100 of The Best Billiard Players of All Time

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100 of the Best Billiard Players of All Time

Copyright 2013 A&V All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Table of Contents: Introduction Top 81-100 Top 61-80 Top 41-60 Top 21-40 Top 1-20 Knowledge Test Game Conclusion Recap.

Introduction Are you looking for a journey that will take you through 100 of the Best Billiard Players of All Time , along with funny comments and a word puzzle? Then this book is for you. Whether you are looking at this book for curiosity, choices, options, or just for fun; this book fits any criteria. Creating 100 of the Best Billiard Players of All Time did not happen quickly. It is thorough look at accuracy and foundation before the book was even started. This book was created to inform, entertain and maybe even test your knowledge. By the time you finish reading this book you will want to share it with others.

Acknowledgement My deepest gratitude to all those who supplied us with the opportunity to complete this book. A special thank you is provided to our project supervisor, Alex Simmert, whose help in promoting this book propelled it to the next level. Additionally I would to acknowledge with much appreciation the essential role that Michael David has played in the process. With countless hours of dedicated work spent on this book, the recognition goes to everyone. We could not have done it without you guys!

Before reading through the book you can skip down to (page 20) and test your knowledge.

100. HUI KAI HSIA (100 I'm the worst of the best ) 99. JEFF DELUNA (99 Still waiting in line) 98. FRANK TABERSKI (98 I need a soul mate) 97. NICK VAN DEN BERG (97 Piece of heaven) 96. RONNIE ALCANO (At 96 You've got a mix) 95. JOHN SCHMIDT (95 I've got self-drive) 94. GANDY VALLE (94 That's what I'm here for) 93. OLIVER ORTMANN (93 Give it to me) 92. RAJ HUNDAL

(92 It's all about me and you) 91. DAVE BROXSON (91 I want a 1on1) 90. RALF SOUQUET (90 and I'm still flaunty) 89. ROBERT CANNEFAX (89 I'm on cloud nine ) 88. CHIA CHING WU (88 Let's leave it to fate) 87. LOREE JON JONES (87 Let's get to Devon) 86. ALEX LELY (86 I'm a hot-mix) 85. ALLISON FISHER (At 85 I come alive) 84. MIKA IMMONEN (84 Time for more)

83. NICO OTTERMAN (83 I'm not ordinary) 82. JIMMY CARAS (82 Look at you) 81. CISERO MURPHY (81 I'm hanging with everyone) 80. JOSE PARICA (80 I ain't shady) 79. JIM REMPE (79 I want my valentine) 78. TONY CHOHAN (78 I want to date) 77. CHARLIE WILLIAMS (77 I've been craven) 76. DANNY HARRIMAN (76 I like to do some gymnastics) 75. CHEI WEI FU (75 Wait for me to arrive)

74. BRIAN GROCE (74 Dazzle me some more) 73. ANTONIO LINING (73 Stay with me) 72. BABE CRANFIELD (72 I want you too) 71. ROB SAEZ (71 I'm not done) 70. JIMMY MOORE (70 I know a girl named Beverly) 69. JEANETTE LEE (69 I'm feelin mighty fine) 68. GABE OWEN (68 Let's mediate ) 67. JEROME KEOGH (67 I'm not yellin) 66. ERNESTO DOMINGUEZ

(66 I like my flicks) 65. JOE BALSIS (65 give me five) 64. IRVING CRANE (64 I still want more) 63. FRANCISCO BUSTAMENTE (63 It's still me) 62. EDDIE TAYLOR (62 I can still fool you) 61. LARRY JOHNSON (61 I'm the fun one) 60. JEREMY JONES (60 I'm not thrifty) 59. CHRISTIAN REIMERING (59 I want to make you mine) 58. MARCUS CHAMAT (58 Let's make it straight)

57. DENNIS HATCH (57 I'm better then heaven) 56. DAVID ALCAIDE (56 I can still mix) 55. RODOLFO LUAT (55 I still jive) 54. DARREN APPLETON (54 I'm still not on the floor) 53. DENNIS ORCULLO (53 Let's be free) 52. GEORGE SUTTON (52 I'm for you) 51. EFREN REYES (51 is the one) 50. MICK HILL (50 I'm nifty ) 49. PAT HOLTZ (49 It's about time)

48. TROY FRANK 3 (48 I don't hate) 47. CLIFF JOYNER (At 97 you look to Evan) 46. BENNIE ALLEN (46 I have a bag of tricks) 45. MARCO LOHTANDER (45 I strive at 45) 44. JOHNNY LAYTON (44 I adore) 43. TONY DRAGO (43 it's not me) 42. MARCO TSHUDI (42 woohoo) 41. LARRY NEVEL (41 Still havin fun) 40. LEONARDO ANDAM

(40 O.M.G.) 39. LEE VAN CORTEZA (At 39 it's a perfect rhyme) 38. DOROTHY WISE (At 38 I need a play date) 37. HAROLD WORST (At 37 feelin 27) 36. ALEX PAGULAYAN (36 I got my kicks) 35. SATOSHI KAWABATA (35 Let's party all night) 34. STEVIE MOORE (34 You're not a bore ) 33. ERWIN RUDOLPH (33 Let's play in a tree) 32. GEORGE BREEDLOVE (32 It's meant for you)

31. THOMAS HUESTON (31 Time for fun) 30. LOU BUTERA (30 Time to worry) 29. ROMAN HYBER (29 I'm going to be fine) 28. NIELS FIEJEN (28 You alright mate?) 27. WELKER COCHRAN (Yay! I have twenty 7's) 26. ALLEN GILBERT (Twice the luck of 13 ) 25. JOHNNY ARCHER (25 quarter of your life) 24. IMRAN MAJID (24 is 6 times 4) 23. PO CHENG KUO (23 is meant to be)

22. JERSEY RED (Deuces baby!) 21. CHARLIE BRYANT (The party starts here) 20. COREY DEUEL (Not a teen and not yet an adult) 19. SHIN YOUNG PARK (The last and best teen) 18. VILMOS FOLDES (I'm free) 17. JAKE SHAEFER JR. (I'm still not legal) 16. DIMITRI JUNGO (Too much sugar? Sweet 16) 15. ANDREW PONZI (One more and I can drive) 14. OTTO REISELT

(I'm still young and fun) 13. TONY ROBLES (I promise I'm the lucky one) 12. FABIO PETRONI (They named me Dozen) 11. BOBBY HUNTER (I'm number one twice!) 10. FONG PANG CHAO (Top 10 starts with me) 9. EARL STRICKLAND (9 ball corner pocket) 8. WARREN KIAMCO (Eight, mate, date, fate, late!) 7. SANTOS SAMBAJON (Lucky number seven strikes again!) 6. RAMIL GALLEGO (No matter what they say six is better than seven)

5. ALFREDO DE ORO (High five!) 4. RALPH GREENLEAF (I'm number four on the list but number one in your heart) 3. MIKE SIGEL (I'm the trifecta!) 2. WILLIE HOPPE (Watch out I'm right behind you.) 1. WILLIE MOSCONI (Knock knock, who's there? Best, Best who, Best Ever)

Test your knowledge

Do you think you have what it takes to figure out the letter combination for each of the following? We have provided 5 levels of difficulties for your entertainment.

Level 1: Easy
100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. __I KAI H__A hu si JEFF D__U__ elan F__NK T_BE_S__ ra ikar _IC_ VA_ DEN B__G nk n er ___N__ ALCANO eirno JOH_ _C_M_D_ n siht _AND_ VAL__ gy el _L__ER OR_M_N_ oiv tan ___ H_NDAL rja u D_VE __OX_O_ a brsn

90. 89. 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. 83. 82. 81.

RALF _O__U__ suetq R____T CANN_F_X eobr ea _HI_ CHING __ ca wu LO_EE J__ JO_E_ r on ns AL_X _EL_ e ly A___S_N FIS__R loli eh ___A _MMON_N ikm ei N_CO ___E_MAN i ortt __MMY CA__S ji ar _ISER_ _U_PH_ oc rmy

Level 2: Medium
80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 71. J__E _A_I__ so acrp JI_ __M_E m rep _ON_ _HO___ yt ahnc CH_R___ _I__I__S leia mllaw _A__Y __RRI_A_ ndn hmna CH__ WE_ __ ei i uf B_I__ G__C_ nar roe _N____O LIN__G otnai in B_BE C_A__I___ a nedfrl _OB __E_ r zsa

70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61.

_____ M_ORE yimjm o JE__E__E L__ tnta ee GAB_ _W__ e eon _E_O_E K_O__ mrj hge ER_E___ _O_IN_U__ ostn emzgd ___ BAL_I_ ejo ss I_V_N_ C___E irg nar ______SC_ _U_TAMEN__ fianrco best _D_I_ TA__O_ eed rly L___Y JO____N rra hnos

Level 3: Hard
60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. J___M_ J__E_ erye osn _H_I_T___ _E_M_R___ iarcsn grneii _A__US ____A_ crm mhtca _E___S HA___ dnni cht _AVI_ ______E dd caidla R__OL__ __A_ fdoo utl _AR___ A_P_E___ nedr notlp __N_I_ __C__L_ sedn ruool GEO___ _U____ rge osntt ____N R___S erfe eye


MI__ H___ kc lli

Level 4: Very Hard

40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. _E___R__ ___A_ noload amnd LE_ ___ __R____ e vna catoze D______ W___ rothoy eis _____D _O___ ahrlo swrt ___X ______YA_ lea aglnuap S___S__ _A______ hoita awtkaba S_____ _O___ teive omre _R__N ___O___ iew lurdhp ____G_ B__E_____

greoe edvlero 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. ___MA_ _U_____ hots sotnhe L__ __T___ uo eruba R____ __B__ mnao yreh _____ ___JE_ nlsie einf W__K__ _O_____ erle rhncac _LL__ ____E__ ane bgrtli _O____ A____R jhnny ehrc I____ M____ nram iadj _O _____ _U_ p ehgcn ok ____E_ __D rsjey er


C_A____ __Y___ ielrh banrt

Level 5: Hardest
20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. ___EY _____ roc ledue ____ _____ P__K hins ugyon ar __L___ _O____ omvis lfdes ___E S______ ___ kaj haerfe r.j _I___R_ _____ tmdii ogjnu _____W ___Z_ rdena opin ____ _E___L_ toto tires ____ _O__E_ tyon rslb _____ ___R__I bifoa topne

11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.

_____ ____ER bobyb tuhn ____ _A__ _H__ nfgo png oac __R_ ___I______ ale lrnstcakd _A____ _____O renrw akmci ___T__ _____J__ nsaso snobmaa _____ ___L__O iamrl glage ___R___ D_ ___ eloafd e roo ____H ________F alpr learnege M___ _I___ iek lgse _I__I_ _____ lewl eopph


______ __SC___ eliilw omnio

100 of the Best Billiard Players of All Time Enjoyed this book? Please leave us a positive rating so that we can produce more 100 great topics. You may also enjoy the following books:

This book and our other books are a collection of 100ofthe that is produced for your entertainment. We write on the topics that we believe will appeal to the masses for entertainment and reference purposes. Each topic goes through a thorough selection process broken down into 4 main steps: The first step is to find out what is a hot topic. We have a research group that finds statistics on topics that interest people. They bring back to us data that we individually go through and based on the volume of interest we select a few topics that we want to write on. Once we have a more concise list of topics we do further micro analysis to pin point a more specific topic. Then we check other book titles and title our book accordingly and to appeal to everyone. To come up with a production of 100ofthe for any topic takes a lot of time. We spend most of our time trying to find unique and interesting answers to what should

be included into the 100ofthe. Usually we come up with way over 100 (thousands usually) to 100ofthe and then again we need to go through the process of elimination. So we sit at a round table and start to discuss each and every answer. At some instances since each person has his or her opinion it make take an entire day to make a decision of the final selections that will actually go into the book. Once the final answer is compiled we sometimes rank the listing in an order of significance. So meaning the number one answer within 100ofthe is the top rank. But that is not the case for all books that we write for 100ofthe. Much time and more discussion are needed to rank the actual answers for each and every book. Its very difficult to agree since every person has their own individual opinion on each and every answer and no one person can really come to the consensus on each and every ranking, so come up with the best consensus possible. Second step is to work with our creative department where they create the cover of the book. This is one of the most important departments in our company. The reason is very simple; because the covers need to be unique and appeal to all people interested in the topic. We sit down with a designer to make sure that we convey the message to the reader that this is the book you want to buy not only because of the cover but the contents as well. The cover needs to display the visual and the written aspect of the book. For example a book on 100 of the Greatest Basketball Players of All Time, needs to convey that the book is both interesting to read with a great title and a cover that provides an imaginative point of view to the potential reader. We take the time to find the best images for the cover by going through hundreds of images. We then narrow down the images to around 8-10 for final review. Our

head designer pitches to us the images they feel are the most relevant and conveys the message to the interested individual to make the purchase. Then we sit down and either agrees to go with the designers assessment or select out own preference for the image. Since the image is one of the most important aspects of the book we take our time. Once the title and image are selected our designer creates it. Next step is to put all of the pieces together and start uploading the book to be available in many venues. This process is handled by our operations department where they upload covers, body, and met data of the book. It takes a while to upload books because of the distribution venues that they are available on. Each portal requires a set of rules that we must follow. For example some are formatting, types of docs that are allowed, and the image size. Each book needs to be saved in many different types of format. Some need to be saved in .doc or .pdf format. Some venues only allow for us to upload book covers with .jpeg and .gif. Others only allow .pdf formats. That is the timeframe between creating a single book can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. In addition to the actual creation of the book the individual companies take a while to verify the content thoroughly before actually publishing it for sale. There are certain restrictions that they impose. So the actual time before the book becomes available is really around 2 months. Marketing a book takes a lot of resources and time. There are many ways to market the book after it is published. Telling friends and family is the most obvious one along with Facebook, twitter and other social media websites. But to actually acquire audiences that are specifically looking to buy

the book you are selling, it takes more time and money. We can also be found on our own website called 100ofthe.com where new and old clients can find all of our tittles for sale. They will also be able to sign up and receive updates on each and every title that comes out for sale. Each book that has been written will be featured on 100ofthe including the portals where the user can purchase the item. In Conclusion we hope each and every reader of our books becomes a fan and supports us in our venture. In the near future we will ask for each and everyones opinion of the topics they want for us to cover and even suggest what you feel should be included and excluded. Our goal is to entertain everyone from young to old. As other successful companies we will continue to improve our answers to 100ofthe. The authors of the books came up with the idea for 100ofthe to fill the demand that was lacking in the book market. Many readers are interested in the choices and variations to answer from Sports to Technology. How many different types of computers are there? What are the best computers I should buy? What are the top basketball players that ever played? All of these questions were posed by the authors of 100ofthe. So they thought it was a good idea to find out the answers and at the same time share with curious people of all ages and nations. Although the books are currently in the English language we feel that in the future as the popularity of the books increase we will want to have them translated into many different languages. The world is full of curiosity and wonder about all topics that we feel the masses will enjoy. That is why the authors are sharing with you this book and others. We would encourage you to tell your friends and

family about these books if you have enjoyed them and want to share the topic. Not every person will like the topic you have read on but I'm sure they will find a range of topics they will enjoy.

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