Chapter1-Basic Concepts of Measurements-09

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EEB 5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation and Control Systems

Process/Industrial Instrumentation and Measurements Automation DCS and Fieldbus

Dr. Rosdiazli Ibrahim Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS 22.03.27 Email: Tel: 05-368 7821
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 1

Topics-Part 1:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Basic Concepts of Measurement System Calibration Temperature Measurements Pressure Measurements Flow rate Measurements Level Measurements Loop drawing/connections

Topics-Part 2:
1. 2. 3. PLC: Features PLC programming languages: IEC1131 Sequential/batch/ continuous processes

Topics-Part 3:
1. 2. DCS Fieldbus

50% - Final examination 20% - Test (10% X 2). 10 % - Assignment questions. 20% - Lab reports: Each from Part 1 & 2.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 2

The course syllabus is designed to provide students in the key and base areas of industrial automation, using mixed-mode delivery comprises of lecture-tutoriallab activities that covers the technical, theory and practical.
Synopsis Synopsis
This This course coursecover cover topics topics related related to to measurements measurements (PLTF) and automation in the process (PLTF) and automation in the processindustry. industry.These These include a study on industrial sensors and include a study on industrial sensors andactuators, actuators, industrial industrial controllers such as computer-based control, PLC, DCS controllers such as computer-based control, PLC, DCSand and FF. FF.

Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes

that thatstudents studentsare areexpected expectedto toachieve achieveafter after successfully successfullycompleting completingthe thecourse course

Process .& Meas. Instr Process ,, Industrial Industrial Instr.& Instr.& Meas. The learning outcomes related to Industrial instruments and Measurements Have knowledge and understanding of the various process industry instruments, concept of measurements, calibration and configuration requirements and their applications. Be able to design and develop a control loop consisting the process instruments, based on a prescribed requirement.

Automation Automation The learning outcomes related to Automation and the implementation of Programmable logic controller

DCS DCSand and Foundation Foundation Fieldbus Fieldbus The learning outcomes related to DCS and Foundation Fieldbus use in process industries.

Have knowledge and understanding of the PLC architecture and its importance in automation. Be able to develop a PLC program to perform sequential, and batch control.

Have knowledge and understanding of a DCS and its use in process industries, and the features and architecture of a Foundation Fieldbus system, and its improvement over the conventional DCS.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 3

Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes

To achieve the following Learning Outcomes: Have knowledge and understanding of the various process industry instruments, the concept of measurements, calibration and configuration requirements and their applications. Be able to design and develop a control loop consisting the process instruments, based on a prescribed requirement. .

Assessment Assessment Criteria Criteria

Assessment criteria: To demonstrate student has achieved the learning outcomes Describe the measuring principles, calibration and configuration requirements of different process industry instruments and their applications. Design and develop a control loop using the relevant instruments to meet specifications

Process Process ,, Industrial Industrial Instrumentation Instrumentation & & Measurement Measurement
Assessment criteria: Basic concepts of measurements Process control terminologies Calibration Lab experiences Calibration, configuration of transmitters, controllers, recorders and other peripherals, wiring, selection and installation. Design and implementation of a simple control loop. Assessment criteria:

Signal Conditioning P,T,L,F to mA, V V-V,V-mA,mA-V

Assessment criteria:

Assessment criteria:

Applications and selections of sensors and actuators used in industries Pressure Level Temperature Flow

Design and implement a simple control loop.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 4

Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes To achieve the following Learning Outcomes: Have knowledge and understanding of the PLC architecture and its importance in automation. Be able to develop a PLC program to perform a sequential, and a batch control.

Assessment Assessment Criteria Criteria Assessment criteria: To demonstrate student has achieved the learning outcomes Describe and discuss the architecture and input-output features of a PLC, and its importance in automation. Develop, design, and use the appropriate instructions to write a program to perform specific task in particular sequential process in automation/process plant, and a batch process.

. .

Automation Automation
Hardware structure of a PLC

Lab experiences Sequential control, electropneumatic systems, conveyor belt systems. Design and implementation of PLC system in automation/proces s control.

PLC architecture: CPU, I/O modules, peripheral equipments. Review PLC internal architecture: Timers, counters, arithmetic function, and logical operation. Advanced instruction sets.

Sensors and actuators for automation Applications and selections of sensors and actuators used in industries

Software structure of a PLC


PLC internal architecture: Timers, counters, arithmetic function, and logical operation. Advanced instruction sets.

Programming sequence function charts and Grafcet. Implementation of PLCs for sequential/batch control

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 5

Learning Learning Outcomes Outcomes To achieve the following Learning Outcomes:

Assessment Assessment Criteria Criteria Assessment criteria: To demonstrate student has achieved the learning outcomes Explain the structure of a DCS and its use in process industries, its benefits and limitations. Describe the various components of a typical fieldbus architecture, the control configurations and its improvement over the conventional DCS architecture.

Have knowledge and understanding of a DCS and its use in process industries, and the features and architecture of a Fieldbus system, and its improvement over the conventional DCS

. .

DCS DCS & & Foundation Foundation Fieldbus Fieldbus

MMI Explain the man-machine interface and the features of a control room. DCS Describe the structure of a DCS and its use in process plant and other industries. Fieldbus Describe the overall layout of a fieldbus system used in industry. FF Topologies Interoperability, Reliability CIF Simple implementation example

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 6

References: Curtis D. Johnson,Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Pearson. Dally, Riley & Mc Connell, Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements, Wiley E. O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems Application and Design, Mc Graw Hill.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 7

Lab Part 1 (week 2- 7):

Process Instrumentation for T,P,L,F, using single station controller, recorder, transmitter etc. Design and implementation of a simple control loop

Lab Part 2 (week 8- 11):

PLC for sequential control conveyor belt system, electropneumatic actuators. Design and implementation of PLC in automation

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 8

Emphasize learning through the accessibility to lab-based activities using real instruments, formal reports and continuous assessments...
Calibration Calibration of of transmitters transmitters (T) (T) Configuration of Controller & Recorder LOOP design & interconnection 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 week 2 weeks Conveyor belt system & PLC Electropneumatic actuators & PLC

Lab Briefing & Grouping

Calibration Calibration of of transmitters transmitters (P, (P, L, L, F) F) 1 week



Formal Lab Report Calibration, Configuration and Loop design EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Formal Lab Report PLC and Electropneumatic systems

Topic 1.1- 9

Concepts of Measurements
Basic Concepts of Measurement Systems
Objective of measurements
To establish the value or the tendency of some variable based on the value or the tendency suggested by the measurement device.

General Measurement System

A measurement assigns a specific value to a physical variable, measured variables.
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 10

A Measurement System

Sensor Stage

Transducer Stage

Signal Conditioning


Control Stage

Output Stage

A general template for a measurement system

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 11

Components for Measurements

Sensor Sensor is a physical element that uses some natural phenomenon to sense the variable being measured Sensor selection, placement, and installation are particularly important, because the input to the measurement system is the information sensed by the sensor The interpretation of all information passed through and indicated by the system depends on that which is actually sensed by the sensor

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 12

Components for Measurements

Transducer The transducer converts the sensed information into a detectable signal form, such as electrical, mechanical, optical or otherwise Convert the sensed information into a form that can be easily quantified The term transducer often used in reference to a packaged device, may contain a sensor, transducer, and even some signal conditioning elements

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 13

Components for Measurements

Signal Conditioning It will take the transducer signal and modifies it to a desired form This optional intermediate stage might be used to perform task such as to increase the magnitude of the signal through amplification to remove some portions of the signal through some filtering technique to provide mechanical/optical linkage between transducer and output stage

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 14

Components for Measurements

Output stage This stage provides an indication of the value of the measurement. The equipment might be a simple readout display or a marked scale or it might contain a device that can record the signal for later analysis.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 15

Components for Measurements

Control stage This stage contains a controller that interprets the measured signal and makes a decisions regarding the control of the process. This decision results in a change in a process parameter that effects the magnitude of the sensed value

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 16

In process control
Puts emphasis on the four (4) major control variables in process control, P,L,F,T needed for implementation of automatic control. Allows the application of transmitters, controller, and recorders in the control loop to achieve a required control. Allows investigation on the limitations of instruments for process control, and the importance of correct measurements, in a control system.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 17

Signal conditioning : Digital I/Os


Output terminal Digital output from block DCS 24VDC


alve Open command Input terminal block 24VDC 24VDC Digital input to DCS

To client PC

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 18

Signal conditioning : Analog I/Os

Input terminal block 4-20mA Signal conditioner To client PC

Pressure transmitter



Flow transmitter

Temperature transmitter

Output terminal block 4-20mA

Signal conditioner To client PC

4-20mA 0-10V

Control valve 1

Control valve 2

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 19

Selection of Process Instruments

The influential factors that determine the selection of process instruments for process plant
Size or Range Operating Conditions Cost Compatibility Standardisation Delivery Life Expectancy Certification by Government Agencies Maintenance Capability Confidence, Known Past Performance Design Features Supplier Backup. Credibility

End End of of Lecture Lecture notes notes on on Basic Basic Concepts Concepts of of Measurements Measurements
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 20


EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

Topic 1.1- 21

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