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POLITICAL ASPECT DURING SPANISH COLONIZATION (Summary from History of the Filipino People by Teodoro Agoncillo) Introduction Problems

of Spain Spain could not make up its mind to modernize or remain medieval. There was a struggle where the forces that are against change showed strength and showed resistance against Spain. Church and state became closely identified that it was difficult to say where the jurisdiction of each one begins or ends. (The Spaniards became enthusiastic in their espousal of the Catholic religion)

The Setting up of Political Government in the Philippines Spain assigned a government system to Philippines which is not applicable to the Philippines due to varying physical and social circumstances. Philippines was administered from Mexico (Nueva Espana) until about 1821 and through Consejo de Indias (Council of Indies) as a/an: Executive Body 1. Recommended persons for appointment to positions in the colonies. 2. Advised the king on matters concerning the colonies Legislative Body 1. Enacted laws, decrees or orders for the colonies 2. Laws were compiled in a collection called The Recopilacion de las Leyes de los Reinos de las Indias 3. Laws constitute an important source of information regarding the history of colonies during Spanish rule Judicial Body 1. Highest or final court of appeal for important cases arising in the colonies But then the Consejo de Indias was abolished in the 19th Century and the Spanish colonies were placed under aerseas Ministry (???) The lack of separation of powers and centralization of administration were characteristics of the Spanish government that was implemented in the Philippines.

Spain experienced more problems Localism remained a hindrance to centralism Spaniards only exist in a few number in the Philippines (in fact, the only Spaniard outside Manila was the parish priest) Financial Exigencies (financial crisis) Spain was in dire need of money and this need was accentuated by the 1810 termination. There was the Mexican revolution against Spain and the provided annual financial (the real situado) to the Philippines was cut-off.

Involvement in wars such as the Napoleonic Wars, the Carlist Wars and other internal strifes. The appointed government officials succumbed to abuse of power

The Government System in the Philippines Central Government Spain made efforts to establish a government that was both paternalistic as well as centralized and they thought centralization would be the answer. This kind of government was made desirable and necessary by expediency. They believe that putting the Philippine archipelago under one government if Spanish rule was to be established and made effective. 1. Governor Appointed by the king of Spain Holds the titles captain-general, vice-regal patron and president of the Royal Audiencia Governor (as a title) this pertained to his executive and political functions as the highest official in the Philippines Captain-General refer to his military powers and duties Vice Regal Patron refer to his privileges in exercising religious prerogatives as a representative of the king President of the Royal Audiencia refer to his judicial powers. Without his cumplase (approval) no royal order or decrees (which came from Spain) could go into effect in the Philippines 2. Royal Audiencia Composed of the governor (presiding officer), magistrates or oidores (literally means hearers), real members of the tribunal, a fiscal or prosecuting officer, one alguacil-mayor or chief constable, teniente de gran canciller (assistant to the grand chancellor), some notaries and clerks Supreme court or final court of appeal in the Philippines Acted as the advisory and consultative body to the governor Restricted to judicial powers and duties only Established to check upon the performance of the governor (not effective since the governor was the most powerful, he could impose whatever order he wants to on them) 3. Visitador-General Sent to a colony with the power to investigate the governor and other high ranking officials Has authority to impose penalties of fines, suspension, or removal from office when necessary Residencia a practice of investigation of a particular government official at the end of his term which was conducted by his successor. He cannot leave his position unless the

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residencia has been terminated. The government official also needs a favorable verdict before assuming any office. This practice ended at the close of 18th century Treasurer Responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds Factor Concerned with providing supplies and munitions Contador (Accountant) Audited and checked the accounts Intendant General He also acts as the Superintendent of Finance Known as one of the most powerful and important officials in the central government He had virtual control over the collection and disposition of the revenues of the Philippines Board of Authorities (Junta de Autoridades; royal decree 1850) and Council of the Administration (Consejo de Administracion; royal decree 1861) Two advisory bodies which assisted the governor-general in administering the Philippines

Provincial Government The Filipinos in the pacified areas were divided into separate communities. Encomienda Name for each community served as the political units provided the basis of political organization until regular provinces were organized Encomendero ruled each encomienda performed the functions of provincial officers their abuse of power led to the replacement of the encomienda system by provincial governments Provincial governor Replaced the encomendero as head, ruled over the provincial government Performed judicial functions in his capacity as the highest judicial official in the province This position remained appointive and open only to Spaniards

Two types of Provinces: 1) Alcaldia-mayor A more peaceful and orderly province Placed under a civil official called alcalde-mayor

Has judicial powers 2) Corregimiento Under the rule of a military officer called Corregidor Conditions of peace and order were less stable Reform Decree (promulgated in 1844) As a qualification for alcades-mayores, prescribed knowledge and practice for law for atleast two years was required Abolished the privilege of an alcalde-mayor to engage in commerce (indulto de comercio) Prohibited the alcalde-mayor to engage in trade Increased salaries of alcades-mayores A system of promotion was provided for Reform Decree (promulgated in 1886) Separated the executive functions from the judicial powers in the provincial administration Executive functions were placed under the hands of a new official called civil governor (but only the provinces in Luzon have civil governors) Judicial powers retained with the alcalde-mayor (who was now given the power as a designated judge of the court at first instance) An increase in salaries of provincial governors

Municipal Government - Spaniards recognized the advantages of not antagonizing the former chiefs among the Filipinos. They agreed to utilize their services instead. The barangay survived the Spanish conquest and became the cornerstone of local government. The Filipino officials were used as liaisons (middlemen) with the people and to keep the lower class from revolting against the Spaniards. Each province was composed of towns or pueblos. Each province or pueblo was composed of barangays or cabecerias Gobernadorcillo Ruled over towns or pueblos Position given to Filipinos Occupied by former datos Filled by hereditary succession Later, this position became elective in the sense that the electoral board (junta) choose. It was composed of: Gobernadorcillo Twelve members of the principalia or body of prominent citizens

composed of present and former cabezas de barangay and gobernadorcillos It was later expanded to include payers of land taxes and property owners The right to hold all local offices was reserved to the members of principalia Constituted the only participation of the Filipinos in the government Cabaze de barangay Ruled over barangays or cabecerias Position given to Filipinos Occupied by former datos Filled by hereditary succession or appointment

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