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Lesson 1: Introduction of Industrial Hygiene A Global Perspective Overview of Industrial Hygiene Components of Industrial Hygiene The Industrial Hygiene Process Principles of Industrial Hygiene Lesson 2: Occupational Ergonomics Introduction and basic concept of Occupational Ergonomics Objectives of Occupational Ergonomics Ergonomics: a multidisciplinary science Lesson 3: Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) Meaning of OELs Role and Functions of OELs Procedure for setting OELs Legal status of OELs Developing Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for Pharmaceutical Substances Lesson 4: Occupational Diseases and Health Standards Occupational Diseases Work related Diseases Early detection of occupational diseases caused by physical, chemical and biological factors Lesson 5: Industrial Hazards and Safety Measures/Prevention Introduction Types of Industrial Hazards Evaluation and Controlling of health hazards Prevention of Safety Measures Lesson 6: Personal Protective Instruments (PPEs) and Drapes Meaning of Personal Protective Instruments Types of PPEs Advantages and Limitations of using PPEs Meaning and types of Drapes Lesson 7: Industrial Hygiene Services Introduction of Hygiene Services Various Types of Hygiene services Industrial Hygiene Program Lesson 8: Health Education in Occupational Effects of lifestyle and behaviour on health

Health education in workplace Health education methods and aids Communication skills in Health education

Lesson 9: Industrial Hygiene Regulations and Standards Historical View The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Other Occupational Safety and Health Legislation Occupational Safety and Health Standards

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