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2068/69 (2011/12)
Nepal Agricultural Research Council
National Maize Research Program
Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, 2012
National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan,
Phone: 056-591001, Mobile No: - 9851140616
Chief Editor: Dr. Keshab Babu Koirala
Editors: Jiban Shrestha
Ghanashyam Bhandari
Parbati Adhikari
Citation: NMRP, 2012. Annual Report 2068/069. National Maize Research Program,
Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Printed by: Shubha General Order Suppliers, Narayangarh, Chitwan
Tel. No. +977-5-57085
It is my pleasure to present a brief overview of research and production activities carried out by
the National Maize Research Program (NMRP) during the fscal year 2068/069 (2011/12)
through this Annual Report. The main purpose of the publication is to share the research
fndings with researchers, development partners as well as other stakeholders, who are directly
or indirectly involved in agricultural research and development in Nepal. The NMRP is
mandated to develop appropriate technologies on maize and maize based cropping systems in
Nepal for improving the livelihoods of the rural farming communities. Agricultural research
stations located in different production environments, District Agricultural Development
Offces (DADOs), I/NGOs and farmers groups/organizations have been involved in the
development of maize and maize based technologies and rolling out the developed technologies
into farming communities. After three decades of endeavors, we have now developed a new
working mechanism by which 21 OPVs, 2 hybrid and 1 QPM varieties have been released. A
number of improved crop management technologies for maize based cropping systems have
also been made available to the farmers. We are always looking for new innovations in our day
to day activities. We have also tried to highlight particular challenges, opportunities and
successes in this report.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Executive Director, Dr. Dil Bahadur Gurung, for
his guidance and support to improve the quality of maize research. Director for Crops and
Horticulture Research, Dr. Yegya Prasad Giri, Director for Planning and Coordination, Dr.
Hirakaji Manandhar , Director for Administration, Dr. Yegya Gajadhar Khadaka, Director for
Finance Mr. Nawal Kishwor Yadav and Director for Livestock and fsheries Dr. Tek Bahadur
Gurung are thankful for providing technical guidance and support to improve the overall
performance of maize research program. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation is
duly acknowledged for funding the maize research and production programs through the Hill
Maize Research Project (HMRP), which is being implemented in mid hills of Nepal. I would
also like to thank the HMRP and Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia (CSISA) for technical
and logistic supports. My heartfelt appreciations are to collaborators and disseminating partners;
Agricultural Research Stations (ARSs), DADOs, CBOs, NGO/INGO and farmers for their
active participation and cooperation while conducting the research and seed production
activities across the country. My Special thanks go to the scientists and technical offcers for
their meticulous works in conducting the number of feld experiments, analyzing data, and
preparing reports. I would also like to thank all the technical, administrative and fnancial staffs
of the NMRP for their hard works and untiring efforts in accomplishing the maize research and
production activities.
Finally, I request the readers for their positive comments and valuable suggestions for further
improving the quality of our works in the future and to convert it into an instrument of active
communication with all the concerned stakeholders.
Dr. Keshab Babu Koirala
National Maize Coordinator
National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Table of Contents
S.N. Title Page N.
Foreword i
Table of Contents ii
List of Tables iv
afnL k|hgg\ 1
afnL lasf; 2
/f]u Aoa:Yffkg 2
sL/f Aoa:Yffkg 3
df6f] Aoj:yfkg 3
afXo cg';Gwfg 3
Wffg / ux'sf] ;dGjofTds kl/If0f 4
Introduction of NMRP 9
Maize Breeding 12
1 Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Maize Genotypes 12
2 Development of High Yielding Maize Open Pollinated Varieties suitable for
mid hills of Nepal
3 Comparative evaluation of selected and base population of early, quality
protein maize and full season varieties under improvement works
4 Development of Early Maize Varieties suitable for mid hills of Nepal 55
5 Development of Full Season Maize Varieties for Hills of Nepal 60
6 Development of High Yielding Quality Protein Maize Varieties for mid hills of Nepal 72
7 Agromorphological Characterization of Local Landraces Collected from Mid
Hill Districts of Nepal.
8 Agromorphological Characterization of Local Landraces Collected from Dis-
tricts of Karnali Region of Nepal.
9 Crossing of maize inbred lines for development of QPM Synthetic varieties
for Terai and Mid Hills of Nepal.
S.N. Title Page N.
10 Development, Evaluation and Maintenance of Maize Inbred Lines 99
11 Performance of Promising Maize Hybrids and OPVs in Front Line Demonstration (FLD) 99
12 Development of Commercial Hybrid and Synthetic Cultivar of Maize through
Recycling Process
13 Development of Drought and Low N Stress Tolerant Maize Cultivars for Terai
and Mid hills of Nepal
14 Maize varietal improvement (OPVs, QPM, E and E early) for TIT and foot
hill valley of Nepal
15 Enhancing the Livelihood of Farmers through Intercropping Maize Based System 114
16 Seed Production of Maize, Rice, Wheat and Sun hemp 121
17 Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Early Maturing and Full season
Maize in Winter and Spring season
18 Investigation on management of insect pests in maize 126
19 Management of tassel beetle in feld and maize weevil in storage condition 134
20 Management of Maize Diseases through Host Resistance 137
21 Agriculture Engineering Research Highlights, 2011/12 145
22 Participatory Technology Development (PTD) at NMRP OR Sites 147
23 Farmers acceptance test (FAT) on hybrid maize; Evaluation of Pipeline Hy-
brid Maize under Farmers' Fields
24 Maize Research Activities at OR sites of NMRP, Rampur 155
25 Multilocation Experiments on Rice & Wheat 161
26 Outreach Research: Evaluation of different resource conservation technolo-
gies for maize
27 Special Project: Evaluation and Testing of Multinational Companies Hybrid at
Different Locations in 2011 winter
1 List of working staffs with their designations and qualifcations at NMRP,
Rampur in 2011 (B.S. 2059, Ashad 31)
2 Expenditure statement of multinational hybrid testing in 2068/69 169
3 Expenditure statement of HMRP/SDC till 31 Ashad 31, 2069 170
4 Revenue statement in 2068/69 ( till 31 Ashad, 2069) 171
List of Tables
Table N. Title Page N.
1 Latest working human resources at NMRP, Rampur (2011-12) 10
2 Monthly mean meterological data of last year (2011-2012) 10
3 Maize production status of Nepal in 2011/12 11
4 Variety wise coverage by improved maize seeds in Nepal, 2010/11 11
5 List of hybrid maize research experiments conducted during 2011-12 12
6 Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-1) tested at
NMRP, Rampur, 2011 winter
7 Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-2) tested at
NMRP, Rampur, 2011 winter
8 Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-3) tested at
ARS, Belachhapi, 2011 winter
9 Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-3) tested at
RARS, Nepalgunj, 2011 winter
10 Combined Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-
3) (RARS, Nepalgunj & ARS Belachhapi) 2011 winter
11 Results of CVT on Hybrid Maize (CVTH-1) Tested at NMRP, Rampur,
2011 winter
12 Results of CVTH-1 tested at ARS, Belachhapi 2011 winter 22
13 Results of CVTH-1 tested at RARS, Nepalgunj 2011 winter 23
14 Combined Results of CVTH-1 over locations (NMRP, ARS, Belachhapi
& RARS, Nepalgunj), 2011 winter
15 Results of CVTH-2 tested at ARS, Belachhapi 2011 winter 25
16 Combined Results of CVTH-2 over locations (NMRP, ARS, Belachhapi
& RARS, Nepalgunj), 2011 winter
17 Results of Double Cross Hybrids on Maize tested at NMRP, Rampur,
2011 winter
18 Performance of CIMMYT Tropical Low Land Hybrid Maize Trial
(10ASA15HW10) at NMRP Rampur in winter 2011
19 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (11TTWCWL23) hybrids
at NMRP, Rampur in winter 2011
20 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (11AEICAV305) hybrids
at NMRP, Rampur in winter 2011
21 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (10BSA16HY) hybrids
at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
22 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL24) hybrids
at ARS Belachapi in 2011 winter
23 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25) hybrid at
RARS Parwanipur in 2011 winter
Table N. Title Page N.
24 Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25) hybrids
at RARS Nepalgunj in 2011 winter
25 Combined Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and drought
2011 summer at NMRP, Rampur, ARS, Doti and ARS, Surkhet
26 Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and disease resistant,
2011 summer at NMRP, Rampur
27 Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and drought resistant,
2011 summer at ARS, Doti
28 Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and drought resistant
during 2011 summer at ARS, Surkhet
29 Evaluation of base population based on agronomic traits at NMRP,
Rampur 2011/12 winter
30 Evaluation of selected population based on agronomic traits at NMRP,
Rampur 2011/12 winter
31 Performance of Early Set maize genotypes in CVT-E tested at Lumle
2011 summer
32 Performance of different early maize genotypes tested in CVT at
Dailekh, 2011
33 Combined Results of CVT-E tested over the locations (Dailekh &
Lumle), 2011 summer
34 Performance of maize genotypes (Early Set) in CFFT-E tested at RARS,
Lumle, 2011 summer
35 Performance of different early season maize genotypes tested in CFFT
Dailekh, 2011
36 Combined Result of CFFT-Early set over locations (Lumle & Dailekh),
2011 summer
37 Result of CVT-Full tested at HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer 63
38 Result of IYT-Full tested at HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer 64
39 Result of CFFT-Full season set tested at command area of HCRP,
Kabre 2011 summer
40 Results of CVT-F at ABD Khumaltar, 2011 summer 65
41 Result of IYT-Full at ABD Khumaltar 2011 summer 65
42 Results of CFFT-F at ABD, Khumaltar 2011 summer 66
43 Results of CFFT-F combined over locations (Kabre, Lumle & ABD),
2011 summer
44 Results of IYT-F tested at GRP, Salyan 2011 summer 67
45 Results of IYT-F tested at RARS, Lumle, 2011 summer 67
46 Results of CVT-F tested at GRP, Salyan, 2011 summer 68
47 Results of CVT-F tested at RARS, Lumle 2011 summer 68
48 Combined Results of CVT-F, 2011 summer 68
49 Combined Results of IYT-F 2011 summer 69
Table N. Title Page N.
50 Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in IYT at
Dailekh, 2011
51 Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in CVT
Dailekh, 2011
52 Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in CFFT
Dailekh, 2011
53 Performance of different QPM maize genotypes in CVT at Dailekh,
2011 Summer
54 Results of CVT-Q tested at RARS, Lumle, 2011 summer 73
55 CVT QPM at ABD Khumaltar 2011 summer 74
56 CVT QPM at HCRP Kabre 2011 summer 75
57 Results of CVT-Q combined over locations 2011 summer (Dailekh,
Lumle, Khumaltar & Kabre)
58 Result of CFFT-QPM set tested at command area of HCRP, Kabre 2011
59 Results of CFFT-QPM tested at RARS, Lumle command areas, 2011
60 Performance of different QPM maize genotypes tested in CFFT Dailekh,
61 Combined Results of CFFT-QPM over the locations (Lumle, Dailekh
& Kabre) 2011 summer
62 Details on agronomic and morphological performance of mid-hill local
landraces evaluated at NMRP Rampur in 2011/12 Winter
63 Grain yield of top three mid hill land races in 2011 winter at NMRP,
64 Performance of karnali land races evaluated at NMRP, Rampur in
2011/12 winter
65 Agronomic characteristics of yellow QPM inbred lines at NMRP,
Rampur in 2011/12 winter
66 Agronomic characteristics of white QPM inbred lines at NMRP,
Rampur in 2011/12 winter
67 Performance of inbred crosses at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/12 winter
68 Results of maize hybrids and OPVs in front line demonstration at 2011
winter at NMRP, Rampur
69 Information on single cross multinational hybrids as evaluated and
selfed at NMRP, Rampur during winter season of 2011-12
70 Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season,
2012 (I)
71 Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season,
2012 (II)
Table N. Title Page N.
72 Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season,
2012 (III)
73 Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (I) 106
74 Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (II) 106
75 Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (III) 106
76 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CVTT at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter (Top 5 out of 14 Genotypes)
77 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CFFTT at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter (Top 3 out of 6 genotypes)
78 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CVTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 14 genotypes)
79 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CFFTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 3 out of 6 genotypes)
80 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
IYTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 9 genotypes)
81 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CVTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 9 genotypes)
82 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CFFTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 3 out of 5 genotypes)
83 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other desirable traits
of CVTT at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
84 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CVTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
85 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of
CFFTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
86 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other desirable traits
of IYTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
87 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other desirable traits
of CVTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
88 Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other desirable traits
of CFFTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
89 Grain yield, other agronomic traits, income and land equivalent ratio of
maize and rajma under intercropping conditon in 2011 winter at NMRP,
90 Grain yield and income under different ratio of maize and rajma under
intercropping conditon in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
91 Economic analysis of maize and rajma under intercropping conditon at
different ratio in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
92 Cost of cultivation of maize and rajma intercropping at NMRP, Rampur
in 2011 winter
Table N. Title Page N.
93 Grain yield, other agronomic traits and gross return of maize and potato
under intercropping conditon at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
94 Grain yield and land equivalent ratio of maize and potato under
intercropping condition in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
95 Grain yield, income and land equivalent ratio of maize and potato under
intercropping condition at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
96 Economic analysis of maize and potato intercropping at NMRP Rampur
in 2011 winter
97 Cost of cultivation of maize and potato under intercropping condition
in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
98 Seed production of different maize varieties at NMRP, Rampur in
99 Seed production of rice, wheat and sunhemp at NMRP, Rampur in
100 Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Early Maturing Maize in
Winter and Spring season ar NMRP, Rampur in 2011/2012
101 Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Full Season Maize in Winter
and Spring season at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/2012
102 Response of maize genotypes to maize stem borer, C. partellus. 127
103 Response of pesticides to maize stem borer management. 129
104 Fluctuation of moisture content during the storage periods. 131
105 Monthly emergence of adult weevils in various storage systems. 131
106 Percent grains damage by maize weevils in storage after fve months. 131
107 Insect's infestation record under Suli method of storage. 132
108 Survey report of maize insects conducted at NMRP, Rampur command
109 Response of insecticides for pollen beetle management 134
110 Disease symptoms, severity scale and susceptibility reaction 137
111 Response of maize genotypes to ear rot disease tested at NMRP, 2011
112 Response of maize genotypes to BLSB and other diseases tested at
NMRP, 2011 summer
113 Reaction of maize genotypes against Gray leaf spot (GLS), 2011,
114 Reaction of maize genotypes against Southern leaf blight (SLB), 2011,
115 Reaction of maize genotypes against Northern leaf blight (NLB), 2011,
116 Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Nepalgunj, 2011/12 Winter 152
117 Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Rampur, in 2011/12 Winter 153
Table N. Title Page N.
118 Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Madi, in 2011/12 Winter 153
119 Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Madi, 2011/12 Winter 153
120 Grain yield of pipeline hybrid maize under farmers feld at different
location in 2011/12 winter
121 Combined results of maize FFT full season set at Manahari
(Makawanpur) and two sites of Rajahar (Nawalparasi) 2011 summer
122 Combined results of maize FFT full season set at two sites of Rajahar
(Nawalparasi) 2011 summer
123 Results of maize FFT full season set at Manahari (Makawanpur) 2011
124 Result of Maize FFT Early set at OR sites Madi, Chitwan conducted
during 2011 summer
125 Results of CFFT QPM tested at 2011 summer 157
126 Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Manahari (Makawanpur) 2011
127 Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan) 2011 summer 158
128 Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan) 2011 summer 159
129 Combined results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan) and
Manahari (Makawanpur) 2011 summer
130 Results of CFFT Hybrid tested at Seruwa, Madi (Chitwan) 2011 summer 160
131 Effect of different resource conserving technology on grain yield and
yield attributing traits of maize at outreach site, Shukranagar, Chitwan,
winter 2011/12.
132 List of hybrids and multinational seed companies with their sales
representatives (agro-vets) in collaborative yield trials under different
NARC stations in winter season of 2011
133 Mean grain yield (at 15 % moisture level) of top three hybrids from
multinational seed companies at Tarahara, Parwanipur and Rampur in
2011 winter
134 Performance of hybrid maize genotypes based on days to tasseling and
grain yield over locations (Tarahara, Parwanipur and Rampur) in 2011
ABD Agriculture Botany Division
ARS Agriculture Research Station
ASI Anthesis Silking Interval
CFFT Co-ordinated Farmers' Field Trial
CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
CV Coeffcient of Variation
CVT Coordinated Variety Trial
DADO District Agricultural Development Offce
DAS Days after sowing
FAT Farmers Acceptance Test
GRP Ginger Research Program
GY Grain Yield
HCRP Hill Crop Research Program
HC Husk Cover
Ht. Height
HMRP Hill Maize Research Project
IET Initial Evaluation Trial
IYT Intermediate Yield Trial
LSD Least Signifcant Difference
NRN National Rice Nursery
NLB Northern Leaf Blight
NMRP National Maize Research Program
No. Number
NSB Nepal Seed Board
NRBSN National Rice Blast Screening Nursery
OPV Open Pollinated Varieties
OR Outreach Research
P Probability
PVS Participatory Varietal Selection
RCBD Randomized Complete Block Design
RCT Resource Conservation Technology
RFFT Regional Farmers' Field Trial
RARS Regional Agriculture Research Station
SD Standard Deviation
SE Standard Error
SLB Southern Leaf Blight
TIT Terai and Inner Terai
WVD Wheat Varietal Display
afnL k|hgg\
- + =+ == -+ =++ ++ +== -+ = = =+ += = --=-- =: = === + +=+
=-+ += : = : =+ + + = ==+ = + + === =+ = =+ OBNH-1 += == -
=t =++ + : = := RL-46/RL-111 = + . =. . RL-153/RL-105 == + . =. .
RL-25/RL-29 + . =. ., OBNH-2 += RML-115/RML-17 =-- + . =. .,
RML-55/RL-105 =- + . =. . RML-24/RL-101== + . =. . +: + +-+ s =
= ==+ + +== = = =+ OBN-3 ++ = + a += = RML-18/RL-85 -= + . =. . ,
RL-25/RML-18 - + . =. ., RL-46/RL-111 -- + . =. . RL-85/RML-18 - + .
=. . += = = ==+, =+ + +== == =+ CVTH-1 ++ = + a += = RL-36/RL-197
=- + . =. ., RL-174/RML-36 =- + . =. . RML-57/RML-6 =- + . =. ., = ++
s= = =+ CVTH-2, ++ = + a += = RML-98/RL-105 -- + . =. ., RML-62/RL-105
- + . =. ., RL-150/RL-111 - + . =. ., =+ = =+ double cross hybrid +=
== - =t =++ + : = := 10V20/L4-597 - + . =. ., NMH-666 (Sandhya)/30B11
= + . =. ., 10V20/PROAGRO-4642 == + . =. . + +: +
+== ++=+ =-+ + +: +: = -=-, == ==+= +++ =++ +-++++
=++ =+= =-+ +++ + ===+ =+ + == -+=+ +--+ =++ + (IYT),
==++=+ =++ + (CVT), +=++ o+= ==++=+ =++ + (CFFT) =- +-+
=+=+ == -+ o+ +-+ s= =-++ +=, =-= =o o==- = =+ =+a +==
IYT + Full season + ++== ==- =t =+ Manakamana-3 = =- +=. CVT + ++==
TLBRS07F16 = +=. + + -+ +=+o CFFT = +=, =-= o==-= =+ =+a
+== BGBYPOP = = +=. =+ + +:+ +=+o Manakamana-3 = -
+=/Across 9942/Across 9944 = - += =+ + +:+ -=- =++ += =-=
=o+ =+a +== CVT + ++== POP-44POOL-15 = +=. + + -+ +=+o
KHUMAL YellowPOOL-17 = == +=. =+ + +:+ = s=+ =+a +==
CFFT + ++== Arun-1 EV = - +=. =+ + +:+ +:+ == =++ +-++++
=++ ==++=+ =++ + (CVT) -+=+ =-=, =o, ++ o==-= =+ += =+-:+
S99TLYQ-HG-AB +=. = ==- =t =++ + +=+o Obatanpa +=.
=++ + +:+ =-=, =o ++= =+ CFFT + =-+a ++ ++== S99TLYQ-B =
- +=. +=+o S99TLYQ-A +=. = =++ + +:+
=++ +-++++ =++ +- =+ +- += =++ =++ +=+ += ++ F1
++=+ ==: - -- = + = ==+ =++ =+, += +-+ -=+, =-+ ==:, =-+ =
=-=+ ==: + -- +- (Test weight) + -+= =-+ =+:+ o
+= +=- +- =+= =+ =+=+ = =+ = o+ o ==: =+ - --=
= Selfng =+ Agromorphological characterization = ==+ =++ =+, +++ -=+ + ++
=+ -+= + =-==- =+s -+ + =+ += = - +- ++=+ = +=
=+ =+ =-= + =+= + = o =++ +- =++ Selfng + ++=++ =+=
-== - --= + = o
=+ +: +=- +- =+= =+ =+=+ = =+ = o+ o ==: =+ - --=
= Selfng =+ Agromorphological characterization = +- =+ -+. - =t =++
:+ +:+ =++ =++ Selfng + =+ +=+ ++=+ =+ =+= -== - -- =
+ = o +- =+ =+++ === =+- o+ o+ ++= RKM-04 - +.
=.., DRC-08 +. =.., BJG-14 +. =.., BJG-11 - +. =.. , RKM-05
=- +. =.., RKM-03 = +. =.., RKM-07 = +. =.., RLP-12 +.
=.., BJG-09 - +. =.., DRC-11 - +. =.., BJG-06 +. =.. +
+ - --= = =+= Arun-1EV, Arun-4 and Pool-17, P501SRCO/P502SRCO, BGBYP,
Across9942 Across 9944 ,S99TLYQ-B, S99TLYQ-AB S01SIWQ-3 =+= + =++ =-+
==:, = =+ -=+ ==:, =+ =:=, ++ =, = + ++ ++ +++, +++ -=+,
o=--= t++ =, ++ =++ - =+=+ == Stratifed mass selection + +++=-
==++ (Uniformity) ++= = + =++ =+ =+
afnL lasf;
=+ ==+ -+ += += === =+ + ==+ =+ = +=- =++ + =++=: + +
+ +=+ + -++ ++ ==+ =++ . + . =. + + +- +t + += =-+ =+ + =+ = + =+ +=
=+ =+ + =++ += -. + . =. + + +- -+ -+ + ++ ==+ =++ +t + + +- =.
+ . =. +t -+ =+ -= + -+ += += =+ + ==+ =+ = +=- =++ + =++ --
+ . =. =: + + + +=+ + ++ =+ + =:+ + +== -t : + - + s= = + +== = . =.
=+ + = + . =. + + +- =++ -+ -+ -= + =++ = + . =. + + +-= -+
+.=. --=-- = =+= -.-- -+ =++ == =++ -+ + == =++ =+
=++ =+ =+ =+ +-+=-+ =- +.=. +=++ ==, - +.=. ==== -- +.=.
=++==, -- + +.=. +=++ ==, +.=. ==== - +.=. =++==, =++
-= +.=. +=++ == +.=. ====, =++=+ + - +.=. +=++ == - +.=.
====, += =+ + +.=. +=++ == +.=. ====, S99TLYQ-B + -- +.=.
==== =++=+ + +.=. == == =++ =+ + ++ ++, = =+: (Sun Hemp)
+ +=. = +.=., +.=. - +.=. == == =++ =+ +
/f]u Aoa:Yffkg
=+= =++ ++= =+ =+ ++ :t++ =++ o+-= o+ =+ =+ ++ ==
hftx?df ;fdfGot @% eGbf sd c;/ u/]sf] b]lvof] . kl/If0f ul/Psf hftx? dWo PHRAPHUTTRBATS0031,
& Upahar = = -=++ =+ + +:+ +== :t++ =++ o+-= o+ =+ =+
k|fo h;f] hftx?df ;fdfGot @% eGbf sd c;/ u/]sf] b]lvof] . kl/If0f ul/Psf hftx? dWo] TLBRS07F16,
BLSBRS07F10, Across-9531, BGBYPOP, TLBRS07F14 & Rampur S03F08 = = -=++ =+
+ +:+ ==== =+ += BGBYPOP (2.0), BLBRS07F10 (2.2), HG-A (2.2), TLBRS07F16
(2.3), BG-B (2.3), R-Pop-3 (2.3), R-Pop-4 (2.3) & S03TLYQ-AB-02 (2.3) +:+ ==- =t =+
R-Pop-3 (2359 kg/ha) +=+o R Pop-2 (1968 kg/ha) / BGBYPO (1856 kg/ha) +:+ +o=== +=
= =+ += =+++ =+= =t + =+= ZM-627 (4482 +=.), 02SADVIF2 (4437
+=.), ZM-401 (4184 +=.), 07SADVI (4137 +=.), Ganesh-1 ARSP (4113 +=.),
05SADVI (4075 +=.) o+ o+ +== =+= = ++ = Across 033, R-Pop-3,
Synthetic-B / TLBRS07F16 =+= += o+
sL/f Aoa:YffkgM
--= === =+= =+=== =+ ++ =+ + + =+ -=++ =++ o+- =+
+ ===+ =+ + ===+ Rampur SO3F8, Across 9942Across 9944, OEHPW, Rampur
SO10F20,SO3TLYQ-AB-1,SO3TLYQ-AB-2,SO1SIWQ-1 = -+ =++ +-+= += += + -+
+:+ = =++ =+ + +++ =+ =-+ + = + +=+ + ++= = Furadan 3G,
Nuvelle 505 / Trichogramma (Egg Parasite) + ++= = +:+ = =+++ -=+ == -
=t =++ ++:+ =- ==+ =- .- -+, +-= . -+, -:+== .-
-+ +:+ + =+ -:= =+ + +=++ =-=+ =+ += =+ ===: ==+
+= - ==+.=.+ = =++a ==+ - +++ += -== =-= =+, =-+ :=
+-+= -: = =+ =-= ++ +++ +=+ += +:+ = =++ o- =+ ==: -
==+ =-+ =-= = === =:+= ++ ++ - +-+=+ += +=- += + -+
+:+ =++ ++ === =+ o+- + ++++= +-+, +:+ :. =. +=+ ++=
=+ =-= = +++ -+ +:+ += = =+++ =-== =+ =+ -:= =+ +
++++ =-=+ =+ = +: -== ++ =++ ++= =+ -:= +, +== + .o
+ + ++++ ++ + + ++=+ -+ +:+
df6f] Aoj:yfkg
=: = === =+ = =+ + - + .=. +:- =+ = ,,- ++ -+== + + = =
Arun-1 EV = = + .=. ., ==+ = ==+ + + .=. +:- =+ = ,,- ++ -+==
+ + == = =+= -= + .=. . =++ + +:+ S99TLYQ-B =+= =: = ==+ += -
+ .=. +:- =+ = + + + + +o+ + + == + .=. . + ==+ = ==+ += + .=.
+:- =+ = , , -, + +o+ + + == = =+= - + .=. . =++ + +:+ === =
=+ + - + =++ ==- += - + .=. . =: = --- + .=. . ==+ = === + +:+ -+
== - =t =++ === + .=. . =: = = + .=. ==+ = === + +:+
afXo cg';Gwfg
=-=+==+ =++ o+- (PVS) += ==- =t =++ =:= ==:+ Upahar =+=
- +.=.. + +:+ = =+= =+= -=- +.=.. + +:+ -+ CFFT +=
Arun-4 = ==- =t =++ -- +.=.. =:= = =+= =+= - +.=.. +
+:+ +== S99TLYQ-B = ==- =t =++ +.=.. =:=, == BGBYPOP =
= +.=.., =+= RampurSO3FO6 = = +.=.. =++ + +:+
++==+ RFFT += =+= BR4684 = - -+., == IR-70215 = -.- -+. +
++== YN1850 = . -+. =++ + +:+ -=- =+= =+= Naveen = . -+.,
++== BG-358 = .- -+. =++ + +:+ ++==+ CFFT Normal set += IR77542
= -+. =++ + +:+
+= = = ==+ PVS += Gautam =+ = == - =t =++ -- + .=. . + +:+ =:=
==:+ CFFT += NL-1050 = --- + .=. ., =+= + .=. . =++ + +:+ -+
RFFT += Gautam =+= == - =t =:= + .=. ., =+= - + .=. . ==
+=++ =+= -- + .=. . =++ + +:+
Wffg / ux'sf] ;dGjofTds kl/If0f
== =+= =-=+- +=+=, =++ |=-= +== --= + =: ==== =|+
==-==+ =-= +-= =+- = - =-+ =-- += |-|= - =--,
|-|= - =--, |-|= =-- -+ | ~- +=~+ =-=+- +-=
=+-+ -== =+= =-- += |= =-- , |-|= - - =--,
|-|= -- - =-- -+ | - = |- = |- +-= :t- -==+ - =+- +
|+ =--= |= - - =--, |=- - =--, |=-- --= =--,
-+ | =-+ ~:== :-== =+-+ -== =+= =-- ==- - =--, =-=
==-- |==- =--, -+ | =++ |=-= +== =|+ +-+
==-==+ =-= +- -== === =+- t - =-- += =: = ==-
- =--, =: = ==-= = =-- =-+ = =-- -+ |
=== +-+ ==-==+ =-= +- Rainfed lowland early set = =+- t - =--=
+= =: = =- - =--, =: = --==-- - =--,
+ -=|=- - =-- -+ |
NMRP Rampur has conducted several hybrid experiment at different location in winter 2011/12
under which at OBNH-1 trial in Rampur, the highest grain yield was observed in RL-46/RL-
111 (8017 kg/ha) followed by RL-25/RL-29 (7499 kg/ha) and RL-153/RL-105 (8018 kg/ha)
respectively. At OBNH-2 in Rampur, the highest grain yield was produced by RML-115/RML-
17 (8656 kg/ha) followed by RML-55/RL-105 (8125 kg/ha), RML-24/RL-101 (7877 kg/ha) &
20-29-1-2-1/20-29-1-1-2 (7081 kg/ha), respectively. The combined result over two locations in
ARS, Belachhapi & RARS, Nepalgunj in OBN-3 showed that RML-18/RL-85 (6853 kg/ha),
RL-25/RML-18 (6459 kg/ha), RL-46/RL-111 (6764 kg/ha) and RL-85/RML-18 (6404 kg/ha)
were found highest yielder than other tested hybrids . The pooled anbalysis over three locations
(Rampur, Nepalgunj and Belachapi) at CVTH-1 showed that the highest grain yield was
produced by RL-36/RL-197 (8520 kg/ha) followed by RL-174/RML-36 (8496 kg/ha) & RML-
57/RML-6 (8167 kg/ha) , respectively .Under CVTH-2, the combined result over 3 locations
(Rampur, Nepalgunj and Belachapi showed that RML-98/RL-105 (9816 kg/ha), RML-62/
RL-105 (9247 kg/ha) & RL-150/RL-111 (9204 kg/ha) were found high yielding hybrids. At
Rampur the double cross hybrid experiment showed that 10V20/L4-597 produced the highest
grain yield of 12517 kg/ha followed by NMH-666 (Sandhya)/30B11 (9489 kg/ha) and 10V20/
PROAGRO-4642 (8985 kg/ha).The combined analysis of IYT full season set across Kabre,
Dailekh, Salyan, Lumle and Khumalatar showed that Manakamana-3 produced the highest
grain yield (5892 kg/ha) at CVT full season set across the same locations showed that
TLBRS07F16 produced the highest grain yield (5741 kg/ha) . The combined analysis of CFFT
full season set across Kabre, Lumle and Khumalatar showed that BGBYPOP produced the
highest grain yield (5138 kg/ha) followed by Manakamana-3 (4923 kg/ha) and Across 9942/
Across 9944 (4706 kg/ha) respectively. The combined analysis of genotypes in CVT-E over
Dailekh and Lumle showed that the genotypes POP-44 POOL-15 produced the highest grain
yield (3930 kg/ha) followed by KHUMAL Yellow POOL-17 (3878 kg/ha) . Similarly pooled
analysis of CFFT early set over locations (Lumle and Dailekh) showed the genotype Arun-1
EV produced highest grain yield (4503 kg/ha). Based on results of pooled analysis over
locations the genotype under CVT QPM trial the genotype S99TLYQ-HG-AB followed by
Obatanpa and S00TLYQ-B were found superior in grain yield production . Based on results of
pooled analysis over locations the genotype S99TLYQ-B followed by S99TLYQ-A were found
superior in terms of grain production in respective hill locations under Coordiated Farmers'
Field Trials. QPM inbred lines were agro morphologically characterized. In total 54; 10 white
and 44 yellow F1 were obtained with few grams of seeds. QPM synthetics will be made based
on uniform plant and ear height, tasseling and silking days, seed color, test wt. and grain yield.
The 137 local land races collected from Karnali region were kept in cold store at Narayanghat.
These land races were morphologically characterized and selfng was done. Based on grain
productivity, maturity and grain color, 26 germplasm along with 2 check variety (Ganesh-1 and
Pool-17) are still being tested in Jumla and NMRP, Rampur. In total 355 local land races
collected from mid hill districts were kept under cold store and evaluated at NMRP, Rampur in
winter 2011. Eleven land races {RKM-04(5690 kg/ha), DRC-08(5490 kg/ha), BJG-14 (5100
kg/ha), BJG-11 (5020 kg/ha), RKM-05(4860 kg/ha), RKM-03(4810 kg/ha), RKM-07 (4800
kg/ha), RLP-12(4730 kg/ha), BJG-09(4690 kg/ha), DRC-11(4600 kg/ha), BJG-06 (4510 kg/
ha)} were found superior in grain yield production. In winter 2011, Arun-1EV, Arun-4 and
Pool-17, P501SRCO/P502SRCO, BGBYP, Across9942 Across 9944 , S99TLYQ-B,
S99TLYQ-AB and S01SIWQ-3 were improved through stratifed mass selection (SMS) at
NMRP, Rampur. Phenotypic superiority of the selected materials over base population was
observed. Selected population manifested uniform tasseling/silking days, plant and ear height,
better plant and ear aspect than that parameters of the base population.
Optimum plant population of maize on rajma the yield of maize has not infuenced of the rajma.
Minimum plant population of maize yield has less but inter crop of rajmas yield had increase.
Maize and potato intercropping maize gave high crop yield ratio 1:1. Minimum plant population
of maize yield were reduces.In 2068/2069, 56.166 tons of maize seed was produced in Rampur.
In case of Rampur Composite, 1086 kg breeder seed, 14120 kg foundation seed and 2120 kg
improved seed was produced. In case of Arun-2, 1030 kg breeder seed, 9400 kg foundation
seed and 1600 kg improved seed was produced. Similarly, in case of Deuti, 680 kg breeder seed
and 11750 kg foundation seed was produced. In case of Manakamana-3, 650 kg breeder seed
and 11920 kg foundation seed was produced.Similarly, in case of Poshilo Makai-1, 50 kg
breeder seed and 1440 kg foundation seed was produced. In case of S99TLYQ-B and
Manakamana-4, 220 and 100 kg foundation seed was produced respectively. Foundation seed
production in rice, wheat and sun hemp was 18000 kg, 5100 kg and 2150 kg respectively
At Pakhribas, GLS resistant maize genotypes were O2SADVIF2 (4437 kg/ha), O7SADVI
(4137 kg/ha), O5SADVI(4075 kg/ha), ZM627 (4482 kg/ha) and ZM401(4184 kg/ha). At
Rampur the moderately resistant reaction for ear rot was found in Across 033, R-Pop-3,
Synthetic-B & TLBRS07F16 .The moderately resistant genotypes against BLSB were
Synthetic-C (1.8). BGBYPOP (2.0), BLBRS07F10 (2.2), HG-A (2.2), TLBRS07F16 (2.3),
BG-B (2.3), R-Pop-3 (2.3), R-Pop-4 (2.3) & S03TLYQ-AB-02 (2.3), respectively. The
moderately resistant genotypes against SLB were TLBRS07F16, BLSBRS07F10, Across-9531,
BGBYPOP, TLBRS07F14 & Rampur S03F08. The maize genotypes resistant against Southern
leaf blight (SLB) were PHRAPHUTTRBATS0031, TLRBSo7F16, So19YNZIME,
TLBR07F-14, BGBY-POP, COMPOZNIBP, RampurSo3Fo2, R-Pop1 & Upahar
Regarding the grain yield of the tested genotypes, Rampur SO3F8 (5.1 t/ha), Across
9942Across9944 (4.2 t/ha), OEHPW (4.4 t/ha), Rampur SO10F20 (4.4t/ha), S03TLYQ-AB-1
(4.7 t/ha), SO3TLYQ-AB-02 (4.6 t/ha) and S01SIWQ-1 (4.1 t/ha) were found statistically at
par in which stem borer infestation level were at tolerant level. Trichogramma @1.0 lakh/ha in
two split dose at vegetative and before tasseling stage, Furadan 3G @3-4 granules/whorl at
knee stage and Nuvelle 505, a combination of Chloropyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% were
performed better in maize stem borer management as compared to other tested pesticides. The
maize varieties stored under Suli system, 10.7% infestation of weevils was seen in improved
method covered by 250 gauge plastic sheet than farmers method (17.1%). Subsequently yellow
seeded varieties as Rampur composite and Arun-2 were observed relatively less and more or
less equal damage in both storage conditions. Infestation of maize stem borer was major one
and average damage as recorded in feld was found more at Sukranagar, Chitwan (28.1%)
followed by Jyamire (Manahari), Makawanpur(10.6%) and Madi, Chitwan(8.6%).
The highest grain yield in Arun-1EV was 4758 kg/ha recorded in winter (where applied 60 kg
N/ ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing) and 1928 kg/ha recorded in spring (where
applied 30 kg N/ ha basal and 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing) . The lowest
grain yield was 1888 kg/ha in winter and 1587 kg/ha in spring where applied 10 ton FYM/ha.
The highest grain yield in S99TLYQ-B was 3303 kg/ha recorded in winter (where applied 60
kg N/ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing) and 2973 kg/ha was recorded in spring
(where applied 30 kg N/ ha each at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after sowing). The lowest grain yield
was 1567 kg/ha in winter and 2227 kg/ha in spring where applied 10 ton FYM / ha.
Maize genotypes Upahar produced the highest grain yield 4240 kg/ha followed by Across9331RE
in Madi Chitwan under PVS experiment. The PVS at Manahari Upahar produced highest grain
yield 6135 kg/ha followed by HGAB (5682 kg/ha). The CFFT early showed that Arun-4
produced the highest grain yield (3260 kg/ha) followed by Farmers' Variety (3240 kg/ha).
Similarly at Manahari, Arun-4 produced the highest grain yield (5291 kg/ha) followed by
Farmers' Variety (4428 kg/ha). At Madi S99TLYQ-B produced the highest grain yield (4941
kg/ha) followed by RampurS03FQO9 (4309 kg/ha) under CFFT QPM experiment. At Rajahar
BGBYPOP produced the highest grain yield (5438 kg/ha) followed by Manakamana-3 (5252
kg/ha). At Manahari Rampur-S03FO6 produced highest grain yield (3841 kg/ha) followed by
BGBYPOP (3832 kg/ha) 4941 kg/ha (Rampur S03FQ09). The hybrid RML-4/RML-17
produced the highest grain yield 5418 kg/ha followed by RML-32/RML-17 (4138 kg/ha).
The rice genotypes at Manahari under RFFT normal set higher yielder were BR4684 (6.0t/ha)
followed by IR-70215 (4.8 t/ha); at Rajahar IR-70215 (2.6 t/ha) followed by Ramdhan (2.5 t/
ha); at Shukranagar YN 1850 (4.8 t/ha) followed by IR 80411 (3.6t/ha). Under RFFT-Early set
at Manahari highest grain yielder wereNaveen (4.539 t/ha) followed by Bio-530 (4.126 t/ha);at
Rajahar-Naveen (3.552 t/ha followed by Bio-530 (3.228 t/ha); at Shukranagar BG-358 (6.206
t/ha) followed by Radha-4 (5.864 t/ha). Under Rice CFFT Normal set the highest grain yielder
were IR-77542 (4.981 t/ha), IR 70215 (4.4 t/ha followed by 4.070 farmer's variety (4.070 t/ha)
, at Rice CFFT-Early set highest grain yielder were Bio-530 (4.6.6 t/ha), IR-78937 (3.985 t/
ha) followed by IR 78937 .The wheat genotypes Gautam produced the highest grain yield 3227
kg/ha followed by Farmers' variety 3108 kg/ha under PVS. The results of CFFT at Madi NL-
1050 produced the highest grain yield (2660 kg/ha) followed by NL-1073 (2494 kg/ha); at
Manahari NL-1050 (3977 kg/ha) followed by Farmers' Variety (3607 kg/ha) and at Rajahar
Vijaya (2249 kg/ha) followed by Farmers' Variety (2244 kg/ha). The results of RFFT at Madi
Gautam produced the highest grain yield (3397 kg/ha) followed by BL3819 (3130 kg/ha); at
Manahari Gautam (3647 kg/ha) followed by NL1073 (3555 kg/ha) and at Rajahar Farmers'
Variety (2967 kg/ha) followed by BL-3819 (2891 kg/ha).
Wheat: All trials were conducted at Agronomy Farm of NMRP. Under CVT genotypes NL-
1042 (4.085 t/ha), NL-1073 (3.721 t/ha), NL-1147 (3.547 t/ha) produced highest grain yield,
respectively. Under IET, the top grain yielder were; BL-4347 (3.119 t/ha), NL-1172 (2.991 t/
ha), NL-1162 (2.937 t/ha), NL-1173 (2.861 t/ha), BL-4339 (2.805 t/ha), respectively. At 27th
NRN, the promising rust free and highest grain yielders were; BL-4193 (2.469 t/ha), BL-4203
(2.447 t/ha), BL-4206 (2.283 t/ha), respectively. Similarly under Wheat Varietal Display
(WVD) the best genotypes were; Lumbini (4.464 t/ha) Gautam (4.382 t/ha), BL-3872 (3.946 t/
ha), respectively. Rice: All trials were conducted at Agronomy Farm of NMRP. Under CVT-
Normal set high yielding genotypes for normal rice planting conditions were IR-78168-51-1-
3-1-6 (4.02 t/ha), IR-81896-B-B-484 (3.987 t/ha), Sabitri (3.982 t/ha), respectively. Under
CVT-Rainfed Lowland Early set:, the selected and high yielding genotypes were; IR-78339-
15-7-3-6 (4.398 t/ha), IR-64683-87-2-2-3-3 (4.211 t/ha), BP-2780-MB-6 (4.16 t/ha),
respectively. Similarly under National Rice Blast Screening Nursery (NRBSN), some of the
resistant lines were; IR-70213-10-CPA-2-3-2, IR-72, BP-2780-MR-6, IROSN-449, IR69707-
Bed planting recorded the highest grain yield (3273 kg/ha) followed by planting manually
behind cultivator on tilled soil (3221 kg/ha, Farmers Practice (2882 kg/ha), manual maize planter
in tilled soil (2778 kg/ha), Zero Tillage with tractor drawn planter (2723 kg/ha) and zero tillage
with manual planter (2698 kg/ha). Economically, bed planting recorded the highest net return
(Rs 46721/ha) followed by zero tillage with tractor drawn maize planter (Rs. 44421/ha), zero
tillage with manual planter (Rs. 43996/ha), seeding manually behind cultivator (Rs. 42967/ha),
farmers practice (Rs 34414/ha) and seeding with manual planter in tilled soil (Rs. 30556/ha).
The mean maize grain yield was the highest in zero tillage (1737.9 kg/ha) followed by
conventional tillage (1681.2 kg/ha), single row on narrow bed (1461.2 kg/ha) and paired row
on wide beds (1408.5 kg/ha). Similarly, residue retained plots recorded slightly higher grain
yield (1696 kg/ha) than the without residue plots (1448.4 kg/ha).The total irrigation time
required for wide beds was 2.43 hr/ha followed by 2.86 hr/ha for narrow beds, 3.22 hr/ha for
zero tillage and 4.05 hr/ha for conventional tillage. Irrigation time required for residue retained
and without residue plots were almost similar. Thus, irrigation times saved in wide bed, narrow
bed and zero tillage as compared to conventional tillage were 40.0%, 29.4% and 20.5%,
respectively.The cost of shelling 1 ton maize cobs was Rs. 610.00.was (96.3%) with 872 kg/hr
output followed by tractor operated (90.1%) with 1332 kg/hr output and electric motor (1 HP)
operated (88.5%) with 346 kg/hr output. The electric motor operated corn sheller was found
most suitable in terms of power consumption, cost and ease of operation.
Introduction of NMRP
The National Maize Research Program (NMRP) was evolved as a part of the Rapti Valley
Development Project (RVDP) in the year 2013 B.S. (1956 AD) with a view to rehabilitate the
food victims of 2011 B.S. (1954 AD) and to test, develop and recommend a package of farming
system technologies to newly settled farmers. However, the systematic research activities were
initiated from the year 2020 B.S. (1963). With the inception of commodity research program in
2029 B.S. (1972 AD), this offce was mandated for the research and development of maize and
maize based cropping system. After the establishment of Nepal Agricultural Research Council
(NARC) in 2048 B.S. (1991 AD), this station was renamed as the National Maize Research
Program (NMRP) and mandated to develop appropriate maize and maize based technologies
for various agro-ecological zones of the country.
Site description
NMRP, Rampur is located about 10 km west of Bharatpur, the district headquarter of Chitwan,
in inner terai (Siwalik Dun Valley) region of Nepal. The geographical location is 27
40' N
latitude, 84
19' E longitude at an altitude of 228 meter above sea level.
Goal: Increase production and productivity of maize and maize based cropping system for
improving national food, feed and nutritional security.
To collect, characterize, utilize and conserve different local and exotic maize germplasms.
To develop high yielding, disease and insect resistant early, extra early and full season
OPVs of maize suitable for different agro-environments
To develop high yielding disease and insect tolerant single cross, double cross and top cross
hybrids for terai and foot hill valleys
To undertake basic, applied and adaptive research work on maize and maize based cropping system
To conduct different outreach research activities on maize based cropping system in command
districts (Chitwan, Makawanpur and Nawalparasi) with active participation of related stakeholders.
To develop/test different agriculture implements/machineries in order to increase maize
production with reduced cost and drudgery.
To generate maize based conservation agriculture technologies for improving soil
health/fertility and increasing maize productivity in a sustainable manner.
To work as national institute for research, training and education in maize and maize based cropping system
To work as repository of information on maize and maize based technologies
To disseminate maize and maize based technologies to the different stakeholders through
electronic media, booklets, folders, leafets and posters
To establish and strengthen national and international linkages for exchange of knowledge,
research materials and collaborative research works
To produce source seeds of maize (BS, FS & IS), rice and wheat (FS & IS) and distribute
to different clients/stakeholders according to their demands (balance sheet of NSB)
To publish research fndings, recommend verifed technologies and collaborate with
disseminating partners for its wider dissemination
Human resource
Table 1: Latest working human resources at NMRP, Rampur (2011-12)
Level Approved Fulflled Vacant
Scientist 17 10 7
Technical Offcers 13 12 1
Technicians 16 9 7
Admin & Account Offcers 4 4 0
Assistants and Drivers 17 17 0
Total 65 52 15
General climate
It has humid and subtropical climate with cool winter and hot summer. The winter starts from
November to February, the coolest months are December and January, with temperatures
dropping to 2-3
C while the hot summer begins from March to May where maximum temperature
reaches up to 43
C. The total annual rainfall is over 3000 mm with monsoon (>75% of rainfall)
period is from mid-June to mid-September.
Table 2: Monthly mean meterological data of last year (2011-2012)
Month Max. tem (
C) Min. tem (
C) Total Rainfall (mm) RH (%)
July 32.55 24.10 34.50 89.00
August 33.00 24.05 1.00 88.70
September 32.87 23.59 5.22 88.27
October 31.90 24.75 0.00 89.50
November 26.20 12.95 2.50 93.70
December 21.90 8.50 0.00 93.30
January 20.85 5.95 0.50 93.00
February 25.10 7.50 1.60 89.85
March 30.20 11.90 3.60 82.10
April 34.31 18.03 4.49 80.00
May 36.95 22.15 2.00 80.50
June 35.15 24.40 8.20 87.55
Soil information
The soil is generally acidic (pH 4.6-5.7), light textured and sandy loam.
Status of maize production in Nepal
Maize is the second most important staple food crop in Nepal in terms of both area and
production after rice. It is the principle food crop in the hills of Nepal.
Table 3: Maize production status of Nepal in 2011/12
Eco-Belt Area (000 ha) Production (000 ton) Yield (ton/ha)
1. Mountain 98.7 215.3 2.2
2. Hill 617.7 1528.5 2.5
3. Terai 155.0 435.6 2.8
Development Region
1. Eastern 54.6 154.5 2.8
2. Central 211.8 599.1 2.8
3. Western 214.0 566.5 2.6
4. Mid-Western 146.1 302.1 2.1
5. Far-Western 49.0 96.0 2.0
Nepal 871.4 2179.4 2.5
Source: Agri-business Promotion and Statistics Division (ABPSD), MOAC 2011/12
Table 4: Variety wise coverage by improved maize seeds in Nepal,
SN Variety % Coverage by Development Region % coverage
Far-West Mid-West Western Central Eastern
1 Arun-1 - 20 - - - 3.56
2 Arun-2 55 10 15 20 15 20.47 I
3 Rampur Composite - 15 10 20 15 10.68 IV
4 Poshilo Makai-1 5 5 5 5 - 3.56
5 Deuti 15 30 10 20 20 16.91 III
6 Mankamana-1 - - 20 - - 3.56
7 Mankamana-3 25 20 20 15 30 19.58 II
8 Mankamana-4 - - - 5 5 1.78
9 Mankamana-5 - - 10 5 - 2.67
10 Mankamana-6 - - 10 5 - 2.67
11 Ganesh-1 - - - 5 15 3.56
12 Winter Hybrid
maize, 2011
80 20 700 ton
seed sold
Total 100 (4 ) 100 (6) 100 (8) 100 (9) 100 (6) 89.00
Maize Breeding
1. Performance Evaluation of
Hybrid Maize Genotypes
T.R. Rijal, D.B. Gurung, J. Shrestha, N. Dhakal, M. Shrestha and J.B. Chhetri
Maize (Zea mays L.) is second staple food crop of Nepal and the principal food, feed, fodder,
fuel crop and source of energy in hills. It is widely grown in all the three agro zones of Nepal:
Terai and Inner Terai (below 900 msl), the mid hills (900-1800 msl) and high hills (above 1800
msl). Hybrid maize technology has made signifcantly yield advances and increased proftability
and to some extent provided employment opportunity. There is demand of locally developed
hybrid varieties in Nepal. National Maize Research Program has so far released one single cross
hybrid namely Gaurav but it could not reach in farmers feld due to some technical problems.
In this year another one single cross hybrid namely Rampur Hybrid-2 has been proposed for
release and it is in fnal process. Farmers have been demanding F1 hybrid seeds and a number of
multinational hybrid varieties are being marketed every year across the Terai and Inner Terai
regions of Nepal of Nepal. Farmers are being cheated every year by local dealers from these
multi national hybrid seed companies based in India while purchasing hybrid seeds due to open
boarder. National Maize Research Program has been conducted hybrid research activities to
develop locally adapted, disease resistant and high yielding maize hybrids. A number of hybrids
were evaluated in a series of experiments during 2011/12. The objective of the study was to
develop and identify high yielding maize hybrids for Terai and Inner Terai of Nepal. The details
of hybrid activities conducted during 2011/12 were following:
Table 5: List of hybrid maize research experiments conducted during
Name of experiment Location
No of
Planting area, design
and replication
1 Observation Nursery on Hybrid
Maize (OBNH-1)
Rampur 62 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Observation Nursery on Hybrid
Maize (OBNH-2)
Rampur 33 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Observation Nursery on Hybrid
Maize (OBNH-3)
Belachhapi, Nepalgunj 30 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Coordinated Varietal Trial on Hybrid
maize (CVTH-1)
Rampur, Belachhapi,
20 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 3 replications
Coordinated Varietal Trial on Hybrid
maize (CVTH-2)
Rampur, Belachhapi,
21 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 3 replications
Evaluation of Double cross Hybrids Rampur 194 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Evaluation of Tropical Low Land
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize Trial
Rampur 18 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (11TTWCWL23)
Rampur 20 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replication
Name of experiment Location
No of
Planting area, design
and replication
Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (11AEICAV305)
Rampur 8 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
10 Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (10BSA16HY)
Rampur 20 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
11 Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (TTWCWL24)
Belachapi 20 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
Parwanipur 20 2 rows of 3 m length with
RCBD 2 replications
Evaluation of CIMMYT Hybrid
Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
Nepalgunj 20 2 rows of 5 m long with
RCBD 3 replications
Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-1)
This experiment was planted at NMRP, Rampur & included 62 single cross hybrids in 2 reps.
in 2 rows of 3m plot size. Highly signifcant results were found in anthesis silking interval
(ASI), ear height, number of ear per plot, plant aspect, ear aspect and husk cover and rest of the
traits were found non signifcant among the tested genotypes (Table-6). However, the highest
grain yield was observed in RL-46/RL-111 (8017 kg/ha) followed by RL-25/RL-29 (7499 kg/
ha) and RL-153/RL-105 (8018 kg/ha) respectively.
Table 6: Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-1)
tested at NMRP, Rampur, 2011 winter
S. N. Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht in cm No./4.5 m
male female plant ear plants ears
1 RL-164/RL-76 55 58 163 165 19 22
2 RL-46/RL-76 55 59 193 100 23 28
3 RL-100/RL-101 61 65 183 103 19 18
4 RL-107/RL-176 62 66 190 105 21 19
5 RL-34/RL-101 61 64 167 89 19 17
6 RL-34/RL-105 59 63 235 94 17 23
7 RML-86/RL-105 62 66 176 90 18 18
8 RML-83/RL-197 62 66 188 104 22 25
9 RL-189/RML-8 54 57 168 94 18 21
10 RL-5/RML-6 59 63 198 105 21 26
11 RML-68/RL-101 62 66 178 100 21 21
12 RL-5/RL-85 60 64 155 80 21 24
13 RC/RL-189 55 59 210 100 22 23
14 RML-18/RL-85 59 62 175 88 18 17
15 RML-32/RL-85 62 65 175 82 14 18
16 RL-85/RL-29 56 59 180 98 17 24
17 RML-8/RL-189 56 60 215 103 22 22
18 RL-195/RL-85 59 62 183 74 19 26
19 RL-153/RL-85 61 65 178 70 22 24
20 RL-5/RL-105 65 69 185 100 25 31
21 RML-5/RL-105 65 69 178 88 21 19
S. N. Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht in cm No./4.5 m
male female plant ear plants ears
22 RL-25/RL-85 60 64 203 106 20 20
23 RML-113/RL-29 63 67 183 105 21 25
24 RL-145/RL-76 60 64 210 120 23 18
25 RC/RML-8 55 59 208 113 22 24
26 RL-25/RL-105 62 66 225 105 19 22
27 RL-170/RL-85 55 59 203 85 16 16
28 RL-106/RL-105 62 67 160 73 18 23
29 RML-95/RL-85 64 68 160 75 15 20
30 RML-113/RL-85 60 63 173 75 20 22
31 RL-25/RL-29 55 59 223 125 20 28
32 RL-14/RL-101 62 66 193 103 21 25
33 RML-115/RL-105 61 66 190 120 16 17
34 RL-195/RL-105 62 65 205 103 19 15
35 RL-46/RL-111 61 64 233 120 24 29
36 ARUN-2/RML-8 54 57 190 95 21 21
37 RL-165/RL-105 64 67 240 118 17 23
38 ARUN-2/RML-18 53 57 228 123 20 19
39 RL-72/RL-85 56 59 173 80 20 16
40 RML-57/RL-105 63 67 188 88 23 22
41 RL-102/RL-105 60 64 198 95 20 22
42 RL-180/RL-105 62 66 203 90 15 25
43 RL-84/RL-111 63 66 228 125 18 16
44 RL-195/RML-18 62 66 193 85 17 23
45 RL-85/RML-18 54 58 180 76 17 22
46 RL-96/RL-105 63 66 205 120 19 18
47 RL-150/RL-105 63 67 190 98 17 23
48 RML-40/RL-76 56 60 188 95 17 23
49 RL-84/RL-105 63 67 173 83 17 15
50 RL-170/RL-105 63 67 220 108 14 18
51 RL-17/RL-105 62 66 173 80 16 24
52 RML-86/RL-85 57 60 183 87 16 29
53 RML-41/RL-76 54 57 203 95 21 21
54 RL-137/RL-85 56 58 173 70 21 24
55 RL-153/RL-105 62 66 218 130 17 18
56 RL-99/RL-85 63 67 190 95 21 17
57 RML-41/RL-101 59 63 223 125 18 16
58 RL-25/RML-18 64 67 195 90 21 25
59 RL-151/RML-18 64 68 198 100 19 21
60 RML-40/RL-101 59 63 204 98 17 21
61 RML-4/NML-2 59 63 220 105 19 18
62 GAURAV 64 67 230 115 17 24
Grand mean 60 63 194 99 19 21
F-test ** ** ns ** ns *
CV,% 3.9 3.7 13 18.1 16.4 20
5 5 51 36 6.2 8.5
SN Hybrids
E. tur
% rotten
No. of
1 RL-164/RL-76 2.3 2.0 2.5 4.0 4.2 1 5980
2 RL-46/RL-76 2.0 2.3 2.8 4.5 12.5 4 6940
3 RL-100/RL-101 2.8 3.3 2.3 2.0 7.1 2 4816
4 RL-107/RL-176 2.8 2.8 2.3 2.0 12.5 2 4708
5 RL-34/RL-101 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.0 0.0 0 6286
6 RL-34/RL-105 1.8 1.5 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 6532
7 RML-86/RL-105 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.5 10.6 2 4964
8 RML-83/RL-197 1.8 1.8 2.5 3.5 0.0 0 4536
9 RL-189/RML-8 2.8 2.5 1.5 1.0 2.3 1 3369
10 RL-5/RML-6 1.8 2.0 2.5 4.0 12.5 3 6082
11 RML-68/RL-101 2.8 2.8 1.8 0.5 5.3 1 5137
12 RL-5/RL-85 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.5 3.9 1 5678
13 RC/RL-189 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.0 0 5069
14 RML-18/RL-85 2.5 2.3 2.3 0.0 0.0 0 5763
15 RML-32/RL-85 2.0 2.0 1.8 0.5 0.0 0 4903
16 RL-85/RL-29 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 6.8 2 5001
17 RML-8/RL-189 3.0 2.5 1.5 3.0 2.2 1 5255
18 RL-195/RL-85 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.0 0 6068
19 RL-153/RL-85 1.8 1.8 2.3 0.0 0.0 0 5080
20 RL-5/RL-105 2.0 1.8 2.3 1.5 0.0 0 5549
21 RML-5/RL-105 1.5 1.8 2.3 0.0 0.0 0 5894
22 RL-25/RL-85 2.5 2.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 3541
23 RML-113/RL-29 2.3 2.3 2.0 0.0 6.3 2 5413
24 RL-145/RL-76 2.8 3.3 2.3 3.0 0.0 0 6289
25 RC/RML-8 2.3 2.3 1.5 1.5 4.2 1 6000
26 RL-25/RL-105 2.8 2.5 1.5 1.0 13.6 3 5518
27 RL-170/RL-85 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.0 6.3 1 4757
28 RL-106/RL-105 2.3 2.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 0 7315
29 RML-95/RL-85 2.5 2.0 2.3 3.5 0.0 0 4512
30 RML-113/RL-85 2.3 1.8 2.3 1.0 0.0 0 6259
31 RL-25/RL-29 2.3 2.0 1.5 0.5 3.3 1 7499
32 RL-14/RL-101 2.3 2.3 1.5 0.0 0.0 0 6688
33 RML-115/RL-105 2.3 2.0 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 2614
34 RL-195/RL-105 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.0 0.0 0 6282
35 RL-46/RL-111 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.0 3.2 1 8017
36 ARUN-2/RML-8 2.5 2.3 2.3 3.5 6.3 2 2812
37 RL-165/RL-105 2.8 2.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 5843
SN Hybrids
E. tur
% rotten
No. of
38 ARUN-2/RML-18 3.0 3.3 2.5 0.5 0.0 0 5293
39 RL-72/RL-85 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.0 0.0 0 4953
40 RML-57/RL-105 2.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0 4549
41 RL-102/RL-105 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 2.5 1 5811
42 RL-180/RL-105 2.5 2.3 2.3 1.5 4.4 1 4595
43 RL-84/RL-111 2.3 2.0 2.5 0.0 10.5 2 6289
44 RL-195/RML-18 2.8 2.0 2.5 1.0 0.0 0 5821
45 RL-85/RML-18 1.5 1.8 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 5548
46 RL-96/RL-105 2.3 2.3 1.8 2.5 0.0 0 5211
47 RL-150/RL-105 2.3 2.3 1.8 2.0 0.0 0 2862
48 RML-40/RL-76 3.0 2.8 2.3 2.5 4.5 1 4909
49 RL-84/RL-105 1.8 2.3 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 4393
50 RL-170/RL-105 2.0 2.3 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 5465
51 RL-17/RL-105 1.8 1.8 2.8 0.0 0.0 0 5074
52 RML-86/RL-85 1.5 1.8 2.5 1.5 0.0 0 5809
53 RML-41/RL-76 2.5 2.3 2.8 1.0 1.9 1 4780
54 RL-137/RL-85 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.0 0.0 0 5111
55 RL-153/RL-105 1.5 1.8 2.0 1.5 7.5 2 8018
56 RL-99/RL-85 2.5 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0 5032
57 RML-41/RL-101 2.5 2.3 2.0 3.5 9.8 2 4675
58 RL-25/RML-18 2.0 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 0 5891
59 RL-151/RML-18 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.5 0.0 0 5168
60 RML-40/RL-101 2.8 2.8 2.0 0.5 4.0 1 5312
61 RML-4/NML-2 1.8 1.5 2.0 0.5 0.0 0 6509
62 GAURAV 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 5642
Grand mean 2.2 2.1 2 1.4 2.71 0.58 5414
F-test ** * * ** ns ns ns
CV,% 20.3 24 19.8 25
0.9 1 0.8 2.6 9.9 2 2854
Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-2)
This set was planted in Rampur. The result from the tested hybrid showed that silking, number
of ears, plant aspect, and ear aspect were found signifcantly difference (Table-7). The highest
grain yield was produced by RML-115/RML-17 (8656 kg/ha) followed by RML-55/RL-105
(8125 kg/ha), RML-24/RL-101 (7877 kg/ha) & 20-29-1-2-1/20-29-1-1-2 (7081 kg/ha),
Table 7: Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-2)
tested at NMRP, Rampur, 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% flowering No./4.5m
Ht. in cm Aspects(1-5)






1 RL-187/RL-76 58 62 14 13 208 103 2.0 2.0 3.3 1 11 3971
2 RML-115/RML-17 64 67 22 26 205 110 1.5 2.0 1.5 0 0 8656
3 RL-129/RL-76 62 66 17 15 195 96 2.8 2.5 2.5 1 6 3137
4 RL-34/RL-76 60 64 23 17 178 90 1.8 1.5 3.0 2 9 5807
5 RL-154/RL-105 62 66 19 30 223 115 2.3 2.5 1.5 3 9 8436
6 RL-19/RL-105 63 66 20 29 195 120 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 3 6873
7 RL-86/RL-85 62 65 22 19 163 60 2.0 1.8 1.8 0 0 4617
8 RL-21/RL-101 60 64 21 24 168 88 1.8 2.3 2.0 1 4 6220
9 RL-169/RL-76 59 63 18 16 168 88 3.3 3.3 2.8 3 13 2468
10 RL-107/RL-76 60 64 16 15 185 96 3.0 3.3 2.3 1 7 4320
11 RL-29/RL-85 59 62 18 20 175 85 2.5 2.3 2.0 3 13 3795
12 RL-107/RL-101 65 69 23 23 145 70 3.5 3.0 1.8 2 7 3027
13 RML-24/RL-76 63 67 18 21 168 80 3.5 2.8 2.5 2 8 3138
14 RL-180/RL-76 63 67 20 16 175 88 3.0 2.5 2.0 2 13 10202
15 RL-19/RL-29 57 60 19 27 218 118 2.5 2.5 2.0 5 17 5212
16 RL-151/RL-85 57 61 21 20 190 95 2.3 2.3 2.5 1 6 4457
17 RML-55/RL-105 56 60 24 26 190 95 1.8 2.0 1.8 1 2 8125
18 RL-76/RL-101 60 64 23 27 200 123 2.8 2.3 1.8 1 4 6289
19 RL-194/RL-105 62 66 20 22 213 128 2.0 1.8 1.8 1 2 6558
20 RML-24/RL-101 63 67 23 28 215 118 2.8 3.3 1.5 2 8 7877
21 G-1-3-1/G-1-1-1 61 64 14 17 175 96 1.8 2.0 2.0 0 0 3906
22 20-29-1-3-1/20-29-1-2-1 63 67 15 16 168 84 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 4 6670
23 20-29-2-3-1/20-29-1-2-1 65 69 18 24 180 88 1.5 1.5 1.8 0 0 7688
24 20-29-2-3-1/20-29-1-2-1 64 67 12 18 168 96 2.3 2.3 2.0 1 3 3934
25 G-1-3-1/G-1-2-1 65 68 11 16 165 70 1.8 1.8 1.8 0 0 5940
26 20-29-1-2-1/20-29-1-1-1 64 68 13 19 180 80 3.0 2.3 2.3 1 6 4233
27 20-29-1-4-2/20-29-1-1-1 64 63 17 23 178 91 2.0 1.8 3.0 1 4 6395
28 20-29-1-4-1/20-29-1-1-1 62 65 21 24 175 86 1.5 1.8 2.3 0 0 5330
29 20-29-1-2-1/20-29-1-1-2 60 63 22 28 185 98 2.0 2.3 3.5 0 0 7081
30 G-1-3-2/G-1-3-1 59 63 18 22 158 88 2.0 2.0 2.8 1 5 6139
31 20-29-1-1-1/20-29-1-3-1 61 64 17 22 193 90 2.0 2.0 2.3 0 0 6456
32 RML-4/NML-2 62 66 17 19 165 78 1.5 1.8 2.0 0 0 6880
33 Gaurav 64 68 24 22 185 86 1.8 2.3 2.3 0 0 5928
Grand mean 61 65 18 21 183 94 2.2 2.2 2.2 0.98 4.9 5751
F-test ns * ns ** * * ** ** ns ns ns ns
CV,% 4.7 3.9 18 19 10.7 17.8 16.8 15.7 26.2 . 38.2
5.8 5 7 8 40 34 0.8 0.7 1.2 2.2 12 4478
This experiment was planted in ARS, Belachhapi & RARS, Nepalgunj. A total of 30 single
cross hybrids were included & planted in 2 reps with 2rows of 3m plot size. At Belachappi
except plant height, ear height and grain yield all other traits were found non signifcant. The
signifcantly highest grain yield was produced by RL-46/RL-111 (5866 kg/ha), RL-25/RL-85
(5668 kg/ha) and RL-25/RMl-18 (5463 kg/ha) (Table-3). However, in Nepalgunj the signifcant
result was observed for tasseling, plant height and ear height. The grain yield varied from 3005
kg/ha to 7808 kg/ha. The highest grain yield was obtained from RML-18/RL-85 (7808 kg/ha)
followed by RML-113/RL-29 (7391 kg/ha) and RL-34/RL-105 (7076 kg/ha) respectively .
The combined result over two locations showed that RML-18/RL-85 (6853 kg/ha), RL-25/
RML-18 (6459 kg/ha), RL-46/RL-111 (6764 kg/ha) and RL-85/RML-18 (6404 kg/ha) were
found highest yielder than other tested hybrids (Table-8).
Table 8: Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-3)
tested at ARS, Belachhapi, 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects(1-5)
of RE
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear Pa Ea Hc
1 RL-195/RL-85 122 126 138 78 9 8 2.8 2.5 2.5 0.5 3.3 2567
2 RL-189/RML-8 119 123 185 90 13 15 2.0 2.3 1.8 2 16 4507
3 RL-5/RL-105 125 129 168 95 13 15 2.0 2.3 1.8 1 7.1 5047
4 RL-25/RL-105 123 127 170 93 13 16 2.8 3.0 2.3 0.5 3.8 4396
5 RC/RL-189 116 120 180 100 12 13 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.5 4.5 4087
6 RL-85/RL-29 121 125 130 55 11 11 2.0 1.8 2.3 0 0 2958
7 RL-170/RL-85 116 120 145 32 9 8 3.0 2.8 2.3 0.5 5 2730
8 ARUN-2/RML-18 116 119 195 103 13 13 2.0 2.3 1.5 0 0 3907
9 RL-164/RL-76 119 123 163 93 12 12 1.8 2.0 2.0 1 8.3 4827
10 RL-85/RML-18 116 120 140 73 11 12 1.8 2.0 1.8 0.5 4.2 4652
11 ARUN-2/RML-8 112 116 150 73 13 14 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.5 12.7 4031
12 RML-18/RL-85 116 120 150 65 12 11 2.3 2.3 3.0 0 0 4336
13 RL-5/RL-85 117 120 130 63 13 13 2.0 2.3 2.3 0 0 4282
14 RL-25/RL-29 116 119 138 65 14 14 2.5 3.3 2.3 0 0 4421
15 RL-25/RML-18 116 120 168 70 12 14 2.0 2.0 2.5 1 11.1 5463
16 RML-8/RL-189 112 116 148 68 11 11 2.5 2.3 2.0 1 12.5 2778
17 RL-84/RL-105 117 120 155 75 13 14 2.3 2.3 2.0 0 0 4630
18 RL-72/RL-85 113 116 120 50 12 10 1.5 2.3 1.5 2 20.2 4315
19 RL-145/RL-76 113 116 140 70 14 13 3.0 3.0 2.3 0 0 4776
20 RL-46/RL-111 123 126 160 85 14 21 2.8 2.8 2.3 0 0 5866
21 RML-113/RL-29 121 125 125 60 14 12 1.8 2.0 1.8 1 7.4 3338
22 RL-5/RML-6 124 128 160 75 10 12 2.5 2.8 2.5 1.5 12.5 3856
23 RL-1153/RL-85 118 122 123 55 9 9 2.5 2.8 2.5 0.5 5.6 3410
24 RL-25/RL-85 121 125 115 40 11 16 1.8 1.8 2.5 0 0 5668
25 RL-34/RL-105 117 122 158 68 14 18 1.8 2.0 1.8 1 7.4 4424
26 RL-137/RL-85 117 122 130 43 13 13 2.3 1.8 2.0 1 7.1 4233
27 RML-113/RL-85 119 123 118 60 12 16 2.3 2.0 2.3 0.5 4.5 2990
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects(1-5)
of RE
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear Pa Ea Hc
28 RL-107/RL-76 123 127 153 70 11 11 2.5 2.8 3.3 0 0 3370
29 RML-4/NML-2 124 128 150 78 12 13 1.8 2.0 2.3 0 0 3346
30 GAURAV 122 126 173 95 11 16 2.3 2.5 2.5 1.5 13.6 4253
Grand mean 118 122 141 71 12 13 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.63 5.6 4116
F-test ns ns ** ** ns ns ns ns ns ns ns **
CV,% 3.8 3.7 12.5 19 21 25 25 27 23 14.6
9 9.1 38 27 5 6.5 1.1 1.3 1 1.7 17 1228
RE: Rotten ear
Table 9: Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize (OBNH-3)
tested at RARS, Nepalgunj, 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
gr. wt.
male female plant ear
1 RL-195/RL-85 114 120 156 88 341 3005
2 RL-189/RML-8 111 114 168 81 298 3510
3 RL-5/RL-105 127 128 182 102 381 6492
4 RL-25/RL-105 121 122 181 94 358 5789
5 RC/RL-189 112 114 192 120 362 5940
6 RL-85/RL-29 109 112 148 71 365 4783
7 RL-170/RL-85 116 119 165 86 344 4670
8 ARUN-2/RML-18 110 112 198 113 422 5353
9 RL-164/RL-76 115 121 175 110 344 5092
10 RL-85/RML-18 115 119 164 80 386 6800
11 ARUN-2/RML-8 108 111 179 99 379.6 5836
12 RML-18/RL-85 112 114 173 91 401 7808
13 RL-5/RL-85 116 118 164 88 318 5062
14 RL-25/RL-29 113 115 170 81 388 4785
15 RL-25/RML-18 119 123 181 99 375 6212
16 RML-8/RL-189 126 113 200 116 297 6186
17 RL-84/RL-105 106 157 186 105 367 6378
18 RL-72/RL-85 112 114 158 88 352 4634
19 RL-145/RL-76 113 116 186 93 404 6853
20 RL-46/RL-111 119 122 176 99 370 6385
21 RML-113/RL-29 114 118 172 87 412 7391
22 RL-5/RML-6 122 123 188 99 353 6816
23 RL-1153/RL-85 113 116 154 76 339 6327
24 RL-25/RL-85 115 118 170 76 400 5877
25 RL-34/RL-105 129 118 170 89 390 7076
26 RL-137/RL-85 112 114 164 87 345 5134
27 RML-113/RL-85 114 116 183 96 349 5136
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
gr. wt.
male female plant ear
28 RL-107/RL-76 117 120 173 90 365 6019
29 RML-4/NML-2 119 122 180 105 356 6005
30 GAURAV 115 117 174 94 449 6043
Grand mean 115 119 174 93 367 5780
F-test * ns * ** ns ns
CV,% 4.9 8.1 7.3 10.9 12 20.8

11 19.8 26 20.8 90 2465
Table 10: Combined Results of Observation Nursery on Hybrid Maize
(OBNH-3) (RARS, Nepalgunj & ARS Belachhapi) 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm GY
Male Female Plant Ear
1 RL-195/RL-85 118 116 147 83 3086
2 RL-189/RML-8 115 122 176 85 4359
3 RL-5/RL-105 126 119 175 98 6419
4 RL-25/RL-105 122 114 176 93 5672
5 RC/RL-189 114 117 186 110 5607
6 RL-85/RL-29 115 119 139 63 4349
7 RL-170/RL-85 116 117 155 59 4167
8 ARUN-2/RML-18 113 121 196 108 5183
9 RL-164/RL-76 117 114 169 101 5469
10 RL-85/RML-18 115 138 152 76 6406
11 ARUN-2/RML-8 110 115 165 86 5517
12 RML-18/RL-85 114 116 161 78 6853
13 RL-5/RL-85 116 124 147 75 5178
14 RL-25/RL-29 114 121 154 73 5082
15 RL-25/RML-18 118 125 174 84 6459
16 RML-8/RL-189 119 119 174 92 5100
17 RL-84/RL-105 111 122 170 90 6142
18 RL-72/RL-85 113 120 139 69 4938
19 RL-145/RL-76 113 118 163 81 6500
20 RL-46/RL-111 121 119 168 92 6764
21 RML-113/RL-29 117 123 148 74 6104
22 RL-5/RML-6 123 125 174 87 6018
23 RL-1153/RL-85 116 121 138 65 5501
24 RL-25/RL-85 118 122 143 58 6361
25 RL-34/RL-105 123 120 164 78 6457
26 RL-137/RL-85 115 118 147 65 5197
27 RML-113/RL-85 116 119 150 78 4576
28 RL-107/RL-76 120 123 163 80 5296
29 RML-4/NML-2 122 125 165 91 5276
30 GAURAV 118 121 173 94 5752
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm GY
Male Female Plant Ear
Grand mean 117 120 162 82 5526
Genotype (G) ** * ** ** *
Environment(E) ** * ** ** **
G E ns ns ns ns ns
CV,% 4.3 6.2 10.1 14.4 23.4
10.1 15 33 24 2584
This experiment was conducted in three locations; Rampur, Belachhapi & Nepalgunj &
included 20 single cross hybrids. The results from Rampur revealed that signifcant differences
were found in tasseling, ear height, ear numbers, number & per cent rotten ears and grain yield.
The yield ranged from 5374 kg/ha to 9144 kg/ha at Rampur conditions. The highest grain yield
was obtained from RL-174/RML-36 (9144 kg/ha) followed by RML-86/RML-36 (7928 kg/ha)
& RL-137/RL-168 (7142 kg/ha), respectively (Table-6). At Belachhapi, except Turcicum leaf
blight disease, all other traits were found signifcantly difference (Table-7). The grain yield
ranged from 6163 kg/ha to 9335 kg/ha among the tested genotypes. The signifcantly highest
grain yield was obtained from RML-95/RML-96 (9335 kg/ha) followed by RL-174/RML-36
(9150 kg/ha) and RML-86/RML-96 (8611 kg/ha), respectively. The result from Nepalgunj
revealed that tasseling, plant height, ear height and number of ears were observed signifcantly
difference and other traits were found non signifcant difference (Table-8). The grain yield
ranged from 4831 kg/ha to 9627 kg/ha among the tested genotypes under Nepalgunj conditions.
The hybrid RL-36/RL-197 produced the highest grain yield (9627 kg/ha) followed by RML-
57/RML-6 (8798 kg/ha) and RL-96/RL-111 (8322 kg/ha), respectively.
Table 11: Results of CVT on Hybrid Maize (CVTH-1) Tested at NMRP,
Rampur, 2011 winter
Days to 50% fowering







) Aspect (1-5)

Male Female PA EA
1 RML-19/NML-2 61 65 22 2.3 1 7 0.7 2 1.8 6939
2 RL-137/RL-168 54 42 23 2.7 4 19 3 2.5 2.2 7142
3 RML-55/RL-29 54 72 25 2.2 2 7 1 2.5 2.5 6016
4 RL-99/RL-161 59 83 19 2.7 1 3 1 2.2 1.8 5374
5 RL-72/RML-18 60 77 21 1.5 1 3 1 2.3 2.3 5852
6 RML-6/RML-19 59 78 22 1.7 2 9 1 2.2 2.2 6251
7 RL-111/RL-189 62 65 25 2 7 28 1.3 2.3 2.5 5680
8 RML-95/RML-96 58 62 29 2.2 3 9 2 2 1.7 6102
9 RML-86/RML-96 59 63 27 2.7 2 6 2.3 1.7 1.7 7928
10 RL-182/RL-174 61 66 17 1.5 3 17 0 2.5 2.7 3708
11 RL-174/RML-36 62 66 27 1.8 1 5 0.3 1.8 2.2 9144
12 RL-36/RL-197 61 65 25 2.5 3 12 3.7 2.3 2.2 7431
13 RL-180/RML-5 59 63 19 2 0 2 0.3 1.8 1.7 7081
14 RML-57/RML-6 59 62 21 2 1 4 1.7 2 2.2 7704
Days to 50% fowering







) Aspect (1-5)

Male Female PA EA
15 RL-170/RL-111 62 65 26 1.5 7 26 0.7 2 2.3 6480
16 RL-154/RL-111 60 64 24 2 8 35 0 2 2.2 5506
17 RL-96/RL-111 61 65 23 2.2 5 22 1 2.3 2.3 6089
18 RL-102/RL-111 62 65 27 2 3 11 0.7 2.2 2.5 7764
19 RL-114/RL-111 61 64 23 2.2 2 11 0.7 1.8 1.7 7509
20 RML-4/NML-2 59 63 23 2.2 2 10 0 1.8 2 6868
Grand mean 60 66 23 2.1 3 12 1.1 2.1 2.1 6628
F-test ** ns * ns ** ** ** ns ns **
CV,% 3 21 15 28 18 20.2 18.4
3 23 6 1 4 15 1.6 0.6 0.7 2014
Table 12: Results of CVTH-1 tested at ARS, Belachhapi 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in Cm No./4.5m
Aspect (1-5)
E. Tur
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA
1 RML-19/NML-2 125 127 165 75 20 20 2.2 2.3 3.3 6430
2 RL-137/RL-168 117 121 153 63 26 25 1.7 1.7 2.5 5927
3 RML-55/RL-29 113 117 155 80 23 23 2.8 2.5 2.3 5980
4 RL-99/RL-161 123 127 162 70 25 27 2.5 2.3 2.5 6562
5 RL-72/RML-18 116 119 154 87 23 24 1.7 2.2 1.8 7385
6 RML-6/RML-19 122 125 152 65 24 24 1.7 2.0 2.2 7897
7 RL-111/RL-189 116 120 160 82 20 27 2.3 2.3 1.8 5970
8 RML-95/RML-96 121 124 167 72 25 34 1.7 1.5 2.2 9335
9 RML-86/RML-96 125 129 167 83 25 34 1.7 1.8 2.2 8611
10 RL-182/RL-174 121 125 180 85 16 17 2.8 3.0 2.0 4439
11 RL-174/RML-36 120 123 195 92 25 30 2.8 2.3 2.5 9150
12 RL-36/RL-197 121 125 192 102 22 25 2.7 2.3 2.5 8503
13 RL-180/RML-5 116 119 153 65 13 14 2.2 2.3 2.0 4598
14 RML-57/RML-6 121 125 148 72 24 24 2.3 2.5 2.3 7998
15 RL-170/RL-111 122 124 183 93 23 23 2.2 2.7 1.5 6686
16 RL-154/RL-111 120 124 145 62 21 21 1.8 1.8 2.3 6822
17 RL-96/RL-111 123 126 185 85 20 23 2.3 2.3 2.2 7146
18 RL-102/RL-111 123 126 153 65 20 22 2.0 2.3 2.3 7691
19 RL-114/RL-111 123 126 155 63 22 21 2.0 2.0 2.0 6163
20 RML-4/NML-2 119 123 167 85 21 22 1.8 1.7 1.8 6184
Grand mean 120 124 165 77 22 24 2.2 2.2 2.2 6974
F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ns **
CV,% 2.3 2.3 8 15.7 15.5 15.6 20.9 19.3 28.7 12.4
4.6 4.6 22 20 5.6 6.2 0.74 0.7 1.1 1427
Table 13: Results of CVTH-1 tested at RARS, Nepalgunj 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in Cm No./4.5m
Aspect (1-5)
E. Tur
GY kg/
male female Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA
1 RML-19/NML-2 123 115 162 107 24 25 1.3 1.3 375.3 6051
2 RL-137/RL-168 115 120 168 77 23 24 1.0 1.3 382.7 7340
3 RML-55/RL-29 115 117 184 106 26 27 1.0 1.3 385.3 7538
4 RL-99/RL-161 124 121 167 80 15 16 1.0 1.3 372.0 5477
5 RL-72/RML-18 115 116 182 95 25 26 1.0 1.3 380.7 7664
6 RML-6/RML-19 121 123 185 85 25 23 1.0 1.0 375.3 8028
7 RL-111/RL-189 115 117 201 104 26 29 1.0 1.0 393.3 7268
8 RML-95/RML-96 122 123 168 90 23 32 1.3 1.0 358.3 8245
9 RML-86/RML-96 124 126 182 103 25 31 1.0 1.3 360.7 7867
10 RL-182/RL-174 121 123 204 112 18 17 1.3 1.7 332.7 4831
11 RL-174/RML-36 121 122 220 125 26 31 1.3 1.3 378.7 7193
12 RL-36/RL-197 116 118 217 118 27 27 1.0 1.3 378.7 9627
13 RL-180/RML-5 120 123 194 97 22 22 1.0 1.3 374.0 6451
14 RML-57/RML-6 123 124 205 98 25 27 1.3 1.0 373.3 8798
15 RL-170/RL-111 123 125 203 107 18 21 1.0 1.3 409.3 7093
16 RL-154/RL-111 116 119 172 80 25 25 1.0 1.3 370.7 7824
17 RL-96/RL-111 115 119 196 104 25 24 1.0 1.3 370.7 8322
18 RL-102/RL-111 115 116 178 88 26 24 1.0 1.0 398.7 7619
19 RL-114/RL-111 121 122 168 77 19 19 1.3 1.0 429.3 7792
20 RML-4/NML-2 113 115 166 89 22 22 1.0 1.3 392.7 6901
Grand mean 119 120 186 97 23 25 1.1 1.3 380 7396
F-test * ns ** ** ns * ns ns ns ns
CV,% 3.8 5.2 8.3 9.6 22 21 29 38 9.2 20.2
7.4 10 25 15 9 9 0.5 0.8 58 2473
The combined result over three locations showed that the genotypes were found signifcant
differences for all the traits. For locations except number of plants and ears all other traits were
found signifcantly difference. Furthermore, the interaction between genotypes and locations
only tasseling differed signifcantly. The highest grain yield over the locations was produced by
RL-36/RL-197 (8520 kg/ha) followed by RL-174/RML-36 (8496 kg/ha) & RML-57/RML-6
(8167 kg/ha) , respectively (Table-9).
Table 14: Combined Results of CVTH-1 over locations (NMRP, ARS,
Belachhapi & RARS, Nepalgunj), 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in Cm No./Plot Aspect (1-5)
GY kg/
male female Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA
1 RML-19/NML-2 103 102 179 95 22 22 1.8 1.8 6473
2 RL-137/RL-168 95 99 179 82 24 24 1.7 1.7 6803
3 RML-55/RL-29 94 97 182 104 25 25 2.1 2.1 6511
4 RL-99/RL-161 102 103 184 86 21 21 1.9 1.8 5804
5 RL-72/RML-18 97 100 188 92 24 24 1.7 1.9 6967
6 RML-6/RML-19 101 104 184 89 24 23 1.6 1.7 7392
7 RL-111/RL-189 98 101 195 101 22 27 1.9 1.9 6306
8 RML-95/RML-96 101 103 183 88 23 32 1.7 1.5 7894
9 RML-86/RML-96 103 106 185 101 24 31 1.4 1.7 8135
10 RL-182/RL-174 101 105 209 109 18 17 2.2 2.3 4326
11 RL-174/RML-36 101 104 215 112 25 29 2.0 1.9 8496
12 RL-36/RL-197 99 102 216 112 25 26 2.0 1.9 8520
13 RL-180/RML-5 98 102 185 82 19 18 1.7 1.7 6043
14 RML-57/RML-6 101 104 191 88 24 24 1.9 2.0 8167
15 RL-170/RL-111 102 105 205 102 21 23 1.7 2.1 6753
16 RL-154/RL-111 99 102 181 86 22 23 1.6 1.8 6717
17 RL-96/RL-111 100 103 198 108 23 23 1.9 1.9 7186
18 RL-102/RL-111 100 103 188 92 23 24 1.7 1.9 7691
19 RL-114/RL-111 101 104 178 81 21 21 1.7 1.7 7155
20 RML-4/NML-2 97 100 172 89 22 22 1.6 1.6 6651
Grand mean 100 102 190 95 23 24 1.8 1.9 7000
Genotypes(G) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * **
Environment (E) ** ** ** ** ns ns ** ** **
G E * ns ns ** ns ns ns ns ns
CV,% 3.4 4 8.6 11.9 17.4 17.8 22 24.4 18.6
5.4 6.7 27 18.2 6.3 69 0.6 0.7 2109
Coordinated Varietal Trial on Hybrid maize (CVTH-2)
This experiment was conducted in 3 locations (Rampur, Nepalgunj & Belachhapi) included 21
single cross hybrids. At Rampur, except plant height, number of plants and ears, Turcicum
disease and per cent rotten ears, all other traits were noted signifcant. The grain yield ranged
from 3810 kg/ha to 9897 kg/ha among the tested genotypes. The superior hybrids for grain yield
were RML-98/RL-105 (9897 kg/ha) followed by RL-150/RL-111 (8599 kg/ha), RML-115/
RML-62 (8291 kg/ha) and RL-194/RML-62 (8012 kg/ha), respectively (Table-15). The result
from Nepalgunj revealed that except plant height and grain yield, all other traits was observed
signifcantly difference. The production of yield ranged from 6710 kg/ha to 11024 kg/ha. The
highest grain yield was obtained from RL-194/RML-62 (11024 kg/ha), followed by RML-98/
RL-105 (1096 kg/ha), RL-19/RML-62 (1011 kg/ha), RL-17/RML-62 (1056 kg/ha) & RL-150/
RL-111 (1039 kg/ha), respectively (Table-16). At Belachhapi, all the traits were found
signifcantly difference among the tested genotypes. Among the tested genotypes the grain yield
ranged from 5121 kg/ha to 9295 kg/ha in this location. The signifcantly highest grain yield was
obtained from RL-106/RML-62 (9295 kg/ha) followed by RML-62/RL-105 (9028 kg/ha) and
RL-150/RL-111 (8623 kg/ha), respectively.
The combined result over 3 locations showed that RML-98/RL-105 (9816 kg/ha), RML-62/
RL-105 (9247 kg/ha) & RL-150/RL-111 (9204 kg/ha) were found high yielding among the
Table 15: Results of CVTH-2 tested at ARS, Belachhapi 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspect (1-5)
GY kg/
male female Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA HC
1 RL-153/RL-111 124 128 152 73 24 24 1.7 2.0 1.7 7733
2 RL-186/RL-111 120 124 170 73 23 24 2.8 3.2 2.8 7772
3 RL-150/RL-111 121 125 162 83 25 24 2.2 2.3 2.2 8623
4 RL-151/RL-111 121 125 155 83 24 24 2.5 2.8 1.8 7838
5 RL-86/RL-111 117 121 172 77 25 27 1.5 2.2 1.7 9026
6 RL-25/RL-105 118 122 173 88 23 30 2.0 2.2 2.0 8817
7 RML-113/RL-105 124 127 154 73 19 24 1.7 1.7 2.2 5610
8 RL-85/RL-105 114 118 145 82 24 29 1.8 1.8 2.2 7712
9 RML-106/RL-105 123 127 170 92 20 26 2.0 2.3 2.3 9121
10 RML-98/RL-105 126 126 185 90 16 24 2.7 2.8 2.3 8586
11 RML-62/RL-105 124 128 187 103 24 29 2.3 2.3 2.0 9028
12 RML-8/RML-62 116 119 170 75 12 12 2.0 2.2 1.7 3674
13 RL-165/RML-62 121 125 203 103 18 21 2.8 3.7 1.7 6661
14 RL-17/RML-62 124 128 197 95 22 24 2.5 2.2 2.8 8286
15 RL-19/RML-62 120 124 173 93 22 22 2.5 2.2 1.8 7376
16 RL-106/RML-62 123 126 182 92 21 23 2.7 3.3 2.0 9295
17 RL-84/RML-62 123 127 200 107 24 26 3.7 3.7 3.3 8180
18 RML-55/RML-62 122 126 185 100 10 14 2.5 2.5 2.3 5121
19 RML-115/RML-62 124 128 177 102 21 21 2.0 1.7 1.8 8026
20 RL-194/RML-62 124 128 193 128 23 23 2.8 3.0 2.0 7212
21 Gaurav 124 128 163 80 21 25 1.8 2.2 2.0 5790
Grand mean 122 125 175 90 21 24 2.3 2.5 2.1 7595
F-test ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** **
CV,% 2 2.2 9.3 19 19.3 18.6 18 19 19 16.5
4 4.5 27 29 6.7 7.2 0.7 0.8 0.7 2066
Table 16: Combined Results of CVTH-2 over locations (NMRP, ARS,
Belachhapi & RARS, Nepalgunj), 2011 winter
S.N Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm No./Plot
GY kg/ha
male female Pl. ht Er. ht. Plant Ear
1 RL-153/RL-111 103 106 193 89 25 24 7560
2 RL-186/RL-111 101 105 212 97 24 24 7663
3 RL-150/RL-111 100 104 207 102 26 27 9204
4 RL-151/RL-111 100 103 199 102 24 26 8074
5 RL-86/RL-111 97 100 216 98 25 27 9091
6 RL-25/RL-105 97 100 207 104 25 29 8866
7 RML-113/RL-105 101 104 201 88 22 31 6521
8 RL-85/RL-105 95 98 197 94 25 29 7964
9 RML-106/RL-105 101 104 199 101 22 26 8017
10 RML-98/RL-105 102 104 213 102 21 33 9816
11 RML-62/RL-105 102 105 206 110 24 28 9247
12 RML-8/RML-62 96 99 202 97 14 15 4731
13 RL-165/RML-62 101 104 228 114 23 21 6787
14 RL-17/RML-62 102 106 221 110 24 26 8610
15 RL-19/RML-62 100 103 202 111 22 22 7802
16 RL-106/RML-62 101 104 210 108 24 26 8496
17 RL-84/RML-62 101 104 223 120 25 26 7539
18 RML-55/RML-62 100 104 221 127 18 20 6279
19 RML-115/RML-62 102 105 212 123 23 23 8951
20 RL-194/RML-62 101 104 219 118 25 24 8779
21 Gaurav 100.44 103.33 204.7 102.8 22.44 28.56 7496
Grand mean 100 103 209 106 23 26 7976
Genotype (G) ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Environment (E) ** ** ** ** ** ** **
G E * ** ns ns ns ns ns
CV,% 2.4 2.3 8.9 14.5 14.2 17.7 21
3.9 3.9 30 24.7 5.3 7.3 2696
Double Cross Hybrids:
The double cross hybrid 10V20/L4-597 produced the highest grain yield of 12517 kg/ha
followed by NMH-666 (Sandhya)/30B11 (9489 kg/ha) and 10V20/PROAGRO-4642 (8985 kg/
ha). The tested hybrids were highly signifcant for grain yield and tasseling days but non
signifcant for plant height, ear height and silking days.
Table 17: Results of Double Cross Hybrids on Maize tested at NMRP,
Rampur, 2011 winter
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
No of
Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
1 10V20/SAMRAT-1144 59 62 214 88 27 30 1 2.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 8063
2 CHHABILI/SAMRAT-1144 61 65 185 88 23 29 1 3.6 2.8 2.5 3.0 5499
3 DKC-9081/PROAGRO-4640 59 62 225 99 20 20 1 4.4 3.0 2.8 3.0 7038
4 BIG BOSS/LY-597 60 63 225 106 25 28 1 3.0 1.8 1.5 2.5 8564
5 SUPER900M/SAMRAT-1144 64 68 170 75 23 29 0 0.0 2.8 2.5 1.5 4824
6 SAMRAT-1133/LY-558 60 64 198 90 24 26 2 5.7 1.8 1.8 2.8 6097
7 10V20/PRO AGRO-4642 58 61 190 73 25 30 2 4.6 2.3 2.5 2.3 8985
8 DKC9081/DON-1588 62 65 208 88 24 24 3 14.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 7786
9 BIG BOSS/PRO AGRO-4642 62 65 220 94 24 29 2 7.2 2.0 2.0 3.0 6801
10 PINNACLE/LY-597 61 65 200 103 20 27 2 6.0 1.5 2.3 3.0 6949
11 PROAGRO SAMPANNA /PROAGRO-4642 59 62 195 83 14 18 1 2.9 2.3 1.8 2.0 3706
12 LY-597/PROAGRO-4642 62 65 175 80 26 28 3 10.8 2.0 2.0 2.3 7915
13 DEKALB DOUBLE/PRO AGRO-4642 59 62 185 83 22 26 0 0.0 1.8 2.0 2.0 6498
14 DMH849/BIG BOSS 64 67 138 53 16 13 2 10.0 2.0 2.8 3.0 1808
15 DKC-9081/LY-597 62 65 200 90 22 27 2 7.7 1.5 1.8 3.8 8201
16 PINNACLE/10V10 60 63 220 108 23 22 3 13.9 1.5 1.5 2.5 5174
17 BIG BOSS/SAMRAT-1144 63 66 208 93 24 28 1 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.3 7931
18 DKC-9081/BIG BOSS 62 65 203 93 24 28 3 9.0 1.8 2.5 2.3 7503
19 LY-558/PROAGROSAMPANNA 61 64 185 85 19 21 1 2.9 2.3 1.8 2.5 6489
20 SAMRAT-1144/PROAGRO-4642 59 63 180 88 19 22 1 2.2 2.8 3.0 3.5 4625
21 SAMRAT-1133/PROAGRO-4642 57 60 203 105 22 22 1 4.6 2.3 2.3 2.5 4520
22 10V10/SAMRAT-1144 62 65 208 108 24 24 5 18.8 3.0 2.8 1.8 4927
23 DON-1588/LY-597 66 69 185 78 21 21 3 11.3 1.5 2.5 2.8 6817
24 DMH-849/10V10 62 65 188 78 19 22 3 14.1 2.3 2.8 2.3 6897
25 DON-1588/SAMRAT 60 63 180 93 23 23 0 0.0 1.5 1.8 1.8 5826
26 SAMRAT-1144/LY-597 60 63 200 60 27 29 1 2.0 2.3 1.8 2.3 7332
27 BIG BOSS/PROAGRO-4640 62 65 188 83 23 28 3 7.6 2.8 3.0 3.5 6933
28 DON-1588/PROAGRO-4642 58 62 170 85 24 24 1 3.5 2.3 2.3 2.0 5652
29 BIGBOSS/SAMRAT-1133 61 65 213 95 24 31 1 3.6 2.3 2.0 2.3 8789
30 PINACLE/SAMRAT-1133 61 64 193 90 19 9 2 12.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 4188
31 10V10/SAMRAT-1133 61 64 198 100 27 30 0 0.0 1.8 2.0 1.5 7406
32 PINACLE/BIGBOSS 61 66 209 83 26 28 4 14.0 2.5 2.5 2.3 6850
33 DKC9081/SAMRAT-1144 60 64 223 93 23 26 2 8.0 3.0 3.3 2.8 5885
34 10V10/LY-558 58 62 208 78 25 30 4 13.6 2.0 2.5 2.3 5549
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
No of
Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
35 CHHABILI/BIGBOSS 65 68 165 68 23 26 3 10.6 1.5 2.3 2.8 6365
36 PINALCE/CHHABILI 61 65 213 99 26 27 4 13.1 2.3 2.5 3.3 8030
37 10V10/DON-1588 61 65 190 90 19 22 3 16.8 3.0 3.0 2.0 4833
38 PINACLE/PROAGRO-4642 54 58 195 83 26 28 4 13.5 1.5 1.8 2.0 7144
39 10V10/SAMRAT-1144 59 62 210 135 22 25 2 8.0 2.3 2.3 2.5 7353
40 10V10/SAMRAT-1133 63 66 193 88 21 23 3 17.9 3.0 2.0 2.8 6058
41 SAMRAT-1133/LY-597 62 65 216 93 20 23 0 0.0 2.3 2.5 2.0 6223
42 SUPER-900M/LY-597 62 66 185 100 20 26 3 11.9 2.3 2.5 3.3 6966
43 PINNACLE/10V10 62 66 230 121 25 34 6 18.1 2.3 2.5 1.8 7058
44 10V10/BIGBOSS 61 64 185 75 24 26 2 5.9 2.5 2.0 3.0 3212
45 PINNACLE/LY-558 62 66 198 88 18 19 3 16.2 2.3 2.8 3.3 4783
46 CHHABILI/PROAGRO-4642 65 69 208 103 23 19 1 4.8 2.0 2.3 1.5 4826
47 SUPPER-900M/LY-558 64 68 192 90 24 35 1 1.6 2.5 2.5 1.8 6022
48 DMH-849/SAMRAT-1133 58 61 168 73 19 19 1 1.9 2.0 2.5 2.3 6145
49 LY-597/PROAGRO SAMPANNA 63 67 223 99 21 24 4 16.9 3.0 2.3 2.8 4018
50 DKC-908/SAMRAT-1133 58 61 204 88 22 24 1 5.0 2.3 2.8 3.0 6009
51 LY-558/PROAGRO-4642 62 66 220 75 23 29 4 13.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 8080
52 SUPER-900M/PROAGRO-4642 61 64 198 100 22 18 1 2.5 2.8 2.5 3.5 4367
53 PINNACLE/PROAGRO-4642 55 58 203 108 23 22 1 4.6 2.0 2.0 2.3 6298
54 CHHABILI/DON-1588 57 63 198 73 22 28 1 3.6 2.3 2.3 2.0 8019
55 CHHABILI/LY-597 63 67 195 100 23 29 3 9.9 2.5 3.0 2.8 6000
56 SAMRAT/LY-558 60 64 205 108 21 27 0 0.0 2.0 2.8 2.5 4737
57 PINNACLE/DON-1588 62 66 193 83 23 28 4 15.0 2.8 2.0 2.3 6273
58 10V10/LY-597 62 66 201 86 24 28 4 12.7 2.0 3.0 2.0 7575
59 10V20/LY-597 60 63 225 110 29 39 0 0.0 1.5 1.8 2.0 12517
60 DMH-849/LY-597 57 62 168 65 18 21 1 1.9 3.0 3.3 2.5 4139
61 PRABAL/BADSHAH GOLD 63 66 198 75 20 28 2 4.7 2.5 2.3 3.3 6493
62 NMH-731/9681 55 63 203 88 21 24 1 2.0 2.5 2.3 3.0 5581
63 NMH-666(SANDHYA/30B11 65 68 200 85 28 42 0 0.0 2.8 3.0 1.5 9489
64 NMH-666(SANDHYA/ RAJKUMAR 61 65 188 75 19 28 3 10.9 2.0 2.3 2.8 6300
65 NMH-1242/SHAKTIMAN 60 65 210 95 23 22 3 12.1 2.5 3.0 1.8 5734
66 NMH-666(SANDHYA/P-3540 64 68 185 85 25 35 4 10.2 1.8 2.5 3.3 8435
67 NMH-777(SUNNY/P-3856 62 66 175 73 24 24 2 7.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 5478
68 NMH-777(SUNNY/30V92 61 65 183 80 20 25 2 5.9 2.3 1.5 2.3 6032
69 NMH-909/P-3540 62 65 215 103 27 26 2 7.9 1.8 2.5 2.3 7296
70 TX-369/P-3404 65 69 163 80 22 23 1 5.9 1.8 2.5 2.3 3755
71 NMH-1242/NMH-731 62 65 193 70 25 19 3 13.9 2.8 2.3 2.0 5277
72 P-3856/P-3404 63 67 188 95 29 32 2 5.3 2.3 2.5 2.8 5964
73 SHAKTIMAN/RAJKUMAR 61 65 214 100 23 33 1 3.1 3.3 2.3 2.8 5403
74 RAJKUMAR/30B11 60 64 195 88 25 18 2 12.2 1.8 2.3 2.8 4659
75 P-3522/PRABAL 62 66 170 80 24 20 3 14.7 2.0 3.0 3.5 5523
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
No of
Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
76 NMH-1242/P-3540 60 64 219 82 22 22 2 5.8 2.0 3.0 3.3 5475
77 9220/30B11 58 56 214 105 24 32 3 7.2 3.3 2.5 3.3 7979
78 PRABAL/3540 63 66 205 93 22 31 1 3.7 2.3 3.0 2.0 6667
79 P-3404/P-3540 61 65 220 120 20 31 3 10.8 2.5 3.0 3.0 5684
80 RAJKUMAR/P-3404 60 64 197 95 22 13 2 16.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3683
81 NMH-777(SUNNY)/9220 62 65 195 79 18 20 1 4.0 3.0 2.8 2.3 2888
82 NMH-777(SUNNY)/9681 61 64 168 70 21 12 1 3.9 3.0 3.0 2.0 3528
83 RAJKUMAR/30V92 62 65 203 88 17 22 3 11.5 2.3 2.5 3.0 4757
84 NMH-1242/NMH-777(SUNNY) 64 68 170 78 21 23 2 5.2 3.0 3.3 3.8 3558
85 SHAKTIMAN/9681 62 66 153 66 22 16 2 8.8 2.8 2.8 2.3 2994
86 ALLROUNDER/9220 59 62 203 134 20 21 1 5.0 2.3 2.3 3.5 6530
87 RAJKUMAR/9681 62 65 203 100 18 27 0 0.0 2.0 2.3 2.5 5004
88 ALLROUNDER/30B11 59 63 198 95 22 21 3 14.3 2.0 2.5 2.3 7806
89 PRABAL/9220 62 66 173 80 21 18 0 0.0 2.3 2.5 2.0 4717
90 COMMANDO/SHAKTIMAN 65 69 195 95 24 28 1 3.7 1.5 1.8 2.0 6684
91 SHAKTIMAN/P-3404 61 65 193 82 21 20 2 7.5 3.0 3.3 2.3 4487
92 NMH-1242/P-3540 60 64 198 83 22 19 3 16.8 3.0 2.5 3.5 4767
93 9681/P-3540 58 61 208 98 23 25 1 3.9 2.5 2.8 2.5 6932
94 P-3540/30V92 62 66 238 105 25 29 5 15.6 1.5 1.5 2.3 7186
95 NMH-909/RAJKUMAR 60 63 190 90 25 27 1 3.9 2.3 2.0 2.0 6495
96 P-3522/9681 59 62 145 65 24 21 1 5.9 2.8 2.5 2.0 5311
97 9681/30B11 62 66 203 40 22 25 1 2.1 1.5 2.3 2.5 6899
98 P-3522/NMH-909 63 66 213 88 17 20 1 6.7 3.0 3.3 2.3 4179
99 30B11/30V92 64 67 190 86 22 31 3 9.6 2.0 2.5 3.5 8299
100 NMH-909/NMH-777(SUNNY) 64 67 153 70 21 25 0 0.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 5371
101 PRABAL/9681 62 66 173 60 21 21 1 5.3 2.3 2.0 2.5 3999
102 NMH-731/9220 61 64 200 85 22 23 0 0.0 2.5 2.8 2.3 6095
103 PRABAL/NMH-777(SUNNY) 63 67 178 90 18 19 1 2.3 1.8 2.5 2.0 4071
104 NMH-666(SANDHYA)/ NMH-777(SUNNY) 61 64 198 78 19 18 2 8.9 3.0 2.8 2.8 5388
105 ALLROUNDER/RAJKUMAR 58 61 233 133 21 25 2 6.3 2.0 2.3 2.3 5852
106 P-3856/P-3540 60 63 220 113 21 26 1 3.9 3.0 3.5 2.0 4822
107 NMH-666(SANDHYA)/9220 62 65 158 63 23 27 1 3.7 3.0 2.5 2.3 5154
108 NMH-777(SUNNY)/P-3540 61 65 188 95 29 31 3 8.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 7403
109 DEKALB DK-984/30V92 62 67 185 90 20 21 3 15.6 2.3 2.5 3.0 5264
110 NMH-1242/RAJKUMAR 60 64 180 104 20 22 3 11.6 2.8 2.3 2.8 5602
111 P-3404/30V92 60 64 203 84 57 26 5 17.6 4.0 2.8 1.8 5099
112 SHAKTIMAN/30V92 60 63 175 80 23 22 3 13.3 2.5 2.3 2.5 4852
113 ALLROUNDER/P-3540 61 65 195 98 23 26 1 1.9 2.3 2.3 1.8 5713
114 NMH-666(SANDHYA)/30V92 67 70 173 70 20 16 1 5.6 4.0 2.8 3.3 1900
115 NMH-777(SUNNY)/P-3404 61 65 170 76 18 31 2 5.6 1.8 2.3 2.3 5083
116 30B11/P-3540 66 69 193 95 20 22 3 13.2 2.0 2.3 2.5 5261
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
No of
Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
117 TX-369/P-3856 66 69 153 68 23 24 1 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.0 3972
118 9681/30V92 61 65 187 90 23 24 2 6.8 1.5 1.8 2.0 6001
119 9220/P-3404 61 65 163 60 13 19 0 0.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2035
120 NMH-731/RAJKUMAR 64 67 145 65 20 23 4 14.5 2.5 2.3 2.5 4674
121 NMH-731/SHAKTIMAN 61 65 180 85 21 21 3 14.8 2.0 2.3 1.8 5160
122 NMH-1242/30V92 61 64 223 80 27 27 2 7.9 2.3 2.0 3.0 5420
123 NMH-777(SUNNY)/ RAJKUMAR 62 67 185 95 20 28 2 6.1 3.0 3.5 2.8 5313
124 C-1945/BISCOHEERA 64 68 190 95 20 24 2 5.8 2.3 2.0 2.3 4977
125 NMH-731/NMH-909 68 71 168 63 20 21 2 7.4 1.8 3.0 2.5 5149
126 NMH-909/NMH-666 (SANDHYA) 61 64 245 130 30 33 3 9.2 2.0 2.0 2.5 6952
127 P-3522/P-3785 62 66 188 93 20 24 2 8.0 2.0 3.0 2.3 4948
128 30B11/P-3404 63 67 165 68 18 20 4 12.5 1.5 2.3 2.5 4291
129 SHAKTIMAN/P-3540 57 63 198 85 29 24 1 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.8 4348
130 9220/SHAKTIMAN 57 61 208 90 22 17 3 17.2 2.5 3.0 3.3 3604
131 NMH-1242/30B11 61 65 185 94 33 33 6 17.7 2.3 2.3 3.3 7126
132 BASSHAH GOLD/ RAJKUMAR 63 67 188 88 25 31 2 6.6 2.0 3.0 2.8 5964
133 NMH-909/SHAKTIMAN 59 62 190 83 17 19 3 13.2 3.6 2.8 2.3 3298
134 NMH-909/NMH-666 (SANDHYA) 61 65 173 88 22 26 3 8.3 2.5 3.0 3.3 4871
135 NMH-777(SUNNY)/30B11 60 64 200 83 23 26 2 5.6 2.0 1.8 2.8 5895
136 P-3404/P-3522 61 65 186 93 23 18 3 16.7 2.0 2.0 2.5 3704
137 RAJKUMAR/P-3540 60 64 208 115 22 25 1 4.8 2.3 2.8 2.5 5013
138 P-3522/NMH-777(SUNNY) 63 66 180 98 21 23 4 16.8 2.3 1.8 2.5 5012
139 9220/P-3540 59 62 195 90 24 20 2 9.5 2.3 3.0 2.8 6279
140 NMH-731/NMH777(SUNNY) 66 70 162 75 21 20 0 0.0 3.0 2.8 2.0 4729
141 P-3404/P-3785 65 68 192 78 13 18 4 22.6 1.8 2.0 2.3 2982
142 PRABAL/30B11 62 65 185 93 26 24 0 0.0 2.3 2.0 1.5 5693
143 SHAKTIMAN/30B11 59 63 168 63 15 23 3 11.2 2.8 2.0 2.5 5469
144 C-1945/BISCO BUMPER 61 65 192 95 20 21 1 5.3 3.3 2.8 2.5 4804
145 TCS-9696/C-6485 62 66 225 103 27 29 2 7.1 2.3 2.3 1.8 7050
146 C-1921/BISCO BUMPER 62 66 169 77 23 30 0 0.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 4659
147 GODAVARI-989/NAYA-940 60 63 175 70 22 26 2 5.8 1.5 2.3 1.8 6000
148 CHALLENGE-1/BISCO X81 66 69 185 83 19 25 2 8.0 1.8 2.0 1.5 5259
149 GODAVARI-898/C-6485 59 63 213 103 24 22 1 4.2 2.5 2.3 2.5 4849
150 C-1921/NAYA-940 55 59 165 65 21 18 0 0.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 3249
151 BISCOPRINCE/BISCO HEERA 58 63 200 85 17 18 3 13.2 2.5 2.0 1.5 3322
152 BIOSCOX81/BISCOHEERA 65 68 193 83 22 25 2 7.4 2.3 2.3 2.8 4412
153 ADITYA-929/NAYA-940 59 62 198 93 23 30 0 0.0 1.5 2.8 1.8 8118
154 C-1946/BISCOPRINCE 60 64 249 85 25 33 2 4.6 1.8 2.3 2.0 9275
155 BISCOPRINCE/NAYA-940 64 67 153 75 18 27 0 0.0 2.5 1.8 1.8 4235
156 GODAVARI-989/BISCOHEERA 58 61 178 85 25 27 0 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 5972
157 TCS-9696/BISCOPRINCE 61 65 160 73 24 27 1 1.8 2.3 2.0 2.5 6266
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
No of
Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
158 C-6485/BISCOHEERA 59 66 198 88 23 22 0 0.0 2.8 2.5 2.5 5161
159 BISCOBUMPER/BISCOHEERA 61 65 160 80 12 12 1 11.1 2.8 2.3 3.5 3487
160 TCS-9696/BISCOX81 60 63 193 75 18 26 2 7.8 1.8 1.8 2.3 5335
161 GODAVARI-989/BISCOBUMPER 60 63 210 105 22 25 2 5.4 2.0 2.5 2.8 7470
162 C-1921/C-1945 60 64 176 98 19 24 1 3.2 2.0 1.8 3.3 5294
163 KESHAR KING-919/NAYA-940 61 66 173 83 17 22 3 10.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 6731
164 C-192/BISCOX81 63 66 143 95 20 20 4 21.2 2.0 2.0 2.5 6421
165 C-6485/CP-838 60 63 169 75 20 19 2 10.9 3.0 2.5 2.5 4470
166 CP-666/BISCO HEERA 63 67 163 85 22 21 1 4.4 2.3 2.0 2.8 1329
167 CP-808/BISCOX81 63 66 163 75 22 25 0 0.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 5381
168 BISCOX81/BISCOX92 66 69 150 60 14 14 2 10.8 3.0 3.5 3.0 1428
169 EARLY-2/NAYA-940 61 64 154 83 17 19 0 0.0 3.3 3.0 3.0 4209
170 C-1945/NAYA-940 62 65 165 83 20 28 3 9.6 2.5 2.5 3.3 7119
171 KESHAR KING-919/ BISCOBUMPER 58 61 210 103 28 35 0 0.0 2.0 1.8 1.5 7372
172 KESHAR KING-919/C-6485 58 64 180 83 23 19 0 0.0 1.8 2.3 1.8 6178
173 C-1921/BISCOHEERA 61 65 155 73 21 22 1 5.3 2.5 2.5 2.8 4410
174 BISCOBUMPER/BISCOX81 63 67 185 85 21 27 1 3.7 1.8 2.0 2.3 7211
175 C-1921/C-1946 62 66 213 93 22 18 0 0.0 2.3 2.5 1.8 8024
176 GODAVARI-989/BISCOPRINCE 57 61 188 98 25 18 1 2.4 2.5 2.5 3.0 4059
177 MADHUR/C-6485 63 66 183 90 25 28 1 3.3 3.0 2.3 2.3 5558
178 CP-66/NAYA-940 57 61 201 98 20 17 1 2.6 2.3 2.5 3.3 4364
179 BISCOX92/NAYA-940 68 67 178 80 19 25 4 13.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 4653
180 GODAVARI-989/BISCOPRINCE 59 62 203 103 23 26 2 4.6 2.5 2.3 1.8 7003
181 C-6485/BSICOX81 60 63 208 103 21 25 2 6.7 2.8 2.8 2.5 5728
182 C-1921/BISCOPRINCE 64 67 138 70 21 22 2 10.0 2.8 2.3 2.0 2100
183 CHALLENGER-919/NAYA-940 65 68 165 75 25 23 1 4.2 1.8 2.0 2.5 6165
184 C-1921/C-6485 63 66 203 78 19 17 1 4.4 2.0 1.8 2.3 4695
185 C-6485/BISCOBUMPER 62 67 168 83 24 24 0 0.0 2.0 2.3 2.5 5357
186 C-1945/C-6485 63 37 178 76 24 27 1 3.9 2.8 2.8 1.8 4288
187 C-6485/BISCCOX92 64 68 163 68 21 23 0 0.0 2.5 3.0 1.8 3543
188 BISCO PRINCE/BISCOX81 63 67 149 73 19 20 0 0.0 3.0 2.5 3.0 3613
189 TCS-9696/BISCOBUMPER 61 65 192 84 23 23 3 14.7 1.5 2.0 2.3 5942
190 EARLY-2/BISCOHEERA 60 63 190 93 20 20 1 3.9 1.8 1.8 1.5 4286
191 C-1946/NAYA-940 63 66 190 85 23 23 4 16.5 2.0 2.3 2.8 4348
192 C-1950/BISCOHEERA 60 63 185 85 18 15 0 0.0 2.0 1.8 2.3 4588
193 C-1945/C-1946 66 70 168 83 16 31 0 0.0 3.5 3.3 3.0 2987
194 GAURAV 67 70 200 100 18 15 1 2.6 2.3 2.5 2.5 4159
Grand mean 61 64 190 87 22 24 2 7.0 2.3 2.4 2.5 5565.0
F-test ** ns ns ns ns ** ns ns ns ns ns **
CV,% 4 6 16 22 24 22 24.6 29.5 32
5 8 59 38 10 10 3 14.0 1.4 1.2 1.4 3515.0
CIMMYT Hybrid Trials
Tropical Low Land Hybrid Maize Trial (10ASA15HW10)
The experiment was conducted at NMRP, Chitwan. Planting was done on September10, 2011
in a single row plot with 5 meter length. The trial was laid out in randomized complete block
design with 2 replications and all other agronomic practices were performed as per
recommendation. Eighteen genotypes were included in this experiment including four checks.
Data were recorded on plant height, ear height, plant aspect, ear aspect, no. of plants/ha, no. of
ears/ha, 50% tasseling, silking, and grain yield etc.
The experimental results showed that the tested genotypes were statistically highly signifcant
for days to 50% tasseling and silking, plant height and ear height signifcant grain yield and
husk cover but non signifcant for number of plants/ha, number of ears/ha plant aspect and ear
aspect. Among them, genotype SRR-C2SA6HS90-1-2-1-B/CLA127 produced the highest
grain yield (9188 kg/ha) followed by CLA135/CML399 (8233 kg/ha) and CML247/CML254/
CLA135 (8152 kg/ha).
Table 18: Performance of CIMMYT Tropical Low Land Hybrid Maize
Trial (10ASA15HW10) at NMRP Rampur in winter 2011
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
1 CLA222/CLA170//CLA135 59 63 182 92 26 27 2.0 2.2 2.5 5458
2 CML247/CML254//CLA135 66 70 160 83 26 31 2.2 2.3 2.5 8152
3 SRR-C2SA7HSS1-5-2-1-B/CLA120 63 66 213 108 26 32 2.2 2.0 2.8 7464
4 SRR-C2SA7HS2-2-1-1-B/CLA120 59 63 195 97 27 24 2.2 1.7 1.8 7658
5 SRR-C2SA7HSS1-5-2-1-B/CLA183 64 68 188 88 22 25 2.5 2.2 2.0 4244
6 SRR-C2SA7HS53-1-1-2-B-B/CLA183 62 66 230 123 23 24 2.0 2.2 1.8 6245
7 SRR-C2SA7HSS8-4-1-1-B-B-B/CLA183 62 66 235 113 25 25 2.7 2.3 2.0 5653
8 SRR-C2SA6HS18-1-2-2-B-B/CLA127 65 69 213 119 23 21 2.5 2.5 2.5 4922
9 SRR-C2SA6HS15-2-2-2-B/CLA135 63 66 198 97 27 25 2.5 2.2 2.3 5460
10 SRR-C2SA6HS15-2-2-1-B/CLA127 63 66 210 107 26 31 1.7 1.8 1.8 5627
11 SRR-C2SA6HS12-1-1-2-B-B-B/CLA127 67 71 232 113 27 31 2.8 2.2 1.8 3797
12 SRR-C2SA6HS90-1-3-1-B-B-B/CLA194 59 63 195 83 25 30 2.5 2.3 2.5 6120
13 SRR-C2SA6HS90-1-2-1-B/CLA127 60 64 234 125 23 36 2.5 2.7 1.8 9188
14 CLA183/CLA176//CLA127 62 65 233 117 25 25 2.2 2.2 2.0 4754
15 CLA183/CLA176//CLA135 64 68 212 103 23 26 2.7 2.8 2.3 5104
16 CLA135/CML399 65 69 217 122 25 30 2.5 2.7 3.0 8233
17 CML321/CML399 66 70 200 98 24 24 1.5 1.7 4.3 7130
18 LOCALCHECK 65 68 200 97 26 24 2.0 2.2 2.2 5324
Grand mean 63 67 208 105 25 27 2.3 2.2 2.3 6141
F-test ** ** ** ** ns ns ns ns * *
CV,% 3.4 3.6 9.3 10.4 15.8 17.7 21 19.5 30 28.3
3.6 4 32 18 6.5 8 0.8 0.7 1.2 2879
Table 19: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (11TTWCWL23)
hybrids at NMRP, Rampur in winter 2011
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC Root Shoot
1 (CL-RCWQ26/CM 93 97 111 38 27 36 1.5 2.2 2.7 1.7 1.0 1.1 3142
2 (CLQ-RCWQ10/C 90 95 108 33 33 32 1.5 1.8 2.7 0.7 1.0 0.0 2858
3 (CLQ-RCWQ83/CL 92 98 107 35 32 34 2.0 1.8 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2075
4 (CML491/CLQRC 93 98 147 54 32 35 2.0 1.7 0.0 1.7 0.7 0.0 3044
5 (CML491/CLQRC 93 97 107 28 38 26 2.5 3.0 0.0 2.3 1.0 0.0 1611
6 (CML491/CLQRC 91 96 130 45 34 33 2.5 2.3 0.3 1.3 0.7 1.0 1746
7 (CLRCW85/CLRC 92 97 117 43 35 41 1.5 1.8 0.0 2.0 0.3 0.0 2158
8 (CLRCW96/CLRC 92 95 122 48 27 22 2.0 2.0 0.3 3.7 1.0 0.0 2721
9 (CLRCW85/CLRC 94 98 113 41 34 29 2.5 1.5 0.3 1.0 0.0 1.0 2782
10 (CLRCW96/CLRC 95 99 107 32 31 33 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 2.3 2866
11 (CL-RCW42/CML 93 98 117 45 32 40 2.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 0.7 0.0 3883
12 (CL-RCW76/CL-S 91 96 132 47 29 32 2.0 2.0 3.3 2.0 0.3 0.0 2829
13 (CML491/CLQRC 94 98 121 41 33 23 1.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1652
14 (CML502/CLQRC 96 102 110 33 30 25 2.0 1.7 0.3 1.3 0.7 1.4 3910
15 (CML502/CML49 92 97 132 52 34 36 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 1899
16 (CLQRCWQ10/CL 92 96 120 40 28 30 3.0 2.0 1.7 2.0 2.0 0.0 3278
17 (CLRCW97/CML4 65 100 115 30 31 19 2.5 2.8 1.0 1.3 0.0 2.2 667
18 (CLRCW96/CML4 97 100 114 32 35 13 4.0 3.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 509
19 LOCAL CHECK-1 95 101 90 27 18 18 3.5 2.8 1.0 0.7 0.0 1.0 1078
20 LOCAL CHECK-2 82 85 115 47 23 22 2.0 2.2 0.3 3.7 1.0 3.2 2586
Grand mean 91 97 117 40 31 29 2.3 2.2 1.1 1.6 0.6 0.7 2365
F-test ns ** ns ns ns ** ns ns ns ns ns *
CV, % 13.6 3.6 16.9 26 22 25 32 45.6
20.4 5.7 32.7 17 11 12 1.1 2.6 2.3 1.4 3.1 1784
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (11AEICAV305)
This experiment was conducted at Rampur including eight hybrids was at Rampur during 2011
winter. The tested hybrids showed signifcant difference for grain yield, no. of plants/plot,
highly signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and silking, no. of ears/plot and husk cover and non
signifcant for plant height and ear height, plant aspect, root lodging and shoot lodging. The
grain yield ranged from 551 kg/ha to 3347kg/ha among the tested genotypes. F1ICAV-305
produced signifcantly highest grain yield (3347 kg/ha) followed by F2ICAV-305 (2149 kg/ha)
and SUWAN (2096 kg/ha), respectively.
Table 20: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (11AEICAV305)
hybrids at NMRP, Rampur in winter 2011
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5) Lodging (1-5)
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC Root Shoot
1 SUWAN 84 87 99 32 16 13 2.3 2.3 0.0 1.0 0.0 2096
2 Tuxpenio Yellow 92 97 124 40 20 19 1.8 1.7 2.3 2.0 0.7 1532
3 F1ICAV-305 87 92 117 40 18 20 2.3 2.0 1.3 4.1 2.4 3347
4 F2ICAV-305 104 105 114 40 19 17 2.3 2.7 1.0 4.3 1.3 2149
5 ICAV-305 90 95 142 53 16 14 2.5 3.0 3.7 3.0 0.7 1784
6 ICAV-305 101 105 120 42 13 9 2.3 2.8 1.3 1.0 0.0 1321
7 ICAV-305 98 101 122 37 10 5 2.3 2.3 0.3 0.9 0.2 551
8 FNC3056 104 108 93 32 15 14 2.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 662
Grand mean 95 99 116 39 16 14 2.3 2.3 1.3 2.0 0.6 1680
F-test ** ** ns ns * ** ns * ** ns ns *
CV,% 3.3 2.6 18.7 30 18.5 29 15.5 21.4 56
5.5 4.6 38 21 5.1 7.2 0.6 0.9 1.5 3.5 2 1670
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (10BSA16HY)
The experimental results showed that the tested genotypes were statistically highly signifcant
for days to 50% tasseling and silking, and no. of ears/plot, non signifcant for plant height, ear
height, plant aspect, % rotten ears and signifcant grain yield, no. of plants/plot and husk cover.
Among them, genotype (CML172 CLQ6601)-B-B-8-B-1-1-B-B/CML161 produced the
highest grain yield (5958 kg/ha) followed by V305-34-3-2-B/CML165//CL02450 (5100 kg/ha)
and (CLA37/CLA16)-B-B-B-4-B/CLA41//CL02450 (5040 kg/ha) .
Table 21: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (10BSA16HY)
hybrids at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
1 (CLA113/CLA37)-B-B-B-4-B/
64 67 207 105 26 28 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.0 4609
2 V305-87-2-2-B/CLA41//CL02450 65 69 218 113 22 27 2.0 2.2 2.2 0.0 4245
3 V305-34-2-1-B/CLA41//CL02450 65 69 203 103 22 30 2.3 2.5 1.8 0.0 4860
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
4 (CLA37/CLA16)-B-B-B-4-B/ CLA41//
64 68 203 94 26 34 2.2 2.5 2.0 0.0 5040
5 V305-34-3-2-B/CML165// CL02450 64 68 217 141 21 32 3.3 2.8 2.2 0.0 5100
6 (CLA37/CLA16)-B-B-B-3-B/CLA41 65 69 208 102 22 26 2.5 2.5 2.0 0.0 3601
7 V305-34-2-1-B/CLA41//CLRCY015 63 66 203 89 22 28 2.2 2.3 2.2 5.5 3998
8 V305-87-2-2-B/CML165//CLRCY015 64 68 202 110 23 32 1.7 1.7 2.0 3.5 4346
9 V305-87-2-2B/CLA41//CLRCY015 65 69 213 104 23 30 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.2 3829
10 (CLA113/CLA37)-B-B-B-4-B/CLA41//
60 64 227 100 26 33 2.0 2.0 2.2 4.0 4615
11 (CLA37/CLA16)-B-B-B-4-B/CLA41//
62 66 194 95 25 30 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 3968
12 [(CML161*G26SEQC3 -83-1-1-2-1BBBB)-
B]#-B-B-1-2-B-B /CML165
67 71 195 90 23 34 2.3 2.7 3.2 0.8 4961
13 [(CML161*CL02839)-B] # -B-B-20-5-
62 66 180 88 22 27 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3746
14 [(CML161*G26SEQC3-83-1-1-
2-1BBBB)-B] #-B-B-23-2-B-B/
62 66 195 98 15 23 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.8 3233
15 [(CML172*P390AMC3F72
-3-1-1-2-BBB)-B] #-B-B-3-1-B-B/
64 67 175 94 23 29 1.8 1.8 5.2 3.5 3149
16 (CML172CLQ6601) -B-B-8-B-1-1-
63 66 227 96 31 47 2.5 2.2 2.0 3.3 5958
17 CML451/CLSW002-B-B//P2 62 66 223 95 22 27 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.8 4937
18 CML451/CLSW002-B-B//PS 66 70 182 82 23 28 2.0 2.3 1.7 0.0 4225
19 LOCALCHECK1 65 69 198 107 16 17 2.3 2.2 2.3 1.8 2582
20 LOCAL CHECK 2 57 60 205 105 17 15 2.3 1.8 2.5 4.2 2472
Grand mean 64 67 204 101 23 29 2.3 3.1 2.4 1.96 4174
F-test ** ** ns ns * ** ns * ns *
CV,% 3.6 3.4 11.5 19.6 20.4 20.1 26 25
3.8 3.8 38.7 32.5 7.6 9.6 1 1.6 6.3 1738
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL24)
The experimental results showed that the tested genotypes were statistically highly signifcant
for days to 50% tasseling and silking, and grain yield, signifcant for plant height, no. of plants/
plot and non signifcant for no. of ears/plot, plant aspect, ear aspect and husk cover. Among
them, genotype CLRCW96/CLRC produced the highest grain yield (9763 kg/ha) followed by
CL-RCW42/CML (9629 kg/ha) and CML491/CLQRC (9519 kg/ha) .
Table 22: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL24)
hybrids at ARS Belachapi in 2011 winter
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)
GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC
1 (CL-RCWQ26/CM 118 122 173 82 54 48 1.8 2.2 2.0 7587
2 (CLQ-RCWQ10/C 113 117 168 70 48 51 1.5 1.7 1.7 9174
3 (CLQ-RCWQ83/CL 121 124 162 67 48 45 2.3 2.3 2.5 8152
4 (CML491/CLQRC 119 123 182 87 52 49 2.3 2.3 1.8 9416
5 (CML491/CLQRC 115 119 195 86 51 48 2.3 2.2 1.7 8155
6 (CML491/CLQRC 116 120 195 87 52 48 2.2 2.3 2.2 8012
7 (CLRCW85/CLRC 117 121 187 88 50 48 2.5 2.3 1.8 8624
8 (CLRCW96/CLRC 117 123 180 87 51 50 2.5 1.7 2.3 9763
9 (CLRCW85/CLRC 120 124 160 68 51 48 1.8 2.2 2.0 8924
10 (CLRCW96/CLRC 121 124 162 71 50 53 1.8 2.0 2.2 8379
11 (CL-RCW42/CML 120 124 162 72 52 53 2.2 2.0 1.8 9629
12 (CL-RCW76/CL-S 122 126 153 68 50 47 2.2 1.8 2.3 8633
13 (CML491/CLQRC 124 128 148 57 50 49 2.0 1.8 2.0 9519
14 (CML502/CLQRC 120 124 183 78 48 46 2.2 2.7 2.2 8418
15 (CML502/CML49 114 118 183 87 48 46 1.8 2.0 1.8 9134
16 (CLQRCWQ10/CL 120 124 170 75 50 47 1.8 1.7 1.8 8682
17 (CLRCW97/CML4 122 122 167 73 56 50 2.8 2.5 2.3 8764
18 (CLRCW96/CML4 120 123 193 77 50 48 2.5 2.3 2.7 6848
19 LOCAL CHECK-1 111 115 153 73 46 45 2.0 2.2 1.7 5423
20 LOCAL CHECK-2 104 109 158 82 50 47 2.2 2.5 1.8 8423
Grand mean 118 121 172 77 50 48 2.1 2.1 2 8483
F-test ** ** * ns * ns ns ns ns **
CV,% 3 3 10 18.9 5.5 7.1 23 22.5 19 7.9
5.8 6 28 24 4.6 5.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 1107
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
The experimental results showed that the tested genotypes were statistically highly signifcant
for days to 50% tasseling and silking, plant height, E. tur, signifcant for ear height, non
signifcant for no. of plants/plot, no. of rotten ears and percentage of rotten ears. Among them,
genotype CLRCW96/CLRC produced the highest grain yield (9215 kg/ha) followed by
CML491/CLQRC (8708 kg/ha) and CLQ-RCWQ10/C (8669 kg/ha) .
Table 23: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
hybrid at RARS Parwanipur in 2011 winter
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot Aspects (1-5)

GY kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA HC RL SL
1 (CL-RCWQ26/CM 120 125 169 74 47 45 2.0 2.0 1.8 14.4 2.0 1.7 2.0 7595
2 (CLQ-RCWQ10/C 120 124 159 65 46 49 2.3 1.8 2.0 12.6 1.8 2.0 1.7 8669
3 (CLQ-RCWQ83/CL 122 128 146 52 45 45 1.8 2.0 2.0 12.0 1.8 2.0 1.0 8505
4 (CML491/CLQRC 120 125 166 66 45 46 2.0 1.8 2.0 8.6 2.3 2.0 1.7 8520
5 (CML491/CLQRC 121 125 183 78 47 42 2.3 2.2 2.2 10.4 2.2 0.7 1.3 8545
6 (CML491/CLQRC 120 124 175 69 47 40 2.2 2.2 2.8 10.0 2.7 2.0 2.7 8187
7 (CLRCW85/CLRC 119 125 176 66 46 44 1.8 2.2 1.8 8.4 1.8 3.3 3.0 8314
8 (CLRCW96/CLRC 121 125 171 73 48 46 2.2 1.5 2.0 13.2 2.0 1.7 2.0 9215
9 (CLRCW85/CLRC 121 127 155 52 43 41 2.3 2.2 2.0 12.5 2.5 1.0 1.3 7676
10 (CLRCW96/CLRC 122 128 166 65 44 45 1.7 1.8 2.3 6.6 1.7 2.0 3.0 8640
11 (CL-RCW42/CML 121 125 157 56 42 45 2.0 2.3 2.5 24.8 2.0 2.0 1.0 6893
12 (CL-RCW76/CL-S 120 125 159 62 47 44 2.2 2.3 2.3 5.7 1.7 2.7 2.7 7834
13 (CML491/CLQRC 120 125 180 71 45 41 2.0 2.2 2.2 5.7 1.8 1.7 1.3 8708
14 (CML502/CLQRC 120 126 163 69 46 42 1.7 2.0 1.8 9.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 7573
15 (CML502/CML49 120 125 170 72 39 43 2.2 2.0 2.2 8.5 2.2 2.3 1.0 8412
16 (CLQRCWQ10/CL 120 126 177 64 47 41 2.3 2.2 2.0 8.9 2.0 2.3 2.3 7829
17 (CLRCW97/CML4 121 127 161 64 46 45 2.0 1.8 2.0 11.1 2.5 1.0 1.3 7088
18 (CLRCW96/CML4 126 130 168 59 46 43 2.3 2.0 2.0 15.7 2.0 2.3 3.0 8374
19 LOCAL CHECK-1 111 114 144 62 38 39 2.7 3.0 2.2 11.8 2.8 1.7 3.0 5241
20 LOCAL CHECK-2 99 111 138 59 39 43 3.0 2.7 2.7 9.2 3.0 2.0 0.7 5892
Grand mean 119 125 164 65 45 43 2.2 2.1 2.1 11 2.1 1.9 1.9 7885
F-test ** ** ** * ns ns ns ns ns ns ** ns ** ns
CV,% 1.3 2.7 5.7 13 10.6 12.7 21 21 20.6 12.7 18.5 62 43 19.3
2.6 6 15 14 8 9.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 9.1 0.65 2 1.3 2515
CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
The experimental results showed that the tested genotypes were statistically highly signifcant
for days to 50% tasseling and silking, ear height, and test weight but non signifcant for grain
yield, no. of plants/plot, no. of ears/plot and plant height. Among them, genotype CLRCW85/
CLRC produced the highest grain yield (7581 kg/ha) followed by CML502/CLQRC (7223 kg/
ha) and CL-RCW42/CML (6530 kg/ha) .
Table 24: Performance of CIMMYT Hybrid Maize trial (TTWCWL25)
hybrids at RARS Nepalgunj in 2011 winter
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./Plot
1000 gr
GY kg/ha
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears
1 (CL-RCWQ26/CM 121 122 183 82 18 17 351.3 3298
2 (CLQ-RCWQ10/C 123 125 171 84 23 21 364.7 3684
3 (CLQ-RCWQ83/C 121 121 177 80 35 32 392.7 5861
4 (CML491/CLQRC 122 124 201 106 26 30 378 5219
5 (CML491/CLQRC 121 122 188 73 33 30 391.3 5503
6 (CML491/CLQRC 123 126 175 84 36 30 374.7 5692
7 (CLRCW85/CLRC 117 119 191 99 34 34 415.3 7581
8 (CLRCW96/CLRC 121 122 164 71 29 29 365.3 5492
9 (CLRCW85/CLRC 119 122 177 82 28 28 376.7 4781
10 (CLRCW96/CLRC 120 122 170 75 20 21 357.8 5511
11 (CL-RCW42/CML 118 121 177 73 36 39 414 6530
12 (CL-RCW76/CL-S 125 126 176 74 25 27 399.3 4398
13 (CML491/CLQRC 126 127 180 76 34 31 410.7 5430
14 (CML502/CLQRC 121 121 176 79 39 40 351.3 7223
15 (CML502/CML49 123 124 188 82 30 30 342.7 5162
16 (CLQRCWQ10/CL 120 124 182 71 27 22 384.7 4383
17 (CLRCW97/CML4 127 128 185 80 28 29 327.3 5691
18 (CLRCW96/CML4 126 124 188 92 23 28 344 4442
19 LOCAL CHEK-1 109 114 147 64 35 38 272.7 3474
20 LOCAL CHEK-2 110 114 174 88 37 38 375.3 4984
Grand mean 121 122 179 81 29.8 30 370 5217
F-test ** ** ns ** ns ns ** ns
CV,% 2.5 2.4 59 13 32.5 34 8.5 33.7
5 4.9 27 17 16 17 52 2909
2. Development of High Yielding Maize Open Pollinated
Varieties suitable for mid hills of Nepal
J. Shrestha and D.B. Gurung
Project type: HMRP
Development of high yeilding;
1) Full eason
2) Early
3) QPM
4) Turcicum resistant OPVs
5) Stem borer tolerant OPVs
Materials and Method:
Activity 1: Development of climate resielent maize OPVs with imporoved agronomic traints
including QPM suitable for mid hills of Nepal
One hundred four maize genotypes were evaluated at mid hill region; Surkhet, Dailekh and
Doti in 2011 summer. The experimental designs were randomized complete block designs with
three replications. Planting was done in May in the both years. Row to row 70 cm and plant to
plant 25 cm was maintained. Plot size was 4 rows with 5 meter length. Organic matter @ 10
ton FYM/ha was applied during the feld preparation. Fertilizer dose at 120:60:40 NPK kg/ha
was applied in the experimental feld. Nitrogen half dose, P
and K
O in full doses were used
in the planting time. Remaining half doses of nitrogen again divided into two proportions
whose frst half dose applied on 21 days after sowing at time of weeding and second dose was
applied as side dressing on 45 day after sowing. The maize was grown in sandy loam upland
soil under rainfed condition. All intercultural operations were done as usual. The statistical
analysis of data was carried out using MSTATC program.
For Development of high yielding OPVs:
9 full season maize vars under CVT in Dailekh, Khumaltar, Salyan & Kabre
RCBD-3 reps & 15 m
plot size. Planting time: 2011 Summer
Development of QPM:
10 QPM tested under CVT in Dailekha, Khumaltar and Kabre
RCBD-3 reps & 15 m
plot size. Planting time 2011 Summer
Development of early maturing OPVs:
5 genotypes tested under CFFT at Pakhribas & Chambas
Design RCBD & plot size 22.5 m
. Planting time: 2011 Summer
Development of stem borer tolerant OPVs:
36 maize genotypes tested under insect screening nursery
Plot size 7.5 m
. Planting time: 2011 winter
Development of turcicum resistant OPVs:
24 genotypes tested at Rampur
Plot size 7.5 m
. Planting time 2011 winter
Activity 1:
Higher grain yield, shorter interval between tasseling and silking days and stay green are major
indices for identifcation of drought tolerant genotypes. The genotypes namely S99TLYQ-A,
Synthetic-B, RampurS03F08, Gaurav, TLBR07F16, Upahar, , S00TLYQ-AB, OEHPW, RPOP-
1, RPOP-4, Manakamana-4, RPOP-2, GLSYW, SOOTLYQ-B, Terai Pool Yellow, Arun-2,
OBATANPA and Khumal Yellow/Pool-17 produced higher grain yield above the average grain
yield (more than 3500 kg/ha) were found promising drought tolerant genotypes for hills of
Nepal but further research is needed to strengthen this fnding.
Result from Full season trial:
TLBRS07F16 in Khumaltar (6068 kg/ha) and in Salyan (5316 kg/ha), S00TLY-1AB in
Dailekh(2602 kg/ha) and RampurSo3F04 in Kabre (8861.7 kg/ha) produced the highest grain
From QPM trial:
The genotype Obatanapa in Khumaltar (5255 kg/ha) and S00TLYQ-B in Dailekh (8659 kg/ha)
and S99TLYQ-HG-AB in Kabre (8638.95 kg/ha) produced the highest grain yield.
From early maturing OPV:
at Pakhribas genotype Arun-2 produced the highest grain yield (4106 kg/ha), followed by
ARUN-1EV (3501 kg/ha) and Arun-4 (3265 kg/ha) respectively. At Chambas the genotype
Arun-4 Produced the highest grain yield (5003 kg/ha), followed by Arun-1EV (4785 kg/ha) and
Arun-2 (4608 kg/ha) respectively.
Result of trial on stem borer tolerant OPVs:
The genotypes POP 44Pool-15, Narayani, Rampur SO3FO4, RPOP-1, Upahar, COTAXLA0024
and Across 9924 Across 9944 from OPV and SO3TLYQ-AB-2, SOOTLYQ-AB from QPM
recorded minimum infestation and considered as promising against maize stem borer infestation.
Results on development of turcicum resistant OPVs:
Most genotypes were found moderately resistant reaction (less than 25%) for Turcicum leaf
blight. The Deuti, Shitala, Rampur S03F02, S99TLYQ-B, Rampur S03F08, BGBY Population
Across 9331, and Takfa 0024 were found moderately resistant to turcicum disease.
Project Status:
Twelve trials i.e. drought experiment on Doti, Dailekh and Rampur, OPV trials (early, full
season and QPM) at Lumle and Divyapuri (Nawalparasi), heat stress trial at Rampur, Insect
screening trial at Rampur and disease screening trial at Rampur were running now under HMRP
high yielding project (1.16)
Details of the experiments:
Grain yield was highly signifcant for genotypes, location and non signifcant for GL interaction.
Days to 50% tasseling and silking were signifcant for environment, highly signifcant for both
genotypes and G x L interaction whereas plant height and ear height were highly signifcant for
genotypes, locations and non signifcant for G x L interaction in all tested locations.
Table 25: Combined Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and
drought 2011 summer at NMRP, Rampur, ARS, Doti and ARS, Surkhet
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
1 Terai Pool Yellow 54 57 203 96 3591.88
2 BLSBRSo7F10 57 62 189 85 2934.3
3 BLSBRSo7F12 56 60 193 95 2927.11
4 TLBRS07F14 53 57 204 103 3739.96
5 TLBRS07F16 57 60 211 106 4943.08
6 R Pop-1 54 57 194 93 3823.82
7 R Pop-2 55 58 208 91 3714.44
8 R Pop-3 56 59 201 102 3473.17
9 R Pop-4 55 58 212 100 3790.75
10 Synthetic A 56 61 193 90 3604.82
11 Synthetic B 57 59 216 96 4043.14
12 Synthetic C 58 62 190 80 4138.28
13 Across 9331 RE 52 57 199 101 3850.93
14 Across 033 56 60 196 81 2816.57
15 So3TLYQ-AB-01 58 62 179 82 3179.98
16 So3TLYQ-AB-02 58 62 195 84 3659.68
17 Across 9942 /Across 9944 58 62 186 81 3984.57
18 P501 SRCO /P502 SRCO 57 60 181 83 3196.09
19 Rampur S03 F08 58 60 179 83 3576.78
20 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 58 63 180 82 2748.82
21 S99TLWQ-B 58 62 172 73 4044.39
22 S01SIYQ 56 60 186 85 3199.23
23 S01SIWQ-2 59 63 186 70 2682.83
24 S00TLYQ-B 57 60 178 86 3604.64
25 S00TLWQ-B 60 62 180 79 3285.1
26 RampurS03FQ-02 55 59 199 92 3203.37
27 Poshilo Makai-1 60 63 194 81 2799.43
28 Obatanpa 58 61 203 99 3524.59
29 S99TLY-GH-B 58 62 181 81 2909
30 So1SIWQ-3 60 64 176 70 3299.44
31 S99TLYQ-B 58 61 184 77 2748.45
32 S99TLYQ-A 58 59 195 100 3466.25
33 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 57 61 202 93 3146.02
34 Cotaxla0024 55 59 196 93 2655.89
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
35 RampurS03F08 54 58 193 87 3278.89
36 RampurSo3F06 54 58 198 96 3202.44
37 Pop 35C1 55 59 173 75 3904.62
38 Heterotic Group A 55 59 198 87 3447.83
39 Heterotic Group AB 54 57 212 100 3324.47
40 Heterotic Group B 53 58 213 104 3163.01
41 Resunga composite 54 58 217 105 4076.56
42 Upahar 55 58 206 106 4088.6
43 Cotaxla S9627 59 63 167 74 2673.03
44 Takfa S9624 60 64 208 94 3074.05
45 Rampur So3Fo2 60 64 193 88 3003.25
46 Pozarica S9627RE 60 63 176 70 2996.94
47 SO128 59 63 177 90 3156.14
48 Across 9531 RE 53 57 198 95 3727.45
49 Aqua Fria S0031 57 61 179 69 3777.32
50 PHRA PHUTABAT S0031 56 60 188 87 3967.35
51 Pool-17 52 55 177 75 2846.09
52 Arun-1EV 53 57 185 84 3293.79
53 Arun-4 54 58 175 78 2110.23
54 So3TEY-FM (RE) 52 56 172 70 2665.23
55 So3TEY-SEQ 99SIYQ 53 56 180 68 3250.79
56 Across-2401 54 58 165 64 2386.63
57 Across 2401/Across 2402 54 57 176 71 2337.11
58 Pop 445/Pop 446 53 56 163 62 2704.06
59 Rampur So3E02 55 59 182 78 2377.09
60 Pop 445 52 55 176 72 2427.9
61 Pop 446 45 58 166 65 2125.68
62 S97TEY GH A yB (3) 53 57 154 61 2564.77
63 Khumal yellow/Pool-17 52 55 200 89 3502.08
64 RC/Pool-17 52 55 193 85 2948.17
65 Pop 44/Pool-15 54 58 189 76 2549.55
66 Bangalore-9745 57 61 186 80 3683.85
67 Iquitos-9328 RE 56 60 228 104 3634.05
68 Pozarica-9531 55 59 196 85 4068.73
69 Takfa S9536 58 62 180 83 2705.99
70 SIN-IBP-UTYF 59 63 196 89 3108.52
71 S99TLYQ-AB 58 63 175 82 2387.69
72 S00TLYQ-AB 58 61 203 93 4048.89
73 Coollerazo S02SIYQ 57 62 156 65 2137.66
74 Celaya S99SIWQ 57 62 188 84 2360
75 So1SIWQ-1 57 62 198 95 3670.17
76 S02G29YQ 53 57 164 70 1817.98
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
77 BGBYPOP 58 61 183 84 3074.92
78 Manakamana-2 54 58 206 103 2773.05
79 Manakamana-3 57 61 218 103 4051.47
80 Manakamana-4 56 59 219 95 3784.64
81 Rampur composite 54 57 205 98 3382.77
82 Khumal yellow 52 56 204 103 3519.84
83 Arun-2 52 55 199 94 3531.84
84 Arun-1 54 59 192 84 3058.05
85 Gulmi-2 54 58 237 117 2684.12
86 Deuti 60 64 225 164 3053.46
87 Shitala 59 63 203 81 2758.5
88 OEHPW 56 59 211 99 4028.66
89 Mustang local 49 53 181 65 1741.93
90 EEYC1 53 57 179 79 3581.4
91 Across 847 54 59 181 76 1713.84
92 Narayani 55 59 197 92 2253.39
93 ZM-301 55 59 188 91 3024.07
94 PL15C7SRC 55 57 189 83 2910.9
95 Early Mid Katumani 54 58 194 89 1885.54
96 GLS YW 58 61 223 108 3624.44
97 Gaurav 61 63 207 102 3499.2
98 RML-4/NML-2 60 64 203 91 3485.42
99 S97TLYGH AyB (3) 56 60 194 76 3561.76
100 ZM-621/Pool-15 54 57 177 75 3280.89
101 Lamaquina-0027 58 62 220 102 3628.72
102 S00TLY-1AB 54 58 198 107 3922.49
103 Pool-27 53 57 202 91 3090.51
104 Farmers' Variety 49 52 161 81 2442.76
Grand mean 56 59 192 87 3194.52
Genotype(G) ** ** ** ** **
Environment (E) * * ** ** **
G E ** ** ns ns ns
CV,% 5.8 4.5 11.69 23.3 38.4
At NMRP, Rampur , grain yield was non signifcant. The grain yield ranges from 333.678 kg /
ha (Coollerazo S02SIYQ) to 2940.277 kg/ha (Celaya00HGYA*HGYB). The days to 50%
tasseling varied from 52 days (Across 9531 RE and Resunga Composite) to 61 days (S99TLYQ-
AB and Cotaxla S9627) and silking varied from 56 days (R Pop-4, RampurS03FQ-02, Resunga
composite, Across 9531 RE, Pool-17, RC/Pool-17, Arun-2 and Khumal yellow) to 66 days
(Rampur So3Fo2). The plant height varied from 78 cm (Pop 446) to 156 cm (GLS YW) and ear
height from 31 cm (Pop 446 and S97TEY GH A yB (3)) to 82 cm (Early Mid Katumani).
Table 26: Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and disease
resistant, 2011 summer at NMRP, Rampur
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
1 Terai Pool Yellow 57 60 110 39 1123.064
2 BLSBRSo7F10 61 64 116 48 2146.803
3 BLSBRSo7F12 60 63 113 49 1894.065
4 TLBRS07F14 56 60 118 65 1367.718
5 TLBRS07F16 59 62 136 65 2459.817
6 R Pop-1 54 57 118 51 2344.533
7 R Pop-2 55 58 144 63 2814.368
8 R Pop-3 57 60 135 63 1815.216
9 R Pop-4 53 56 118 44 1998.628
10 Synthetic A 57 60 105 46 1735.843
11 Synthetic B 56 59 122 44 2736.565
12 Synthetic C 57 61 112 45 2089.161
13 Across 9331 RE 53 57 122 51 2216.324
14 Across 033 57 61 143 49 1140.601
15 So3TLYQ-AB-01 59 62 108 49 1318.818
16 So3TLYQ-AB-02 58 61 139 58 1956.078
17 Across 9942 /Across 9944 59 62 126 53 1115.148
18 P501 SRCO /P502 SRCO 59 62 94 43 1442.614
19 Rampur S03 F08 56 60 123 45 2556.277
20 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 58 61 100 41 1176.753
21 S99TLWQ-B 57 61 99 39 1951.373
22 S01SIYQ 55 58 116 38 1638.672
23 S01SIWQ-2 60 63 107 38 632.784
24 S00TLYQ-B 56 59 96 40 1633.987
25 S00TLWQ-B 60 63 110 40 1243.608
26 RampurS03FQ-02 53 56 128 55 1612.141
27 Poshilo Makai-1 57 60 135 51 1971.65
28 Obatanpa 56 59 113 53 1679.812
29 S99TLY-GH-B 57 60 116 49 1530.144
30 So1SIWQ-3 62 65 91 36 559.373
31 S99TLYQ-B 60 63 103 30 1331.827
32 S99TLYQ-A 54 57 131 70 1384.031
33 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 55 58 131 52 2940.277
34 Cotaxla0024 56 58 133 53 1782.212
35 RampurS03F08 54 59 115 54 1741.574
36 RampurSo3F06 54 57 116 49 1970.865
37 Pop 35C1 55 59 115 50 1968.858
38 Heterotic Group A 58 61 119 49 1403.953
39 Heterotic Group AB 54 58 119 47 2362.771
40 Heterotic Group B 53 57 136 64 1953.61
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
41 Resunga composite 52 56 134 63 2529.84
42 Upahar 56 59 130 67 1557.793
43 Cotaxla S9627 61 64 98 46 1485.427
44 Takfa S9624 60 63 126 46 1317.312
45 Rampur So3Fo2 63 66 140 58 2162.196
46 Pozarica S9627RE 59 62 109 39 1980.8
47 SO128 58 62 118 51 1484.382
48 Across 9531 RE 52 56 132 54 1734.651
49 Aqua Fria S0031 57 63 101 36 1681.652
50 PHRA PHUTABAT S0031 57 60 118 57 1433.14
51 Pool-17 53 56 108 40 1120.251
52 Arun-1EV 56 59 106 42 1394.573
53 Arun-4 54 58 126 68 543.122
54 So3TEY-FM (RE) 53 56 115 45 1139.723
55 So3TEY-SEQ 99SIYQ 54 57 114 41 1035.796
56 Across-2401 57 60 119 46 661.605
57 Across 2401/Across 2402 57 60 97 39 478.118
58 Pop 445/Pop 446 59 62 92 33 368.627
59 Rampur So3E02 56 59 119 46 1215.916
60 Pop 445 55 57 111 48 627.869
61 Pop 446 57 60 78 31 443.482
62 S97TEY GH A yB (3) 58 61 86 31 384.46
63 Khumal Yellow/Pool-17 55 59 103 44 1122.552
64 RC/Pool-17 53 56 124 45 1015.32
65 Pop 44/Pool-15 58 61 143 56 658.238
66 Bangalore-9745 57 60 135 45 740.267
67 Iquitos-9328 RE 56 59 142 44 1282.092
68 Pozarica-9531 55 58 136 54 1980.235
69 Takfa S9536 58 62 108 43 1046.421
70 SIN-IBP-UTYF 58 61 104 44 1050.782
71 S99TLYQ-AB 61 64 94 49 857.516
72 S00TLYQ-AB 60 62 98 36 1376.627
73 Coollerazo S02SIYQ 59 62 113 44 333.678
74 Celaya S99SIWQ 57 61 104 41 220.591
75 So1SIWQ-1 60 63 128 56 205.407
76 S02G29YQ 57 60 90 33 192.125
77 BGBYPOP 58 61 98 44 1191.739
78 Manakamana-2 57 60 131 66 991.624
79 Manakamana-3 58 62 150 63 1610.541
80 Manakamana-4 55 58 129 48 1243.524
81 Rampur composite 53 57 118 46 1712.941
82 Khumal yellow 53 56 141 63 1637.814
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
83 Arun-2 53 56 120 55 1095.111
84 Arun-1 55 58 90 37 336.523
85 Gulmi-2 54 58 160 73 1925.48
86 Deuti 60 63 143 79 1409.778
87 Shitala 58 61 125 49 681.631
88 OEHPW 55 58 136 54 1399.634
89 Mustang local 59 62 99 43 342.714
90 EEYC1 55 58 98 42 944.146
91 Across 847 55 58 104 37 351.08
92 Narayani 57 60 93 40 674.635
93 ZM-301 54 57 120 58 835.054
94 PL15C7SRC 57 60 108 40 1412.078
95 Early Mid Katumani 54 57 153 82 1013.584
96 GLS YW 55 58 156 74 2148.497
97 Gaurav 60 63 148 70 1102.85
98 RML-4/NML-2 58 61 125 54 2452.371
99 S97TLYGH AyB (3) 54 58 122 35 1404.444
100 ZM-621/Pool-15 57 60 109 44 912.847
101 Lamaquina-0027 60 63 148 53 1471.414
102 S00TLY-1AB 54 58 129 61 2171.524
103 Pool-27 53 57 128 53 1054.912
104 Farmers' Variety 55 58 122 60 1522.259
Grand mean 56 60 118 49 1390.92
F-test ns ns * * **
CV,% 5.73 5.41 16.69 26 44.4
6.4 6.38 39.18 26 1224.94
At ARS Doti, grain yield was non signifcant. The grain yield ranges from 1631.09 kg ha-1 (Farmers'
Variety) to 6482.77 kg/ha (SO1SIWQ-1). The genotypes S01SIWQ-1 (6482.77 kg/ha), Iquitos-
9328RE (5668.2 kg/ha and Synthetic C (4992.81 kg ha-1) were frst, second and third genotypes
respectively in terms of higher grain production. The genotypes So1SIWQ-1, Manakamana-4,
BGBYPOP, S00TLYQ-AB, Obatanpa, Takfa S9536, S99TLYQ-HG-AB, So3TLYQ-AB-02,
So1SIWQ-3, Celaya S99SIWQ and So3TEY-SEQ 99SIYQ have lowest value (1.0) in leaf rolling,
leaf senescence and stay green characters. The days to 50% tasseling varied from 36 days (Farmers'
Variety) to 60 days (S00TLWQ-B and S99TLYQ-A) and silking varied from 39 days (Farmers'
Variety) to 64 days (RML-4/NML-2). The plant height varied from 127 cm (Farmers' Variety) to
290 cm (Iquitos-9328 RE) and ear height from 45 cm (Farmers' Variety) to 138 cm (S00TLY-1AB).
Table 27: Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and drought
resistant, 2011 summer at ARS, Doti
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm) Leaf
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
1 Terai Pool Yellow 51 55 266 122 2 2 1 4508.57
2 BLSBRSo7F10 53 58 243 110 2 1 1 3080.45
3 BLSBRSo7F12 53 56 254 125 2 2 1 2907.82
4 TLBRS07F14 50 54 258 122 2 2 1 4718.17
5 TLBRS07F16 54 57 255 126 2 2 1 4090.05
6 R Pop-1 52 56 235 114 2 2 2 3223.62
7 R Pop-2 53 57 251 121 2 2 2 2614.48
8 R Pop-3 55 58 249 117 2 2 1 2803.11
9 R Pop-4 55 58 263 128 2 2 2 3324.59
10 Synthetic A 54 58 241 110 2 2 1 3073.42
11 Synthetic B 56 59 277 123 1 1 2 3373.92
12 Synthetic C 57 62 218 100 1 2 1 3200.62
13 Across 9331 RE 51 56 235 120 2 2 1 3619.38
14 Across 033 55 57 222 92 2 2 1 2300.46
15 So3TLYQ-AB-01 56 60 211 91 2 1 2 3350.11
16 So3TLYQ-AB-02 57 61 217 98 1 1 1 3669.9
17 Across 9942 /Across 9944 53 59 216 90 2 2 2 2819.16
18 P501 SRCO /P502 SRCO 55 57 257 108 2 1 1 3579.12
19 Rampur S03 F08 58 60 203 92 2 2 1 2103.08
20 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 57 61 223 95 1 1 1 3913.81
21 S99TLWQ-B 57 62 201 85 2 2 1 2095.52
22 S01SIYQ 57 61 220 102 2 2 1 2796.73
23 S01SIWQ-2 57 62 229 78 1 2 1 2698.29
24 S00TLYQ-B 56 59 220 97 2 2 1 2898.78
25 S00TLWQ-B 60 59 207 78 2 2 1 1760.85
26 RampurS03FQ-02 55 58 232 100 1 2 1 2420.36
27 Poshilo Makai-1 58 62 257 111 1 2 1 2638.44
28 Obatanpa 56 59 258 113 1 1 1 4333.21
29 S99TLY-GH-B 58 62 206 89 1 1 1 2584.36
30 So1SIWQ-3 58 62 213 80 1 1 1 3548.2
31 S99TLYQ-B 53 56 220 103 1 1 1 2591.54
32 S99TLYQ-A 60 59 219 97 2 2 2 3541.18
33 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 57 61 243 112 1 1 1 2924.54
34 Cotaxla0024 54 59 250 121 2 2 1 2199.14
35 RampurS03F08 52 55 230 105 2 2 1 2344
36 RampurSo3F06 53 57 226 108 2 2 1 2798.46
37 Pop 35C1 51 55 208 94 2 2 2 4588.01
38 Heterotic Group A 52 56 239 99 2 2 2 3432.95
39 Heterotic Group AB 50 54 268 135 2 2 2 2701.74
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm) Leaf
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
40 Heterotic Group B 51 56 270 117 2 2 1 2906.27
41 Resunga composite 54 58 250 112 2 2 2 3277.49
42 Upahar 53 57 248 126 2 2 2 3949.71
43 Cotaxla S9627 56 59 211 86 1 1 2 1976.93
44 Takfa S9624 58 62 248 115 2 2 2 2819.86
45 Rampur So3Fo2 57 62 214 92 2 2 2 1505.84
46 Pozarica S9627RE 58 62 220 89 2 1 2 2330.38
47 SO128 58 63 220 105 1 1 1 2920.65
48 Across 9531 RE 51 55 237 113 2 2 2 3881.39
49 Aqua Fria S0031 54 57 222 83 2 1 1 3606.76
50 PHRA PHUTABAT S0031 56 60 231 103 2 2 2 3811.37
51 Pool-17 50 53 217 104 2 2 2 3385.78
52 Arun-1EV 51 54 228 101 2 2 2 2788.24
53 Arun-4 51 55 214 92 2 1 2 2239.8
54 So3TEY-FM (RE) 51 54 214 91 2 2 1 2789.96
55 So3TEY-SEQ 99SIYQ 50 53 216 79 1 1 1 3047.07
56 Across-2401 50 54 197 78 1 1 1 2357.9
57 Across 2401/Across 2402 49 52 221 84 2 2 2 3492.64
58 Pop 445/Pop 446 48 51 205 85 2 2 2 2887.85
59 Rampur So3E02 52 56 205 85 2 2 1 2626.72
60 Pop 445 47 51 222 91 2 1 2 2726.04
61 Pop 446 48 54 225 90 2 2 2 2869.23
62 S97TEY GH A yB (3) 50 53 191 71 2 2 2 2807.66
63 Khumal yellow/Pool-17 49 53 256 115 2 2 2 3865.13
64 RC/Pool-17 50 54 251 117 2 2 1 4069.22
65 Pop 44/Pool-15 51 56 222 87 2 2 2 3713.63
66 Bangalore-9745 56 61 222 105 2 2 2 3829.51
67 Iquitos-9328 RE 55 58 290 142 1 2 1 5668.2
68 Pozarica-9531 53 58 233 105 2 2 2 3648.8
69 Takfa S9536 57 60 228 106 1 1 1 3924.5
70 SIN-IBP-UTYF 57 61 237 103 1 1 1 2777.46
71 S99TLYQ-AB 56 60 216 98 2 2 1 3040.76
72 S00TLYQ-AB 55 59 265 125 1 1 1 4697.98
73 Coollerazo S02SIYQ 54 59 169 71 2 1 1 2294.16
74 Celaya S99SIWQ 54 60 241 104 1 1 1 3417.71
75 So1SIWQ-1 54 59 234 93 1 1 1 6482.77
76 S02G29YQ 49 53 203 89 2 2 2 2533.5
77 BGBYPOP 54 57 232 106 1 1 1 4761.46
78 Manakamana-2 51 55 251 124 2 2 2 2421.9
79 Manakamana-3 52 55 268 126 1 2 1 4480.13
80 Manakamana-4 53 57 280 128 1 1 1 4992.81
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm) Leaf
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
81 Rampur composite 52 55 246 112 2 2 2 2856.01
82 Khumal yellow 50 54 257 135 2 2 2 3791.63
83 Arun-2 50 54 245 117 2 2 2 3350.79
84 Arun-1 50 53 228 91 2 2 2 3455.97
85 Gulmi-2 50 53 316 155 2 2 2 2189.28
86 Deuti 58 62 250 118 2 1 1 2338.05
87 Shitala 58 63 237 93 2 2 2 2340.99
88 OEHPW 54 58 253 121 1 1 2 4051.25
89 Mustang local 44 49 206 75 2 2 2 2092.03
90 EEYC1 48 53 224 103 2 2 2 3508.86
91 Across 847 50 55 230 98 2 2 1 3276.64
92 Narayani 52 55 263 124 2 2 2 3321.52
93 ZM-301 53 56 231 107 2 2 2 3555.25
94 PL15C7SRC 55 53 264 117 2 2 1 2939.92
95 Early Mid Katumani 53 57 209 90 2 2 2 1753.75
96 GLS YW 57 60 251 121 2 1 1 3603.4
97 Gaurav 59 59 242 112 2 2 2 2965.94
98 RML-4/NML-2 59 64 217 96 1 2 2 3039.56
99 S97TLYGH AyB (3) 55 59 222 89 1 1 1 2305.24
100 ZM-621/Pool-15 51 53 203 80 2 2 2 3345.91
101 Lamaquina-0027 55 59 267 133 2 2 2 4016.61
102 S00TLY-1AB 55 58 229 138 1 2 1 2611.4
103 Pool-27 51 54 241 108 2 2 2 3904.36
104 Farmers' Variety 36 39 127 45 2 2 2 1631.09
Grand mean 53 57 233 104 2.24 1.49 1.31 3183.084
F-test ** ** ** ** ns * * ns
CV,% 4 3.83 10.11 16 30.62 30.96 31.35 35.92
4.22 4.32 46.7 32.9 1.56 0.92 0.81 2267.48
At ARS Surkhet the grain yield was signifcant among the tested genotypes. The grain yield
ranges from 1185.54 kg/ha (Mustang local) to 8602.77 kg/ha (TLBRS07F16). The highest
grain yield was produced by genotypes TLBRS07F16 (8602.77 kg/ha) followed by
Manakamana-4 (7090.82 kg/ha) and S97TLYGHAyB (3) (7070.29 kg/ha) respectively. The
days to 50% tasseling varied from 44 days (Mustang Local) to 65 days (Gaurav) and silking
varied from 50 days (Mustang Local) to 69 days (Poshilo Makai-1). The plant height varied
from 180 cm (Across 2401) to 283 cm (Deuti) and ear height from 73 cm (Arun-4 and Pop 446)
to 137 cm (Farmers' Variety)
Table 28: Result of maize genotypes tested for high yield and drought
resistant during 2011 summer at ARS, Surkhet
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
1 Terai Pool Yellow 54 58 234 127 5390.22
2 BLSBRSo7F10 59 64 210 99 3693.67
3 BLSBRSo7F12 56 62 213 113 3807.26
4 TLBRS07F14 54 58 237 122 5184.42
5 TLBRS07F16 59 62 242 128 8602.77
6 R Pop-1 55 59 229 114 6063.69
7 R Pop-2 56 60 230 91 5340.18
8 R Pop-3 57 60 219 127 5067.29
9 R Pop-4 56 60 254 128 6065.88
10 Synthetic A 59 65 234 115 6076.69
11 Synthetic B 58 60 248 121 5756.3
12 Synthetic C 59 64 242 96 7090.82
13 Across 9331 RE 53 57 242 132 6032.73
14 Across 033 57 63 222 103 4881.15
15 So3TLYQ-AB-01 60 65 217 106 5001.73
16 So3TLYQ-AB-02 60 65 229 96 5580.89
17 Across 9942 /Across 9944 62 66 215 100 7013.96
18 P501 SRCO /P502 SRCO 57 61 194 100 4220.03
19 Rampur S03 F08 59 62 211 112 5911.53
20 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 59 66 218 111 2987.81
21 S99TLWQ-B 60 64 217 97 5440.63
22 S01SIYQ 58 61 222 115 5015.42
23 S01SIWQ-2 60 64 224 95 4031.73
24 S00TLYQ-B 60 63 218 123 5873.57
25 S00TLWQ-B 60 65 223 119 6846.63
26 RampurS03FQ-02 58 63 237 122 5378.05
27 Poshilo Makai-1 64 69 191 82 3902.75
28 Obatanpa 62 65 240 130 4311.84
29 S99TLY-GH-B 59 64 221 105 4565.12
30 So1SIWQ-3 61 67 223 95 4341.21
31 S99TLYQ-B 60 65 228 99 4103.34
32 S99TLYQ-A 59 62 235 134 5248.8
33 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 60 65 234 117 3890.57
34 Cotaxla0024 55 60 206 106 4122.3
35 RampurS03F08 56 60 235 103 5519.26
36 RampurSo3F06 57 62 253 131 4752.31
37 Pop 35C1 58 63 195 81 5214.43
38 Heterotic Group A 57 60 237 112 4950.59
39 Heterotic Group AB 57 61 250 119 4957.42
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
40 Heterotic Group B 56 61 235 133 4689.57
41 Resunga composite 56 60 266 141 6177.97
42 Upahar 56 60 241 124 6719.69
43 Cotaxla S9627 61 67 192 90 4133.65
44 Takfa S9624 61 67 250 122 4927.69
45 Rampur So3Fo2 61 66 225 114 5422.43
46 Pozarica S9627RE 63 67 199 81 4497.51
47 SO128 62 66 194 115 4639.77
48 Across 9531 RE 57 61 225 118 5311.37
49 Aqua Fria S0031 59 63 215 88 6152.08
50 PHRA PHUTABAT S0031 56 60 216 102 6252.83
51 Pool-17 54 58 206 81 3606.04
52 Arun-1EV 54 58 221 109 5754.35
53 Arun-4 58 62 186 73 3332.51
54 So3TEY-FM (RE) 54 57 187 75 4056.85
55 So3TEY-SEQ 99SIYQ 55 59 212 85 4590.43
56 Across-2401 56 60 180 70 4211.79
57 Across 2401/Across 2402 57 61 209 91 2935.84
58 Pop 445/Pop 446 51 55 193 68 4714.04
59 Rampur So3E02 59 64 223 103 3249.06
60 Pop 445 54 59 195 77 3804.97
61 Pop 446 30 60 195 73 2821.69
62 S97TEY GH A yB (3) 52 56 186 80 4078.39
63 Khumal yellow/Pool-17 52 55 243 110 5231.69
64 RC/Pool-17 53 57 204 93 3349.08
65 Pop 44/Pool-15 55 58 202 84 2959.57
66 Bangalore-9745 59 62 203 92 6283.04
67 Iquitos-9328 RE 58 63 253 128 3739.58
68 Pozarica-9531 58 60 219 96 6797.18
69 Takfa S9536 60 65 204 102 2435.42
70 SIN-IBP-UTYF 61 67 249 120 5406.94
71 S99TLYQ-AB 59 65 216 100 2407.27
72 S00TLYQ-AB 59 64 245 118 5898.04
73 Coollerazo S02SIYQ 59 66 186 81 2721.68
74 Celaya S99SIWQ 61 65 220 107 3227.14
75 So1SIWQ-1 58 64 233 136 3401.58
76 S02G29YQ 54 59 199 88 2502.65
77 BGBYPOP 63 67 219 104 3059.24
78 Manakamana-2 54 58 235 121 4731.61
79 Manakamana-3 62 66 237 121 6051.76
80 Manakamana-4 60 64 248 111 5004.55
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Grain Yield
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear
81 Rampur composite 56 60 252 135 5268.71
82 Khumal yellow 54 58 214 113 4945.28
83 Arun-2 53 57 233 110 6036.69
84 Arun-1 58 67 259 123 3547.19
85 Gulmi-2 57 62 235 123 3989.71
86 Deuti 61 67 283 195 5434.56
87 Shitala 60 64 247 102 5052.81
88 OEHPW 58 62 245 123 6556.65
89 Mustang local 44 50 237 79 1185.54
90 EEYC1 55 59 215 93 6295.14
91 Across 847 57 63 210 92 1454.43
92 Narayani 58 64 236 113 2724.12
93 ZM-301 59 65 215 108 4100.14
94 PL15C7SRC 55 60 195 92 4480.55
95 Early Mid Katumani 54 59 221 95 2900.5
96 GLS YW 62 67 263 130 5400.53
97 Gaurav 65 68 233 124 6271.26
98 RML-4/NML-2 63 67 268 124 5404.01
99 S97TLYGH AyB (3) 59 63 239 105 7070.29
100 ZM-621/Pool-15 54 58 219 102 5913.98
101 Lamaquina-0027 60 65 247 121 5435.36
102 S00TLY-1AB 54 58 237 123 6878.76
103 Pool-27 55 59 239 113 4147.45
104 Farmers' Variety 56 60 235 137 4304.48
Grand mean 57 62 225 109 4791.56
F-test ** ** * * *
CV,% 7.04 4.13 10.59 25.9 33.32
8 5.1 47.1 55.85 3166.16
3. Comparative evaluation of selected and base population of
early, quality protein maize and full season varieties under
improvement works
J. Shrestha, J.B. Chhetri, M. Shrestha and N. Dhakal
Project Name: Improvement of pre-released and pipeline maize varieties for mid hills of
Project Type: HMRP
Objective: To improve the agronomic traits of pipeline varieties
Methodology: Seeds of pipeline varieties (Arun-1EV, Arun-4 and Pool-17, P501SRCO/
P502SRCO, BGBYPOP and Across9942 Across 9944 and S99TLYQ-B, S99TLYQ-AB
and S01SIWQ-3) was planted on September 16, 2011 at NMRP, Rampur in 25 rows of 10
m length for growing base population. Ear to row method was used for improvement of
Controlled bulk pollination was done to avoid cross pollination and Rouging was done.
The plot will be divided into small grids and from this grid, 1 rows is considered as 1 grid
and then uniform, tight husk covered disease and insect free plants will be selected and
harvested from that selected plants only.
In total 500 families were selected.
The 50% tasseling and silking days, plant and ear height were found reduced in selected
population. Plant and ear aspect were better, diseases (ear rot, BLSB and maydis) were lower;
husk cover were better and fnally grain yield were higher in selected population as compared
to base population. In grain yield evaluation of selected population among the early varieties
the highest grain yield was produced by Arun-1 EV (4480 kg/ha) followed by Arun-4 (4601 kg/
ha); among QPM varieties S99TLYQ-B produced highest yield of 6014 kg/ha followed by
S01SIWQ-3 (5398 kg/ha); similarly among full season varieties the variety BGBYPOP
produced highest grain yield 5605 kg/ha followed by Across9942/Across9933 (5194 kg/ha).
The phenotypic superiority of selected materials over base population was observed.
Comparatively selected population manifested uniformity in all observed agronomic tarits.
Table 29 : Evaluation of base population based on agronomic traits at
NMRP, Rampur 2011/12 winter
Days to
Days to
Disease score
Ear rot
1 Across9942/
74 77 240 112 2.6 2 2 2.3 3 2.9 4305
2 P501SRCO/
88 93 223 117 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.4 1.2 2.1 5210
3 BGBYPOP 91 95 120 104 2.3 2 1.5 2.6 1.4 2.3 4504
4 S99TLYQ-B 75 80 212 112 2.6 2.8 3 2.5 1.6 2.8 5456
Days to
Days to
Disease score
Ear rot
5 S99TLYQ-AB 59 64 216 99 2.8 1.9 2 2.9 1.7 2.2 5013
6 SO1SIWQ-3 76 79 211 110 2.5 2.3 2 2.4 2.6 2.1 4204
7 Pool-17 59 60 210 82 3 3 2.6 3.6 3.7 2.6 3710
8 Arun-1EV 54 56 221 108 3 2.5 2.3 4.3 3.3 2.4 4475
9 Arun-4 58 62 185 73 2.5 3 2.3 3.3 2.3 2.4 4209
Grand mean 70.4 74 204.2 101.8 2.68 2.46 2.27 2.92 2.31 2.42 4565
CV,% 19.32 16.32 17.01 14.63 9.19 17.67 20.4 23.3 38.72 11.9 12.19
SD 13.61 14.3 34.74 14.91 0.24 0.43 0.46 0.68 0.89 0.29 556.5
Table 30: Evaluation of selected population based on agronomic traits at
NMRP, Rampur 2011/12 winter
Days to
to 50%
Disease score
Ear rot
1 Across9942/
62 66 214 100 1.9 2 2 2 1 1.2 5194
2 P501SRCO/
75 78 194 99 2.1 2.2 2.8 2 1.1 1.3 4502
3 BGBYPOP 77 79 220 108 1.3 2.1 1.5 2 1 1.7 5605
4 S99TLYQ-B 75 80 212 112 1.5 1.4 3 2.5 1.2 1.8 6014
5 S99TLYQ-AB 69 73 163 81 1 1 2 2 1 1.2 5308
6 SO1SIWQ-3 70 75 158 70 1.7 1.8 2 2 2 1.2 5398
7 Pool-17 53 58 205 81 2.1 1.6 2.8 3 3 1.1 3800
8 Arun-1EV 53 57 221 106 1.2 2 2.5 4 3.3 1.3 4480
9 Arun-4 62 65 185 73 1.1 1.3 2.3 3 2.3 1 4601
Grand mean 66.2 70.11 197 92.2 1.54 1.71 2.32 2.50 1.76 1.31 4989
CV,% 13.89 12.68 12.06 17.36 27.49 23.99 21.18 28.28 51.95 20.33 13.81
SD 9.2 8.89 23.75 16.01 0.42 0.41 0.49 0.70 0.91 0.26 689.3
4. Development of Early Maize Varieties
suitable for mid hills of Nepal
T.R. Rijal and J. Shrestha
Project type: NMRP, Project No.: 40265007
With the objective of developing superior high yielding OPVs maize especially for hill region
of Nepal, this study with the different OPVs were tested at Pakhribas during summer season
of 2011.
Materials and method:
In order to fnd out performance of the open pollinated maize varieties, a series of trials viz,
CVT and CFFT were carried out using three set of early maize varieties at Lumle and Dailekh
during summer season of 2011. Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications was
used for each trial. The row to row and plant to plant were 0.75 m and 0.25 m respectively.
Other agronomic practices were done as per needed. Observation regarding agronomic
characters such as plant height, ear height, no of plants/plot, number of ears/plot, number of
lodged plants (root), number of lodged plants (shoot), days to 50% tasseling and 50% silking,
plant aspect, ear aspect, husk cover, number of rotten ears, resistance to gray leaf spot &
turcicum leaf blight and grain yield. The analysis of variance was computed using MSTAT
microcomputer program to test the signifcance of genotypes for these characters. The details
of the experiment were presented in the following;
The combined analysis of genotypes in CVT-E over Dailekh and Lumle showed that the
genotypes POP-44 POOL-15 produced the highest grain yield (3930 kg/ha) followed by
KHUMAL Yellow POOL-17 (3878 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (3813 kg/ha). Similarly
pooled analysis of CFFT early set over locations (Lumle and Dailekh) showed the genotype
Arun-1 EV produced highest grain yield (4503 kg/ha) followed by Arun-2 (4502 kg/ha) and
Farmers' variety (4214 kg/ha).
1) Coordinated Varietal Trial (CVT)
CVT Early Set at Lumle
From the evaluation of nine genotypes at Lumle during summer, 2011, the genotype PopArun-2
produced the highest grain yield (3451 kg/ha), followed by POP-445 (3320 kg/ha) and
S97TEYGHAYB(3) (3294 kg/ha) respectively. Data grain yield, days to 50 % tasseling and 50
%silking, number of plants /plot, number of ears/plot, were found non signifcant but highly
signifcant for plant and ear height.
Table 31: Performance of Early Set maize genotypes in CVT-E tested
at Lumle 2011 summer
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm) No./Plot
Grain Yield
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears
1 POP-445 51 53 174 74 17 18 3320
2 POP-446 47 50 170 70 17 17 3006
3 S97TEYGHAYB(3) 45 49 213 107 18 19 3294
4 KHUMAL YPOOL-17 47 51 241 127 18 20 3215
5 Arun-4 50 52 213 96 17 18 3215
6 R.C POOL-17 51 52 176 82 16 18 3111
7 POP-44POOL-15 51 53 198 106 17 19 3163
8 ARUN-2 (std chk) 50 52 204 89 19 20 3451
9 FARMERS' VARIETY 51 53 241 132 17 18 3111
Grand mean 49 52 203 98 17 18 3210
4 3.4 25 7.4 2 2.4 874
CV,% 4.7 3.8 7 4.3 7.1 7.5 15.7
F-test ns ns ** ** ns ns ns
CVT Early Set at Dailekh
The fndings of the nine genotypes evaluated at Dailekh during summer, 2011 showed that the
genotype POP-44 POOL -15 produced the highest grain yield (4698 kg/ha), followed by
Khumal Y. POOL-117 (4541 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (4516 kg/ha) respectively.
Statistically all the genotypes were highly signifcant for grain yield, ear height, days to 50%
tasseling and days to 50% silking but non signifcant for plant height.
Table 32: Performance of different early maize genotypes tested in CVT
at Dailekh, 2011
Days to
Days to
1 POP-445 52 54 154 64.0 3622 5 5 3
2 POP-446 54 56 162 61.3 3802 4 5 3
3 S97TEYGHAYB(3) 53 55 159 66.0 2975 3 5 3
4 Khumal Y POOL-117 55 57 202 88.7 4541 4 1 1
5 Arun-4 57 59 180 93.3 3859 1 1 1
6 R.CPOOL-17 57 59 200 87.7 4101 1 1 1
7 POP-44 POOL -15 58 60 199 81.7 4698 1 3 1
8 Arun -2 (STD CHK) 57 59 194 84.0 3996 1 3 1
9 Farmers Variety 56 58 205 93.7 4516 1 3 1
GM 55.33 57.33 183.9 80.0 4012
F-test ** ** ns ** **
1.892 1.836 52.11 17.4 748.3
CV,% 2.0 1.8 16.4 12.6 10.8
The combined analysis of genotypes in CVT-E over Dailekh and Lumle showed that the G x E
interaction were signifcant for grain yield and days to 50% silking, highly signifcant for ear
height and non signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and plant height .The genotypes POP-
44xPOOL-15 produced the highest grain yield (3930 kg/ha) followed by KHUMAL Y.
xPOOL-17 (3878 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (3813 kg/ha).
Table 33: Combined Results of CVT-E tested over the locations (Dailekh
& Lumle), 2011 summer
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
GY kg/ha
Male Female Plant Ear
1 POP-445 51.33 53.5 164.3 69 3471
2 POP-446 50.5 53 166.2 65.8 3404
3 S97TEYGHAYB(3) 49.33 52 186 86.7 3135
4 KHUMAL Y POOL-17 51.17 53.83 221.5 107.8 3878
5 Arun-4 53.33 55.5 196.5 94.7 3537
6 R.C. POOL-17 53.67 55.5 188 85 3606
7 POP-44POOL-15 54.33 56.33 198.8 94 3930
8 ARUN-2 (std chk) 53.67 55.67 198.7 86.5 3723
9 Farmers' Variety 53.33 55.33 222.7 112.8 3813
Grand mean 52 55 194 89 3611
Genotype(G) ** ** ** ** ns
Environment (E) ** ** ** ** **
G E ns * ns ** *
CV,% 3.7 3.1 12.2 8.9 13
3 3 39 13 780
2) Coordinated Farmers' Field trial (CFFT)
CFFT Early Set at Lumle
Based on the overall performance of genotypes evaluated at Lumle during summer season of
2009, the genotype Arun-2 Produced the highest grain yield (4096 kg/ha), followed by ARUN-
1EV (3858 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (3615 kg/ha) respectively. The conducted trial was non
signifcant for the traits of grain yield, days to 50% tasseling and silking but highly signifcant
for plant height and ear height.
Table 34: Performance of maize genotypes (Early Set) in CFFT-E tested
at RARS, Lumle, 2011 summer
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
GY kg/ha
Male Female Plant Ear
1 POOL-17 54 56 189 79 3254
2 ARUN-1EV 55 57 208 99 3858
3 Arun-4 54 57 226 116 3510
4 Arun-2 54 56 237 109 4096
5 Farmers' Variety 61 64 278 146 3615
Grand mean 55 58 227 110 3667
6.3 7.9 28 32 1211
CV,% 7.4 8.8 7.9 18.9 21.4
F-test ns ns ** ** ns
From the result of the fve genotypes tested at Dailekh during summer season of 2011, the
genotype Arun-1EV produced the highest grain yield (5149 kg/ha), followed by Arun-2 (4907
kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (4812 kg/ha) respectively. The data on grain yield was non
signifcant but days to 50 % tasseling and silkinig and ear height were highly signifcant but
signifcant for plant height.
Table 35: Performance of different early season maize genotypes tested
in CFFT Dailekh, 2011
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
Grain yield
male female plant ear
1 Pool -17 57 59 234 122 4421
2 Arun-1 EV 59 61 230 121 5149
3 Arun-4 59 61 240 129 4651
4 Arun-2 60 62 255 151 4907
5 Farmers' Variety 67 69 282 156 4812
Grand mean 61 63 248 136 4788
F-test ** ** * ** ns
1.027 1.027 30.17 17.65 530.9
CV,% 1.1 1.1 7.9 8.4 7.2
The combined analysis of CFFT early set over locations (Lumle and Dailekh) showed that G x
E interaction were non signifncant for days to 50% tasseling and silking, plant height, ear
height and grain yield. Genotypes were highly signifcnant for plant height and ear height but
non signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and silking and grain yield. The genotype Arun-1 EV
produced highest grain yield (4503 kg/ha) followed by Arun-2 (4502 kg/ha) and Farmers'
Variety (4214 kg/ha).
Table 36: Combined Result of CFFT-Early set over locations (Lumle &
Dailekh), 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
GY kg/ha
male female plant ear
1 Poll -17 56 58 211 100 3837
2 Arun-1 EV 57 59 219 110 4503
3 Arun-4 57 59 233 123 4081
4 Arun-2 57 59 246 130 4502
5 Farmers' Variety 64 66 280 151 4214
Grand mean 58 60 238 123 4227
Genotype(G) ns ns ** ** ns
Environment (E) * ns ** ** **
G E ns ns ns ns ns
CV,% 12.1 13.3 8.7 14.9 15.7
10.2 11.6 30 26 960
5. Development of Full Season
Maize Varieties for Hills of Nepal
T.R. Rijal and J. Shrestha
Project type: NARC, Project No.: 40265007
Identify high yielding full season OPVs maize especially for mid hill regions (Kabre, Dailekh,
Salyan, Lumle and Khumalatar) of Nepal
Materials and method:
In order to fnd out performance of the open pollinated maize varieties, a series of trials viz,
IYT, CVT and CFFT were carried out using three set of early maize varieties at Kabre, Dailekh,
Salyan, Lumle and Khumalatar during summer season of 2011. Randomized Complete Block
Design with 3 replications was used for each trial. The row to row and plant to plant were 0.75
m and 0.25 m respectively. Other agronomic practices were done as per needed. Observation
regarding agronomic characters such as plant height, ear height, no of plants/plot, number of
ears/plot, number of lodged plants (root), number of lodged plants (shoot), days to 50% tasseling
and 50% silking, plant aspect, ear aspect, husk cover, number of rotten ears, resistance to gray
leaf spot & turcicum leaf blight and grain yield. The analysis of variance was computed using
MSTAT microcomputer program to test the signifcance of genotypes for these characters.
IYT Full season set:
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Dailekh, Salyan, Lumle and
Khumalatar showed that Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (5892 kg/ha)
followed by Resunga Compoite and Rampur S10F18A (5782 kg/ha) . The grain yield was
highly signifcant for genotypes and environment but non signifcant for G x E interaction.
CVT Full season set:
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Dailekh, Salyan, Lumle and
Khumalatar showed that TLBRS07F16 produced the highest grain yield (5741 kg/ha) followed
by Manakamana-3 (5682 kg/ha) . The genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield but highly
signifcant for plant height, ear height, days to 50% tasselng and silking, no. of plants/plot and
no. of ears/plot. The G x E interaction were non signifcant for grain yield.
CFFT Full season set:
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Lumle and Khumalatar showed
that BGBYPOP produced the highest grain yield (5138 kg/ha) followed by Manakamana-3
(4923 kg/ha) and Across 9942 Across 9944 (4706 kg/ha) respectively. The genotypes were
highly signifcant for grain yield, signifcant for ear height but non signifcant for days to 50%
tasselng and silking. GE interaction were nonsignifcant for all traits taken.
Details of trials are following;
1) Intermediate Yield Trial (IYT)
IYT Full season Set at HCRP Kabre
The fndings of the nine genotypes evaluated at Kabre during summer, 2011 showed that the
genotype Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (9447.67 kg/ha), followed by
Farmers' Variety (8917.47 kg/ha) and R POP-2 (8859.61 kg/ha) respectively. Statistically all
the genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield, number of plants/plot, number of ears/plot,
but signifcant for ear height and highly signifcant for plant height, days to 50% tasseling, days
to 50% silking.
IYT Full season Set at ABD Khumaltar
In total 12 genotypes were evaluated at Khumaltar during summer season of 2011, the genotype
Rampur S10 F18A produced the highest grain yield (7134 kg/ha), followed by Manakamana-3
(6176 kg/ha) and Resunga Composite (6137 kg/ha) respectively. All the tested genotypes were
signifcant for grain yield, husk cover, highly signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and silking
and non signifcant for plant height and ear height, number of ears/plot, no. of plants per plot,
plant aspect and ear aspect, resistance E.tur, BLSB and and gray leaf spot (GLS).
IYT Full season Set at GRP Salyan
Statistical analysis of the 12 genotypes evaluated at Salyan Kapoorkot during summer, 2011
showed that the genotype Resunga Composite produced the highest grain yield (4215 kg/ha),
followed by Manakamana-3 (3756 kg/ha) and BLSBRS07F10 (3738 kg/ha) respectively. The
trial was non signifcant for grain yield, maturity days, plant aspect, root and shoot lodging,
husk cover, no. of plants/plot, no. of ears/plot, days to 50% silking and tasseling but highly
signifcant for plant height and ear height and signifcant for ear aspect.
IYT Full season Set at RARS Lumle
The analysis of the 12 genotypes evaluated at RARS Lumle during summer, 2011 showed that
the genotype Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (6110 kg/ha), followed by
TLBRS07F14 (5919 kg/ha). The trial was signifcant for grain yield, ear height and days to
50% tasseling but non signifcant for days to 50% silking, plant height, no. of plants/plot and
no. of ears/plot.
IYT Full season Set at ARS Dailekh
Statistical analysis of the 12 genotypes evaluated at ARS Dailekh during summer, 2011 showed
that the genotype R POP-2 produced the highest grain yield (4905 kg/ha), followed by R POP-
3 (4840 kg/ha) and RampurS10F18 A (4838 kg/ha) respectively. The trial was highly signifcant
for grain yield, plant height and ear height but non signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and
IYT Full season set combined analysis:
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Dailekh, Salyan, Lumle and
Khumalatar showed that Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (5892 kg/ha)
followed by Resunga Compoite and Rampur S10F18A (5782 kg/ha) . The grain yield was
highly signifcant for genotypes and environment but non signifcant for G x E interaction.
2) Coordinated Varietal Trial (CVT)
CVT Full Season Set at HCRP Kabre
From the evaluation of 9 genotypes at Kabre during summer, 2011, the genotype RampurS03F04
produced the highest grain yield (8861.7) followed by Celaya00HGYA*HGYB (8725.05 kg/ha
and TLBRS07F16 (8721.57 kg/ha) respectively. Data grain yield, number of plants /plot,
number of ears/plot were non signifcant for ear height and highly signifcant for, plant height
days to 50 % tasseling and 50 % silking.
CVT Full season set at GRP Salyan
Under this trail, nine genotypes were evaluated at Salyan during summer, 2011. From the result of the
experiment, the genotype TLBRS07F16 produced the highest grain yield (5316 kg/ha), followed by
Manakamana-3 (5012 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (4692 kg/ha) respectively. All the tested genotypes
were non signifcant for grain yield maturity days, plant aspect and ear aspect but signifcant for days
to 50% silking and tasseling, no. of ears/plot and highly signifcant for no. of plants/plot.
CVT full season set at ABD Khumaltar
The analysis of data derived from 9 genotypes evaluated at Khumaltar during summer, 2011
showed that the genotype TLBRS07F16 produced the highest grain yield (6068 kg/ha), followed
by S00TLY-1AB (5825 kg/ha) and Manakamana-3 (5396 kg/ha) respectively. Statistically all
the genotypes were signifcant for grain yield, plant height and husk cover, highly signifcant
for days to plant aspect, 50% tasseling and silking but non signifcant for ear height, no. of
plants/plot, no. of ears/plot, ear aspect and barren percentage.
CVT Full season Set at RARS Lumle
The analysis of the 9 genotypes evaluated at RARS Lumle during summer, 2011 showed that
the genotype Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (5588 kg/ha), followed by
Farmers' Variety (5551 kg/ha). The trial was non signifcant for all traits taken.
CVT Full season set at ARS Dailekh
Under this trail, nine genotypes were evaluated at Dailekh during summer, 2011. From the
result of the experiment, the genotype Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield ( 6767
kg/ha), followed by Cotaxla0024 (6135 kg/ha). All the tested genotypes were non signifcant
for grain yield and days to 50% tasseling but signifcant for plant height, ear height.
CVT Full season set combined analysis
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Dailekh, Salyan, Lumle and
Khumalatar showed that TLBRS07F16 produced the highest grain yield (5741 kg/ha) followed
by Manakamana-3 (5682 kg/ha) . The genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield but highly
signifcant for plant height, ear height, days to 50% tasselng and silking, no. of plants/plot and
no. of ears/plot. The G E interaction were non signifcant for grain yield.
3) Coordinated Farmers' Field trial (CFFT)
CFFT Full season Set at HCRP Kabre
Based on the overall performance of genotypes evaluated at HCRP Kabre during summer
season of 2011, the genotype BGBYPOP Produced the highest grain yield (5987.054 kg/ha),
followed by Manakamana-3 (5305 kg/ha) and Across 9942/Across 9944 (5055.98 kg/ha)
respectively. The conducted trial was non signifcant for the traits of grain yield, number of
plants/plot, number of ears/plot, plant height and days to 50% tasseling but highly signifcant
for days to 50% silking, ear height.
CFFT Full Season set at Dailekh
From the result of the six genotypes tested at Dailekh during summer season of 2011, the
genotype Manakamana-3 produced the highest grain yield (5491 kg/ha), followed by
P501SRCO/P502SRCO (5036 kg/ha) and BGBYPOP (4966 kg/ha) respectively. The data on
days to 50 % silking and tasseling were highly signifcant but non signifcant for plant height,
ear height and grain yield .
CFFT Full season set at ABD Khumaltar
Among the six genotypes evaluated at Khumaltar during summer, 2011, the genotype
RampurS03F06 produced the highest grain yield (6918 kg/ha), followed by Across9942/
Across9944 (6247 kg/ha) and Manakamana-3 (6152 kg/ha) respectively. Statistically all the
tested genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield, disease severity, plant height, number of
plants/plot, number of ears/plot but highly signifcnant for days to 50% tasseling and silking
and signifcant for ear height.
CFFT Full season set combined analysis
The combined analysis of CFFT full season set across Kabre, Lumle and Khumalatar showed
that BGBYPOP produced the highest grain yield (5138 kg/ha) followed by Manakamana-3
(4923 kg/ha) and Across 9942/Across 9944 (4706 kg/ha) respectively. The genotypes were
highly signifcant for grain yield, signifcant for ear height but non signifcant for days to 50%
tasseling and silking. G E interaction were nonsignifcant for all traits taken.
Table 37: Result of CVT-Full tested at HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No/Plot (4.5m
yield (kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear
1 S00TLY-1AB 71 73 245 115 23 25 7231.02
2 RampurS03F08 79 78 229 105 24 23 7592.16
3 RampurS03F04 81 80 222 111 24 29 8861.7
4 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 78 80 225 119 24 26 8725.05
5 Cotaxla0024 75 85 255 128 24 25 7570.2
6 TLBRS07F16 77 80 249 116 22 22 8721.57
7 BLSBRS07F12 75 78 242 113 22 21 8320.7
8 Manakamana-3 (std.chk) 78 81 252 128 23 22 7490.37
9 Farmers' Variety 66 70 271 131 23 22 6822.48
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No/Plot (4.5m
yield (kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear
Grand mean 76 78 243 118 23 24 7926.14
F-test ** ** ** * ns ns ns
CV, % 4.15 2.16 5.46 7.23 4.84 13.7 24.57
5.43 2.93 22.97 14.8 1.95 5.65 3371.18
Table 38: Result of IYT-Full tested at HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No/Plot (4.5m
) Grain
yield (kg/
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear
1 Heterotic Group A 70 72 232 110 23 26 8687.06
2 Heterotic Group B 74 76 242 112 23 23 7042.79
3 Heterotic Group AB 71 73 239 106 24 22 6519.91
4 Resunga composite 77 80 271 125 24 25 8596.43
5 BLSBRS07F10 71 73 230 108 24 23 7206.27
6 TLBRS07F14 73 75 264 123 24 26 8013.94
7 Rampur S10F18(A) 74 77 230 110 24 25 8169.41
8 R Pop-1 71 74 238 104 24 24 6600.78
9 R Pop-2 71 74 242 100 24 25 8859.61
10 R Pop-3 74 77 233 96 24 25 7727.76
11 Manakamana-3 76 78 272 131 24 25 9447.67
12 Farmers' Variety 66 70 269 120 24 25 8917.47
Grand mean 72 75 247 112 24 24 7982.43
F-test ** ** ** * ns ns ns
CV, % 3.12 3.05 4.97 9.82 2.37 10.24 18.21
3.82 3.88 20.76 18.6 0.95 4.24 2461.96
Table 39: Result of CFFT-Full season set tested at command area of
HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer
Days to 50% Flowering Ht. in cm No/Plot (4.5m
) Grain
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear
1 Across 9942 /Across 9944 74 77 240 112 36 36 5055.98
2 P501 SRCO /P502 SRCO 75 78 223 117 31 31 4661.43
3 Rampur S03 F08 77 79 218 100 41 37 3599.11
4 BGBYPOP 77 79 220 108 34 34 5987.05
5 Manakamana-3 (std chk) 80 83 239 119 34 31 5305
6 Farmers' Variety 75 72 235 114 36 32 4434.49
Grand mean 76 78 229 111 35 34 4840.51
F-test ns ** ns ** ns ns ns
CV, % 3.86 2.09 9.5 4.75 16.66 18.88 46.19
4.42 2.45 32.8 7.99 8.8 9.56 3369.89
Table 40: Results of CVT-F at ABD Khumaltar, 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht in cm No. /plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA
1 S00TLY-1AB 65 68 215 98 24 24 5825 0.7 1.0 2 2.7
2 RampurS03F08 58 61 189 84 24 23 4498 0.7 1.0 3 3.0
3 RampurSo3F04 65 67 181 77 24 20 4198 2.0 1.3 3 3.0
4 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 66 68 195 80 22 22 5280 0.3 2.0 3.3 3.3
5 Cotaxla0024 65 68 210 87 24 22 4375 0.0 2.7 3.67 4.0
6 TLBRS07F16 65 68 215 102 23 22 6068 1.3 1.7 2.67 2.7
7 BLSBRS07F12 64 66 210 93 22 17 3817 1.3 1.7 2.67 3.0
8 Manakamana-3 (std.chk) 66 68 220 100 24 22 5396 1.0 1 2.7 3.0
9 Farmers' Variety 58 60 210 88 23 23 4308 0.3 1 3.67 3.0
Grand mean 63 66 205 90 23 22 4863 0.9 1.5 2.9 3.1
2.9 2 22 17 2.5 4.6 1332 1.6 0.93 0.8 1.0
CV, % 2.7 1.8 6.2 11 6.2 12.4 15.8 111 36.2 15.7 17.8
F-test ** ** * ns ns ns * ns * ** ns
Table 41: Result of IYT-Full at ABD Khumaltar 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No/plot
Disease severity (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ears PA EA ER ETUR BLSB GLS
1 Heterotic Group A 58 60 196 81 24 22 4329 3.0 3.7 3.0 1.3 2.0 2.3 2.3
2 Heterotic Group B 58 61 206 81 23 22 4692 3.7 3.3 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.3 3.0
3 Heterotic Group AB 58 62 197 81 22 23 3252 3.7 3.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.3 2.3
4 Resunga Composite 58 61 214 81 23 23 6137 3.0 3.0 1.3 1.0 2.3 1.0 2.0
5 BLSBRS07F10 58 62 201 81 23 22 4396 3.0 2.7 1.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.0
6 TLBRS07F14 58 61 191 81 21 21 3410 3.7 3.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.7 2.3
7 Rampur S10 F18 A 59 61 211 92 22 23 7134 2.3 3.0 1.7 1.7 2.3 1.3 2.0
8 R Pop-1 58 61 201 88 23 22 4666 3.0 3.0 1.7 1.7 2.0 1.3 2.3
9 R Pop-2 59 62 182 77 24 22 3517 3.7 3.3 1.7 2.3 2.7 2.0 2.0
10 R Pop-3 57 61 192 91 24 23 4133 3.0 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.7 1.0 1.7
11 Manakaman-3 62 67 215 106 23 24 6176 2.7 2.7 1.0 2.3 2.0 1.0 1.7
12 Local check 58 61 216 96 21.67 22 4067 3.0 3.3 1.3 1.0 2.3 1.3 2.3
GM 59 62 201.8 88.7 22.81 22.3 4659 3.1 3.2 1.7 1.6 2.1 1.4 2.2
1.4 1.6 29.4 19 2.26 3.7 2183 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9
CV,% 1.4 1.5 8.6 12.7 5.9 9.7 27.7 21.1 18.0 37.3 32.6 22.5 40.3 25.4
F-test ** ** ns ns ns ns * ns ns * * ns ns ns
Table 42: Results of CFFT-F at ABD, Khumaltar 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm No./plot Disease severity (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear E tur GLS ER
1 Across9942/Across9944 66 69 255 129 45.0 9.6 2.4 2.0 1.6 6247
2 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 62 65 238 109 42.8 9.0 2.2 2.0 1.8 5693
3 Rampur S03 F06 62 66 265 149 46.8 15.4 1.8 2.0 2.0 6918
4 BGBYPOP 66 69 256 144 43.6 8.6 2.0 2.0 1.9 6144
5 Manakamana-3 (Std Chk) 68 72 266 139 42.8 13.8 1.8 1.8 1.4 6152
6 Farmers' Variety 61 65 262 149 40.4 11.8 2.2 1.8 1.4 5751
Grand mean 64 68 257 136 44.0 11.4 2.0 1.9 1.7 6151
2.9 2.9 23.4 22.4 6.0 6.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 1710
CV,% 3.4 3.3 6.9 12.5 10.5 46.2 24.7 30.0 30.9 21.1
F-test ** ** ns * ns ns ns ns ns ns
Table 43: Results of CFFT-F combined over locations (Kabre, Lumle &
ABD), 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht. in cm
Grain Yield
Male Female Plant Ear
1 Across9942/Across9944 68.33 71.42 245.6 116.7 4706
2 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 67.33 71.5 229.3 110.9 4225
3 Rampur S03 F06 68.33 71.42 242.1 120.7 4699
4 BGBYPOP 70.17 72.92 239.4 124.2 5138
5 Manakamana-3 (Std Chk) 71.75 75.58 249.6 124.5 4923
6 Farmers' Variety 68.17 70 252.3 139.1 4317
Grand mean 69 72 243 123 4668
Genotype(G) ns ns ns * **
Environment(E) * ** ** ** ns
G E ns ns ns ns ns
11.7 11 41 27 3152
CV, % 12 10.5 11.8 15.4 48
Table 44: Results of IYT-F tested at GRP, Salyan 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./plot
Lodging (1-5) Aspects (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear Root Shoot PA EA
1 Heterotic Group A 70 75 201 99 20 19 2.3 0.3 0.0 3.3 2.3 3018
2 Heterotic Group B 72 75 203 106 16 16 2.3 0.0 0.0 2.7 1.7 2618
3 Heterotic Group AB 69 74 209 119 22 17 1.7 0.3 0.3 2.3 2.0 2149
4 Resunga Composite 71 74 241 113 19 22 1.7 0.3 0.7 2.3 1.0 4215
5 BLSBRS07F10 71 75 205 113 18 17 2.0 0.3 0.3 3.3 2.7 3738
6 TLBRS07F14 73 76 230 147 20 16 2.3 0.7 0.0 2.3 2.7 3480
7 Rampur S10 F18 A 74 77 197 104 20 16 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.7 2997
8 R Pop-1 72 75 210 110 20 20 2.7 0.7 0.3 2.7 3.0 3240
9 R Pop-2 70 75 213 113 17 18 2.3 0.0 0.3 2.3 2.0 3160
10 R Pop-3 74 77 191 107 20 20 2.7 0.3 0.0 3.7 3.0 3282
11 Manakaman-3 74 77 227 124 20 19 1.3 0.3 0.3 2.3 1.7 3756
12 Local check 71 75 249 149 21 20 1.7 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 3539
Grand Mean 72 75 215 117 20 18 2.2 0.3 0.2 2.7 2.2 3266
4.1 3 26.3 21 5.3 5.2 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.6 1.3 1263
CV, % 3.4 2.4 7.2 10.6 16.1 16.7 33.4 35 34.1 22.8
F-test ns ns ** ** ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns
Table 45: Results of IYT-F tested at RARS, Lumle, 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear
1 Heterotic Group A 74 77 196 117 24 23 4911
2 Heterotic Group B 74 78 210 117 24 23 4825
3 Heterotic Group AB 74 78 201 131 24 23 5035
4 Resunga Composite 75 79 237 130 24 27 5403
5 BLSB R S07 F10 73 76 199 124 24 21 4876
6 TLBRS07F14 75 79 197 130 24 24 5919
7 Rampur S10F18 (A) 75 81 184 101 24 26 5773
8 R Pop-1 74 73 200 91 23 20 4049
9 R Pop-2 74 77 192 114 23 21 4535
10 R Pop-3 75 77 207 128 23 23 4129
11 Manakamana-3 80 83 229 128 24 27 6110
12 Farmers' Variety 75 81 230 140 23 23 4981
Grand mean 75 78 207 121 24 23 5045
3 6 37 23 1 5 1272
CV,% 2 5 11 11 3 12 15
F-test * ns ns * ns ns *
Table 46: Results of CVT-F tested at GRP, Salyan, 2011 summer
Days to 50%
No./plot Aspects(1-5)
Male Female Plants Ears PA EA
1 S00TLY-1AB 75 79 39 35 3 2 125 3624
2 RampurS03F08 71 75 42 32 3 3 126 3669
3 RampurSo3F04 75 78 42 46 3 3 127 4631
4 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 76 77 35 33 3 2 126 4185
5 Cotaxla0024 76 78 36 35 2 3 126 4074
6 TLBRS07F16 75 79 46 44 2 3 127 5316
7 BLSBRs07F12 74 76 31 36 2 2 126 4403
8 Manakamana-3 76 80 43 41 3 2 126 5012
9 Farmers' Variety 70 73 40 36 3 2 125 4692
Grand mean 74 77 39 37 2.7 2.6 126 4401

3.3 3.6 6.6 9 1.4 1.2 4 1375
CV,% 2.6 2.7 9.8 3.5 29.5 27.1 1.9 18.1
T-test * * ** * ns ns ns ns
Table 47: Results of CVT-F tested at RARS, Lumle 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm No./plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear
1 S00TLY-1AB 81 85 210 102 23 27 4758
2 Rampur S03F08 79 82 219 121 24 24 4615
3 Rampur S03F04 79 84 198 109 23 23 4439
4 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 82 87 189 108 24 24 4580
5 Cotaxla0024 81 85 190 100 24 24 4619
6 TLBRS07F16 81 85 193 115 24 23 4087
7 BLSBRs07F12 79 83 201 101 19 21 4780
8 Manakamana-3 (Std. Chk.) 80 84 228 122 23 24 5588
9 Farmers' Variety 78 83 225 117 23 22 5551
Grand mean 80 84 206 111 23 24 4780
8 6.5 42.8 38 5 8.1 1461
CV,% 4.4 4.5 12 19.8 12.5 19.9 17.7
F-test ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Table 48: Combined Results of CVT-F, 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht in cm No./plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear
1 S00TLY-1AB 73 76 222 109 27 28 5142
2 Rampur S03F08 72 74 212 107 28 26 5041
3 Rampur S03F04 75 77 199 100 28 30 5248
4 Celaya00HGYA*HGYB 75 78 201 102 26 26 5334
Days to 50%
Ht in cm No./plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear
5 Cotaxla0024 74 79 217 105 27 27 5232
6 TLBRS07F16 75 78 218 115 29 28 5741
7 BLSBRs07F12 73 76 214 105 24 24 5050
8 Manakamana-3 75 78 233 117 28 27 5682
9 Farmers' Variety 68 72 241 122 27 26 5239
Grand mean 73 77 218 109 27 27 5301
Genotype(G) ** ** ** ** ** ** ns
Environment(E) ** ** ** * ** ns **
G E ** ** ns ns * ns ns
4.3 3.8 29 24.4 4.9 7.1 886.3
CV,% 3.6 3.1 8.2 13.7 11 16.5 23
Table 49: Combined Results of IYT-F 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Ht in cm No./plot
Male Female Plant Ear Plants Ear
1 Heterotic Group A 67 70 212 106 23 23 5139
2 Heterotic Group B 68 71 221 113 35 22 4656
3 Heterotic Group AB 67 70 222 118 23 22 4271
4 Resunga Composite 69 72 246 121 23 24 5782
5 BLSB R S07 F10 67 70 218 114 22 22 4948
6 TLBRS07F14 68 71 228 124 23 23 4932
7 Rampur S10F18 (A) 69 73 215 110 23 24 5782
8 R Pop-1 68 70 224 108 23 23 4389
9 R Pop-2 67 70 215 107 22 23 5000
10 R Pop-3 69 72 209 110 23 24 4822
11 Manakamana-3 71 74 247 130 23 24 5892
12 Farmers' Variety 66 70 249 134 23 23 5126
Grand mean 68 71 225 116 24 23 5062
Genotype (G) ** ** ** ** ns ns **
Environment (E) ** ** ** ** ns ** **
G E ** * ns ** ns ns ns
3 3.9 26 18.8 23 4.2 1821
CV,% 2.9 3.4 7 10 6.1 11.3 22.3
Table 50: Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in
IYT at Dailekh, 2011
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht in cm
Male Female Plant Ear HC Pl asp Ear asp
1 Heterotic Group A 65 66 233 125 4748 1 1 1
2 Heterotic Group B 64 66 245 137 4103 1 1 1
3 Heterotic Group AB 61 63 264 152 4400 1 1 1
4 Resunga Composite 63 65 268 147 4560 5 1 3
5 BLSBRS07F10 64 67 253 134 4525 1 5 1
6 TLBRS07F14 61 63 256 142 3836 5 3 3
7 Rampur S10F 18(A) 64 67 253 142 4838 3 1 1
8 R POP 1 62 64 268 149 3388 5 1 3
9 R POP 2 61 63 245 133 4905 1 1 1
10 R Pop 3 65 67 220 126 4840 3 1 1
11 Manakamana 3 63 65 290 158 3969 1 3 3
12 TLBRS07F14 62 64 282 164 4127 1 3 1
Grand mean 63.06 65.08 256.4 142.3 4353
F-test ns ns ** ** **
3.929 3.466 11.65 13.21 555.7
CV,% 3.7 3.1 2.7 5.5 7.5
Table 51: Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in
CVT Dailekh, 2011
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht in cm
Male Female Plant Ear HC Pl asp Ear asp
1 S00TLY-1AB 64. 67 246 146 5733 1 1 1
2 Rampur S03F08 61 63 235 132 6094 1 3 3
3 Rampur S03F03 61 64 218 122 5836 1 1 1
4 Celaya 00HGYA'HGYB 63 65 228 125 5789 3 3 5
5 Cotaxla0024 62 66 243 134 6135 1 1 3
6 TLBRS07F16 63 66 242 143 5869 1 1 3
7 BLSBRS07F12 62 65 235 138 5629 1 1 1
8 Manakamana-3 64 67 248 145 6767 1 1 1
9 Farmers' Variety 61 64 260 154 5699 1 1 1
GM 62.33 65.11 239.3 137.7 5950
F-test ns * * * ns
2.660 2.361 22.04 17.67 677.7
CV,% 2.5 2.1 5.3 7.4 6.6
Table 52: Performance of different full season maize genotypes tested in
CFFT Dailekh, 2011
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Ht in cm
Male Female Plant Ear
1 Across 9942/Across9944 71 74 247 132 4851
2 P501SRCO/P502 SRCO 74 76 224 195 5036
3 Rampur S03F05 74 76 247 124 4806
4 BGBYPOP 71 73 241 132 4966
5 Manakamana-3 70 73 256 130 5491
6 Farmers' Variety 67 69 261 143 4825
GM 71.06 73.50 246.3 143 4996
F-test ** ** ns ns ns
2.269 2.372 29.40 97.5 1144.7
CV,% 1.8 1.8 6.6 37.6 12.0
6. Development of High Yielding Quality Protein Maize
Varieties for mid hills of Nepal
J. Shrestha and T.R. Rijal
Project Type: NARC/HMRP
The objective of this study was to identify superior quality protein maize genotypes in terms of
grain production for hills.
Coordinated varietal trial and coordinated farmers feld trial were conducted in 2011 summer.
All trials were laid out in randomized block design with three replication and general agronomic
practices were done in all trials. The parameters namely grain yield, plant and ear height, days
to 50% tasseling and silking, no. of plants and ears per plot were observed. The spaces between
rows and plants were 75 and 25 cm, respectively. In all experiments, two seeds per hill were
planted and thinned to single plant per hill after frst weeding. Fertilizer was applied @
120:60:40 kg/ha N:P
O, respectively for all the experiments. Half of N and full dose of
and K
O were applied as basal dose. The remaining half of the N was applied in two splits
at knee-high and pre-tasseling/silking stages. Most of the agronomic practices were carried out
as per recommended. Grain yields were adjusted to 80% shelling recovery and 15% moisture.
Data were analyzed through GENSTAT packages.
Selection of high yielding genotypes for a particular location is the most important task in
varietal development program.
The genotype S00TLYQ followed by S99TLYQ-HG-AB and Poshilo Makai-1 at Dailekh,
Rampur S03 FQ-02 followed by S99 TLYQ-HG-AB and OBATANPA at Lumle and Obatanpa
and S99TLWQ-B at Khumaltar were found higher grain yielder. Based on results of pooled
analysis over locations the genotype S99TLYQ-HG-AB followed by Obatanpa and
S00TLYQ-B were found superior in grain yield production under Coordinated Varietal Trials.
The genotype S99TLY-GH-B and S99TLYQ-A at Kabre, S99 TLYQ-B and S01 SIWQ-3 at
Khumaltar and S99 TLYQ-B and S01 SIWQ-3 at Rampur were found superior in grain
yield production. Based on results of pooled analysis over locations the genotype
S99TLYQ-B followed by S99TLYQ-A were found superior in terms of grain production in
respective hill locations under Coordiated Farmers' Field Trials.
Details of the experiment:
1) CVT QPM for hills
At Dailekh, all the genotypes were statistically non signifcant for grain yield but highly
signifcant for days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% silking and plant height whereas ear height
was signifcant (Table 53). The genotype S00TLYQ-B produced the highest grain yield (4659
kg/ha), followed by S99TLYQ-HG-AB (4543 kg/ha) and Poshilo Makai-1 (4500 kg/ha). Plant
heights of the tested genotypes varied from 242 cm (S00TLWQ-B) to 288.7 cm (Farmers'
Variety) and ear heights varied from 114.6 cm (S01SIWQ-2) to 176.9 cm (Farmers' variety).
The days to 50% tasseling varied from 61.33 (Farmers' Variety) to 67.67 cm (S99TLWQ-B).
Similarly, days to 50% silking varied from 63.67 (Farmers' Variety) to 70.0 cm (S99TLWQ-B)
Table 53: Performance of different QPM maize genotypes in CVT at
Dailekh, 2011 Summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Ht. in cm
Scores (1-5)
Tasseling Silking Plant Ear HC PA EA
1 OBATANPA 63.67 67.00 260.4 139.7 3571 3 1 1
2 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 63.00 65.33 241.1 124.3 4543 5 3 5
3 S01SIWQ-2 65.33 68.33 235.6 114.6 3908 1 1 1
4 S00TLYQ-B 65.33 68.33 239.5 129.5 4659 1 1 1
5 S01SIYQ 63.00 65.33 246.4 136.3 4098 1 1 1
6 Rampur S03FQ-02 64.00 66.67 245.8 139.1 4189 3 1 1
7 S99TLWQ-B 67.67 70.00 242.4 122.9 3319 3 1 1
8 S00TLWQ-B 66.67 69.00 242.0 133.9 3863 3 1 3
9 Poshilo Makai-1 65.00 67.00 259.4 132.2 4500 1 1 1
10 Farmers' Variety 61.33 63.67 288.7 176.9 3938 1 1 1
GM 64.50 67.07 250.1 134.9 4059
F-test ** ** ** * ns
2.280 2.327 22.30 21.55 1335.1
CV,% 2.1 2.0 5.2 9.3 19
At Lumle, all the genotypes were statistically non signifcant for grain yield , days to 50%
tasseling, days to 50% silking, plant height, ear height, no. of plants per plot and no. of ears per
plot (Table 54). The genotype Rampur S03 FQ-02 produced the highest grain yield (4902 kg/
ha), followed by S99 TLYQ-HG-AB (4867 kg/ha) and OBATANPA (4256 kg/ha). Plant heights
of the tested genotypes varied from 186.7 cm (S01 SIWQ-2) to 217 cm (S99 TLWQ-B) and ear
heights varied from 91.3 cm (S01 SIWQ-2) to 109 cm (OBATANPA). The days to 50% tasseling
varied from 84 (Rampur S03 FQ-02) to 88.67 cm (OBATANPA and S99 TLWQ-B). Similarly,
days to 50% silking varied from 82 (S01 SIWQ-2) to 86.33 cm (S00 TLWQ-B). The highest
no. of plants per plot 23 was found in S99 TLWQ-B and lowest no. of plants 19 was found in
Farmers' Variety. Similarly the no. of ears per plot varied from 16 (S01 SIWQ-2) to 22.33 (S99
Table 54: Results of CVT-Q tested at RARS, Lumle, 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
No./plot Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear Plant Ear
1 OBATANPA 88.67 85 21 19.33 216.3 109.7 4256
2 S99 TLYQ-HG-AB 86 83.33 22.33 24 217 117 4867
3 S01 SIWQ-2 85.67 82 20.33 16 186.7 91.3 2554
4 S00 TLYQ-B 87.67 84 22.33 22 197.3 99.3 3749
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
No./plot Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear Plant Ear
5 S01 SIYQ 85.67 81.67 19.33 19 189 95.7 3938
6 Rampur S03 FQ-02 84 80.67 20.67 21.67 208 100 4902
7 S99 TLWQ-B 88.67 84 23 22.33 217 97 4224
8 S00 TLWQ-B 89 86.33 22.33 20 210.7 100 3693
9 Poshilo Makai-1 86.67 82.33 19.67 17.67 211.7 102 3689
10 Farmers' Variety 84.33 80.33 19 16.33 212.7 103 3370
Grand mean 87 83 21 20 207 102 3924
4 4 4 6.7 34 25 1827
CV,% 2.5 2.8 11.8 19.7 9.7 14.4 27.1
F-test ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
At Khumaltar, the genotype Obatanpa produced the highest grain yield (5255 kg/ha), followed
by Farmers' Variety (4436 kg/ha) and S99TLWQ-B (4240 kg/ha). Plant heights of the tested
genotypes varied from 175 cm (S01SIWQ-2) to 232 cm (Obatanpa) and ear heights varied
from 71 cm (S99TLWQ-B) to 116 cm (OBATANPA). The days to 50% tasseling varied from
59 (Farmers' Variety) to 66 (S00TLWQ-B). Similarly, days to 50% silking varied from 62
(Farmers' Variety) to 69 (S00TLWQ-B). The highest no. of plants per plot 24 was found in
Obatanpa, Poshilo Makai-1, S00TLYQ-B and S01SIWQ-2 and lowest no. of plants 23 was
found in the rest of varieties tested. Similarly the no. of ears per plot varied from 18 (S01SIWQ-2
and S99TLWQ-B) to 23 (Obatanpa and Farmers' Variety). Plant aspect varied from 2.0
(Obatanpa) to 4 (S01SIYQ and Rampur S03 FQ-02) and ear aspect 2.3 (Obatanpa) to 4.0
(S01SIWQ-2, S01SIYQ and Rampur S03 FQ-02).
Table 55: CVT QPM at ABD Khumaltar 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
Height ( cm) No./plot
Aspects(1-5) Grain
(kg/ha) Tasseling Silking Plant Ear Plant Ear PA EA
1 Obatanpa 63 66 232 116 24 23 1.0 2.0 2.3 5255
2 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 62 67 195 86 23 21 1.0 3.0 3.0 3562
3 S01SIWQ-2 62 66 175 76 24 18 1.3 3.7 4.0 2747
4 S00TLYQ-B 64 67 206 90 24 22 1.7 3.3 3.7 3729
5 S01SIYQ 62 65 186 92 23 22 2.0 4.0 4.0 2688
6 Rampur S03 FQ-02 62 66 187 81 23 21 1.3 4.0 4.0 2428
7 S99TLWQ-B 65 69 187 71 23 18 1.3 3.0 3.0 4240
8 S00TLWQ-B 66 69 196 86 23 21 1.3 2.7 3.0 3368
9 Poshilo Makai-1 61 67 230 113 24 19 1.67 2.7 3.33 3445
10 Farmers' Variety 59 62 210 98 23 23 1 2.7 2.33 4436
Grand mean 62 66 200.5 91 23.4 21 1.4 3.1 3.27 3590
2.3 3 29.7 24 2.13 6.2 0.95 1 1 1603
CV,% 2.1 2.6 8.6 15 5.3 17 40.6 18 18 26
At Kabre, all the genotypes were statistically non signifcant for grain yield , ear height, no. of
plants per plot and no. of ears per plot and highly signifcant for days to 50% tasseling, days to
50% silking and plant height (Table 56). The genotype S99TLYQ-HG-AB produced the highest
grain yield (8639 kg/ha), followed by Obatanpa (8480 kg/ha) and Poshilo Makai-1 (8432 kg/
ha). Plant heights of the tested genotypes varied from 213 cm (S01SIWQ-2) to 270 cm (Farmers'
Variety) and ear heights varied from 111 cm (S01SIYQ) to 135 cm (Farmers' Variety). The
days to 50% tasseling varied from 70 (Farmers' Variety) to 77 (S99TLWQ-B). Similarly, days
to 50% silking varied from 72 (Farmers' Variety) to 80 (S99TLWQ-B). The lowest no. of
plants per plot 23 was found in S99TLYQ-HG-AB and S01SIYQ and highest no. of plants 24
was found in rest of the varieties. Similarly the no. of ears per plot varied from 22 (S01SIWQ-2)
to 26 (S01SIYQ and Farmers' Variety)
Table 56: CVT QPM at HCRP Kabre 2011 summer
Entry Genotypes
Days to 50%
Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear Plant Ear
1 Obatanpa 76 78 249 121 24 24 8480
2 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 75 78 237 117 23 23 8639
3 S01SIWQ-2 73 76 213 119 24 22 6912
4 S00TLYQ-B 76 79 234 117 24 24 8287
5 S01SIYQ 75 77 220 111 23 26 7932
6 RampurS03FQ-02 75 78 222 113 24 24 7610
7 S99TLWQ-B 77 80 225 116 24 25 7391
8 S00TLWQ-B 76 78 248 125 24 24 7627
9 Poshilo Makai-1 74 77 243 120 24 25 8432
10 Farmers' Variety 70 72 270 135 24 26 8254
Grand mean 75 77 236 119 24 24 7956
F-test ** ** ** ns ns ns ns
CV,% 2.5 2.38 6.7 8.82 3.41 8.69 11.2
3.2 3.17 27.1 18.05 1.39 3.62 1526
The combined analysis across location (Dailekh,Lumle, Khumaltar & Kabre) revealed that the
genotype location interaction (GL) was non signifcant for grain yield. S99TLYQ-HG-AB
produced the highest grain yield (5403 kg/ha), followed by Obatanpa (5391 kg/ha) and
S00TLYQ-B (5106 kg/ha) respectively. Genotypes and interaction effect (GE) were non
signifcant for plant height, days to 50% tasseling and days to 50% silking but signifcant in ear
height. Plant heights of the tested genotypes varied from 202.5 cm (S01SIWQ-2) to 245.5 cm
(Farmers' variety) and ear heights varied from 100.2 cm (S01SIWQ-2) to 128.2 cm (Farmers'
variety). The days to 50% tasseling varied from 67.5 (Farmers' Variety) to 73.67 cm
(S00TLWQ-B). Similarly, days to 50% silking varied from 70.5 (Farmers' Variety) to 76.42
Table 57: Results of CVT-Q combined over locations 2011 summer
(Dailekh, Lumle, Khumaltar & Kabre)
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear
1 Obatanpa 71.83 75 239.3 121.6 5391
2 S99TLYQ-HG-AB 70.83 74.17 222.3 111.2 5403
3 S01SIWQ-2 70.5 73.83 202.5 100.2 4030
4 S00TLYQ-B 72.33 75.42 219.1 108.9 5106
5 S01SIYQ 70.42 73.42 210.5 108.7 4664
6 Rampur S03 FQ-02 70.33 73.67 215.6 108.2 4782
7 S99TLWQ-B 73.33 76 217.8 101.6 4794
8 S00TLWQ-B 73.67 76.42 224.1 111.4 4638
9 Poshilo Makai-1 70.67 74.58 236 116.8 5016
10 Farmers' Variety 67.5 70.5 245.5 128.2 4999
Grand mean 71 74 223 112 4882
Genotype(G) ** ** ** ** ns
Environment (E) ** ** ** ** *
G E ns ns ns * ns
CV,% 2.5 2.7 7.8 11.8 23.4
3 3 28 21 1856
2) CFFT QPM for hills
In Kabre, all the tested genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield, no. of plants per plot, no.
of ears per plot and ear height but highly signifcant for days to 50% tasseling and days to 50%
silking. The genotype S99TLY-GH-B produced the highest grain yield (4932 kg/ha), followed
by Farmers' variety (4227 kg/ha) and S99TLYQ-A (4170 kg/ha) respectively. The plant height
varied from 212 cm (So1SIWQ-3 and S99TLYQ-B) to 262 cm Poshilo Makai-1 and ear height
varied from 108 cm (S99TLYQ-B) to 121 cm (Farmers' Variety. The days to 50% tasseling
varied from 72 (Farmers' Variety) to 80 (Poshilo Makai-1) and days to 50% silking varied from
73 (Farmers' Variety) to 82 (Poshilo Makai-1).
Table 58: Result of CFFT-QPM set tested at command area of HCRP, Kabre 2011 summer
Days to 50%
Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear Plant Ear
S99TLY-GH-B 76 78 221 109 34 32 4932
2 So1SIWQ-3 77 79 212 110 28 26 4138
3 S99TLYQ-B 78 79 212 108 34 30 4042
4 S99TLYQ-A 78 79 214 114 28 26 4170
5 Poshilo makai-1 80 82 262 114 30 28 4153
6 Farmers' Variety 72 73 260 121 33 31 4227
Grand mean 77 78 230 113 31 29 4277
Days to 50%
Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear Plant Ear
F-test ** ** ** ns ns ns ns
CV,% 3.37 3.5 9.45 10.8 18.38 17.8 17.29

3.9 4.12 32.8 18.4 8.6 7.69 1115
In Lumle, the genotype S99 TLYQ-B produced the highest grain yield (4511 kg/ha), followed
by Farmers' Variety (4445 kg/ha) and S01 SIWQ-3 (4165 kg/ha). All the tested genotypes were
non signifcant for grain yield . The plant height varied from 210 cm (S01 SIWQ-3) to 256 cm
(Farmers' Variety) and ear height varied from 107 cm (S01 SIWQ-3) to 147 cm (Farmers'
Variety. The days to 50% tasseling varied from 728 (S99 TLYQ-B) to 82 (Poshilo Makai-1) and
days to 50% silking varied from 83 (S99 TLYQ-B and FARMERS' VARIETY) to 85 (Poshilo
Table 59: Results of CFFT-QPM tested at RARS, Lumle command areas, 2011 summer
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear
1 S99 TLYQ-HG-B 80 84 227 119 3694
2 S01 SIWQ-3 81 84 210 107 4165
3 S99 TLYQ-B 78 83 235 119 4511
4 S99 TLYQ-A 80 84 227 112 4120
5 Poshilo Makai-1 82 85 231 123 4063
6 Farmers' Variety 80 83 256 147 4445
Grand mean 80 84 231 121 4166
4 4.5 20 24 838
CV,% 3.8 4.1 6.4 14.9 15.3
F-test ns ns ** * ns
In Dailekh, the genotype S99 TLYQ-B produced the highest grain yield (6072 kg/ha), followed
by Farmers' Variety (5688 kg/ha) and S01 SIWQ-3 (5532 kg/ha). All the tested genotypes were
non signifcant for grain yield . The plant height varied from 230 cm (S99TLYQ-B) to 285 cm
(Farmers' Variety) and ear height varied from 112 cm (S01 SIWQ-3) to 159 cm (Farmers'
Variety. The days to 50% tasseling varied from 64 (Farmers' variety) to 68 (Poshilo Makai-1
and S01SIWQ-3) and days to 50% silking varied from 67 (Farmers' Variety) to 70 (Poshilo
Makai-1 and S01SIWQ-3 ).
Table 60: Performance of different QPM maize genotypes tested in CFFT Dailekh, 2011
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear
S99TLY-GH-B 65 69 255 142 4585
2 So1SIWQ-3 68 70 232 112 5532
3 S99TLYQ-B 66 68 230 119 6072
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear
4 S99TLYQ-A 65 68 254 139 5310
5 Poshilo Makai-1 68 70 260 144 4936
6 Farmers' Variety 64 67 285 159 5688
Grand mean 66 69 252 136 5354
F-test ns ns * ns ns
3.562 3.840 35.44 32.84 1144.3
CV,% 3.0 3.1 7.7 13.3 11.7
The grain yields of maize genotypes tested under CFFT (QPM) at different locations are
presented in following table. The combined analysis across location (Dailekh, Lumle, and
Kabre) revealed that S99TLYQ-B produced the highest grain yield (5069 kg/ha), followed by
S99TLYQ-A (4910 kg/ha) and Farmers' Variety (4865 kg/ha). The interaction between
genotype location (G L) was non signifcant for grain yield . Genotypes varied from 70.3
days (Farmers' variety) to 75 days (Poshilo Makai-1) for tasseling and 72.6 days (Farmers'
variety) to 78 days (Poshilo Makai-1) for silking. Similarly, plant height was ranged from
215.4 CM (So1SIWQ-3) to 274.8 cm (Farmers' variety) and ear height from 110.5 cm
(So1SIWQ-3) to 145.3 (Farmers' Variety).
Table 61: Combined Results of CFFT-QPM over the locations (Lumle,
Dailekh & Kabre) 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50% fowering Height (cm)
Tasseling Silking Plants Ear
1 S99TLY-GH-B 72.9 76.7 241.9 130.2 4772
2 So1SIWQ-3 74.1 76.9 215.4 110.5 4833
3 S99TLYQ-B 72.9 76.1 230.8 120.1 5069
4 S99TLYQ-A 73.9 76.7 236.3 125.1 4910
5 Poshilo makai-1 75 78 260.2 133.5 4706
6 Farmers' Variety 70.3 72.6 274.8 145.3 4865
Grand mean 73 76 243 128 4859
Genotype (G) * ** ns ** ns
Environment (E) ns ns ** * ns
G E ns ns ns * ns

20 20 46 33 2497
CV,% 16.6 15.8 11.5 15.4 31
7. Agromorphological Characterization of Local Landraces Col-
lected from Mid Hill Districts of Nepal.
J. Shrestha, D.B. Gurung, N. Dhakal, M. Shrestha and J.B. Chhetri
Project name: Utilization of local land races for the development of varieties suitable for
different production environments
Project type: NARC
Local landraces collected, characterized and accession numbers provided
Superior landraces identifed and utilized in hybrid breeding program (test cross hybrid)
Characterized local landraces preserved in the gene bank
Methodologies (Activity wise):
Activity 1: Collection of local land races from mid hills of Nepal
For collection of local land races from mid hills of Nepal, technical offcers and scientists of
NMRP, Rampur were visited to different districts of mid hills of Nepal in Falgun-Chaitra,
2067. They collaborated with staff of DOA of different districts for help in germplasm collection
Activity 2: Characterization and selfing of local landraces based on the qualitative and
quantitative traits
For characterization and selfng of local landraces based on the qualitative and quantitative
traits, the collected germplasm were planted in 3 rows in month of Bhadra, 2068. The agro-
morphological were done in the month of October, 2068. Selfng was done in all land races.
Activity 3: Preservation of local landraces in the gene bank for future use
The accession number were given to collected germplasm and then they were sent to Pradhan
cold store at Narayanghat, Chitwan in Bhadra, 2068 for long term storage
Activity 1:
A total of 355 local maize germplasms from 17 districts of hills were collected. Samples were
taken from 51 VDCs of 5 districts and these
Name of Districts No. of Germplasm collected
Rolpa 19
Rukum 24
Ramechap 16
Sindhupalchowk 16
Darchula 29
Baitadi 26
Taplejung 14
Name of Districts No. of Germplasm collected
Baglung 34
Myagdi 30
Bajhang 22
Dadeldhura 30
Gorkha 23
Lamjung 23
Khotang 20
Okhaldhunga 27
Mustang 1
Rasuwa 1
Total 355
Activity 2:
All collected mid hill land races were agro-morphologically characterized. Eleven land races
were found superior in grain yield production i.e.above the 4500 kg/ha; they were RKM-
04(5690 kg/ha), DRC-08(5490 kg/ha), BJG-14 (5100 kg/ha), BJG-11 (5020 kg/ha), RKM-
05(4860 kg/ha), RKM-03(4810 kg/ha), RKM-07 (4800 kg/ha), RLP-12(4730 kg/ha), BJG-
09(4690 kg/ha), DRC-11(4600 kg/ha), BJG-06 (4510 kg/ha).
Activity 3:
Germplasms have been preserved at Pradhan cold store at Narayanghat, Chitwan in Bhadra,
2068. One set will be sent to Gene Bank at Khumaltar for long term storage.
Details of the experiments:
Table 62: Details on agronomic and morphological performance of mid-hill local landraces
evaluated at NMRP Rampur in 2011/12 Winter
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
1 RLP-01 270 110 52 Y 18 O 56 P 7 9 4062 F Mixed
2 RLP-02 320 180 54 Y 15 O 57 W 7 7 2353 F Black
3 RLP-03 310 160 53 Y 20 O 57 P 9 6 2555 F yellow
4 RLP-04 360 210 56 Y 22 O 60 W 10 6 2124 F yellow
5 RLP-05 320 160 57 Y 18 O 61 SP 6 7 1660 F mixed
6 RLP-06 322 155 57 Y 20 O 61 W 6 10 3422 F mixed
7 RLP-07 340 186 54 Y 14 O 58 W 7 7 4294 F red
8 RLP-08 260 120 56 P 13 O 59 W 7 9 836 F white
9 RLP-09 300 146 52 P 22 O 54 SP 6 10 3586 F white
10 RLP-10 320 180 55 P 18 O 58 SP 5 9 3639 F yellow
11 RLP-11 324 192 54 Y 18 O 58 P 6 9 4212 F yellow
12 RLP-12 310 160 57 Y 20 O 60 W 7 8 4646 SD white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
13 RLP-13 220 104 42 Y 13 O 46 W 5 8 1491 F Black
14 RLP-14 290 164 58 Y 19 O 62 W 8 8 4083 F white
15 RLP-15 295 140 56 SP 22 O 59 P 8 8 4215 F red
16 RLP-16 280 135 53 PY 18 O 56 W 6 11 4046 F white
17 RLP-17 295 181 49 Y 14 O 52 W 5 8 2750 F Mixed
18 RLP-18 270 140 50 P 18 O 54 SP 5 9 3144 D white
19 RLP-19 250 130 52 P 14 O 55 W 5 9 2129 SD Mixed
20 RKM-01 275 132 51 Y 14 O 55 W 6 8 2231 F white
21 RKM-02 240 140 48 Y 16 O 51 SP 7 7 4083 F white
22 RKM-03 310 173 53 PY 14 O 56 P 7 9 5161 F yellow
23 RKM-04 230 100 49 Y 22 O 52 P 8 7 6191 F white
24 RKM-05 215 100 49 P 16 SO 52 SP 7 8 5141 F white
25 RKM-06 275 160 43 Y 12 O 46 W 7 6 1663 F Black
26 RKM-07 225 126 51 PY 19 O 54 P 7 8 5005 F white
27 RKM-08 220 115 56 Y 22 O 59 P 6 10 4326 F white
28 RKM-09 265 145 57 SP 14 O 60 P 7 8 3977 F Black
29 RKM-10 240 115 49 P 13 O 52 P 7 7 2281 F white
30 RKM-11 260 135 42 Y 8 O 45 W 6 7 1588 F white
31 RKM-12 310 160 53 Y 16 O 57 W 6 6 4452 F white
32 RKM-13 240 160 56 P 18 O 60 W 6 8 3494 SD Mixed
33 RKM-14 210 95 50 P 18 O 53 P 7 9 3829 F white
34 RKM-15 240 140 56 Y 19 O 59 W 5 9 4475 F mixed
35 RKM-16 270 150 56 Y 20 O 59 P 5 8 1418 F Mixed
36 RKM-17 250 132 54 Y 22 O 58 W 5 8 3309 F yellow
37 RKM-18 280 140 48 P 14 O 52 SP 7 7 2285 F white
38 RKM-19 270 155 51 P 18 O 54 P 5 7 1104 F yellow
39 RKM-20 230 120 48 Y 13 O 52 SP 6 6 1857 F Mixed
40 RKM-21 205 90 42 Y 12 O 45 W 6 6 1001 F Mixed
41 RKM-22 270 143 46 Y 22 O 50 P 5 8 3229 SD white
42 RKM-23 185 60 39 Y 12 O 43 W 5 5 990 F white
43 RKM-24 245 150 41 P 14 O 45 P 5 7 982 F white
44 RCP-01 215 110 52 P 19 O 55 SP 5 7 1711 F white
45 RCP-02 245 150 55 P 18 O 58 W 6 6 937 F white
46 RCP-03 190 100 57 P 22 O 60 P 6 7 1116 F white
47 RCP-04 220 131 56 Y 18 O 59 W 7 7 561 F white
48 RCP-05 260 151 51 P 16 O 54 SP 8 5 1026 SD white
49 RCP-06 225 150 53 Y 16 O 56 W 6 7 1338 F white
50 RCP-07 180 170 54 P 18 O 58 P 5 8 2162 F white
51 RCP-08 250 125 57 Y 14 O 60 W 7 8 815 F white
52 RCP-09 200 92 57 Y 19 O 60 W 7 7 675 F white
53 RCP-10 230 120 50 Y 14 O 54 SP 7 7 1257 F white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
54 RCP-11 260 130 51 P 22 O 54 W 6 7 - F white
55 RCP-12 280 120 52 P 18 O 55 P 6 8 510 F white
56 RCP-13 260 142 54 Y 14 O 58 P 6 8 965 F white
57 RCP-14 250 166 49 P 20 O 53 P 5 10 1454 F white
58 RCP-15 220 121 58 P 20 O 61 P 5 6 2136 F white
59 RCP-16 240 99 52 Y 16 O 55 SP 6 6 808 F white
60 SPK-01 230 140 59 Y 14 O 63 W 7 6 547 F white
61 SPK-02 240 160 58 P 14 O 62 W 5 7 589 F mixed
62 SPK-03 240 165 57 Y 16 O 60 W 4 7 1080 F mixed
63 SPK-04 260 151 49 SP 20 O 53 SP 4 7 1320 F mixed
64 SPK-05 280 160 52 SP 22 O 55 W 7 6 1608 F white
65 SPK-06 240 130 53 Y 19 O 57 W 7 6 1224 F white
66 SPK-07 220 160 54 Y 19 O 58 W 4 8 783 F red
67 SPK-08 120 100 57 Y 17 O 60 SP 8 5 1500 F yellow
68 SPK-09 245 145 58 Y 19 O 61 W 4 8 918 F white
69 SPK-10 230 132 48 Y 15 O 52 W 4 6 499 F yellow
70 SPK-11 200 121 57 P 17 O 61 W 4 9 1554 F Black
71 SPK-12 250 130 57 Y 19 O 60 SP 5 8 783 F red
72 SPK-13 205 120 54 Y 21 O 58 P 8 5 1862 SD white
73 SPK-14 250 180 56 Y 18 O 59 SP 4 9 970 F white
74 SPK-15 240 135 53 Y 18 O 56 SP 6 6 1280 F Mixed
75 SPK-16 260 160 58 Y 19 O 60 W 4 8 1181 F Mixed
76 DRC-01 255 125 57 SP 20 O 59 W 6 5 3172 F mixed
77 DRC-02 255 170 54 Y 18 O 58 W 6 5 3294 F white
78 DRC-03 260 155 57 P 22 O 60 W 5 6 3030 F yellow
79 DRC-04 230 135 50 P 17 O 54 W 6 6 2693 F Mixed
80 DRC-05 260 138 52 SP 17 O 55 W 7 5 4675 SD yellow
81 DRC-06 260 130 53 SP 22 O 56 W 5 7 4192 F yellow
82 DRC-07 250 125 54 Y 19 O 58 W 7 8 3894 SD yellow
83 DRC-08 280 145 56 Y 20 O 59 W 5 7 6139 F yellow
84 DRC-09 230 115 52 Y 19 O 55 W 5 7 3331 F yellow
85 DRC-10 220 100 54 Y 20 O 57 W 6 7 4097 F Mixed
86 DRC-11 230 145 53 SP 21 O 56 SP 5 6 5144 SD yellow
87 DRC-12 -240 130 52 Y 15 O 55 W 7 8 2963 D yellow
88 DRC-13 275 175 56 Y 19 O 59 W 6 8 4134 SD white
89 DRC-14 270 160 53 Y 16 O 54 W 8 7 2717 SD Mixed
90 DRC-15 250 125 52 Y 22 O 55 W 5 7 4357 D Mixed
91 DRC-16 245 170 56 Y 18 O 59 SP 4 7 970 D yellow
92 DRC-17 235 138 52 Y 22 O 55 P 8 7 3144 D yellow
93 DRC-18 240 160 57 Y 19 O 60 W 5 7 3046 D yellow
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
94 DRC-19 245 135 57 SP 19 O 60 W 7 5 2771 F white
95 DRC-20 255 155 52 Y 17 O 56 W 7 6 3402 F white
96 DRC-21 250 150 54 Y 22 O 57 SP 5 7 3399 F white
97 DRC-22 245 125 52 SP 15 O 56 W 5 6 3691 F white
98 DRC-23 220 110 56 SP 22 O 59 W 8 7 3159 F white
99 DRC-24 250 130 48 Y 17 O 52 W 4 7 2805 F white
100 DRC-25 245 140 55 Y 19 O 58 W 6 6 4549 F white
101 DRC-26 220 120 40 Y 14 O 43 SP 6 5 1365 F white
102 DRC-27 230 115 52 SP 22 O 55 W 6 6 3962 F white
103 DRC-28 215 95 45 Y 14 O 50 W 5 4 2306 F white
104 DRC-29 225 120 43 Y 12 O 47 W 6 7 1101 F white
105 BTD-01 200 75 38 Y 16 O 41 SP 6 2 986 F white
106 BTD-02 235 130 40 Y 17 O 43 SP 4 7 1073 F white
107 BTD-03 235 95 40 Y 9 O 43 W 5 6 1436 F white
108 BTD-04 190 105 40 Y 14 O 44 W 6 3 1094 F white
109 BTD-05 175 75 42 Y 12 O 45 W 5 5 1242 F white
110 BTD-06 170 80 37 Y 9 O 42 W 6 3 1094 F white
111 BTD-07 170 70 37 Y 12 O 42 W 4 6 1298 F white
112 BTD-08 180 85 41 Y 14 O 44 W 7 3 1320 F white
113 BTD-09 210 105 43 P 16 O 46 W 4 5 1550 F white
114 BTD-10 175 110 42 P 14 O 45 P 6 4 1245 F white
115 BTD-11 220 135 42 Y 18 O 46 SP 4 5 1326 F white
116 BTD-12 190 95 39 Y 12 O 43 P 5 6 1125 F white
117 BTD-13 190 95 38 Y 9 O 42 W 6 3 988 F white
118 BTD-14 175 95 42 Y 14 O 45 W 5 5 1420 F white
119 BTD-15 170 75 42 Y 11 O 45 W 4 5 641 F white
120 BTD-16 180 65 42 Y 14 O 45 W 6 3 1065 F white
121 BTD-17 210 85 38 Y 17 O 42 W 5 5 1326 F yellow
122 BTD-18 195 75 38 Y 13 O 42 W 6 4 1294 F white
123 BTD-19 150 60 40 Y 13 O 44 SP 4 5 1540 F white
124 BTD-20 160 65 41 Y 17 O 44 W 4 5 2252 F white
125 BTD-21 195 80 38 Y 9 O 42 W 5 3 1257 F white
126 BTD-22 170 80 42 Y 13 O 45 W 5 6 1039 F white
127 BTD-23 155 70 38 Y 17 O 41 SP 4 5 1114 F white
128 BTD-24 190 95 40 Y 11 O 44 W 5 4 1124 F white
129 BTD-25 210 100 42 Y 13 O 45 W 5 5 1245 F white
130 BTD-26 185 90 40 Y 13 O 44 P 4 3 973 F white
131 TPL-01 190 95 45 Y 14 O 49 P 6 4 1174 F yellow
132 TPL-02 230 140 50 Y 17 O 54 SP 5 5 1680 F white
133 TPL-03 280 190 55 Y 20 O 59 SP 4 7 1647 F white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
134 TPL-04 230 105 53 Y 14 O 57 W 7 4 612 F white
135 TPL-05 220 115 53 Y 16 O 57 W 4 6 998 SD white
136 TPL-06 210 105 54 Y 19 O 58 SP 6 3 532 F white
137 TPL-07 270 170 52 Y 22 O 55 W 6 7 1185 F white
138 TPL-08 240 155 53 P 19 O 56 W 5 6 1338 F white
139 TPL-09 145 70 56 Y 19 O 59 P 6 4 1819 F white
140 TPL-10 260 170 56 Y 19 O 59 P 5 7 1835 F white
141 TPL-11 260 180 57 PY 22 O 60 SP 5 5 1809 F white
142 TPL-12 250 175 54 Y 17 O 58 P 4 8 2019 F white
143 TPL-13 230 145 51 PY 17 O 54 W 8 8 2071 F mixed
144 TPL-14 270 145 49 SP 12 O 52 W 6 4 1942 F white
145 BGL-01 200 85 49 SP 11 O 54 W 6 4 1576 F white
146 BGL-02 230 120 50 Y 16 O 54 SP 5 7 2921 F white
147 BGL-03 240 155 52 Y 18 O 55 P 5 7 1912 F white
148 BGL-04 245 140 52 Y 22 O 55 W 6 6 2989 F white
149 BGL-05 210 110 48 SP 16 O 51 SP 5 6 3916 F white
150 BGL-06 235 140 51 Y 17 O 54 W 7 4 3217 F mixed
151 BGL-07 195 80 48 Y 11 O 52 W 8 3 1100 F mixed
152 BGL-08 215 95 49 Y 19 O 53 W 5 6 2763 F white
153 BGL-09 210 120 49 Y 18 O 53 W 5 7 1613 F white
154 BGL-10 215 140 50 Y 19 O 54 W 5 5 1833 F mixed
155 BGL-11 245 140 52 Y 20 O 55 W 7 5 1211 SD white
156 BGL-12 235 160 45 Y 17 O 49 P 5 4 3057 F mixed
157 BGL-13 250 155 48 Y 16 O 51 W 7 5 1559 F mixed
158 BGL-14 210 115 46 Y 18 O 50 W 5 6 1227 F white
159 BGL-15 215 105 44 Y 12 O 48 W 5 7 1504 SD white
160 BGL-16 250 145 52 Y 20 O 55 P 6 4 2425 F white
161 BGL-17 195 115 42 Y 14 O 45 W 5 7 1507 F white
162 BGL-18 230 130 47 Y 19 O 52 W 6 4 91 F white
163 BGL-19 250 155 46 Y 19 O 49 SP 6 8 1224 F mixed
164 BGL-20 250 145 47 Y 19 O 53 P 5 5 3559 F mixed
165 BGL-21 250 140 52 Y 19 O 55 W 5 7 1302 F mixed
166 BGL-22 235 140 52 Y 19 O 55 W 4 7 1485 F mixed
167 BGL-23 215 130 47 Y 18 O 50 P 5 7 1208 F white
168 BGL-24 240 125 47 Y 18 O 51 P 7 5 2346 F white
169 BGL-25 225 115 50 Y 19 O 54 P 7 5 5110 F white
170 BGL-26 220 120 44 Y 11 O 48 W 6 5 1211 F mixed
171 BGL-27 215 90 42 Y 16 O 46 W 5 7 1286 F white
172 BGL-28 240 180 51 SP 22 O 54 W 6 8 2551 F white
173 BGL-29 260 150 51 Y 15 O 56 W 5 7 832 F white
174 BGL-30 160 80 48 Y 9 O 52 W 5 6 180 KM white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
175 BGL-31 240 125 47 Y 19 O 51 P 6 7 1532 F white
176 BGL-32 150 80 45 Y 14 O 50 W 7 5 422 F white
177 BGL-33 205 110 50 Y 19 O 54 W 4 7 794 F mixed
178 BGL-34 230 145 45 Y 14 O 50 W 5 7 1211 F white
179 MGD-01 210 120 57 SP 19 O 51 P 6 6 664 KM white
180 MGD-02 240 155 52 SP 23 O 55 P 5 6 2535 SD white
181 MGD-03 260 130 52 Y 16 O 55 W 5 5 1360 F white
182 MGD-04 145 60 48 Y 17 O 51 P 6 4 1197 KM white
183 MGD-05 170 65 46 SP 17 O 49 W 5 8 1860 F white
184 MGD-06 180 120 54 Y 21 O 58 W 6 6 1500 SD white
185 MGD-07 245 160 53 SP 22 O 56 P 6 5 2035 SD white
186 MGD-08 220 130 47 Y 17 O 52 P 5 5 2825 F white
187 MGD-09 170 95 44 Y 18 O 48 SP 6 4 2955 F white
188 MGD-10 240 110 46 Y 16 O 50 P 6 5 2773 F white
189 MGD-11 245 150 56 Y 23 O 59 P 4 5 4326 F mixed
190 MGD-12 190 105 45 SP 14 O 49 W 5 8 3152 F mixed
191 MGD-13 240 100 48 Y 18 O 51 SP 7 5 4043 F white
192 MGD-14 220 125 57 Y 14 O 51 SP 4 7 765 F white
193 MGD-15 220 220 58 SP 18 O 52 W 6 5 2568 F white
194 MGD-16 230 115 45 Y 19 O 49 P 5 5 2170 F mixed
195 MGD-17 215 120 46 Y 14 O 49 W 4 6 2035 F white
196 MGD-18 200 110 48 Y 17 O 53 P 5 5 3693 F white
197 MGD-19 210 135 48 Y 19 O 51 P 3 6 2438 F white
198 MGD-20 210 110 49 Y 14 O 52 W 3 7 3165 F white
199 MGD-21 230 100 48 SP 19 O 53 P 5 5 3089 F white
200 MGD-22 185 85 52 Y 13 O 55 W 6 4 1906 F yellow
201 MGD-23 245 115 52 SP 19 O 55 SP 6 3 2632 F mixed
202 MGD-24 240 105 50 SP 19 O 54 P 5 3 2119 F mixed
203 MGD-25 240 145 50 P 11 O 53 W 5 5 1251 F mixed
204 MGD-26 215 130 46 Y 14 O 49 W 5 5 2321 F mixed
205 MGD-27 210 110 58 Y 12 O 62 SP 7 5 1349 F white
206 MGD-28 175 80 48 Y 16 O 52 W 5 4 2759 F white
207 MGD-29 215 95 51 SP 18 O 54 W 7 3 2098 F white
208 MGD-30 210 100 45 Y 14 O 49 P 5 5 1642 F Mixed
209 BJG-01 200 90 58 Y 22 O 61 W 7 6 4358 SD white
210 BJG-02 260 125 51 SP 19 O 54 SP 6 5 4614 SD white
211 BJG-03 180 100 42 Y 17 O 45 W 6 5 3223 F Mixed
212 BJG-04 190 105 49 Y 16 O 52 W 6 5 947 KM mixed
213 BJG-05 180 110 42 Y 19 O 45 W 6 2 666 F mixed
214 BJG-06 230 135 52 Y 19 O 55 Y 8 4 5179 F white
215 BJG-07 250 125 52 Y 17 O 55 P 6 3 4134 SD white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
216 BJG-08 210 120 48 Y 17 O 52 P 8 3 2917 SD white
217 BJG-09 250 140 47 Y 23 O 51 Y 6 6 5110 F Mixed
218 BJG-10 240 125 51 Y 21 O 54 SP 7 5 4688 SD mixed
219 BJG-11 235 120 54 SP 17 O 57 P 7 5 5841 SD white
220 BJG-12 210 95 53 Y 19 O 56 P 7 5 4294 SD white
221 BJG-13 250 125 57 Y 19 O 60 W 8 6 4445 F yellow
222 BJG-14 270 170 54 Y 22 O 58 P 7 7 5934 SD white
223 BJG-15 210 120 44 Y 11 O 47 Y 7 3 1947 F white
224 BJG-16 200 75 42 Y 14 O 45 W 4 2 1120 F white
225 BJG-17 175 85 43 Y 11 O 46 W 5 3 1401 F yellow
226 BJG-18 190 75 51 Y 17 O 55 W 6 5 2904 F mixed
227 BJG-19 150 75 42 Y 16 SO 45 W 6 3 1327 F white
228 BJG-20 170 80 40 Y 9 O 44 Y 6 4 575 F yellow
229 BJG-21 180 92 44 Y 14 O 47 W 6 3 824 F mixed
230 BJG-22 200 90 42 Y 14 O 45 W 7 2 1208 F white
231 DDR-01 180 75 37 Y 16 O 40 Y 6 4 906 F white
232 DDR-02 170 72 39 Y 11 O 42 W 5 2 805 F white
233 DDR-03 160 70 36 Y 15 O 40 W 5 2 805 F yellow
234 DDR-04 135 60 38 Y 11 O 41 W 5 2 1264 F mixed
235 DDR-05 170 80 36 Y 11 O 40 W 6 3 1265 F mixed
236 DDR-06 155 60 36 Y 11 SO 40 W 5 3 1100 F white
237 DDR-07 155 50 39 SP 16 O 42 W 7 3 1100 F white
238 DDR-08 165 70 39 Y 14 O 42 W 5 4 1137 F white
239 DDR-09 205 95 47 SP 17 O 50 P 6 4 4009 F yellow
240 DDR-10 160 70 37 Y 11 O 42 W 5 3 634 F yellow
241 DDR-11 220 128 39 Y 14 O 43 W 6 3 1778 F yellow
242 DDR-12 205 95 41 Y 11 O 44 W 6 3 1293 F white
243 DDR-13 150 50 39 Y 9 O 42 W 6 3 1062 F yellow
244 DDR-14 160 85 41 Y 11 O 44 W 6 4 173 F mixed
245 DDR-15 105 70 42 Y 14 O 45 W 6 4 1559 F white
246 DDR-16 170 90 40 Y 16 O 44 W 6 2 1328 F white
247 DDR-17 150 55 42 Y 9 O 45 W 6 3 1191 F white
248 DDR-18 185 80 39 Y 14 O 42 W 6 4 1631 F white
249 DDR-19 220 130 43 Y 16 O 46 W 5 5 1488 F white
250 DDR-20 150 70 40 Y 11 O 44 W 7 3 953 F white
251 DDR-21 190 85 37 Y 11 O 41 W 5 3 1989 F Mixed
252 DDR-22 190 100 38 Y 11 O 42 W 5 4 1669 F Mixed
253 DDR-23 270 135 51 Y 20 O 54 P 7 5 2265 F mixed
254 DDR-24 220 110 41 Y 18 O 45 SP 5 6 2933 F white
255 DDR-25 195 85 37 Y 9 O 42 W 6 4 1121 F white
256 DDR-26 260 130 39 Y 14 O 44 SP 5 4 1121 F Mixed
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
257 DDR-27 270 150 40 Y 11 O 44 W 6 4 870 F yellow
258 DDR-28 250 130 45 Y 14 O 49 P 6 5 3851 F white
259 DDR-29 220 120 44 P 22 O 48 W 6 6 3326 F white
260 DDR-30 190 105 43 SP 9 O 47 W 6 4 1747 F white
261 GRK-01 205 115 50 P 14 O 54 W 5 5 1915 F white
262 GRK-02 210 105 53 Y 22 O 56 P 5 5 3113 F white
263 GRK-03 145 120 51 P 19 O 54 W 6 5 2262 F white
264 GRK-04 260 145 48 P 20 O 52 W 7 5 3102 F white
265 GRK-05 255 140 51 Y 22 O 54 Y 6 5 3023 F yellow
266 GRK-06 280 190 52 P 19 O 55 W 5 6 2420 F white
267 GRK-07 230 110 52 Y 19 O 54 W 6 9 2799 F white
268 GRK-08 240 135 50 SP 17 O 54 W 8 4 3992 F yellow
269 GRK-09 280 205 52 Y 22 O 55 SP 7 5 4160 F yellow
270 GRK-10 230 130 50 Y 16 O 53 W 9 6 3513 F yellow
271 GRK-11 240 135 48 Y 19 O 50 P 5 6 2823 F white
272 GRK-12 220 95 49 Y 19 O 53 W 8 3 2216 F yellow
273 GRK-13 255 120 53 Y 22 O 56 W 8 3 4223 F yellow
274 GRK-14 280 180 51 Y 19 O 51 SP 7 6 4445 F white
275 GRK-15 250 120 49 SP 19 O 52 W 6 5 2566 F white
276 GRK-16 270 185 52 Y 21 O 55 SP 6 5 3713 F yellow
277 GRK-17 240 130 52 Y 21 O 56 W 6 7 2765 F mixed
278 GRK-18 240 115 51 Y 19 O 56 SP 6 5 434 F mixed
279 GRK-19 220 95 44 Y 17 O 48 W 5 6 3279 F white
280 GRK-20 190 115 51 Y 16 O 54 SP 8 3 3355 F white
281 GRK-21 235 110 48 Y 20 O 52 P 5 7 3670 F mixed
282 GRK-22 270 130 53 Y 19 O 56 W 7 5 2365 F white
283 LMJ-01 275 155 49 Y 18 O 53 W 7 4 1298 F white
284 LMJ-02 270 170 51 Y 14 O 54 P 5 6 2079 F white
285 LMJ-03 265 135 48 SP 19 O 52 W 6 5 1529 F white
286 LMJ-04 135 100 48 Y 17 O 53 W 5 6 1078 F white
287 LMJ-05 240 122 51 P 19 O 54 W 6 4 1340 F white
288 LMJ-06 230 130 47 SP 11 O 50 W 5 4 1199 F mixed
289 LMJ-07 240 145 53 Y 17 O 56 W 5 7 1210 F white
290 LMJ-08 250 110 50 SP 17 O 54 W 5 6 1858 F white
291 LMJ-09 210 100 49 Y 14 O 52 W 4 7 843 F white
292 LMJ-10 260 140 51 SP 19 O 54 W 7 5 1111 F mixed
293 LMJ-11 230 115 52 SP 21 O 55 SP 7 5 1907 F Mixed
294 LMJ-12 265 165 53 Y 19 O 57 W 6 6 1438 F white
295 LMJ-13 240 150 52 Y 22 O 55 Y 4 7 2495 F white
296 LMJ-14 260 160 54 Y 23 O 57 W 8 6 2223 F white
297 LMJ-15 240 135 49 SP 17 O 52 W 5 4 1245 F white
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
298 LMJ-16 200 85 48 Y 11 O 51 W 7 6 944 F white
299 LMJ-17 265 170 52 SP 21 O 55 W 5 5 1395 F white
300 LMJ-18 200 125 45 Y 14 O 49 W 5 5 805 F white
301 LMJ-19 220 130 45 SP 14 SO 49 W 6 5 912 F white
302 LMJ-20 240 135 42 Y 18 SO 46 W 6 5 904 F white
303 LMJ-21 235 160 41 Y 13 O 44 W 6 6 1052 F white
304 LMJ-22 240 125 44 SP 16 O 47 W 6 4 1190 F Mixed
305 LMJ-23 280 165 46 SP 15 O 49 Y 6 5 2517 F white
306 KTG-01 290 180 51 Y 19 O 54 W 6 6 2780 F white
307 KTG-02 245 115 55 SP 16 O 59 P 6 7 2084 F white
308 KTG-03 225 120 55 P 19 O 59 SP 7 8 1504 F white
309 KTG-04 155 80 57 P 14 O 60 W 5 8 1515 F white
310 KTG-05 230 140 58 P 18 O 61 W 6 6 1407 F white
311 KTG-06 275 180 58 Y 18 O 61 W 7 8 967 F white
312 KTG-07 310 175 57 Y 22 O 60 W 8 7 1827 F white
313 KTG-08 280 150 56 Y 20 O 60 W 7 6 993 F white
314 KTG-09 250 155 50 Y 19 O 53 W 5 6 1458 F white
315 KTG-10 300 190 51 SP 19 O 54 SP 7 5 761 F white
316 KTG-11 310 220 46 Y 17 O 49 W 6 5 1817 F mixed
317 KTG-12 240 145 51 P 20 O 54 SP 5 8 2560 F white
318 KTG-13 230 135 51 Y 14 O 55 SP 7 4 1037 F white
319 KTG-14 215 120 52 Y 17 O 55 SP 6 7 1766 SD mixed
320 KTG-15 225 150 50 Y 19 O 54 W 6 4 1544 F white
321 KTG-16 175 95 47 Y 21 O 51 W 6 4 1904 F white
322 KTG-17 260 135 52 Y 17 O 55 W 6 5 1437 F white
323 KTG-18 250 130 52 SP 14 O 55 W 5 5 1772 SD Mixed
324 KTG-19 235 130 57 SP 22 O 60 W 8 4 1678 F white
325 KTG-20 235 145 52 Y 19 O 56 W 6 6 1416 F mixed
326 OKD-01 300 180 52 SP 19 O 55 SP 6 7 1321 F yellow
327 OKD-02 330 185 53 SP 17 O 56 W 6 6 1500 F mixed
328 OKD-03 290 180 56 P 21 O 60 P 5 5 1164 F red
329 OKD-04 240 115 53 Y 17 O 56 Y 5 6 2685 F yellow
330 OKD-05 270 160 53 Y 19 O 56 SP 5 6 2685 F red
331 OKD-06 200 125 49 Y 14 O 53 P 8 4 1972 F yellow
332 OKD-07 220 125 51 Y 17 O 54 P 6 6 2030 F yellow
333 OKD-08 225 130 57 Y 14 O 61 W 5 4 1048 F yellow
334 OKD-09 180 110 57 Y 16 O 60 SP 7 4 761 F yellow
335 OKD-10 230 110 58 P 11 O 61 SP 6 4 2868 F white
336 OKD-11 130 95 50 Y 19 O 54 SP 6 6 2449 F yellow
337 OKD-12 260 155 49 Y 21 O 52 P 6 6 3004 F yellow
338 OKD-13 250 125 58 Y 22 O 61 P 5 6 2426 F yellow
Genotypes Plant
Ear ht
339 OKD-14 185 95 58 Y 20 O 61 P 6 7 1796 F yellow
340 OKD-15 290 190 57 Y 17 O 60 W 6 7 2815 F yellow
341 OKD-16 250 125 52 Y 19 O 55 P 6 6 2489 F yellow
342 OKD-17 270 135 51 Y 23 O 51 SP 7 7 2243 F white
343 OKD-18 280 160 52 SP 21 O 56 W 8 5 2853 F yellow
344 OKD-19 265 135 50 Y 19 O 54 SP 7 5 2863 F yellow
345 OKD-20 240 130 49 SP 18 O 53 W 6 4 2243 F yellow
346 OKD-21 210 125 49 Y 17 O 53 P 7 4 2656 F white
347 OKD-22 225 100 51 P 21 O 54 P 7 6 2135 F yellow
348 OKD-23 290 160 56 Y 17 O 60 W 6 5 1872 F white
349 OKD-24 190 110 48 Y 17 O 52 SP 8 6 1872 F white
350 OKD-25 290 170 57 Y 19 O 61 SP 5 4 2577 F white
351 OKD-26 230 115 53 SP 21 O 56 W 6 6 2682 F white
352 OKD-27 180 110 51 SP 21 O 54 P 6 5 1455 F white
353 GRK-23 260 145 50 Y 14 O 54 Y 6 5 1255 F white
354 MTG-01 170 75 48 Y 19 O 52 W 6 3 933 F white
355 RSW-01 255 160 52 Y 11 O 55 P 5 7 2372 F white
W: White, P: Purple, SP: Semi Purple, Y: Yellow, PY: Purplish Yellow, O: Open, SO: Semi Open, D: Dent, SD: Semi Dent, F: Flint, KM: Kande Maize
8. Agromorphological Characterization of Local Landraces
Collected from Districts of Karnali Region of Nepal.
J. Shrestha, D.B. Gurung, B.R. Baral, N. Dhakal, M. Shrestha and J.B. Chhetri
Project Name: Development of maize varieties for karnali region.
Project type: NARC
Collect and characterized local land races
Develop maize varieties (population and test cross hybrid )suitable for karnali region
To conserve karnali local land races
Methodologies (Activity wise):
Activity 1: Germplasm collection
For collection of local land races from mid hills of Nepal, technical offcers and scientists of
NMRP, Rampur were visited to different districts of mid hills of Nepal in Falgun-Chaitra,
2067. They collaborated with staff of DOA of different districts for help in germplasm collection.
The accession number were given to collected germplasm and then they were sent to Pradhan
cold store at Narayanghat, Chitwan in Bhadra, 2068 for long term storage
Activity 2: Germplasm evaluation & characterization
For characterization and selfng of local landraces based on the qualitative and quantitative
traits, Collected 137 local land races were planted in 5
september 2011 and morphological
data were taken at NMRP, Rampur in plot size of 3 rows of 3m length. Selfng was done in all
land races.
Activity 1:
A total of 137 local maize germplasms from 5 districts of Karnali zone were collected. The
collected germlplasms were 18 germplasms from Dolpa, 34, 22, 30 and 33 respectively from
Jumla, Kalikot, Mugu and Humla. Samples were taken from 51 VDCs of 5 districts and these
germplasms were stored at Pradhan cold store at Narayangad, Chitwan. One set will be sent to
Gene Bank at Khumaltar for long term storage.
Activity 2:
Agro-morphologically characterization and evaluation of these germplasms was done in
September 2011 and pools and population will be formed based on the maturity groups, grain
color and other important traits. Top three highest grain yielder from each districts are following
Table 63: Grain yield of top three mid hill land races in 2011 winter at
NMRP, Rampur
SN Genotypes Grain Yield (kg/ha)
1 KKT-02 8053
2 KKT-10 7885
3 KKT-20 6801
4 MGU-15 6957
5 MGU-14 4040
6 MGU-04 3172
7 HML-04 3217
8 HML-05 3172
9 HML-08 2426
10 JML-26 3096
11 JML-27 2527
12 JML-30 2043
13 DLP-16 2010
14 DLP-14 1957
15 DLP-05 1683
Activity 3: Making pools/populations
The superior top three land races were identifed from each Karnali district and synthetics
(population) were made from each districts based on similar maturity group, and grain yield
and plant height. These landraces/population were DLP-01, DLP-14, DLP-16, DLP-Pop,
HML-04, HML-08, HML-28, HML-Pop, JML-27, JML-30, JML-32, JML-Pop, KKT-02,
KKT-03, KKT-14, KKT-Pop, MGU-03, MGU-08, MGU-15, MGU-PoP, Dolmu Pop, Jumka
Pop, Karnali Pool Yellow, Karnali Pool White. In addition to these, two pools were made
mixing all land races from Karnali region; they are Karnali Pool Yellow, Karnali Pool White.
After the characterization of land races at NMRP, Rampur, the superior S1 (frst selfng)
landraces in terms of grain yield from each district of Karnali region were identifed and few
synthetics were formed based on similar grain yield and maturity period. They were DLP-01,
DLP-14, DLP-16, DLP-Pop, HML-04, HML-08, HML-28, HML-Pop, JML-27, JML-30,
JML-32, JML-Pop, KKT-02, KKT-03, KKT-14, KKT-Pop, MGU-03, MGU-08, MGU-15,
MGU-PoP, Dolmu Pop, Jumka Pop, Karnali Pool Yellow, Karnali Pool White, Pool-17 (check
variety), Ganesh-1(check variety). They were planted on three location of Jumla districts to
identify their performance in Jumla district and results are still under study.
Table 64: Performance of karnali land races evaluated at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/12 winter
Genotypes Plant
Tasseling Silking Leaf
No. of
1 DLP-01 215 95 36 G 8 38 W 5 5 3.5 2.5 9.6 F W 1238
2 DLP-02 240 125 37 G 7 40 W 4 4 3 1.5 11 F W 789
3 DLP-03 210 120 42 G 8 45 W 5 5 2.5 2 12.4 F W 964
4 DLP-04 220 105 43 P 7 46 W 4 4 3 1 11.2 F W 876
5 DLP-05 245 130 44 G 7 47 W 5 5 2.5 2 12.4 F W 1683
6 DLP-06 250 175 43 G 8 46 W 5 5 3.5 2.5 14.66 F W 522
7 DLP-07 190 105 45 G 6 48 W 4 5 2.5 3 12.4 F W 983
8 DLP-08 210 95 45 P 8 48 W 5 5 3.5 3 10.2 F W 584
9 DLP-09 215 120 48 G 7 52 PW 3 6 2.5 2 9.2 F W 1210
10 DLP-10 210 166 47 G 9 50 PW 5 5 3 2 11.6 F W 911
11 DLP-11 235 130 48 G 7 51 W 4 5 3.5 2 10 F W 323
12 DLP-12 185 95 44 P 8 47 PW 5 4 2.5 2 10.8 F W 484
13 DLP-13 210 95 40 P 9 44 P 5 5 3.5 3 10.8 F W 302
14 DLP-14 245 110 37 P 7 40 P 4 5 3 2.5 9.6 F W 1957
15 DLP-15 220 99 39 P 6 43 W 5 5 3 2.5 11 F W 940
16 DLP-16 210 105 36 G 8 39 Y 5 4 2.5 3 9.6 F W 2010
17 DLP-17 170 85 45 G 8 48 Y 6 4 3.5 2.5 9.8 F W 1047
18 DLP-18 250 130 38 G 7 42 Y 5 5 3 3.5 9.8 F W 1301
19 JML-01 330 120 46 Y 8 49 Y 5 5 3.5 2 11.2 F W 1664
20 JML-02 235 136 43 Y 6 46 P 5 5 3.5 1.5 12.4 F W 1461
21 JML-03 200 120 41 G 6 44 Y 4 4 3.5 2 10 F W 912
22 JML-04 185 90 36 G 5 39 W 4 4 4.5 3 11.2 F W 981
23 JML-05 145 70 31 G 5 33 W 4 4 4 2 7.6 F W 536
24 JML-06 205 100 41 G 8 44 Y 5 4 3.5 3 12 F W 931
25 JML-07 215 130 40 G 7 44 Y 5 4 2.5 3 12 F W 1138
26 JML-08 235 125 42 G 7 45 Y 5 5 3 2 8.66 F Y 491
27 JML-09 160 56 35 G 4 38 G 4 4 5 3.5 11 F W 951
28 JML-10 235 130 39 G 6 42 W 5 4 3 2.5 10.8 F W 1296
29 JML-11 225 105 47 G 8 51 W 6 5 2.5 2 12.5 F W 829
30 JML-12 230 75 33 G 7 36 W 6 4 2.5 2 11.6 F W 1151
31 JML-13 165 60 33 P 4 37 PW 5 3 4.5 3 10.6 F W 1064
32 JML-14 260 145 48 P 10 52 W 5 4 2.5 2 14.8 F W 1763
33 JML-15 235 140 48 P 9 52 W 5 4 2.5 2 12.4 F W 1016
34 JML-16 220 151 46 P 9 49 P 4 4 4.5 2 13.2 F W 477
35 JML-17 180 85 48 P 9 51 W 4 5 3.5 2 12.2 F W 612
36 JML-18 240 90 43 P 9 47 W 5 4 2.5 1.5 10.6 F W 968
37 JML-19 280 155 44 P 8 48 W 6 4 2.5 1.5 11 F W 1512
38 JML-20 240 130 45 P 9 48 W 5 4 3.5 2 13 F W 1086
39 JML-21 230 105 40 Y 8 44 W 6 4 2.5 2.5 12.4 F W 863
40 JML-22 170 75 32 P 9 34 P 5 4 4 2 8.8 F W 589
41 JML-23 220 135 42 Y 9 45 W 5 4 2.5 2 14 F W 1539
42 JML-24 190 85 42 Y 10 45 W 5 4 3 2 10.8 F W 437
43 JML-25 255 140 39 Y 10 43 W 5 4 2.5 2 11 F W 1539
Genotypes Plant
Tasseling Silking Leaf
No. of
44 JML-26 230 125 49 Y 9 52 W 5 4 2.5 2 11.8 F W 3096
45 JML-27 190 75 43 Y 8 48 WP 4 5 2.5 1.5 11.8 F W 2527
46 JML-28 230 140 47 Y 8 50 WP 4 5 3 1 12.4 F W 1338
47 JML-29 240 110 42 Y 11 45 WP 4 4 3 1 10.8 F W 792
48 JML-30 240 140 43 Y 8 46 W 5 4 2.5 1.5 11.8 F W 2043
49 JML-31 220 130 44 G 8 47 WP 5 4 2.5 2 12 F W 936
50 JML-32 230 110 40 G 8 44 W 4 3 3 2.5 12.6 F W 1703
51 JML-33 225 110 42 G 8 45 W 5 4 2.5 2 13.4 F W 1432
52 JML-34 240 105 48 G 7 51 W 5 5 2 2 14 F W 1608
53 KKT-01 150 78 36 G 4 40 W 4 3 5 3.5 9.2 F W 522
54 KKT-02 210 115 47 G 10 50 WP 6 5 2 1 12.8 F W 8053
55 KKT-03 250 135 49 G 10 52 WP 6 6 2 1.5 12.8 F W 6437
56 KKT-04 230 115 48 Y 10 51 W 5 5 2.5 2 13.2 F W 6389
57 KKT-05 275 135 50 Y 10 53 WP 5 6 2 1.5 14.4 F W 5688
58 KKT-06 220 120 49 Y 10 52 W 5 6 2.5 1 12.4 F W 5585
59 KKT-07 280 150 47 Y 10 52 WP 6 6 2 1 12.4 F W 5657
60 KKT-08 220 140 44 P 8 48 W 5 5 3 1 12.4 F W 2120
61 KKT-09 225 130 45 Y 9 49 WP 5 6 2.5 1 12 F W 5658
62 KKT-10 255 122 50 P 10 54 PW 6 7 2.5 1 12.8 F W 7885
63 KKT-11 275 150 52 P 8 55 W 6 7 2.5 1.5 11.6 F W 5747
64 KKT-12 280 170 48 G 10 51 W 6 5 2.5 2.5 13.2 F W 4333
65 KKT-13 190 80 37 G 7 41 W 5 3 3.5 2.5 12.4 F W 1322
66 KKT-14 250 145 48 P 8 52 PW 6 6 2.5 1.5 12.8 F W 6639
67 KKT-15 280 170 49 P 8 53 PW 6 6 2.5 1 12.4 F W 5947
68 KKT-16 250 135 39 Y 7 43 WP 4 5 2.5 2.5 11.2 F W 1992
69 KKT-17 280 185 47 G 10 51 W 5 5 3 2.5 14.8 F W 5106
70 KKT-18 180 80 37 G 6 41 W 4 5 2.5 3 12.8 F Y 1166
71 KKT-19 255 150 52 G 10 55 W 6 6 2.5 1.5 12.8 F W 4859
72 KKT-20 245 110 52 G 11 55 W 6 6 2.5 1.5 14 F W 6801
73 KKT-21 190 100 44 G 7 47 W 4 4 3 2.5 12.8 F W 1169
74 KKT-22 220 105 48 G 8 52 P 6 5 2 2.5 13.2 F W 3662
75 MGU-01 185 100 36 G 8 40 W 4 4 4 2 12 F W 1975
76 MGU-02 210 100 38 G 6 41 W 5 3 4.5 2 11.6 F W 856
77 MGU-03 230 125 38 Y 8 42 W 4 4 3.5 1.5 13.2 F W 2530
78 MGU-04 220 110 42 Y 8 45 WP 5 5 3.5 2 14 F W 3172
79 MGU-05 245 125 46 Y 8 49 W 5 5 2.5 2 11 F W 658
80 MGU-06 190 80 39 Y 7 42 W 4 4 3 1.5 10.4 F W 985
81 MGU-07 215 110 36 Y 8 40 W 4 4 3 2 13.2 F W 1633
82 MGU-08 230 115 37 G 6 42 W 4 4 3 2.5 14 F W 2057
83 MGU-09 230 115 43 Y 7 46 WP 4 4 3 2 13.6 F W 1773
84 MGU-10 200 110 50 Y 8 54 W 4 4 3.5 2 12.4 F W 1276
85 MGU-11 205 110 39 G 8 42 W 4 4 3.5 2 11.6 F W 1959
86 MGU-12 175 80 36 Y 7 41 WP 5 4 4.5 1.5 10.8 F W 898
87 MGU-13 220 110 38 Y 7 42 W 5 4 2.5 2.5 12.4 F W 1731
Genotypes Plant
Tasseling Silking Leaf
No. of
88 MGU-14 240 120 44 G 10 48 PW 5 5 2.5 2.5 12.4 F W 4040
89 MGU-15 210 110 39 G 10 43 W 5 5 2.5 1.5 13.2 F W 6957
90 MGU-16 180 65 36 G 6 41 W 6 4 3 2.5 12.4 F W 1325
91 MGU-17 240 105 36 G 6 41 W 5 4 3.5 2 12.4 F W 1524
92 MGU-18 185 65 35 G 6 39 W 5 4 3.5 2 9.6 F W 1272
93 MGU-19 185 90 39 Y 6 42 W 4 4 3 2 10.8 F W 1443
94 MGU-20 175 80 39 Y 7 42 W 4 4 3.5 2.5 13.2 F W 911
95 MGU-21 165 75 39 Y 7 42 W 4 4 4 2 10 F W 903
96 MGU-22 215 95 40 Y 6 44 W 4 4 3.5 1.5 11.2 F W 1658
97 MGU-23 165 70 40 Y 6 44 WP 5 4 3 2.5 11.6 F W 1715
98 MGU-24 165 90 36 Y 7 41 W 4 4 3.5 3 12 F W 1563
99 MGU-25 165 70 39 Y 6 42 W 4 4 2.5 2 11.2 F W 737
100 MGU-26 190 87 38 G 6 42 WP 5 4 2.5 2 11.2 F W 967
101 MGU-27 210 80 39 G 6 43 W 5 4 3 1.5 10 F W 964
102 MGU-28 170 65 40 G 6 44 W 5 4 3.5 1.5 12.8 F W 937
103 MGU-29 150 55 39 P 9 43 WP 6 5 2.5 2 13.2 F W 1979
104 MGU-30 205 105 45 P 10 49 PW 5 5 2 1 14 F W 1952
105 HML-01 155 60 40 G 6 44 W 4 4 3.5 2 12 F W 932
106 HML-02 150 60 38 Y 8 41 W 5 4 2.5 1.5 11.6 F W 1709
107 HML-03 240 110 39 Y 6 43 W 4 4 2.5 2.5 9.6 F W 1453
108 HML-04 230 115 39 P 10 43 PW 6 5 2 1.5 13.2 F W 3217
109 HML-05 185 85 37 G 8 42 PW 5 4 2 1.5 12.8 F W 3172
110 HML-06 190 110 37 G 10 42 PW 4 4 2 2.5 12 F W 2080
111 HML-07 185 70 40 G 7 44 W 5 3 2.5 1.5 12.4 F W 682
112 HML-08 240 115 39 G 7 42 W 5 4 3 2.5 12 F W 2426
113 HML-09 210 105 41 G 7 44 W 5 3 3 2 13.6 F W 2216
114 HML-10 235 115 40 G 8 43 W 5 5 3 2.5 12.8 F W 2249
115 HML-11 220 130 42 G 10 45 W 5 4 2.5 2 14 F Y 2322
116 HML-12 230 115 42 G 10 45 W 5 3 2 1.5 11 F W 1363
117 HML-13 205 98 40 G 11 44 W 5 4 3.5 2 12 F W 2054
118 HML-14 185 80 38 G 8 41 WP 5 4 2.5 2.5 11.2 F W 2189
119 HML-15 220 95 40 G 10 44 W 5 3 2.5 1.5 10.8 F W 1412
120 HML-16 160 85 42 G 8 45 W 5 3 3 1.5 12.4 F W 1754
121 HML-17 160 80 45 G 7 49 W 5 3 2.5 2 10 F W 568
122 HML-18 190 95 36 G 6 41 WP 4 3 3 2.5 12 F Y 2036
123 HML-19 220 115 38 G 8 41 WP 5 4 2.5 1.5 12.4 F W 1307
124 HML-20 230 105 39 G 7 43 WP 6 3 3.5 2 13.2 F W 1159
125 HML-21 145 55 39 G 7 42 WP 4 4 3 2 12 F W 1320
126 HML-22 150 56 38 G 8 41 WP 5 3 2.5 2.5 12.8 F W 1494
127 HML-23 120 80 40 Y 8 44 WP 4 4 3 1.5 12 F W 2026
128 HML-24 190 75 36 Y 6 41 W 4 3 2.5 2 13.6 F W 1359
129 HML-25 220 115 37 G 8 41 WP 4 3 2.5 1.5 11.6 F Y 1862
130 HML-26 200 118 39 G 6 43 WP 4 4 2 2.5 10.4 F W 1966
131 HML-27 195 115 41 G 10 44 W 6 4 2 2.5 12 F W 1722
Genotypes Plant
Tasseling Silking Leaf
No. of
132 HML-28 215 110 38 G 10 42 W 5 3 2.5 2.5 10.8 F W 2408
133 HML-29 180 100 38 G 7 43 W 5 3 2.5 2 12 F W 1105
134 HML-30 205 80 38 G 6 41 W 5 3 3 2 10.4 F W 1500
135 HML-31 190 85 39 G 8 42 WP 5 3 2.5 2.5 12.4 F W 1186
136 HML-32 210 105 37 G 10 41 W 4 4 3 2.5 10.8 F W 1786
137 HML-33 235 110 36 Y 10 40 W 5 3 2.5 3 14.4 F W 1918
Mean 212.66 107.06 41.358 7.832 44.905 4.8248 4.2993 2.9124 2.0438 11.886 1989
SE Mean 2.94 2.32 0.394 0.132 0.388 0.0585 0.0743 0.0546 0.0485 0.117 143
StDev 34.38 27.11 4.609 1.546 4.536 0.6849 0.8691 0.6385 0.5671 1.371 1674
CoefVar 16.17 25.32 11.15 19.74 10.1 14.2 20.22 21.92 27.75 11.54 84.2
Range 210 130 21 7 22 3 4 3 2.5 7.2 7751
W: White, P: Purple, PW: Purplish White, WP: Whitish Purple, Y: Yellow, G: Green, F: Flint
9. Crossing of maize inbred lines for development of QPM Syn-
thetic varieties for Terai and Mid Hills of Nepal.
J. Shrestha
Project Name: Development of QPM Synthetic varieties for Terai and Mid Hills of Nepal
Project type: NARC
Objective: To identify superior inbred lines for their utilization in development of QPM hybrids
and synthetic varieties.
Materials and Method:
Activity 1: Collection and crossing of inbred lines
5 white and 12 yellow QPM inbred lines were planted in 5th september 2011 at NMRP,
Rampur in plot size of 4 rows of 5m length
Crossing was done: 10 White QPM and 44 yellow QPM diallel crosses were made.
The F1 are being evaluated at winter season of 2012 for analysis of their productivity and
other traits like plant height, ear height, tasseling and silking day, test weight and based on
these traits and their uniformity in the tratis ; different synthetics will be formed and planted in
observation nursery to identify their performance.
QPM inbred lines were agro morphologically characterized. In total 54; 10 white and 44 yellow
F1 were obtained with few grams of seeds
Among the yellow inbred lines morphologically characterized, plant height varied from 125
cm (RML-133) to 240 cm (RML-125); ear height from 50 cm (RML-133) to 115 cm (RML-
125, RML-127 and RMl-129); 50% tasseling days from 42 day (RML-121 and RML-127) to
55 day (RML-133); silking from 45 day (RML-127) to 58 day (RML-133) and other details are
shown as below table;
Table 65: Agronomic characteristics of yellow QPM inbred lines at
NMRP, Rampur in 2011/12 winter
50 %
1 RML-118 185 85 53 57 2.5 1.5 2 Slight Purple Slight Purple Purple Compact Semi Erect Big
2 RML-119 190 80 53 56 2 2.5 2 Green Yellow Yellow Semi Open Semi Erect Small
3 RML-120 192 90 49 52 3 2.5 3 Slight Purple Semi Purple Purple Open Open Big
4 RML-121 200 90 42 45 3 4 2 Green Yellow White Semi Open Open Medium
5 RML-124 210 95 52 55 4 4 2 Slight Purple Yellow White Open Open Big
6 RML-125 240 115 43 46 3 2.5 3 Slight Purple Yellow White Open Open Big
7 RML-127 220 115 42 45 2.5 3 3 Slight Purple Yellow White Open Open Big
8 RML-129 195 115 52 54 4 3.5 3 Slight Purple Yellow Purple Semi Open Semi Erect Small
9 RML-130 190 85 53 56 3 2.5 2 Green Yellow White Semi Open Open Big
10 RML-131 170 90 48 52 2.5 2 2.5 Slight Purple Slight Purple Purple Semi Open Open Small
11 RML-133 125 50 55 58 2 1.5 2 Green Yellow White Open Open Small
12 RML-134 210 105 53 57 3 2.5 2 Slight Purple Purple White Open Open Small
Similarly among the white inbred lines morphologically characterized, plant height varied
from 150 cm (RML-128) to 215 cm (RML-123); ear height from 65 cm (RML-128) to 100 cm
(RML-126); 50% tasseling days from 46 day (RML-132) to 53 day (RML-126); silking from
49 day (RML-132) to 56 day (RML-126) and other details are shown as below table;
Table 66: Agronomic characteristics of white QPM inbred lines at
NMRP, Rampur in 2011/12 winter
50 %
1 RML-122 186 95 52 55 2.5 2 1.5 Green Green Yellow White Open Open Small
2 RML-123 215 85 50 54 2.5 2 1.5 Dark Purple Slight Purple Purple White Compact Open Medium
3 RML-126 175 100 53 56 4 4 3 Dark Purple Green Yellow White Semi Open Semi Erect Medium
4 RML-128 150 65 51 54 3 3.5 3 Slight Purple Green Yellow White Compact Semi Erect Medium
5 RML-132 200 90 46 49 2 1.5 4 Green Green Purple Purple Open Erect Big
Among white inbred crosses, RML-132/RML-128 produced the highest seed yield per plant
96.9 g/plant followed by 76.4 g (RML-122 and RML-128). The 100 seed weight was highest
34.2 g in RML-132/RML-128 followed by 32.58 g in RML-128/RML-126. The ear length was
biggest 14 cm in (RML-123/RML-126, RML-132/RML-122 and RML-123/RML-128)
followed by 12.66 cm in RML-122/RML-126. The ear diameter was highest 5.4 cm (RML-
122/RMLK-126) followed by 5.2 cm (RML-123/RML-132).
Similarly, among yellow inbred crosses, RML-131/RML-120 produced the highest seed yield per
plant 78.7 g/plant followed by 74.9 g (RML-119 and RML-130). The 100 seed weight was highest
36.88 g in RML-131/RML-129followed by 36.77g in RML-124/RML-119. The ear length was
biggest 16.3 cm in (RML-120/RML-118) followed by 16 cm in RML-130/RML-124.
Table 67: Performance of inbred crosses at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/12 winter season
Inbred Crosses
No. of
No. of
seed wt
Grain color
Seed yield
per plant
1 RML-123/RML-126 14 4.1 14 22 32.41 1 26.4
2 RML-132/RML-122 14 3.9 14 24 32.4 1 36.0
3 RML-128/RML-126 11.33 3.5 11.3 24.6 32.58 1 54.3
4 RML-123/RML-132 11.33 5.2 11.3 24.6 26.8 1 51.6
5 RML-122/RML-132 12 3.9 12 32.5 24.29 1 51.1
6 RML-122/RML-126 12.66 5.4 12.6 26.6 20.77 1 50.7
7 RML-122/RML-128 13.33 4.1 13.3 28.3 23.96 1 76.4
8 RML-132/RML-128 12 4.5 12 28.3 34.2 1 96.9
9 RML-132/RML-126 12 3.9 12 20.6 29.62 1 74.6
10 RML-123/RML-128 14 4 14 29.5 19.93 1 53.5
11 RML-131/RML-127 12.66 4 12.6 20.6 27.6 2 66.6
12 RML-125/RML-131 11.33 3.6 11.3 9.3 32.62 2 32.3
13 RML-119/RML-118 12 3.1 12 11.3 31.36 2 36.4
14 RML-120/RML-133 13 3.5 13 37.5 21.97 2 38.9
Inbred Crosses
No. of
No. of
seed wt
Grain color
Seed yield
per plant
15 RML-127/RML-119 10 4.1 10 22 36.74 2 23.3
16 RML-125/RML-120 15 7.3 15 15 29.59 2 43.2
17 RML-121/RML-118 10 4.5 10 35 34.97 2 34.0
18 RML-130/RML-124 16 3.1 16 20 26.49 2 28.1
19 RML-127/RML-124 10 3.5 10 22 25.33 2 37.5
20 RML-134/RML-120 12 3.6 12 26 21.4 2 28.2
21 RML-130/RML-129 15 4.4 15 22 30.22 2 43.6
22 RML-118/RML-127 10 2.6 10 18 23.82 2 19.9
23 RML-129/RML-119 11 2.8 11 14.5 21.12 2 36.7
24 RML-134/RML-130 12 3.1 12 20 19.93 2 26.5
25 RML-133/RML-131 11.33 3 11.3 22 14.8 2 33.1
26 RML-133/RML-130 14 3.7 14 22.5 23.33 2 36.6
27 RML-131/RML-130 14 3.7 14 19 24.16 2 38.5
28 RML-119/RML-130 10.7 3.5 12.6 22.3 30.56 2 74.9
29 RML-127/RML-120 12.6 3.4 13.3 19.3 27.98 2 33.6
30 RML-118/RML-131 15 3 10 28 25.93 2 32.2
31 RML-118/RML-119 4.6 3.2 10 7 19.94 2 10.5
32 RML-124/RML-119 13.7 4.5 13 22.5 36.77 2 67.3
33 RML-125/RML-129 9.3 4.1 11 11.5 28.35 2 34.8
34 RML-134/RML-124 12.8 3.1 12 18 24.12 2 26.2
35 RML-127/RML-119 12 3.5 13.3 25.6 18.23 2 45.7
36 RML-131/RML-124 10.4 4.1 12 13.5 28.44 2 31.0
37 RML-133/RML-127 9.1 3.5 14 22 14.73 2 36.7
38 RML-120/RML-119 12.3 3.6 11 18 32.81 2 33.5
39 RML-133/RML-119 5.4 2.5 10 20 14.16 2 13.2
40 RML-121/RML-120 14.2 4.1 10 30 35.95 2 35.4
41 RML-121/RML-129 10.3 4.6 14 14 29.64 2 18.4
42 RML-120/RML-118 16.3 3.2 14 15 26.64 2 13.2
43 RML-125/RML-119 14.7 3.8 14 23 29.7 2 57.5
44 RML-124/RML-120 5.7 3.5 10 12 25.86 2 13.2
45 RML-125/RML-124 6.4 3.5 10 9 27.99 2 13.1
46 RML-134/RML-127 5.8 3 9 10 25.73 2 22.4
47 RML-131/RML-120 13.5 4.2 14 23 32.58 2 78.7
48 RML-119/RML-113 10.3 4 12 18.5 33.44 2 37.9
49 RML-131/RML-129 9 4.2 13 13 36.88 2 39.3
50 RML-129/RML-124 12.8 3.5 12 29.5 23.54 2 46.9
51 RML-129/RML-133 12.5 2.6 13 17.5 15.12 2 23.6
52 RML-129/RML-120 12.4 4 14 28.5 15.12 2 51.2
53 RML-129/RML-127 11 3 10 21 22.92 2 47.6
54 RML-130/RML-133 9.7 3.4 12 20 26.72 2 31.4
10. Development, Evaluation and Maintenance
of Maize Inbred Lines
The development, evaluation and maintenance of maize inbred lines is very crucial to maize
breeding program.Under this activity, 230 different fxed maize inbred lines (Normal and QPM)
were maintained by selfng at NMRP Rampur during winter season of 2011. Selfng of 70
inbred lines (S5), 114 inbred lines (S4), 26 inbred lines (S3), 51 inbred lines (S1) were done at
NMRP Rampur in 2011 winter. In addition to this, 22 top crosses (normal maize) and 54 single
crosses (QPM) were also done. These crosses will be evaluated in next year.
11. Performance of Promising Maize Hybrids and OPVs in Front
Line Demonstration (FLD)
J. Shrestha, N. Dhakal, M. Shrestha and J. B. Chhetri
In this activity, 34 different maize genotypes were tested under front line demonstration at 6
rows of 5 m length where net harvesting plot was 4 rows of 5 m length.The result of frontline
demonstration showed that RML-4/NML-2 produced the highest grain yield (5296.89 kg/ha)
followed by Rampur S03F04 (4801.15 kg/ha) .The genotype varied in tasseling day from 81
day (Arun-2) to 120 day (Gaurav and Manakamana-3); silking from 84 day (Arun-2) to 124
(Gaurav); plant height from 157 cm (Pool-17) to 240 cm (Manakamana-1) and ear height from
55 cm (Arun-1) to 140 cm (RampurSo3F08).
Table 68: Results of maize hybrids and OPVs in front line demonstration
at 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
SN Genotype GY
No of
Scores (1-5) Grain
Male Female Plant Ear Rt. Sht. Pl. Er. HC Pl.
1 Gaurav 2029.90 120 124 160 75 2 1 42 40 1.5 2 2.5 y 2 0
2 RML-4/NML-2 2529.12 119 123 175 100 0 0 38 46 1.5 2 2.5 y 4 0
3 Manakamana-4 3857.22 107 111 190 110 0 0 35 88 2.0 2.5 3 y 10 9
4 Manakamana-3 2257.79 120 123 195 95 1 2 40 49 1.5 2.5 3 w 5 7
5 Rampur S03F08 3740.19 104 108 230 140 3 0 72 86 2.0 2.5 2 y 0 18
6 Rampur S03F02 3869.53 112 115 210 115 0 0 64 69 2.0 1.5 1.5 y 0 4
7 Manakamana-1 2770.36 101 105 240 105 2 5 72 79 1.5 3 2.5 w 4 0
8 S99TLYQ-B 2504.19 105 109 175 90 3 0 73 70 2.0 2 2.5 y 0 11
9 Shitala 2851.99 114 118 190 95 0 0 76 84 1.5 2.5 3 w 2 0
10 OEHPW 3153.62 103 107 210 110 2 2 83 79 1.5 2.5 3 w 0 9
11 HG-A 3786.26 100 104 160 80 7 2 72 85 2.5 1.5 2.5 y 2 16
12 HG-B 3403.80 104 107 200 115 5 0 72 85 1.5 2 2.5 y 0 3
SN Genotype GY
No of
Scores (1-5) Grain
Male Female Plant Ear Rt. Sht. Pl. Er. HC Pl.
13 HG-AB 2780.04 103 106 185 95 6 5 59 75 2.0 3 4 y 0 0
14 BLSBS07F12 4543.85 108 111 220 125 8 0 68 86 2.0 2 2.5 y 0 3
15 Rampur S11F18 2248.02 105 109 170 85 3 0 32 45 1.5 1.5 2 y 3 0
16 TLBRS07F16 4657.86 109 113 210 130 2 2 73 79 2.5 2 2 y 0 0
17 RC 4168.38 106 110 200 100 6 4 72 72 1.5 2 2.5 y 0 2
18 BGBYPOP 4442.85 109 113 220 95 2 2 67 65 2.0 2 2 y 0 2
19 RML-4/NML-2 5296.89 96 100 165 90 8 5 77 111 2.0 1.5 2 y 0 0
20 RampurS03F04 4801.15 115 118 195 110 2 2 77 65 1.5 1.5 2 y 0 0
21 Gaurav 1397.46 117 121 175 85 0 0 24 30 1.5 1.5 2 y 0 0
22 Gaurav 889.30 116 119 170 100 0 0 11 19 1.5 1.5 1.5 y 0 0
23 RML-4/NML-2 3071.90 114 118 180 100 2 2 34 46 1.5 1.5 1.5 y 1 0
24 Arun-1EV 2571.37 94 98 240 130 8 2 37 43 2.0 2 2 w 2 4
25 Arun -1 1709.97 88 91 160 55 5 1 32 46 2.0 3 3 w 0 2
26 Deuti 1552.34 108 112 220 130 5 2 24 28 1.5 3 3 w 0 6
27 Arun-2 1786.10 81 84 235 130 0 0 30 39 1.5 2 2 y 0 0
28 Across 9942/Acrossw 9944 3615.31 112 115 235 120 5 8 62 77 2.5 3 3 w 10 5
29 BLSBS07F10 2949.12 110 114 205 110 8 0 72 73 1.5 2 2 y 2 2
30 Pool-17 4068.64 89 93 157 80 4 1 78 85 2.0 2.5 2 y 2 16
31 Arun-4 2912.48 90 94 200 120 2 0 53 60 1.5 2 2 y 1 9
32 S97TLYGHAYB(3) 4425.26 104 108 160 90 5 0 75 88 2.0 1.5 2 y 2 7
33 RML-4/NML-2 4795.98 114 118 190 120 1 2 37 68 1.5 1.5 1.5 y 0 4
34 Gaurav 1907.45 117 121 195 120 0 0 27 39 1.5 1.5 1.5 y 1 0
12. Development of Commercial Hybrid and Synthetic Cultivar of
Maize through Recycling Process
M. P. Tripathi
Project Code: 40268005
Maize production has unique strategic importance for food security and socio-economic
stability in mid and high hills of Nepal. Majority of the resource poor smallholder farmers get
their income and subsistence directly from maize or maize based cropping system in hill
farming system. It is the main staple food in the hills and animal feed in the terai. Maize grains
demand is increased substantially as growth of poultry business and dairy farming in terai and
inner terai regions. The overwhelming demands of the market can only be fulflled by growing
high yielding hybrids in winter season at terai region. Farmers are force to depend on
multinational hybrid maize seed due to the inability of national program to deliver hybrid
maize genotypes sequentially.
Hybrid maize cultivation at large scale is the only options for increasing maize production and
productivity. It is also the sustainable way for the fulfllment of food and feed demand in the
future. Inbred lines are the basic requirement for the development of commercial hybrids.
Exploitation of exiting commercial hybrids to extract superior inbred lines through recycling
process is a common, economic and alternative breeding options widely used as short term
strategy by many hybrid maize breeding programs. Keeping these in mind a preliminary
program has been designed in which commercial hybrids will be used as base population to
develop inbred lines for the purpose of developing our own hybrid.
The ultimate aim of the project is to contribute in enhancing livelihoods of maize growing
farmers through development of high yielding maize hybrids and synthetic cultivars in short a
time through the exploitation of existing genetic resources.
Materials and Methods
Seeds of 18 single cross commercial hybrid were collected from the market and grown in
-lattice design with two replications at farms of National Maize Research Program, Rampur
during winter season of 2011-12. Agro-morphological, phenological, yield and yield attributing
traits of the tested hybrids also recorded. The weaker plants from the experimental plots were
noticed out and tagged in the assumption that these might be the possible inbred lines. These
lines were selfed and harvested separately.
Among the tested entries NMH 777, Bisco x 92, 10V10, Bisco 97 gold, Pinnacle produced >9
t ha-1; 10V20, Bisco prince, MM1107, NMH 909 and Tx 369 produced 8-9 t ha-1; Bisco x 81,
C 1946, NMH 777, P 3856 and VMH 4102 produced 7-8 t ha-1; and NMH 666, Nusun Legend
and VMH 4102 produced 6-7 t ha-1 grain yield in the feld experiments.
Results and Discussion:
The time of anthesis was observed 108 to 127 days in different genotypes but anthesis silking
interval (ASI) ranged from one to fve days. ASI of VMH4102 and P 3856 was one; NMH 777,
10V20, Bisco Prince, NMH 731 was two; Bisco 97 gold, Tx 369, MM1107, C 1946, VMH
4040, NMH 666 was three; 10V10, Bisco x 81, Nusun legend was four; and Bisco x 92, Pinnacle
and NMH 909 was fve. Bold grain (>380 g) was found in MM1107, NMH 777, 10V20 and
Pinnacle but small grain (<300) type was observed in Bisco 97 gold, Bisco x 81 and Tx 369.
Table 69: Information on single cross multinational hybrids as evaluated
and selfed at NMRP, Rampur during winter season of 2011-12
Genotypes Anthesis Silking ASI Plant
(kg ha-1)
NMH 777 (Sunny) 116 118 2 169 88 13.4 392 10171 2
BISCO x 92 109 113 5 177 50 14.7 354 9990 4
10V10 108 112 4 192 56 14.5 328 9814 6
PINNACLE 115 120 5 209 70 14.3 379 9732 4
BISCO 97 GOLD 124 127 3 197 99 13.3 291 9687 2
10V20 116 118 2 169 81 13.2 385 8532 3
BISCO PRINCE 115 117 2 155 63 13.2 365 8432 4
TX 369 124 127 3 217 89 13.7 294 8369 2
MM1107 116 119 3 214 72 13.6 397 8155 7
NMH 909 (Raja) 118 123 5 172 72 13 353 8108 3
VMH 4102 116 117 1 177 83 13.6 346 7988 2
P 3856 127 128 1 211 87 11.8 347 7838 4
NMH 731 (Shresta) 113 115 2 158 58 15.4 360 7776 9
BISCO x 81 113 116 4 166 57 14.7 292 7459 7
C 1946 115 118 3 162 36 13.4 315 7200 4
VMH 4040 117 119 3 170 52 13.9 337 6849 2
NUSUN LEGEND 120 124 4 158 63 13.2 341 6750 5
NMH 666 (Sandhya) 116 119 3 183 50 13.2 316 6748 2
Mean 116 119 3 181 68 13.7 344 8311 72
There are 72 possible inbred lines (2 to 9 lines from each genotype) were extracted from 18
different multinational hybrids. These lines will be evaluated in the winter season of 2012-13
at breeding farm of NMRP, Rampur.
13. Development of Drought and Low N Stress Tolerant Maize
Cultivars for Terai and Mid hills of Nepal
M. P. Tripathi
Project Code: 40268006
Low application of N fertilizer combined with terminal drought stress is the major constraints
on maize production in Nepal. Since more than 70% farmers are growing maize under rainfed
condition, they are force to harvest little amount of grain in the drought year resulting into food
shortage in the community.
There is dire need to develop new suitable, adaptive, drought and lower N tolerant maize
varieties in the context of global climate change. Increased demand of food in the hills and feed
in the terai can be fulflled only through the development of drought and low nitrogen responsive
maize varieties. The project has tried to screen out adaptive maize genotypes in the context of
potential threat of climate change to identify drought and low N tolerance maize genotypes.
Material and Methods
Activity 1: Evaluation of maize genotypes under drought stress condition
The experiment was carried out including 15 maize genotypes in -lattice design with two
replications. The same set of genotypes was evaluated in 23 Feb and 13 March of 2012 at
experimental farms of National Maize Research Program, Rampur Chitwan. Required amount
of irrigation was supplied at regular intervals for germination and crop establishment but
irrigation was cutoff before 15 days before fowering. Major agro-morphological, phenological
and yield attributing traits was observed.
Activity 2: Testing of maize genotypes under differential N doses
The experiment was carried out under differential doses of nitrogen i.e. (60, 90, 120 and 150
nitrogen kg/ha) with 60:40 P
O in -lattice design with two replications. All the doses of
P & K were applied as basal dose and N was applied in three split doses. The crop was planted
in 13 March of 2012 at experimental farms of National Maize Research Program, Rampur
Chitwan. Soil sample was collected for analysis before land preparation. Major agro-
morphological, phenological and yield attributing traits was observed.
Results and Discussion
Activity 1: Evaluation of maize genotypes under drought stress condition
There was signifcant difference among the genotypes in terms of numbers of cob per hectare,
effect of planting date was signifcantly different in terms of numbers of plants per hectare and
thousands grains weight but there was none signifcant differences among the genotypes and
planting date to other traits.
Table 70: Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season, 2012 (I)
Plant height (cm) Ear height (cm) No. of plants/ha
23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean
ARUN 2 165 185 175 80 98 89 40833 32500 36667
DEUTI 186 181 184 84 83 83 35833 40833 38333
GLSYW 186 148 167 95 68 81 50833 28333 39583
MANA 4 175 175 175 80 108 94 41667 30000 35833
OEHPW 164 158 161 81 98 89 38333 30833 34583
POOL 17 189 185 187 95 98 96 38333 37500 37917
R POP 2 176 173 174 98 108 103 27500 36667 32083
R POP 3 180 163 172 93 70 81 21667 14167 17917
RAMPURS011F20 178 160 169 90 75 83 33333 30000 31667
RAMPURS03F08 176 181 179 85 85 85 37500 19167 28333
RPOP 1 183 176 179 105 98 101 44167 20000 32083
RPOP 4 188 166 177 99 83 91 35000 23333 29167
S99TLYQ A 155 190 178 85 105 98 15000 30833 22917
TLBS07F16 165 166 166 85 100 93 40000 36667 38333
TPY 194 157 176 80 72 76 38333 39167 38750
Mean 178 171 174 89 90 89 35889 30000 32944
Genotypes ns ns ns
Planting date ns ns *
Planting date
ns ns ns
R2 (%) 46.3 52.7 60.4
Table 71: Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season, 2012 (II)
No. of Cobs/ha No. of Rows/cob No. of grains/row
23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean
ARUN 2 37917 33333 35625 12.2 13.4 12.8 27.7 27.8 27.8
DEUTI 35000 19167 27083 13.6 14.4 14 29.1 24.9 27
GLSYW 28750 17917 23333 14 14 14 32 30.9 31.5
MANA 4 23333 20417 21875 14.3 13.8 14.1 31 25.4 28.2
OEHPW 30000 30417 30208 14.4 13.4 13.9 31.5 31.6 31.6
POOL 17 28750 25833 27292 14.2 13.4 13.8 26.4 28.5 27.5
R POP 2 32917 27500 30208 13.6 13.4 13.5 29.8 26.8 28.3
R POP 3 29167 27917 28542 13 14.1 13.6 23.6 31.6 27.6
RAMPURS011F20 8333 4167 6250 13.8 12.4 13.1 31.6 24.8 28.2
RAMPURS03F08 28750 27500 28125 14 13.3 13.7 28.9 28.5 28.7
RPOP 1 34167 30417 32292 14.2 13.4 13.8 28.1 29.9 29
RPOP 4 29167 31250 30208 13.6 13.2 13.4 29 26.6 27.8
S99TLYQ A 34167 26250 30208 14.8 14 14.4 30.4 31.2 30.8
TLBS07F16 36250 28750 32500 13.4 13.2 13.3 30.4 28.2 29.3
TPY 23333 33750 28542 12.6 13.4 13 29.1 28.6 28.9
No. of Cobs/ha No. of Rows/cob No. of grains/row
23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean
Mean 29333 25639 27486 13.7 13.5 13.6 29.2 28.4 28.8
Genotypes * ns ns
Planting date ns ns ns
Planting date
ns ns ns
R2 (%) 67.8 42.8 49.6
However, TLBS07F16 and Arun 2 followed by RPOP 1 produced the highest grain yield which
may be due to higher numbers of cobs per hectare of these genotypes. It indicates that these are
the suitable genotypes for growing in moisture stress condition.
Table 72: Performance of maize genotypes under drought trial in spring season, 2012 (III)
TKW (g) at 15% moisture Grain yield (kg/ha)
23Feb 13March Mean 23Feb 13March Mean
ARUN 2 282 298 290 2923 3609 3266
DEUTI 289 263 276 3013 817 1915
GLSYW 213 291 252 2853 2005 2429
MANA 4 226 287 256 1744 1690 1717
OEHPW 284 276 280 2141 3275 2708
POOL 17 279 294 286 2278 2380 2329
R POP 2 258 276 267 2556 2582 2569
R POP 3 257 275 266 2335 2734 2534
RAMPURS011F20 307 281 294 833 544 689
RAMPURS03F08 272 305 289 2593 2521 2557
RPOP 1 269 293 281 2533 3430 2981
RPOP 4 279 307 293 2316 2960 2638
S99TLYQ A 256 291 273 3072 2398 2735
TLBS07F16 297 274 286 3186 3393 3290
TPY 282 282 282 1751 2904 2328
Mean 270 286 278 2409 2483 2446
Genotypes ns ns
Planting date * ns
ns ns
R2 (%) 50 50.2
Activity 2: Testing of maize genotypes under differential N doses
There was signifcant difference among the genotypes in terms of plant height, ear height, cob
length, numbers of grains per row, thousands grain weight and grain yield among the genotypes.
The effect of nitrogen was signifcant only in grain yield. It indicates that application of more
nitrogen produced more grain yield on these genotypes. However, S99TLYQ-B produced the
highest grains yield also under low nitrogen condition (Table 73). Therefore, these are the
potential genotypes to grown under low nitrogen condition.
Table 73: Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (I)
Plant height (cm) Ear height (cm)
150 120 90 60 Mean 150 120 90 60 Mean
POOL 17 146 149 127 139 140 64 68 49 61 60
S99TLYQ-B0 158 157 160 161 159 76 82 84 80 80
TERAI POOL Y 169 168 170 160 167 82 84 82 78 81
TLBBR07F1 156 163 164 158 160 78 88 86 84 84
Mean 157 159 155 154 156 75 80 75 76 76
Genotypes * *
Fertilizers ns ns
ns ns
R2 (%) 71.0 71.4
Table 74: Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (II)
Cob length (cm) No. of grains/row
150 120 90 60 Mean 150 120 90 60 Mean
POOL 17 12.7 13.1 13.7 13.0 13.1 28.2 27.1 31.2 27.5 28.5
S99TLYQ-B0 16.4 15.6 13.2 14.6 14.9 32.3 33.9 29.5 29.3 31.3
TERAI POOL Y 14.3 12.9 14.7 14.7 14.2 32.3 29.0 31.8 30.4 30.9
TLBBR07F1 16.9 16.0 16.9 16.8 16.7 34.8 32.1 35.8 34.1 34.2
Mean 15.1 14.4 14.6 14.8 14.7 31.9 30.5 32.1 30.3 31.2
Genotypes * *
Fertilizers ns ns
ns ns
R2 (%) 75.6 63.6
Table 75: Performance of maize genotypes under differential doses of nitrogen (III)
Grain yield (kg/ha) TKW (g) at 15% moisture
150 120 90 60 Mean 150 120 90 60 Mean
POOL 17 2020 1904 1458 1245 1657 244 248 246 259 249
S99TLYQ-B0 2479 2347 2579 2139 2386 276 283 307 259 281
TERAI POOL Y 2658 2094 2100 1413 2066 273 269 257 242 260
TLBBR07F1 2901 2298 2348 1977 2381 282 300 293 276 288
Mean 2515 2161 2121 1693 2123 269 275 276 259 270
Genotypes * *
Fertilizers * ns
ns ns
R2 (%) 61.4 59.0
Graphs of above mentioned traits showed that ear height and plant height; grain yield and
thousands grains weights; cob length, numbers of grains per rows and variety are inter related
to each other (Fig. 1).
It also illustrated that fertilizer effect was mostly observed in varieties, numbers of grains per
rows and cob length rather than other traits.
Figure 1: Relationship between different traits among the genotypes
14. Maize varietal improvement (OPVs, QPM, E and E early) for
TIT and foot hill valley of Nepal
C. B. Kunwar, J. B. Chhetri and Mira Shrestha
Project type: NARC
To develop and identify suitable early and full season white and yellow open pollinated
maize varieties
To develop and identify suitable QPM and maize synthetics.
Recommendation of suitable maize varieties for commercial cultivation with package of
To maintain and improve the different pipeline maize genotypes
1. Maize breeding for TIT and foot hill valley
The trials were conducted over locations (NMRP, Rampur, RARA Tarahara, Parwanipur, ARS
Belachapi for winter season and NMRP Rampur, Surkhet and Doti for summer season. The 21
treatments for IYTT, 14 treatments for CVTT with RCBD, 3 replications and 6 treatments for
CFFTs were included for mentioning trials. Similarly all mentioning and some other genotypes
were seed increased for next season. Some genotypes found promising from CVTT (BLSB
SO7 F10, RPOP-4, and RPOP-1).
Table 76: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CVTT at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter (Top 5 out of 14 Genotypes)
Entry Genotypes Flowering
Height(cm) No.
of Pl/
ears no
Scores (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear H
Pl Asp E Asp
2 IQUITOS 9328
54.3 58.3 225.0 121.0 28.7 27.7 1.3 5.0 2.2 2.3 2.2
5 SIN-IBP-UTYF 55.3 59.3 173.3 95.0 29.0 30.0 0.0 5.0 2.2 2.2 2.0
8 RPOP-1 48.3 52.3 208.3 109.3 32.7 27.3 0.3 5.2 1.7 1.8 2.0
11 RPOP-4 48.7 52.3 201.7 91.7 27.7 28.3 0.0 5.2 2.0 2.0 1.8
12 BLSB SO7 F10 51.7 55.0 181.7 86.7 31.3 32.7 0.0 6.7 1.8 1.8 1.7
G Mean 51.4 55.3 192.5 94.4 27.6 27.0 0.9 4.6 2.1 2.2 2.1
Table 77: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CFFTT at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter (Top 3 out of 6 genotypes)
Entry Genotypes Male F Femal F Ht
Plt/p Ear/p HC
1 Upahar 54 58 220 140 61 55 1.5 1.5 2 1 2 4.0333
3 Across 9331 RE 47 50 184 72 58 65 2.5 2 2.5 2 2 3.5406
4 Narayani 49 52 225 135 61 53 1.5 2.5 3 10 0 2.0569
G Mean 50.3 54.17 178 94.8 62.3 60.5 1.92 1.92 2.17 4.8 1.833 3.1729
2. Quality protein maize variety development for terai
In winter (NMRP Rampur, Parwanipur and Belachapi) and summer (NMRP Rampur, Surkhet
and Doti) trials conducted at multi-location as CVT and CFFTs. Seed increased for next season
some genotypes found promising The 14 treatments for CVTTQ with RCBD, 3 replications
and 6 treatments for CFFTTQs were included for mentioning trials. Similarly all mentioning
and some other genotypes were seed increased for next season. Some genotypes found
promising from CVTTQ (S99TLYQ-AB, SO3 TLYQ-AB-02, SOOTLYQ-B). Similarly in
CFFTQ S99TLYQ-A, S02 G29 Q and S99TLYQ-B found good.
Table 78: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CVTTQ at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 14 genotypes)
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) # of
Male Female Plant Ear Pl/plot e/plot
Pl Asp E Asp
2 SO3 TLYQ-AB-02 54.00 57.67 206.67 90.67 33.00 34.00 0.00 6.14 2.33 1.83 1.67 2.17 2.17
4 S99TLYQ-AB 54.33 58.00 231.67 122.33 36.00 33.00 1.67 6.69 2.50 1.83 2.17 1.67 1.83
5 SOOTLYQ-AB 56.67 59.67 206.67 96.67 29.33 36.00 1.00 6.00 1.67 2.00 2.50 1.17 1.17
6 SOOTLYQ-B 55.33 59.00 213.33 116.67 33.33 35.67 1.00 6.03 2.67 1.67 2.17 1.50 1.83
11 S99TLYQ-GH-B 54.33 58.33 196.67 104.00 32.00 32.33 2.00 5.76 2.00 1.83 2.17 1.67 2.00
G Mean 54.3 57.8 213 105 30 30 1.43 5.144 2.79 2 2.1 1.655 1.79
Table 79: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CFFTTQ at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 3 out of 6 genotypes)
Ent Genotypes
Flowering Height cm No of Aspect(1-5)
Rotten/Plot Barren/Plot GY (t/ha)
Male Female Plant Ear Plt/p Ear/p Plant Ear
1 S99TLYQ-A 58 61 190 85 80 86 1.5 2 5 5 6.0
2 S02 G29 Q 59 62 170 85 88 88 2 1.5 3 2 4.4
4 S99TLYQ-B 54 58 20 95 80 82 2.5 2.5 7 3 4.9
G Mean 57 60.5 150.2 73.3 78 78.7 1.83 1.92 3.5 3.33 5.0
3. Early and Extra Early maize variety development for Nepal.
In winter (NMRP Rampur, Parwanipur and Tarahara) and summer (NMRP Rampur, Surkhet
and Doti) trials conducted at multi-location as IYTE, CVTE and CFFTEs. Seed increased for
next season some genotypes found promising The 9 treatments for CVTE with RCBD, 3
replications and 6 treatments for CFFTEs were included for mentioning trials. Similarly all
mentioning and some other genotypes were seed increased for next season. Some genotypes
found promising from IYTE (SO3TEY/LN,S03TEY-SEQ and Rampur S03 E02). Similarly in
CVTE POP-44/ POOL-15, KHUMAL Y/POOL-17 and R.C. /POOL-17 found good table 5. In
Table 80: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of IYTE at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 9 genotypes)
Ent Genotypes
Flowering Height cm No of
Male Female Plant ear Plt/p Ear/p HC Pl Asp E Asp
1 S03TEY-FM (ER) 47.0 51.3 185.0 86.7 43.7 40.3 0.0 4.3 2.0 1.7 1.8 1.2
2 S03TEY-SEQ 48.3 52.3 190.0 81.7 43.3 36.3 2.7 4.6 2.2 2.0 2.2 1.7
3 ACROSS-2401 49.7 53.0 231.7 90.0 43.3 39.0 3.0 4.1 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.5
4 SO3TEY/LN 50.3 54.0 196.7 85.0 46.3 36.0 4.0 4.8 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5
7 Rampur S03 E02 52.7 56.0 201.7 101.7 40.0 37.3 0.0 4.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.5
G Mean 48.6 52.2 198.3 89.8 42.1 37.8 2.3 4.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.3
Table 81: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CVTE at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 5 out of 9 genotypes)
Ent Genotypes
Floweing Height cm No of
Male Female Plant ear Plt/p Ear/p HC Pl Asp E Asp
3 S97TEYGHAYB(3) 40.7 44.0 151.7 73.3 37.7 34.3 0.7 4.2 2.0 1.8 1.5 2.0
4 KHUMAL Y/POOL-17 44.3 48.0 218.3 100.0 41.7 36.0 1.7 5.1 1.3 2.2 2.0 1.2
5 POP-45 x POOL-17 49.0 53.0 198.3 85.0 31.7 32.7 0.0 4.2 1.3 1.8 1.8 1.7
6 R.C. /POOL-17 44.0 48.3 215.0 110.0 43.0 34.0 0.3 4.3 1.3 2.2 2.3 1.2
7 POP-44/ POOL-15 47.3 51.3 206.7 96.7 36.7 35.7 2.0 5.5 1.2 2.0 1.8 1.2
G Mean 44.4 48.2 197.1 96.5 37.8 34.8 1.6 4.4 1.4 2.1 1.9 1.4
Table 82: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable traits of CFFTE at
NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter. (Top 3 out of 5 genotypes)
Ent Genotypes
Flowering Height cm No of Aspect (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plant Ear Plant Ear
1 POOL-17 43 46 165 55 70 74 2 1.5 1 2 2.3
2 ARUN -1EV 49 52 105 59 75 78 2 2 0 4 3.4
3 Arun-4 46 50 200 100 78 79 2 1.5 3 2 4.4
G Mean 47 50.2 179 86.8 75.2 69.6 1.9 1.8 2.6 2.2 3.6
4. Maintenance & Improvement of released and pre- released Maize Varieties for Nepal.
Objectives of the project:
To increase maize production and productivity of mid hills of Nepal through the use of
quality maize seeds.
To maintain varietal characters of released varieties
S. N. Maintenance of Variety Location
4.1 Sitala, Deuti, Poshilo makai-1, RC, A-2,
Ram-2, Khumal yellow, Mana-1 and Ram-1
4.2 Shitala, Ganesh-1, Arun-1 &Mana-3 PAC
4.3 Ganesh-1, RC, A-2, Mana-4 HCRP Kabre
4.4 Ganesh-2, Mana-5 and 6 LAC
4.5 Arun-1, Deuti Dailekh
4.6 Deuti GRP Salyan
Proposed varieties
SN Genotypes Location BS/kg FS/kg
1 Arun-1 Dailekh 15 200
2 Ganesh-1 HCRP <300 1123
3 Ganesh-2 Lumle 39 47
4 Manakamana-5 Lumle 100 570
5 Manakamana-6 Lumle 100 276
6 Arun-4 NMRP >20
7 Pool-15 <10
8 HG-A, HG-B and HG_AB <10
9 Sitala, Deuti, Poshilo makai-1, RC,
A-2, Ram-1&2 Khumal yellow,
CVT and CFFT Terai and IYT CVT and CFFT early set:
Table 83: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other
desirable traits of CVTT at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Days Height (cm)
No. of
Scores (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear
1 BANGALORE 9745 55.0 59.0 193.3 82.0 27.7 24.7 1.0 3.8 2.5 2.7 2.5
2 IQUITOS 9328 RE 54.3 58.3 225.0 121.0 28.7 27.7 1.3 5.0 2.2 2.3 2.2
3 POZARICA 9531 51.3 54.3 191.7 90.3 21.0 23.3 2.0 3.4 2.3 2.0 1.8
4 TAKFA-S- 9536 53.7 60.7 191.7 87.3 29.0 29.7 3.0 4.9 2.0 2.0 1.8
5 SIN-IBP-UTYF 55.3 59.3 173.3 95.0 29.0 30.0 0.0 5.0 2.2 2.2 2.0
6 S97TLYGH "AyB" (3) 44.3 48.3 128.3 55.0 23.3 20.3 2.0 2.0 2.8 3.3 3.0
7 ACROSS 9331 RE 49.0 52.7 198.3 93.7 30.3 29.7 0.3 4.7 2.2 2.3 2.3
8 RPOP-1 48.3 52.3 208.3 109.3 32.7 27.3 0.3 5.2 1.7 1.8 2.0
9 RPOP-2 52.0 55.7 205.0 78.3 29.7 30.0 0.3 4.9 1.8 1.8 1.7
10 RPOP-3 51.7 55.0 185.0 108.7 27.3 27.7 1.3 4.9 1.7 2.2 2.2
11 RPOP-4 48.7 52.3 201.7 91.7 27.7 28.3 0.0 5.2 2.0 2.0 1.8
12 BLSB SO7 F10 51.7 55.0 181.7 86.7 31.3 32.7 0.0 6.7 1.8 1.8 1.7
13 R.COMP. (ST.CHK.) 51.7 55.0 230.0 121.0 25.7 24.0 1.0 4.7 1.7 1.8 2.2
14 Farmers' Variety (check) 52.0 56.0 181.7 101.7 22.7 22.3 0.0 3.8 2.2 2.3 2.3
G Mean 51.4 55.3 192.5 94.4 27.6 27.0 0.9 4.6 2.1 2.2 2.1
Table 84: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable
traits of CVTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of
Male Female Plant Ear Pl/plot e/plot
Pl Asp E Asp
1 SO3 TLYQ-AB-01 55.33 58.33 191.67 93.33 28.67 30.67 0.67 5.03 8.17 1.50 1.67 1.67 1.67
2 SO3 TLYQ-AB-02 54.00 57.67 206.67 90.67 33.00 34.00 0.00 6.14 2.33 1.83 1.67 2.17 2.17
3 Rampur SO3 FQO2 53.00 56.33 216.67 115.67 31.00 32.33 4.67 5.56 3.17 1.67 2.00 1.83 2.00
4 S99TLYQ-AB 54.33 58.00 231.67 122.33 36.00 33.00 1.67 6.69 2.50 1.83 2.17 1.67 1.83
5 SOOTLYQ-AB 56.67 59.67 206.67 96.67 29.33 36.00 1.00 6.00 1.67 2.00 2.50 1.17 1.17
6 SOOTLYQ-B 55.33 59.00 213.33 116.67 33.33 35.67 1.00 6.03 2.67 1.67 2.17 1.50 1.83
7 SO1 SIYQ 59.00 62.67 235.00 130.00 32.33 33.33 2.00 5.61 2.17 2.17 1.83 2.00 2.17
8 Collorolozo SO2 SIYQ 53.00 56.33 185.00 88.33 22.67 22.00 2.33 2.71 2.33 2.33 2.33 1.17 1.33
9 S99TLYQ-HG-AB-AB 53.33 57.00 230.00 113.33 29.33 28.67 0.67 5.21 3.17 1.83 2.00 2.50 2.50
10 S99TLYQ-A 54.67 58.33 223.33 90.00 32.00 29.00 2.00 5.53 2.50 2.17 2.17 1.83 2.00
11 S99TLYQ-GH-B 54.33 58.33 196.67 104.00 32.00 32.33 2.00 5.76 2.00 1.83 2.17 1.67 2.00
12 SO2G29YQ 46.33 50.00 215.00 98.33 25.67 19.00 1.00 1.94 2.67 3.17 2.67 1.33 1.50
13 Posilo Makai-1 60.00 63.67 213.33 110.00 23.33 23.67 0.00 4.25 2.17 2.00 1.83 1.33 1.50
14 Farmers' Variety 51.00 54.00 218.67 97.33 27.33 28.00 1.00 5.56 1.50 2.00 2.17 1.33 1.33
G Mean 54.3 57.8 213 105 30 30 1.43 5.144 2.79 2 2.1 1.655 1.79
Table 85: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture level and other desirable
traits of CFFTTQ at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of Aspect (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plt/P Ear/P Plant Ear
1 S99TLYQ-A 58 61 190 85 80 86 1.5 2 5 5 6.0
2 S02 G29 Q 59 62 170 85 88 88 2 1.5 3 2 4.4
3 Rampur SO3 FQO2 62 65 170 80 70 76 1.5 2 4 0 4.1
4 S99TLYQ-B 54 58 20 95 80 82 2.5 2.5 7 3 4.9
5 Posilo Makai-1 55 59 170 70 80 76 2 2 2 8 4.8
6 Farmers' Variety 54 58 181 25 70 64 1.5 1.5 0 2 5.6
G Mean 57 60.5 150.2 73.3 78 78.7 1.83 1.92 3.5 3.33 5.0
Table 86: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other
desirable traits of IYTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of
GY t/
Male Female Plant Ear Pl/plot e/plot
Pl Asp E Asp
1 S03TEY-FM (ER) 47.0 51.3 185.0 86.7 43.7 40.3 0.0 4.383 2.0 1.7 1.8 1.2
2 S03TEY-SEQ 48.3 52.3 190.0 81.7 43.3 36.3 2.7 4.678 2.2 2.0 2.2 1.7
3 ACROSS-2401 49.7 53.0 231.7 90.0 43.3 39.0 3.0 4.144 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.5
4 SO3TEY/LN 50.3 54.0 196.7 85.0 46.3 36.0 4.0 4.817 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5
5 ACO-2401/ACO2402 51.7 51.7 211.7 95.0 43.3 36.7 2.3 3.978 2.3 2.7 2.3 1.0
6 POP-445/POP-446 42.7 48.3 166.7 70.0 41.0 47.7 4.0 3.921 2.0 1.8 2.3 1.3
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of
GY t/
Male Female Plant Ear Pl/plot e/plot
Pl Asp E Asp
7 Rampur S03 E02 52.7 56.0 201.7 101.7 40.0 37.3 0.0 4.628 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.5
8 ARUN-1 47.0 51.0 198.3 96.7 38.3 31.7 2.3 3.409 2.0 2.0 2.3 1.2
9 Farmers' Variety 48.3 52.0 203.3 101.7 39.3 35.0 2.3 4.637 2.3 2.2 2.7 1.0
G Mean 48.6 52.2 198.3 89.8 42.1 37.8 2.3 4.288 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.3
Table 87: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other
desirable traits of CVTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of
GY t/
Male Female Plant Ear Pl/plot e/plot
Pl Asp E Asp
1 POP-445 42.7 45.0 185.3 85.0 34.3 34.7 3.3 3.3 1.2 2.7 1.8 1.2
2 POP-446 42.0 46.0 178.3 93.3 42.0 37.7 2.7 3.5 1.7 2.3 2.2 1.5
3 S97TEYGHAYB(3) 40.7 44.0 151.7 73.3 37.7 34.3 0.7 4.2 2.0 1.8 1.5 2.0
4 KHUMAL Y/POOL-17 44.3 48.0 218.3 100.0 41.7 36.0 1.7 5.1 1.3 2.2 2.0 1.2
5 POP-45 x POOL-17 49.0 53.0 198.3 85.0 31.7 32.7 0.0 4.2 1.3 1.8 1.8 1.7
6 R.C. /POOL-17 44.0 48.3 215.0 110.0 43.0 34.0 0.3 4.3 1.3 2.2 2.3 1.2
7 POP-44/ POOL-15 47.3 51.3 206.7 96.7 36.7 35.7 2.0 5.5 1.2 2.0 1.8 1.2
8 ARUN-2 (Std Chk) 43.3 47.3 200.0 88.3 33.0 31.7 1.7 4.5 1.0 1.8 1.7 1.0
9 Farmers' Variety 46.7 51.0 220.3 136.7 40.3 36.7 1.7 5.3 1.5 2.0 2.2 1.5
G Mean 44.4 48.2 197.1 96.5 37.8 34.8 1.6 4.4 1.4 2.1 1.9 1.4
Table 88: Mean grain yield at 15% moisture percentages and other
desirable traits of CFFTE at NMRP, Rampur on 2011 winter
Entry Genotypes
Flowering Height (cm) No. of Aspect (1-5)
Male Female Plant Ear Plt/P Ear/P Plant Ear
1 POOL-17 43 46 165 55 70 74 2 1.5 1 2 2.3
2 ARUN -1EV 49 52 105 59 75 78 2 2 0 4 3.4
3 Arun-4 46 50 200 100 78 79 2 1.5 3 2 4.4
4 Arun-2 47 50 210 110 78 79 2 2 2 0 4.0
5 Farmers' Variety 50 53 215 110 75 38 1.5 2 7 3 4.1
G Mean 47 50.2 179 86.8 75.2 69.6 1.9 1.8 2.6 2.2 3.6
15. Enhancing the Livelihood of Farmers
through Intercropping Maize Based System
K.P. Dhital
Project Type: NARC
Broad Objective: Increase proftability of maize based cropping system by incorporating
vegetables as well as legume crops in the cropping pattern
Specific Objectives:
To promote the best maize based intercropping practices and scale up the technique among
the farmers.
To minimize the poverty through intercropping maize based system and the proftable
technologies and disseminating of Nepalese farmes
Activities 1: Maize and Rajma (Legume) Crop intercropping in summer/winter.
Design - RCB (Factorial)
- Replication - 3
- Treatments- 6
- Net Plot size - 3 5m (15 m
Maize Row to Row 75 25 cm on the Sole (Maize 53333/ha)
Rajma Row to Row 50 20 cm on the Sole
Maize Row to Row 75 25 cm in between two rows Rajma inter cropped. (Maize 53333/ha)
Maize Row to Row 100 25 cm in two row Rajma inter cropped (Maize 40000 /ha)
Maize Row to Row 150 25 cm in Three row Rajma inter cropped (Maize 26000 /ha)
Maize Row to Row 150 50 cm (2 hill) in three row Rajma inter cropped (Maize 26000)
Activities 2: Maize and Vegetable Potato (Vegetable) Crop intercropping in summer/winter.
Design - RCB (Factorial)
- Replication - 3
- Treatment - 6
- Net Plot size - 3 5m (15m
Maize Row to Row 75 25 cm on the Sole (Maize popn 53333 /ha)
Potato Row to Row 50 25 cm on the Sole
Maize Row to Row 75 25 cm in between two row potato inter cropped. (Maize popn 53333/ha)
Maize Row to Row 100 25 cm in two rows potato inter cropped (Maize popn 40000/ha)
Maize Row to Row 150 25 cm in three rows potato inter cropped (Maize popn 260000 /ha)
Maize Row to Row 150 50 cm (2 hill) in three rows potato inter cropped (Maize popn 26000)
(Data are analyzed by GENSTAT/MSTATC)
The experiment was conducted during winter season of 2068 dated 8th Sept 2011 (2068-06-08)
for Maize and 15th Oct 2011 ( 2068-06-28) for Rajma in the fscal year 067/68 at National
Maize Research Program Rampur Chitwan. The geographically location is 27040 N latitude
84019E longitude latitude of 228 meter from msl. The soil of the experimental feld was
generally acidic pH 4.6-5.7 light texture and sandy loam.
The experiment consisted of 6 treatments and arranged in randomizes complete block design
with 3 replications. The plot size was 3m 5m (15m2) Arun-2, PDR-14, Cardinal Variety of
Maize, Rajma and Potato respectively. Fertilizer 120:60:60 kg NPK/ha was after 20 days of
sowing maize and inter crops of Rajma and potato. Remaining 30 kg nitrogen topdressing was
after 20 days of after sowing maize. Rajma and Potato were sown 15 Oct 2011 as same day of
topdressing in the winter season of 2068.Rajma and Potato harvested before Maize the net
monetary return for both crops and their combinations and equivalent yields were computed by
converting the yield of maize /rajma and maize/potato on the basis of prevailing market prices.
Maize +Rajma intercropping 2011
Maize Plant population and Maize Yield:
Maize plant population infuenced by the inter crops .An intercropping of maize + rajma gave
higher yield of maize plant population 53000/ha crop ratio 1:1 (Row distance 75 cm) gave
yield 5386 kg followed by 1:2 (Row distance 100 cm) , 4370 and 1:3 (Row distance 150 cm)
double hill and intra space 50 cm gave 3106 kg/ha respectively.
Table 89 :Grain yield, other agronomic traits, income and land equivalent ratio of maize and
rajma under intercropping conditon in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
Ratio P.Height Ear ht E.lenth E.breath ASI grain wt plot wt
GY kg/
1 Sol Maize 171.5 85.7 14.57 4.6 3 49 15.7 6050
2 SolRajma
3 1+1 175.6 85.7 13.53 4.8 3.33 51.3 13.98
5386 -i
4 1+2 162.2 73 15.37 4.6 3.33 42.3 11.34 4370-ii
5 1+3 169.2 80.9 13.67 4.4 4 47.7 7.61 2931
6 1+3 163.5 78.1 13.80 4.567 3.33 52 8.06 3106-iii
Mean 168.4 80.7 14.19 4.593 3.4 48.5 11.34 4368
21.91 16.09 1.677 0.199 0.82 10.82 3.744 1442.7
CV,% 6.9 10.6 6.3 2.3 13.2 11.9 17.5 17.5
Maize:Rajma GY (kg/ha) Income (NRs.) LER
Maize Sole 6050 108900 1
1:1 5386 96948 1.130
1:2 4370 78660 1.018
1:3 2931 52758 0.835
1:3 3106 55908 0.867
Maize Plant population and Rajma yield:
Rajma yield were infuenced by plant population 26000 of maize where has wider row distance
and double plant hill ratio 1:3 (Row distance 150 cm) and intra space 50 cm gave high yield
583 kg followed by ratio 1:3 (Row distance 150 cm) intra space 25 cm gave yield 558 kg and
ratio 1:2 (Row distance 100 cm) 471 kg/ha respectively.
Maize and Rajma:
Table 90:Grain yield and income under different ratio of maize and rajma under
intercropping conditon in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
Rajma:Maize GY (kg/ha) Income (NRs.)
Rajma Sole 1645 82250
1:1 395 19735
1:2 471 23566
1:3 558 27899
1:3 583 29172
Land Equivalent Ratio:
However intercropping of maize +rajma gave higher yield of the maize plant population
53000 and ratio 1:1 maize +rajma gave high LER1.130 followed by ratio 1:2 (Row distance
100 cm)gave1.018 and ratio 1:3 intra space 50 cm gave 0.867 respectively.
Benefit Cost Ratio:
However intercropping of maize +rajma gave higher beneft cost ratio of the maize plant
population 53000 and ratio 1:1 maize + rajma gave high B/C1.024 followed by ratio 1:2 (Row
distance 100 cm)gave 0.897 and ratio 1:3 intra space 50 cm gave 0.747 respectively.
Net income Maize and Rajma yield:
The maize+rajma was signifcantly affected by 75,100,150,150 cm spacing over sole cropping
system the year.On polled basis the maximum maize equivalent yield was obtained from
maize+rajma 1:1 (75cm) gave Rs 7783/-intercropping system and it was signifcantly superior
to rest of the treatment.
Table 91: Economic analysis of maize and rajma under intercropping conditon at different
ratio in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
Crop Ratio Maize+Rajma
sole over
Sole Maize
Over Income
Maize Sole 108900 108900
Rajma Sole 82246 82246
Maize+Rajma 1:1 96948+19735 116683 108900-116683 Rs 7783.00
Maize+Rajma 1:2 78660+23566 102227 108900-102227 (Rs- 6677.00)
Maize+Rajma 1:3 52758+27899 80657 108900-102227 (Rs -28243)
Maize+Rajma 1:3 55908+29172 85080 108900-85080 (Rs- 23820)
Sole 1 113888 1
Sole 1 1
1:1 1.130 1.024
1:2 1.008 0.897
1:3 0.835 0.708
1:3 0.867 0.747
Cost of cultivation (306 m
Table 92: Cost of cultivation of maize and rajma intercropping at NMRP,
Rampur in 2011 winter
SN Work discription No./Time Rate Total Investment
1 Field preparation Tractor- 10 Rs15/-per minute Rs150/-
2 Manure Half Talior Rs 3000/- Rs 1500/-
3 Fertilizer 120:60:60 Rs 20/-,18/-,16/- Rs 200/-
4 Seeds 1 Kg Rs 60/- Rs 60/-
5 Interoperation 10 Labour Rs 140/- Rs 1400/-
6 Insecticide 350 ml Rs 500/-per liter Rs 175/-
Total 3485/-
Intercropping Maize and Potato:
The intercropping of maize + potato gave higher yield of maize at plant population 53000/ha
and crop ratio 1:1 (Row distance 75 cm) gave yield 6610.8 kg followed by 1:2 (Row distance
100 cm) , 4666.5 and 1:3 (Row distance 150 cm) gave 4112.7 kg/ha respectively.
Maize plant population infuenced by the inter crops of potato. Wider row and intra space ratio
1:3 row distance 150 cm) double hill and intra space 50 cm gave 1348 kg/ha followed by 1:2
(Row distance 100 cm) , 1291 and 897 kg/ha respectively.
Table 93:Grain yield, other agronomic traits and gross return of maize and potato under
intercropping conditon at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
Maize+Potato Rep wise yield
Polled yield
Treatment Pop..n Rep-1 Rep-2 Rep-3
Plant/ha Maize Potato Maize Potato Maize Potato Maize Potato
Maize Sole 53000 6821.65 7690 4994.51 6502
Potato sole 3626.16 3017.79 1726.8 2970
M+P 1:1 53000 7293.49 868.39 6354.8 772.02 6184.16 1051.1 6610.8 897
M+P 1:2 40000 5471.37 1103.3 4658.2 1459.2 3870.12 1310.6 4666.5 1291
M+P 1:3 26000 3819.92 666.6 4372.1 718.31 4146.2 845.8 4112.7 743
M+P 1:3 26000 4889.1 1325.18 3282.8 1222.78 3237.65 1498.4 3803 1348
Treatment P. high Maize E. height E. length E. breadth P. high Potato
Maize sole 166 86.6 12.82 4.5
Potato sole 42
M+P 1:1 166 78.3 14.2 4.56 42.73
M+P 1:2 178 85.3 13.3 4.3 42.66
M+P 1:3 188.6 86 12.64 4.54 38.53
M+P 1:3 174 81 12.98 4.52 43.23
30.51 16.92 2.875 0.3177 3.975
Entry no Ratio
Potato GY
Maize GY
total (NRs.)
1 Sole Maize 6502 117036 117036
2 Sole Potato 2790 41850 41850
3 1+1 897 13455 6611 118998 132453
4 1+2 1291 19365 4667 84006 103371
5 1+3 744 11160 4113 74034 1123434
6 1+3 1349 20235 3803 68454 88689
Mean 1414 5139
927.1 1353.9
CV,% 34.8 14
Table 94:Grain yield and land equivalent ratio of maize and potato under
intercropping condition in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
Entry no Ratio Yield/ha Yield/ha LER
1 Sol Maize 6502 1
2 SolPotato 2790 1
3 1+1 897 6611 1.338
4 1+2 1291 4667 1.803
5 1+3 744 4113 0.489
6 1+3 1349 3803 1.067
Mean 1414 5139
927.1 1353.9
CV,% 34.8 14
Land Equelvent Ratio:
However intercropping of maize +potato gave higher yield of the maize plant population 53000
and ratio 1:1 maize +Potato gave high LER1.338 followed by ratio 1:2 (Row distance 100 cm)
gave1.008 and ratio 1:3 intra space 50 cm gave 0.867 respectively.
Benefit cost ratio:
However intercropping of maize +Potato gave higher beneft cost ratio of the maize plant
population 53000 and gave high beneft cost ratio( B/C) 1.043 followed by ratio 1:2 (Row
distance 100 cm)gave 0.814 and ratio 1:3 intra space 50 cm gave 0.698 respectively.
Net income Maize and Potato yield:
The maize + Potato was signifcantly affected by 75,100,150, cm spacing over sole cropping
system the year.On polled basis the maximum maize equivalent yield was obtained from
maize+Potato 1:1 (75 cm) gave Rs 15417/-intercropping system and it was signifcantly
superior to rest of the treatment .
Table 95: Grain yield, income and land equivalent ratio of maize and potato under
intercropping condition at NMRP, Rampur in 2011 winter
Maize:Potato Maize Income LER
Maize Sole 6502 117036 1
1:1 6610 118998 1.338
1:2 4666 84006 1.008
1:3 4112 74034 0.835
1:3 3803 68454 0.867
Potato:Maize Potato Income LER
Potato Sole 2790 41850 1
1:01 897 13455 1.338
1:02 1291 19365 1.803
1:03 743 11160 0.489
1:03 1348 20235 1.067
Table 96: Economic analysis of maize and potato intercropping at NMRP
Rampur in 2011 winter
Total Expenditure/
Cost Ratio
Sole 126960
1:1 1.043
1:2 0.814
1:3 0.670
1:3 0.698
Crop Ratio Maize + Potato Total Income sole over Sole Maize over
Maize Sole 117036
Potato Sole 41850 132453 117036-132453 15417
Maize+Potato 1:1 118998+13455 103371 117036-103371 (13665)
Maize+Potato 1:2 84006+19365 85194 117036-85190 (31846)
Maize+Potato 1:3 74034+11160 88689 117036-88689 (28347)
Maize+Potato 1:3 68454+20235
Table 97: Cost of cultivation of maize and potato under intercropping
condition in 2011 winter at NMRP, Rampur
SN Work discription No./Time Rate Total investment
1 Field preparation Tractor- 10 Rs15/- Rs150/-
2 Manure Half Talior Rs 3000/- Rs 1500/-
3 Fertilizer 120:60:60 Rs 20/-,18/-,16/- Rs 260/-
4 Seeds 20 Kg Rs 20/- Rs 400/-
5 Interoperation 10 Labour Rs 140/- Rs 1400/-
6 Insecticide 350 ml Rs 500/-per liter Rs 175/-
Total Rs 3885/-
Note:- (NMRP Rampur ) Mix Maize Arun-2 price Rs 18/-
(NMRP Rampur ) Potato Cardinal price Rs 15/-
(NGLRP Rampur) Mix Rajma PDR-14 price Rs 50/-
(Tractor, Labor, Fertilizer rate are including still September 2011)
Optimum plant population of maize on rajma the yield of maize has not infuenced of the rajma.
Minimum plant population of maize yield has less but inter crop of rajmas yield had
Maize and potato intercropping maize gave high crop yield ratio 1:1.
Minimum plant population of maize yield were reduces.
16. Seed Production of Maize, Rice, Wheat and Sun hemp
B. Bhandari
Seed is the basic and vital input for agricultural production. Quality seed reduces cost of
production and increases B/C ratio in agribusiness. In case of maize seed, we only maintain
three classes such as Breeder Seed, Foundation Seed and Improved Seed.Breeder Seed are only
produced in NARC stations while as Foundation and Improved Seed are produced by private
sectors also.
NMRP produced 56.166 tons of maize seed, 18 tons of rice seed, 5.1 tons of wheat seed and
2.15 tons of sunhemp seed in 2011/12. Seed production details are shown in following tables.
Table 98: Seed production of different maize varieties at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/2012.
Varieties Breeder seed
Seed (kg)
Improved Seed
Total (kg)
1 Rampur Composite 1086 14120 2120 17326
2 Arun-2 1030 9400 1600 12030
3 Deuti 680 11750 0 12430
4 Manakamana-3 650 11920 0 12570
5 Poshilo Makai-1 50 1440 0 1490
6 S99TLYQ 0 220 0 220
7 Manakamana-4 0 100 0 100
Total 3496 48950 3720 56166
Mixed maize 66100
Grand Total 122266
Table 99: Seed production of rice, wheat and sunhemp at NMRP,
Rampur in 2011/2012.
Crop Varieties
Seed (kg)
Seed (kg)
Total (kg)
1 Rice Ramdhan 6000 0 6000
2 Sabitri 12000 0 12000
3 Wheat Bijay 1000 0 1000
4 Gautam 4100 0 4100
5 Sun hemp Sun hemp 0 2150 2150
Rice mixed 4090
Wheat mixed 550
Grand Total 29890
17. Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Early Maturing and
Full season Maize in Winter and Spring season
P. Adhikari
Project Type: NARC
To estimate the critical time to supply N in early maturing maize.
To estimate the critical time to supply N in full season maize.
Design: RCBD
Replication: 4
No. of treatmants: 5
Vartiety : Arun 1 EV ( for early season) and S99TLYQ-B ( for full season)
Location: NMRP, Rampur, Chitwan
Fertilizer applied: 120:60:40 (N:P:K)
Season Winter, Spring and Summer
Winter and Spring season research was completed and Summer season research was in feld.
Here, mention the winter and spring seasons research result.
Early Maturing Maize (Arun 1EV) :
1. Winter
Treatment Details:
1. 60 kg N/ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 DAS
2. 40 kg N/ha basal, 40 kg N/ha each at 45 and 60 DAS
3. 30 kg N/ha basal, 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 DAS
4. 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS
5. 10 ton FYM/ ha
2. Spring
Treatment Details:
1. 60 kg N/ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 DAS
2. 40 kg N/ha basal, 40 kg N/ha each at 45 and 60 DAS
3. 30 kg N/ha basal, 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 DAS
4. 40 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 DAS
5. 10 ton FYM/ ha
Table 100: Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Early Maturing
Maize in Winter and Spring season ar NMRP, Rampur in 2011/2012
Days to tasseling Days to silking Plant height (cm) Ear height (cm) Ear length (cm)
Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean
1 49 69 59 53 73 63 151 156 154 71 79 75 14 12 13
2 49 68 59 53 72 62 145 161 153 72 79 76 13 11 12
3 50 68 59 54 72 63 164 158 161 77 81 79 13 11 12
4 50 67 58 53 72 63 166 165 165 79 78 78 13 11 12
5 51 70 60 56 73 64 100 148 124 54 76 65 9 10 10
Mean 50 68 59 54 72 63 145 157 151 71 78 75 13 11 12
Season ** ** ** ** **
Treatments NS * NS * * ** ** NS ** ** NS ** ** NS **
Treatments *
NS * ** ** *
CV,% 4.3 1.4 2.8 1.8 0.9 1.3 6.4 6.8 7 5.8 4.5 6.6 6.8 12.8 10.4
3.3 1.5 2.4 1.5 1 0.9 14.4 16.4 10.9 6.3 5.4 5 1.3 2.2 1.3
Plant stand/plot at harvest Harvested ears/plot Unflled ears Kernel rows/ear Kernel s/ear
Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean
1 80 67 73 74 55 64 6 7 6 13 13 13 32 23 28
2 80 69 75 72 58 65 9 5 7 14 12 13 31 22 27
3 80 70 75 74 57 65 6 7 7 14 13 14 31 23 27
4 80 67 73 70 54 62 10 8 9 13 13 13 31 25 28
5 80 68 74 63 52 58 14 6 10 11 13 12 23 21 22
Mean 80 68 74 70 55 63 9 7 8 13 13 13 30 23 26
Season ** ** NS NS **
Treatments NS NS * NS NS NS NS NS * NS * ** NS **
Treatments * season NS NS NS ** *
CV,% 8 5.2 7 14.7 10.3 49.1 60.4 54.5 7.7 5.9 6.7 5.9 10.4 7.7
8.3 3.9 7.6 12.4 6.7 6.6 6 4.3 1.5 1.2 0.9 2.7 2.4 2.1
TKW (g) Grain yield (kg/ha) Stover yield kg/ha
Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean
1 399 323 361 4758 1709 3233 2705 4335 3520
2 377 289 333 4259 1712 2985 2330 4605 3468
3 386 367 376 4444 1928 3186 2433 4110 3272
4 365 362 363 4260 1889 3074 2607 4603 3605
5 335 358 347 1888 1587 1737 1297 3490 2393
Mean 372 340 356 3922 1765 2843 2274 4229 3252
Season * ** **
Treatments ** NS NS ** NS ** ** NS **
Treatments * season * ** NS
CV,% 2.9 13.2 8.8 12.3 18.7 14 12 16.2 16.3
16.4 68.9 32.3 746.1 509.2 408.7 419.2 1055.3 544.9
In case of Early season maize (Arun 1 EV)
A. The highest grain yield was 4758 kg/ha recorded in winter (where applied 60 kg N/ ha
basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing) and 1928 kg/ha recorded in spring (where applied
30 kg N/ ha basal and 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing) . The lowest grain
yield was 1888 kg/ha in winter and 1587 kg/ha in spring where applied 10 ton FYM/ha. The
result of grain yield was highly signifcant on the basis of seson, treatment and season vs treatment.
B. The highest stover yield was 2705 kg/ha recorded in winter (where applied 60 kg N/ ha
basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing) and 4605 kg/ha recorded in spring (where
applied 40 kg N/ha basal and 40 kg N/ha each at 45 and 60 days after sowing) . The result of
stover yield was highly signifcant in case of season and treatments but non signifcant in
treatment vs season.
Full Season Maize (S99TLYQ-B) :
Treatment Details:
1. 60 kg N/ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 DAS
2. 40 kg N/ha basal, 40 kg N/ha each at 45 and 60 DAS
3. 30 kg N/ha basal, 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 DAS
4. 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS
5. 10 ton FYM/ ha
2. Spring
Treatment Details:
1. 60 kg N/ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 DAS
2. 40 kg N/ha basal, 40 kg N/ha each at 45 and 60 DAS
3. 30 kg N/ha basal, 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45 and 60 DAS
4. 30 kg N/ha each at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS
5. 10 ton FYM/ ha
Table 101: Estimation of Nitrogen consumption for Full Season Maize in
Winter and Spring season at NMRP, Rampur in 2011/2012
Days to tasseling Days to silking Plant height (cm) Ear height (cm) Ear length
Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean
1 59 77 68 64 82 73 171 168 169 85 82 83 13 12 13
2 60 77 69 65 83 74 174 175 175 83 87 85 13 13 13
3 60 79 70 65 84 75 172 171 172 86 85 86 13 13 13
4 60 78 69 64 83 74 175 170 172 85 86 86 13 13 13
5 64 82 73 71 88 79 120 159 140 68 84 76 11 12 11
Mean 61 79 70 66 84 75 162 169 166 81 85 83 12 13 13
Treatment * ** ** * ** ** ** NS ** * NS * NS NS *
Season ** ** * NS NS
Treatment*season NS NS ** * NS
CV,% 2.6 1.3 2 4.2 1.1 2.7 2.9 5.3 4.5 8.2 6.3 7.3 10.9 8.8 9.6
LSD0.05trt 2.5 1.6 1.4 4.2 1.5 2 7.3 13.9 7.6 10.4 8.2 6.3 2.1 1.7 1.2
LSD0.05trt*season 2 2.9 10.7 8.9 1.7
Kernel rows/ear Plant stand/plot at harvest Harvested ears/plot Unfled ears Kernel s/ear
Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean Win Spr Mean
1 14 13 13 61 65 63 59 49 54 4 10 7 33 24 29
2 14 15 14 63 64 63 58 48 53 5 8 6 33 29 31
3 13 13 13 59 60 60 52 48 50 7 6 6 30 27 29
4 14 13 13 70 64 67 62 49 56 8 9 8 32 26 29
5 12 12 12 53 64 58 46 52 49 6 8 7 26 24 25
Mean 13 13 13 61 63 62 55 49 52 6 8 7 31 26 28
Treatment * NS * NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS *
Season NS NS * * **
Treatment*season NS NS NS NS NS
CV,% 5.8 9 7.5 13.9 5.6 10.6 14.6 10.9 12.4 36.7 48.2 49.7 11.6 10.3 11.3
trt 1.8 1.8 1 13 5.5 6.8 12.4 8.2 6.7 3.2 6.1 3.5 5.5 4.1 3.3
trt*season 1.4 9.6 9.4 5 4.7
TKW (g) Adj GY (kgha-1) Stover yield (kgha-1)
Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean Winter Spring Mean
1 399 277 338 3303 2494 2898 3533 9413 6473
2 379 339 359 3093 2903 2998 3012 8405 5708
3 369 335 352 2403 2691 2547 3065 7682 5373
4 370 353 361 3306 2973 3139 3212 8763 5988
5 353 339 346 1567 2227 1897 1112 5673 3393
Mean 374 328 351 2734 2658 2696 2787 7987 5387
Treatment ** ** ** ** * ** ** * **
Season ** NS **
Treatment*season ** * NS
CV,% 2.1 3.1 2.5 13.4 11.3 13.9 15.8 15.5 17.2
trt 12.1 15.8 9 566.4 460.8 383.2 678.9 1903.1 953.2
trt*season 12.7 542 1348
In case of full season maize (S99TLYQ-B),
A. The highest grain yield was 3303 kg/ha recorded in winter (where applied 60 kg N/ha
basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing) and 2973 kg/ha was recorded in spring (where
applied 30 kg N/ ha each at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after sowing). The lowest grain yield was
1567 kg/ha in winter and 2227 kg/ha in spring where applied 10 ton FYM/ha.The result of
grain yield was highly signifcant in treatment, signifcant in treatment vs season and non
signifcant in season.
B. The highest stover yield was 3533kg/ha recorded in winter and 9413 kg/ha recorded in
spring where applied 60 kg N/ ha basal and 60 kg N/ha at 45 days after sowing. The lowest
stover yield was 1112 kg/ha in winter and 5673 kg/ha in spring where applied 10 ton FYM/
ha. The result of stover yield was highly signifcant in treatment and season and non signifcant
in treatment vs season.
18. Investigation on management of insect pests in maize
P. Thakur and G. S. Bhandari
Project type: NARC
The main objective of these entomological experiments was to identify the sources of resistance
of stem borer
Maize stem borer is a traditional destructive pests of maize and has been reported to cause 20-
87% loss in yield under varied agro-climatic conditions. Chemical control is not eco-friendly
in the present context. Long term development of resistant varieties is the only solution to get
rid of from these pests. Resistance materials to insects could be used in breeding program in
host plant resistant studies or directly in variety testing prior to recommendation or release.
Activity Title:
Relative susceptibility of maize genotypes to Maize Stem Borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe in
feld condition
Materials and Method
An experiment composed of 44 elite maize genotypes pulled from OPV,QPM and Hybrids
including Rampur composite, Arun 2, Deuti and Posilo makai 1 as a standard checks were
evaluated in RCB design with four replications at NMRP, Rampur during 2068/69 winter
season to fnd out the resistance source of maize stem borer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe
(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae). Among the tested genotypes, 34 were composed from OPV,9 from
QPM and one from Hybrid. The trial was seeded on 2068/7/3 (20 Oct, 2011) with a plot size of
two rows of 5m length and spacing was 60 20 cm between row to row and plant to plant. Two
rows of Deuti (white seeded release variety) were seeded all around the trial plots to facilitate
enhancement of pests. All agronomical practices were done as per recommendation for good
crop health. Observations like score (0-9 scale), total healthy and infested plants/plot, tunnel
length and exit holes were followed as the system ascribed by CIMMYT, Mexico. The original
data were transformed into square root of (X+0.5) and fnally analyzed statistically.
Past experience at the locations indicated that maize stem borer infestation at NMRP, Rampur
was observed more in summer season planting crop as compared to winter season. The same
trend of damage was seen in present experiment. However, recorded data were transferred as
depicted above and converted data were analyzed. Range of visual score at vegetative stage
was 0.5-4.8 score where as 0.3-2.3 score was recorded at tasseling stage. Thus majority of
genotypes were scored resistant reaction (1-3 score) except RampurSO10F18 (4.8 score) and
Deuti(3.8 score).Percent of damage by counting the total healthy and infested plants/plot was
noticed more in young stage than tasseling stage. Range of percentage damage was varied from
2.2 to 13.1% at whorl stage as compared to older stage(0.8-15.0%).Mean of two observations
inferred that maximum infestation of 12.2%was recorded which was also near to normal range
of damage by the pests. Furthermore, observation of tunnel length and exit holes were also
found minimum range similar to that of other parameters. Regarding the grain yield of the
tested genotypes, Rampur SO3F8 (5.1 t/ha), Across 9942 Across9944 (4.2 t/ha), OEHPW
(4.4 t/ha), Rampur SO10F20 (4.4 t/ha), S03TLYQ-AB-1 (4.7 t/ha), SO3TLYQ-AB-02 (4.6 t/
ha) and S01SIWQ-1 (4.1 t/ha) were found statistically at par in which pests infestation level of
other parameters were also at tolerant level.
Table 102: Response of maize genotypes to maize stem borer, C. partellus.
SN Designation
Score (0 to 9 scale)

% Plant damage

length cm/
1 ACROS 9331 1.5(1.4) 0.5(1.0) 1.0(1.2) 13.1(3.7) 0.9(1.0) 7.0(2.4) 1.0(1.1) 2.3(1.7) 3.9
2 ACROSS 9942 ACROSS 9944 1.3(1.3) 1.0(1.2) 1.1(1.2) 5.9(2.5) 6.6(2.4) 6.2(2.5) 0.3(0.9) 0.9(1.1) 4.2
3 ARUN-1EV 1.3(1.3) 1.3(1.3) 1.3(1.3) 8.7(2.8) 9.7(3.1) 9.2(2.9) 0.4(0.9) 0.8(1.1) 3.5
4 ARUN4 1.3(1.3) 0.8(1.1) 1.0(1.2) 8.4(2.9) 5.8(2.3) 7.1(2.6) 0.3(0.9) 2.0(1.6) 2.8
5 BG BY POP 1.0(1.2) 0.5(1.0) 0.8(1.1) 10.4(3.3) 8.4(2.7) 9.4(3.0) 0.5(1.0) 0.8(1.0) 3.8
6 COTAXLA 0024 1.8(1.5) 1.3(1.3) 1.5(1.4) 9.9(3.2) 3.2(1.8) 6.6(2.50 0.3(0.9) 1.3(1.3) 3.0
7 EEYC1 1.5(1.4) 1.5(1.4) 1.5(1.4) 12.6(3.5) 5.7(2.3) 9.2(2.9) 0.2(0.8) 0.5(0.9) 3.1
8 HB-B 2.3(1.7) 2.3(1.5) 2.3(1.6) 3.3(1.8) 3.1(1.6) 3.2(1.7) 0.3(0.9) 2.3(1.6) 2.0
9 HG-A 1.5(1.4) 1.8(1.5) 1.6(1.4) 5.6(2.1) 8.3(2.9) 6.9(2.5) 1.5(1.4) 4.4(2.2) 3.1
10 HG-AB 2.0(1.6) 1.5(1.4) 1.8(1.5) 6.9(2.7) 5.5(2.2) 6.2(2.5) 0.5(1.0) 1.0(1.1) 3.3
11 KHUMAL YELLOW POOL 17 1.8(1.5) 1.3(1.3) 1.5(1.4) 7.8(2.8) 7.1(2.5) 7.5(2.6) 0.2(0.8) 1.7(1.4) 2.5
12 NAYARANI 1.3(1.3) 0.5(1.0) 0.9(1.1) 8.2(2.70 5.3(2.3) 6.7(2.5) 0.1(0.8) 1.9(1.5) 2.9
13 OEHPW 0.8(1.1) 0.5(1.0) 0.6(1.0) 8.6(2.8) 5.6(2.20 7.1(2.50 0.2(0.8) 0.8(1.0) 4.4
14 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 1.3(1.3) 0.8(1.1) 1.0(1.2) 6.9(2.5) 4.8(2.3) 5.8(2.4) 0.3(0.90 0.7(1.0) 2.6
15 POOL 17 1.8(1.5) 1.0(1.2) 1.4(1.4) 10.7(3.3) 5.9(2.3) 8.3(2.8) 0.1(0.7) 1.0(1.1) 2.8
16 POP445C1 1.0(1.2) 1.5(1.4) 1.3(1.3) 8.4(2.9) 11.3(3.4) 9.9(3.2) 0.4(0.9) 1.9(1.5) 3.6
17 POP446C1 1.3(1.3) 1.0(1.2) 1.1(1.2) 11.4(3.4) 9.3(3.1) 10.4(3.3) 0.2(0.8) 1.5(1.3) 3.4
18 POP45 POOL 15 1.5(1.3) 1.3(1.3) 1.4(1.3) 10.5(3.3) 3.5(1.7) 7.0(2.5) 0.5(1.0) 1.0(1.2) 2.7
19 POP45 POOL 17 1.5(1.4) 1.3(1.3) 1.4(1.4) 7.6(2.8) 4.2(2.0) 5.9(2.4) 0.2(0.8) 1.2(1.2) 2.1
20 RAMPUR S03 F02 1.3(1.3) 0.5(1.0) 0.9(1.1) 2.3(1.6) 5.8(2.3) 4.1(2.0) 0.3(0.9) 0.9(1.1) 3.1
21 RAMPUR S03 F8 1.0(1.2) 1.5(1.4) 1.3(1.3) 4.3(1.9) 4.9(2.2) 4.6(2.0) 0.2(0.8) 1.4(1.2) 5.1
22 RAMPUR S03 FQ 02 1.3(1.3) 0.3(0.8) 0.8(1.0) 8.7(3.0) 4.9(1.9) 6.8(2.5) 0.4(0.9) 2.4(1.6) 3.9
23 RAMPUR S10F18 4.8(2.3) 2.0(1.5) 3.4(1.90 7.3(2.5) 6.5(2.4) 6.9(2.5) 0.4(0.9) 1.6(1.4) 3.0
24 RAMPUR S10F20 1.8(1.5) 1.5(1.4) 1.6(1.4) 8.6(3.0) 3.0(1.7) 5.8(2.4) 0.3(0.9) 1.7(1.4) 4.4
25 RAMPUR S10F22 3.0(1.9) 1.3(1.3) 2.1(1.6) 9.3(3.0) 6.7(2.6) 8.0(2.8) 0.6(1.0) 1.1(1.2) 3.1
26 RAMPURS0304 2.3(1.6) 0.5(1.0) 1.4(1.3) 6.3(2.5) 6.3(2.5) 6.3(2.5) 0.4(0.9) 2.3(1.6) 3.8
27 R-POP-1 1.8(1.9) 0.8(1.1) 1.3(1.5) 10.3(3.2) 7.1(2.7) 8.7(2.9) 0.4(1.0) 1.4(1.5) 2.9
28 R-POP-2 3.3(1.6) 0.8(1.4) 2.0(1.5) 12.9(3.6) 3.7(1.90 8.3(2.7) 0.5(1.3) 2.1(1.3) 2.9
29 S97TEYGHAXB (3) 2.3(1.4) 1.5(1.1) 1.9(1.2) 8.5(2.9) 8.1(2.9) 8.3(2.9) 1.4(0.9) 1.4(1.6) 2.2
30 S97TLYGHAXB (3) 1.5(1.3) 0.8(1.0) 1.1(1.1) 11.4(3.3) 9.9(3.1) 10.6(3.2) 0.3(0.7) 2.2(0.9) 2.7
31 UPAHAR 1.3(1.5) 0.5(1.1) 0.9(1.3) 2.2(1.6) 0.8(1.0) 1.5(1.3) 0.1(0.9) 0.3(1.3) 3.0
SN Designation
Score (0 to 9 scale)

% Plant damage

length cm/
32 ARUN 2 1.3(1.3) 1.5(1.4) 1.4(1.4) 6.3(2.5) 4.5(2.2) 5.4(2.4) 0.3(0.9) 1.4(1.3) 4.0
33 RAMPUR COMPOSITE 2.3(1.6) 2.0(1.5) 2.1(1.6) 7.8(2.7) 5.0(2.2) 6.4(2.5) 0.7(1.1) 2.0(1.5) 3.7
34 DEUTI 3.8(2.1) 1.5(1.4) 2.6(1.7) 9.4(3.10 15.0(3.9) 12.2(3.5) 1.1(1.3) 3.2(1.8) 3.8
35 S99TLYQ-AB 2.3(1.6) 1.3(1.3) 1.8(1.5) 12.9(3.6) 10.7(3.0) 11.8(3.3) 1.2(1.3) 1.5(1.3) 3.2
36 S99TLYQ-B 1.0(1.2) 0.5(1.0) 0.8(1.1) 10.0(3.2) 7.0(2.7) 8.5(2.9) 0.2(0.8) 0.5(1.0) 3.4
37 SO3TLYQ-AB-01 1.5(1.4) 0.8(1.1) 1.1(1.2) 9.8(3.1) 6.9(2.5) 8.4(2.8) 1.8(1.5) 4.7(2.3) 4.7
38 SO3TLYQ-AB-02 1.8(1.5) 1.3(1.3) 1.5(1.4) 6.4(2.4) 5.7(2.4) 6.0(2.4) 0.3(0.9) 3.2(1.9) 4.6
39 SOISIWQ -1 1.3(1.3) 0.8(1.1) 1.0(1.2) 11.2(3.3) 7.8(2.8) 9.5(3.1) 0.4(0.9) 1.9(1.4) 4.1
40 SOISIWQ-3 2.3(1.6) 1.5(1.4) 1.9(1.5) 5.3(2.1) 6.3(2.4) 5.8(2.2) 0.4(0.9) 1.2(1.3) 2.1
41 SOOTLYQ-AB 1.3(1.3) 0.5(1.0) 0.9(1.1) 6.6(2.4) 4.0(1.8) 5.3(2.1) 0.3(0.9) 2.3(1.6) 3.0
42 SOOTLYQ-B 1.0(1.1) 0.8(1.1) 0.9(1.1) 2.8(1.7) 6.0(2.5) 4.4(2.1) 0.2(0.8) 2.5(1.6) 2.4
43 POSILO MAKAI-1 1.3(1.3) 1.8(1.5) 1.5(1.4) 6.8(2.7) 3.6(1.9) 5.2(2.3) 0.3(0.9) 2.5(1.7) 4.0
44 RML4NML2 0.5(1.0) 0.8(1.1) 0.6(1.0) 2.7(1.7) 4.4(2.0) 3.5(1.8) 0.1(0.8) 1.0(1.1) 3.7
F-test ** * ** Ns ** * **
CV, % 21.7 25.4 31.28 41.13 19.6 34.9 22.2
0.43 0.43 1.20 0.26 0.67 1.04
Means of four replications, Figure in parentheses is the transformed value of original value by Square root of (X+0.5).
Assessment of parasitoids and other pesticides in the management of Maize Stem Borer
in feld.
The use of pesticides against pests has certainly contributed for minimizing yield losses.
However, quite often the indiscriminate and unscientifc use of pesticides has led to many
problems. To lowering them, manipulation of biotic components of eco-systems for managing
pests population to a lower level is benefcial. These agents gradually devour the pests and keep
the population under check without disturbing ecological balance. Among the parasites,
Trichogramma spp (Egg parasite) has identifed to be the most effective weapon against various
Lepidopterous pests including maize stem borer. They kill the insect pests at the egg stages right
from the source of its perpetuation and few of them are successfully established in different agro
ecological zones. In order to counter these challenges, present investigation carried out to fnd
out effective pesticides along with parasitoids for minimizing the damage of maize stem borer.
A feld experiment composed of eleven treatments including control was evaluated against
maize stem borer at NMRP; Rampur during 2068/69.The experiment was laid in RCB design
with four replications. Deuti, a white seeded variety was used for the purpose. Individual plot
size was seven rows of 5m length and spacing was 60 cms between row to row and 20cm plant
to plant. Chemical fertilizer @150:80:60 kg NPK/ha was applied with two split dose of nitrogen
at knee high and before tasseling stage. The trial was seeded on 2068/11/30 (13 March, 2012).
All cultural operations were done as per recommendation for good crop health. Granular
insecticide were applied at knee high stage in plant whorl where as liquid form of insecticides
applied as foliar frst at 15 days after emergence and second before tasseling stage and Tricho-
card (Egg parasite) applied at two split dose at 20 and 45 days after emergence when sporadic
infestation of maize borer was observed in the crop. Observations like Damage score (0-9
scale),percent plant damage, Tunnel length and exit holes and grain yield were taken on time
as ascribed by Ampofo and Saxena, CIMMYT. Original data were transferred in square root of
(X+0.5) and interpreted them individually.
On hand data as depicted in table were analyzed and found that almost all parameters was
differed signifcantly except tunnel length. Generally, incidence of maize stem borer in each
parameters and corresponding their treatments was observed relatively more might be due to
summer season planting at which congenial environment available to the pests. Moreover, pest
population and subsequently their damage in plants were noted more in vegetative stage as
compared to later stage. Rating of foliar damage at vegetative stage was ranged from 3.5 to 6.5
score. Five treatments as Trichogramma @1.0 lakh/ha (3.7score), Trichogramma@1.5 lakh/ha
(3.5 score), Furadan 3G(3.5score), Nuvelle 505(3.5score) and Confdor 200SL(4.2score)
performed at par to each others. Percent damage of plants at younger stage (knee high stage)
was more (Range 25.15-44.1%) as compared to tasseling stage (Range 6.5-18.2%). Mean of
two observations, revealed that Furadan 3G was better (17.18%) followed by Nuvelle 505
(17.39%) and Trichogramma@1.0lakh/ha(18.65%) but in case of exit holes, majority of the
treatments except control and Margosom (Neem product) were relatively similar. Trend of
tunnel length measurement in each treatment were at par and more or less resemble to exit
holes. Concerning the grain yield, seven treatments as Trichogramma, Furadan 3G, Super D,
Nuvelle 505, Dimethoate 30 Ec, Thiodan35 Ec and confdor 200SL performed non-signifcant
to each others. Over all data in each parameters inferred that three treatments i.e. Trichogramma
@1.0 lakh/ha in two split dose at vegetative and before tasseling stage, Furadan 3G @3-4
granules/whorl at knee stage and Nuvelle 505, a combination of Chloropyriphos
50%+Cypermethrin 5% were performed better in maize stem borer management as compared
to other tested pesticides.
Table 103: Response of pesticides to maize stem borer management.
E.No Treatment
% dam at knee
high stage*
%dam at
Mean Exit holes*
yield (t/ha)*
1 Trichogramma@0.6 lakh/ha 4.5(2.23) 33.97(5.86) 8.65(2.99) 21.31(4.67) 3.5(2.0) 11.25(3.4) 2.80(1.81)
2 Trichogramma@1.0 lakh/ha 3.7(2.05) 30.78(5.56) 6.51(2.64) 18.65(4.38) 3.1(189) 13.25(3.68) 3.46(1.99)
3 Trichogramma@1.5 lakh/ha 3.5(1.98) 36.32(6.04) 9.53(3.12) 22.93(4.84) 3.6(2.0) 10.7(3.1) 2.83(1.82)
4 Furadan 3G 3.5(1.98) 25.52(5.06) 8.84(3.04) 17.18(4.20) 3.95(2.1) 12.1(3.46) 3.64(2.03)
5 Super D 5.0(2.34) 32.60(5.75) 8.94(3.05) 20.77(4.61) 4.7(2.25) 12.5(3.51) 3.28(1.93)
6 Nuvelle 505 3.5(1.99) 25.15(5.02) 9.63(3.16) 17.39(4.23) 4.5(2.17) 12.7(3.56) 3.53(2.0)
7 Dimethoate 30Ec 5.5(2.45) 38.29(6.22) 13.94(3.79) 26.12(5.16) 6.15(2.54) 12.35(3.5) 3.28(1.94)
8 Margosom(Neem) 5.0(2.34) 40.13(6.37) 16.75(4.15) 28.44(5.38) 9.7(3.16) 16.27(4.07) 2.93(1.85)
9 Thiodan 35Ec 4.5(2.22) 32.92(5.72) 15.31(3.95) 24.12(4.96) 4(2.04) 15.85(3.98) 3.35(1.96)
10 Confdor 200SL 4.2(2.17) 30.67(5.56) 10.51(3.32) 20.59(4.59) 2.9(1.84) 9.5(3.14) 3.29(1.95
11 Control 6.5(2.64) 44.10(6.66) 18.20(4.32) 31.15(5.63) 8.1(2.88) 18.38(4.27) 2.24(1.65)
F-test ** * ** * ns **
CV,% 10 10.70 11.8 22.5 22.2 5.6
0.32 0.90 0.583 0.73 1.158 0.155
Means of four replications Figure in parentheses is the transformed value of original value by Square root of (X+0.5).
Storage grain pests management in maize.
Maize is main source of food in Hills of Nepal. After harvest, maize is stored 8-9 months for
domestic consumption, seed purpose and feed for animals. But a considerable amount of grains
losses is reported during the storage of maize both in term of quantity and quality. It is estimated
that about 15-20 percent loss is there in "post harvest systems" in Nepal. Among these, insects
play a vital role for the deterioration of stored maize. Some earlier workers mentioned that
maize grain losses in storage are estimated 8%, 7.4% and 13% respectively in Mountain, Hills
and Terai of Nepal. The maize weevils (Sitophyllus zeamais) and rice weevils (S. oryzae) are
the most important weevil both in standing crop and stored maize grains. Different types of
insecticides have recommended for their control. However, direct use of such insecticides is
neither applicable nor feasible. Keeping in view, an attempt was made to asses the effect of
Bojho (Acorus calamus) on maize weevils control under various maize storage structures.
An indoor experiment composed of two factors i.e. farmers practices verses improved practices
was carried out at NMRP, Rampur during 2068/69. Improved practices included fve various
types of storage containers generally practiced by rural families in Nepal along with grains
treated with Bojho @2% where as farmers practices were left as such without any treatments.
Available maize varieties were thoroughly cleaned, Sun dried and stored at 12.5 to 13%
moisture content. On the other hand, Suli was made openly out side and divided it in two parts;
one for farmers' method and another for slightly modifed method in which available maize
varieties with husk were tied together and hang over itand fnally cobs were enclosed with 250
gauge of plastic sheet. Observation of grain moisture, emergence of adults and exit holes made
by weevils from each treatment was recorded individually on monthly basis and interpreted in
various tables.
Received data indicated that moisture content of the grains at setting time was more or less
similar in each treatments but it was gradually increased toward the progress of months. The
reason might be due to rainy season during the experimentation. However, moisture content of
the grains stored in metal bin (13.2%) and plastic Drum (13.2%) and Earthen Ghyampo (13.2)
were noted approximately constant where as in other containers found fuctuating and increasing
trends. Adult weevils emergence after four months of evidence were recorded minimum in
Metal bin (0.9 no) followed by plastic drum (1.6 no). Mean percentage of damage (Exit holes)
made by weevils revealed that infestation of pests was less in metal bin (3.4%) followed by
plastic drum (3.8%) and earthen Ghyampo (5.8%). Furthermore, mean of IP and FP indicated
that 116.7% higher infestation was there in farmers method (mean 11.7%) compared to
improved method (5.4%).Among the fve maize varieties stored under Suli system, 10.7%
infestation of weevils was seen in improved method covered by 250 gauge plastic sheet than
farmers method (17.1%). Subsequently yellow seeded varieties as Rampur composite and Arun
2 were observed relatively less and more or less equal damage in both storage conditions.
Table 104: Fluctuation of moisture content during the storage periods.
1st month
3rd month 4th month Mean
Mean of
Bhakhari IP 12.4 12.8 13.9 13.6 14.7 13.5 13.9
FP 12.5 13.6 14.9 15.6 15.4 14.4
Suli IP 13.0 13.6 14.6 14.2 14.3 14.0 14.1
FP 13.3 13.2 14.5 14.6 15.7 14.3
Kothi IP 12.5 13.5 13.7 14.5 14.6 13.8 14.0
FP 12.2 13.7 14.8 14.9 15.9 14.3
Metal IP 13.0 12.8 13.3 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.2
FP 13.0 13.1 13.5 13.1 13.4 13.2
Drum IP 13.0 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.2
FP 13.0 13.5 13.3 13.3 13.1 13.2
Ghyampo IP 12.2 12.3 13.6 13.8 13.5 13.1 13.2
FP 12.8 13.5 13.2 13.5 13.8 13.4
Mean 12.7 13.2 13.9 14.0 14.2
Table 105: Monthly emergence of adult weevils in various storage systems.
Mean of
Mean of
Mean of
Bhakhari IP 0 3 2 3 2.0 4.3 4.7 1.9
FP 1 5 12 9 6.7
Suli IP 0 7 3 2 3.0 5.6
FP 3 6 9 15 8.2
Kothi IP 1 2 6 4 3.2 4.6
FP 2 4 5 13 6.0
Metal IP 0 0 1 2 0.7 0.9
FP 0 1 2 2 1.2
Drum IP 0 0 2 1 0.7 1.6
FP 1 2 1 6 2.5
Ghyampo IP 1 0 2 5 2.0 2.7
FP 1 4 3 6 3.5
Mean 0.8 2.8 4.0 5.7
Table 106 : Percent grains damage by maize weevils in storage after fve months.
Receptacles Methods
Total sample
% grains
Means of
Mean of IP Mean of FP
Bhakhari IP 190 17 8.9 11.5 5.4 11.7
FP 192 27 14.1
Suli IP 178 15 8.4 15.5
FP 163 37 22.7
Kothi IP 179 15 8.4 11.2
FP 185 26 14.1
Metal IP 162 3 1.8 3.4
Receptacles Methods
Total sample
% grains
Means of
Mean of IP Mean of FP
FP 156 8 5.1
Drum IP 179 3 1.7 3.8
FP 150 9 6.0
Ghyampo IP 147 5 3.4 5.8
FP 156 13 8.3
IP: Improved practice, FP: Farmers practice
Table 107 : Insect's infestation record under Suli method of storage.
Improved methods of storage Farmers' method of storage
Total grains
% infested
Total grains
% infested
Deuti 147 17 11.6 136 22 16.2
R. composite 163 13 8.0 195 18 9.3
Manakamana-3 171 14 8.2 186 37 19.9
Arun 2 143 12 8.4 155 17 11.0
Posilo Makai 1 162 28 17.3 123 36 29.3
Means 10.7 17.1
Monitoring and survey of maize insects at various agro-ecological zone of Chitwan
Assessment of insects is crucial to detect the pests population, its behavior, fuctuation and
infestation level before they become damaging level. Keeping this view in mind, a survey of
insects in standing crop of maize was made at Madi and Sukranagar in Chitwan and Manahari
at Makawanpur districts to fnd out the pests population, species distribution, damaging
behavior along with benefcial insects (Predators and parasites) in a particular areas.
Twenty six felds dispersed 6 at Madi, 21 at Sukranagar and 19 at Manahari as mentioned in
table below were visited in the month of Ashad, 2069 in standing crop of maize and important
information's i.e. total healthy plants, total borer damage plants in an unit areas were taken
minutely and converted it in percentage. Other observations like Dead Heart, Scoring (0-9
scale), pin hole, windowing, and tattering stage were also recorded. Beside these, Minor pests
and benefcial insects were also recorded simultaneously. Survey report inferred that the maize
varieties observed were differed at the locations including known, local unknown to exotic
hybrids. Stage of crop varied from vegetative to maturity. Infestation of maize stem borer was
major one and more or less uniform in each locations and average damage as recorded in feld
was found more at Sukranagar, Chitwan(28.1%) followed by Jyamire (Manahari),
Makawanpur(10.6%) and Madi, Chitwan(8.6%). Furthermore, visual score of borer damage
(0-9 scale) was observed in the same trend as above at the locations ranged from 1 to 4 score
but mean of the locations inferred that infestation score were tolerant level. Sporadic damage
of leaf folder at vegetative stage, Army worm, grass hopper, White grub, Aphids, Grey weevils,
Termites, Field cricket were also recorded but their damage was nominal. Predators and
parasites as recorded during observation were Hover fy, Lady bird beetle, Dragon fy, Unknown
wasps, spiders and Prying mentids.
Table 108: Survey report of maize insects conducted at NMRP, Rampur command areas.
Date of
No of
varieties Seeding date
Range of
Madi/Chitwan 069/3/15 6 RC,Local, A-2 Chaitra Baisakh 1-3 1.7 4-26 8.6
Sukranagar/Chitwan 069/3/9 21 RC,Local, A-2, HybridWhole Baisakh 1-4 2.1 7.5-57.1 28.1
Manahari/Makawanpur 069/3/20 19 RC, Local,A-2 Chaitra Baisakh 0-3 1.7 0-23.1 10.6
19. Management of tassel beetle in feld and
maize weevil in storage condition
G. S. Bhandari and P. Thakur
Activity1. Management of pollen beetle, Chiloloba acuta in maize in feld level.
A wide array of insect pests is known to attack the maize crop from seeds sown in the feld to
maturity of the crop and feed on all parts of the plants. Among these, recently pollen beetle
(Chiloloba acuta) particularly at tasseling stage of maize crop threatening maize production
and productivity. Adult's beetles are medium sized bright in color. After emergence of tassel,
they attract toward it and feed voraciously on pollen grains of maize. Incidence and their
population at the locations were observed maximum during second forth night of September to
frst forth night of October. About 5-20 beetles were seen per tassel during the season.
A feld experiment composed of seven treatments including control were carried out under
RCB design with three replications in standing maize crop used for seed multiplication at
NMRP, Rampur during 2068/69. The stage of crop during installment was tasseling stage at
which maximum population of pollen beetle were seen. The variety of maize was posilo makai
1. Ten rows of 10 m length were selected for individual treatments and it was demarcated with
woolen threads. Recommended dose of each treatments as mentioned in table were sprayed
thoroughly focusing the tassel parts of the plants and two sprays was carried out at one week
interval. Total number of population /plant were recorded one day before commence the spray,
second and third observation were taken after one day and six days of spray. Thus, Available
data were analyzed and interpreted individually.
Table 109: Response of insecticides for pollen beetle management
E.N. Treatments One day before
frst spray*
One day after
1st spray*
6 day after
1st spray*
One day after
2nd spray*
6 day after
2nd spray*
1 Margosom(Neem) 6.7 4.0 4.7 0.7 0.0
2 Nuvan 76% 5.7 2.7 0.3 0.0 0.0
3 Action 505 8.7 2.3 1.3 0.0 0.0
4 Dimethoate 30 EC 11.3 8.7 0.7 2.0 0.0
5 Confdor 200SL 10.7 7.0 0.7 0.3 0.0
6 Thiodan 35 EC 6.3 3.3 1.0 1.0 0.0
7 Control 10.3 15.3 5.3 7.3 6.0
Mean 8.5 6.2 2.0 1.6
*Mean of three replications.
Available data inferred that insect population before one day of spray was more or less constant
ranged from 5.7 to 11.3 number/ plant but it was gradually decreased to almost nil after six days
of second spray except control. Maximum control of pests was found on six days after frst
spray. 37.9 % control was observed one day after spray where as 100% achievement was there
after second spray. Among the treatments, Nuvan 76Ec was recorded more effective followed
by Action 505(Chloropyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%) and Confdor 200 SL(Imidachloprid
17.8%) one day after second spray but all most all tested treatments was effective except control
where still pests activity was continued.
Activity2. Monitoring and survey of Maize storage pests at various ecological zones of
Chitwan valley.
In this study, three different maize production areas namely Madi, Shivanagar and Korac VDC
of Chitwan district were selected for the survey. The land partern of Madi and Shivangar are
low land and Korac is upland of Chitwan district.
I. Sample selection
A list of maize growers from each VDCs was collected from DADO of Chitwan, out of which
total of 35 farmers were selected for the survey purpose.
II. Questionnaire preparation
The semi structured questionnaires were prepared by consulting with economist and
entomologist. The questionnaires were primarily directed to farmers perception with regarding
to problem of maize storage insect pests and their management aspects.
III. Data collection
Prepared questionnaires were flled interviewing the selected maize growers of the study sites.
IV. Results
Data of the survey research analyzed and presented with fgure and tables wherever necessary.
1: Uses of Maize varieties in Chitwan condition at 2011
Total 43% farmers were used local and improved maize varieties whereas 23% farmers were
used hybrid varieties but 23% farmers are still using local varieties in Chitwan condition which
is presented in fgure.
2. Problem faced by Maize growers
Major problems on maize farming experienced by maize growers of Chitwan is presented in
Figure 2. The major problems faced by maize growers were insect followed by diseases and
others (Storage device, rats, market).
There are number of pests that reduced the loss of maize during storage. Majority of respondent
indicated that weevil (60%), rat (30%) and moth (10%) play important role to loss of maize
during storage respectively.
3. Extent of damage caused by storage pests
The extent of damage caused by pests in storage is presented in fgure (3).More than half of the
respondents (42.8 %) reported that the damage level of storage pests in maize was 11-20 % loss
in total production. Likewise, 20 % farmers reported above 21-30 % damage while 14.2 %
farmers reported >50 % damage.
4. Devices use in maize storage at Chitwan condition
Most of the farmers (34.28%) were used plastic bags for maize storage followed by Jute bags
which was being 28.5%. Likewise, more than 17.14% farmers are used metal bins followed by
Bhakari (14.25%) which is presented in table 1.
Respondents (N=35)
Frequency Percent
Jute bag 10 28.5 1
Plastic bag 12 34.28 2
Metal bin 6 17.14 3
Suli 2 5.71 5
Bhakari 5 14.25 4
Total 35 100.0
5. Management practices of farmers for storage pest
As compare to all management practices followed by the farmers at storage, chemical pesticides
were adopted by 63 % while 29 % respondents used botanical pesticides. Likewise, 8%
respondents were not used any kind of management tools in their storage.
6. Food security situation of maize growing farmers in Chitwan
The role of maize in food security is higher in mid hill area as compare to low land of Chitwan
district. More than 60% respondents said that maize play the role in food security for 2-3
months and less than 5% respondents have been used maize for a year.
Finding of the tassel beetle management experiment revealed that Nuvan (DDVT) having the
fumigation properties proved superior followed by Thiodon 35 EC and Action 505 after 2nd
spray and reduced the population of beetles by 18.9 to 100%. After feld survey, we concluded
that in mid hill farmers of Chitwan are still being used local maize varieties and low land
farmers are used improved varieties (Rampur composite and Arun-2). In conclusion, our
research will be concernted mainly focusing on borer management in feld and weevil and
moth management in store condition. Awareness trainings should be needed in mid hill farmers
regarding to varieties and storage pest management.
20. Management of Maize Diseases through Host Resistance
T. R. Rijal and D. C. Paudel
Project type: NARC
The main objective of these pathological experiments was to identify the sources of resistance
of these major diseases.
Materials and Method and Results:
For scoring foliar disease the following scoring methods was employed.
Table 110: Disease symptoms, severity scale and susceptibility reaction
Disease symptoms Severity scale Disease reaction/susceptibility class
Plants with one or two to few
scattered lesions on lower leaves
1 Resistant
Moderate number of lesions on
leaves, affecting less than 25 per
cent of the area
2 Moderately resistant
Abundant lesions on lower leaves,
few on other leaves affecting 26-
50% leaf area
3 Moderately susceptible
Lesions abundant on lower and mid
leaves, extending to upper leaves
affecting 51-75% leaf area
4 Susceptible
Lesions abundant on almost all
leaves, plant prematurely dried or
killed with 76-100% of the leaf
area affected
5 Highly susceptible
There are several constraints for successful maize production. Among them disease is one of
the major constraints. Disease pathogens not only reduce yield but also deteriorate the quality
of produce that ultimately reduces market value. Maize crop is affected by several diseases, but
Gray leaf spot, Northern leaf blight, Southern leaf blight, Ear rots, Banded leaf and sheath
blight (BLSB), Brown spot, Stalk rots are the major diseases that threat maize production in
every year. Because of climate change and other factors earlier the minor diseases are becoming
major in present context.
The results of experiments conducted during 2011/2012 summer and winters are presented in
this report.
1. Maize genotypes screening for ear rot resistance
This experiment included 20 genotypes planted in 2 rows of 5m length plot size with RCBD in
3 replications at Rampur. All the cobs were artifcially inoculated with fresh culture of Fusarium
moniliforme and disease scoring was done in % basis at the time of harvesting when all the
cobs were dehusked. Signifcant result was observed among the tested genotypes for ear rot
disease. The percent rotten ears ranged from 13.4 to 37.7 %. The moderately resistant reaction
for ear rot was found in Across 033, R-Pop-3, Synthetic-B & TLBRS07F16 (Table-110)
Table 111: Response of maize genotypes to ear rot disease tested at NMRP, 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Days to 50%
No./7.5m2 % rotten
% plants with
open HC
Male Female Plants Ears
1 Terai Pool Yellow 53 56 29 24 22.3 6.6
2 BLSBRS07F10 55 58 26 24 21.7 10.8
3 BLSBRS07F12 57 60 24 22 26.5 8.2
4 TLBRS07F14 53 56 29 27 20.9 17.4
5 TLBRS07F16 56 59 29 25 17.7 0
6 HG'A' 55 58 26 23 28.3 8.4
7 HG 'B' 54 56 30 29 16.2 10.4
8 HG 'AB' 54 57 30 28 30 19.1
9 R pop-1 55 58 31 25 20.9 10.2
10 Rpop-2 53 56 28 25 32.3 6.1
11 R pop-3 54 57 29 28 16.5 16
12 R pop-4 53 56 27 27 21.4 6.2
13 Synthetic A 56 60 24 19 42.1 16.4
14 Synthetic B 59 61 32 29 17.7 9.4
15 Synthetic C 59 62 26 25 19.3 15
16 Across 9331 RE 55 58 29 25 21.2 5
17 Across 033 57 60 30 23 13.4 6.7
18 S03TLYQ-AB-01 56 59 28 19 37.7 6.3
19 S03TLYQ-AB-02 56 58 31 29 22.4 19.1
20 BGBYPOP 56 59 27 26 15.8 18.6
Grand mean 55 58 28 25 23.2 10.8
F-test ** ** ns ns * ns
CV,% 3.3 3.2 13.5 21 41.6 86
3 3.1 6.2 8.6 16 15.4
2. Screening of maize genotypes against BLSB disease
This experiment included 20 genotypes planted in 2 rows of 5m length plot size with RCBD in
3 reps. at Rampur. The fresh culture of test fungus was multiplied in barely grains. All the
plants were artifcially inoculated with fresh culture of Rhizoctonia solani with the insertion of
2-3 barley grains. The details of result have been presented in Table-111 The severity of the
disease was found in resistant to moderately susceptible reactions among the tested genotypes.
The moderately resistant genotypes against BLSB were Synthetic-C (1.8). BGBYPOP (2.0),
BLBRS07F10 (2.2), HG-A (2.2), TLBRS07F16 (2.3), BG-B (2.3), R-Pop-3 (2.3), R-Pop-4
(2.3) & S03TLYQ-AB-02 (2.3), respectively. The highest grain yield was observed in R-Pop-3
(2359 kg/ha) followed by R Pop-2 (1968 kg/ha) and BGBYPO (1856 kg/ha), respectively.
Table 112: Response of maize genotypes to BLSB and other diseases
tested at NMRP, 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Ht. in cm Disease scale (1-5)
GY kg/ha
Plant Ear BLSB Maydis
1 Terai Pool Yellow 145 70 3.2 3.3 1474
2 BLSBRS07F10 136 61 2.2 2.2 1580
3 BLSBRS07F12 136 54 2.8 2.3 1623
4 TLBRS07F14 150 69 3.2 3.3 1753
5 TLBRS07F16 131 62 2.3 2.2 1752
6 HG'A' 122 52 2.2 2.7 1263
7 HG 'B' 135 66 2.3 3.5 1503
8 HG 'AB' 154 72 2.7 3.0 1562
9 R pop-1 144 67 3.0 2.8 1427
10 Rpop-2 165 93 2.5 3.0 1968
11 R pop-3 156 83 2.3 2.5 2359
12 R pop-4 176 89 2.3 2.8 1641
13 Synthetic A 131 62 2.0 3.0 1187
14 Synthetic B 148 75 2.7 2.7 1606
15 Synthetic C 140 52 1.8 2.2 1462
16 Across 9331 RE 125 65 2.8 3.0 1356
17 Across 033 116 55 2.3 3.5 929
18 S03TLYQ-AB-01 112 51 2.8 3.2 1085
19 S03TLYQ-AB-02 127 59 2.3 3.3 1405
20 BGBYPOP 149 80 2 2.333 1856
Grand mean 140 67 2.5 2.8 1540
F-test * ** ns ** ns
CV,% 13.9 21 21.7 16.7 27
LSD(0.05) 32 23.5 0.9 8 692
3. Management of GLS Through host resistance
This experiment was carried out at North farm of ARS, Pakhribas. A total of 55 genotypes were
included in 2 row of 3m plot size with RCBD in 3 reps. Gray leaf spot (GLS) is caused by the
fungus Cercospora zea maydis. The disease was scored in 3 consecutive times with 10 days
interval. Among the tested genotypes, Mustang local was 100% affected by GLS. Out of 55
genotypes, 6 were recorded for resistant reaction (less than 20 AUDPC) and also produced
more than 4t/ha grain yields (Table-112). These genotypes were; ZM-627 (4482 kg/ha),
02SADVIF2 (4437 kg/ha), ZM-401 (4184 kg/ha), 07SADVI (4137 kg/ha), Ganesh-1 ARSP
(4113 kg/ha), 05SADVI (4075 kg/ha), Manakamana-3 ARSP (4044 kg/ha) and ZM-423 (4001
Table 113: Reaction of maize genotypes against Gray leaf spot (GLS), 2011, Pakhribas
SN Genotypes
Disease scoring (1-5)
GY kg/
1st 2nd 3rd
1 IQUITOS 9328 RE 2.8 3.4 3.9 23.1 3353
2 GULMI-2 3.5 4.0 4.3 25.6 3512
3 SIN-IBP-UTYF 2.7 3.3 3.6 21.3 3970
4 RAMS03F04 2.3 3.1 3.8 21.9 3632
5 AGUAFRIA-S0031 3.5 4.2 4.7 27.7 2755
6 TAKFA-9624 2.8 3.4 3.8 22.4 3086
7 RPOP-3 2.8 3.7 4.3 25.1 3264
8 MUSTANG LOCAL 4.5 5.0 5.0 30.0 279
9 RESUNGA LOCAL 3.0 3.5 4.2 24.4 3835
10 RAMS03F06 2.8 3.8 4.2 24.9 3974
11 MANAKAMANA-3 2.9 3.3 3.6 21.3 3993
12 RPOP-2 3.6 4.2 4.6 27.3 3004
13 ACROSS 9944 2.8 3.7 4.1 24.2 3916
14 ZM-621 POOL-15 2.8 3.6 4.4 25.5 2310
15 RAMS03F02 2.2 3.0 3.5 20.5 3525
16 ACROSS 9624 3.0 3.6 3.7 22.1 3984
17 TAKFA-0024 2.7 3.3 3.4 20.5 3804
18 TLBRS07F14 3.0 3.6 3.9 23.1 3802
19 ACROSS 00501 3.3 3.9 3.9 23.6 2845
20 S03TEYLN 3.5 4.0 4.8 28.1 2182
21 PHRAPHUTTABAT 50031 3.0 4.0 4.6 27.0 3953
22 ACROSS 9942 2.8 3.4 3.9 23.1 3835
23 TLBRS07F16 2.7 3.3 3.6 21.3 3831
24 DRAGONF1 /DRAGONF1 3.6 4.2 4.5 26.9 3492
25 TAKFA-9627 2.7 3.3 3.6 21.3 3813
26 02SADVIF2 2.5 3.3 3.2 19.4 4437
27 EEYC1 3.1 4.2 4.7 27.7 3470
28 SO3TEV-PO/BM 3.4 4.1 4.6 27.3 3365
29 Z97EWB-F2 3.3 4.0 4.8 28.2 2944
30 ZM-423 2.5 3.1 3.4 20.1 4001
31 ACROSS 0031 2.8 3.7 4.3 25.4 3989
32 BLSBS07F10 3.1 3.9 4.6 26.9 2642
33 OBATAMPA 3.0 3.6 3.9 23.2 3386
34 ACROSS 0028 2.7 3.5 3.7 22.0 3133
35 S01SYNZIME 2.3 3.1 3.6 20.9 4023
36 TAKFA-S- 9536 3.2 3.4 3.6 21.4 3017
37 MANAKAMANA-2 3.4 4.0 4.6 27.2 3146
SN Genotypes
Disease scoring (1-5)
GY kg/
1st 2nd 3rd
38 POZARICA 9531 3.0 3.4 3.9 23.1 3086
39 PL-15QC7SRC1 2.5 3.2 3.4 20.3 3557
40 COMPOZINIBP 3.0 3.9 4.1 24.2 2699
41 KHUMAL YEELLOW 2.8 3.9 4.7 27.4 1978
42 DEUTI 2.2 3.5 3.4 20.5 3863
43 MANAKAMANA 4 (ARSP) 2.7 3.5 3.8 22.5 3429
44 GANESH-1 (ARSP) 2.3 3.0 3.4 20.0 4113
45 SHEETALA (ARSP) 2.4 3.5 3.8 22.3 3262
46 QPM (ARSP) 2.7 3.5 3.7 22.0 3882
47 ZM 627 1.7 3.0 3.2 18.8 4482
48 07 SADVI 2.2 2.9 3.2 18.7 4137
49 ZM 401 2.0 3.0 3.4 19.8 4184
50 05 SADVI 2.2 3.0 3.2 19.2 4075
51 OKHALDHUNGA LOCAL 3.8 4.3 4.8 28.3 2724
52 KHOTANG LOCAL 3.6 4.1 4.8 28.1 2488
53 ARUN-1 (ARSP) 3.2 3.7 4.6 26.5 2820
54 MANAKAMANA 3 (ARSP) 1.8 3.2 3.4 20.2 4044
55 DEUTI 2.5 3.0 3.3 19.7 3796
Grand mean 2.9 3.6 4 23.5 3420
F-test ** ** ** ** **
CV,% 13.6 7.2 6 5.5 21
0.63 0.42 0.39 2 1161
4. Screening of maize genotypes against southern leaf blight
This experiment was conducted at Rampur including 38 maize genotypes in 2 reps. with 2 rows
of 5m length plot in RCBD. The disease is caused by Bipolaris maydis synonym:
Helminthosporium maydis. Disease assessment was done in percent leaf blighted area by the
disease in 3 times at 10 days interval. Out of 38 genotypes, 20 genotypes responded moderately
resistant reaction (<25% leaf area blighted) & have lowest AUDPC (Table-113). Some of the
promising genotypes were; TLBRS07F16, BLSBRS07F10, Across-9531, BGBYPOP,
TLBRS07F14 & Rampur S03F08.
Table 114: Reaction of maize genotypes against Southern leaf blight (SLB), 2011, Rampur
SN Genotypes
Disease scoring (% blighted)
1st 2nd 3rd
1 YELLOW POP CORN 9 22.5 72.5 385
2 POP-35 C1 5 10 31 165
3 MUSTARD 1 REAL 5 13.5 30 163.5
4 R- POP 1 4 9 26.5 141.5
5 SO1SYQ 4 9 31 164
6 KHUMAL YELLOW 4 9 29 154
7 R- POP 4 3 7 23.5 124.5
8 AEMRS 9531 2 7 22 117
9 BGBYPOP 2 5 23 120
10 TLBRSO7F14 2 5.5 23.5 123
11 SQQTLWQ-B 2 5.5 24 125.5
12 MANAKAMANA-2 2 8 26 138
13 ASS9331 2 6 29 151
14 POP445C1 3 7 27 142
15 RPOP-2 2 8 24 128
16 OBATAMPA 3 10 24 130
17 TERAI POOL YELLOW 2 8 29 153
18 COTAPLA 9627 3 6 23 121
19 SO3TEY-FM/ER 2 9 29 154
20 PL15QC7SRC1 2 9 29 154
21 IQU1TOS-9328 2 9 25 134
22 SIN-1BP-UTYF 2.5 7 23.5 124.5
23 RAMSO3FO8 2 8 23 123
24 ZM301 2 9 28 149
25 S99TLYGHAYB(3) 3 7 24 127
26 PHRAPHUTTRBATS0031 2 7 26.5 139.5
27 MANAKAMANA-3 2 10 32.5 172.5
28 ASS2401 2 8 31 163
29 BANGLORE9745 2 6 25 131
30 TLBRSO7F16 2 6 19 101
31 GHULMI-2 2 10 27 145
32 BLSBSO7F10 3 8 21 113
33 TAKFA-9624 2 9 24 129
34 POZARICA9531 2.5 9 23.5 126.5
35 RAMPURSO3FO2 3 10 23.5 127.5
36 RSUNGA COMPOSITE 2 12 34 182
37 MANAKAMANA -5 2 10 25 135
38 MANAKAMANA -6 2 9 25 134
Grand mean 2.7 8.6 27.3 145
F-test ** ** ** **
CV,% 10.4 13.5 6.4 6.1
0.57 2.4 3.5 18
5. Screening of maize genotypes against northern leaf blight
This disease is caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum synonym: Helminthosporium
turcicum .This experiment was conducted at Rampur including 32 maize genotypes in 2
replicated conditions with 2 rows of 5m length plot size in RCB design. Yellow pop corn was
planted around the experiment and in between the plots as a spreader row. All the plants were
artifcially inoculated with plant debris. Disease assessment was done in percent leaf blighted
area by the disease in 3 times at 10 days interval. Out of 32 genotypes, 20 genotypes responded
moderately resistant reaction (<25% leaf area blighted) & have lowest AUDPC. Some of the
promising genotypes were; PHRAPHUTTRBATS0031, TLRBSO7F16, SO19YNZIME,
Table 115: Reaction of maize genotypes against Northern leaf blight (NLB), 2011, Rampur
SN Genotypes
Disease scoring (% blighted)
1st 2nd 3rd
1 SO19YNZIME 2 7.5 15 82.5
2 RAMPURSO3FO2 3 5.5 17 90.5
3 TAKAFA9536 5 7 18 97
4 POP445POP446 5.5 9 25 134
5 R- POP 3 5 7 21 112
6 PHRAPHUTTRBATS0031 4 9 13.5 76.5
7 ACOSS00501 5 13.5 26 143.5
8 TAKFA-9624 3 7 21 112
9 COMPOZNIBP 2.5 7 20 107
10 RAMPURSO3FO2 3 7 20 107
11 R-POP1 2 7 20 107
12 TLRBSO7F16 1 7 15 82
13 ARUN_4 4.5 10 26.5 142.5
14 SO3TEY/LN 5 9 27 144
15 UPAHAR 3 9 15.5 86.5
16 AC-9942AC9944 3 5 21 110
17 TERAI POP YELLOW 2.5 7 25 132
18 SO3TEYLN-PP 3 9 27 144
19 MUSTANG LOCAL 3 11 27 146
20 POP CORN(YELLOW POP CORN 9 22.5 50 272.5
21 ACORRS-2401 3 5.5 26 135.5
22 ACORRS8470 2 7 21 112
23 BGBY-POP 3 7 19 102
24 ZM-423 9 14.5 28 154.5
25 ACROSS9942 7 17 29 162
26 SOOTLYQ-B 5.5 11 24.5 133.5
27 02SADVIF-2 3 9 24.5 131.5
28 SO3TEY-SEQ 6 9 25.5 136.5
29 TLBR07F-14 2 7 17 92
30 SO3TEV-POOL-BM 5 7 27 142
31 POP-35C1 4 7 22 117
32 SO3TEY-FM(ER) 4 7 27 142
SN Genotypes
Disease scoring (% blighted)
1st 2nd 3rd
Grand mean 3.98 8.88 23.16 124.7
F-test ** ** ** **
CV,% 19.8 17.3 7.5 7.2
1.6 3.1 3.57 18.4
21. Agriculture Engineering Research Highlights, 2011/12
I. P. Upadhyay, J. P. Yadav and M. R. Gautam
Comparative study of inclined plate maize planter and farmers practice of maize seeding:
Field experiment was carried out at NMRP with the objective to evaluate the performance of
different tillage and seeding devices for maize. There were six treatments namely T1. Bed
planting with Tractor Drawn Zero Till cum Bed planter (Dashmesh), T2. Zero tillage with
Tractor Drawn Zero Till planter (Dashmesh) T3. Planting manually behind cultivator on tilled
soil, T4. Zero tillage with manual maize planter, T5. Seeding with manual maize planter in
tilled soil, and T6. Farmers Practice (land preparation followed by broadcasting of maize seed
and fertilizer). The experiment was laid out in RCBD with 3 replications. Maize variety Deuti
was sown along with DAP fertilizer using tractor drawn maize planter for T1 and T2. Only
fertilizer DAP was applied using tractor drawn maize planter for T3, T4 and T5 in line. Seed
and for all the treatments except farmers practice on October 9, 2011. The plant spacing was
R-R 60-75 cm and P-P 20-40 cm. Gap flling was done on October 14, 2011. Seed rate was 23
kg/ha for T1, 27 kg/ha for T2 to T5 and 33 kg/ha for farmers practice. The fertilizer was applied
@ 120:60:40 kg NPK/ha + 6 ton poultry manure. The basal dose applied was 23.4 kg N, 60 kg
and 40 kg K
O/ha. Manual weeding was done on November 10, 2011. Top dressing was
done @ 48.3 kg N each on November 18, and December 20, 2011. Two food irrigations were
done one day prior to top dressing. The crop was harvested on 23 March, 2012. Data on fnal
plant population, number of ears and grain yields were recorded and analysed. Statistically, all
the treatments were non-signifcant for grain yield. Bed planting (T1) recorded the highest
grain yield (3273 kg/ha) followed by planting manually behind cultivator (T3) on tilled soil
(3221 kg/ha, Farmers Practice (2882 kg/ha), manual maize planter in tilled soil (2778 kg/ha),
Zero Tillage with tractor drawn planter (2723 kg/ha) and zero tillage with manual planter (2698
kg/ha). Economically, bed planting recorded the highest net return (Rs 46721/ha) followed by
zero tillage with tractor drawn maize planter (Rs. 44421/ha), zero tillage with manual planter
(Rs. 43996/ha), seeding manually behind cultivator (Rs. 42967/ha), farmers practice (Rs
34414/ha) and seeding with manual planter in tilled soil (Rs. 30556/ha).
Water management study on spring maize under conservation agriculture practices:
A feld experiment was carried out at NMRP to study the water requirement for spring maize
under different tillage and residue management practices. The tillage practices were; 1. Paired
row maize in wide bed, 2. Single row maize on narrow bed, 3. Zero tillage and 4. Conventional
tillage. Two residue management practices were; maize residue @ 5 ton/ha and without residue.
The experiment was laid out in 2 factor split-plot design; tillage as main plot and residue as sub
plot with three replications. The feld was ploughed for wide and narrow bed and conventional
tillage. The beds were prepared by tractor drawn bed former. The size of wide bed was 100 cm
wide ad 25 cm high and the size of narrow bed was 50 cm wide and 25 cm high. The width of
furrow was 20 cm for both wide and narrow beds. For zero tillage, herbicide glyphosate was
applied @ 6 ml/l water 10 days prior to seeding to control existing weeds. The row to row
distance was 60 cm for wide bed and 75 cm for remaining three tillage practices ad plant to
plant distance was 25 cm for all the treatments. Fertilizer DAP was applied through tractor
drawn planter at specifed row to row distance. Maize variety Rampur Composite was drilled
manually with planter with 2 seeds per hill on 27 January, 2012. The net plot size was 7.5m x
4.5 m (33.75 m2). The total fertilizer 120:60:40 kg NPK/ha was applied (basal dose: 40 kg N,
60 kg P
and 40 kg K
O/ha, and top dressing twice @ 40 kg N each after 35 and 70 DAS).
Weeding and earthing-up were not done. Chenopodium sp and other broad leaved weeds were
controlled by spraying post-emergence selective herbicide 2,4 D ethyl ester @ 2 ml/l water on
30 March, 2012. Three irrigations were given to the crop at most critical stages (knee-high,
tasseling and dough). Crop was harvested on 31 May, 2012. Data on number of plants, ears,
grain yield and thousand grains weight were recorded. Data were analysed using MSTATC.
The effects of tillage, residue retention and their interaction on maize grain yield were non-
signifcant. The mean maize grain yield was the highest in zero tillage (1737.9 kg/ha) followed
by conventional tillage (1681.2 kg/ha), single row on narrow bed (1461.2 kg/ha) and paired
row on wide beds (1408.5 kg/ha). Similarly, residue retained plots recorded slightly higher
grain yield (1696 kg/ha) than the without residue plots (1448.4 kg/ha). The low grain yield in
all the treatments of this experiment was due to heavy hail stone at tasseling/silking stage that
damaged pollen, reducing pollination and reduced the leaf area thus reducing photosynthetic
activity. The effects of tillage and residue on maize yield and were not found in this experiment
probably this is the second year of the experiment and it may take 3 or 4 years to build up the
effects of no tillage and residue retention in soil. The total irrigation time required for wide
beds was 2.43 hr/ha followed by 2.86 hr/ha for narrow beds, 3.22 hr/ha for zero tillage and
4.05 hr/ha for conventional tillage. Irrigation time required for residue retained and without
residue plots were almost similar. Thus, irrigation times saved in wide bed, narrow bed and
zero tillage as compared to conventional tillage were 40.0%, 29.4% and 20.5%, respectively.
Performance evaluation of diffrent power corn shellers:
Performances of two power corn shellers operated by electric 3 HP motor and tractor small
were evaluated at NMRP. Three maize varieties (Rampur Composite, Arun-2 and Manakamana-3)
were shelled with two different corn shellers. The parameters studied were feed rate, power
required at no load and load, RPM of main shaft, labor requirement etc. From the corn sheller
test data, threshing recovery, threshing effciency, cleaning effciency, percentage of damaged
grain, loss of grain and cost of shelling were calculated. The electric motor (3 HP) operated
corn sheller (SONALIKA) recorded 99.55%, 98.8% and 98.6% threshing effciency with
Rampur Composite at 15.3%, Mankamana-3 at15.8% and Arun-2 at 14.9% moisture contents,
respectively. The cost of shelling 1 ton maize cobs was Rs 358.00. While the threshing
effciency of tractor operated corn sheller was 95.3% at 21% moisture content and 97.6% at
15% moisture content with Mankamana-3 variety. The cost of shelling 1 ton maize cobs was
Rs. 610.00.was (96.3%) with 872 kg/hr output followed by tractor operated (90.1%) with 1332
kg/hr output and electric motor (1 HP) operated (88.5%) with 346 kg/hr output. The electric
motor operated corn sheller was found most suitable in terms of power consumption, cost and
ease of operation.
22. Participatory Technology Development (PTD)
at NMRP OR Sites
G.S. Bhandari and G. B. Hamal
Project typte: NARC
To verify on station results in on farm sites
To provide superior crop varieties to the farming communities.
To get feed back information from farmers
To incorporate farmer's knowledge, idea and co-operation on agriculture research
To increase economic status of resource poor farmers in varying agro ecological conditions
by introducing income generation technologies
To involve farmers in agricultural research planning and exertion
1. Participatory varietal selection
RFFT -Rice
RFFT- wheat
CFFT- Maize (Early, QPM, Normal)
CFFT-Rice (Early, Normal, Aromatic)
Varieties: 5-6 Wheat/Rice Early, Normal
Plot size: 50-100 m
Design: RCB
CFFT on Maize, Wheat & Rice
Varieties: 5-6 Maize, Wheat, Rice
Plot size: 50-100 m
Design: RCBD
2. Farmers acceptance test (FAT) for Technology verifcation
Farmers acceptance test (FAT) on maize, wheat and rice
Plot size: May vary according to crop
No. of co-operators 5 for each crop for each site (only seed will be provided to the co-operators)
3. Participatory evaluation of appropriate Resource Conserving Technologies for maize
Treatment: 5 (Bed planting, zero tillage jab seeder, injection planter and farmers practice for maize)
Replication: 4
The net plot size: 90 m
Seed rate: 20 kg/ha and 40 kg/ha for farmers practice.
In case of rice, seed rate will be 30-35 kg/ha depending on variety and germination of the
seed for different RCTs and 60 kg/ha for FP.
Varieties: Maize (Rampur composite or Arun-2)
4. Village level workshop/planning & coordination meeting support program for participatory
technology development
A one-day village level workshop will be organized in the sites. About 25-30 progressive
farmers village leaders, concerning extension personnel, researcher will participate the
workshop. The workshop reviews the running program and prepares a guideline for next
year outreach program in the sites.
5. Joint monitoring and evaluation (summer and winter crop)
Summer and winter on going outreach research activities will be monitored and evaluate in
each OR Site, Participants will be researchers, extension personnel and representative co-
operators by the group.
6. Farmers' training:
Maize seed production and technical support to seed multiplication farmers group
Plant Protection (Maize, rice, wheat) Major diseases and their management, insect pest
including Diseases, insect pests including storage pests
7. Verifcation and Scaling up new technology in wider areas OR activities/ improved
technologies including FAT will be distributed and evaluated in new sites:
Distribution and or replacement of farmers Maize variety with disease tolerant varieties in
Gray leaf spot affected remote VDCs of Makwanpur district.
Additional activities of CFFT/RFFT and FAT for Madi areas of Chitwan Hill VDCs of
8. Verifcation and Scaling up new technology in wider areas/ Gray leaf spot affected areas
A one to two days training on maize seed production/ and or plant protection training will
be conducted at out reach sites. A maize seed multiplication group of the farmers will be
formed with the help of concerned extension personnel. The group will be supplied with
foundation maize seed by station. Along with source, seed the group will be assisted with
technical help from the station staffs. This will help in dissemination-improved varieties
generate income of the farmers and solve the problem of seed scarce.
Participation on fair and exhibition:
9. Mobile maize camp to interact with maize growers
Mobile maize camp in different hill districts for solving the on the spot problems of farmers
related to maize farming will be organized. A team of scientist and technician from different
disciplines i.e. plant breeding, agronomy, soil science; pathology, agri-engineering,
entomology will help the farmers through mobile maize camp. This is the new initiatives
visualized by research team of NMRP.
1. Participatory varietal selection
CFFT-Full season set
A. Upahar- 4240 kg/ha
Across 9331 RE- 4061 kg/ha
HGA- 3711 kg/ha
B. Upahar- 6504 kg/ha
HG-A- 6171kg/ha
HG-B- 5958 kg/ha
Manahari (Makawanpur)
Upahar- 6135 kg/ha
HGAB- 5682 kg/ha
AC 9331 Re- 5372 kg/ha
Combined (Mahanri 2 rep and Madi 2 rep)
Upahar- 6319 kg/ha
HG-A- 5582 kg/ha
HG-AB- 5522kg/ha
CFFT Early
A. Arun-2: 3260 kg/ha
Farmers' variety: 3240 kg/ha
Arun-4: 3168 kg/ha
B. Arun-2: 3281 kg/ha
Arun-1-EV: 2996 kg/ha
Arun-4: 2975 kg/ha
Manahari (Makawanpur)
Arun-4: 5291 kg/ha
Farmers' variety: 4428 kg/ha
Arun-2: 4423 kg/ha
Arun-4: 5620 kg/ha
Arun-2: 5492 kg/ha
Arun-1.EV: 5019 kg/ha
A. S99TLYQ-B: 4941 kg/ha
Rampur S03FQO9: 4309kg/ha
Posilo makai-1: 4224 kg/ha
B. Posilo makai-1: 3855kg/ha
S03TLYQ-AB-01: 3706 kg/ha
S03TLYQ-AB-02: 3584kg/ha
Manahari (Makawanpur)
S03TLYQ-AB-02: 5738 kg/ha
S03TLYQ-AB-01: 5436 kg/ha
Farmers' variety: 5165 kg/ha
S03TLYQ-AB-02: 4618 kg/ha
S03TLYQ-AB-01: 4571 kg/ha
Rampur-S03FQ02: 4234 kg/ha
CFFT Full season
BGBYPOP: 5438 kg/ha
Mana-3: 5252 kg/ha
Rampur S03FO6: 5224 kg/ha
Manahari (Makawanpur)
Rampur-S03FO6: 3841 kg/ha
BGBYPOP: 3832 kg/ha
Mana-3: 3550 kg/ha
BGBYPOP: 4940 kg/ha
RampurS03FO6: 4818 kg/ha
Mana-3: 4736 kg/ha
A.RML-4/RML-17: 5418 kg/ha
RML-32/RML-17: 4138 kg/ha
CP-808: 4357 kg/ha
B. Pipeline hybrid maize
RML-4/RML-17: 8396 kg/ha
RML-32/RML-17: 5024kg/ha
1. Rice RFFT-Normal set (5 reps)
Manahari- BR4684 (6.0t/ha) followed by IR-70215 (4.8 t/ha)
Rajahar- IR-70215 (2.6 t/ha) followed by Ramdhan (2.5 t/ha)
Shukranagar- YN 1850 (4.8 t/ha) followed by IR 80411 (3.6t/ha)
2. Rice RFFT-Early set (5 reps)
Manahari- Naveen (4.539 t/ha) followed by Bio-530 (4.126 t/ha)
Rajahar- Naveen (3.552 t/ha followed by Bio-530 (3.228 t/ha)
Shukrangar- BG-358 (6.206 t/ha) followed by Radha-4 (5.864 t/ha)
3. Rice CFFT Normal set (3 reps)
IR-77542 (4.981 t/ha), IR 70215 (4.4 t/ha followed by 4.070 farmer's variety (4.070 t/ha)
4. Rice CFFT-Early set (2reps)
Bio-530 (4.6.6 t/ha) followed by IR-78937 (3.985 t/ha)
5. FAT on rice-
Tested genotypes-IR-70215 (4.174 t/ha),
Farmers' variety (3.923 t/ha)
Yield increment over farmer's variety 6.4%
1. PVS on wheat
Gautam: 3227 kg/ha
Farmers' variety: 3108 kg/ha
NL-1055: 3070 kg/ha
2. CFFT-Combined
NL-1044: 2695kg/ha
NL-1073: kg/ha
Madi (Chitwan) Manhari (Makawanpur) Rajahar (Nawalparasi)
Variety Yield (kg/ha) Variety Yield (kg/ha) Variety Yield (kg/ha)
I NL-1050 2660 NL-1050 3977 Vijaya 2249
II NL-1073 2494 Farmers
3607 Farmers
III NL-1055 2315 Vijaya 3587 NL-1073 2010
4. FAT on wheat
NL-1073: 3049 kg/ha
Farmers' variety: 2828 kg/ha
Yield gain over F.V.: 221 kg/ha
Yield increment over FV: 7.81%
5. RFFT combined
Gautam: 3266 kg/ha
BL-3819: 3172 kg/ha
FV: 3152 kg/ha
Madi (Chitwan) Manahari (Makawanpur) Rajahar (Nawalparasi)
Variety Yield (kg/ha) Variety Yield (kg/ha) Variety Yield (kg/ha)
I Gautam 3397 Gautam 3647 FV 2967
II BL3819 3130 NL-1073 3555 BL-3819 2891
III NL-1073 3124 BL-3819 3187 NL-1073 2470
4. Village level workshop/planning & coordination meeting support program for participatory
technology development.
Site Male Female Total Remarks
Offce 32
Total 62
Mobile maize camp to interact with maize growers
Two days mobile camp was organized at OR site of Madi, Chitwan which was held on 2069/1/14
to 1/15. More than 200 farmers interacted with the team of scientists and technical offcers
during that period. We discussed to farmers based on maize and maize based cropping system.
The discussion topics were insect and diseases management technology, soil testing, improved
seed, DSR, weed management, irrigation etc. Rampur composite (100kg) and Arun-2 (50kg)
foundation seed were distributed to the maize growers by the program.
Technologies verifed by Outreach Research and taken for wider adoption
23. Farmers acceptance test (FAT) on hybrid maize; Evaluation of
Pipeline Hybrid Maize under Farmers' Fields
G. Hamal, T. R. Rijal, J. Shrestha and G. S. Bhandari
Project type: NARC
To identify farmers preferred hybrid maize
Methodologies (activity wise):
Eight pipeline hybrid maize were tested under farmers feld condition at two location of Madi
(Ayodhyapuri-2, Devendrapur, Chitwan), Rampur and Nepalgunj. The tested hybrids were
RML-4/RML-17, GAURAV, RL-105/RL-197, RL-5/RL-17, RC/RML-8, RML-87/RL-105,
RML-84/RL-10 and RML-32/RML-17 where Gaurav was check hybrid. The planting at both
location of madi was 2068/7/29 and harvesting was 2069/1/15. Similarly, the planting at
Rampur and Nepalgunj were 2068/7/14 and harvesting was 2068/12/29. The plot size for the
trials was 4 rows of 5 m length.
1. RML-4/RML-17 was found best in terms of grain yield among the tested hybrid
2. RML-84/RL-105 was found best in terms of farmers preference
Farmers feedback on tested technologies/varieties:
Crop Technologies/ varieties Farmers preferred traits Undesirable traits
1 RML-4/RML-17 ears size long plant height tall
2 RML-84/RL-105 No. of grain rows/cob upto top
of cob
slight open husk
The details of the trial were mentioned as below
Table 116 : Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Nepalgunj, 2011/12 Winter
SN Name of hybrid Days to
50 %
Days to
50 %
grain wt (g)
1 RML-4/RML-17 64 65 153 77 1 1 1 1 452
2 RML-32/RML-17 63 62 165 76 1 1 1 1 388
3 RL-105/RL-197 62 64 179 95 1 1 1 1 362
4 RL-5/RL-175 61 62 157 86 1 1 1 1 326
5 RC/RML-8 57 58 185 98 1 1 1 1 350
6 RML-87/RL-105 60 61 154 81 1 1 1 1 370
7 RML-84/RL-105 61 62 110 81 1 1 1 1 342
8 GAURAV 57 57 180 114 1 1 1 1 228
Mean 60.62 61.37 160.38 88.5 1 1 1 1 352.3
Table 117: Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Rampur, in 2011/12 Winter
SN Name of hybrid Days to
50 %
Days to
50 %
Ear Ht.
1 RML-4/RML-17 62 65 1.5 180 95 1.5 1 1
2 RML-32/RML-17 59 63 2 170 85 2 1 1
3 RL-105/RL-197 63 67 2.5 210 100 3 1 1
4 RL-5/RL-175 58 61 2.5 200 99 3.5 1 1
5 RC/RML-8 53 56 2.5 110 90 1.5 1 1
6 RML-87/RL-105 59 63 1.5 180 85 2 1 1
7 RML-84/RL-105 61 64 2 190 90 2.5 1 1
8 GAURAV 64 68 2 165 70 1.5 1 1
Mean 59.88 63.38 2.063 175.6 89.25 2.188 1.0 1.0
Table 118: Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Madi, in 2011/12 Winter
Name of hybrid Days to
50 %
Days to
50 %
Farmers' prefered
Farmers' unprefered
RML-4/RML-17 58 61 1.5 172 82 15.4 2 2 ears size long plant height tall
RML-32/RML-17 57 62 1.5 156 63 14 2 2 two cobs/plant plant height tall
RL-105/RL-197 60 65 3 186 91 13 2 2 ear size long and thick ear placement high
RL-5/RL-175 58 60 3.5 153 71 12.4 2 2 plant vigor good poor in yield
RC/RML-8 51 54 2.5 179 84 13.2 2 2 early maturity Grain row sparse (thin),
plant height tall
RML-87/RL-105 59 64 1.5 180 94 14.1 2 2 plant height and ear ht. short single cob/plant
RML-84/RL-105 59 62 1.5 176 94 14.2 2 2 No. of grain rows/cob
upto top of cob
slight open husk cover
GAURAV 60 64 1.5 148 59 13 2 2
Mean 57.75 61.50 2.06 168.75 79.75 13.66 2.0 2.0
Table 119: Performance of pipeline maize hybrids at Madi, 2011/12 Winter
Name of hybrid Days
to 50 %
Days to
50 %
Ear Ht.
Farmers' prefered
RML-4/RML-17 60 64 1 211 108 19 1 1 ears size long Lodging
RML-32/RML-17 58 61 1 222 94 14.8 1 2 two cobs/plant plant height tall
RL-105/RL-197 61 65 3 211 111 15 1 1 ear size long and
plant height tall,
uneven ear height
RL-5/RL-175 59 63 3 179 92 17.2 1 1 Plant aspect and
ear aspect good
RC/RML-8 53 58 2 174 79 14 1 1 early maturity Grain row sparse
(thin), plant height
RML-87/RL-105 61 65 2 167 81 14.3 1 1 Uniform in ear
ear size short
Name of hybrid Days
to 50 %
Days to
50 %
Ear Ht.
Farmers' prefered
RML-84/RL-105 60 63 1 181 92 14.6 1 1 No. of grain rows/
cob upto top of cob
slight open husk
GAURAV 62 65 1 167 87 16.2 1 1
Mean 59.3 63.0 1.8 189.0 93.0 15.6 1.0 1.1
Table 120: Grain yield (kg/ha) of pipeline hybrid maize under farmers
feld at different location in 2011/12 winter
SN Hybrid Madi Madi Rampur Nepalgunj Average
1 RML-4/RML-17 8312.5 7273.4 8641.0 9358.193 8396.3
2 RML-32/RML-17 5593.3 4894.1 6273.4 3334.224 5023.8
3 RL-105/RL-197 6661.3 5828.7 7929.6 3955.451 6093.8
4 RL-5/RL-175 5287.3 4626.4 7545.9 5387.294 5711.7
5 RC/RML-8 6144.0 5376.0 6693.6 4781.471 5748.8
6 RML-87/RL-105 5752.5 5033.4 7759.2 6159.247 6176.1
7 RML-84/RL-105 7268.4 6359.8 7096.2 8142.18 7216.7
8 GAURAV 7228.2 6324.7 5932.8 7327.624 6703.3
Mean 6530.94 5714.56 7233.96 6055.71 6383.81
24. Maize Research Activities at OR sites of NMRP, Rampur
G. B. Hamal, G. S. Bhandari, T. R. Rijal, J. Shrestha and A. Aryal
National maize research program, Rampur has one of its mandates for conducting participatory
technology verifcations in its outreach research sites (Shukranagar, Rajahar & Manahari). The
main objectives of outreach research are to reduce the yield gap between on-station and on-
farm of major cereal crops (rice, wheat and maize). Development of location specifc varieties
and technologies is needed to address the local needs. Due to high cropping intensity and
fragmented farming land the technologies identifed in research farms should be verifed in
farmers feld in the active participation of the farmers as their interest and involvement to ft
in their existing cropping pattern for extra income and sustainable of new technologies. This
outreach research activity not only verifes the technologies at farmers feld but also helps to
know the actual farmers problems faced by them and feedback about the new technologies for
further improvement in certain traits like yield, cooking quality, maturity days etc. The
summarized reports on varietal testing activities on maize rice and wheat are listed below.
The details of materials and methods while conducting maize experiments at farmer's feld are
presented in following ;
FFT-Full Season Set
This experiment was conducted at two sites of Rajahar, Nawalparasi, single site of Manahari,
the OR site of NMRP, Rampur including six full season maize genotypes. Detail result is
presented in Table 120 . The combined results of FFT at Manahari and two sites of Rajahar
showed that grain yield, plant height and ear height were highly signifcant for genotypes and
location. Genotypes were non signifcant for no. of plants/plot and no. of ears/plot. G x E
interaction for grain yield, no. of plnats/plot, no. of ears/plot were non signifcant but highly
signifcant for plant height and ear height. The BGBYPOP produced highest grain yield (4940
kg/ha) followed by RampurS03f06 (4818 kg/ha) and Manakamana-3 (4736 kg/ha).
Table 121: Combined results of maize FFT full season set at Manahari
(Makawanpur) and two sites of Rajahar (Nawalparasi) 2011 summer
Genotypes Plant Height
Ear Height
No. of
No. of
Grain Yield
1 ACROSS9942/AC9944 255 149 26.8 27.0 4463
2 BGBY POP 256 146 29.3 29.4 4940
3 FARMERS VARIETY 311 175 29.6 29.7 3426
4 MANAKAMANA-3 273 154 29.9 30.1 4736
5 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 250 133 28.8 27.0 4015
6 RAMPURS03F06 238 132 29.6 29.5 4818
Grand Mean 264 148 29.0 28.8 4400
Error mean square 268 382 10.7 12.9 918682
CV,% 6.2 13.2 11.3 12.5 22
23.1 27.6 5.1 1355.5
Genotypes Plant Height
Ear Height
No. of
No. of
Grain Yield
F-test (G) ** ** ns ns **
Location ** ** ** ** **
G E ** ** ns ns ns
The combined result of two sites of Rajahar FFT full season trial showed that BGBYPOP
produced the highest grain yield of 5438 kg/ha followed by Manakamana-3 (5252 kg/ha) and
RampurS03f06 (5224 kg/ha).
Table 122: Combined results of maize FFT full season set at two sites of
Rajahar (Nawalparasi) 2011 summer
Genotypes Plant Height
Ear Height
No. of
No. of
Grain Yield
1 ACROSS9942/AC9944 276.4 163 29.29 29.86 4694.0
2 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 269 149.1 32.43 29.57 4344.0
3 RAMPURS03F06 253.7 143.6 33.29 33.57 5224.0
4 BGBY POP 283.3 162.6 33.57 33.43 5438.0
5 MANAKAMANA-3 286.1 168.4 34.86 35.29 5252.0
6 Farmers' Variety 290.1 157.1 33 33.86 4047.0
GM 276.5 157.3 32.74 32.6 4833.0
CV,% 8 15.4 10.8 12.2 19.9
24.16 26.44 3.85 4.33 1047.9
F-test * ns ns ns ns
The result of two sites of Manahari FFT full season trial showed that RampurS03f06 produced
the highest grain yield of 3841 kg/ha followed by BGBYPOP (3832 kg/ha) and Across9942/
ac9944 (3794 kg/ha).
Table 123: Results of maize FFT full season set at Manahari (Makawanpur) 2011 summer
Genotypes Plant Height
Ear Height
No. of
No. of
Grain Yield
1 ACROSS9942/AC9944 215.8 123.8 21 20 3794.0
2 P501SRCO/P502SRCO 210.8 102 21 20.5 3338.0
3 RAMPURS03F06 216 120.5 20.75 20.25 3841.0
4 BGBY POP 206.8 119.3 20.25 20 3832.0
5 MANAKAMANA-3 253.4 131.6 19.25 19 3550.0
6 FARMERS VARIETY 352.8 213 21 19.75 2062.0
GM 242.6 135 20.54 19.92 3403.0
CV,% 2.5 12.5 8.4 8 12.9
9.27 25.38 2.59 2.39 663.5
F-test ** * ns ns **
FFT Early set
This experiment was conducted at Madi, the OR site of NMRP, Rampur including fve early
maize genotypes. Detail result is presented in Table 123. Statistically non signifcant results
were recorded for number of plant per plot, number of ears plot, root and shoot lodging per plot
and grain yield, respectively. However, Arun-4 produced highest grain yield (3260 kg/ha)
followed by Arun-2 (3240 kg/ha) and Farmers' variety (3168 kg/ha), respectively.
Table 124: Result of Maize FFT Early set at OR sites Madi,
Chitwan conducted during 2011 summer
SN Genotypes
Plant ht
Ear ht
Plt/p Ear/p
Lodg Root/
Grain yield
1 POOL-17 164.7 71.7 39.67 33.67 1.33 2.67 2390
2 ARUN-1EV 183 112.7 37.67 37.33 2.67 2.67 3127
3 ARUN-4 186 110.7 35 34.67 1.33 3 3260
4 ARUN-2 190.3 114.3 35.33 34 3.33 1.67 3240
5 Farmers' Variety 202.7 105.7 34.33 33.67 1.67 2.33 3168
GM 185.3 103 36.4 34.67 2.07 2.47 3037
CV,% 4.4 14.4 7.5 8.9 64.9 48.3 16.8
15.52 27.95 5.116 5.82 2.526 2.241 961.9
F-test ** * ns ns ns ns ns
Among the six genotypes evaluated at during summer, 2011, the genotype S99TLYQ-AB
produced the highest grain yield (4941 kg/ha), followed by RAMS03FQ02 (4309 kg/ha) and
Poshilo Makai-1 (4224 kg/ha) respectively. Statistically all the tested genotypes were non
signifcant for grain yield, plant height, ear height, no. of plants/pot and no. of ears/plot.
Table 125: Results of CFFT QPM tested at 2011 summer
SN Genotypes Plant ht (cm) Ear ht (cm) Plt/p Ear/p
Grain yield
1 S03TLYQ-AB01 197.7 106 35.33 34 3294
2 S03TLYQ-AB02 201.7 103 35.67 35 3845
3 RAMS03FQ02 203.7 112.7 37.67 36.67 4309
4 S99TLYQ-B 216.3 115.7 39 38.67 4941
5 POSILO MAKAI-1 206.7 109 38 36.67 4224
6 Farmers' Variety 195.3 118.3 35.67 35.33 3611
GM 203.6 110.8 36.89 36.06 4037
CV,% 10.9 11.7 4.4 5.7 21.6
40.49 23.59 2.92 3.76 1583.7
F-test ns ns ns ns ns
CFFT Terai set
In Manahari, the genotype Upahar produced the highest grain yield (6135 kg/ha), followed by HGAB
(5682 kg/ha) and AC9331RE (5372 kg/ha) respectively. All the tested genotypes were highly signifcant
for grain yield but non signifcant for plant height, ear height, no. of plants/plot and no.of ears/plot.
In Madi, the genotype Upahar produced the highest grain yield (6504 kg/ha), followed by HGA
(6171 kg/ha) and HGB (5958 kg/ha) respectively. All the tested genotypes were non signifcant
for grain yield, plant height, no. of plants/plot, no. of ears/plot but signifcant for ear height.
In another trial atMadi, the genotype Upahar produced the highest grain yield (4240 kg/ha),
followed by Ac-99331RE (4061 kg/ha) and HGA (3711 kg/ha) respectively. All the tested
genotypes were non signifcant for grain yield, ear height, no. of plants/plot, no. of ears/plot
but non signifcant for plant height.
The combined analysis across location (Manahari and Madi) revealed that Upahar produced
the highest grain yield (6319 kg/ha), followed by HGA (5582 kg/ha) and HGAB (5521.5 kg/
ha) respectively. The genotype location interaction (G L) was non signifcant for grain
yield, ear height, no. of plants/plot and no. of ears/plot but signifcant for plant height.
Table 126: Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Manahari (Makawanpur)
2011 summer
SN Genotypes Pl ht (kg/ha) Er ht (kg/ha)
No. of plants/
No. of ears/
GY (kg/ha)
1 UPAHAR 190 148.5 34.5 34 6135
2 H.G.AB 200 135 35.5 34.5 5682
3 AC9331RE 192.5 127.5 35 33.5 5372
4 NARAYANI 179 139.5 36.5 36 4815
5 H.G.A 181.5 139 36.5 34.5 4993
6 H.G.B 199.5 136.5 37.5 36.5 4967
7 Farmers' Variety 201 140 36 33.5 4311
GM 191.9 138 35.93 34.64 5182
CV,% 5.7 5.5 7.3 7.9 6.96
26.54 18.69 6.39 6.65 867.6
F-test ns ns ns ns *
Table 127: Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan) 2011
SN Genotypes Pl. ht (cm) Er. ht (cm)
No. of plants/
No. of ears/
GY (kg/ha)
1 UPAHAR 192.5 95.5 29.5 30.5 6504
2 H.G.AB 176.5 73.5 29 30 5362
3 AC9331RE 179 78 27.5 27.5 5090
4 NARAYANI 180 76.5 29 30.5 5484
5 H.G.A 184 66 29 30 6171
6 H.G.B 166 64.5 26.5 30 5958
7 Farmers' variety 174 69 26 27.5 4941
GM 178.9 74.7 28.07 29.43 5644
CV,% 3.4 9.1 7 6.4 8.6
14.78 16.59 4.835 4.62 1188.4
F-test ns * ns ns ns
Table 128: Results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan) 2011 summer
SN Genotype
Plant ht
Ear ht
Plt/p Ear/p
Grain yield
1 UPAHAR 224.7 135 36.67 35 2 1.33 4240
2 HG-AB 220 133 37.67 34.33 1 2 3499
3 AC-99331RE 203.7 102.3 38.33 37.67 2.33 3.33 4061
4 NARAYANI 233.3 120.7 36 34 2.33 1.67 3388
5 HG-A 192.3 112.3 37.67 34.67 1.33 2 3711
6 HG-B 199.7 108.7 36.33 33.67 2.33 3.33 3334
7 Farmers' Variety 214 148.3 37.67 34.89 1.56 2.28 2537
GM 212.5 122.9 37.19 34.89 1.84 2.28 3539
CV,% 6.9 21.6 2.8 6.8 52.6 64.1 25.2
25.9 47.27 1.87 4.2 1.72 2.59 1586.8
F-test * ns ns ns ns ns ns
Table 129: Combined results of CFFT Terai set tested at Madi (Chitwan)
and Manahari (Makawanpur) 2011 summer
SN Genotypes Pl ht (cm) Er ht (cm)
No. of plants/
No. of ears/
GY (kg/ha)
1 AC9331RE 185.75 102.75 31.25 30.5 5231
2 Farmers' Variey 187.5 104.5 31 30.5 4625.75
3 H.G.A 182.75 102.5 32.75 32.25 5582
4 H.G.AB 188.25 104.25 32.25 32.25 5521.5
5 H.G.B 182.75 100.5 32 33.25 5462.25
6 NARAYANI 179.5 108 32.75 33.25 5149.25
7 UPAHAR 191.25 122 32 32.25 6319
GM 185.39 106.36 32.00 32.04 5412.96
EMS 72.37 354.60 44.52 52.21 2094011.00
CV, % 4.6 17.7 20.9 22.6 26.7
18.4 40.7 14.4 15.6 3125.7
F-test (G) ns ns ns ns ns
L ** ** ** ns ns
G L * ns ns ns ns
CFFT Hybrid
Among the 5 hybrid evaluated at Seruwa, Madi, Chitwan during summer, 2011, the genotype
RML-4/RML-17 produced the highest grain yield (5418 kg/ha), followed by CP-808 (4357 kg/
ha) and RML-32/RML-17 (4138 kg/ha) respectively. Statistically all the tested genotypes were
non signifcant for grain yield, no. of plants/pot and no. of ears/plot but highly signifcant for
plant height and ear height.
Table 130: Results of CFFT Hybrid tested at Seruwa, Madi (Chitwan) 2011 summer
SN Genotype Plant ht (cm) Ear ht (cm) Plt/plot Ear/plot
Grain yield
1 RML-4/NML-2 202.3 127.7 34 31.33 3811
2 RML-4/RML-17 221.3 120.3 38.33 36.33 5418
3 RML-32/RML-17 208.3 131.7 36 33.33 4138
4 GAURAV 196.7 108 35.33 33.33 2960
5 CP-808 191.7 100 36.33 33.33 4357
GM 204.1 117.5 36 33.53 4137
CV,% 2.7 6.9 5.6 8.7 20.8
10.28 15.21 3.81 5.47 1616.9
F-test ** ** ns ns ns
25. Multilocation Experiments on Rice & Wheat
G. B. Hamal, G. S. Bhandari and T. R. Rijal
A. Wheat:
1. CVT on wheat:
This experiment was received from NWRP, Bhairahawa. The experiment was planted in
Agronomy Farm of NMRP and the trial consisted 20 genotypes. Among the tested genotypes
NL-1042 (4.085 t/ha), NL-1073 (3.721 t/ha), NL-1147 (3.547 t/ha), NL-1141 (3.468 t/ha) &
BL-3814 (3.377 t/ha) produced highest grain yield, respectively.
2. IET on wheat:
This experiment consisted 30 wheat genotypes and planted at Agronomy farm of NMRP.
Among the tested genotypes the top grain yielder were; BL-4347 (3.119 t/ha), NL-1172 (2.991
t/ha), NL-1162 (2.937 t/ha), NL-1173 (2.861 t/ha), BL-4339 (2.805 t/ha), respectively.
3. 27
NRN on wheat:
This nursery included 100 wheat genotypes with non replicated condition. Among the tested
genotypes, the promising rust free and highest grain yielders were; BL-4193 (2.469 t/ha), BL-4203
(2.447 t/ha), BL-4206 (2.283 t/ha), BL-3063 (2.230 t/ha) and BL-4200 (2.007 t/ha), respectively.
4. Wheat Varietal Display (WVD):
In this display 42 released and pipeline wheat genotypes were included. From observation and
yield point of view the best genotypes were; Lumbini (4.464 t/ha) Gautam (4.382 t/ha), BL-
3872 (3.946 t/ha), HD-1982 (3.955 t/ha) & Triticale (3.934 t/ha) , respectively.
B. Rice
1. CVT-Normal set:
This experiment was received from NRRP, Hardinath and planted at Agronomy Farm of NMRP.
A total of 24 promising rice genotypes were included in this experiment under four replicated
conditions. The promising and high yielding genotypes for normal rice planting conditions
were IR-78168-51-1-3-1-6 (4.02 t/ha), IR-81896-B-B-484 (3.987 t/ha), Sabitri (3.982 t/ha),
IR-83380-B-B-57 (3.972 t/ha) and IR-78875-207-B-3-B (3.867 t/ha), respectively.
2. CVT-Rainfed Lowland Early set:
This experiment included 20 early rice genotypes planted in three replicated conditions at
NMRP. Under rainfed lowland conditions, the selected and high yielding genotypes were; IR-
78339-15-7-3-6 (4.398 t/ha), IR-64683-87-2-2-3-3 (4.211 t/ha), BP-2780-MB-6 (4.16 t/ha),
IR-74371-46-1-1 (3.819 t/ha) and IR-82289-B-B-138-2 (3.777 t/ha), respectively.
3. National Rice Blast Screening Nursery (NRBSN)
This screening nursery was received from National Rice Research Program, Hardinath. A total
of 180 rice genotypes were planted in rod row methods with artifcially creation of favourable
environment by planting 4 rows of Dhaincha and four rows of blast susceptible rice variety
(Sankarika) before one month. Most of the genotypes showed moderately susceptible to
susceptible reaction. However, some of the resistant lines were; IR-70213-10-CPA-2-3-2, IR-
72, BP-2780-MR-6, IROSN-449, IR69707-101-2-2-3-3, TCA-80-4, IR-70-213-10-CPM-5G,
Barkhe-3019, IR-73006-8-2-2-1, IR-78554-145-1-3-2, IR-64683-87-2-2-3-3, IR-82289-
B-B-138-2, Bio-530-5-10-1-2, Barkhe-1027 and IR-79907-B-384-8, respectively
26. Outreach Research: Evaluation of different resource
conservation technologies for maize
I. P. Upadhyay, M. R. Gautam and A. Aryal
Farmer participatory evaluation of different resource conservation technologies for maize was
carried out at Shukranagar, Chitwan. The treatments were: T1.Bed planting, T2. Zero tillage,
T3. Machine planting in tilled soil and T4. Farmers practice. The experiment was carried out in
4 farmers feld as replication. The bed making and maize seeding was done simultaneously
using tractor drawn bed former cum planter of Dashmesh, India. The plot size varied from 365
m2 to 2040 m2. For zero tillage, pre-plant herbicide glyphosate was sprayed @ 6 ml/l water 12
days prior to seeding to knock down existing weeds. Seeding was done with tractor drawn
maize planter of Dashmesh, India both for T2 and T3. For farmers practice, seeding was done
behind buffalo plough after land preparation. Fertilizer was applied @ 120:60:40 kg NPK/ha.
Basal dose applied was 23.4:60:40 kg NPK/ha. DAP was drilled through planter in case of T1,
T2 and T3 while MoP was broadcasted and T4 required amount of DAP and MoP was
broadcasted prior to seeding. The foundation seed of Rampur Composite variety was used for
this study and seeding was done on October 13, 2011. Row to row spacing varied from 60-75
cm and plant to plant spacing ranged from 18-25 cm. Two top dressings were done with urea
@ 48.3 kg N after 32 and 67 days of seeding. No weeding and earthing-up was done in T1, T2
and T3 while one weeding and earhing-up was done in T4. Three irrigations; frst at knee high
stage, second at tasseling stage and third at dough stage were given through shallow tube well
operated by 1 hp electric motor and irrigation time and cost was recorded. Harvesting was done
on March 19, 2012. Data on plant height, ear height, number of plants/plot, number of ears/
plot, grain yield, thousand grain weight recorded. Data were analysed using MSTATC statistical
software. Result revealed that the numbers of ears, 1000 grain weight and grain yield were
statistically signifcant at 95% signifcance level. The highest number of ears (49333/ha) and
grain yield (5223.9 kg/ha) was recorded with machine planting in tilled soil, while the zero
tillage (T3) had the lowest number of ears, 1000 grain weight and grain yield . The lowest grain
yield in zero tillage might be due to low soil fertility since no compost was applied in this
treatment and the nitrogen fertilizer top dressed was not fully available to the crop as soil was
untilled. Economic analysis showed that the highest net beneft was from the machine planting
with tractor drawn maize planter in tilled soil (Rs 95367/ha) followed by bed planting (Rs.
53907/ha), farmers practice (Rs 31608/ha) and zero tillage (Rs. 15034/ha).
Table 131: Effect of different resource conserving technology on grain yield and yield
attributing traits of maize at outreach site, Shukranagar, Chitwan, winter 2011/12.
Treatments Number of ears/ha 1000 grain weight, g Grain yield, kg/ha
T1. Bed planting 39500b 300.1a 3551.9b
T2. Zero tillage 27500c 254.4b 1637.8c
T3. Machine planting 49333a 288.1a 5223.9a
T4. Farmers practice 32889bc 292.6b 2933.6b
F-test * * *
CV,% 13.27 3.30 22.09
27. Special Project: Evaluation and Testing of Multinational
Companies Hybrid at Different Locations in 2011 winter
C. B. Kunwar
The ffty-nine hybrids and three checks (RL-85/RL-105, Rampur composite and Arun-2)
evaluated for their yielding ability and agronomic traits in randomized complete block design
with 2 replications for RARS Parwanipur and Tarahara and 3 replication for NMRP Rampur.
Each plot consisted of 4 rows with 5 meter length and 75cm x 20cm for each genotype. Two
seeds per hills were planted and later thinned out to single plant per hill, when plants were 10-
15 cm high. , 4 rows of 5 meter length plot size and 75cm x 20 cm plant spacing. The fertilizer
dose 160:60:40 NPK kg/ha were applied. Entire dose of DAP and MoP was applied at the time
of sowing while half of urea was applied at pre-planting and rest was applied when plants were
at knee height stage. At maturity central two rows from each plot were separately harvested and
the fresh ear weight was measured in each plot. Grains were shelled from fve randomly selected
cobs to observe the percent grain moisture at harvest for each plot. Grain yield kg/ha was
calculated for every entry. The experiment was planted in 2068 Kartik 28 (14 Nov 2012)
Parwanipur, 26 Kartik 2068 (12 Nov 2012) Rampur and 2068 Mansir 21 (9Dec 2012) Tarahara
respectively, winter at 3 locations. And all necessary practices were applied as per
recommendation. The tested hybrids were found signifcantly different. The hybrids 3022 was
found higher grain yield (8.07 t/ha) at over locations. Similarly, at Rampur, Parwanipur and
Tarahara, P-3396 t/ha Kritiman Manik 9.565 t/ha and MAC (VHM-4102) 8.083 t/ha respectively
were recorded higher grain yield. The experiment was handled by the respective scientist from
each research station. Data for agro-morphological, agronomic and yield components traits
were observed. Regular super vision and technical backstopping was provided by the team of
scientists from NMRP, Rampur. A group of scientists comprising agronomist, breeder, soil
scientist, pathologist, entomologist and agri-engineer visited the crop during the post fowering
stage. Similarly, multidisciplinary team of scientists, extension personnels, and representatives
from private sector entrepreneurs visited the experimental plots before harvesting. The
necessary data were taken and analyzed. and MSTAT-C software was used for data analyze.
Table 132: List of hybrids and multinational seed companies with their sales representatives
(agro-vets) in collaborative yield trials under different NARC stations in winter season of 2011
Sales representatives Seed Companies Tested hybrids
No. of
Neha Agro traders, Bara Bisco Bioscience Pvt.
Bisco Jambo-65 and Bisco Moti Delux 2
Nisha Trading Birgunj kritiman Agro Genetic
Kritiman Manik, Kritiman Nares,
Kritiman Saurav Round, Tanishk,
Saurav Flat, Kundan
Panchkhal Beej Bhandar,
Vibha Agritech Ltd. India Boom (VMH-2015), Elite (VMH-2009),
Legend, Eden-4040, Super-High
Sales representatives Seed Companies Tested hybrids
No. of
Deyue Technological
Seed Industry Com. Ltd.
Seed House and Research
Centre Pvt.Ltd. Ktm.
JM-1,JM-2,JM-3,JM-4, JM-5, JM-6,JM-7 7
Manisa Agri Bio Tech
Pvt. Ltd
South East Asian Seeds
Pvt. Ltd. N/Gunj
Manisa-6363, Manisa-7272 Manisa-9292,
South East Asian Seed
Co. Pvt.Ltd. N/Gunj
South East Asian Seeds
Pvt. Ltd. N/Gunj
Unnati-555, Bikas-666 2
PHI Seed Pvt. Ltd. India Krisak Beej Bhandar,
P-3396 1
Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. India Krisak Beej Bhandar,
Tip-Top, Top-Class, 3022, 4
Dhannya Seed Company Dawadi Agro Enterprises,
DHM-8255,MM-7529,MM-7659 3
Advanta India Ltd. East west Nepal PAC-740,PAC-745,PAC-746,PAC-999,
Premire, Scorpio, Challenger
Monsanto India Ltd. Krisak Bij Bhandar
Pinacal, 900M Gold, Parbal, Allrounder,
Super-900M, DKC-9120,DKC-
9081,Dekald Double
Chand Hybrid Seed Com.
Ind. Haidarabad
Arvind Agro-centre
Kalaiya, Bara
907, C-745, 957 Top sheel, 951 Supe, 719 5
NMRP, Rampur NMRP, Rampur RL-85/RL-105, R composite, Arun-2 3
Total (12 Company and 10Agro-vet) 59
The highest grain yield (>8 t/ha) was observed in 3022, Kritiman manik,P-3396 and top-class
over location. Similarly (>9 t/ha) P-3396, 3022, Legend, Manisa-9292 and PAC-999 in
Parwanipur. Kritiman Manik, 900M Gold, Parbal,3022, JM-2, Elite(VMH-2009) and DKC-
9120 in Tarahara. Similarly (>7 t/ha) 957Top sheel, Kritman manik, Elite (VMH-2009),
Bisco-jambo-65, and Premier in Rampur. It showed that same genotype could not produce the
highest grain yield over all locations.
Table 133: Mean grain yield (at 15 % moisture level) of top three hybrids from
multinational seed companies at Tarahara, Parwanipur and Rampur in 2011 winter
Ent no. Hybrids P/Pur Top T/Hara R/Pur Over 3 Loc
32 P-3396 9.9 6.2 3.9 8.1
35 3022 9.3 8.4 5.5 8.4
11 Legend 9.3 6.7 5.0 6.9
T/hara top
3 Kritiman Manik 8.1 9.6 7.6 8.3
48 900 M Gold 4.8 9.0 6.5 6.9
49 Parbal 5.0 8.6 4.7 6.6
R/Pur top
57 957 Top Sheel 4.1 7.5 8.1 5.4
Ent no. Hybrids P/Pur Top T/Hara R/Pur Over 3 Loc
3 Kritiman Manik 8.1 9.6 7.6 8.3
13 VMH-2000 7.3 7.7 7.5 7.1
Over location top
35 3022 9.3 8.4 5.5 8.4
3 Kritiman Manik 8.1 9.6 7.6 8.3
32 P-3396 9.9 6.2 3.9 8.1
P/Pur:Parwanipur, T/hara: Tarahara and R/Pur: Rampur
Above table indicated that the mean grain yield performance was observed highest in
Parwanipur (9900 kg/ha) followed by Tarahara (9565 kg/ha) and Rampur (8083 kg/ha). It
showed that timely planting can produce the better grain yield over late planting. Soil and other
growing environments of Parwanipur and Tarahara were more suitable for hybrid maize than
Table 134: Performance of hybrid maize genotypes based on days to tasseling and grain
yield over locations (Tarahara, Parwanipur and Rampur) in 2011 winter
Grain yield/Tasseling Early= before 110 days Medium= between
110-120 days
Late= after
120 days
High yield (>9 t/ha)
Medium yield
(7-9 t/ha)
P-3396 , MAC(VMH-4102),
Challenger, Bisco Jambo-65
3022, KRitiman Manic,
Top-class, Tip-Top,
Scorpio, Premire,
VMH-2000 and Elite
Low yield
(<7 t/ha)
8255,JM-4 ,PAC-999,
MM-7529, Eden-4040,
Bikas-666, JM-1, Tanishk,
Manisa-8181, Kritiman
Nares, JM-7, Manisa-7272,
Bisco Moti Delux, Boom
(VMH-2015), MM-7659,
JM-3, Manisa-6363, R
PAC-746, Saurav Round,
Arun-2, Pragati, 907,and
Legend, 900M Gold,
PAC-740, 3033, Parbal,
JM-6, X-pad, JM-2,
Pac-745, DKC-9120,
957Top-sheel, Super-
900M, RL-85/RL-105,
DKC-9081,All rounder,
Saurav fat, Pinacal,
Dekalb, C-745, 951
super, 719 and Kundan
Total 29 30 59
Twelve genotypes such as 3022,Kritiman manic, P3396, Top-class MAC(VMH-4120) Tio-
Top, Scorpio, Premire, VMH-2000, Elite (VMH-2009) Challenger and Bisco Jambo-65 showed
higher grain yield performance (>7 t/ha) combined over the location
Highest cob length ( 15.5 cm) was observed in Tanishk, JM-7 Kritiman Manik, Saurav Round,
JM-4, MM-7529, BiscoJambo-65 Kundan and Saurav Flat. Highest no. of rows per cob ( 16)
was observed in JM-3,JM-4, Boom(VMH-2015), 900MGold, PAC-999 and JM-2. Highest no.
of grains per row ( 32) was observed in PAC-999, MM-7529, Bisco Jambo-65, Manisa-8181
and 719. Thousands kernel weight was observed highest ( 370 g) among the Kritiman Nares,
Kritiman Manik, Super-900M and JM-3.The experimental results showed that P-3396, 3022,
Legend, Manisa-9292, PAC-999, Kritiman Manik, 900M Gold, Parbal,3022, JM-2, Elite
(VMH-2009) and DKC-9120 were the highest grain yielder among the tested hybrids.It means
longer cob length and more numbers of grains per row was associated with the highest grain
yield in Tanishk,JM-7and Kritiman Manik,
In summary, the overall performance of the hybrids developed by Rasi Seed Pvt. Ltd India
produced the highjest grain yield (8.4 t/ha) followed by Kritiman Agro Genetics Ltd. India (8.3
t/ha) and PHI Seed Pvt. Ltd.India (8.1 t /ha). However, there was least variation among the
genotypes and location for grain yield in the hybrids.
Annex 1: List of working staffs with their designations and qualifcations at NMRP, Rampur in
2011 (B.S. 2059, Ashad 31)
SN Name Qualifcation Designation Level Discipline
1 Dr. Keshab Babu Koirala Ph. D. Senior Scientist S-4 National Maize
Coordinator, Plant Breeding
2 Mr. Pitambar Thakur M. Sc. Ag. Senior Scientist S-4 Entomology
3 Mr. Dilip Chandra Paudel M. Sc. Ag. Senior Scientist S-4 Plant Pathology
4 Mr. Ishwari Pd Upadhyay M.Sc.
Postharvest Engg
Senior Scientist S-3 Agricultural Engineering
5 Mr. Chitra B. Kunwar M. Sc. Ag. Senior Scientist S-3 Agronomy/Plant Breeding
6 Mr. Tirtha Raj Rijal M. Sc. Ag. Senior Scientist S-3 Pathology
7 Mr. Ghan Shyam Bhandari M. Sc. Ag Scientist S-1 Entomology
8 Mr. Jiban Shrestha M. Sc. Ag Scientist S-1 Plant Breeding and
9 Mr. Balram Bhandari M. Sc. Ag Scientist S-1 Agronomy
10 Mr. Mahendra Pd. Tripathi M. Sc. Ag Scientist S-1 Plant Breeding/Agronomy
11 Mr. Santa Bahadur BK B.Sc. Ag Senior Technical
T-8 Agronomy/Plant Breeding
12 Mr. Min Raj Gautam I. Sc. Engg. Senior Technical
T-7 Engineering
13 Mr. Babu Ram Regmi B.Sc. Ag Senior Technical
T-7 Agronomy /Plant Breeding
14 Mr. Krishna Pd. Dhital B.Sc. Ag Senior Technical
T-7 Agronomy /Plant Breeding
15 Mr. Buddhi Bahadur Achhami M.Sc. Technical Offcer T-6 Entomology
16 Mrs. Parbati Adhikari B.Sc. Ag/MA Technical Offcer T-6 Soil Science
17 Mr. Bandhu Raj Baral M.Sc. Technical Offcer T-6 Soil Science
18 Mr. Gopal Sunar S.L.C Technical Offcer T-6 Agronomy/Plant Breeding
19 Mr. Jhalak B. Chhetri S.L.C. Technical Offcer T-6 Agronomy/ Plant Breeding
20 Mr. Govind Hamal B.Com. Technical Offcer T-6 Agri-Extension, Agri-
Economics and Marketing
21 Mr. Ambika Aryal T.S.L.C. Technical Offcer T-6 Agronomy/Plant Breeding
22 Mr. Jitendra Yadav I.Sc.Ag. Technical Offcer T-6 Plant Pathology
23 Mrs. Pushpa Prava Bhandari I.A. Admin Offcer A-6 Administration
24 Mr. Hem Sharma I.A. Admin Offcer A-6 Administration
25 Mr. Binod C. Adhikari B.Com. Account Offcer A-6 Account
26 Mr. Chet Nath Lamichhane I. Com. Account Offcer A-6 Account
27 Mr. Janardan Khanal I. A. Administration A-5 Administration
28 Mr. Dil B. Gurung Literate Technician T-5 Workshop
29 Mr. Bhim B. Parajuli Literate Technician T-5 Workshop
30 Mr. Narendra Ghale Literate Driver A-4 Administration
31 Mr. Buddha B. Rana 9 class pass Driver A-2 Administration
32 Mr. Jhamlal Subedi Literate Technician T-4 Plant Breeding
SN Name Qualifcation Designation Level Discipline
33 Mr. Ram K. Chaudhary Literate Technician T-4 Soil Science
34 Mr. Karna B. Adhikari Literate Technician T-4 Administration
35 Mr. Ram P. Neupane Literate Technician T-4 Plant Breeding
36 Mr. Nanda Lal Dhakal Literate Technician T-4 Plant Breeding
37 Mrs. Mira Shrestha T.S.L.C Technician T-4 Plant Breeding
38 Mr. Ram Bd. Sarki Literate Technician LLT-5 Security
39 Mr. Tirtha R. Bhattarai Test Pass Technician LLT-5 Plant Pathology
40 Mr. Him L. Bohara 8 Class Pass Technician LLT-5 Soil Science
41 Mr. Ram P. Ghimire Literate Technician LLT-5 Plant Breeding
42 Mr. Parshuram Ghimire Literate Technician LLT-5 Administration
43 Mr. Juddha B. Rai Literate Technician LLT-5 Seed Store
44 Mr. Chitra B. Bagale Literate Technician LLT-5 Security
45 Mr. Chhetra B. Paudel Literate Technician LLT-5 Security
46 Mr. Hari B. Khadka Literate Technician LLT-5 Agronomy
47 Mr. Ganesh P. Ghimire Literate Technician LLT-4 Plant Breeding
48 Mr. Bishnu P. Devkota Literate Technician LLT-4 Outreach
49 Mr. Purna Bd. Tamang Literate Admin LLA-3 Workshop
50 Mrs. Tara Ghimire Literate Technician LLT-2 Administration
51 Mrs Maiya Giri T.S.L.C Technician T-4 Plant Breeding
52 Mr. Krishna P. Dawadi Literate Technician LLT-2 Workshop
Annex 2: Expenditure statement of multinational hybrid testing in 2068/69
4000 STAFF INCENTIVE 45000.00 0.00 45000.00 45000.00 44995.00 5.00
4000 SUB TOTAL 45000.00 0.00 45000.00 45000.00 44995.00 5.00
4100 TRAVEL EXPENSES 190000.00 67699.25 190000.00 257699.25 257545.00 154.25
4110 VEHICLE FUEL 81000.00 0.00 81000.00 81000.00 20526.80 60473.20
4120 WAGES 121000.00 0.00 121000.00 121000.00 120705.00 295.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4140 FARM SUPPLIES 90000.00 0.00 90000.00 90000.00 88279.50 1720.50
4150 BOOKS &
80000.00 0.00 80000.00 80000.00 6884.88 73115.12
60000.00 0.00 60000.00 60000.00 59985.90 14.10
4180 FARM
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUB TOTAL 622000.00 67699.25 622000.00 689699.25 553927.08 135772.17
4200 RENT/
0.00 18300.00 0.00 18300.00 18173.90 126.10
4210 COMMUNICATION 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4220 REPAIR &
0.00 1200.00 0.00 1200.00 1180.00 20.00
4230 OFFICE SUPPLIES 87000.00 0 87000.00 87000.00 56800.00 30200.00
0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4280 OTHER ADMIN.EXP. 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUB TOTAL 87000.00 19500.00 87000.00 106500.00 76153.90 30346.10
TOTAL 754000.00 87199.25 754000.00 841199.25 675075.98 166123.27
Annex 3: Expenditure statement of HMRP/SDC till 31 Ashad 31, 2069
4100 TRAVEL EXPENSES 1164000.00 677367.00 0.00 1164000.00 1841367.00 1523819.20 317547.80
4110 VEHICLE FUEL 492000.00 298278.17 0.00 450000.00 748278.17 182120.10 566158.07
4120 WAGES 1290000.00 952790.00 0.00 1290000.00 2242790.00 1493427.66 749362.34
4130 LAB. & RESEARCH SUPPLIES 251000.00 57900.00 0.00 251000.00 308900.00 0.00 308900.00
4140 FARM SUPPLIES 1347000.00 848451.91 0.00 1347000.00 2195451.91 1609749.77 585702.14
4150 BOOKS & PUBLICATION 361000.00 45000.00 187500.00 361000.00 593500.00 125865.00 467635.00
4160 TRAINING & SAMINAR 425000.00 270720.00 0.00 425000.00 695720.00 139237.00 556483.00
4180 FARM MAINTENANCE 51000.00 51000.00 0.00 51000.00 102000.00 80026.49 21973.51
SUB TOTAL 5381000.00 3201507.08 187500.00 5339000.00 8728007.08 5154245.22 3573761.86
4200 RENT/ELECTRICITY/TRANSPORT 0.00 8631.1 0.00 0.00 8631.10 8631.10 0.00
4210 COMMUNICATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4220 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 49000.00 231359.53 0.00 49000.00 280359.53 279390.49 969.04
4230 OFFICE SUPPLIES 55000.00 55127.25 0.00 55000.00 110127.25 4492.00 105635.25
4240 BOARD & PANEL EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4250 RECRUITMENT EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4260 CONTINGENCY EXPENSES 0.00 15000.00 0.00 0.00 15000.00 10000.00 5000.00
4270 OFFICE FURNISHING COST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4280 OTHER ADMIN.EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUB TOTAL 104000.00 310117.88 0.00 104000.00 414117.88 302513.59 111604.29
TOTAL 5485000.00 3511624.96 187500.00 5443000.00 9142124.96 5456758.81 3685366.15
Annex 4: Revenue statement in 2068/69 ( till 31 Ashad, 2069)
5000 Research income from :-
5010 Rice 0.00 0.00 13320.00 13320.00
5020 Wheat 0.00 0.00 4000.00 4000.00
5030 Maize 0.00 123975.00 123975.00
5050 Leguime 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5080 Fruit sapling and fruits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5091 Oilseeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5092 Potato 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5099 Other crops 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5200 Production income from : 0.00
5210 Rice 0.00 0.00 715800.00 715800.00
5220 Wheat 160.00 57960.00 73400.00 131520.00
5230 Maize 460140.00 767495.00 2338126.00 3565761.00
5250 Leguime 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5280 Fruit sapling and fruits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5291 Oilseeds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5292 Potato 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5299 Other crops 2150.00 300.00 2500.00 4950.00
5520 Lease 24000.00 23000.00 74000.00 121000.00
5599 Other Admin. income 145634.76 92351.65 147077.50 385063.91
Other income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 632084.76 941106.65 3492198.50 5065389.91
This revenue amount transfered to Financial Division, NARC ( Head Offce )
Date :-
Draft no.:-NBL Remit
Draft amount:- 5065389.91

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