Alphabet 2

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A [ei] name, date; actor, land; baton, aloud; car, garbage; fast, ask; B [bi:] Britain, book, about; bomb, climb; C [si:] concert, conductor, mechanic, choir; teacher, chimes; cymbals, ace, cell; cello; D [di:] door, drums, E [i:] to be; eye; eleven; score; free, see; watches, booklet, coffee; F [ef] finger, offer; G [di:] girl; eight; laugh; H [eit] have, hundred; hour, honour; I [ai] nine, to lie; little, bit; J [dei] joke, journal; K [kei] key, ask, pack; knock, knife; L [el] look, listen, loud, yellow; M [em] mother, man, among; N [en] notebook, nose, announce; O [u] office, not; tone, note, piano; boot, zoo; look, book; door, floor; blood, flood; P [pi:] pen, opera; photo, physical; psychology, psychic; Q [kju:] quit, quiet, quite, acquire; R [:], [:r] car, far, score; arrange, red, already; S [es] student, say, close; (to) close, rose; shoulder, shout, ashtray T [ti:] tea, teacher; attention, mention; three, thanks, math(ematics); this, they, there; U [ju:] university, tune; under, gun; turn, burn; put; V [vi:] visit, every; W ['dbl,ju:] window, woman, where, award; write, wreck; who X [eks] expression; exam, example; xylophone, xenophobe;

Y [wai] young, yellow; lady, funny, pity; Z [zed], [zi:] amazing, maze;

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