, 197,248-52,255; see also Masons
coffee houses, 197~8, 249, 251, 261;
rabbinical censures against, 197
Cohen see also Kohen, Kohenim
Cohen, Robert, 56, 98,119,120,179,310,341
Cohen Lobatto, Judith (d. 1686). 172
Cohen Peixotto, Daniel {d. 1769),253
concubinage, 99, 103, 106-7, 112, 118. 120,
322,328,335; see also sex, Suriname
Constantinople, 3, 28, 241
conversion to Judaism, 33, 99,101,105,118,
119, 338; converting slaves, 91, 95. 99, 119
conversos, xxi-xxii, xxv-xxvi, 5, 11, 14,28,

327, 338; anusim, 124, 317; Queen Esther,

155, 160--1, 181,233; Jethro, 222~3;
meshumadim, 124,324; marrano, 21,148,
convivencia, 182,203-4,319
cookbooks, 193. 204; The Complete
Confectioner, 193; Experienced English
House~Keeper. 193; Jewish Manual or
Practical Information in Jewish & Modern
Cookery, 193,208,210.356; recipes, 182,
Coro, Venezuela, xvi, lOS, 120, 127, 175, 198,
Coronado Reyes, Abclardo, xvi, 175,310,341
Coronel, Sarah (d. 1660). 309
COlTea see also Alvares Correa
Correa, Esther daughter of Jacob Mendes (d.
Costa see also cemeteries, Moses Curiel
Costa,Isaacda{ca 1721-83),253
Costa, Uriel da (ca 1585-1640), xxii
Coupe, Kent, xv, 107-8, 113, 120, 121, 157,
Coutinho, David (d. 1706), 309
Coutinho, Rebecca (ca 1676-1710),309
Crane, Elaine Ponnan, 20, 21, 120,230,306,
Cranston, Peter Junior (d. 1771), 110-11;
parents, 111; master, III
Creechurch Lane Synagogue of London, xxiii,

Cromwell, Oliver (1599--1658). xxii, 63
crypto-Jews, 27. 51, 59,118.179,220-1,233,
238,338,345,349; see also COllversos
Culi, Jacob, xxv, 29, 31, 51-6,179,209,233,
297, 341, 351; see also Me-Am La 'ez
Curayao, xvi, xxii-xxvi, 3. 5. 7,15,22,26.
33-4.40, 41. 47~50, 56, 75, 81, 82, 85,
asiento, 95, 103,317; Jewish population,
landhuizen,'103, 323; Puoda neighborhood,
143.153,165; slaveI}' in, 85, 90-1, 93-5,
101-14,118,303; taxes, 153; Willemstad, 7,
15,47,49,81,134,140-1,143, ISO. 152,
359, 366;yu di hudiu, 91, 103, 105, 107-8,
114,329; see also De Vergenoeging
Masonic Lodge, 19ualdad Lodge. Mikve
Israel-Emmanuel Synagogue, Roi Canarije
Plantation, Tempel Emanu-El
Curiel, Jacob de David (d. 1663),309
Curiel, Moses {alias Jeronimo Nunez da Costa;
Curtin, Philip, 121,341
cutlery, 199
d'Aguilar, Shabbetai {d. 1783),23
d'Argens, Marquis (1704-71), 239-42, 246,
247,275,276,341,342; The Jewish Spy,
Darhe Jesarim of Suriname, ~xvi. xxviii, 101,
De Vcrgenoeging Masonic Lodge, 272 .
death, xvii, xxvii. 10-11, 13, 18,20,22,26,
27,32,52,89,98, Ilo-Il, 113, 118, 124,
127-34, 136-8, 140-6, 153, 155-62, 167.
168, 173, 174, 176-8, 195,204,213,225,
342,358,366; death impurity, 32, 52-3,
167; death of children, 98, 110-11, 145,
295; pangs ofthegrave, 132, 137, 141, 156,
178,292,299,321; stages, 136-74; see also
afterlife, cemeteries, disease, gravestones,



life expectancy
Dclevante, Marilyn, 277, 342

Deetz, James, 132. 176, 178,342

Delbanco, Andrew, 20, 23, 308, 342, 348
Delvalle see also Davalc
Delvalle, Daniel (l7th~ 18th century), 253, 262
democracy, 237, 250

embodied religion, 3, 9; corporeality of God,

16, 130; embodied Judaism, 3, 9, 16;
Protestant conceptions of the early modern
body, 35-6; separation ofthe soul from the
body, 140-1, 161
emancipation, xxviii, 86, 117, 119, 355, 363
Emmanuel, Isaac and Suzanne, 22, 118, 120,

Diner, Hasia, 207, 307, 342

disease, 35, 144, 177, 190,244,296; see also

doctors. plague, water cures, yellow fever

dishes. 186, 199-200, 205, 209; china, 2,
199-200; cups and saucers, 2, 199-200;
plates, 200; teapots, 199-200
doctors, 35, 144,244-6

Douglas, Mary, 32
Dovale. David f::{ayyim, 264, 266--9
Dowry, 123, 136; Santa Companhia de Dolar
Orphas, 136
Dritt Shul ofAmsterdam, xxiv; New Dritt
Shul, xxvii

Dubin, Lois. 227, 234, 343

Duke's Place Synagogue of London, xxvii, 77,

Dura Europos Synagogue afSyria, 169-70,

Dutch, xxi-xxiii, xxviii, 2, 6, g, 21, 29, 30, 34,
365; Dutch cQlonics, xxii-xxiii, 2, 6, 21,
40-2,47,51, 55, 68~9, 75, 77, 96,194,203,
243, 302-~3, 365; Dutch language, 29. 62,
289; Dutch Reformed Church, 95; see also
Amsterdam; Beit Haim Ouderkerk, Dutch
West India Company, Suriname, Cural;':ao,
Netherlands, St Eustatius
Dutch West India Company, xxi, 103, 165
Duyckinck. Gerardus 1(1695-1746), 8
Duym, Lily, xvi, 45
earthquakes, xxiv, xxvi, 225, 287, 296-7, 299;
Lisbon earthquake of 1755, xxvi, 225, 297;
Port Royal earthquake of 1692, xxiv, 296
education, xxv, xxvi, 7, 9, 86, 89, 99,101,107,
329,343; religious education in Cural;':ao,
101, 165,218,231,343; religious education
in Suriname, 99; see schools, yeshiva
Elior, Rachel, 220, 232, 343
Elizer, Isaac(ca 1718/20-1807), 253


143, 168,174,176-80,231,234,276,278,
Endelman, Todd, 176,231,309,310,343
English language, xvii, xxvi, 28, 29, 62, 63,
Enlightenment, 33, 75, 89, 117,227,255-6,
285,321,323,344; Haskalah. 227, 234,
321, 323; project of comparative religion,

Erasmus, 76
eschatology, 13-14,85-6,155,159,161,166,
Esnoga see Portuguese Synagogue of
estate inventories, 2, 7, 20, 21, 199-200, 208,
209,33 I
Ettin, Miriam Gratz (1807-78), 309
Euro-African, 93, 96,100,318; see also
African-American, Afro-Curayaoan,
Afro-Surinamese, Judeo-Africans
E:<: f;layyim Yeshiva, xvi, xxi, xxiv, 153,218,

Evelyn, John (1620-1706), 23, 61, 344
evil, 36, 83,126,141,223,225,242,326,329;
evil inclination, 36, 53
excommunication see berem
Faber, Eli, 118, 120,207,208,303,310,344
family, xvii, 14, 18,28,39,83-91,93-9, 101,
133,138,142,145,147, 152,153,161,167,
168, 171-4, 183~7, 189-91, 196, 202, 217,
jamilia,94,97,319; oikos, 94, 97, 119,325:
see also Jcwish family, kinship
Farar, Deborah, 309
Ferro, Sarah Semah (1711-48),177
finnament, 67-8, 272, 326; see also veiling
Fonseca see also Aboab da Fonseca, Nunes da
Fonseca, Abigail da (d. 1703), 309
Fonseca; Daniel de (17th-18th century),




food, 9, 17-19,27,30,43,85, 181-211,322,


beef, 186-92, 198,206,208,354,359;

Blackbelly Sheep, 190; bread, 153, 175,
181, 184-6, 198,202~,223,225,226,234,
323,337; cacao, 96; cassava. 203; chard,
205; cheese, 181, 186--7,201,203,209;
chicken, 181, 187-9; chickpeas, 205;
chocolate, 181, 198-201, 209, 340, 362;
coffee, 96, 181, 183, 193, 197-201, 249,
251,261; eggplant, 204; eggs, 190,204;
fish, 129, 186-9, 191,203-5,207;flou4
190; fruit, 181, 188,202,203,205,321;
garum, 203-4; baroset, 202-3, 32 I; honey,
193,203,205; Gouda, 203; lamb, 187;
matzah, 187,202,323; meat, 185-92,

milk, 186,201,208,209,238,359; nuts,
202,203, 321;pan esponjado (sponge
cake), 181; oranges and lemons, 181,203,
204; pineapple, 199,209; pork, 185, 186,
188, 189, 191; rice, 26, 204; salt beef,
189-90,192,208,354; Sephardic cuisine,
182,203-5; sorbet, 181; soup, 193,204;
spices, 190, 198,203-4; sugar, xxiv,
xxvi-xxvii, 6, 7,19,25,41,96,103,117,

335; Surinamese cherries, 203; vegetables,
188, 193; see also alcohol, kashrut, sugar,
Forrester, Richard Gustavus (1823-91),
France, 30, 53,123,193,198,241-2,245,

Frank, Jacob (1720-91), xxv-xxvii, 13,22
Franks, Abraham (ca. 171),-97),253
free blacks (free colored), 83, 96, 98, 99, 119,
Freemasons see Masons
Friendly Lodge of Kingston, 253
Friendly Lodge of Montego Bay, 253
furniture, 7, 9, 21, 200-1; chair, 201; desk, 63,
67,201; furniture makers, 200-1; table,
201; tea chest, 200; tea table, 200
Gabay, Jacob (d. 1683),309
Gabay Ferro, Josias (alias Don Henriquc
Henriques; d. 1723), 123, 126
Gan Eden see afterlife
Gawronski, Jerzy and Ranjith Jayasena, 54,

Gennany, xxv, xxvi, 30, 54, 55, 227, 234, 294,

305,363; Friedberg mikveh, 55;
immigration to the Americas, 305; see also
gift exchange, 184, 191, 197
Gilmore, R Grant, 1II, 56, 331, 345
Gitlitz, David, 51,179,203,207,209,232,

Glueckel of Hameln (1646-1724), xxv
God,4, 11, 14-18,26,30,32-5,43,52,60,64,

66-9, 74,


115-16, 123-30,

corporeality of God, 130; hand of God, 18,
309,320; divine presence of God
(Shekhinah), 60, 92-3,145-6,164,327
Godines see Senior Godines
GoJdish, Matt, 22-3, 76, 78, 345
Goldsmit, Wolf(1659-1717), 163
Gomes Casseres, Jane, 56, 346
Gomes Henriquez, Abraham Hezckiah (d.

Gomez, Aaron Lopez (d. 1863),268
Gomez, Rebecca (1713-180J), 198
Gratz, Hyman (1776-1857), 309
Gratz, Michael (1740-1811), 188,253
Gratz, Rebecca (1781-1869),309
graven images see gravestone symbols
gravestone inscriptions, 22, 110-11, 113, 139,
227,269, 278,309,337, 356; seven
elements, 146
gravestone symbols: angels, 16, 18, l1Q-ll,
animals, 128-9, 293, 295, 309; Ark of the
Covenant, 159-60, 176,266; biblical
scenes, 18, 127-8, 134, 147-9, 154--7,
161-2,295; deathbed, 127, 136, 138, 140,
142-5; death's heads, 127--8, 130, 132, 137,
309-JO,319, 342; drapery, 140,159,177;
flowers, 130, 155--6, 158, 180,295,320;
graven images, 127, 13),...4, 160, 176, 179,
278,293,296,299,320,346,362; hand of
God cutting down the tree oflife, 127-8,
136--7,170-4,295,300,309,320; heraldic




images, 54, 87.127,137-8,172,290,293;

humans, 128-30, 140, 147, 160,293,295,

Hart, Samuel (18th century), 302

309; kcterTorah, 150,266,322; Masonic

Hartog, lohar!, 22, 56, 120,347

symbols, 262-8, mythical creatures,


Noah's ark, 266; seven species, 153;

scythes, 153,266; snake, 128,295,309;
sun, 155-6. 158, 178-9,266-8,278;
sunflower, 155-6, 158; vegetation, 128,
293, 295-6, 308-9; visionary experiences,
138, 145, 153-4; wheat, 153, 155-7,295;
(winged) hourglass, 155-6, 158, 268

gravestones, xxv, 9,15.17-18,23,50,54,85,



Hasidim, xxv, 283; Lubavitch, 28, 39--40, 47

Haskalah see Enlightenment
hats see clothing
Uayon, Nehemiah (ca 1655--ca 1730), xxv, 294
Hays, Hetty (18th century), 185,
Hays, Judah (1700-1832),253,274
Hays, Judith (wife of Samuel Myers;

Hays, Moses Michael (1739-1805), 252-3,

344, 356, 362; coffin-shaped stones, 177,
290, 293; imported from Amsterdam, It 0,
128, 130,299,300; intercolonial gravestone
trade. 110, 134,300; pyramidal stones, 175,
293. 295-6; wooden gravemarkers, 102; see
also cemeteries, gravestone inscriptions;
gravestone symbols, Stevens-family carvers
Great Synagogue ofAmsterdam, xxiii, 79, 89,
289,291; mikveh, xxiii. 37. 39, 41, 54, 293
Guedes. Sarah dl: Samuel (d. 1661),309

lfakham, xxi, xxiii-xxvi, 78, 211, 214. 227.


see also talmid bakham

Halakha(Jewish law), 3. 9,13,18,26,29,
39--40,50,84-6,90-1, lIB, 120, 124, 127,
hypercorrective behavior, 84
Halbertal, Moshe, 23, 308, 346
ha-Levi, Uri (16th-17th century), xxi, 289
HalI, TImothy, 320, 346
HaUamish, Moshe, 238, 275, 346
Hanukkah, 2, 70
Hamburg, xxiii, xxviii. 5. 7,126,140,157,
295,309,366; see also Gennany
Hancock, David, 197,208-9,347
lJaredi, 28, 283, 320
Hart, Aaron (1724- t 800), 253
Hart, Isaac (d. 1780),305
Hart, Jacob (1746-1822), 253
Hart, Moses (b. 1748),302
Hart, Naphtali Jr. (18th century), 21
Hart, Samuel (son of Moses Hart; d. 1773),

Hays, Rachel (nee Myers; 1738-1810),273-4
bazzan. xxvi, 9,192,202,215,299,321
Hebrew, xvii, xxii, xxiv-xxv, xxviii, 28, 3D,

317,323; nekudot, 230; pronunciation, 215,

Hecker, Joel, 210, 347
Hendricks see also Henriques
Hendricks, Hetty (1801~65), 268
Hendricks, Uriah (1731-97), 201
Henriques see also Matatia Aboab. Josias
Gabay Ferro, Hendricks, Gomes Henriquez,
Maduro de Henriquez, Moreno Henriques;
Rachel Ulloa,
Henriques, Ainsley, xvi, 54,
Henriquez, Antonio (1897-1988), 107-8, 114
Henriquez, Joshua Jr (18th century), 253
heraldry, 54, 87, 127, 137-8, 172~3, 262-3,
290,293. see also gravestone symbols
!.terem, 231, 321
bevra kaddisha (burial society), 136, 167,
178-9,297,321; hakafot, 168,320--1;
lfesed ve Emel, 136, 167; see also House of
the Rounds
Hezser, Catherine, 118,348
Hisquiau de Cordova, Joshua (1720-97), 192,

Hochstrasser, Julie, 121.348
Hoefle, Rosemarijn. 119-20, 348
Holbcche, Abraham (17th-18th century), 253,

Honen DaHm Synagogue o[St Eustatius, xxv,
49-50,56,298,303,316,331; mikveh, xxv,
49~50; meaning of name, 49
Hoss, Stefanic, 52, 54, 348
House of the Rounds (Casa de Rodeos), xxiv,


167-8,297,318; House of the Rounds in

Bet l:Iayyim Ouderkcrk, xxiv. 168, 297;
House ofthe Rounds in Bet J:layyim
Bleinheim, 167-8
House of the Kohenim, 167-8, 321
Hubka, Thomas, 80-1,314,332
humanism. 87-8
Hundcrt, Gershon David, 128
Iberian Peninsula, 5-6, II, 14.22,27,29,

299,313, 319, 323,325,327,346,359;see
a/so Portugal, Spain
idol worship see avodah zarah
Igualdad Lodge of Cu~ao, 253
illness, 35,136,138,139,144,146-7,153,
162, 190,251,305,318; as a spiritual
problem, 146-7
impurity, 27, 30, 32, 52-3, 84,162,167,325,
329; bnei niddot. 83; corpse.impurity, 52-3,
162,167,329; due to sins committed, 147;
niddah, 27, 30, 325; tumah (ritual impurity),
32-3,329; see also purity
Inquisition, 5, 7, II, 14, 21, 27, 34, 59, 88,

Islam, 10-11, 18, 203-4, 235--6. 239, 243-6,
Israel, xxvi, 3-4,10,19,32-4,36,38,47,59,
328; Hebron, 19, 181,211,218-21,229-30,
358; Jerusalem, 2, 13, 19,22,32,47.59-61,
324-5,327-8,353; Safed, 19, 148,211,
220,326; Tiberias, xxvi, 19,211,220; see
also Temple in Jerusalem
Israel, Jonathan, 55,120,332,349
lsreall, Henry (18th century), xvii, 186, 190-1,

Isaacs, Benjamin (18th century), 253
Isaacs, Fanny (wife ofIsaae Pollock; d. 1764),

Isaacs, Isaac (18th century). 253
Isaacs, Jacob (18th century). 253
Isaacs. Moses (18th century), 253

Isaacs, Ralph (l741-1815), 253

Italy, xxiv-xxv, xxviii, 75,116,175,227,241,
288,298; Venice, 3-4, 28,41, 75,124,207,
Jachin and Boaz, 261-3, 265-8, 278, 32 1,345;
standing pillars (ma?eoot), 265, 323; see
a/so Masons, Temple in Jerusalem
Jacobs, Janet Liebman, 51,179,349
Jacobs, Joachim, 179,349
Jacobs, Solomon (1777-1827). 253
Jamaica, xvi, xvii. xxiii-xxviii, 5, 7, 22, 41,
54,94,103,120,126,134,144--5, 168,186,
336,337,342,365-6; death and disease,
144-5,168,190,292,295-6; Jewish
population, 304; Kingston, xxiv-xxvii, 120,
192,253,277,295, 316,332,336, 342; Port
Roya~. xxiv, 103,296; slavery in, 94,103,
Spanish Town, xxiv, xxvii-xxviii, 54,
294-6.304,309,316,365; see also
Ashkenazi Synagogue of Kingston,
cemeteries, Kahat Kadosh Mikveh Israel,
Ncvch Shalom Synagogue Complex of
Spanish Town
Jefferson, Thomas (l743-1826), 89, 117, 349
Jerusalem see Israel, Temple in Jerusalem
Jessurun, Esthcr Hanah (d. 1698),309
Jessurun, Isaac (d. 1665), 309
Jewish family, 11, 14, 18,28,39,83-117, 121,

172-3, 183-4, 186, 191, 196,202,235,238,

298,306; definition of the Jewish family,
83-7.183; inclusion, 18,94-114,118,120,
124,127,142,298,338; matrilineal descent,
106, 118, 338; see also klal ebad
Jewish holidays, 74,191, 197, 201~2, 205,
214,220,224-5,232,323,329; High Holy
Days. 135,201; see also Hanukkah,
Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, Sahbath,
Shavuot, Yom Kippur
Jewish men's club of Newport, 197, 250-1,
255; see also clubs
Jewish people (bnei Israel). 20, 33, 85-6, 124,
155,160-1,172,174,221,232,289; see
also Jewish family, klal ebad
Jodensavanne, xxiii, xxiv, 25-7, 45, 50, 96-8.
100-2.294-6,316; see also cemeteries,
Berakha ve~Shalom Synagogue



trefoh (non-kosher) food, 185, 190, 192,

Josephson, Manuel (ea 1729-96), 116, 350

Josephus, 66, 78, 80, 239
Judeo~Africans, I, 3, 17--18, 94-5, 98-101,
105-7, 1l2-13;yu di hudiu, 91,103,105,


201,318,329; vegetarian rennet, 186-7,

201,209; yein nesekh, 196,329; see also
food, shocher
Katz, David, 22, 78, 350
Katz. Jacob, 276-7, 350
kerida see sex
keter (erown) see Kabbalism
ketubah, 120, 149, 160,268,322,343; see also
Kleinman, David, 311
King Charles II (1630~85), xxiii, 60
King David Lodge, 250, 252~3, 261, 267, 273
King George III (l738~1820), 247
King, Samuel (18th century), 58, 257, 277
kinship, 7, 18, 8~6, 100, 104--5, 107, 109,
111~12, 117, 124, 182, 184--5,251,318;see
also family, Jewish family
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 22, 350
klal ebad (Perfected Community), 87, 126,
292, 322, 325
Kohen, Tobias, 3-4
Kobenim, no, 136, 163-4, 167-8, 321~2;
High Priest, 57, 63, 66--7, 267; see also
Cohen, Kohen, purity, Temple in Jerusalem
kosher see kashrnt
Krinsky, Carol Herselle, 78, 308, 351
Kusinitz, Bemard, 20, 71, 276, 331,351

114, 329; see also cemeteries, race,

Judeo-Spanish see Ladino

juderia, 71,322
KabhaHsm, 10, 13-16. 18,23,41,54,60,67,

178-80, 187, 189,206,210,211,232,238,

335--6,346-7,360-1; Adam Kadmon, 16,
317; chariot, 15-16, 154-5, 160,224--5,
318,324; life in review, 138, 141, 153, 156,
160-2; Keter(crown), xxiii. 16,60,150,
266,322; Jacob's ladder, 15-16, 23,128,
265, 349; parnes, 14; pillars, 15-16, 23,

265,278,323,349; tikkun, 11-12, 16,74,

87, 92, 155, 211, 220, 232, 327-8; trec of
life, 16,60,127-8,136-7,170-4,265,293,
195,300,309,319,320,329; Sefirot, 16,
60-1, 164, 172,322,325,327,329;Zoha~
xxvi, 14,80, 141, 14~, 155-6, 159, 161,
172,178-9,189,329,363,364; see also
angels, mysticism, Shekhinah, tikkun
K.adi~h, Shannan, xvi, 22, 77, 80, 343, 350
Kahnl Kadosh Beth Elohim of Charleston,

Levi Vitoria, Levi Ximenes, Levy Maduro,

Grace Mears, Isaac Mendez Seixas, Rachel
Seixas, Saul Levi Morteira
Levy, Benjamin (father of Hiam, Simeon, and
JochabedLevy; 1692-1787),7
Levy, Gabriel a (ca 1670--1725), 134, 136,

Lopez, Isaac (1762-62), III

Lopez,. Moses (alias Jose Lopez Ramos;

Lopez, Moses (alias Duarte, son ofAbraham
Moses; ca 1739-1830), xxviii; calendar,
Loewenstamm, Aryeh Loeb ben Saul

153,158, 162-8
Levy, Gabriel a (d. 1749), 168
Levy, Hezekiah (18th century), 253
Levy, Hiam (1742-95),1-2,5,7,20--1,302
Levy, Isaac a (d. 1770),267
Levy, Jochabed (wife of Moses Seixas;


Levy, Manuel a (son of Gabriel a Levy, d.

1754), 167
Levy, Moses (1704-92), 1
Levy, Moses Raphael (ea 1665-1728),7-8
Levy, Simeon (1748-1825), 2
Levy, Uriah (1792-1862), 275, 352
Levy Maduro, Aaron (d. 1727), 163
Levy Maduro, Salomon (18th century), 91-2,
97,118; Seier Brit Yqakh, 91-2, liS, 353
life expectancy, 144
Lindo, Abraham Alexandre (1775-1849), 103
Lindo, Blanche, 306, 311, 358
Lobles, Louisa(1887-1931), 102, 114
Lobo, Mrs (18th-19th century), 83
London, xxii'-xxvii, 5-7, 11, 30, 54, 59-63, 66,

Loewenstamm, Saul (1717~90), 181,207

Louzada, Catherine (ca 1756-1821), 311
Lubavitch, 39-40, 47, see also Mcnachem
Mendel Sehneerson, Hasidim
Lucena see also Lusena
Luceoa, John Charles (ca 1752-1813), 230,
Lucena, James (alias Diogo Carvalho de
Lucena; 1720-95), 117,230,246-7
Lucina see Luccna
Luria, Isaac (Ha-Ari; 1534--72),238
Lusena, Judith de (d. 1692),309
Luzzatto, Moses I;Iayyirn (1707--46),
xxiv~xxvi, 16,22,23, 75, I17~18, 126--7,

322,328,335,338,353-5; Derekh
ha-Shem, xxv, 117-18,126,175-7,179,
206,210,308,310,353; Mishkenei Elyon,
75,261,328,353; see also klal ebad

Ladino, 28-9, 51, 182,203,205,212,214,
319,323; Judezmo, 212, 214; scc also
Spanish language
Landers, Jane, 119,351
Latin, 29, 62, 76, 87~8, 228-9
Leon, David de (d. 1683),309
Leon [de Templo], Jacob Judah (1603~75), 17,
29,59,62-4,67~8, 71~2, 74, 77-80,82,87,
165,262-3,265,268,278, 313, 352, 357;A


Kahal Kadosh Mikveh Israel (Ashkenazi)

Synagogue of Spanish Town, Jamaica,
Kaplan, Aryeh, 51, Il7, 175, 179,210,232-3,

Kaplan, Yosef, 23, 53, 78,117,308,350

kashrut, xxvii, 18, 97, 182~92, 196--8, 200~1,
204~9, 211, 251, 322, 327, 329; hodek, 190,
192,318; books, 55, 205-7; certificates,
187-8,192; complaints, 185, 191-2; Gentile
servants cooldng one's food, 205; kashering
dishes, 185,205; kosherchccse, 181, 186--7,
201,203,209; kosher meat, 185~92, 198,
205; kosher for Passover, 182, 187, 197,
200--4,209,361; kosher wine, 196-7;
nonkosher animals, 186-7,201,205;
prevention ofintennarriage, 185; setam
yeinam, 196,327; social pressure, 185;

Relation ofthe Most Memorable l'hillges,

63,79,352; Reh'ato del Templo de Selomo,
17,59,78,352; Sennamfulleral, 62, 78,
Leon, Moses de (ca 1250-1305), 14; see also
Zohar in Kabbalism
Levi Vitoria, Abraham (d. 1699), 163
Levi Ximenes, Sarah Hannah (d. 1727), 145
Levin, Zcvi Hirsch (1721-1800),197,207
Levites, 130, 136, 163-5, 179,323;
hand-washing rite, 136, 163-5; see also


Levy see also Miguel de Barrios., ha-Levi,

134-5, 179, 181, 185, 187, 192, 197,205-7,

211-14, 227~8, 235, 239, 243, 247, 251,4,
300,314; Jewish population, xxiv, 135, 297;
stock market crash, xxv, 181; see also Bevis
Marks Synagogue, cemeteries, Creechurch
Lane Synagogue, Duke's Place Synagogue
Lopes, Joseph (son ofAaron Lopez;
Lopez see also Aboab Lopes, Aaron Lopez
Gomez, Lopes,
Lopez, Aaron (alias Duarte Lopez; 1731-82),
xxvii, 7, 21, 106, 109~11, 186-7, 191,
335,340,359; dishes, 200-1; inventory,
199-200,208-9; and slavery, 109~II, 335
Lopez, Abraham (alias Miguel, brother of
Aaron Lopez; 1713-75),213,229
Lopez, Abraham (of Jamaica; 18th century),

Lopez, David Jr (1750-1812),252-3

Ma 'aseh Tobiah. 3--4

Machorro, Isaac (d. 1667), 309
Maccoby, Hyam, 53, 354
Madeira, 117, 194, 196, 208; Madeira wine,
Maduro de Henriquez, Cira (1899-1944),
107-8, 114
Magen Abraham Synagogue of Maurica,
Brazil, 55,116,229,336
Magriso, Isaac (18th ccntury), 164, 179,209,

354; see also Me-am-Lo 'ez

mabzor, 5
Mahamad, xxviii, 52, 83-4,116,165,185,
Maimonides, Moses (1135~1204), 10,22,62,
77,92, H8, 130, 160, 168, 176, 179,354;
Mishneh To~h, 62, 77, 118,354
Mandclblatt, Bertie, 188, 208, 354
Marchena see Carilho de Marchena, Marchena
Marchena Carilho, Rachel (d. 1746), 142
Markoe, Peter (ca 1752-92),245,276,354;



Algerine Spy in Pennsylvania, 245-6

Marcus, Jacob Rader, 21, 81, 116, 118-20,
marriage, 33, 37, 83-6, 89, 95, 98--100,105-6,

343,362,364; intermarriage, 83. 99,185,
281,307,281,362; Jewish marriage
partners, 95, 98,105; manying women of

color, 95. 99-100, 318; polygamy, 99, 235;

see also concubinage, ketubah, Suriname

Maroons, 96, 97,119,275,323,365-6; Jewish
rituals among, 97-8; Nasis clan, 97-8, 119
Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, I I7

Martinique, 194
maskitim, 227-8,234,323

Masons, 9, 16, 19,236,248-74,276-9,317,

347, 35(}-1. 355-8, 362-3; all~seeing eye,
268; aprons, 265, 267-8, 270, 274; Masonic

Temple architecture, 259, 261, 263, 269-70,

273,277,279,256; floor cloths, 261, 269;
Globe of Terrestrial and Celestial bodies,
265-6,268,320; Grand Masters, 9, 252-4,
259,267,274,276,345; Laurence Dennott,
Massachusetts Grand Lodge, 274; operative
masons, 260, 325; regalia, 262, 267; and
Solomon's Temple, 256-7, 259-63, 266,
268, 270, 272, 278, 321, 325, 328;
speculative masons, 26Q...1, 274, 328; see
aL~o cemeteries, De Vergenoeging Masonic
Lodge, Friendly Lodge of Kingston,
Friendly Lodge of Montcgo Bay, gravestone
symbols, Igualdad Lodge of Curai;8.o, Jachin
and Boaz, King David Lodge
Massiah, Mrs, 83
material culture, 9~JO, 14, 16,21,255--6,261,

also clothes, dishes, food, furniture,

gravestones, mileva 'ot
Mather, Cotton (1663-1728), 35, 53, 355
McGaha, Michael, 121,229,231,335
McLoughlin, WiHiam, 284-6, 307--8, 355
McManus, Edgar, 112, 120,355
McWi11iams, James, 188, 207~9, 335
Me-Am o'ez, xxv, 29~30, 51-5,179,205,
Mears, Grace (wife of Hiam Levy;

medicine, 35, 53, 144,339,347-8,358
Melish,Joanne, 110, 1I2, 117, 12Q...l,355
memento mori, 114-15, 137, 157-8, 162,324;
see also gravestone symbols, vanitas
Mendes see also Seixas
Mendes, Jacob (d. 1738),310
Mendes, R. Samuel Rodriguez (d. 1748),21,
Mendes, Solomon I::Iayyim (d. 1727),310
Mendes Chumaceiro, Joseph lJayyim
Mendes de Sola, Samuel (d. 1761), xxvi,
191~2, 214; sennon, 214
Meninas, Duas (d. 1678),309
Mercado, David Raphael de (d. 1685),295,
merchant, 1,5,7-8, 13,31,36-7, 105, 109,
ll5,1I8, 135--6, 165, 171, 186-7, 193-6,
messianism, 2, 10, 13-14,20,23,28,51,53,
326-7,361,365; and Adar, 129; messiah,
xxii-xxiii, xxviii, 4, 10-13, 16,20,22-3,
73-4,76,93,124-5,128-9,148-9, l60,
radical eschatology, 13-14, 149, 158, 161,
messianism, xxiv-xxv, 13-14, 149, 158,
285,288,294-7.326; see also awakenings,
Shabbetai Zcvi
Mexico, 115; see also Inquisition
Meza, Esther Hannah de (ca 1714-45),130,
Midrash Tanhuma, 26, 224, 234, 335
mikva 'ot, xxii-xxiii, xxv-xxvi, 17,26-56,71,
blessing prior to immersion, 30-1, 45, 52;
bor al gabei bor mikveh, 46, 318: bricks, 38,
46--8,50; drowning, 31; ba+i?ah, 30, 321;
heated, 30, 35, 38; mikveh attendant
(balanit, banadeira, shomeret), 30--1, 45,
52,83,317; immersion ofJews returning to
Judaism, 34; immersion in oceans and
rivers, 17, 25~7, 38, 40, 50, 54-5: invalid
immersions, 26, 43, 47,54-5,321; kelim
mikveh, 43, 45, 322; ladder, 39; myth of the



friendly piranhas, 17,27,40; o;ar, 47, 54-5,

3J 8,325; rain-fed mikva 'ot, 26, 33, 41,
46-7, 50, 56; spa~!ike mikva 'ot, 28:
spring~fed mikva 'ot, 26, 33~5, 45; te'vilah,
30: plaster, 39, 50; tiles, 27, 30, 35, 38--9,
45,47,50; underground streams, 50; use by
non..Jews, 83--4: see also individual
synagogues, spa culture
Mikv6 Israel~Emmanuel Synagogue of
Curas;ao (alias the Snoa), xvi, xxii, 15,34,
357,359; l;fesed ve Emet, 136, 167:
Mahamad, 165; mikveh, 47-9; Rabbi's
house, 48~ Santa Companhia de Dotal'
Orphas, 136; school, 165,218
Mikveh Israel Synagogue of Philadelphia, xvi,
xxvii, 34: rnikveh, 26, 52
MiHcr, David, 174, 180,356
Miller, Perry, 19,284,286,307,356
Mill Street Synagogue see Shearith Israel
Mishnah, 32, 33, 53, 62, 78, 224, 254;
Mishnah Yorna, 33, 53; see also Talmud
mitzvot, 11, 13,28,30,74,92, 1l4, 116, 124,
147,172,185,206, 22Q-.1, 224, 226, 233,
Azharot, 221, 317; !10k, 185,321: negative
commandments, 233, 328; positive
commandments, 92, 233, 328; second
commandment, 16, 18, 128~9, 159,320;
Ten Commandments, 221, 224
modesty, 28, 40, 48, 50, 329; prohibitions
against nakedness, 40
Monis, Judah (l683~1764), xxv
mosaic pavement, 107,261,267-73,279,324
Montano, Benito Arias (1527~98), 62, 78, 269,
Moreno see Moreno Henriques, Rachel Ulloa
Moreno Henriques, Abraham (d. 1726), 134,
136, 17Q.-3
Moreno Henriques, Daniel (l7th-18th
centuries), 171
Moreno Henriques, Isaac (d. l767), 173
Morteira, Saul Levi (ca 1596-1660), xxiii,
Moses, Isaac (1742-1818), 252-3
Muslim see Islam
Mussaphia, Debora Hannah (d. 1699),267,
Mussaphia Fidalgo, Abraham (ca 1752-1802),
Myers see also Rachel Hays

Myers, Elizabeth (nee JUdah: 1763-1823), 193

Myers, Gustavus Adolphus (1801-69), 112
Myers, Joseph M. (l8th century), 253
Myers, My.,- (1723-95),199,252-3,261,273,
Myers, Samuel (1755-1836), 253
Myers, Solomon (1753-91), 252
mysticism, 2, 28,124,212,249,252,257,
see also Kabbalism, Zohar

naqao (Jews of the Portuguese nation), 78,

Nadler, Steven, 23, 175,308,356--7
Na1)manides (1194-1270),144,177
Namias de Crasto, Elijah (d. 1692), 154
Namias de Crasto, Elijah Raphael (d. 1717),
Namias de Crasto, Mordecai Hezekiah (d.
Namias Torres, Jacob (d. (651), 309
names, xvii, 34, 54, 70, 86--7, 105-7, 109, 117,
129,147,161-3,168,172,208,317: names
added during illness, 147: apellido materno
and apellido paterno, 106,208,317; Dutch
naming conventions, 106; Hebrew names,
xvii, 86,161-2,244; Spanish naming
conventions, 106
Nassy, David Cohen (1747-1806), 98, 119,
Nathan ofGaza (1643-80), II, 292
Nathan, Simon (18th century), 253
Native Americans, 90, 230, 306; Samson
Occom, 230-1; Wamapanoag, 117
naturalization, xxvi, 216, 243, 247~8
NederlandschIsraelitische Hoofsynagoge of
Amsterdam, 163
neo~classicism, 63, 268
nco~Solomonic order, 60, 63, 66--70, 72, 75,
77, 79-81,270,279, 294,298,313~16,324,
Netanyahu, Benzion, 174, 357
Netherlands, xv, xxi-xxii, xxiv-xxv, 13,37,
42,49,54-5,59,89, 189,205, 211, 229,
232,290,295,303-4,306,334; see also
Amsterdam, Dutch, and individual
Neveh Shalom Synagogue ofAmsterdam, xxi
Neveh Shalom Synagogue Complex of
Spanish Town, Jamaica, xxiv, 54, 294, 316,
364; mileveh, 54



Neveh Shalom Synagogue of Paramaribo, xvi.

xxv, 45-7, 101, 119, 315; mikveh, 45-7
Newport, xvi, xix, xxiii-xxiv, xxvi-xxviii,


Obbene Shul ofAmsterdam, xxiv

Orabio de Castro, Isaac (1617-87), 238
Ottoman Empire, 118, 193,212,216--17,
338; see also Africa, Israel
Ouderdorp, Dennis, xv, 203

69-76,81,85, 90, 93-5~ 101, 106-7,

Pallache, Samuel (ea 1550-1916), 246--7, 275,


Paramaribo, xvi, xxv, 21, 25, 27,45~7, 55, 96,



306.315,348,358; see also cemeteries,

architecture, xxvi, 1-2,20,26,50,61,

69-76,209,314; census of 1774, 306;

Neveh Shalom Synagogue of Paramaribo,

Zedek ve-Shalom Synagogue
Pardo, Josiao (ea 1626-921), xxiii,
Parnasim, xxviii, 9,153,163,168,186--7,

census of 1790, 117; race relations, 85, 90,

245; see also cemeteries, census, Jewish
men's club. newspapers, Redwood Library,
Stevens-family carvers, Touro Synagogue


New Synagogue (Nieuwe Synagoge) of

Amsterdam and rnikveh, xxvi, 29, 35, 37-9

New York, xvi-xvii, xvxiv-xxviii, 5, 7-8, 21,
357,359; Jewish population, 21, 304, 311,
359; New Netherlands, xxi; see also
cemeteries, newspapers, Shearitb Israel
Newspapers, 214-15, 229-30, 334;
Connet:ticut Journal, 214; Middlesex
Gazette, 214; New JerseyJournal, 214; New
York Journal, 230; Newport Mercury, 215,

Nidhe Israel Synagogue Complex of Barbados,

xxii, 34, 43-5, 52, 83,176,209,291-2,
295-6,315,333; Mahamad, 52, 83, 116;
Minute Books, 52, 116; mikveh, xxii, 43-5,
83; museum, xvi; rabbi's house, 83; school,
83; sex scandal, 83-4; Shamash's house, 83;
see also cemeteries
Nieto, David (1654-1728), xxiv-xxv; Malleh
Dan, xxv
Nieto, Isaac (1702-74), xxv-xxvii, 21, 257
nobility, 37, 87
Nunes, Daniel (ca 1710-?), 253
Nunes, David (18th century), 253
Nunes, Joseph (1808-5J), 172
Nunes, Moses (ca. 1700-1),253,276332
Nunes da Fonseca, Judith (d. 1668?), 309


145~52, 155,158,165,168,174-5, l79,

Pollock, Isaac (1700--64), 305
Pollock, Miss (ca 1755~?), 281-2, 284, 286,

275,284,288,291,297-9, 308-to, 320,



229-30; Pennsylvania Packet, 214

niddah see impurity, mikva 'ot


Isaacs, Kitty Abrahams, Polock

Pollock, BiJah (1753-1826), 305
Pollock, Hannah (wife of Isaac Hart; d. 1799),

Passover, 139, 142, 182, 187, 197,200-4,209,

232-3,320-1,323,325,327,361 ;
Haggarlot, xxiv, 205, 320; J;.aroset, 202~3,
321; matzah, 187, 202~3, 323; matzah
board, 202; see also kashrut
Penso, Moses H. (ca 1693-1754), 120
Pereira see also Pereira Mendes, Rodrigues
Pereira, Abraham (alias Tomas Rodrigues; d.

1699), 13
Pereira Mendes, Abraham (ca 1743-?), 191
Philadelphia, xvi, xxv:i~xxviii, 26, 34, 40,

343,354; Jewish population, 304; see also
cemeteries, Mikveh Israel Synagogue of
Philadelphia, Rodeph Shalom Congregation
of Philadelphia
PhiUips, Jonas (1736--1803), 52, 253
Picart, Bernard (1673-1733),166,255,277,
Pinto, Isaac (1720-91), Prayers for Shabbath,
Rosh*Hashanah, and Kippur, 5, 21, 214,
Pinto, Solomon (1725/6-?), 253
Pinto Delgado, Joao (ca 1585-1653), 149
piranhas, 17,25-7,40,51,340
pirates, 157,235,243-4
Pirkei de~Rabbi Elieze1; 234, 358
pogrorns, 6,38,287,290
Poland, xxii, 82, 284, 290, 332; Chmielnicki
Uprising, xxii, 290
Pol[11ock, Myer (son of Isaac Pollock; d.

1779), 2, 302, 305, 310

Pollock see also Abigail Sarzedas, Fanny



Pollock, Myer (father of Isaac Pollock;

l7th~18th century), 284
pollution see impurity
Port Jews,S, 9 21~2, 51,53, 120, 198,217,

354,358-9; itinerant rabbis, 19, 211~29,

236; 'Semaha', 192; Shaliab (emissary)
Movement, 297, 327; see also /fakham,


portraits, 8-9, 25, 58, 150-1, 155, 165, 178,

Portugal, xxi, 5, 114, 124, 126, 135, 146,205,
Coimbra, 229, 247; Lisbon, xxvi, 7,194,
225,229,246,297; Marques de Pombal,
247; see also earthquakes, Iberian
Peninsula, nm;ao,
Portuguese language, 53, 119,205,213-14,
Portuguese Synagogue ofAmsterdam (alias
the Esnoga), xxiii-xxiv, 37-8, 61-3, 65, 79,
architecture, 61-3, 65, 79, 314; mikveh,
prayers, 91-2, 116, 206, 225, 230, 254-5, 284,
289,317-18,328; Amidah, 21,163-4,230,
358; ShaJ;.ari/, 163,225,327; prayer book,
xxii, xxviii, 5, 21, 214, 216, 230, 232, 357;
pmyer service, xxi, 164, 327; prayer shawls,
166; see also belltshers, Haggadot
Price, Richard, 55, 96, 118-19,358,363
probate records, 71,184, 199-201,332
Protestant church architecture, 17, 59--61, 64,
66,70,81,279,314,361; Christ Church in
Cambridge, MA, 81; King's Chapel in
Boston, MA, 81
Purim, xxvii, I J4, 181-3, 193, 197,211,232
Puritans, 20, 53, 60, 219, 233, 284, 286, 288,

race, 85,87-90. 103-4, 117~20,322,340,344,

349,355,361; history of raeism, 87~90, 94,
117;kleurling, 119,322,326; 'mulattos',
89, 112, 322, 324; racial mixture, 91, 95,
9&--9; racial taxonomies, 89-90; restrictions
on synagogue seating, 89, 100, 104;
cemetery restrictions, 89, 100; yal;tidim vs.
congregOf/tes, 99-100, 318;yu di hudiu, 91,
103, 105, 107-8, 114, 329; see also
African~American, Afro*Curayaoan,
Afro-Surinamese, Jewish family,
Judeo~Africans, sex, women
ransom, 181,243-4, see also Cassard
Raphael, Simcha Paul, 141, 143, 176--9,308,

Recife, xxii, 26, 40~J, 45, 48, 55, 84, 1l6, 125,

359,366; Jewish population, 42, 304; name,
41; see also 2ur [srael Synagogue
redemption, 11, 16--20, 28, 31, 33-4, 51, 67,
74,93,113--14, 116, 124, 127, 132-3,
172, 174,211-12,220-1,225-7,232,259,
291,293; see also messianism
Redwood Library of Newport, xvi, xix,

Rembrandt, Hannenszoon van Rijn (1606--69),
renegade, 235-6, 242-3, 248, 254, 326
resurrection of the dead, xxii, 4, 10,58, 127,
132~J, 137-8, 141, 145, 155, 157-8, 162,

purity, 28, 30, 32-3, 35, 39,137-8,162,164,
167-8,187,297; 'pure' bloodlines, 37;
family purity, 28, 39; Sephardi tahor, 54;
spiritual cleanliness, 33, 36; see also
rabbis,xv-xvi, xxi-xxviii, 11, 13, 16--17, 19,

Revolutionary War, 109,217,247,249,300-3;
disruption of trade, 301-3; Tories, 2, 57,
215,217-18,247,274; Whigs, 57, 215,

Richmond, Virginia, xvi, 112-13, 199,332
Ripa, Cesare (ca lS6O-ca 1622),240-2




ritual baths see mikva 'at

Rivera see Rodriguez Rivera

Schorsch, Jonathan, 84, 91,103,116, U8-20,

Robbins, Joel, 23, 178, 307, 359

Second Converso Migration, xxv-xxvii, 135,

secrecy, 2, 14, 16,23,28,51,59,75,,6,178-9,

Rodeph Shalom Congregation of Philadelphia,

Rodrigues Pereira, Rui Miguel Faisca, 229,
Rodriguez Brandon, Abraham (1766-1831),

Rodriguez Rivera, Hannah (wife of Jacob

Rodriguez Rivera; 172(}""1820), 145

Rodriguez Rivera, Jacob (1717-89), 109-11,

145,187, 196--7,213.215,229-30,240,

Rodriguez Rivera, Sara (wife ofAaron Lopez;

Roi CanarijePlantation, 165
Roiz, Isaac (d. 1681),310
Rosh Hashanah, xxvi, 21,146,230,357
Rowson, Susanna Haswell (1762-1824),
XXviii, 235-7, 239,345,275,360
Rupert, Linda Marguerite, 118, 120,332
Sabbath. 21, 97, 164. 187-8, 191, 197,204-6.
230,232,318,329,358; meals, 187-8, 197,

St Bustatius (Statia), xxiii, xxv-xxvii, 22, 26,

331,345,347; British occupation, 302;
Jewish population. 49, 304; see also Honen
Dalim Synagogue
St Eustatins Center fOf Archaeological
Research (SECAR), 49
Salinger, Sharon, 276, 360
Saperstein, Marc, 82,149,178,232-4,360
Sarna, Jonathan, xv, 10,22,28,51,53,209,

Sarzedas, Abraham (1747-1), 253 .
Sarzedas, Abigail (wife ofMyer Pollock; d.

Sasportas, Abraham (first husband of Hannah
Rodriguez Rivera; 18th century), 145
Sasportas, Jacob (16 I0-98), xxiii-xxiv, 291
Savannah, Georgia, 75,185,304-5; Jewish

population, 304
Schnccrson, Menachem Mendel, 22, 28
Scholem, Gershom, 14,22-3,54, 125, J77,

schools, xxv-xxvi, 7, 52, 83, 89, 165, 218,
281, 329; see also yeshiva
Schorb, Jodi, xvi, 53, 333, 361


dissembling, 75, 238-9, 245, 248; see also
Masons, spies
secret societies. 16-17. 19.85,252; see also
Seder Tefilo! ha-Mo 'adim, 5.2].359
Sefirot see Kabbalism
Seixas, Gershom Mendes (1745-1816). xxvii.
Seixas. Isaac Mendez (husband of Rachel

Levy; 1709-178112),7
Seixas, Moses Mendes (1744-1809), 2, 7, 9,
Seixas, Rachel (nee Levy, 1719-97), 5
Senior see also Senior Godines, Senior
Teixeira, Senior Teixeira de Mattos
Senior, David (d, 1749), 142
Senior, Isaac (d. 1693), 152
Senior, Isaac J;layyim (d. 1726),134,136-50,
152-3,155, 165; children and wife, 142;
father, 142, 147, 149; house. 142-3;
synagogue service. 142; donations to the
Synagogue, 142
Senior, Joseph de David (d. 1614),290
Senior, Mordecai (1620-80),148
Senior, Moses (d, 1730). 147, 152, 160
Senior, Sarah de Aaron (d. 1700),309
Senior Godines. Benjamin (d. 1715?), 114-16
Senior Teixeira, Samuel (d. 1717), 130-1, 150,

Senior Teixcira de Mattos, (saac (d. 1728), 177
sennon structure. 221..-.6, 228; catenary, 221,
223.228,298,318; demsh, 221-3, 225-6.
228,298,319; rna 'amar, 74, 82, 222-3,
225,323; nose, 222-5, 325; reshut, 222-3,
226, 326; see also Carigal
servants, 30-1,52,88-9, 110, 1l4, 117, 142,
145, 194.196,200,205,337; indentured
servants, 88, 117, 194,337; 'Red Legs', 88;
see also slavery
sex, 28, 35-6, 40. 53, 83-6, 88, 94--6, 98-9,
103,105-7, 109, lI2, 116--18,235,361.
364; children out of wedlock, 85-6; free
colored mistress, 83--6; harem, 235; kerida.
106,332; 10weHIass mistress, 85-6; sex


ratios, 94-6, 98.103,105-7; sex scandal at

Nidhe Israel, 83-6; sexual jealousy, 98; see
also concubinagc. marriage, mikveh,
Suriname marriage
Shabbetai ?evi, xxi-xxiii. xxv-xxvi, 10-13.
22-3.41,60,74, 124-5, 127, 148,219,282,
shamash (Synagogue caretakcr), 83-4, 86. 327
shaving, 165; beards, 165-6
Shavuot, xxvii, 19, 74, 216, 220-2, 224-6,
228,232-4.317,325, 327, 364; Azkarvt,
221,317; Hag HaKatzir, 226; Orner. 165,


slavery, xxviii, 88.117,194,235-9,244-5;

urban slavery, 94--6, 103, 108, 110; see also
asiento, circumcision, race, servants, sex,
slave trade, women
Snoa see MikYlS Israel-Emmanuel Synagogue
Soae, Avraham HaCohen. 55, 207, 362
Sola Pool, David dc, 21, 310-11, 342
sod, 14, 58,125,188,238,248,252,328
Solomon, Isaac (1743-98), 253
Sorkin, David, 21, 231, 234. 363
Soto, Isaac de (d. ] 678),267
Soto. Rebecca de (d. 1671),267
SOUl. 3, 9, 16-17,35-6,60. 123-8, 130-3,

136-44, 146-7, 154-6, 158-9, 161-3,

Shearith Israel Synagogue ofNew York, xvii,

xxvi, 9, 34, 38, 50, 185, 188, 191, 199,202,
208,23],273,316.342-3; Mahamad, 185;
mikveh, 38. 50; Mill Street Synagogue. xxv,
xxviii, 50. 298, 342; school, xxvi
Shekhinah, 92-3. 145-6, 327
Shem Tov, Shorn Tov ibn (ea 1390 -ca 1440),
ships, 7--8.105,136,171-4,195,244
sluJchet, 187, 190-2,205,284.327
Silveira, Isaac (d. 1681), 148
silver, 153, 199; silversmiths, 199,273,276,
339; see also Myer Myers
Simon, Benjamin (d, 1689),310
sins, 11, 123-4, 126. 141, 147, 161, 292. 321;
see also avodah zorah. pollution, mikva 'ot
slave trade, 18,21,95, 103, 111, 115, 118,
344,353,358,365; see also asiento,
slavery, Triangle Trade
slavery. xxviii,S, 7. 18,31,47.84-121, 124,

170-"1,174. ]76. 187, 189,269,289,292-3,

differcnce between Jewish and non-Jewish
souls, 142; olam ha-neshamot, 144; nefesh.
138. ]40-1, 143, 153, 155-8,324; neshama.
138,140-2,147,153-5.160,324; roaIJ,
138, 14Q....l. 146, 153, 155, 159,326;
tripartite soul, 137-8, 153, 162, 176,295,
299; transmigration of soul, 124, 189,320;
see also afterlife
spa culture, 35,41,48,50-1; tiles, 27, 30, 35,
39,45.47.50; water heaters, 30, 35
Spain, xxi, 5,30,69, 81-2. 121, 123, 126-7,

135,146,160, 174,177,182,203-5,207-8,

359--60, 362, 366; food fed to slaves.
188-90,302; house slaves, 47,103,120;
sJaves who were Jewish, I13, ll7, 119, 194,
348; plantation slavery, 94-6, 103, 165;
limits on Jewish slave holding, 194,208;
siervo, 92, 319; slave or Israel, 92, 328;
slavery in Antiquity, 117~19, 348; slavery in
Barbados, 103, 194,208; slavery in
Curayao, 101-7, 165; slavery in Jamaica,
103; slavery in New England, 110, 117, 120,
]21; slavery in Newport, 107-13; slave
population in Suriname. 96--7, 294; slavery
in Suriname, 96-101, 294; slaves in art,
113-16; sojourner slave, 92, 97, 328; white

353,356--7; see also Ibcrian Peninsula
Spanish language, 21, 29, 53, 62, 88,106,163,
handwriting, 2; Castellano 88, 212, 214; see
also Ladino
spies, 19,57,236,239---48,251,275-6,338,
341,354; C\>pionage fiction, 239-46,251,
275,348,355; Spying-Glasses. 242
Spinoza, Baruch(l632~77), xxiii, 175,357
Stamp Act, xxvi
Statia see St Eustatius
Stedman, lohn'Gabriel (1744-97), 47. 55,
Stem, Malcolm, 21. 229, 279, 307. 31],363
Stevens~familycarvers of Newport, 11 O~ II,
Stiles, Ezra, 22, 57-8, 69. 76, 81, 117, 177,
ltinerancies. 117,229,333; letters to Rabbi
Carigal, 57-9, 76, 213, 230; Literary Diary,
22, 76, 81, 177, 229-32, 306, 363; portrait,



Stillman, Nonnan, 234, 363
Stokes. Keith, 112-13, 121,306,363
Studemund-Halevy, Michael, 180,309,344,

Succoth, 146; Hoshana Rabba, 146

sugar, xxiv, xxvi-xxvii, 6-7, 19, 25, 41, 96,
311,335; cane, 119, 182, 194--5,208; cones,
194-5,208; molasses, 7,194-5,208,
301-3; sugar boom, 297-8; sugar box, 200;
sugar by-products, 182, 194,301; sugar

sculptures, 181-4, 193; sugar plantations,

xxvii, 96, 103, 194,294; sugar production,
6-7, 119, 182, 194-5, 208; see also alcohol
Suriname, xvi, xxii-xxviii, 3, 5, 7, 21-2, 25-7.

197-8,203,21 J, 215, 270, 272, 279, 292,

Jewish population, xxii-XXIV, xxvii, 194,
304-5; Suriname River, 25, 119; see also
Afro~Surinamese, Berakha ve~Shalom
Synagogue, BenOIt, Cassipora, cemeteries,
Darhe Jesarirn, education, food,
Jodensavanne, Neveh Shalom Synagogue of
Paramaribo, Paramaribo, Suriname
marriage, Zedek ve~Shalom Synagogue
Suriname marriage, 99, 328
Swetschinski, Daniel, 78, 231, 364
Synagogue architecture, 59-82, 263, 270-3,
366; basilica shape, 68, 72, 75, 77, 79-81,
313-16; Ben Ezra Synagogue in Fustat, 77,
351; built on high groupd, 71; columns, 61,
63-4,69, 72-4, 79~81, 313-16; divine
proportion, 63,66,69, 73, 75,80,324;
latticework, 63, 67-9, 74, 79, 272, 313~16;
pre-expulsion Spanish synagogues, 69, 80,
82,313; tevah, 63, 69, 73-5, 79, 81,100,
underground water, 50-I, 56, 71; women's
balcony, 67-9, 72, 74-5, 81, 313-16, 324;
wooden Ashkenazi synagogues, 69, 82; see
also Temple in Jerusalem, names of
individual synagogues
Tabernacle, 17,59,62-3,66--7,78-9, 159-60,


352; see also Temple in Jerusalem

ta/mid bakham, 211, 227,232,320,328; see
also 1:!akham
Talmud, 9, 32, 82, 125-6, 147, 189,220-1,
223,225,232-3,320,328-9; Oral Torah,
11,32-3,221,225,227,233,255; Tractate
Succah, 223, 231-4, 364; see also Mishnah,
talmid bakham
Talmud Torah school of Cura<;ao, 165
Talmud Torah Synagogue ofAmsterdam, xxi,
xxii, 78, 217, 314, 352
Tashjian, Oickran and Ann, 110, 120, 364
taverns, 195,249,251, 261, 276, 360; see also
tea, xxvii, 181, 183, 192-3, 197~201, 301;
Boston Tea Party, xxvii, 301; tea houses,
198; teapots, 199; tea sets, 200
Teixeira see Senior Teixeira, Teixeira de
Teixeira de Mattos, Rachel (1694), 177
Temminck Groll, C.L., 81, 346
Tempel Emanu-EJ ofCura<;ao. 272, 279
Temple in Jerusalem, 10, 13, 17,22,32,34,
92-3,105,129,137-8,153, 159-<i0, 162-3,
165-7,172, 224, 232~3, 252, 256-7,

350,352-3,356-7,359; High Priest, 57, 63,

66-7,267; Holy of Holies, 66, 68, 259, 262,
329; King Solomon, 226, 259; Long Room,
66,68,329; proportions, 59, 61, 63--4, 66--9,
73-5,77,80,324; Second Temple, 22, 32,
70,80,85,105,165,327; Solomonic
columns, 63, 69, 263, 267, 313-16;
Solomon's Temple (First Temple), 62-4, 66,
272,278,321,324-5,328,347; Temple
Mount, 71,268; Temple sacrifices, 32, 52,
59,79,214,313,325,350; Third Temple,
261,328; Women's Court, 67-8, 74; see
also Ark of the Covenant; Jachin and Boaz,
Masons, Synagogue architecture, typology
tevah see Synagogue architecture
Tishby, Isaiah, 179,364
tikkun,1I-12, 16,74,87,92,155,211,220,
Torah, xxvii, II, 14,32-3,47,63,67,74,76,
82,125,140, 142, 148~50, 152-3, 162, 172,
185,188,197,215. 217-18, 220~7, 23Q-..4,


238, 255, 266, 320-J, 325, 327-9;

Deuteronomy, 52, 221, 226; Ecclesiastes,
116,121,222; Esther, 155-6, 160-1, 181,
233; Exodus, 74,118,159,163,222,224,
233--4,284; Ezekiel, 34, 41, 51, 59, 62, 66,
71.75-6, 159-uO, 168-9, 179,224,261-2,
324,328; Genesis, 15, 32, 67, 118, 128,
139, 149; haftarah, 222, 224, 320; Isaiah,
81; Jeremiah, 33, 149; II Kings, 154;
Leviticus, 32, 52, 221, 356; maflir, 222,
224,323; Malachi, 158; Proverbs, 139, 150,
222,226; Psalms, 139, 142-3, 147,222,
225-6,268,284; 1 Samuel, 139, 147, 156,
163,176; Song of Songs, 130
Torah scroll, xxvii, 47,153,230; silver Torah
crowns, 153
Touro, Isaac (1738-83), xxvi, 215
Touro, Judah (1775-1854), 112-13
Touro, Narcissa(1822-1883), 112-13
Touro Synagogue of Newport (Ycshuat Israel),
xvi, xxvi, 2, 9, 20, 34, 50, 61, 69-77, 80, 82,
333,361; mikveh, 26, 50
Townsend, John (1733-1809), 200, 209, 347
translation, xxvi, 5, 21, 28-9, 33, 53, 63, 76,
tree of life, see Kabbalism
Triangle Trade, 7, 91, 94, 116, 182,298,301,
303,329; see also slave trade
twelve tribes, 63, 73-4, 79
Tyler, Royall (The Afgerine Captive), xxviii,
typology, 121, 127, 141, 148-9, 152, 155--6,
160, 165,225,308,321,329;Abraha~
121,140,146, 149-50; Adam, 16, 145, 148;
Elijah, 153-5; Elisha, 154-5; Esther, 155-6,
160-61,233; Isaac, 121, 129; Joseph,
114-16; King David, xxvi, 140, 146-9,225,
250, 252~3, 261, 267, 273; Mordecai,
155-6,160-1; Moses, 152; narrative
(historical) typology, 148-9, 155, 161,321,
329; prophetic typology, 148-9,325,329;
see also Temple in Jerusalem
Ulloa, Rachel (wife of Daniel Moreno
Henriques; 17th-18th century), 171
Updike, Prince (1711-81), 198
Uziel, Isaac ben Abraham (d. 1622), xxi-xxii,


vanitas, 114-16, 121, 153, 156, 329; see also

gravestone symbols
Vega, Judah (16th-17th century), xxi
Vega, L.A., 177, 179,308,365
veiling, 14,66--8,80,125,128,145,159,177,
270, 272, 329; see also firmament,
Synagogue architecture
Venice see Italy
Venezuela, 105-6, 127, 175, 198,310,343,
353; see also Com
Villalpando, Juan Battista (1552-1608), 62,
Wagenaar, P. and C. Philips Jacobsz, 29-31, 51
Wasserfall, Rahel, 51, 349
water cures, 17,35
Watson, Karl, xvi, 52, 55, 116, 175-6, 277,
Weinstein, Rochelle, 137, 173, 177-9,333,
Welch, Pedro, 208, 366
Wells, Robert, 138, 176,366
whiteness, 88-91; see also race
Whitefield, George (1714-70), 215-16, 218,
Wilkinson, John, 66, 68, 73, 79-80, 366
Williams, Eric, 177,303,311,366
wills, 86, 333
Wilson, Ellen (19th century), 112
Wilson, Kathleen, 177,237,275,366
Winkel, Pauline Pruncti, 271, 279, 366
Wisehnitzer, Rachel, 80-1, 366
women, 1, 3, 5, 17,25-41,47,51--2,54-6,
67--9,73-5,81,83-4,86,89, 91, 95~100,
235, 275, 305~6, 313~16, 323~5, 328~9,
335, 342, 348~9, 360; childbirth, 26--7, 32,
98; menstruation, 27, 32-3, 39, 51, 325,
349; women of color, 84, 86, 99, 112, 119,
306, 328, 348; widows, 99 185; see also
concubinage, marriage, sex, Synagogue
architecture, Temple in Jerusalem
wood, 7, 69, 81-2, 88, 96, 182-3, 190,200--1,
302,314; mahogany, 7, 21, 142,200--1, 209,
298,336; in mikva 'at, 31, 39; sugar moulds,
182--3; see also fumiture
Wren, Christopher, 60--4, 66-7, 70, 76--7,
79--80,268,314,343,361,363; 'New
Jerusalem' style, 60--1, 66; orders, 61, 80;
Tyrian order, 61, 76

Valverde, Abraham (18th century), 253



Ximinez, Isaac (17th-18th centuries), 253, 262

yeshiva, xxi, xxiii~xxiv, 175, 181,205,

212-13, 2J7-18, 220, 231-2, 298, 319, 326,
329; beit midrash, 232; see also education,

schools, Talmud Torah school ofCura9ao

Ycshuat Israel Synagogue see Toure
Yom Kippur, xxvi, 21, 66; Vom Kippur War,

Zacek, Natalie, 116-17, 367

Zagorin, Perez, 23, 238, 275, 367
"dakah (charity), 23, 78,147,266,268,320,
329,350; poor relief, xxvij--xxviii
Zedek ve-Shalom Synagogue of Paramaribo,

xxv, 45, 47, 272, 298, 315; mikveh, 45, 47

ZUf Israel Synagogue of Recife, xxii, 41;
Minute Book, 55, 116,229,366; mikveh,

xxii, 41-43


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