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Oh my Gosh! What am I going to do when I Had a Car Accident?

This is the common question/ that bothers some of us/ when we encountered such accident. But there are only two things/ we should keep in mind/ and these are:/ first, stay calm./ Relax./ Do not lose temper/ to avoid compulsion./ Second, recall!/ recall the 10 practical steps/ on what to do/ in case of car accident. Here we go! Step 1./ When the accident occurs,/ do not forget to look/ and GET THE PLATE NUMBER OF THE CAR./ This is actually a preventive step wherein we could use the plate number in making the blotter./ This enable us/ to run after those offending drivers/ who run away from the accident/ to escape from the liabilities/ that will be charged against them. Step 2./ If the offending driver does not run away,/ TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS/ AND DOCUMENT SCENE OF ACCIDENT. This is to gather proofs of evidences/ that will show the extent of damages in the car/ and injuries you obtained/ caused by the accident./ Of course,/ this step is only possible/ if you obtain only slight injuries,/ but if it is severe,/ you dont necessarily have to do it,/ instead have yourself/ be brought to the hospital for medical treatment/ and the police officer/ will just get your report of the accident there/ and you may just proceed to step 8 and so on. Step 3./ After documentation,/ GET THE FACTS/ SUCH AS NAMES, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED,/ DESCRIPTION AND PLATE NUMBER OF THE CAR,/ NAME OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND ITS CONTACT NUMBER/ AS WELL AS THE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER,/ AND THE ID AND OR OF THE DRIVERS LICENSE./ These facts are important and helpful/ in the process of investigation or settlement of the accident./ Make sure you also get their insurance company/ and the vehicle identification number of their car/ since most insurance companies only record the type of car/ and the vehicle identification number,/ not the license plate number. Step 4./ After gathering the facts,/ CALL THE TRAFFIC BUREAU HOTLINE/ to come and investigate the accident./ You may also ask to bring with them medical team/ to check up and attend to the injuries obtained by the parties. Step 5./ As soon as the police officer of the traffic bureau arrives,/ GIVE YOUR STATEMENT OF FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES/ OF THE CAR ACCIDENT BEFORE THEM./ (Conspire with them/ so that the investigation will be in favour of you./ just kidding! I am not advising it.)/ it is in this step/ where you show them the pictures or documentation of the accident/ and the facts you gathered.

Step 6./ If the car is in the middle of the road,/ you may move your car out of the way/ but only upon instruction of the police officer./ Use your hazard lights/ and cones or warning triangles/ if necessary./ This is to prevent traffic/ as well as another accident./ Move your car out of the way/ to prevent traffic. Step 7./ CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENTS./ REPORT THE ACCIDENT/ AND ASK IF THE DAMAGES AND INJURIES/ COULD BE COVERED BY YOUR INSURANCE./ However,/ if it is possible/ that the police officer agreed to give a more accurate information/ rather than information you gathered/ to the insurance company,/ then it would be better/ because this can save time/ waiting for your claim to be processed. Step 8./ HAVE THE DAMAGES ASSESSED/ BY THE REPAIR SHOP./ AND THE INJURIES/ UPON PROOF OF THE MEDICAL RECORDS AND HOSPITAL BILLS./ (Ask the repair shop/ to make the damage bigger/ or exaggerate the medical records,/ so that you can claim a bigger amount./ Again I am not advising it.)/ well,/ this step is necessary to determine/ the payment for the actual damages or injuries/ that the offending driver has to pay. Step 9./ SETTLE THE DIFFERENCES AMONG THE PARTIES./ In this step,/ it can be done into two ways./ First, If the parties agreed to handle the financial issues themselves 1st /and just claim it afterwards from the insurance,/ then it will be settled./ This is what we call amicable settlement./ Second,/ if no amicable settlement has been reached,/ refer then the incident/ to your respective insurance companies of the vehicles involved/. If you have the payment for the injuries obtained/ covered by the Third party Liability/ and both payment for injuries obtained/ and damages of the car covered by the comprehensive policy,/ then the case will go on/ until it has been settled amicably. Step 10./ FILING OF COMPLAINT OR INFORMATION./ If the accident happens in the province,/ file a complaint./ On the other hand,/ if it happens in the city,/ the police officer of the traffic bureau/ will submit the case for preliminary investigation/ at the fiscals office/ to determine whether there is a sufficient ground/ to engender a reasonable belief/ that the accident happened/ and the offending driver/ is probably guilty thereof./ If there is already a finding,/ criminal information will be filed against the respondent. Finally,/ to be armed with such knowledge,/ I assure you/ that offending drivers/ can never escape./ Justice will be served!

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