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Oratory topics for 2013

Topics for Level 4 speeches - (time limit 3 5 minutes)

The highest fences we need to climb are those we have built within our minds. Attitude is the minds paintbrush. What I do with today is very important because I will be exchanging a day of my life for it Be yourself an original is always worth more than a copy Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be. Grandma Moses Those who dont stand for something, will fall for anything.

Topics for level 3 (2 to 4 minutes)

A simple hello can change a life Living by the Maeroa Cornerstones Goals are dreams with a timeline. Happiness is like jam you cant spread it around without getting a little on yourself What you think about yourself is much more important than what others think of you Seneca Success starts with believing in yourself.

Topics for level 2 (1 to 2 minutes)

Friends are very important to me because How is living in New Zealand different from living in my home country? How can animals change your life? Maeroa Intermediate my school .. is fun you should try it! What we learn from our families is important

We also have our Te Reo section where students speak only in Te Reo, and some students choose to speak in

both languages. They may open and close their speech in Te Reo with the body of the speech in English.

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