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Interview Questions Differences between P8 3.5 and P8 4.0 1.

CE was Microsoft windows based earlier, now its Java based. CE supports multiple platforms unix, linux, AIX, solaris 2. CE can now manage resources managed by Application servers such as connection pooling, EJBS. Earlier these components had to be developed and managed within AE. 3. The GCD, which was previously stored in local file system has been reformatted as an XML schema and stored in the CE database. 4. CE can run on multiple platforms, FEM can run only on Windows environment. 5. In P8 3.5, communication between AE and CE used SOAP on the default port 8088. Now its through the EJB transport (IIOP). 6. Architecture change Content caching, the ability to cache write operations has been added. 7. PE architecture has been modified and the communication between PE and CE server components is through CORBA ORB. 8. Connection points have replaced Process routers in P8 3.5. 9. Security- Implemented JAAS and websphere security integration.

Starting/ Stopping the P8: Application Engine server: - Stop the services Application engine Manager Service - WebSphere Application services. - In WebSphere : Stop the Applications, JVMs. - In PTM Stop the component manager. Process Engine Server: - Stop the services Process engine manager service and IMS services Content Engine Server: - Stop the WAS (Stop the Applications, Stop the JVMs and then stop the WAS)

P9 Logs: CE : P8_Server_err, P8_server_trace, Was logs (Systemerr.log, SystemOut.lom) PE : elogs AE : Workplace logs and WAS logs.

CFS Content Federated Services - The enterprise content can be actively managed by a single enterprise solution. CFS meets this by managing metadata of all content in P8 catalog.

PE tools: Process configuration console Process Task manager Process Administrator Process designer

Process configuration console : > In workplace > PCC - Initialize an Isolated Region Creating the structure for the PE in VWDB. - Creating Queue - Creating event logs - Taking backup of the IR in XML format. Process Task Manager: - For Administering PE - LDAP security Settings - Stop/ start Process services - Handshake between the PE and CE. Process Administrator - Used by operations. - Info on the workItems has workitem tracking information. - Move workitem from one queue to other queue. Process designer: - To create the workflows using the components and the subtasks provided.

Taking IR backup: - Open PCC Process configuration console - Select the corresponding Isolated Region. - Right click and take Backup.

Security Modeling: - Security is taken care by JASS (Java authentication security service) - During Installation: the configurations are done in Configuring Global Security in WAS Providing the LDAP details Configuring LTPA (for AE and CE communications) - Security can be set on Workplace and Site Preferences.

P8 Application Migration Create Data sources in WAS console XA and non-XA transactions Object Store creation in FEM File Store creation for the application. If CFS configuration is required Fixed storage area for CFS. Create folder in root through FEM. for viewing in the application. Record Management Import the RM script Variety search for CBR create Index in FEM. Create Choice list Create Property Create Doc Class Configure the CFS mapping s on P8 and IS. Create event action. Create Subscriptions. Security in FEM Set object store level, doc class level or Folder level.

Identifying P8 Versions CE versions can be found in FileNet/Engine URL PE versions can be found in FileNet/Engine URL and in VWTOOL AE Source of the workplace/ check for the Build no. and map it with the compatibility matrix for the version. Details of the FileNet/Engine url: - Working dir - OS version/ service Pack - Class path details - JDBC driver - P8 domain - CE/PE version. VWCEMP - L Provides all the info about PE LDAP information. Web services url PE admin Admin group. System configuration of PE.

eForms Installation: Basically, I have folloed the IBM manual for installing the eForms in the AE server. First we undeployed the applications. Installed the eForms exe file and redeployed the applications. When yourelaunch the Application, you should be provided with the eForms.

Patching: Fixed Pack -> Minor change Service Pack -> Collection of Fixed Packs Major FileNet suites: - Content Engine - Process engine - Application Engine - Process Analyzer - Process simulator - Variety Search engine - Email manager - Records manager - Records crawler Content engine should be installed in all the filenet suites. Process engine should be installed in all, except variety. CE Patching: - Stop the JVM/ Application server. - Uninstall the applications (Take down details of all the applications) - Take backup of the ear file (Located at D:\Program files\CE\Deploy) - Run the exe file. - Check the ear file size, date notice the changes. - Redeploy the new ear file. - Post deployment process to be completed as per the IBM filenet manual. AE Patching: - Stop the component manager - Stop the Application manager services. - Stop Application JVMs/ Application servers. - Uninstall the Applications. - Run the CE client exe file. - Deploy your ear file. - Post deployment process to be completed as per the IBM filenet manual. Jace.jar file (has info about CE) - Rename to file. - Check the manifest file. - It will have the CE client version details. PE patching: - Same as CE patching.

Image services: PPMOI To check for the Inx stubs. Fn_util Whichfn provides the IS version. FileNet Network neighborhood and check the help for the Web services version. Search Template : We need to manually give the values to search for the required data. Stored Search : Assigned Values when creating for the search template Created using IDM desktop.

FileNet P8 4.5 New releases 1. FileNet deployment manager 2. Process Engine Export and Import utilities. Application engine: 1. Improved installation and configuration process - No need to install the base AE release prior to installing the fix pack. 2. Single sign on support 3. Improved language support Content Engine: 1. Improved configuration and deployment during installation. 2. Improved enterprise manager functionality 3. Removed root user restrictions. Process Engine: 1. PE export and Import utilities 2. New features for Process designer/ PCC. Records Manager: 1. Auto destroy feature Automatically destroys records at the end of their retention schedule without workflow functionality. 2. Container managed Authentication and single signon. 3. New declassification sweep utility. Windows XT: 1. Improved user interface. 2. Folder customization/ expanded support for other repositories. 3. Integration with office application. 4. Improved search capabilities. 5. Improved installation and configuration process.

Problems faced: 1. Workplace was down: - CE was fine. - AE homepage was up. - FEM everything is UP. - Issue was with the authentication. Noticed that that the LTPA credentials were corrupted. - We exported the LTPA key from CE and imported into AE to fix the issue. 2. After CE patching PE stopped working - From FEM, we were unable to create subscriptions, unable to map data fields. - The ear file was newly created and even then CE was not able to communicate with PE. - Even from workplace tasks were not working. - Checked the FileNet/Engine URL, we noticed the base version of the PE. - I noticed that the old PE base version was mentioned checked the FileNet compatibility matrix. - Undeployed and reinstalled PE client in CE and then redeployed the application and everything worked fine. 3. Subscription is not working - Check in FEM if the subscription enabled option is selected. - Check the event actions for the subscriptions. - Check if CE and PE are up and running. - Check PE jar versions in PE and CE servers. - Restart the services and check. - Open PTM and check the connection Point settings and Password.

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