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LUKE 10:25-37. A lawyer came to tempt Jesus and asked him a personal seemingly sincere question about what he should do to inherit eternal life. Since he is a lawyer Christ asked him to answer his own question from what he had learnt. The summary of all his learning was that Jewish spiritual obligations revolve around expression of a supreme love towards God and a sacrificial love towards their neighbors. But this lawyer, willing to justify his neglect of duty asked Christ who his neighbor was. The story of the Good Samaritan was Christs response to that question and does not leave him in doubt as to his obligations towards other fellow men. The entire lesson that the lawyer learnt from Christs school of wisdom contained in the story is also relevant to us today as we examine our evangelism commission. We shall consider three points:
1. 2. 3.

Good question with ulterior motive The journey from Jerusalem to Jericho The Good Samaritans in the world.


Here we find a lawyer who knows so much but who is not ready to do. He therefore came to Jesus with questions which tend to justify or excuse his disobedience to the word of God. We still find similar situations in the church today. It is not all who come to the church, to pastors or Sunday school teachers to ask questions that are sincere. Some come to tempt the teacher, some come to confuse the church and spread unbelief. Some ask questions that will emphasize gains at the expense of godliness. Some questions are motivated or inspired by devils and demons and are meant to hinder the progress of Gods work or scatter the church. Pastors, teachers and spiritual leaders should be discerning. We should not attempt to answer all questions. Christ never did. Sometimes, Christ answered questions directly, at other times He answered questions with questions. There are times He never answered inquirers question. Actually, there are questions that the Bible commanded us to avoid. 2 Timothy 2:23. Christian leaders and workers should learn from Christs example. We must be in partnership with the Holy Spirit during questions and answers or counseling sessions to be effective. We must explore the motive of all inquirers before answering their questions. 2. THE JOURNEY FROM JERUSALEM TO JERICHO Luke 10:30-33, Psalm 46:1-5, 27:10 Topographically, Jerusalem is about 2,600 feet above sea level as against Jericho situated 850ft below sea level. In between these two cities was about 3,500 feet, 15 miles descent through narrow crooked, rock, winding road with

gorges which often provide hiding places for robbers. Christ, alluding to such terrain well known by His audience told the story of a man (a Jew) who fell into the hands of robbers that would likely have been his own countrymen now turned enemies. Abused by these enemies, rejected, forsaken and neglected by his own leaders, brethren and friends; he was rescued, helped and sustained by a despised stranger. In that dispensation, Jews refused to accept Samaritans as neighbors. Their definition of neighbors excluded Samaritans and gentiles. Even today, years after this parable, the world is still divided. The world today remains divided along racial, ethnic, religious and sociocultural ideological and political cleavages. In such a world many lives are unnecessarily wasted for want of a good neighbor. In telling this story the Lord shows a concise and contextual definition of love, neighborliness and Christian responsibilities towards fellow Christians and all men. The Priests and Levites in the story represented spiritual and secular leaders of the time whose primary responsibility is to restrain the wicked, reward the good and succor the hurting. They have positions and privileges but no love; they are so religious to the point that their commitment to religious codes hindered a more fundamental human responsibility of contributing to the process of sustaining and preserving life. The lesson: A little compassion, a little acceptance of inconvenience, a little sacrifice to care and share will

make the human family, the church, the society, indeed the whole world a better place to live in by all. 3. THE GOOD SAMARITANS IN THE WORLD Luke 10: 33-37, Matthew 5:44-48, Hebrews 13:1-3, Romans 12: 9-14, 17-21, I John 3:17,18, Galatians 6:2,7110 Matthew 25:33-46. Love and compassion manifests itself as good works and acts of mercy towards other fellow humans. Let us take note of the clear evidences of this Good Samaritans love and compassion:

He postponed his program, appointment and journey to be able to help someone in more desperate need. He sacrificed his convenience. He prioritize the medical, social and financial needs of his dying neighbor He provided first aid. He provided connection and introduction. He brought him to a place of safety and further care He sacrificed time to stay with him throughout that day till the next; caring for him to ensure that he was out of danger list. He paid deposit that was the equivalent of two days wages in that economy for continuous care. He committed himself to follow up and pay the balance of the medical bill.

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ALL THESE HE DID TO A STRANGER: WHAT A NEIGHBOR!!! Go and do likewise says the Lord. If the Lord is commanded us to do this to strangers, enemies, accusers and despisers including all those who maltreats us; what about our brethren, friends, colleagues and family members? If our Lord and savior expect this from us towards strangers, what about those around us that we know very well, who are suffering from lack, pains, injustices discouragement and loss? We must do something for them today. The life of sin is like this mans journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. Ultimately, the sinner will fall into the hands of the devil and his agents. They will strip him of important possessions and belongings and leave him half dead. Maybe some that you know are already dying from drunkenness, anger, hatred, malice and fighting. Some that you know may already be dying as a result of fornication, adultery, criminal abortion for unwanted pregnancies etc. Which of our church members are no longer attending fellowship? Could it be that they have been waylaid by spiritual or physical robbers, wounded and left half dead? We must go find them, take care of them and bring them back to the church/fellowship.

Jesus is the Good Samaritan who left His glory in heaven and came to this world to save stripped and injured, half dead sinful men. Sinners that reject the offer of Christs help will ultimately die. They are dead spiritually, they will die physically and die eternally. They will be forever separated from God.


All men are neighbors one to another. We must share common concerns for one anothers safety and well being; most especially in our churches and in our neighborhood. Christians should be good Samaritans in the world.


The vital lesson that Jesus taught through this story is that it is the duty of every one of us in the places where we live or work according to our ability to succor, help or relieve all who are in distress or necessity.

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